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Apache Camel Design Patterns
Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears
June 2016
Bilgin Ibryam
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears2
Bilgin Ibryam
● Senior Middleware Architect at Red Hat UK
● Apache Camel Committer and PMC member
● Apache OFBiz Committer and PMC member
● Author of Camel Design Patterns (new)
● Author of Apache Camel Message Routing
● Twitter: @bibryam
● Email:
● Blog:
● LinkedIn:
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears3
Apache Camel Project Status
It has all necessary ingredients for a successful open source project.
● Community: 52 committers, 903 users
● Support by large vendors (Red Hat)
● Connectors (256), DataFormats (40)
● Enterprise Integration Patterns++
● Domain Specific Language
● Ecosystem: Karaf, ActiveMQ, CXF, Fabric,
Hawtio, Spring and others
● Monolith, SOA, Microservices, Serverless
Stats Date: 06/06/2016
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears4
Application Integration with Camel
What do you need to know to create great Camel applications?

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Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017Introduction to Docker - 2017
Introduction to Docker - 2017

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses how it helps address challenges in the modern IT landscape. Some key points: - Applications are increasingly being broken up into microservices and deployed across multiple servers and environments, making portability and scalability important. - Docker containers help address these issues by allowing applications to run reliably across different infrastructures through package dependencies and resources together. This improves portability. - Docker provides a platform for building, shipping and running applications. It helps bridge the needs of developers who want fast innovation and operations teams who need security and control.

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Docker by Example - Basics

Docker has created enormous buzz in the last few years. Docker is a open-source software containerization platform. It provides an ability to package software into standardised units on Docker for software development. In this hands-on introductory session, I introduce the concept of containers, provide an overview of Docker, and take the participants through the steps for installing Docker. The main session involves using Docker CLI (Command Line Interface) - all the concepts such as images, managing containers, and getting useful work done is illustrated step-by-step by running commands.

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CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List
CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate ListCI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List
CI/CD Tools Universe: The Ultimate List

Navigate the universe of CI/CD tools. As the fastest way to production, the CI/CD pipeline is now mainstream among software companies, forming the backbone of the modern DevOps environment. While DevOps handles the culture aspect, CI/CD focuses on the process and tools. With this guide, we hope to provide a clear overview of the various CI/CD tools categories and give a broad sampling of the various tools that are available.

cicdci/cdcontinuous integration
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears5
Happy Path Scenarios
How Pipes and Filters Pattern looks like in Camel?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears6
What is a typical processing flow for a Camel route?
● Validate: validation, schematron, MSV, Jing, bean validation components
● Enrich: enrich and pollEnrich EIPs, custom beans

● Transform: Data formats, auto type conversion, templating components
● Route: Message routing EIPs
● Operate: this is the essence of the processing flow

Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears7
Edge Component
Let's start with a simple Camel route that consumes files
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears8
Edge Component
How to expose the same business functionality to multiple consumers?

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Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears9
Edge Component
Encapsulate endpoint-specific details and prevent them from leaking into
the business logic of an integration flow.
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears10
Read vs Write Operations
How to evolve Read and Write operations independently?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears11
This decouples read from write operations to allow them to evolve
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears12
Unhappy Path Scenarios
Happy paths are the easy ones. More work is required for designing and
implementing the unhappy paths.
● Data Integrity Pattern
● Saga Pattern
Retry Pattern
● Idempotent Filter Pattern
● Circuit Breaker Pattern
● Error Channels Pattern
● Throttling Pattern

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Leveraging Nexus Repository Manager at the Heart of DevOps
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Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears13
Data Integrity
How hard can it be to copy files from one location to another?
Download Data Integrity Chapter:
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears14
Data Integrity
Transactional systems
Local transaction manager
Global transaction manager
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears15
How to avoid distributed transactions and ensure data consistency?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears16
Ensures that each step of the business process has a compensating action
to undo the work completed in the case of partial failures.

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The document discusses service discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud. It introduces traditional applications where services have fixed locations versus modern applications where services are dynamic. It explains that service discovery with a service registry like Eureka allows services to find each other and load balance requests. The rest of the document demonstrates configuring Eureka as a service registry and client applications that can discover and consume services registered with Eureka.

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Micro services Architecture
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Micro services Architecture

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture. It discusses key characteristics of microservices such as each service focusing on a specific business capability, decentralized governance and data management, and infrastructure automation. It also compares microservices to monolithic and SOA architectures. Some design styles enabled by microservices like domain-driven design, event sourcing, and functional reactive programming are also covered at a high level. The document aims to introduce attendees to microservices concepts and architectures.

microservicesdddevent sourcing
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears17
To enable applications handle anticipated transient failures by transparently
retrying a failed operation with expectation it to be successful.
● Which failures to retry?
● How often to retry?
● Idempotency
● Monitoring
● Timeouts and SLAs
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears18
Camel RedeliveryPolicy
● The most well known retry mechanism in Camel
● Retries only the failing endpoint
● Fully in-memory
● Thread blocking behavior by default
● Can be asynchronous
● Good for small number of quick retries (in milliseconds)
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears19
ActiveMQ consumer RedeliveryPolicy
● Retries the message from the beginning of the Camel route
● Not used very often, but enabled by default
● Fully in-memory
● Thread blocking by default
● Good for small number of quick retries (in milliseconds)
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears20
ActiveMQ Broker Redelivery
● ActiveMQ specific and requires custom logic
● It will consume the message again from a queue
● Persisted at the broker rather than application memory
● Can be clustered and use fail over, load balancing, etc
● Good for long persisted retries (in minutes or hours)

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Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears21
Circuit Breaker
How to guard a system by cascading failures and slow responses from
other systems?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears22
Circuit Breaker
Improves the stability and the resilience of a system by guarding integration
points from cascading failures and slow responses.
Closed state
Open state
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears23
Circuit Breaker
Improves the stability and the resilience of a system by guarding integration
points from cascading failures and slow responses.
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears24
Circuit Breaker
Two Circuit Breaker Implementations in Camel 2.18

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Cloud Native Camel Design Patterns
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This document discusses design patterns for running Apache Camel applications on Kubernetes. It begins with an introduction of the presenter and an overview of trends driving cloud native application development. It then discusses what cloud native means and reviews popular container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm and Mesos. The remainder of the document focuses on deployment patterns for Camel applications on Kubernetes, including packaging, health checks, configuration, service discovery, circuit breakers and retries.

Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears25
How to enforce resource partitioning and damage containment in order to
preserve partial functionality in the case of a failure?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears26
Enforces resource partitioning and damage containment in order to
preserve partial functionality in the case of a failure.
● Multi-threaded EIPs: Delayer, Multicast, Recipient List, Splitter, Threads,
Throttler, Wire Tap, Polling Consumer, ProducerTemplate, and OnCompletion.
● Async Error Handler
● Circuit Breaker EIP
Possible Camel bulkhead points:
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears27
Scalability Scenarios
Vertical scaling (performance tuning)
● Endpoints: messaging client buffers, DB client batching, template caching choices
● Concurrent consumers option: Seda, VM, JMS, RabbitMQ, Disruptor, AWS-SQS
● Data types choice: affects content based router, splitter, filter, aggregator
● Multithreading: parallel processing EIPs, threads DSL
 construct, Seda component,
asynchronous redelivery/retry
● Micro optimizations: log tuning, camel sampler EIP, disable JMX, disable message
history, disable original message record
● Startup/Shutdown: Use lazyLoadTypeConverters for a faster application startup, or
configure the shutdownStrategy for a faster shutdown
● Tune: JVM options, networking and operating system
Camel performance tuning blog post:
Camel performance tuning blog post:
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears28
Horizontal Scaling
Service Instance Pattern for accommodating increasing workloads.

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Clipper: A Low-Latency Online Prediction Serving System
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Clipper: A Low-Latency Online Prediction Serving System

Machine learning is being deployed in a growing number of applications which demand real-time, accurate, and robust predictions under heavy serving loads. However, most machine learning frameworks and systems only address model training and not deployment. Clipper is a general-purpose model-serving system that addresses these challenges. Interposing between applications that consume predictions and the machine-learning models that produce predictions, Clipper simplifies the model deployment process by isolating models in their own containers and communicating with them over a lightweight RPC system. This architecture allows models to be deployed for serving in the same runtime environment as that used during training. Further, it provides simple mechanisms for scaling out models to meet increased throughput demands and performing fine-grained physical resource allocation for each model. In this talk, I will provide an overview of the Clipper serving system and then discuss how to get started using Clipper to serve Spark and TensorFlow models in a production serving environment.

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Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel
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Integrating Microservices with Apache Camel

This document provides an overview of integrating microservices with Apache Camel and JBoss Fuse. It introduces Apache Camel as a lightweight integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns and domain-specific languages to define integration "flows" and "routes". It describes how Camel supports features like dynamic routing, REST APIs, backpressure, load balancing, and circuit breakers that are useful for building microservices. The document also introduces JBoss Fuse as a development and runtime platform for microservices that provides tooling, frameworks, management capabilities and container support using technologies like Apache Camel, CXF, ActiveMQ and Karaf.

jboss fuseapache camelmicroservices
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears29
Service Instance
Areas to consider before horizontally scaling a Camel application.
● Service state: load balancer, circuit breaker, resequencer, sampler,
throttler, idempotent consumer and aggregator are stateful EIPs!
● Request dispatcher: Messaging, HTTP, file (what about locking?)
● Message ordering: exclusive consumer, message groups, consumer
priority, message priority, virtual topics
● Singleton service requirements: for batch jobs, and concurrent polling
● Other resource contention and coupling considerations
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears30
What did we cover so far?
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears31
How patterns are changing?
What is happening in the IT industry today?
● Canonical Data Model
● Edge Component
● Reusable Route
● Runtime Reconfiguration
● Singleton Service
● Batch jobs in JVM
● Bounded Context
● Standalone services
● Favor code duplication
● Less configuration, more redeployment
● Container managed singleton
● Container scheduling
● Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead, Health checks..
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears32
Win a print copy of Camel Design Patterns
When was the first commit to Apache Camel project done?

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Amazon EC2 deepdive and a sprinkel of AWS Compute | AWS Floor28Amazon EC2 deepdive and a sprinkel of AWS Compute | AWS Floor28
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The document discusses an upcoming AWS event called "AMAZON EC2 DEEPDIVE AND A SPRINKLE OF AWS COMPUTE" presented by Doron Rogov. The event agenda lists technical sessions on various AWS topics occurring from October 14-23. The presentation will cover choosing Amazon EC2 instances, how performance is characterized for different workloads, how EC2 instances provide flexibility and agility while delivering performance, and how to optimize the EC2 instance experience through various instance types.

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EIP In Practice
EIP In PracticeEIP In Practice
EIP In Practice

This document provides an overview of enterprise integration patterns (EIPs) and how they are implemented using Apache Camel and Project Fuji frameworks. It discusses core EIP principles like asynchronous messaging for integration. It also describes various EIP implementations like content-based routing, dead letter channels, and message transformation patterns. Code examples are shown using the Java and Spring DSLs for Apache Camel and the DSL and web UI for Project Fuji.

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Low Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache Apex
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Low Latency Polyglot Model Scoring using Apache Apex

This document discusses challenges in building low-latency machine learning applications and how Apache Apex can help address them. It introduces Apache Apex as a distributed streaming engine and describes how it allows embedding models from frameworks like R, Python, H2O through custom operators. It provides various data and model scoring patterns in Apex like dynamic resource allocation, checkpointing, exactly-once processing to meet SLAs. The document also demonstrates techniques like canary deployment, dormant models, model ensembles through logical overlays on the Apex DAG.

apache apexstreaming analyticsmachine learning
Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears33
Win a print copy of Camel Design Patterns
When was the first commit to Apache Camel project done?
More Information
Learn more about Apache Camel:
Check out Camel Design Patterns:
Develop Apache Camel based integrations using Red Hat JBoss Fuse:

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Camel Desing Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears

  • 1. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears June 2016 Bilgin Ibryam @bibryam
  • 2. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears2 Bilgin Ibryam ● Senior Middleware Architect at Red Hat UK ● Apache Camel Committer and PMC member ● Apache OFBiz Committer and PMC member ● Author of Camel Design Patterns (new) ● Author of Apache Camel Message Routing ● Twitter: @bibryam ● Email: ● Blog: ● LinkedIn:
  • 3. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears3 Apache Camel Project Status It has all necessary ingredients for a successful open source project. ● Community: 52 committers, 903 users ● Support by large vendors (Red Hat) ● Connectors (256), DataFormats (40) ● Enterprise Integration Patterns++ ● Domain Specific Language ● Ecosystem: Karaf, ActiveMQ, CXF, Fabric, Hawtio, Spring and others ● Monolith, SOA, Microservices, Serverless Source Stats Date: 06/06/2016
  • 4. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears4 Application Integration with Camel What do you need to know to create great Camel applications?
  • 5. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears5 Happy Path Scenarios How Pipes and Filters Pattern looks like in Camel?
  • 6. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears6 VETRO What is a typical processing flow for a Camel route? ● Validate: validation, schematron, MSV, Jing, bean validation components ● Enrich: enrich and pollEnrich EIPs, custom beans
 ● Transform: Data formats, auto type conversion, templating components ● Route: Message routing EIPs ● Operate: this is the essence of the processing flow

  • 7. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears7 Edge Component Let's start with a simple Camel route that consumes files
  • 8. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears8 Edge Component How to expose the same business functionality to multiple consumers?

  • 9. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears9 Edge Component Encapsulate endpoint-specific details and prevent them from leaking into the business logic of an integration flow.
  • 10. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears10 Read vs Write Operations How to evolve Read and Write operations independently?
  • 11. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears11 CQRS This decouples read from write operations to allow them to evolve independently.
  • 12. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears12 Unhappy Path Scenarios Happy paths are the easy ones. More work is required for designing and implementing the unhappy paths. ● Data Integrity Pattern ● Saga Pattern ● 
Retry Pattern ● Idempotent Filter Pattern ● Circuit Breaker Pattern ● Error Channels Pattern ● Throttling Pattern
  • 13. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears13 Data Integrity How hard can it be to copy files from one location to another? Download Data Integrity Chapter:
  • 14. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears14 Data Integrity Transactional systems Local transaction manager Global transaction manager
  • 15. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears15 Saga How to avoid distributed transactions and ensure data consistency?
  • 16. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears16 Saga Ensures that each step of the business process has a compensating action to undo the work completed in the case of partial failures.
  • 17. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears17 Retry To enable applications handle anticipated transient failures by transparently retrying a failed operation with expectation it to be successful. ● Which failures to retry? ● How often to retry? ● Idempotency ● Monitoring ● Timeouts and SLAs
  • 18. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears18 Retry Camel RedeliveryPolicy ● The most well known retry mechanism in Camel ● Retries only the failing endpoint ● Fully in-memory ● Thread blocking behavior by default ● Can be asynchronous ● Good for small number of quick retries (in milliseconds)
  • 19. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears19 Retry ActiveMQ consumer RedeliveryPolicy ● Retries the message from the beginning of the Camel route ● Not used very often, but enabled by default ● Fully in-memory ● Thread blocking by default ● Good for small number of quick retries (in milliseconds)
  • 20. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears20 Retry ActiveMQ Broker Redelivery ● ActiveMQ specific and requires custom logic ● It will consume the message again from a queue ● Persisted at the broker rather than application memory ● Can be clustered and use fail over, load balancing, etc ● Good for long persisted retries (in minutes or hours)
  • 21. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears21 Circuit Breaker How to guard a system by cascading failures and slow responses from other systems?
  • 22. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears22 Circuit Breaker Improves the stability and the resilience of a system by guarding integration points from cascading failures and slow responses. Closed state Open state
  • 23. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears23 Circuit Breaker Improves the stability and the resilience of a system by guarding integration points from cascading failures and slow responses.
  • 24. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears24 Circuit Breaker Two Circuit Breaker Implementations in Camel 2.18

  • 25. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears25 Bulkhead How to enforce resource partitioning and damage containment in order to preserve partial functionality in the case of a failure?
  • 26. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears26 Bulkhead Enforces resource partitioning and damage containment in order to preserve partial functionality in the case of a failure. ● Multi-threaded EIPs: Delayer, Multicast, Recipient List, Splitter, Threads, Throttler, Wire Tap, Polling Consumer, ProducerTemplate, and OnCompletion. ● Async Error Handler ● Circuit Breaker EIP Possible Camel bulkhead points:
  • 27. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears27 Scalability Scenarios Vertical scaling (performance tuning) ● Endpoints: messaging client buffers, DB client batching, template caching choices ● Concurrent consumers option: Seda, VM, JMS, RabbitMQ, Disruptor, AWS-SQS ● Data types choice: affects content based router, splitter, filter, aggregator ● Multithreading: parallel processing EIPs, threads DSL
 construct, Seda component, asynchronous redelivery/retry ● Micro optimizations: log tuning, camel sampler EIP, disable JMX, disable message history, disable original message record ● Startup/Shutdown: Use lazyLoadTypeConverters for a faster application startup, or configure the shutdownStrategy for a faster shutdown ● Tune: JVM options, networking and operating system Camel performance tuning blog post: Camel performance tuning blog post:
  • 28. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears28 Horizontal Scaling Service Instance Pattern for accommodating increasing workloads.
  • 29. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears29 Service Instance Areas to consider before horizontally scaling a Camel application. ● Service state: load balancer, circuit breaker, resequencer, sampler, throttler, idempotent consumer and aggregator are stateful EIPs! ● Request dispatcher: Messaging, HTTP, file (what about locking?) ● Message ordering: exclusive consumer, message groups, consumer priority, message priority, virtual topics ● Singleton service requirements: for batch jobs, and concurrent polling ● Other resource contention and coupling considerations
  • 30. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears30 What did we cover so far?
  • 31. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears31 How patterns are changing? What is happening in the IT industry today? ● Canonical Data Model ● Edge Component ● Reusable Route ● Runtime Reconfiguration ● Singleton Service ● Batch jobs in JVM ● Bounded Context ● Standalone services ● Favor code duplication ● Less configuration, more redeployment ● Container managed singleton ● Container scheduling ● Circuit Breaker, Bulkhead, Health checks..
  • 32. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears32 Win a print copy of Camel Design Patterns When was the first commit to Apache Camel project done?
  • 33. Apache Camel Design Patterns Learned Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears33 Win a print copy of Camel Design Patterns When was the first commit to Apache Camel project done?
  • 34. More Information Learn more about Apache Camel: Check out Camel Design Patterns: Develop Apache Camel based integrations using Red Hat JBoss Fuse: