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eDMO & Tourism Info DB
Yiannis Doxaras
Niobium Labs, @docaras

Panagiotis Papadopoulos, @panosjee
short seasonal tourism
all inclusive and local communities
absence of strategic branding
lack of centralized marketing
travelers statistics
digital content in the form of deliverables without use
 smartphone more than conventional phone >50% {admob nov 2009}
 smartphone browsing 45% from broadband networks {admob nov

 49% of travelers consult a destination management system
 before they choose their vacation place {WTO study 2009}
 social media and web 2.0 is the dominant trend in travel industry
 (vertical sales!)
 people would need location and context aware services as well
 as advanced indoor positioning services.
                                          Strategic planning for
                                         summer of 2011 where
 smartphone more than conventional phone >50% {admob nov 2009}
                                          the majority of foreign
                                            travelers will own a
 smartphone browsing 45% from broadband networks {admob nov

 49% of travelers consult a destination management system
 before they choose their vacation place {WTO study 2009}
 social media and web 2.0 is the dominant trend in travel industry
 (vertical sales!)
 people would need location and context aware services as well
 as advanced indoor positioning services.

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Tamino Mobile - XML based Integration, Development and Application Services f...
Tamino Mobile - XML based Integration, Development and Application Services f...Tamino Mobile - XML based Integration, Development and Application Services f...
Tamino Mobile - XML based Integration, Development and Application Services f...

Tamino Mobile is an XML-based integration, development, and application platform for mobile computing. It provides a consistent approach for mobile access, application architecture, data format and storage, and integration. This reduces costs. The Tamino Mobile Suite is a platform for fourth-generation mobile applications that uses XML from front to back end, supporting various mobile application types. It addresses challenges of device differences, multi-channel access, and usage modes. The suite includes components for interaction, synchronization, presentation, notification, and a mobile database. The platform enables flexible, rapid application development while integrating with backend systems using XML and web services. Example applications and customers are provided for fields like field service, supply chain management, retail, and public transportation

osgi world congress 2003osgi
CE html structure - vkevent
CE html structure - vkeventCE html structure - vkevent
CE html structure - vkevent

CE-HTML provides a standardized structure for virtual keyboards and remote user interfaces on consumer electronics. It has been implemented on devices like set-top boxes, smartphones, and smart TVs from manufacturers like Motorola, Philips, and LG. Protocols like CEA-2014 and NotifSocket enable dynamic updates and event handling for remote user interfaces across multiple connected devices.

Mindtree's expertise in machine to machine (M2M).
Mindtree's expertise in machine to machine (M2M).Mindtree's expertise in machine to machine (M2M).
Mindtree's expertise in machine to machine (M2M).

Mindtree offers end-to-end service capabilities in the field of M2M for various verticals. This includes smart energy, home automation, consumer systems, healthcare, telematics and navigation. Our customer base comprises device manufacturers, software vendors and service providers.

smart energyhome automationdevice management

         centralized content management
        and distribution system to multiple
        consumers both mobile and web!
         multilingual, tempo-spatial data,
          ontologies and social tagging

         centralized content management
        and distribution system to multiple
        consumers both mobile and web!
         multilingual, tempo-spatial data,
          ontologies and social tagging

         centralized content management
        and distribution system to multiple
        consumers both mobile and web!

         wikipedia like editing from local
             and central authorities

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IPTV Case Study
IPTV Case StudyIPTV Case Study
IPTV Case Study

The document provides requirements and a proposed solution architecture for an IPTV platform. Key details include: - Support for up to 1 million subscribers with live and on-demand video services. - Scalable architecture with redundant components to ensure high availability and reliability. - Data-driven approach to decouple user interfaces from data for fast, responsive performance. - Central control function to manage subscribers, services, and integration with other systems. - Carrier-grade components for scalability, manageability, fault tolerance, and low total cost of ownership.

Orange Partner HTML5 Day
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Orange Partner HTML5 Day : un évent sur la découverte du HTML5 et son potentiel pour ouvrir un nouveau monde de possibilités...

Microsoft Silverlight 2
Microsoft Silverlight 2Microsoft Silverlight 2
Microsoft Silverlight 2

This document summarizes Microsoft Silverlight 2, a web application framework for building rich interactive applications. Key points include: - Silverlight 2 provides enhanced graphics, interactivity, and media capabilities compared to Silverlight 1. - It supports cross-platform delivery across browsers, operating systems, and devices. - Silverlight 2 allows for high-quality, low-cost media delivery with standards like VC-1 HD video and digital rights management. - It features a .NET runtime environment with support for multiple programming languages and rich frameworks for UI, data binding, networking, and more.

          GNTO Server

           Mobile Server

             reporting and
            mapping server
          GNTO Server

           Mobile Server


             reporting and
            mapping server
          GNTO Server                     white labeled GNTO

           Mobile Server     data/tiles


             reporting and
            mapping server
          GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO

           Mobile Server      data/tiles

           XML               adm add
                              ven trate
             reporting and       ue
                                           white labeled GNTO
            mapping server                   Museum Client

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Centros de contacto: las demandas y requerimientos del mercado
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Centros de contacto: las demandas y requerimientos del mercado

The document discusses Huawei's IP Contact Center (IPCC) platform and solution. It provides an overview of the IPCC architecture and design, Huawei's enterprise business portfolio including the IPCC solution, functionalities of the IPCC including ACD, CTI, IVR, and agent applications. It also discusses the network position and designs for reliability, resources, routing, security, multimedia capabilities, and a virtual contact center.

congresohuaweicall center
Domain specific modeling for mobile and io t apps
Domain specific modeling for mobile and io t appsDomain specific modeling for mobile and io t apps
Domain specific modeling for mobile and io t apps

This document summarizes a presentation on model-driven development approaches for mobile and IoT applications. It discusses modeling user interactions and integrating IoT, implementation strategies like code generation from platform-independent models to native or cross-platform code. It also presents an approach for application monitoring and user behavior analysis based on integrating logs from the runtime with the application models. Finally, it discusses barriers to adopting model-driven approaches and results from experiments on modeling effort.

user behavior analyticsmobile apps developmentui modeling
Taras Filatov: Building your own metaverse & NFT app
Taras Filatov: Building your own metaverse & NFT appTaras Filatov: Building your own metaverse & NFT app
Taras Filatov: Building your own metaverse & NFT app

Taras Filatov: Building your own metaverse & NFT app NFT Tech Conference 2023 Winter Website: Youtube: FB:

3rd Party
              GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO
Development                                            Client

               Mobile Server      data/tiles

               XML               adm add
                                  ven trate
                 reporting and       ue
                                               white labeled GNTO
                mapping server                   Museum Client
3rd Party
              GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO
Development                                            Client

               Mobile Server      data/tiles

               XML               adm add
                                  ven trate
                 reporting and       ue
                                               white labeled GNTO
                mapping server                   Museum Client
3rd Party
              GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO
Development                                            Client

               Mobile Server      data/tiles

               XML               adm add
                                  ven trate
                 reporting and       ue
                                               white labeled GNTO
                mapping server                   Museum Client
3rd Party
              GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO
Development                                            Client

               Mobile Server      data/tiles

               XML               adm add
                                  ven trate
                 reporting and       ue
                                               white labeled GNTO
                mapping server                   Museum Client

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NFTconf 2023.02_ Web3, Metaverse and your apps building.pptx
NFTconf 2023.02_ Web3, Metaverse and your apps building.pptxNFTconf 2023.02_ Web3, Metaverse and your apps building.pptx
NFTconf 2023.02_ Web3, Metaverse and your apps building.pptx

Talk by Taras Filatov, founder & CEO @ Dappros, during NFT Tech Conference, February 10th, 2023. Outline: * What is Web3? * What is Metaverse? * Avatars: Web3 and ML capabilities * Metaverse ready NFTs * State of infrastructure and tools in “flat” and “Metaverse” web3 * In-Chat / Social interactions with NFTs * L2 chains and zk technology * Chat bots from Web 2.0 to Web3 * Sign on and profile in Web3 * ChatGPT inside your app/product * Land and property ownership in reality and in metaverse * Conclusions

Malabocchia_ TELECOM
Malabocchia_ TELECOMMalabocchia_ TELECOM
Malabocchia_ TELECOM

ET02 - Meetings Orario 09.30 – 12.00 Sala AVORIO HOSTED EASY RIDER PROJECT Achieving a sustainable and safe mobility trough the integration of vehicles and infrastructures A cura del CENTRO RICERCHE FIAT

itn expo 2009 lingotto fiere torino
MeeGo AppLab Desktop Summit 2011 - Submission and Validation
MeeGo AppLab Desktop Summit 2011 - Submission and ValidationMeeGo AppLab Desktop Summit 2011 - Submission and Validation
MeeGo AppLab Desktop Summit 2011 - Submission and Validation

The document discusses application development for MeeGo and the Intel AppUp store. It provides an overview of the MeeGo architecture and community, describes how to join the Intel AppUp developer program, create apps using the AppUp SDK, submit apps for validation and beta testing, and package apps for distribution. It also highlights opportunities for developers including worldwide application labs and funding.

meegointel appup developer programappup
3rd Party
                         GNTO Server                      white labeled GNTO
Development                                                       Client

                          Mobile Server      data/tiles

                          XML               adm add
                                             ven trate
                            reporting and       ue
                                                          white labeled GNTO
                           mapping server                   Museum Client

              OPEN API
information distribution
          GNTO Server

    Layar &
                Twitter API      KMZ/        json/xml
    Junaio &
                 GeoRSS          KML         services

   Augmented                    Google
                 Twitter                     Mashups
     Reality                  Earth/Street

    Mobile                      Web
example #1
example #1

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WSO2 ITALIA SMART TALK #4 - Telefonica Use Case
WSO2 ITALIA SMART TALK #4 - Telefonica Use CaseWSO2 ITALIA SMART TALK #4 - Telefonica Use Case
WSO2 ITALIA SMART TALK #4 - Telefonica Use Case

In questo appuntamento con WSO2 SMART TALK, il nostro partner WSO2 ci racconta il caso di successo di Telefonica (O2) Germany e la sua strategia di APIfication. Scopri come monetizzare le tue API e offrire un'esperienza di navigazione user centric ai tuoi clienti. Scrivi a per iniziare subito

Device+Cloud: come sviluppare App moderne ed interconnesse
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This document contains a list of 8 drivers in JSON and XML formats. The drivers data includes each driver's ID, distribution center ID, first name, and last name. The data is presented in a structured format that can be easily parsed by different applications and services.

Agile labs - makers of Axpert™
Agile labs - makers of Axpert™Agile labs - makers of Axpert™
Agile labs - makers of Axpert™

Axpert™ framework from Agile Labs, Bangalore, INDIA is a one-of-its-kind RAD framework. It lets you build any business app of any complexity faster and cheaper. Watch this slideshow about the company behind Axpert™

platform as a servicerad toolsql
example #1
example #1
example #2
example #2

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Evolving Shared Platforms for e-Governance
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Evolving Shared Platforms for e-Governance

The document discusses the benefits of shared technology platforms in e-governance projects in India. It notes that individual government projects currently operate standalone systems, wasting resources through redundant infrastructure spending and "reinventing the wheel". Shared platforms allow for expedited procurement, pooled IT resources on demand, adherence to interoperability standards, and a shift from capital expenditure to operational expenditure models. The key elements of shared platforms include common infrastructure, software development environments, standardized processes, and call center/help desk support services. Information utilities would offer these platforms on a services basis including infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software/process management as a service. This enables agencies to leverage existing e-infrastructure and outsource routine

SWIMing in a Standards Soup
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SWIMing in a Standards Soup

This document summarizes a presentation about using open standards to enable interoperability in aeronautical information exchange. It discusses various data standards like AIXM and WXXM, service standards like WFS and WFS-T, and quality standards. It also describes examples of OGC interoperability programs testing standards implementation through prototypes. Using open standards can realize the goals of SWIM by enabling interoperability, decoupling systems, and following best practices used in other domains.

Chatbots - A new era in digital banking
Chatbots - A new era in digital bankingChatbots - A new era in digital banking
Chatbots - A new era in digital banking

We describe the conversational UI trends in various verticals and mobile banking in particular. Presented at finovate NBB hackathon 2016.

mobile bankingchatbotfintech
example #2

signal strength mappings for indoor
positioning (museums,
archeological sites)
example #2

signal strength mappings for indoor
positioning (museums,
archeological sites)
example #3
example #3

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Entrepreneurial Panorama Conference at Megaron 18-20 May 2012. The need for speed in an ever changing environment . Developments in Mobile Services

mobile webmobile application developmentmobile marketing
Responsive design
Responsive designResponsive design
Responsive design

This document discusses responsive web design techniques including: - Using viewports and media queries to adapt layouts for different screen sizes. - Sizing images fluidly using max-width: 100% so they are responsive. - Design patterns for responsive tables, hiding/showing content, and converting menus to dropdowns. - Tools like Modernizr, Respond.js, and frameworks like LESS to support responsive design goals. - Tips like using relative units (ems/percentages) over fixed pixels and transitions for visual changes.

best buyandroidcoffee
example #3
             thematic touring
example #3
             thematic touring
example #3
                    thematic touring

             thematic touring all Byzantine
                Museums of Macedonia
 more than 20 rack mounted servers at GNTO and infosoc
 too much digitized material with poor online presence and
 absence of taxonomies
 open source software for content management and spatial
 data handling
 scalable ready platform, since content is delivered via API
 numerous PhD’s and master thesis to be delivered on the
 data of the central repository

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Business Planning in Real Life, Part 1
Business Planning in Real Life, Part 1Business Planning in Real Life, Part 1
Business Planning in Real Life, Part 1

In the context of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship" course of Health and Exercise MSc of University of Thessaly we gave the following lecture on business planning ( We adopted a case study approach elaborating on a project that resonates with the background of the majority of the students in the class, originating from medical, coaching and nutritionist backgrounds. In particular we describe a fitness and biorhythms monitoring portal where end users upload their trainings and life-casting behaviors, socializing and getting advices from experts on fitness straining, diets, supplements and apparel!

business planbiorythmesexercise
Learning 2.0
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Learning 2.0
drupallearning 20moodle
R Jobs on the Cloud
R Jobs on the CloudR Jobs on the Cloud
R Jobs on the Cloud

R can be used on the cloud to perform data analysis and modeling. There are several instance types available on Amazon EC2 optimized for R usage with varying memory sizes. Data transfer between EC2 and S3 is free within regions. Security and access is managed using key pairs. R scripts can be run on EC2 instances and results persisted to S3. Parallel and distributed processing can be achieved using packages like Rmpi and Revolution R. Hadoop streaming can also be used to parallelize R algorithms on big data in Hadoop.

engage all inclusive travelers to leave hotel premises and explore the mainland.
expanding the tourism period
perform centralized strategic marketing and branding
deliver high quality content with videos, images, articles, routes, festivals, events,
travel planning with personalized tour creation
strategic marketing with travel packages and daily programs targeted to each
traveler profile
offline view without roaming huge costs
experience sharing when user is mostly engaged - at the point- and facebook
twitter sharing
social sharing


social sharing



social sharing







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Trekking Over Leh-Ladakh Mountains

Understanding The Pre-Processing Of Visa: A Complete Guide
Understanding The Pre-Processing Of Visa: A Complete GuideUnderstanding The Pre-Processing Of Visa: A Complete Guide
Understanding The Pre-Processing Of Visa: A Complete Guide

The various visa categories are at the center of the issue. These categories, designed to accommodate different travel objectives such as business, education, or leisure, each have unique standards and conventions. Understanding these areas, such as the requirements for student visas, work authorization procedures, and tourist visa applications, can help one prepare for the visa submission phase by ensuring that all required paperwork is in line with the desired visa category. Above all, the pre-processing of visa itself is a complex maze of stages, starting with the initial application and ending with the approval or rejection of the application depending on predetermined standards after document authentication. Understanding the scope and complexity of this process helps one to save time and money while ultimately creating a smooth path for international travel. This guide offers a thorough examination of the essential components of the visa processing procedure to assist potential applicants in their pursuit of international mobility.

pre-processing of visa:us area immigration servicesus immigration services
Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......
Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......
Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......

Norse Atlantic Airways Rome office has established a significant presence in Rome with its dedicated office. This office serves as a pivotal hub for the airline's operations in Italy, providing comprehensive services to passengers, including ticket bookings, customer support, and information on flight schedules. The Rome office aims to enhance the travel experience for passengers flying between Italy and various destinations across the Atlantic. With a commitment to efficient service and customer satisfaction, Norse Atlantic Airways' Rome office plays a crucial role in facilitating smooth and enjoyable journeys for travelers.

social sharing





  buzz          3G/

social sharing





  buzz          3G/

         4SQ     GPRS/
geoanalytics   1D Data

                 • business
                 • buffered
                   networks for
                   spatial statistical
geoanalytics                                      1D Data

 network buffering

                     integration with
                     1. your charging API’s
                     2. with your ArcGIS Server
                                                    • business
                                                    • buffered
                                                      networks for
                                                      spatial statistical

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taxi service
Discover Deep Creek Vacations Summer Escapes and Activities.
Discover Deep Creek Vacations Summer Escapes and Activities.Discover Deep Creek Vacations Summer Escapes and Activities.
Discover Deep Creek Vacations Summer Escapes and Activities.

Deep Creek Lake, nestled in Western Maryland, offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation for an unforgettable Deep Creek vacation. During summer, the lake becomes a hub for water sports enthusiasts, offering activities like boating, kayaking, and paddle boarding. For those who prefer land-based adventures, the area boasts numerous hiking and biking trails, such as the scenic Meadow Mountain Trail and the challenging Fork Run Recreation Area. Families can enjoy the adventure parks and sandy beaches, ensuring fun for all ages. After a day of exploring, visitors can unwind at cozy cabins like Red Run Cabin or indulge in local cuisine at charming eateries.

deep creek rentalsdeep creek lake vacationdeep creek lake rentals
geoanalytics                                      1D Data

 network buffering

                     integration with
                     1. your charging API’s
                     2. with your ArcGIS Server
                                                    • business
                                                    • buffered
                                                      networks for

 geoanalytics                                         spatial statistical
Thank You

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Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......
Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......
Norse Atlantic Airways Rome Office......

Norse Atlantic Airways Rome office stands as a gateway to Italy's vibrant capital, offering travelers seamless connections across Europe and beyond. With a commitment to Scandinavian hospitality and efficiency, the office provides personalized service, from booking flights to addressing travel needs. Staffed by knowledgeable professionals, Norse Atlantic Airways in Rome ensures a smooth travel experience with attention to detail and customer satisfaction. Whether embarking on business or leisure, passengers can expect reliability and comfort, reflecting the airline's dedication to quality service and global connectivity.

Kumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025: All You Need To Know
Kumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025: All You Need To KnowKumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025: All You Need To Know
Kumbh Mela Prayagraj 2025: All You Need To Know

Experience the spiritual magnificence of Kumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj with Noble House Tours Pvt. Ltd. This Maha Kumbh Mela, known as the world's largest religious gathering, attracts millions seeking spiritual renewal at the sacred confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and Saraswati rivers. Dive into the rich cultural heritage, vibrant rituals, and profound spiritual discourses that define this extraordinary event. With Noble House Tours Pvt. Ltd., you’ll receive expert guidance to fully immerse yourself in the Kumbh Mela experience, ensuring a journey of faith, devotion, and unforgettable memories. Join us for this unparalleled spiritual festival.

Discover Unparalleled Splendor At The HHI Hotel: Pune's Pinnacle Of Luxury
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Discover Unparalleled Splendor At The HHI Hotel: Pune's Pinnacle Of Luxury

Embark on a journey into sheer extravagance at The HHI Hotel, Pune's distinguished choice for travelers seeking an extraordinary blend of opulence and homely warmth. Strategically located in the heart of the city, this five-star gem promises an exceptional stay, where the comfort of home converges with the grandeur of a top-tier hotel.

"best hotel in pune"

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eDMO Our proposal for Greek's strategic tourism marketing.

  • 1. eDMO & Tourism Info DB Yiannis Doxaras Niobium Labs, @docaras Panagiotis Papadopoulos, @panosjee
  • 2. problem short seasonal tourism all inclusive and local communities absence of strategic branding lack of centralized marketing travelers statistics digital content in the form of deliverables without use
  • 3. extrapolation smartphone more than conventional phone >50% {admob nov 2009} smartphone browsing 45% from broadband networks {admob nov 2009} 49% of travelers consult a destination management system before they choose their vacation place {WTO study 2009} social media and web 2.0 is the dominant trend in travel industry (vertical sales!) people would need location and context aware services as well as advanced indoor positioning services.
  • 4. extrapolation Strategic planning for summer of 2011 where smartphone more than conventional phone >50% {admob nov 2009} the majority of foreign travelers will own a smartphone browsing 45% from broadband networks {admob nov smartphone 2009} 49% of travelers consult a destination management system before they choose their vacation place {WTO study 2009} social media and web 2.0 is the dominant trend in travel industry (vertical sales!) people would need location and context aware services as well as advanced indoor positioning services.
  • 6. idea centralized content management and distribution system to multiple consumers both mobile and web!
  • 7. idea multilingual, tempo-spatial data, ontologies and social tagging centralized content management and distribution system to multiple consumers both mobile and web!
  • 8. idea multilingual, tempo-spatial data, ontologies and social tagging centralized content management and distribution system to multiple consumers both mobile and web! wikipedia like editing from local and central authorities
  • 9. architecture GNTO Server Mobile Server reporting and mapping server
  • 10. architecture GNTO Server Mobile Server XML reporting and mapping server
  • 11. architecture GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML reporting and mapping server
  • 12. architecture GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client
  • 13. architecture 3rd Party GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Development Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client
  • 14. architecture 3rd Party GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Development Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client
  • 15. architecture 3rd Party GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Development Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client
  • 16. architecture 3rd Party GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Development Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client
  • 17. architecture 3rd Party GNTO Server white labeled GNTO Development Client Reports Mobile Server data/tiles XML adm add inis ven trate reporting and ue white labeled GNTO mapping server Museum Client XML/JSON OPEN API
  • 18. information distribution GNTO Server ARML Layar & Twitter API KMZ/ json/xml Junaio & GeoRSS KML services Wikitude* Augmented Google Twitter Mashups Reality Earth/Street Mobile Web
  • 25. example #2 signal strength mappings for indoor positioning (museums, archeological sites)
  • 26. example #2 signal strength mappings for indoor positioning (museums, archeological sites)
  • 29. example #3 thematic touring trekking
  • 30. example #3 thematic touring trekking
  • 31. example #3 thematic touring trekking thematic touring all Byzantine Museums of Macedonia
  • 32. feasibility more than 20 rack mounted servers at GNTO and infosoc datacenter too much digitized material with poor online presence and absence of taxonomies open source software for content management and spatial data handling scalable ready platform, since content is delivered via API numerous PhD’s and master thesis to be delivered on the data of the central repository
  • 33. benefits engage all inclusive travelers to leave hotel premises and explore the mainland. expanding the tourism period perform centralized strategic marketing and branding deliver high quality content with videos, images, articles, routes, festivals, events, fairs travel planning with personalized tour creation strategic marketing with travel packages and daily programs targeted to each traveler profile offline view without roaming huge costs experience sharing when user is mostly engaged - at the point- and facebook twitter sharing
  • 34. social sharing 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI xo Infrastructure 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI
  • 35. social sharing yelp 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI xo Infrastructure 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI
  • 36. social sharing yelp 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ la GPRS/ al WIFI xo w go Infrastructure 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI
  • 37. social sharing yelp 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ la GPRS/ al WIFI xo w go Infrastructure buzz 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI
  • 38. social sharing yelp 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ la GPRS/ al WIFI xo w go Infrastructure buzz 3G/ GPRS/ WIFI 3G/ 4SQ GPRS/ WIFI
  • 39. geoanalytics 1D Data • business intelligence algorithms • buffered networks for spatial statistical aggregation
  • 40. geoanalytics 1D Data network buffering integration with 1. your charging API’s 2. with your ArcGIS Server • business intelligence algorithms • buffered networks for spatial statistical aggregation
  • 41. geoanalytics 1D Data network buffering integration with 1. your charging API’s 2. with your ArcGIS Server • business intelligence algorithms • buffered networks for geoanalytics spatial statistical aggregation
  • 43. demo
  • 44. Thank You Q&A

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