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Play-ing with Scala Futures
Backend guy at Cloud9rs Ltd.
(aka Senior Software Engineer)
(few tweets, if any!)
About Scala
Martin Odersky
● He designed Java Generics
● Built the javac compiler
● In 2001, designed Scala
● In 2011, he founded
Typesafe Inc., a company
to support and promote
Who Uses Scala
Why Scala
Can borrow from Java (runs on JVM)
Very OOP, Very Functional
Statically type, but with type inference.
Lazy values
class Rectangle(val w: Int, val l: Int)
class Square(s: Int) extends Rectangle(s, s)

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Play framework And Google Cloud Platform GCP.
Play framework And Google Cloud Platform GCP.Play framework And Google Cloud Platform GCP.
Play framework And Google Cloud Platform GCP.

The document discusses the Play Framework, a web framework for Java and Scala. It introduces Play and outlines why it is useful, how to install it, and how to structure a new Play application. It then discusses moving a Play application to Google Cloud Platform for scalability. Key points are that Play provides predictable scalability, is developer friendly, and has a large ecosystem. The document recommends using Play Framework with Google Cloud Platform to achieve scalability without having to manage servers directly.

javaplay frameworkgoogle cloud platform
Voxxed Days Vienna - The Why and How of Reactive Web-Applications on the JVM
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Voxxed Days Vienna - The Why and How of Reactive Web-Applications on the JVM

The document discusses the need for reactive and functional programming approaches to build scalable applications that can take advantage of many-core processors and distributed systems. It introduces key concepts like immutability, functions, and declarative programming. Specific frameworks like Scala, Play and Akka are presented as tools that support this reactive, functional style for building web applications that can horizontally scale across multiple cores and nodes. The talk promotes adopting these approaches to build systems that can better handle concurrency, distribution and failure.

Введение в Akka
Введение в AkkaВведение в Akka
Введение в Akka
Why Scala - Traits
Traits for cross-cutting modularity
Like Interfaces, but with implementation
class Man { def walk() {....} }
trait SuperPowers { def fly() {....} }
class SuperMan extends Man with SuperPowers
val superMan = new SuperMan
val superMan = new Man with SuperPowers
object SuperMan extends Man with SuperPowers {
def doLaserAndStuff() { ... } }
Why Scala - Concurrency
Parallel Collections
(1 to 10000) * 2).reduce(_ + _)
Note: reduce operation is not ordered
future { slowOperation() } foreach println
println("Hey, I don't have to wait")
Akka Actors (
Play Framework
Stateless (easy to scale)
Built on Akka
Non-blocking I/O (uses JBoss Netty)
Real-time & Streaming are First Class Citizins
Production support by Typesafe
Many cloud deployment options
Now Let's Code..
The code is available on

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Reactive Web-Applications @ LambdaDays
Reactive Web-Applications @ LambdaDaysReactive Web-Applications @ LambdaDays
Reactive Web-Applications @ LambdaDays

Over the past few years, web-applications have started to play an increasingly important role in our lives. We expect them to be always available and the data to be always fresh. This shift into the realm of real-time data processing is now transitioning to physical devices, and Gartner predicts that the Internet of Things will grow to an installed base of 26 billion units by 2020. Reactive web-applications are an answer to the new requirements of high-availability and resource efficiency brought by this rapid evolution. On the JVM, a set of new languages and tools has emerged that enable the development of entirely asynchronous request and data handling pipelines. At the same time, container-less application frameworks are gaining increasing popularity over traditional deployment mechanisms. This talk is going to give you an introduction into one of the most trending reactive web-application stack on the JVM, involving the Scala programming language, the concurrency toolkit Akka and the web-application framework Play. It will show you how functional programming techniques enable asynchronous programming, and how those technologies help to build robust and resilient web-applications.


This document discusses the development of a single-page web application for a student markbook using Akka actors and HTTP. Key points discussed include: - Using multiple Akka actors to retrieve student, schedule, subject and mark data from various data services. - A worker actor that processes the retrieved data and returns student week marks. - A REST API with routes to get lists of students and individual student week marks. - The application server is initialized by binding the API routes to an HTTP server.

Lagom in Practice
Lagom in PracticeLagom in Practice
Lagom in Practice

"It’s open source. It’s highly opinionated. Build greenfield microservices and decompose your Java EE monolith like a boss." Lightbend (formerly Typesafe) has come up with their own framework, Lagom, for architecting microservices based systems. With Lagom, Lightbend wants to take up the competition with the Spring Cloud stack. Lagom is built upon Akka and Play and focuses on reactive and message-driven APIs, distributed persistence with Event Sourcing and CQRS and high developer productivity. On the 10th of March a first MVP version has been released with a Java API, the Scala API is being worked on. This workshop acts as an introduction to Lagom during which we will have a look at developing and deploying Lagom microservices. As a warm-up, you could check out the newest blogpost on the JWorks Tech Blog: Github repo with presentation: Blogpost Lagom: First Impressions and Initial Comparison to Spring Cloud: Podcast Lightbend Podcast Ep. 09: Andreas Evers test drives Lagom in comparison with Spring Cloud:


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Playing with Scala

  • 1. Play-ing with Scala Futures Backend guy at Cloud9rs Ltd. (aka Senior Software Engineer) (few tweets, if any!)
  • 2. About Scala Martin Odersky ● He designed Java Generics ● Built the javac compiler ● In 2001, designed Scala ● In 2011, he founded Typesafe Inc., a company to support and promote Scala
  • 3. Who Uses Scala More:
  • 4. Why Scala Can borrow from Java (runs on JVM) Concise Very OOP, Very Functional Statically type, but with type inference. Lazy values class Rectangle(val w: Int, val l: Int) class Square(s: Int) extends Rectangle(s, s)
  • 5. Why Scala - Traits Traits for cross-cutting modularity Like Interfaces, but with implementation class Man { def walk() {....} } trait SuperPowers { def fly() {....} } class SuperMan extends Man with SuperPowers val superMan = new SuperMan val superMan = new Man with SuperPowers object SuperMan extends Man with SuperPowers { def doLaserAndStuff() { ... } }
  • 6. Why Scala - Concurrency Parallel Collections (1 to 10000) * 2).reduce(_ + _) Note: reduce operation is not ordered Futures future { slowOperation() } foreach println println("Hey, I don't have to wait") Akka Actors (
  • 7. Play Framework Stateless (easy to scale) Built on Akka Non-blocking I/O (uses JBoss Netty) Real-time & Streaming are First Class Citizins Websockets EventSource Comet Production support by Typesafe Many cloud deployment options
  • 8. Now Let's Code.. The code is available on