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Akka Streams & HTTP
Dr. Roland Kuhn
@rolandkuhn — Akka Tech Lead
Streams Occur Naturally
• traditionally:
• file input/output
• network connections
• more modern:
• processing big data with finite memory
• real-time data processing (CEP)
• serving numerous clients simultaneously with bounded
resources (IoT, streaming HTTP APIs)
What is a Stream?
• ephemeral, time-dependent sequence of elements
• possibly unbounded in length
• therefore focusing on transformations
«You cannot step twice into the same stream.
For as you are stepping in, other waters are ever
flowing on to you.» — Heraclitus
Reactive Traits

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Reactive Streams 1.0 and Akka Streams
Reactive Streams 1.0 and Akka StreamsReactive Streams 1.0 and Akka Streams
Reactive Streams 1.0 and Akka Streams

The document discusses Konrad Malawski's talk on reactive streams at GeeCON 2014 in Krakow, Poland. It introduces reactive streams and their goals of standardized, back-pressured asynchronous stream processing. Reactive streams allow different implementations like RxJava, Reactor, Akka Streams, and Vert.x to interoperate using a common protocol. The document provides an example of integrating RxJava, Akka Streams, and Reactor streams to demonstrate this interoperability. It also discusses concepts like back pressure to prevent buffer overflows when processing streams.

Build Real-Time Streaming ETL Pipelines With Akka Streams, Alpakka And Apache...
Build Real-Time Streaming ETL Pipelines With Akka Streams, Alpakka And Apache...Build Real-Time Streaming ETL Pipelines With Akka Streams, Alpakka And Apache...
Build Real-Time Streaming ETL Pipelines With Akka Streams, Alpakka And Apache...

Things were easier when all our data used to be offline, analyzed overnight in batches. Now our data is online, in motion, and generated constantly. For architects, developers and their businesses, this means that there is an urgent need for tools and applications that can deliver real-time (or near real-time) streaming ETL capabilities. In this session by Konrad Malawski, author, speaker and Senior Akka Engineer at Lightbend, you will learn how to build these streaming ETL pipelines with Akka Streams, Alpakka and Apache Kafka, and why they matter to enterprises that are increasingly turning to streaming Fast Data applications.

akkaakka streamsalpakka
Back-Pressure in Action: Handling High-Burst Workloads with Akka Streams & Kafka
Back-Pressure in Action: Handling High-Burst Workloads with Akka Streams & KafkaBack-Pressure in Action: Handling High-Burst Workloads with Akka Streams & Kafka
Back-Pressure in Action: Handling High-Burst Workloads with Akka Streams & Kafka

Akka Streams and its amazing handling of stream back-pressure should be no surprise to anyone. But it takes a couple of use cases to really see it in action - especially use cases where the amount of work increases as you process make you really value the back-pressure. This talk takes a sample web crawler use case where each processing pass expands to a larger and larger workload to process, and discusses how we use the buffering capabilities in Kafka and the back-pressure with asynchronous processing in Akka Streams to handle such bursts. In addition, we will also provide some constructive “rants” about the architectural components, the maturity, or immaturity you’ll expect, and tidbits and open source goodies like memory-mapped stream buffers that can be helpful in other Akka Streams and/or Kafka use cases.

kafkareactiveakka streams
Reactive means Message Flow
Reactive means Message Flow
37% discount
with code
Distributed vs. Static Typing
• in general a very tough problem
• independent entities evolving concurrently
• promising progress on Project Gålbma
• in many specific cases no type evolution necessary
• letting uniform messages flow in safe conduits
• making streams even more interesting
Possible Solutions
• the Traditional way: blocking calls

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Asynchronous Orchestration DSL on squbs

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Real-time streaming and data pipelines with Apache Kafka
Real-time streaming and data pipelines with Apache KafkaReal-time streaming and data pipelines with Apache Kafka
Real-time streaming and data pipelines with Apache Kafka

Get up and running quickly with Apache Kafka * Fast * A single Kafka broker can handle hundreds of megabytes of reads and writes per second from thousands of clients. * Scalable * Kafka is designed to allow a single cluster to serve as the central data backbone for a large organization. It can be elastically and transparently expanded without downtime. Data streams are partitioned and spread over a cluster of machines to allow data streams larger than the capability of any single machine and to allow clusters of co-ordinated consumers * Durable * Messages are persisted on disk and replicated within the cluster to prevent data loss. Each broker can handle terabytes of messages without performance impact. * Distributed by Design * Kafka has a modern cluster-centric design that offers strong durability and fault-tolerance guarantees.

apache kafkaexampleskafka
Service Stampede: Surviving a Thousand Services
Service Stampede: Surviving a Thousand ServicesService Stampede: Surviving a Thousand Services
Service Stampede: Surviving a Thousand Services

How many services do you have? 5, 10, 100? How do you even run large number of services? A micro service may be relatively simple. But services also mean distributed systems, which are inherently complex. 5 services are complex. A thousand services across many generations are at least 200 times as complex. How do we deal with such complexity? This talk discusses service architecture at Internet scale, the need for larger transaction density, larger horizontal and vertical scale, more predictable latencies under stress, and the need for standardization and visibility. We’ll dive into how we build our latest generation service infrastructure based on Scala and Akka to serve the needs of such a large scale ecosystem. Lastly, have the cake and eat it too. No, we’re not keeping all the goodies only to ourselves. They are all there for you in open source.

scalaakkaakka streams
Possible Solutions
• the Push way: buffering and/or dropping

(optimized for fast consumer)
Possible Solutions
• the Pull way: poor performance

(optimized for fast producer)
Possible Solutions
• the Reactive way:

non-blocking & non-dropping & bounded
Reactive Streams

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Understanding Akka Streams, Back Pressure, and Asynchronous Architectures
Understanding Akka Streams, Back Pressure, and Asynchronous ArchitecturesUnderstanding Akka Streams, Back Pressure, and Asynchronous Architectures
Understanding Akka Streams, Back Pressure, and Asynchronous Architectures

The term 'streams' has been getting pretty overloaded recently–it's hard to know where to best use different technologies with streams in the name. In this talk by noted hAkker Konrad Malawski, we'll disambiguate what streams are and what they aren't, taking a deeper look into Akka Streams (the implementation) and Reactive Streams (the standard). You'll be introduced to a number of real life scenarios where applying back-pressure helps to keep your systems fast and healthy at the same time. While the focus is mainly on the Akka Streams implementation, the general principles apply to any kind of asynchronous, message-driven architectures.

akka streamsactor systemkafka
Scala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streams
Scala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streamsScala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streams
Scala usergroup stockholm - reactive integrations with akka streams

This document discusses Akka Streams, which provide asynchronous back pressured stream processing in Akka. It describes key Akka Stream concepts like sources, sinks, and flows. It also discusses how Akka Streams integrate with other technologies like Reactive Streams, Kafka, HTTP servers and clients. Alpakka is mentioned as a community for developing Akka Stream connectors.

Streaming all the things with akka streams
Streaming all the things with akka streams   Streaming all the things with akka streams
Streaming all the things with akka streams

This document provides an overview and introduction to Akka Streams and Reactive Streams. Some key points: - Reactive Streams is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure to prevent issues like out of memory errors. - Akka Streams is a toolkit for building powerful concurrent and distributed applications simply using a Reactive Streams-compliant API. It includes sources, sinks, flows and other stages for stream processing. - Examples show how to create simple stream graphs that process data asynchronously using Akka Streams APIs in both Java and Scala in just a few lines of code. More complex examples demonstrate features like parallelization. - The community Alpakka

reactive streamsjavaakka-streams
Origin and motivation
• all participants face the same basic problem
• all are building tools for their community
• a common solution benefits everybody
• interoperability to make best use of efforts
• propose to include in future JDK
• minimal interfaces—essentials only
• rigorous specification of semantics
• TCK for verification of implementation
• complete freedom for many idiomatic APIs
• specification should be efficiently implementable
Reactive Streams
• asynchronous & non-blocking
• flow of data
• flow of demand
• minimal coordination and contention
• message passing allows for distribution across
• applications, nodes, CPUs, threads, actors
A Data Market using Supply & Demand
• data elements flow downstream
• demand flows upstream
• data elements flow only when there is demand
• data in flight is bounded by signaled demand
• recipient is in control of maximal incoming data rate
Publisher Subscriber

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VJUG24 - Reactive Integrations with Akka Streams
VJUG24  - Reactive Integrations with Akka StreamsVJUG24  - Reactive Integrations with Akka Streams
VJUG24 - Reactive Integrations with Akka Streams

This document provides an overview of Akka Streams, which is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It discusses key aspects of Akka Streams including asynchronous back pressured stream processing using sources, sinks, and processes; non-linear stream topologies; Reactive Streams compatibility; the Java and Scala APIs; materialization; integrations with HTTP and Alpakka community connectors for technologies like Kafka, MQTT, and Cassandra; and opportunities to contribute to Akka Streams.

akkastreamsjava 8
Specs2 whirlwind tour at Scaladays 2014
Specs2 whirlwind tour at Scaladays 2014Specs2 whirlwind tour at Scaladays 2014
Specs2 whirlwind tour at Scaladays 2014

Presentation of specs2 functionalities from simple ones to less well-known + overview of the next release

Building scalable rest service using Akka HTTP
Building scalable rest service using Akka HTTPBuilding scalable rest service using Akka HTTP
Building scalable rest service using Akka HTTP

Akka HTTP is a toolkit for building scalable REST services in Scala. It provides a high-level API built on top of Akka actors and Akka streams for writing asynchronous, non-blocking and resilient microservices. The document discusses Akka HTTP's architecture, routing DSL, directives, testing, additional features like file uploads and websockets. It also compares Akka HTTP to other Scala frameworks and outlines pros and cons of using Akka HTTP for building REST APIs.

akka actorsbangalore apache spark meetuptypesafe
Reactive Push–Pull
• “push”—when consumer is faster
• “pull”—when producer is faster
• switches automatically between these
• batching demand allows batching data
Publisher Subscriber
Explicit Demand: One-to-many
Splitting the data means merging the demand
Explicit Demand: Many-to-one
Merging the data means splitting the demand
Back-Pressure is Contagious
• C is slow
• B must slow down
• A must slow down

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Reactive integrations with Akka Streams
Reactive integrations with Akka StreamsReactive integrations with Akka Streams
Reactive integrations with Akka Streams

This document summarizes a presentation about Akka streams, which is a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications on the JVM. It provides asynchronous back pressured stream processing using sources, sinks, and flows. Key features include actors for concurrency, clustering for location transparency and resilience, and integration with technologies like Kafka, Cassandra and HTTP. The document outlines how Akka streams work, how to write stream applications, and how streams can be used for scenarios like HTTP requests/responses and streaming data. It encourages contributions to Akka and discusses next steps like improved remoting and more stream connectors.

Akka Http , Routes, Streams with Scala
Akka Http , Routes, Streams with ScalaAkka Http , Routes, Streams with Scala
Akka Http , Routes, Streams with Scala

The document provides an overview of Akka HTTP, streams, and routes. It discusses core concepts like streams, elements, back-pressure, sources, sinks, flows, and runnable graphs. It explains that routes define the request handling logic and are assembled into routing trees. Routes can complete requests, reject them, or perform asynchronous processing and return route results.

routesakka httpscala
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flow the Reactive Way
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flow the Reactive WayReactive Streams: Handling Data-Flow the Reactive Way
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flow the Reactive Way

Building on the success of Reactive Extensions—first in Rx.NET and now in RxJava—we are taking Observers and Observables to the next level: by adding the capability of handling back-pressure between asynchronous execution stages we enable the distribution of stream processing across a cluster of potentially thousands of nodes. The project defines the common interfaces for interoperable stream implementations on the JVM and is the result of a collaboration between Twitter, Netflix, Pivotal, RedHat and Typesafe. In this presentation I introduce the guiding principles behind its design and show examples using the actor-based implementation in Akka.

• TCP for example has it built-in
Back-Pressure can be Propagated
The Meat
trait Publisher[T] {
def subscribe(sub: Subscriber[T]): Unit
trait Subscription {
def request(n: Long): Unit
def cancel(): Unit
trait Subscriber[T] {
def onSubscribe(s: Subscription): Unit
def onNext(e: T): Unit
def onError(t: Throwable): Unit
def onComplete(): Unit
Not user-level API
Intended as SPI for interop
Akka Streams
Declaring a Stream Topology

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Building Distributed Systems in Scala
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Building Distributed Systems in Scala

"In this session, Twitter engineer Alex Payne will explore how the popular social messaging service builds scalable, distributed systems in the Scala programming language. Since 2008, Twitter has moved the development of its most critical systems to Scala, which blends object-oriented and functional programming with the power, robust tooling, and vast library support of the Java Virtual Machine. Find out how to use the Scala components that Twitter has open sourced, and learn the patterns they employ for developing core infrastructure components in this exciting and increasingly popular language."

A dive into akka streams: from the basics to a real-world scenario
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A dive into akka streams: from the basics to a real-world scenario

Reactive streaming is becoming the best approach to handle data flows across asynchronous boundaries. Here, we present the implementation of a real-world application based on Akka Streams. After reviewing the basics, we will discuss the development of a data processing pipeline that collects real-time sensor data and sends it to a Kinesis stream. There are various possible point of failures in this architecture. What should happen when Kinesis is unavailable? If the data flow is not handled in the correct way, some information may get lost. Akka Streams are the tools that enabled us to build a reliable processing logic for the pipeline that avoids data losses and maximizes the robustness of the entire system.

Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)
Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)
Reactive Streams 1.0.0 and Why You Should Care (webinar)

In this presentation, Akka Team Lead and author Roland Kuhn presents the freshly released final specification for Reactive Streams on the JVM. This work was done in collaboration with engineers representing Netflix, Red Hat, Pivotal, Oracle, Typesafe and others to define a standard for passing streams of data between threads in an asynchronous and non-blocking fashion. This is a common need in Reactive systems, where handling streams of "live" data whose volume is not predetermined. The most prominent issue facing the industry today is that resource consumption needs to be controlled such that a fast data source does not overwhelm the stream destination. Asynchrony is needed in order to enable the parallel use of computing resources, on collaborating network hosts or multiple CPU cores within a single machine. Here we'll review the mechanisms employed by Reactive Streams, discuss the applicability of this technology to a variety of problems encountered in day to day work on the JVM, and give an overview of the tooling ecosystem that is emerging around this young standard.

project reactorakka streamsapache
Declaring a Stream Topology
Declaring a Stream Topology
Declaring a Stream Topology
Declaring a Stream Topology

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Mirco Dotta - Akka Streams
Mirco Dotta - Akka StreamsMirco Dotta - Akka Streams
Mirco Dotta - Akka Streams

Akka Streams is an implementation of Reactive Streams, which is a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking backpressure on the JVM. In this talk we'll cover the rationale behind Reactive Streams, and explore the different building blocks available in Akka Streams. I'll use Scala for all coding examples, but Akka Streams also provides a full-fledged Java8 API. After this session you will be all set and ready to reap the benefits of using Akka Streams!

scalaakkareactive streams
Writing Asynchronous Programs with Scala & Akka
Writing Asynchronous Programs with Scala & AkkaWriting Asynchronous Programs with Scala & Akka
Writing Asynchronous Programs with Scala & Akka

The document provides an overview of Yardena Meymann's background and experience working with asynchronous programming in Scala. It discusses some of the common tools and approaches for writing asynchronous programs in Scala, including Futures, Actors, Streams, HTTP clients/servers, and integration with Kafka. It highlights some of the challenges of asynchronous programming and how different tools address issues like error handling, retries, and backpressure.

A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0
A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0
A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0

Reactive Streams 1.0.0 is now live, and so are our implementations in Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0. Reactive Streams is an engineering collaboration between heavy hitters in the area of streaming data on the JVM. With the Reactive Streams Special Interest Group, we set out to standardize a common ground for achieving statically-typed, high-performance, low latency, asynchronous streams of data with built-in non-blocking back pressure—with the goal of creating a vibrant ecosystem of interoperating implementations, and with a vision of one day making it into a future version of Java. Akka (recent winner of “Most Innovative Open Source Tech in 2015”) is a toolkit for building message-driven applications. With Akka Streams 1.0, Akka has incorporated a graphical DSL for composing data streams, an execution model that decouples the stream’s staged computation—it’s “blueprint”—from its execution (allowing for actor-based, single-threaded and fully distributed and clustered execution), type safe stream composition, an implementation of the Reactive Streaming specification that enables back-pressure, and more than 20 predefined stream “processing stages” that provide common streaming transformations that developers can tap into (for splitting streams, transforming streams, merging streams, and more). Slick​ is a relational database query and access library for Scala that enables loose-coupling, minimal configuration requirements and abstraction of the complexities of connecting with relational databases. With Slick 3.0, Slick now supports the Reactive Streams API for providing asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back-pressure. Slick 3.0 also allows elegant mapping across multiple data types, static verification and type inference for embedded SQL statements, compile-time error discovery, and JDBC support for interoperability with all existing drivers.

akka streamsreactive streamsakka http
Declaring a Stream Topology
Declaring a Stream Topology
API Design
• goals:
• no magic
• supreme compositionality
• exhaustive model of bounded stream processing
• consequences:
• immutable and reusable stream blueprints
• explicit materialization step
Declaring and Running a Stream
val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10)
val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick)
val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b =>
val zip = Zip[Int, Tick]
val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)]
upper ~> zip.left ~> out
lower ~> zip.right
val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" }
val sink = Sink.foreach(println)
val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)

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Lessons Learned From PayPal: Implementing Back-Pressure With Akka Streams And...
Lessons Learned From PayPal: Implementing Back-Pressure With Akka Streams And...Lessons Learned From PayPal: Implementing Back-Pressure With Akka Streams And...
Lessons Learned From PayPal: Implementing Back-Pressure With Akka Streams And...

Akka Streams and its amazing handling of streaming with back-pressure should be no surprise to anyone. But it takes a couple of use cases to really see it in action - especially in use cases where the amount of work continues to increase as you’re processing it. This is where back-pressure really shines. In this talk for Architects and Dev Managers by Akara Sucharitakul, Principal MTS for Global Platform Frameworks at PayPal, Inc., we look at how back-pressure based on Akka Streams and Kafka is being used at PayPal to handle very bursty workloads. In addition, Akara will also share experiences in creating a platform based on Akka and Akka Streams that currently processes over 1 billion transactions per day (on just 8 VMs), with the aim of helping teams adopt these technologies. In this webinar, you will: *Start with a sample web crawler use case to examine what happens when each processing pass expands to a larger and larger workload to process. *Review how we use the buffering capabilities in Kafka and the back-pressure with asynchronous processing in Akka Streams to handle such bursts. *Look at lessons learned, plus some constructive “rants” about the architectural components, the maturity, or immaturity you’ll expect, and tidbits and open source goodies like memory-mapped stream buffers that can be helpful in other Akka Streams and/or Kafka use cases.

Springone2gx 2014 Reactive Streams and Reactor
Springone2gx 2014 Reactive Streams and ReactorSpringone2gx 2014 Reactive Streams and Reactor
Springone2gx 2014 Reactive Streams and Reactor

A session about the Reactor story with Reactive Streams pragmatic specification. Talk recorded at SpringOne2GX 2014 Dallas.

PSUG #52 Dataflow and simplified reactive programming with Akka-streams
PSUG #52 Dataflow and simplified reactive programming with Akka-streamsPSUG #52 Dataflow and simplified reactive programming with Akka-streams
PSUG #52 Dataflow and simplified reactive programming with Akka-streams

This document discusses using Akka streams for dataflow and reactive programming. It begins with an overview of dataflow concepts like nodes, arcs, graphs, and features such as push/pull data, mutable/immutable data, and compound nodes. It then covers Reactive Streams including back pressure, the asynchronous non-blocking protocol, and the publisher-subscriber interface. Finally, it details how to use Akka streams, including defining sources, sinks, and flows to create processing pipelines as well as working with more complex flow graphs. Examples are provided for bulk exporting data to Elasticsearch and finding frequent item sets from transaction data.

akka-streamsreactive streamsdataflow
Declaring and Running a Stream
val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10)
val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick)
val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b =>
val zip = Zip[Int, Tick]
val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)]
upper ~> zip.left ~> out
lower ~> zip.right
val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" }
val sink = Sink.foreach(println)
val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)
Declaring and Running a Stream
val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10)
val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick)
val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b =>
val zip = Zip[Int, Tick]
val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)]
upper ~> zip.left ~> out
lower ~> zip.right
val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" }
val sink = Sink.foreach(println)
val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)
• Akka Streams separate the what from the how
• declarative Source/Flow/Sink DSL to create blueprint
• FlowMaterializer turns this into running Actors
• this allows alternative materialization strategies
• optimization
• verification / validation
• cluster deployment
• only Akka Actors for now, but more to come!
Stream Sources
• org.reactivestreams.Publisher[T]
• org.reactivestreams.Subscriber[T]
• Iterator[T] / Iterable[T]
• Code block (function that produces Option[T])
• scala.concurrent.Future[T]
• TickSource
• ActorPublisher
• singleton / empty / failed
• … plus write your own (fully extensible)

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Data Stream Processing with Apache Flink
Data Stream Processing with Apache FlinkData Stream Processing with Apache Flink
Data Stream Processing with Apache Flink

This talk is an introduction into Stream Processing with Apache Flink. I gave this talk at the Madrid Apache Flink Meetup at February 25th, 2016. The talk discusses Flink's features, shows it's DataStream API and explains the benefits of Event-time stream processing. It gives an outlook on some features that will be added after the 1.0 release.

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Stream processing from single node to a cluster
Stream processing from single node to a clusterStream processing from single node to a cluster
Stream processing from single node to a cluster

Building data pipelines shouldn't be so hard, you just need to choose the right tools for the task. We will review Akka and Spark streaming, how they work and how to use them and when.

Akka-demy (a.k.a. How to build stateful distributed systems) I/II
 Akka-demy (a.k.a. How to build stateful distributed systems) I/II Akka-demy (a.k.a. How to build stateful distributed systems) I/II
Akka-demy (a.k.a. How to build stateful distributed systems) I/II

This is the first part of a mini-series where we discuss how to build distributed stateful real-time applications using actor model and messaging. The second part:

Stream Sinks
• org.reactivestreams.Publisher[T]
• org.reactivestreams.Subscriber[T]
• ActorSubscriber
• scala.concurrent.Future[T]
• blackhole / foreach / fold / onComplete
• … or create your own
Linear Stream Transformations
• Deterministic (like for collections)
• map, filter, collect, grouped, drop, take, groupBy, …
• Time-Based
• takeWithin, dropWithin, groupedWithin, …
• Rate-Detached
• expand, conflate, buffer, …
• asynchronous
• mapAsync, mapAsyncUnordered, flatten, …
Nonlinear Stream Transformations
• Fan-In
• merge, concat, zip, …
• Fan-Out
• broadcast, route, balance, unzip, …

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API Testing. Streamline your testing process.
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API Testing. Streamline your testing process.

Slides from IT talk: «API Testing. Streamline your testing process. A step by step tutorial» Code on github: Webinar on youtube: DataArt P. Wroclaw, 2018, February 15

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Spark (Structured) Streaming vs. Kafka Streams - two stream processing platfo...
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Spark (Structured) Streaming vs. Kafka Streams - two stream processing platfo...

Spark Streaming and Kafka Streams are two popular stream processing platforms. Spark Streaming uses micro-batching and allows for code reuse between batch and streaming jobs. Kafka Streams is embedded directly into Apache Kafka and leverages Kafka as its internal messaging layer. Both platforms support stateful stream processing operations like windowing, aggregations, and joins through distributed state stores. A demo application is shown that detects dangerous driving by joining truck position data with driver data using different streaming techniques.

Reactive Spring 5
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Reactive Spring 5

The document provides an overview of reactive programming and Spring WebFlux. It defines reactive programming as an asynchronous paradigm concerned with data streams and change propagation. It discusses why reactive programming is useful for handling back-pressure, communicating change, and improving scalability and performance. It also summarizes key concepts in reactive programming like Project Reactor's Mono and Flux types, and how Spring WebFlux allows developing reactive applications with annotated controllers or functional routing.

Why do we add an HTTP module?
• Akka is about building distributed applications
• distribution implies integration
• between internal (sub)systems

➜ akka-clusterbasedonakka-remote
• with external systems

➜ akka-http(linguafrancaoftheinternet)
Akka HTTP—The Origins: Spray.IO
• Fully embeddable HTTP stack based on Actors
• focused on HTTP integration (toolkit)
• server- and client-side
• seamlessly integrated with Akka
Spray.IO Features
• immutable, case class-based HTTP model
• fast, lightweight HTTP client and server
• powerful DSL for server-side API definition
• fully async & non-blocking, actor-friendly,

modular, testable
• based entirely on Scala & Akka Actors
Spray.IO Weaknesses
• handling of chunked requests is clunky, incomplete
• dealing with large message entities can be difficult
• some unintuitive corner-cases in routing DSL
• deep implicit argument chains in some cases hard
to debug
• missing features, foremost websocket support

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Reactive Streams
Reactive StreamsReactive Streams
Reactive Streams

The document discusses Reactive Streams, which provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing between producers and consumers. Reactive Streams use back-pressure to prevent issues like out of memory errors from unbounded buffers or dropped messages from bounded buffers. They operate using a pull-based model where the fast producer will send no more than the amount of data requested by the consumer, ensuring demands are met without overflowing buffers. Major companies collaborated to develop the Reactive Streams specification to support stream processing across systems.

Intro to Akka Streams
Intro to Akka StreamsIntro to Akka Streams
Intro to Akka Streams

What are reactive streams ? What is backpressure ? Why Akka streams ? A quick look at the Akka Streams API.

Flexible and Real-Time Stream Processing with Apache Flink
Flexible and Real-Time Stream Processing with Apache FlinkFlexible and Real-Time Stream Processing with Apache Flink
Flexible and Real-Time Stream Processing with Apache Flink

This document provides an overview of stream processing with Apache Flink. It discusses the rise of stream processing and how it enables low-latency applications and real-time analysis. It then describes Flink's stream processing capabilities, including pipelining of data, fault tolerance through checkpointing and recovery, and integration with batch processing. The document also summarizes Flink's programming model, state management, and roadmap for further development.

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Proxying Large Responses
Akka HTTP is Spray 2.0
• addressing the weaknesses, polishing the features
• Java API
• simplified module structure
• core improvement: fully stream-based
HTTP Stream Topology
The Application Stack
O/S-level network stack
Java NIO (JDK)
Akka IO
Akka HTTP Core

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Apache Big Data EU 2016: Building Streaming Applications with Apache Apex
Apache Big Data EU 2016: Building Streaming Applications with Apache ApexApache Big Data EU 2016: Building Streaming Applications with Apache Apex
Apache Big Data EU 2016: Building Streaming Applications with Apache Apex

Stream processing applications built on Apache Apex run on Hadoop clusters and typically power analytics use cases where availability, flexible scaling, high throughput, low latency and correctness are essential. These applications consume data from a variety of sources, including streaming sources like Apache Kafka, Kinesis or JMS, file based sources or databases. Processing results often need to be stored in external systems (sinks) for downstream consumers (pub-sub messaging, real-time visualization, Hive and other SQL databases etc.). Apex has the Malhar library with a wide range of connectors and other operators that are readily available to build applications. We will cover key characteristics like partitioning and processing guarantees, generic building blocks for new operators (write-ahead-log, incremental state saving, windowing etc.) and APIs for application specification.

big dataapache apexbig data analytics
«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghub
«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghub«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghub
«Scrapy internals» Александр Сибиряков, Scrapinghub

- Scrapy is a framework for web scraping that allows for extraction of structured data from HTML/XML through selectors like CSS and XPath. It provides features like an interactive shell, feed exports, encoding support, and more. - Scrapy is built on top of the Twisted asynchronous networking framework, which provides an event loop and deferreds. It handles protocols and transports like TCP, HTTP, and more across platforms. - Scrapy architecture includes components like the downloader, scraper, and item pipelines that communicate internally. Flow control is needed between these to limit memory usage and scheduling through techniques like concurrent item limits, memory limits, and delays between calls.

From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex
From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache ApexFrom Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex
From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex

Stream data processing is increasingly required to support business needs for faster actionable insight with growing volume of information from more sources. Apache Apex is a true stream processing framework for low-latency, high-throughput and reliable processing of complex analytics pipelines on clusters. Apex is designed for quick time-to-production, and is used in production by large companies for real-time and batch processing at scale. This session will use an Apex production use case to walk through the incremental transition from a batch pipeline with hours of latency to an end-to-end streaming architecture with billions of events per day which are processed to deliver real-time analytical reports. The example is representative for many similar extract-transform-load (ETL) use cases with other data sets that can use a common library of building blocks. The transform (or analytics) piece of such pipelines varies in complexity and often involves business logic specific, custom components. Topics include: * Pipeline functionality from event source through queryable state for real-time insights. * API for application development and development process. * Library of building blocks including connectors for sources and sinks such as Kafka, JMS, Cassandra, HBase, JDBC and how they enable end-to-end exactly-once results. * Stateful processing with event time windowing. * Fault tolerance with exactly-once result semantics, checkpointing, incremental recovery * Scalability and low-latency, high-throughput processing with advanced engine features for auto-scaling, dynamic changes, compute locality. * Who is using Apex in production, and roadmap. Following the session attendees will have a high level understanding of Apex and how it can be applied to use cases at their own organizations.

dataworks summithadoophadoop summit
Akka IO
• bridges Java NIO with Akka Actors or streams
• supports TCP, UDP and SSL
Akka HTTP Core
• implements HTTP/1.1 according to the RFCs
• based upon the TCP facilities of Akka IO
• exposed as freely reusable stream transformations
• low-level and extensible implementation of

HTTP model and spec
A Quick View of the HTTP Model
case class HttpRequest(
method: HttpMethod = HttpMethods.GET,
uri: Uri = Uri./,
headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil,
entity: RequestEntity = HttpEntity.Empty,
protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`
) extends HttpMessage
case class HttpResponse(
status: StatusCode = StatusCodes.OK,
headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil,
entity: ResponseEntity = HttpEntity.Empty,
protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1`
) extends HttpMessage
• builds upon Akka HTTP Core
• adds (un)marshaling for HttpEntities
• adds (de)compression (gzip / deflate)
• high-level server-side routing DSL
• type-safe and flexible
• highly compositional building blocks (Directives)
• includes common behaviors pre-canned

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From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex at Berlin Buzzwords 2017
From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex at Berlin Buzzwords 2017From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex at Berlin Buzzwords 2017
From Batch to Streaming ET(L) with Apache Apex at Berlin Buzzwords 2017 Stream data processing is increasingly required to support business needs for faster actionable insight with growing volume of information from more sources. Apache Apex is a true stream processing framework for low-latency, high-throughput and reliable processing of complex analytics pipelines on clusters. Apex is designed for quick time-to-production, and is used in production by large companies for real-time and batch processing at scale. This session will use an Apex production use case to walk through the incremental transition from a batch pipeline with hours of latency to an end-to-end streaming architecture with billions of events per day which are processed to deliver real-time analytical reports. The example is representative for many similar extract-transform-load (ETL) use cases with other data sets that can use a common library of building blocks. The transform (or analytics) piece of such pipelines varies in complexity and often involves business logic specific, custom components. Topics include: Pipeline functionality from event source through queryable state for real-time insights. API for application development and development process. Library of building blocks including connectors for sources and sinks such as Kafka, JMS, Cassandra, HBase, JDBC and how they enable end-to-end exactly-once results. Stateful processing with event time windowing. Fault tolerance with exactly-once result semantics, checkpointing, incremental recovery Scalability and low-latency, high-throughput processing with advanced engine features for auto-scaling, dynamic changes, compute locality. Recent project development and roadmap. Following the session attendees will have a high level understanding of Apex and how it can be applied to use cases at their own organizations.

big databig data analyticsstream processing
Taming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka Typed
Taming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka TypedTaming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka Typed
Taming Distribution: Formal Protocols for Akka Typed

Cloud computing, reactive systems, microservices: distributed programming has become the norm. But while the shift to loosely coupled message-based systems has manifest benefits in terms of resilience and elasticity, our tools for ensuring correct behavior has not grown at the same pace. Statically typed languages like Java and Scala allow us to exclude large classes of programming errors before the first test is run. Unfortunately, these guarantees are limited to the local behavior within a single process, the compiler cannot tell us that we are sending the wrong JSON structure to a given web service. Therefore distribution comes at the cost of having to write large test suites, with timing-dependent non-determinism. In this presentation we take a first peek at ways out of this dilemma. The principles are demonstrated on the simplest distributed system: Actors. We show how parameterized ActorRefs à la Akka Typed together with effect tracking similar to HLists can help us define what an Actor can and cannot do during its lifetime—and have the compiler yell at us when we do it wrong.

akkasession typesscala
Distributed systems vs compositionality
Distributed systems vs compositionalityDistributed systems vs compositionality
Distributed systems vs compositionality

Distributed systems are becoming more and more commonplace, microservices and cloud deployments force this notion into the day to day routine of many developers. One of the great features of a strongly typed language like Scala—with its expressive type system—is that we can achieve a high level of safety and confidence by letting the compiler verify that our code behaves as specified. But can this safety be carried over into the interactions between distributed parts of an application? Can we for example safely compose Actor behaviours from different pieces? This presentation introduces some approaches to this problem, including Session Types and π-calculus, and discusses their limitations. The practical ramifications are illustrated using Akka Typed, with a preview of composable and reusable behaviors.

akkatype checkingdistributed computing
Stream Pipelines
(not yet)
A Simple Server Example
import Directives._
val binding = Http().bind("localhost", 8080)
binding startHandlingWith {
path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
get {
complete(s"Received GET for order $id")
} ~
put {
complete((actor ? Put(id)).mapTo[String])
When can we have it?
• currently pre-release versions:
• reactive-streams 1.0.0-RC1
• Akka Streams & HTTP 1.0-M2
• still missing:
• Akka HTTP client features
• SSL integration
• websockets
• Akka Streams & HTTP 1.0 expected end of Feb’15

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Reactive Design Patterns — J on the Beach
Reactive Design Patterns — J on the BeachReactive Design Patterns — J on the Beach
Reactive Design Patterns — J on the Beach

Our software needs to become reactive, this realization is widely understood: we need to consider responsiveness, maintainability, elasticity and scalability from the outset. Not all systems need to implement all these to the same degree, specific project requirements will determine where effort is most wisely spent, but in the vast majority of cases the need to go reactive will demand that we design our applications differently. In this presentation we explore several architecture elements that are commonly found in reactive systems (like the circuit breaker, various replication techniques, or flow control protocols). These patterns are language agnostic and also independent of the abundant choice of reactive programming frameworks and libraries, they are well-specified starting points for exploring the design space of a concrete problem: thinking is strictly required!

design patternsdistributed computingreplication
The Newest in Session Types
The Newest in Session TypesThe Newest in Session Types
The Newest in Session Types

The new Actor representation in Akka Typed allows formulations that lend themselves to monadic interpretation or introspection. This leads us to explore possibilities for expressing and verifying dynamic properties like the adherence to a communication protocol between multiple agents as well as the safety properties of that protocol on a global level. Academic research in this area is far from complete, but there are interesting initial results that we explore in this session: precisely how much purity and reasoning can we bring to the distributed world?

researchakkasession types
Akka Typed — between Session Types and the Actor Model
Akka Typed — between Session Types and the Actor ModelAkka Typed — between Session Types and the Actor Model
Akka Typed — between Session Types and the Actor Model

The document discusses Akka Typed, which introduces typed actors to the Akka framework. It provides typed actors as a thin layer on top of untyped actors to add stronger safety properties through static types. Typed actors are defined by behaviors that specify how actors respond to different message types, rather than extending the Actor trait. This allows protocols and actor methods to be encoded through message types in a type-safe way. The document also discusses how session types can be used to define interaction protocols and explores open questions around supporting dynamic changes to protocols while retaining safety.

• akka-user mailing list
©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved

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Akka Streams and HTTP

  • 1. Akka Streams & HTTP Dr. Roland Kuhn @rolandkuhn — Akka Tech Lead
  • 2. Streams Occur Naturally • traditionally: • file input/output • network connections • more modern: • processing big data with finite memory • real-time data processing (CEP) • serving numerous clients simultaneously with bounded resources (IoT, streaming HTTP APIs) 2
  • 3. 3 What is a Stream? • ephemeral, time-dependent sequence of elements • possibly unbounded in length • therefore focusing on transformations «You cannot step twice into the same stream. For as you are stepping in, other waters are ever flowing on to you.» — Heraclitus
  • 6. Reactive means Message Flow 6 37% discount with code kuhnco
  • 7. Distributed vs. Static Typing • in general a very tough problem • independent entities evolving concurrently • promising progress on Project Gålbma • in many specific cases no type evolution necessary • letting uniform messages flow in safe conduits • making streams even more interesting 7
  • 8. Possible Solutions • the Traditional way: blocking calls 8
  • 9. Possible Solutions • the Push way: buffering and/or dropping
 (optimized for fast consumer) 9
  • 10. Possible Solutions • the Pull way: poor performance
 (optimized for fast producer) 10
  • 11. Possible Solutions • the Reactive way:
 non-blocking & non-dropping & bounded 11
  • 13. Origin and motivation • all participants face the same basic problem • all are building tools for their community • a common solution benefits everybody • interoperability to make best use of efforts • propose to include in future JDK 13
  • 14. Goals • minimal interfaces—essentials only • rigorous specification of semantics • TCK for verification of implementation • complete freedom for many idiomatic APIs • specification should be efficiently implementable 14
  • 15. Reactive Streams • asynchronous & non-blocking • flow of data • flow of demand • minimal coordination and contention • message passing allows for distribution across • applications, nodes, CPUs, threads, actors 15
  • 16. A Data Market using Supply & Demand • data elements flow downstream • demand flows upstream • data elements flow only when there is demand • data in flight is bounded by signaled demand • recipient is in control of maximal incoming data rate 16 Publisher Subscriber data demand
  • 17. Reactive Push–Pull • “push”—when consumer is faster • “pull”—when producer is faster • switches automatically between these • batching demand allows batching data 17 Publisher Subscriber data demand
  • 18. Explicit Demand: One-to-many 18 demand data Splitting the data means merging the demand
  • 19. Explicit Demand: Many-to-one 19 Merging the data means splitting the demand
  • 20. Back-Pressure is Contagious • C is slow • B must slow down • A must slow down 20 CA B
  • 21. • TCP for example has it built-in Back-Pressure can be Propagated 21 CA B networkhosts
  • 22. The Meat 22 trait Publisher[T] { def subscribe(sub: Subscriber[T]): Unit } trait Subscription { def request(n: Long): Unit def cancel(): Unit } trait Subscriber[T] { def onSubscribe(s: Subscription): Unit def onNext(e: T): Unit def onError(t: Throwable): Unit def onComplete(): Unit } Not user-level API Intended as SPI for interop
  • 24. Declaring a Stream Topology 24
  • 25. Declaring a Stream Topology 25
  • 26. Declaring a Stream Topology 26
  • 27. Declaring a Stream Topology 27
  • 28. Declaring a Stream Topology 28
  • 29. Declaring a Stream Topology 29
  • 30. Declaring a Stream Topology 30
  • 31. API Design • goals: • no magic • supreme compositionality • exhaustive model of bounded stream processing • consequences: • immutable and reusable stream blueprints • explicit materialization step 31
  • 32. Declaring and Running a Stream 32 val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10) val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick) val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b => val zip = Zip[Int, Tick] val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)] upper ~> zip.left ~> out lower ~> zip.right out } val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" } val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)
  • 33. Declaring and Running a Stream 33 val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10) val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick) val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b => val zip = Zip[Int, Tick] val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)] upper ~> zip.left ~> out lower ~> zip.right out } val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" } val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)
  • 34. Declaring and Running a Stream 34 val upper = Source(Iterator from 0).take(10) val lower = Source(1.second, 1.second, () => Tick) val source = Source[(Int, Tick)]() { implicit b => val zip = Zip[Int, Tick] val out = UndefinedSink[(Int, Tick)] upper ~> zip.left ~> out lower ~> zip.right out } val flow = Flow[(Int, Tick)].map{ case (x, _) => s"tick $x" } val sink = Sink.foreach(println) val future = source.connect(flow).runWith(sink)
  • 35. Materialization • Akka Streams separate the what from the how • declarative Source/Flow/Sink DSL to create blueprint • FlowMaterializer turns this into running Actors • this allows alternative materialization strategies • optimization • verification / validation • cluster deployment • only Akka Actors for now, but more to come! 35
  • 36. Stream Sources • org.reactivestreams.Publisher[T] • org.reactivestreams.Subscriber[T] • Iterator[T] / Iterable[T] • Code block (function that produces Option[T]) • scala.concurrent.Future[T] • TickSource • ActorPublisher • singleton / empty / failed • … plus write your own (fully extensible) 36
  • 37. Stream Sinks • org.reactivestreams.Publisher[T] • org.reactivestreams.Subscriber[T] • ActorSubscriber • scala.concurrent.Future[T] • blackhole / foreach / fold / onComplete • … or create your own 37
  • 38. Linear Stream Transformations • Deterministic (like for collections) • map, filter, collect, grouped, drop, take, groupBy, … • Time-Based • takeWithin, dropWithin, groupedWithin, … • Rate-Detached • expand, conflate, buffer, … • asynchronous • mapAsync, mapAsyncUnordered, flatten, … 38
  • 39. Nonlinear Stream Transformations • Fan-In • merge, concat, zip, … • Fan-Out • broadcast, route, balance, unzip, … 39
  • 41. Why do we add an HTTP module? • Akka is about building distributed applications • distribution implies integration • between internal (sub)systems
 ➜ akka-clusterbasedonakka-remote • with external systems
 ➜ akka-http(linguafrancaoftheinternet) 41
  • 42. Akka HTTP—The Origins: Spray.IO • Fully embeddable HTTP stack based on Actors • focused on HTTP integration (toolkit) • server- and client-side • seamlessly integrated with Akka 42
  • 43. Spray.IO Features • immutable, case class-based HTTP model • fast, lightweight HTTP client and server • powerful DSL for server-side API definition • fully async & non-blocking, actor-friendly,
 modular, testable • based entirely on Scala & Akka Actors 43
  • 44. Spray.IO Weaknesses • handling of chunked requests is clunky, incomplete • dealing with large message entities can be difficult • some unintuitive corner-cases in routing DSL • deep implicit argument chains in some cases hard to debug • missing features, foremost websocket support 44
  • 46. Akka HTTP is Spray 2.0 • addressing the weaknesses, polishing the features • Java API • simplified module structure • core improvement: fully stream-based 46
  • 48. The Application Stack 48 O/S-level network stack Java NIO (JDK) Akka IO Akka HTTP Core Akka HTTP user- level
  • 49. Akka IO • bridges Java NIO with Akka Actors or streams • supports TCP, UDP and SSL 49
  • 50. Akka HTTP Core • implements HTTP/1.1 according to the RFCs • based upon the TCP facilities of Akka IO • exposed as freely reusable stream transformations • low-level and extensible implementation of
 HTTP model and spec 50
  • 51. A Quick View of the HTTP Model 51 case class HttpRequest( method: HttpMethod = HttpMethods.GET, uri: Uri = Uri./, headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil, entity: RequestEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1` ) extends HttpMessage case class HttpResponse( status: StatusCode = StatusCodes.OK, headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil, entity: ResponseEntity = HttpEntity.Empty, protocol: HttpProtocol = HttpProtocols.`HTTP/1.1` ) extends HttpMessage
  • 52. Akka HTTP • builds upon Akka HTTP Core • adds (un)marshaling for HttpEntities • adds (de)compression (gzip / deflate) • high-level server-side routing DSL • type-safe and flexible • highly compositional building blocks (Directives) • includes common behaviors pre-canned 52
  • 53. Stream Pipelines 53 TCP SSL HTTP App Requests Responses optional (not yet)
  • 54. A Simple Server Example 54 import Directives._ val binding = Http().bind("localhost", 8080) binding startHandlingWith { path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { complete(s"Received GET for order $id") } ~ put { complete((actor ? Put(id)).mapTo[String]) } } }
  • 56. When can we have it? • currently pre-release versions: • reactive-streams 1.0.0-RC1 • Akka Streams & HTTP 1.0-M2 • still missing: • Akka HTTP client features • SSL integration • websockets • Akka Streams & HTTP 1.0 expected end of Feb’15 56
  • 58. ©Typesafe 2014 – All Rights Reserved