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Open Source GIS and
                          Modeling Tools
                                  Doxaras Yiannis
                         Greek FOSS Developers Conference
                                   19 June 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spatial Modeling
                        • Addressing the map changing problem.
                        • Define the time spatial database.
                        • Integrated Modeling and Spatial data.
                        • Open Formats
                        • Open Modeling * Engineering the World

                        • OGC and OPEN MI partnership.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spatial Enabled Services Hype
                        •   EU INSPIRE Directive.
                        •   EEA Distributed Database Mapping Services.
                        •   Spatial Metadata Categorization. Geo-Semantics.
                        •   Science Commons and Free Access *Research Groups to use spatial
                            data for data mining *Grid and Cloud enabled Computing

                        •    US ”National GIS” and Open GIS Data *Debate under the
                            Obama Administration

                        •   Industry Marketing. *Focused Geo-Marketing, location aware applications
                        •   Open Accessed Public Data and Geodata.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spatial Database

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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OGC Update for State of Geospatial Tech at T-Rex
OGC Update for State of Geospatial Tech at T-RexOGC Update for State of Geospatial Tech at T-Rex
OGC Update for State of Geospatial Tech at T-Rex

An update on OGC activities in three time horizons: Now, Next and After Next. Finishing with how to keep updated on OGC activities. Now Recently approved OGC standards Implementation of approved standards Next Standards Program Innovation Program After Next Tech Forecast How to keep in touch

t-rexogcopen geospatial consortium
The User-participated Geospatial Web as Open Platform
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The User-participated Geospatial Web as Open Platform

It's presentation of speaking in GIS International Seminar in Korea. You can refer to my full document in

OpenStreetMap in 3D - current developments
OpenStreetMap in 3D - current developmentsOpenStreetMap in 3D - current developments
OpenStreetMap in 3D - current developments

Presentation at the 3rd International MapWindow Open-Source GIS Conference in Velp, The Netherlands, 06/26/2012

ogcweb 3d servicew3ds
Spatial Software EcoSystem

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Geospatial Standards
                        •   Catalog Service (CAT)

                        •   GML in JPEG 2000         
                        •   KML (KML)
                        •   Sensor Model Language (SensorML)

                        •   Sensor Planning Service (SPS)
                        •   Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)
                        •   Symbology Encoding (Symbol)
                        •   Transducer Markup Language (TML)

                        •   Web Coverage Service (WCS)
                        •   Web Feature Service (WFS)
                        •   Web Map Context (WMC)

                        •   Web Map Service (WMS)
                        •   Web Service Common (WSC)

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Map Changing Problem
                        •   Cadastral Across Europe
                        •   Land Use Maps
                        •   Raster Images Pattern Recognition
                        •   Distributed Databases * data normalization problem and
                            cross domain reference

                        •   Temporal Spatial Databases *EEA time series example
                        •   Manual Georeference *old arc desktop clicking days, are
                            not so old after all

Sunday, July 26, 2009

                           Legacy Model
                        c, c++, FORTRAN,
                                             Open MI    OPEN MI Compliant
                           DELPHI,MKL        Experts         Model

                   Open MI                  Modeling        Cross Domain
                                            the World      Interdisciplinary
                 Compliant Model                               Modeling

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Sharing the Openness of the Maps via FOSS4G and the Web
Sharing the Openness of the Maps via FOSS4G and the WebSharing the Openness of the Maps via FOSS4G and the Web
Sharing the Openness of the Maps via FOSS4G and the Web

This document discusses exporting Digital Japan, which provides open access to Japanese maps, via open source tools. It describes how Geographic Information Authority of Japan (GSI) shares map data through web services using tiled topographic map data and APIs. It outlines the evolution of GSI's Digital Japan Web system from 2003 to support open standards like OpenLayers. The document also explains how open source tools like TileMill, OpenLayers, and other web mapping libraries allow anyone to generate map tiles and publish web mapping applications. It provides an example of a workshop where participants used TileMill to publish a tile-based web map of Brazil within a few hours.

Agi08 Jeremy Morley
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Agi08 Jeremy Morley

The document discusses the roles of Google and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) in geospatial information systems and web mapping. It provides an overview of Google's geospatial technologies like Google Maps, Google Earth, and KML. It then introduces the OGC, its standards including GML and Web Map Service (WMS), and how these standards enable interoperability between different systems. The document argues that while Google is useful for many applications, the OGC is still needed for applications involving custom basemaps, connecting desktop GIS to web services, mixing data from different sources, or creating complex geospatial models.

Postgis for Enterprise
Postgis for EnterprisePostgis for Enterprise
Postgis for Enterprise

This document provides an introduction to PostGIS, an open source spatial database extender for PostgreSQL object-relational database. It discusses PostGIS' support for spatial data types, indexing, and functions. PostGIS allows for storage and query of spatial data in PostgreSQL for use in enterprise mapping, GIS, and location-based applications and services.

fossjody garnettpostgis opengeo
Community Use Cases Diagram

Sunday, July 26, 2009
OPEN MI from 50000 ft Above

                        •   State machine *each state represents an object *aspect behavior
                        •   Model Linking. *Mostly Environmental and Water
                        •   SDK under GPL. GUI for Model Linking under
                        •   .NET and Java Support
                        •   Currently no .NET and Java model Integration.
                        •   GUI editor only for .NET. *Mono Supported ;-)

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Basic Concepts

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Simple Model Linkage Example
                                          Deadlock Handling

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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AFCEA C4I Symposium: The 4th C in C4I Stands for Cloud:Factors Driving Adopti...

The document discusses several key factors driving adoption of cloud computing: - Economic factors such as the decreasing cost of electricity for computing and pay-as-you-go pricing models. - Cultural factors including consumerization of IT and expectations of increased agility, accessibility, and scalability. - Technological factors like virtualization, distributed computing tools, and concepts enabling scalable infrastructure.

Team 04 3 d open land use
Team 04 3 d open land useTeam 04 3 d open land use
Team 04 3 d open land use

This document summarizes Team 4's 3D Open Land Use project presented at the INSPIRE Conference. The team developed applications to visualize open land use and farm data in 3D using Cesium and HSLayers-NG. Their applications integrate global and local terrain and land cover data to explore yield potential. The team hopes to continue collaborating with other INSPIRE Hack teams and apply their work to agriculture pilots and large data analytics projects.

inspire hack 2017
Analysis Ready Data workshop - OGC presentation
Analysis Ready Data workshop - OGC presentation Analysis Ready Data workshop - OGC presentation
Analysis Ready Data workshop - OGC presentation

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has activities relevant to the workshop scope of "the current state-of-the-art in satellite data interoperability”. This presentation will focus on two main topics with the option to discuss other relevant topics that the participants may wish to discuss, e.g., WFS3. The two focus areas of development: 1) Geospatial Datacubes and 2) Earth Observation Exploitation Platforms. 1) A Geospatial Datacube provides access to and analytics on analysis ready data (ARD) organized with coordinate axes of space and time with cells in the cube containing data of geospatial features, e.g., imagery. OGC members implementing geospatial datacubes are documenting common practices to spur development and leading to the possibility to federated geospatial datacubes. 2) OGC is forming a Earth Observation Exploitation Platform Domain Working Group with the goal of defining a standards-based framework for cloud-based access to and analysis of EO data. An ad-hoc meeting was held in March 2018 to scope the working group with the results issued in a request for comment:

remote sensingdata cubesanalysis ready data
LinkableComponent Behavior

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Linkage in Real Life Models

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spatial Elements

Sunday, July 26, 2009
The Migration of the UTHBAL Hydrologic Model into OpenMI
     A. Loukas, K. Kokkinos, L. Vasiliades & A. Liakopoulos

                        Real Life Models (Lake Karla)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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The Geospatial Revolution in Copenhagen
The Geospatial Revolution in CopenhagenThe Geospatial Revolution in Copenhagen
The Geospatial Revolution in Copenhagen

The keynote talk I gave at a seminar organized by the Danish National Mapping Agency in Copenhagen, in March 2010. Some common material with other "Geospatial Revolution" presentations I have given, and some new material too.

GWT 2014: Energy Conference - 02 Le soluzioni Geospaziali per il mondo energy
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Geospatial World Tour 2014: Energy Conference. Milano, 27 maggio 2014. Le soluzioni Geospaziali per il mondo energy Simone Colla, Hexagon Geospatial

renewable energyenergysmart grid
From a niche to a global user community: Open Source GIS and OSGeo
From a niche to a global user community: Open Source GIS and OSGeoFrom a niche to a global user community: Open Source GIS and OSGeo
From a niche to a global user community: Open Source GIS and OSGeo

OGRS 2009: International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium From a niche to a global user community: Open Source GIS and OSGeo Markus Neteler IASMA Research and Innovation Centre Fondazione Edmund Mach Environment and Natural Resources Area GIS and Remote Sensing Unit, Trento, Italy Web: Email: markus.neteler . Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have evolved from a highly specialized niche to a technology that affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from finding driving directions to managing natural disasters. The masses have discovered geospatial data and technologies through the availability of popular globes; wiki-fied street mapping which was started by a few individuals has grown to weekly mapping parties around the globe. Today almost everybody can create customized maps or overlay GIS data. Current GIS technology covers viewing maps and images on the web, simple and complex spatial analysis, modeling and simulations. In our presentation we'll present highlights of the last 20 years of Open Source GIS developments. Many projects are born as initiative of individuals when the lack of available software for a specific application is solved by own development and the result is then made available to the public on the Internet for further collaborative development. In the early 80's, the first Open Source GIS (MOSS and GRASS GIS) reached production status followed by the PROJ4 library project, a first crucial library for many Open Source GIS applications. In 1995 the UMN MapServer project was started to implement OGC standard. The second cross-project library GDAL/OGR was born in 1998. While these projects became mature, new applications were started with partially extraordinary success (OpenEV, OSSIM, MapBuilder, PostGIS, Geoserver, Quantum GIS, uDIG, MapGuide Open Source, MapBender, gvSIG, Geonetwork and OpenLayers). The wealth of available but partially unconnected projects suggested to establish an umbrella foundation to foster source code and knowledge sharing. Hence, in February 2006, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo, has been created to support and promote worldwide use and collaborative development of Open Source geospatial technologies and data. The foundation supports outreach and advocacy activities to promote Open Source concepts. It also builds shared infrastructure for improved cross-project collaboration. OSGeo has been a stimulating force for cooperative developments of sister projects, leveraging each other efforts by developing shared architecture components and expanding interoperability. To become an OSGeo member, the software project needs to undergo a rigorous review of its source code, development structure and community health. In these community-developed projects a whole “ecosystem” of users, translators, developers, and provides quick support and tested solutions, both for beginners and professionals. In our opinion, Open Source GIS is an appropriate choice for scientific computing as it is developed in a peer review process. We will show some case studies for GRASS GIS usage in research which illustrates its academic roots especially in environmental applications. This covers analysis of spatio-temporal data sets such as multi-temporal Lidar and remote sensing data including processing of large amounts of geospatial data on a cluster.

Supporting FOSS

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Supporting FOSS
                                  Drupal          Video Lecture and
                                                  Video Comments
                                                   * flip, vimeo, kultura

                                 Single Sign On

                        Moodle                     Elgg

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Future Steps

                        • Parallel Computing Modeling
                        • Model Optimization
                        • Hadoop and Terracotta for RMI model
                          runtime frameworks.
                        • e-Learning Platform.
                        • Model Migration
                        • Grid * maybe a VO

Sunday, July 26, 2009
                                                                                      Pilot Project

                                                                     OPEN MI
                        Sensor Network
                                                                 Clustered Services
                         *Meteo Data,         SensorML
                                                                     *land uses
                                                                   *edaphic data

                                                                  WMS, WFS

                            Map Providers and Consumers
                            * gmaps, virtual earth, yahoo maps, mapviewer
                               (Oracle), map server (ESRI), open layers

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Landmap CETIS 2012
Landmap CETIS 2012Landmap CETIS 2012
Landmap CETIS 2012

Landmap provides geospatial datasets and resources for education. It aims to increase awareness of geospatial data and provide learning materials structured into courses, units, and topics. The learning zone covers topics from basic to advanced levels and includes software, data, theory, and workflows. It has a technological framework based on Joomla and a pedagogical framework following a six-part educational model. Future plans include making some resources openly available and developing new content areas and engagement with researchers.

satellite imageslandmapspatial
SEI OSGIS presentation
SEI OSGIS presentationSEI OSGIS presentation
SEI OSGIS presentation

Urban metabolic mapping on the web: An example from Bangalore, India. The document describes an interactive, online platform called BUMP (Bangalore Urban Metabolism Project) that allows users to visualize and explore urban metabolism data for Bangalore, India. BUMP uses open source tools like OpenLayers, PostGIS, and PHP to display geospatial data layers on maps and integrate features like Google Charts. It also links to the WEAP water modeling system to enable online scenario exploration. Next steps discussed include crowdsourcing data, conducting online surveys, and expanding the platform to other cities.

urban metabolismgisopen source
Utsp virtual lab (desktop version)
Utsp virtual lab (desktop version)Utsp virtual lab (desktop version)
Utsp virtual lab (desktop version)

study of basic workflow of any transportation planning s/w and incorporate the features into UTSP virtual lab at II Bombay

transportationutspvirtual lab
Open MI Future
                                                       Business Rules and
                        Semantics and
                                        Processing   Graph vertex calculation,
                                                     weighted model linking.
                                                                         multiparametric problems like
                                                                         “correlation of biofuels funding to crop
                                                                                    circles and food”

                                                      Probabilistic Algorithm
                                                       * run with expected output
                                                             * self feedback

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Civil Protection System
                                        Open MI
                                       Forest Fires,

               PostGIS                 WMS,WFS
                                                       Open Layers

                                                       jboss Portal
                        jboss SOA, ESB,Drools

                                                       Mobile Apps




Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

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Open Source GIS and Modeling Tools

  • 1. Open Source GIS and Modeling Tools Doxaras Yiannis Greek FOSS Developers Conference 19 June 2009 Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 2. Spatial Modeling • Addressing the map changing problem. • Define the time spatial database. • Integrated Modeling and Spatial data. • Open Formats • Open Modeling * Engineering the World • OGC and OPEN MI partnership. Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 3. Spatial Enabled Services Hype • EU INSPIRE Directive. • EEA Distributed Database Mapping Services. • Spatial Metadata Categorization. Geo-Semantics. • Science Commons and Free Access *Research Groups to use spatial data for data mining *Grid and Cloud enabled Computing • US ”National GIS” and Open GIS Data *Debate under the Obama Administration • Industry Marketing. *Focused Geo-Marketing, location aware applications • Open Accessed Public Data and Geodata. Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 4. Spatial Database Competition Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 6. Geospatial Standards Zoology • Catalog Service (CAT) • GML in JPEG 2000 • KML (KML) • Sensor Model Language (SensorML) • Sensor Planning Service (SPS) • Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) • Symbology Encoding (Symbol) • Transducer Markup Language (TML) • Web Coverage Service (WCS) • Web Feature Service (WFS) • Web Map Context (WMC) • Web Map Service (WMS) • Web Service Common (WSC) Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 7. Map Changing Problem • Cadastral Across Europe • Land Use Maps • Raster Images Pattern Recognition • Distributed Databases * data normalization problem and cross domain reference • Temporal Spatial Databases *EEA time series example • Manual Georeference *old arc desktop clicking days, are not so old after all Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 8. OPEN MI Legacy Model c, c++, FORTRAN, Open MI OPEN MI Compliant DELPHI,MKL Experts Model Open MI Modeling Cross Domain the World Interdisciplinary Compliant Model Modeling Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 9. Community Use Cases Diagram Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 10. OPEN MI from 50000 ft Above • State machine *each state represents an object *aspect behavior • Model Linking. *Mostly Environmental and Water • SDK under GPL. GUI for Model Linking under BSD. • .NET and Java Support • Currently no .NET and Java model Integration. • GUI editor only for .NET. *Mono Supported ;-) Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 12. Simple Model Linkage Example Deadlock Handling Extrapolation Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 14. Linkage in Real Life Models Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 16. The Migration of the UTHBAL Hydrologic Model into OpenMI A. Loukas, K. Kokkinos, L. Vasiliades & A. Liakopoulos Real Life Models (Lake Karla) Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 18. Supporting FOSS Drupal Video Lecture and Video Comments PLatform * flip, vimeo, kultura Single Sign On Functionality Moodle Elgg Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 19. Future Steps • Parallel Computing Modeling • Model Optimization • Hadoop and Terracotta for RMI model runtime frameworks. • e-Learning Platform. • Model Migration • Grid * maybe a VO Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 20. OGC Open MI Pilot Project Aviation OPEN MI Sensor Network Clustered Services *Meteo Data, SensorML *land uses *StreamFlows *edaphic data WMS, WFS Map Providers and Consumers * gmaps, virtual earth, yahoo maps, mapviewer (Oracle), map server (ESRI), open layers Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 21. Open MI Future Business Rules and Semantics and Processing Graph vertex calculation, Ontologies weighted model linking. Address multiparametric problems like “correlation of biofuels funding to crop circles and food” Probabilistic Algorithm Nature * run with expected output * self feedback Sunday, July 26, 2009
  • 22. Civil Protection System Open MI uDig Forest Fires, Flooding PostGIS WMS,WFS Open Layers jboss Portal jboss SOA, ESB,Drools Mobile Apps Fleet Management WS API WD Sunday, July 26, 2009