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OSGi and SOA Understanding how OSGi helps SOA January 2009 Paul Fremantle Co-Founder & CTO
Paul Fremantle Co-Founded WSO2 in 2005 Aiming to be the Open Source SOA platform of choice Apache Member VP, Apache Synapse PMC: HTTPComponents, Incubator, Qpid, Tuscany Co-chair WS-RX Technical Committee, OASIS Infoworld CTO 25
OSGi History OSGi initially founded in 1999 to make it easier to deploy Java applications in embedded devices In 2003 Eclipse chose OSGi as the plugin architecture OSGi R4 released in 2005 May 2007 – OSGi R4.1 released (JSR 291)
OSGi and Middleware Originally designed as a modularity model for embedded and mobile devices Increasingly used as a framework by Enterprise Middleware Spring dm Server IBM WebSphere JBoss AS etc “ SOA for the infrastructure”  using a Service model within a JVM James Governor from Redmonk calls OSGi the  “ Stackless Stack”

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This document summarizes a presentation on bringing together the NetBeans module system and OSGi module system. It discusses how both systems use modules and services, and describes a project called Netigso that allows NetBeans modules to interact with OSGi bundles and vice versa. It provides demos of creating modules and bundles that can depend on each other across the two systems. The goal is to make the NetBeans platform interchangeable with OSGi.

Use Case: Building OSGi Enterprise Applications (QCon 14)
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Use Case: Building OSGi Enterprise Applications (QCon 14)

Use Case presentation from QCon 14. It presents the migration of Adobe's Experience Manager (formerly Communique) to OSGi. Common pitfalls and solutions are presented based on open source solutions from the Apache Software Foundation

java tooling maven ds sling felix apacheosgi specs
What’s cool in the new and updated OSGi specs (DS, Cloud and more) - David Bo...
What’s cool in the new and updated OSGi specs (DS, Cloud and more) - David Bo...What’s cool in the new and updated OSGi specs (DS, Cloud and more) - David Bo...
What’s cool in the new and updated OSGi specs (DS, Cloud and more) - David Bo...

OSGi Community Event 2013 ( ABSTRACT Carsten and David will look at new and updated OSGi specs that are in the works. Developing components has never been easier. Learn more about the new Prototype Service Factory, OSGi/CDI integration and the improved annotation support for Declarative Services. Many people are realizing that OSGi is a great foundation technology for fluid cloud-computing architectures where the deployments change dynamically and applications don't simply scale by duplicating the entire VMs but by providing extra capacity exactly to those components that need it. Work is being done to create standards that facilitate such a portable OSGi cloud in ‘Cloud Ecosystems’ and the REST API specs. Learn more about these and other upcoming specs during this talk. SPEAKER BIOS David Bosschaert David Bosschaert, Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat, spends the majority of his time on the JBoss OSGi framework, JBoss AS7, Apache Aries and other open source projects. He is also co-chair of the OSGi Enterprise Expert Group and an active participant in the OSGi Cloud efforts. Before joining JBoss/Red Hat in 2010, David worked for IONA Technologies and Progress Software in Dublin, Ireland. Carsten Ziegeler Carsten Ziegeler is senior developer at Adobe Research Switzerland and spends most of his time on architectural and infrastructure topics. Working for over 25 years in open source projects, Carsten is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and heavily participates in several Apache communities including Sling, Felix and ACE. He is a frequent speaker on technology and open source conferences and participates in the OSGi Core Platform and Enterprise expert groups.

osgi community event 2013osgieclipsecon europe
What does OSGi give me? Modularity: Each JAR is a  Bundle Each bundle has its own classloader Bundles can share or hide packages Import a package, or require another bundle (import all packages) Bundles have versions Services Each bundle can provide  services  to other bundles Services are simply Java objects that implement a given interface There is a Service Registry where you can find a service implementation Dynamic loading and lifecycle Bundles may be stopped, started, uninstalled and updated without stopping the framework
OSGi Bundle MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bnd-LastModified: 1229014618171 Export-Package: org.apache.http;uses:="org.apache.http.params,org.apac he.http.util,org.apache.http.protocol",...... Bundle-Version: 4.0.0.beta1 Bundle-Name: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore Bundle-Description: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore. This bundle will export  packages from httpcore.jar Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_14 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Vendor: WSO2 Inc Bundle-SymbolicName: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore Tool: Bnd-0.0.238 WSO2-Bundle-StartLevel: 20
OSGi layering
Integration at the OS/network or the JVM? Operating System Process PORT Process PORT Process PORT Service Registry PORT JVM Bundle PORT Bundle Bundle Internal Service Registry Operating System

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Carbon is a server building framework that offers a modular platform for building enterprise middleware products like those from WSO2. It is built on top of OSGi and Equinox P2, providing components, services, dynamic modularity, and other key features. Carbon bundles all code into reusable modules, allows dynamic installation/uninstallation of bundles, and facilitates component-based architecture. Products built on Carbon, like WSO2's, are comprised of logically grouped and provisionable features.

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The document summarizes the design and architecture of WSO2 Carbon 4.0.0 Kernel. It discusses how Carbon achieved modularity and dynamism through OSGi concepts, with everything compiled and run as bundles. This provided a solid foundation for a lean, modular, enterprise-class middleware platform. Carbon created a composable server architecture with products as sets of independently installable components running on the shared Carbon framework. It also discusses features like multi-tenancy, lazy loading of tenants, and a feature manager.

SOA Anti-patterns Traditional / proprietary SOA platforms are: Overly complex Heavyweight Not internally consistent  Hard to learn The result is: Customers centralize SOA on a single hub based ESB Departments rely on the “SOA team” to solve problems Replacing centralized monolithic applications with Centralized monolithic ESB and SOA platform What should we be doing? Allowing departments to host  just enough  SOA infrastructure Making it easier to start simple and grow as needed Making the SOA platform integrate simply and naturally
How does OSGi help? Suppose each part of the SOA puzzle was available as OSGi components: Mediation & ESB POJO Service Hosting  BPEL Process flow Data Services Registry And these composed naturally with other components: User and Security management Test capabilities Logging and Audit Reliable Messaging Monitoring  As well as other components: Apache ActiveMQ OpenFire XMPP Server etc
A distributed example
WSO2 Carbon 1.5 OSGi

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Monitoring OSGi Applications with the Web Console - Carsten ZiegelerMonitoring OSGi Applications with the Web Console - Carsten Ziegeler
Monitoring OSGi Applications with the Web Console - Carsten Ziegeler

OSGi Community Event 2013 ( ABSTRACT This session introduces the latest version of the famous Apache Felix web console which allows to monitor and inspect OSGi web applications through the browser. The web console is based on a flexible plugin mechanism to add custom information and functionality. Learn how to write your own extensions and how to leverage the available functionality for monitoring and troubleshooting OSGi installations. SPEAKER BIO Carsten Ziegeler is senior developer at Adobe Research Switzerland and spends most of his time on architectural and infrastructure topics. Working for over 25 years in open source projects, Carsten is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and heavily participates in several Apache communities including Sling, Felix and ACE. He is a frequent speaker on technology and open source conferences and participates in the OSGi Core Platform and Enterprise expert groups.

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Managing an OSGi Framework with Apache Felix Web Console
Managing an OSGi Framework with  Apache Felix Web ConsoleManaging an OSGi Framework with  Apache Felix Web Console
Managing an OSGi Framework with Apache Felix Web Console

Initially created to aid in the simple maintenance of the OSGi framework and the application during the early development of Apache Sling, the Web Console soon attracted interest from the OSGi community. Three years later, the Apache Felix Web Console 3.0 has just been released and provides an extensible console for Web based management of an OSGi framework. This talk will introduce the functionality of the core Web Console as well as some of its existing plugins and the extension points of the Web Console where developers might want to hook up to. To round it up a simple Web Console plugin will be developed and deployed.

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Apache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume Nodet
Apache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume NodetApache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume Nodet
Apache, osgi and karaf par Guillaume Nodet

Vous avez entendu parler de OSGi (ou pas d’ailleurs), vous aimeriez que l’on vous explique ce que c’est et à quoi cela sert ? Vous voudriez savoir comment on participe à des projets Open-Source, comment on devient acteur au sein de la fondation Apache ? Vous avez lu l’excellent article d’Octo de la semaine dernière sur Camel, mais vous n’avez pas tout compris ou voulez en savoir plus ? Ou tout simplement vous voudriez avoir une présentation de la solution OSGi d’Apache : Karaf ?

How Carbon uses OSGi OSGi is the underlying core modularization technology Shipping with  Eclipse Equinox  by default Can be supported on Spring dm Server, Felix and Knoplerfish if required Uses the core OSGi approach to support plugging in new function in a managed way Versioning Clean separation of concerns Any OSGi bundle can be deployed (e.g. ActiveMQ) New components can be deployed into an existing installation Used for both server runtime as well as for componentized management console Customers can write and deploy their own OSGi components
Carbon is more than just OSGi Analogies: Eclipse uses OSGi but is much more – it defines how you plug Tool components into a Tooling Framework Microsoft Office uses DLLs, but is much more – it defines how you can share a graph component across multiple document types Carbon uses OSGI, but it also defines how you build a consistent SOA platform  New service types plug into the console Security, throttling, stats, TryIt, all work on any service component Not just using OSGi for componentizing a single product, but rather  entire  middleware platform: app server, ESB, process server, registry, governance, mashup and more Our “products” are now simply our choice about how you start with this platform You can assemble your own “product” by combining components
Roadmap September 2008 Carbon 1.0 release (Data Services) Internal WSO2 proof point Feb 6 th  2009 Carbon 1.5 release (ESB, WSAS, BPS, Registry) First full OSGi release Feb 28 th  2009 Feature Packs available: Mediation, BPEL, Java Service Hosting, Cluster Management Mid 2009 OSGi as a development and deployment model Axis2 services packaged as bundles Mediators packaged as bundles, etc Dynamic support for reloading code and config
Lessons learnt about OSGi Benefits: Better management of classloading Imports and Exports Proper Modularity Versions of modules and dependencies Supports multiple versions of the same code  As long as there are no cycles Supports dynamic loading/reloading  Upgrade your code or a system in flight Not yet used by Carbon  Problems: Existing code using classloaders is a big issue Either change the code or the classloader PAX tools can help No built in support for JSPs in the model Plenty of well-documented workarounds on the Web Getting the “start level” of bundles right is hard Building and managing patches is a significant issue

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This document discusses integrating OpenStack with Hyper-V. It outlines goals of establishing an OpenStack/Hyper-V development community and reintegrating Hyper-V code for the Folsom release. It describes successes in Folsom including restored and improved Hyper-V functionality. It provides details on using Hyper-V Server 2012 with OpenStack and key contributions to the Folsom integration. Finally, it discusses plans for the Grizzly release and resources for learning more.


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[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region

OpenStack Ceph & Neutron에 대한 설명을 담고 있습니다. 1. OpenStack 2. How to create instance 3. Ceph - Ceph - OpenStack with Ceph 4. Neutron - Neutron - How neutron works 5. OpenStack HA - controller - l3 agent 6. OpenStack multi-region

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Find out more about Carbon: Upcoming Webinar: WSO2 Synergies: the Carbon Story Feb 17 th  2009

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Martin Toshev
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Toralf Richter
The Carbon Story
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The Carbon Story
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Milen Dyankov
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Moved to
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Osgi Webinar

  • 1. OSGi and SOA Understanding how OSGi helps SOA January 2009 Paul Fremantle Co-Founder & CTO
  • 2. Paul Fremantle Co-Founded WSO2 in 2005 Aiming to be the Open Source SOA platform of choice Apache Member VP, Apache Synapse PMC: HTTPComponents, Incubator, Qpid, Tuscany Co-chair WS-RX Technical Committee, OASIS Infoworld CTO 25
  • 3. OSGi History OSGi initially founded in 1999 to make it easier to deploy Java applications in embedded devices In 2003 Eclipse chose OSGi as the plugin architecture OSGi R4 released in 2005 May 2007 – OSGi R4.1 released (JSR 291)
  • 4. OSGi and Middleware Originally designed as a modularity model for embedded and mobile devices Increasingly used as a framework by Enterprise Middleware Spring dm Server IBM WebSphere JBoss AS etc “ SOA for the infrastructure” using a Service model within a JVM James Governor from Redmonk calls OSGi the “ Stackless Stack”
  • 5. What does OSGi give me? Modularity: Each JAR is a Bundle Each bundle has its own classloader Bundles can share or hide packages Import a package, or require another bundle (import all packages) Bundles have versions Services Each bundle can provide services to other bundles Services are simply Java objects that implement a given interface There is a Service Registry where you can find a service implementation Dynamic loading and lifecycle Bundles may be stopped, started, uninstalled and updated without stopping the framework
  • 6. OSGi Bundle MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bnd-LastModified: 1229014618171 Export-Package: org.apache.http;uses:="org.apache.http.params,org.apac he.http.util,org.apache.http.protocol",...... Bundle-Version: 4.0.0.beta1 Bundle-Name: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore Bundle-Description: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore. This bundle will export packages from httpcore.jar Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_14 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Vendor: WSO2 Inc Bundle-SymbolicName: org.wso2.carbon.httpcore Tool: Bnd-0.0.238 WSO2-Bundle-StartLevel: 20
  • 8. Integration at the OS/network or the JVM? Operating System Process PORT Process PORT Process PORT Service Registry PORT JVM Bundle PORT Bundle Bundle Internal Service Registry Operating System
  • 9. SOA Anti-patterns Traditional / proprietary SOA platforms are: Overly complex Heavyweight Not internally consistent Hard to learn The result is: Customers centralize SOA on a single hub based ESB Departments rely on the “SOA team” to solve problems Replacing centralized monolithic applications with Centralized monolithic ESB and SOA platform What should we be doing? Allowing departments to host just enough SOA infrastructure Making it easier to start simple and grow as needed Making the SOA platform integrate simply and naturally
  • 10. How does OSGi help? Suppose each part of the SOA puzzle was available as OSGi components: Mediation & ESB POJO Service Hosting BPEL Process flow Data Services Registry And these composed naturally with other components: User and Security management Test capabilities Logging and Audit Reliable Messaging Monitoring As well as other components: Apache ActiveMQ OpenFire XMPP Server etc
  • 13. How Carbon uses OSGi OSGi is the underlying core modularization technology Shipping with Eclipse Equinox by default Can be supported on Spring dm Server, Felix and Knoplerfish if required Uses the core OSGi approach to support plugging in new function in a managed way Versioning Clean separation of concerns Any OSGi bundle can be deployed (e.g. ActiveMQ) New components can be deployed into an existing installation Used for both server runtime as well as for componentized management console Customers can write and deploy their own OSGi components
  • 14. Carbon is more than just OSGi Analogies: Eclipse uses OSGi but is much more – it defines how you plug Tool components into a Tooling Framework Microsoft Office uses DLLs, but is much more – it defines how you can share a graph component across multiple document types Carbon uses OSGI, but it also defines how you build a consistent SOA platform New service types plug into the console Security, throttling, stats, TryIt, all work on any service component Not just using OSGi for componentizing a single product, but rather entire middleware platform: app server, ESB, process server, registry, governance, mashup and more Our “products” are now simply our choice about how you start with this platform You can assemble your own “product” by combining components
  • 15. Roadmap September 2008 Carbon 1.0 release (Data Services) Internal WSO2 proof point Feb 6 th 2009 Carbon 1.5 release (ESB, WSAS, BPS, Registry) First full OSGi release Feb 28 th 2009 Feature Packs available: Mediation, BPEL, Java Service Hosting, Cluster Management Mid 2009 OSGi as a development and deployment model Axis2 services packaged as bundles Mediators packaged as bundles, etc Dynamic support for reloading code and config
  • 16. Lessons learnt about OSGi Benefits: Better management of classloading Imports and Exports Proper Modularity Versions of modules and dependencies Supports multiple versions of the same code As long as there are no cycles Supports dynamic loading/reloading Upgrade your code or a system in flight Not yet used by Carbon Problems: Existing code using classloaders is a big issue Either change the code or the classloader PAX tools can help No built in support for JSPs in the model Plenty of well-documented workarounds on the Web Getting the “start level” of bundles right is hard Building and managing patches is a significant issue
  • 17. Find out more about Carbon: Upcoming Webinar: WSO2 Synergies: the Carbon Story Feb 17 th 2009