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WSO2 Synergies:  Introducing WSO2 Carbon December 2008 Paul Fremantle Co-Founder & CTO
WSO2 Founded in 2005 by pioneers in XML and Web services technologies & standards as well as open source Founders & leading contributors to all key Apache Web services projects Offering complete SOA platform, 100% free and open source Business model based on providing training, consultancy and support for the software Global corporation with R&D center in Sri Lanka and offices in US & UK
WSO2 SOA platform
The evolution of SOA products Traditional SOA stacks are  Acquired, not designed The components don’t fit well together Bloat, cost, complexity Enterprise Middleware needs customization  more Enterprises need to adapt middleware to their environment Componentized Enterprise Middleware Just the features you need A single user experience Simpler, more effective, better integrated

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Join Dan Baskette and Jared Ruckle for a view into Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) 2.6 capabilities with demos and expert Q&A. We’ll review the latest features for Pivotal’s flagship app platform, including: CUSTOM SIDECAR PROCESSES (BETA) In Pivotal Application ServiceⓇ 2.6 (PAS), developers can run custom sidecar processes in the same container as their application. This simplifies development for all kinds of “wire” use cases, including proxy forwarding, client-side load balancing, timeouts, and retries. MULTI-CLOUD CONTINUOUS DELIVERY WITH SPINNAKER PCF now integrates nicely with the most popular CD tool, Spinnaker. Spinnaker 1.14 now supports several advanced CD scenarios with PCF. As a result, large development teams can more easily deploy to production to improve outcomes. Use Spinnaker with PAS as well as Enterprise PKSⓇ. (This integration is backed by community support.) NEW PERMISSIONS MODEL IN CONCOURSE FOR PCF (coming soon) Concourse for PCF 5.2 will include a powerful new permissions model to better segment access to build pipelines. The new release will add compatibility with CredHub for secrets management as well. MULTI-DATACENTER REPLICATION CAPABILITIES FOR MySQL (coming soon) MySQL for PCF 2.7 will add multi-DC replication capabilities as a beta feature. This will offer more stability and scalability for your database apps. Plus much more!

pivotal cloud foundrymulti cloudsecurity
WSO2 Carbon A component-based SOA platform based on Equinox and OSGi A new release of each of our current server runtimes: Web Services Application Server 3.0 Enterprise Service Bus 2.0 Registry 2.0 (Mashup Server and Data Services coming 3 months later) Also announcing a new Carbon based product: Business Process Server ��� our entry into the BPM market Still very closely based on Apache technology Apache Axis2, Apache Synapse, Apache ODE Apache Tomcat, Apache Axiom, and many other core libraries A well defined component model for Enterprise SOA Middleware
OSGi Originally designed as a modularity model for embedded and mobile devices Increasingly used as a framework by Enterprise Middleware Spring dm Server IBM WebSphere JBoss AS etc Provides several important capabilities: Modules / Bundles as a more granular aspect than a package Versioning Dynamic loading support “SOA for the infrastructure”  – using a Service model within a JVM.
What motivated this? Our customers are increasingly using multiple parts of our platform together For example, using WSAS, ESB, Registry and Business Process Server to fully integrate multiple legacy products Two major issues: Our “product” categories sometimes don’t fit customer requirements We were copying code from WSAS to ESB to DataServices We made a strategic decision to move to OSGi and build a component architecture WSO2 Data Services 1.0 release in September was our “foot in the water”
What is WSO2 Carbon? OSGi

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WSO2 Business Process Server 1.0 Powered by Apache Ode BPEL engine Full BPEL runtime Works with Eclipse BPEL tooling Plug-in available to deploy Eclipse developed processes into BPS Adds a complete graphical console to deploy, manage and view processes and instances Allows the administrator to suspend/resume/terminate process instances All the existing capabilities of the ESB and WSAS can be applied to processes: Full security including authentication, authorization WS-Security, WS-SecureConversation Logging, Statistics, Tracing TryIt – instant dynamic client
WSO2 Business Process Server 1.0
Core Carbon framework Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
Enterprise Service Bus Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Tasks Proxy Message Mediation Core Repos

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Session Presented at 5th Conference On Java held on 10-11 December 2010 in Pune, India WEB: ------------ Session Abstract OSGi continues to take over the landscape of Java-based infrastructure products ranging from Integrated Development Environment (like Eclipse), Application servers to enterprise Java systems and now setting horizons at Cloud infrastructures. In this talk we will see how and why OSGi matters for enterprise Java systems. As a dynamic module system, the session will show how OSGi allows developers to modularize applications to create truly reusable components for enterprise scale. Features like strong modularity, versioning support, declarative services, the run-time ability to add, remove & update modules to build server-side enterprise applications will be discussed. The session will deep dive into what’s new in OSGi enterprise specifications and how persistence, transaction and dependency injection support like Blueprint Container services addresses Enterprise use cases. The session will illustrate how OSGi Remote Services coupled with SCA configuration services enables creation of distributed, federated service model for heterogeneous systems. Along with above enterprise specifications, specific implementations like Apache Aries will also be highlighted. The talk will also brief how OSGi is poised to one of key technology for Cloud computing where software components and services can be deployed, managed, dynamically provisioned with enterprise security within cloud based computing infrastructures. Takeaways for the Audience In this session, audience will learn about: (a) An overall understanding to view OSGi as THE module system for Java. (b) How OSGi is poised to be key enabler for enterprise applications whether on servers, or on the cloud. (c) How OSGi Enterprise specifications can be used in enterprise business applications. (d) A better understanding of how OSGI will be key technology in Cloud infrastructures

Web Services Application Server Core Repos Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
Business Process Server Security Mgmt UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Instance UI BPEL Runtime Process UI Core  Repos
The full component repository Instance UI BPEL Runtime Process UI Tasks Proxy Message Mediation Script Services Gadgets Scraping AtomPub SOA Govern Core Repos Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
A distributed example

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Unified management console Can be run independently and connect to any JVM instance
Powered by OSGi OSGi is the underlying core modularization technology Shipping with Eclipse Equinox by default Can be supported on Spring dm Server, Felix and Knoplerfish if required Uses the core OSGi approach to support plugging in new function in a managed way Versioning Clean separation of concerns Any OSGi bundle can be deployed (e.g. ActiveMQ) New components can be deployed into an existing installation Used for both server runtime as well as for componentized management console Customers can write and deploy their own OSGi components
Its more than just OSGi Analogies: Eclipse uses OSGi but is much more – it defines how you plug Tool components into a Tooling Framework Microsoft Office uses DLLs, but is much more – it defines how you can share a graph component across multiple document types Carbon uses OSGI, but it also defines how you build a consistent SOA platform  New service types plug into the console Security, throttling, stats, TryIt, all work on any service component Not just using OSGi for componentizing a single product, but rather  entire  middleware platform: app server, ESB, process server, registry, governance, mashup and more Our “products” are now simply our choice about how you start with this platform You can assemble your own “product” by combining components
Other major new features Full Registry/Repository integration A complete distributed Carbon fabric can be driven from a central Registry WS-Eventing support including Event Broker WS-Policy Editor Better Sequence Designer for ESB Transactional support for JMS and JDBC Graphical Security Management for ESB and BPEL Transformation (XSLT/XQuery) for Data Services Transport management control for all services Full ActiveDirectory support across all products

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Cumulus Ciclo De Vida Do Cloud Stratus, Altostratus E Cirrus
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The document discusses concepts related to private Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud computing models. It covers key capabilities needed for private PaaS like shared infrastructure, component sharing, fast deployment, self-service, and automation/management. It provides examples of how these capabilities can be implemented using virtualization, appliances, assemblies, and tools like Enterprise Manager.

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Top10waystointegratewithoracleecmbezzo 1222791433931452 9

I found this presentation to be very interesting and informative for those working with JDE. It was developed well and provides links to more information.

Comparison with proprietary SOA platforms Common patterns apply across all components Need to understand many complex products Skills Designed consistently Integrate at the JVM and configuration level Spend time integrating vendors’ products not your applications Integration Install new function into an existing deployment Same Admin UI for all components Building platforms by acquisition has meant boundaries between components Continuity Choose what you need Total platform < 150Mb  Designed for distributed deployment Large monolithic products encourage centralized deployment Deployment Start simple and grow Heavyweight Difficult to install and configure Agility WSO2 Carbon Proprietary
Use case: Data service and mediation Daniel is a Database Administrator He has used WSO2 Data Services to expose his Data as Secure Web Services across the Enterprise Now he has been asked to implement an existing schema By adding the Mediation component and using XSLT or E4X he can effectively convert the existing service interface to match the corporate schema Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Transform Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard Core  Repository
Use case: POJO service and logging Anna is a POJO Service developer She has an existing POJO service The analytics department would like her to send a copy of every service request to them She could write a new Handler in Java, but she discovers it takes 5 minutes to deploy and test the ESB Clone Mediator Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Message Core Repos Mediation
Availability Alpha available now Betas available December 2008 Or subscribe to  [email_address]  to be informed when Beta2 is available Generally available January 19 th Full service and support available Quickstart packages Training Consultancy Development support Production support subscriptions with 9x5 or 24x7 SLA

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Prabath Siriwardana - WSO2 SOA Security Architect, gives out a presentation on secured SOA at the SOA workshop in Colombo, Sri Lanka (September 17, 2009).

by WSO2
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Summary WSO2 Carbon is a significant jump forward in Enterprise Middleware All the benefits of OSGi, but considerably more A complete SOA platform in Open Source With major benefits over proprietary software The core runtime is proven in major existing production deployments Highly adaptable to real SOA deployments Adapt your middleware to your enterprise architecture,  not your architecture to the middleware
Want it?! Contact information: Paul:  [email_address] The open source SOA company

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Carbon Webinar

  • 1. WSO2 Synergies: Introducing WSO2 Carbon December 2008 Paul Fremantle Co-Founder & CTO
  • 2. WSO2 Founded in 2005 by pioneers in XML and Web services technologies & standards as well as open source Founders & leading contributors to all key Apache Web services projects Offering complete SOA platform, 100% free and open source Business model based on providing training, consultancy and support for the software Global corporation with R&D center in Sri Lanka and offices in US & UK
  • 4. The evolution of SOA products Traditional SOA stacks are Acquired, not designed The components don’t fit well together Bloat, cost, complexity Enterprise Middleware needs customization more Enterprises need to adapt middleware to their environment Componentized Enterprise Middleware Just the features you need A single user experience Simpler, more effective, better integrated
  • 5. WSO2 Carbon A component-based SOA platform based on Equinox and OSGi A new release of each of our current server runtimes: Web Services Application Server 3.0 Enterprise Service Bus 2.0 Registry 2.0 (Mashup Server and Data Services coming 3 months later) Also announcing a new Carbon based product: Business Process Server – our entry into the BPM market Still very closely based on Apache technology Apache Axis2, Apache Synapse, Apache ODE Apache Tomcat, Apache Axiom, and many other core libraries A well defined component model for Enterprise SOA Middleware
  • 6. OSGi Originally designed as a modularity model for embedded and mobile devices Increasingly used as a framework by Enterprise Middleware Spring dm Server IBM WebSphere JBoss AS etc Provides several important capabilities: Modules / Bundles as a more granular aspect than a package Versioning Dynamic loading support “SOA for the infrastructure” – using a Service model within a JVM.
  • 7. What motivated this? Our customers are increasingly using multiple parts of our platform together For example, using WSAS, ESB, Registry and Business Process Server to fully integrate multiple legacy products Two major issues: Our “product” categories sometimes don’t fit customer requirements We were copying code from WSAS to ESB to DataServices We made a strategic decision to move to OSGi and build a component architecture WSO2 Data Services 1.0 release in September was our “foot in the water”
  • 8. What is WSO2 Carbon? OSGi
  • 9. WSO2 Business Process Server 1.0 Powered by Apache Ode BPEL engine Full BPEL runtime Works with Eclipse BPEL tooling Plug-in available to deploy Eclipse developed processes into BPS Adds a complete graphical console to deploy, manage and view processes and instances Allows the administrator to suspend/resume/terminate process instances All the existing capabilities of the ESB and WSAS can be applied to processes: Full security including authentication, authorization WS-Security, WS-SecureConversation Logging, Statistics, Tracing TryIt – instant dynamic client
  • 10. WSO2 Business Process Server 1.0
  • 11. Core Carbon framework Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
  • 12. Enterprise Service Bus Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Tasks Proxy Message Mediation Core Repos
  • 13. Web Services Application Server Core Repos Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
  • 14. Business Process Server Security Mgmt UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Instance UI BPEL Runtime Process UI Core Repos
  • 15. The full component repository Instance UI BPEL Runtime Process UI Tasks Proxy Message Mediation Script Services Gadgets Scraping AtomPub SOA Govern Core Repos Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats
  • 17. Unified management console Can be run independently and connect to any JVM instance
  • 18. Powered by OSGi OSGi is the underlying core modularization technology Shipping with Eclipse Equinox by default Can be supported on Spring dm Server, Felix and Knoplerfish if required Uses the core OSGi approach to support plugging in new function in a managed way Versioning Clean separation of concerns Any OSGi bundle can be deployed (e.g. ActiveMQ) New components can be deployed into an existing installation Used for both server runtime as well as for componentized management console Customers can write and deploy their own OSGi components
  • 19. Its more than just OSGi Analogies: Eclipse uses OSGi but is much more – it defines how you plug Tool components into a Tooling Framework Microsoft Office uses DLLs, but is much more – it defines how you can share a graph component across multiple document types Carbon uses OSGI, but it also defines how you build a consistent SOA platform New service types plug into the console Security, throttling, stats, TryIt, all work on any service component Not just using OSGi for componentizing a single product, but rather entire middleware platform: app server, ESB, process server, registry, governance, mashup and more Our “products” are now simply our choice about how you start with this platform You can assemble your own “product” by combining components
  • 20. Other major new features Full Registry/Repository integration A complete distributed Carbon fabric can be driven from a central Registry WS-Eventing support including Event Broker WS-Policy Editor Better Sequence Designer for ESB Transactional support for JMS and JDBC Graphical Security Management for ESB and BPEL Transformation (XSLT/XQuery) for Data Services Transport management control for all services Full ActiveDirectory support across all products
  • 21. Comparison with proprietary SOA platforms Common patterns apply across all components Need to understand many complex products Skills Designed consistently Integrate at the JVM and configuration level Spend time integrating vendors’ products not your applications Integration Install new function into an existing deployment Same Admin UI for all components Building platforms by acquisition has meant boundaries between components Continuity Choose what you need Total platform < 150Mb Designed for distributed deployment Large monolithic products encourage centralized deployment Deployment Start simple and grow Heavyweight Difficult to install and configure Agility WSO2 Carbon Proprietary
  • 22. Use case: Data service and mediation Daniel is a Database Administrator He has used WSO2 Data Services to expose his Data as Secure Web Services across the Enterprise Now he has been asked to implement an existing schema By adding the Mediation component and using XSLT or E4X he can effectively convert the existing service interface to match the corporate schema Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats Transform Data Services Data Source Mgmt DS Wizard Core Repository
  • 23. Use case: POJO service and logging Anna is a POJO Service developer She has an existing POJO service The analytics department would like her to send a copy of every service request to them She could write a new Handler in Java, but she discovers it takes 5 minutes to deploy and test the ESB Clone Mediator Security Mgmt Admin UI Bundle Mgmt Clustering Transports Stats JSR181 Service Clients Service Hosting Message Core Repos Mediation
  • 24. Availability Alpha available now Betas available December 2008 Or subscribe to [email_address] to be informed when Beta2 is available Generally available January 19 th Full service and support available Quickstart packages Training Consultancy Development support Production support subscriptions with 9x5 or 24x7 SLA
  • 25. Summary WSO2 Carbon is a significant jump forward in Enterprise Middleware All the benefits of OSGi, but considerably more A complete SOA platform in Open Source With major benefits over proprietary software The core runtime is proven in major existing production deployments Highly adaptable to real SOA deployments Adapt your middleware to your enterprise architecture, not your architecture to the middleware
  • 26. Want it?! Contact information: Paul: [email_address] The open source SOA company