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Ashesh Badani
GM, Cloud BU and OpenShift
Red Hat Inc
03 Dec 2013
1)  OpenShift PaaS Update
2)  Customer Showcase
3)  Live Demo








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Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...
Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...
Microservices, containers and event driven architecture - key factors in agil...

Presentation at Red Hat's "API, Microservices, Integration and Container" day, Tustin, CA, 6/21/2018.

red hat
Agile Integration with APIs and Containers Workshop
Agile Integration with APIs and Containers Workshop Agile Integration with APIs and Containers Workshop
Agile Integration with APIs and Containers Workshop

The document provides an agenda for a Red Hat Agile Integration workshop. The agenda includes sessions on agile integration concepts and use cases, hands-on developer demos, and labs on contract-first API development. Participants can choose between an API design and management track or an API development and security track. The workshop aims to provide an introduction to agile integration using Red Hat products like OpenShift, Fuse, 3scale, Apicurio and Microcks.

red hatagile integrationfuse
Accelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to MarketAccelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to Market

Barriers to entry are collapsing as digital startups come out of nowhere to disrupt entire industries. In this session we will discuss the capabilities you need to deliver business innovation through software to market faster than your competitors. Speaker: Faiz Parkar, Director EMEA GTM, Pivotal

dubai digital transformation forum 2016


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The 3 pillars of agile integration: Container, Connector and API
The 3 pillars of agile integration:  Container, Connector and APIThe 3 pillars of agile integration:  Container, Connector and API
The 3 pillars of agile integration: Container, Connector and API

Presentation at Red Hat's Microservices, APIs, container and Integration Day event, Dec. 2018, by David Cordelli

red hatjboss fuse
Going Atomic with your Container Infrastructure
Going Atomic with your Container InfrastructureGoing Atomic with your Container Infrastructure
Going Atomic with your Container Infrastructure

This document discusses Red Hat's vision for container-based infrastructure and applications. It outlines the benefits of containers in providing flexibility, automation, and consistency across environments. It also acknowledges challenges around security, skills, and management. Red Hat proposes several solutions including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, OpenShift Enterprise, Red Hat Atomic Enterprise, and CloudForms to provide a trusted, portable, and integrated platform for developing, running, and managing container-based applications across hybrid cloud environments.

redhatforumredhatcloud computing
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: A Year of Innovation: Cloud Foundry Lessons Learned
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: A Year of Innovation: Cloud Foundry Lessons LearnedCloud Foundry Summit 2015: A Year of Innovation: Cloud Foundry Lessons Learned
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: A Year of Innovation: Cloud Foundry Lessons Learned

Speaker: Richard Leurig, Core­L­ogic To learn more about Pivotal Cloud Foundry, visit

cfsummitcloud foundry summitpowering digital transformation




ü Multi-language
ü Auto-scaling
ü Self-service
ü Open Source
ü Enterprise-grade
ü Secure
ü Built on Red Hat

Open Source

Public PaaS


On-premise or
Private PaaS
Over 50 new features and
enhancements in past year


New Features
OpenShift Online

15 service
updates in
past year



4 product
releases in
past year

Recommended for you

App Mod 01: Moving existing apps to the cloud
App Mod 01: Moving existing apps to the cloudApp Mod 01: Moving existing apps to the cloud
App Mod 01: Moving existing apps to the cloud

The document discusses migrating existing applications to the cloud. It describes lifting a monolithic Java application called CoolStore from Weblogic to JBoss EAP and deploying it on OpenShift. It provides an overview of different approaches to modernizing applications like containerization, microservices, and deploying on a Platform as a Service.

red hatapplication modernization
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud FoundryLIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Pivotal Cloud Foundry is a platform as a service that allows developers to quickly build, deploy, and scale applications. It provides users agility by enabling self-service access to application services and deployment resources. It also provides operators agility by automating infrastructure maintenance through containerization and DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

dubai digital transformation forum 2016
Putting data to work
Putting data to workPutting data to work
Putting data to work

The document discusses foundational technologies for data-driven businesses. It describes how data is growing exponentially and outlines challenges in using data due to issues like inconsistency, duplication, and size. It then presents an intelligent data lifecycle framework involving ingesting, interpreting, and transforming data. Key foundational technologies are discussed like messaging systems, data virtualization, rules engines, machine learning, business process management, and robotic process automation. An anti-money laundering use case is presented using these technologies in an open system architecture.

red hatbig dataprocess automation

Source: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for On-Premises
Application Platforms, June 27, 2013
This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in
the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Red Hat, Inc..
Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not
advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications
consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact.
Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.



Enabling Developers with
Public PaaS

Latest Update Expands
Availability and Reduces



50% price reduction on Gear/Hrs
New Large 2GB Gear Sizes
Available in 14 New countries
Building on a successful year selling to
some of the worlds biggest enterprise
customers, Red Hat is proud to


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An API-focused approach to Agile Integration
An API-focused approach to Agile IntegrationAn API-focused approach to Agile Integration
An API-focused approach to Agile Integration

This document discusses an API-focused approach for agile integration. It advocates designing APIs with clients in mind, validating designs early through mocking or skeleton implementations, and favoring interoperability. The document also outlines an agile integration architecture with core, composite and application network layers and describes how containers, hybrid environments, automation, control, visibility and flexibility are important. It encourages attendees to try out the Red Hat Integration platform themselves.

red hatjboss fusemicroservices
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud FoundryLIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry
LIVE DEMO: Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Your opportunity to see how you can address your application development and delivery challenges with Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Speaker: Vijay Rajagopal, Advisory Platform Architect, Pivotal

istanbul digital transformation forum 2016
Dev Ops and PaaS - Accelerate Application Delivery with OpenShift
Dev Ops and PaaS - Accelerate Application Delivery with OpenShiftDev Ops and PaaS - Accelerate Application Delivery with OpenShift
Dev Ops and PaaS - Accelerate Application Delivery with OpenShift

The document discusses DevOps and Platform as a Service (PaaS) provided by Red Hat OpenShift. It describes how DevOps emphasizes communication and collaboration between software developers and IT professionals to accelerate application delivery. OpenShift is positioned as a PaaS that can help implement DevOps principles through features like self-service access, automated provisioning, continuous integration/delivery, and standardized environments. These capabilities are said to provide benefits like accelerated application delivery and improved developer productivity.


v2 Cartridges
Dev Console


Platform Launch

Enterprise Private PaaS

Empowering Ops with
Enterprise Features




Web Console
Eclipse IDE
Cmd Line






Public / Hybrid / Private / Virtualization / Bare Metal

Self-Service for Developers, Efficiency for Operations
ü  Red Hat has teamed with our customers
to drive open source innovation:
New &



Web Routing
Layer and HA

Dev Team



Recommended for you

Accelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to MarketAccelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to Market

Barriers to entry are collapsing as digital startups come out of nowhere to disrupt entire industries. In this session we will discuss the capabilities you need to deliver business innovation through software to market faster than your competitors. Speaker: Faiz Parkar, Director EMEA GTM, Pivotal

istanbul digital transformation forum 2016
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolithAgile integration: Decomposing the monolith
Agile integration: Decomposing the monolith

Presentation at Red Hat's "Microservices, API, Containers, and Integration" event. June 21, 2018, Tustin, CA

red hat
Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Requirements to Deliver Innovation to M...
Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Requirements to Deliver Innovation to M...Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Requirements to Deliver Innovation to M...
Pivotal Digital Transformation Forum: Requirements to Deliver Innovation to M...

This document discusses how companies can deliver innovation to market faster through a cloud native approach. It notes that with tools like Spring Boot, companies can have an idea in the morning and have it running in production by evening. Adopting modern software approaches like cloud native, continuous delivery, DevOps, containers, and microservices allows companies to improve their competitive advantage and engage in continuous innovation. The future of disruptive digital transformation is here.

pivotal software#pivotaldtf



OpenShift component Disk Images


HEAT Orchestration Templates


Automatically Deploy OpenShift on OpenStack!
Result in OpenShift Deployed on
Plus HEAT deployment

ü  JBoss EAP delivers EE6 with CDI
ü  JBoss WS delivers Tomcat
ü  Jenkins for Continuous Integration
ü  Maven for Build Management
ü  JBoss Tools and Eclipse

Recommended for you

Expand Cloud Foundry for the Enterprise
Expand Cloud Foundry for the EnterpriseExpand Cloud Foundry for the Enterprise
Expand Cloud Foundry for the Enterprise

SpringOne Platform 2017 Tim Leong, Comcast Cloud Foundry was introduced in Comcast about three years ago and we are in a constant journey of expanding our environment. DevOps teams love Cloud Foundry and put strong pressure on our Cloud team to extend the platform with new features as well as maintain exponential capacity growth across multiple foundations. Join us for a deep-dive on how Comcast leverages BOSH, the Service Broker API and Custom Buildpacks to add critical functionality for our DevOps teams to deploy and maintain geographically dispersed applications.

springone platformspringone platform 2017
2014-QCon-SF PaaS for the new Cloud Era
2014-QCon-SF PaaS for the new Cloud Era2014-QCon-SF PaaS for the new Cloud Era
2014-QCon-SF PaaS for the new Cloud Era

Teams using IaaS and traditional application servers to deploy cloud applications benefit on-demand efficiencies, but continue to spend significant effort on application delivery, including deployment, scaling, and governance. PaaS solutions have helped automate some functions, but still falls short. Examining how to address these challenges with a PaaS, this session will also review the architectural approach of the WSO2 Private PaaS to be cloud native, providing polyglot language and environment support, and ability to run on multiple runtimes.

Building an OpenShift REST
Building an OpenShift RESTBuilding an OpenShift REST
Building an OpenShift REST

OpenShift Online Public PaaS allows users to host applications in the public cloud by automating provisioning, management, and scaling so developers can focus on creativity. Users can sign up for OpenShift Online Public PaaS for free. The platform handles deploying and managing applications so developers do not need to provision or manage infrastructure.



Node (RHEL)


Broker (RHEL)





Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Node (RHEL)


ü  Red Hat is teaming with Docker to drive
converged Container technology

Partnering to extend the Platform






Broker (RHEL)






Node (RHEL)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Node (RHEL)


ü  Red Hat is teaming with Jelastic to drive
Cartridge Standard for PaaS









Letting you manufacture
applications with...


Continuous Delivery
Dynamic Languages: Node.js, Ruby,
PHP, Python
Mobile and Responsive Web


Enterprise Java EE6 via JBoss
Multi-tenancy and Security via Red Hat
Enterprise Linux
Jenkins, Maven, Git
Extensible and No-Lock-in

Public PaaS and Enterprise PaaS supported by Red Hat


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Telecommunications organizations trust Red Hat
Telecommunications organizations trust Red HatTelecommunications organizations trust Red Hat
Telecommunications organizations trust Red Hat

Telecommunications companies chose Red Hat for their internal cloud rollouts because Red Hat offers the only multi-platform, multi-vendor cloud solution on the market. Red Hat is also an open source and OpenStack leader with enterprise-class cloud solutions widely used. Partnerships with Red Hat enable telecommunications companies to offer robust, scalable, and cost-effective platforms to drive innovation using Red Hat's fundamental technologies.

openstackmobileinformation technology
Using OpenShift PaaS
Using OpenShift PaaSUsing OpenShift PaaS
Using OpenShift PaaS

This document discusses OpenShift, a Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering from Red Hat. It defines Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), PaaS, and Software as a Service (SaaS) and explains why PaaS is useful. It describes what is supported on OpenShift including scaling applications. It also discusses how to get started with OpenShift including creating an account, installing client tools, setting up keys and domains, deploying and managing applications.

Docker Meetup - Melbourne 2015 - Kubernetes Deep Dive
Docker Meetup - Melbourne 2015 - Kubernetes Deep DiveDocker Meetup - Melbourne 2015 - Kubernetes Deep Dive
Docker Meetup - Melbourne 2015 - Kubernetes Deep Dive

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes networking and storage capabilities. It begins with an agenda that includes a deep dive on Kubernetes networking and persistent volumes, as well as live demos of persistent storage and another topic. The document then discusses Kubernetes networking at the host level using pods that share IP, IPC, and disk, as well as inter-host networking solutions like OpenShift SDN. It also covers Kubernetes persistent volume claims that allow administrators to provision storage and developers to request storage that is independent of the underlying devices. The document concludes with demos of storage and another topic.

The Problem that Needed Solving
Business needs
-  Reduce TtV (Time to Value) for our customers
-  Create opportunities in Mid-Market
-  Engage community of customers’ data scientists

Technology needs
-  Private cloud & On-prem (and Public cloud option)

How OpenShift was Used
Cloud features (self provisioning, auto-scaling)
Templatized deployment (custom cartridges)
Completely abstracted (FICO cloud controller)

Tips or Best Practices
Node settings critical for performance in gear creation
Fine tune Idling
Invest heavily in monitoring


Recommended for you

Chicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration TalkChicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk

This document discusses integration in the age of DevOps. It describes how microservices help solve the problem of decoupling services and teams to move quickly at scale. Apache Camel is presented as a solution for integration that allows for reliable and distributed integration through mechanisms like messaging. Kubernetes and Docker are discussed as platforms that help develop and run microservices locally and at scale by providing automation, configuration, isolation and service discovery capabilities.

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
Camel Desing Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Camel Desing Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and TearsCamel Desing Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Camel Desing Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears

Goes over the most commnonly used design patterns with Apache Camel. Based on Camel Design Patterns book

Mastering xPaaS - get down and dirty in the OpenShift Cloud (part I)
Mastering xPaaS - get down and dirty in the OpenShift Cloud (part I)Mastering xPaaS - get down and dirty in the OpenShift Cloud (part I)
Mastering xPaaS - get down and dirty in the OpenShift Cloud (part I)

Ever wondered about all the new Cloud offerings out there? What is a PaaS? What is this thing Garner keeps calling xPaaS? How can I as a beginner get started in a few hours? Whether your business is running on applications based on Java EE6, PHP or Ruby, the cloud is turning out to be the perfect environment for developing your business. There are plenty of clouds and platform-as-a-services to choose from, but where to start? Join us for three action-packed hours of power where we'll show you how to deploy your existing application written in the language of your choice - Java, Ruby, PHP, Perl or Python, with the project of your choice - jBPM, Ceylon, Switchyard, Drools Planner, Aerogear, GateIn, Drools (Rules / BPM) and more deployed into the OpenShift PaaS in just minutes. All this and without having to rewrite your app to get it to work the way the cloud provider thinks your app should work. If you want to learn about xPaaS and see how investing just a few hours of your time can change everything you thought you knew about putting your business applications in the cloud, this session is for you! (Part I of II, for part II see:

The Problem that Needed Solving
1 to 2 minutes to create virtual machines followed by
several days if not weeks of platform configurations (web,
app, db, etc..).
Developers did not have Web Masters’ skills.
Agility & speed required to configure new environments
put significant strain on Infrastructure resources (WM,
SA, etc..).


Java/JEE is 70% of apps but php, Python are growing
How OpenShift was Used
Initially used as “developer” PaaS.
Cartridges most commonly used include mySQL, PHP,
Building Self & Community Support for Cartridges.
Building Stage & Prod PaaS—in synch with Jan Release.
Leveraging existing App deployment tools for lifecycle mgt.
Leveraging Auto-scaling for Priority 2 & 3 Applications.
Tips or Best Practices
Educate your developer community on what PaaS is and
as important what PaaS is Not!
Start with “developer” PaaS, followed by non-business
critical apps, then move to BC apps.
Align with PaaS roadmap rather than building potentially
throw-away workarounds!


Recommended for you

Persistent Storage with Containers with Kubernetes & OpenShift
Persistent Storage with Containers with Kubernetes & OpenShiftPersistent Storage with Containers with Kubernetes & OpenShift
Persistent Storage with Containers with Kubernetes & OpenShift

Manually configuring mounts for containers to various network storage platforms and services is tedious and time consuming. OpenShift and Kubernetes provides a rich library of volume plugins that allow authors of containerized applications (Pods) to declaratively specify what the storage requirements for the containers are so that OpenShift can dynamically provision and allocate the storage assets for the specified containers. As the author of the Kubernetes Persistent Volume specification, I will provide an overview of how Persistent Volume plugins work in OpenShift, demo block storage and file storage volume plugins and close with the Red Hat storage roadmap. Presented at LinuxCon/ContainerCon by Mark Turansky, Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat Mark Turansky is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and a full-time contributor to the Kubernetes Project. Mark is the author of the Kubernetes Persistent Volume specification and a member of the Red Hat OpenShift Engineering team.

linuxconred hatkubernetes
Persistent, Portable Storage for Docker Containers and Microservices
Persistent, Portable Storage  for Docker Containers and MicroservicesPersistent, Portable Storage  for Docker Containers and Microservices
Persistent, Portable Storage for Docker Containers and Microservices

Hedvig presents their Storage Backend working with ClusterHQ's Flocker for persistent, portable storage for Docker containers and microservices.

OpenShift PaaS Anywhere (Infrastructure.Next Ghent 2014-02-24) Diane Mueller
OpenShift PaaS Anywhere (Infrastructure.Next Ghent 2014-02-24) Diane Mueller OpenShift PaaS Anywhere (Infrastructure.Next Ghent 2014-02-24) Diane Mueller
OpenShift PaaS Anywhere (Infrastructure.Next Ghent 2014-02-24) Diane Mueller

Install OpenShift Platform as a Service (PaaS) anywhere with Puppet, Ansible, Heat, Cmd line, or with

red hatopenshiftpaas

Demo 1

Instant applications

Screenshare 1

Demo 2

“Production” Application with

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Automated Image Builds in OpenShift and Kubernetes
Automated Image Builds in OpenShift and KubernetesAutomated Image Builds in OpenShift and Kubernetes
Automated Image Builds in OpenShift and Kubernetes

Presentation on automated builds and deployments in OpenShift and the relationship between OpenShift and Kubernetes.

Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache CamelDeveloping Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel

Red Hat Microservices Architecture Day - New York, November 2015. Presented by Claus Ibsen. Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as microservices, which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console.

apache camelfabric8kubernetes
Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices
Java one   kubernetes, jenkins and microservicesJava one   kubernetes, jenkins and microservices
Java one kubernetes, jenkins and microservices

This document discusses microservices with Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins. It provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts like pods, replication controllers, services and labels. It also discusses how Kubernetes can help manage containers across multiple hosts and address challenges of scaling, avoiding port conflicts and keeping containers running. The document promotes using Jenkins and Kubernetes for continuous integration and delivery of containerized microservices applications. It recommends Fabric8 as a tool that can help create and deploy microservices on Kubernetes.

Screenshare 2

Demo 3

Admin Experience

Screenshare 3

Demo 4

Wordpress Results
Scaling Results

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Deploying & Scaling OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat - OpenStack Seattle Mee...
Deploying & Scaling OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat - OpenStack Seattle Mee...Deploying & Scaling OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat - OpenStack Seattle Mee...
Deploying & Scaling OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat - OpenStack Seattle Mee...

This document provides an overview and agenda for deploying OpenShift on OpenStack. It begins with a brief introduction to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and OpenShift. It then discusses the various flavors of OpenShift including the open source Origin project, public cloud service, and on-premise private cloud software. The remainder of the document focuses on deploying OpenShift on OpenStack using Heat templates, including an overview of Heat and its orchestration capabilities, the OpenShift architecture, and a demonstration of deploying OpenShift Enterprise templates with Heat.

private paasseattleopenshift
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Overview
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform OverviewRed Hat OpenShift Container Platform Overview
Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Overview

Overview of modern app development and how Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform enables containerized, orchestrated microservices.

red hatjbossopenshift
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CDManaging your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD

Developing integration microservices using CI/CD with apache camel, open shift,, jenkins, et al.

Screenshare 4

Thank You


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  • 1. PUTTING THE ENTERPRISE IN ENTERPRISE PaaS Ashesh Badani GM, Cloud BU and OpenShift Red Hat Inc 03 Dec 2013 1
  • 2. AGENDA 1)  OpenShift PaaS Update 2)  Customer Showcase 3)  Live Demo 2
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 9. PaaS ENABLES IT MANUFACTURING Code 9 Deploy Run
  • 10. OPENSHIFT IS PaaS BY RED HAT ü Multi-language ü Auto-scaling ü Self-service ü Open Source ü Enterprise-grade ü Secure ü Built on Red Hat 10
  • 11. RED HAT’S PaaS STRATEGY Open Source PaaS Project Public PaaS Service 11 On-premise or Private PaaS Software
  • 12. OPENSHIFT INNOVATION Over 50 new features and enhancements in past year 60 40 20 0 New Features and Enhancements OpenShift Online Updates 2013 15 service updates in past year 12 OpenShift Enterprise Releases 4 product releases in past year
  • 13. OPENSHIFT RECOGNITION Source: Gartner, Magic Quadrant for On-Premises Application Platforms, June 27, 2013 This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Red Hat, Inc.. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 13
  • 14. OPENSHIFT ONLINE Public PaaS Service Enabling Developers with Public PaaS WWW.OPENSHIFT.COM 14
  • 15. OPENSHIFT ONLINE Latest Update Expands Availability and Reduces Prices Public PaaS Service 15 •  •  •  50% price reduction on Gear/Hrs New Large 2GB Gear Sizes Available in 14 New countries
  • 16. Building on a successful year selling to some of the worlds biggest enterprise customers, Red Hat is proud to announce… 2 16
  • 17. OPENSHIFT ENTERPRISE v2 Cartridges Dev Console Private PaaS Software Platform Launch Enterprise Private PaaS WWW.OPENSHIFT.COM 17
  • 18. OPENSHIFT ENTERPRISE Empowering Ops with Enterprise Features JBoss RHEL Broker Node Web Console Eclipse IDE Cmd Line MySQL •  •  •  •  RHEL Node Self-Service On-Demand Automated Elastic RHEL Node Public / Hybrid / Private / Virtualization / Bare Metal 18 Self-Service for Developers, Efficiency for Operations
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  • 23. OPENSTACK HEAT INTEGRATION l  OpenShift component Disk Images l  HEAT Orchestration Templates l  Automatically Deploy OpenShift on OpenStack! Images Result in OpenShift Deployed on OpenStack Plus HEAT deployment Metadata 23
  • 24. AND, STILL THE BEST PaaS DEVELOPER EXPERIENCE FOR ENTERPRISE JAVA ü  JBoss EAP delivers EE6 with CDI ü  JBoss WS delivers Tomcat ü  Jenkins for Continuous Integration ü  Maven for Build Management ü  JBoss Tools and Eclipse 24
  • 25. WHAT’S NEXT? RED HAT AND DOCKER TEAM ON CONTAINERS RHEL CGroups Node (RHEL) SELinux Broker (RHEL) GEAR My App GEAR Her App Red Hat Enterprise Linux Node (RHEL) Node ü  Red Hat is teaming with Docker to drive converged Container technology 25 IDLED
  • 26. MORE COMMUNITY MOMENTUM: Partnering to extend the Platform DEVELOPER Java JBoss EAP RHEL PHP MY GEAR Broker (RHEL) JBoss EWS JBoss Python MySQL MySQL jenkins cron logs sshd Node (RHEL) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Node (RHEL) Node ü  Red Hat is teaming with Jelastic to drive Cartridge Standard for PaaS 26 Ruby Postgres Node.js Mongo Perl Maven Jenkins CUSTOM CARTRIDGES
  • 27. OPENSHIFT Letting you manufacture applications with... Velocity •  •  •  •  •  DevOps Continuous Delivery Dynamic Languages: Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Python Mobile and Responsive Web NoSQL Stability •  •  •  •  •  Enterprise Java EE6 via JBoss Multi-tenancy and Security via Red Hat Enterprise Linux Jenkins, Maven, Git Auto-Scaling Extensible and No-Lock-in Public PaaS and Enterprise PaaS supported by Red Hat 27
  • 30. The Problem that Needed Solving Business needs -  Reduce TtV (Time to Value) for our customers -  Create opportunities in Mid-Market -  Engage community of customers’ data scientists Technology needs -  Private cloud & On-prem (and Public cloud option) 30
  • 31. How OpenShift was Used Cloud features (self provisioning, auto-scaling) Templatized deployment (custom cartridges) Completely abstracted (FICO cloud controller) 31
  • 32. Tips or Best Practices Node settings critical for performance in gear creation Fine tune Idling Invest heavily in monitoring 32
  • 34. The Problem that Needed Solving 1 to 2 minutes to create virtual machines followed by several days if not weeks of platform configurations (web, app, db, etc..). Developers did not have Web Masters’ skills. Agility & speed required to configure new environments put significant strain on Infrastructure resources (WM, SA, etc..). 34 Java/JEE is 70% of apps but php, Python are growing fast.
  • 35. How OpenShift was Used Initially used as “developer” PaaS. Cartridges most commonly used include mySQL, PHP, Python. Building Self & Community Support for Cartridges. Building Stage & Prod PaaS—in synch with Jan Release. Leveraging existing App deployment tools for lifecycle mgt. Leveraging Auto-scaling for Priority 2 & 3 Applications. 35
  • 36. Tips or Best Practices Educate your developer community on what PaaS is and as important what PaaS is Not! Start with “developer” PaaS, followed by non-business critical apps, then move to BC apps. Align with PaaS roadmap rather than building potentially throw-away workarounds! 36
  • 40. Demo 2 “Production” Application with Scaling 40