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E LV I S D ’ S O U Z A
D R O I D C O N I N D I A 2 0 1 5
First Moments
• FIRST FIVE MINUTES An average user is
most engaged with your app during the first
few minutes of use
• FIRST 7 DAYS For ‘decent’ apps, the majority
of users retained for 7 days stick around
much longer
Users Lost in 

First 3 days of Install
Where are users lost?
• Unsatisfactory first impression
• New interfaces can be hard
• Many apps do things differently
• Users look for Instant Gratification
• Mismatch in expectations
First Moments…

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Mobile App Analytics. Why, How, What's new - Mar 2019
Mobile App Analytics. Why, How, What's new - Mar 2019Mobile App Analytics. Why, How, What's new - Mar 2019
Mobile App Analytics. Why, How, What's new - Mar 2019

Dmitry Klymenko talking about news in Mobile App Analytics at Cocoaheads, Sydney. Mar 2019. Analytics major players, options for small, medium and enterprise businesses

What's new in Google Analytics 4
What's new in Google Analytics 4What's new in Google Analytics 4
What's new in Google Analytics 4

Google have release Google Analytics 4. The biggest differences in that Google Analytics 4 includes a new data model that changes the way data is collected, stored and filtered. Google has promised plenty of new features over coming months, but here some of the big new things you'll find in GA4. Read the full post at

digital marketinganalyticsgoogle analytics
Using Cohort Analysis to Boost Mobile App Retention
Using Cohort Analysis to Boost Mobile App RetentionUsing Cohort Analysis to Boost Mobile App Retention
Using Cohort Analysis to Boost Mobile App Retention

What makes some mobile app users leave while others stay? To find the answers, dig deeper into your app’s metrics using a method called Cohort Analysis.

mobile marketingmobile appsmobile analytics
The Activated User
• Activated users graduate past first-days use
• They perform Key Actions
• Blogging app = pick a theme, a name, write first post
• Social app = Import address book, Connect to a few friends, Opt
into notifications
• Enterprise Collaboration app: Start up a new project, add a couple
User Onboarding
• Onboarding helps get the user activated
• Introduces new technology, behaviour and interfaces
• Focus is on Key Actions
• Is continuous, not limited to first day use
• Not a substitute for “good app design”
Rule No 1: Measure
• Use analytics tools, track key actions, quantify.
• Talk to users for qualitative feedback.
• Analyse cohorts: new users, dropped off users, 

activated users.
• What features did they like? What features did they
actually use? Did they share the app with others?

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Formation Google Analytics 4 -GA4
Formation Google Analytics 4 -GA4Formation Google Analytics 4 -GA4
Formation Google Analytics 4 -GA4

Google a sorti la nouvelle version de Google Analytics 4. Avant de passer sur la nouvelle version, il est important de bien comprendre son fonctionnement, d'apprendre à l'installer et l'utiliser et comprendre les problématiques liées au RGPD.

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Google Maps
Google MapsGoogle Maps
Google Maps

Google Maps is a web mapping service launched in 2005 that provides map information via desktop and mobile. It collects authoritative map data from various sources like governments and combines it with Google's own data through satellite imagery, street view photos, and algorithms. A survey of 32 people found most use Google Maps due to its convenience for locating places anywhere, anytime with just a few clicks. While some have privacy or accuracy concerns, Google Maps has become an essential tool embedded in many websites and apps for directions, finding nearby restaurants, and calling taxis. It is expected to have an even larger user base as mapping technology becomes more accessible online.

Branding Trend 2023.pdf
Branding Trend 2023.pdfBranding Trend 2023.pdf
Branding Trend 2023.pdf

The document discusses branding strategies for 2023. It emphasizes that good branding creates a lasting impression and differentiates a business from competitors through a complex combination of visual elements and storytelling. Successful brands in 2023 will have a clear purpose to better the world, engage customers through branded memes and online communities, and respond to shifting consumer expectations around diversity and social issues. Brands must be genuine and transparent in their mission in order to foster deeper loyalty from purpose-driven consumers.

Tooltips & Overlays
• Best used to draw attention to few

key actions in an app
• Great for teaching gestures
• Crowded overlays are often ignored
• Use FrameLayout for overlays, relatively
positioned elements for Tooltips
Onboarding users on to your app

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Social, Digital & Mobile in The Middle East, North Africa & Turkey
Social, Digital & Mobile in The Middle East, North Africa & TurkeySocial, Digital & Mobile in The Middle East, North Africa & Turkey
Social, Digital & Mobile in The Middle East, North Africa & Turkey

This document provides an overview of digital statistics for 20 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey region. It details metrics such as total population, internet users, active social media users, mobile subscriptions, internet and social media penetration for each country as well as for the region overall. Key findings are also presented for metrics like the share of mobile vs desktop web traffic and the breakdown of pre-paid vs post-paid mobile subscriptions.

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Uygulayabileceğiniz 12 Sosyal Medya Taktiği - Serkan Eskalen

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Digital Youth in South-East Asia
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Digital Youth in South-East Asia

A closer look at the online habits and behaviours of South-East Asia's young adults, with a particular focus on the social media preferences of people aged 16 to 64 in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand. These were the slides that Kepios's Simon Kemp presented at the Singapore International Foundation's Public Diplomacy in Asia Conference in July 2021.

• Best used to give users overview of the app
• Helpful when users are not acquired through
descriptive channels like Play Store
• Avoid long tutorials, and provide adequate
“Skip” support
• Build using Fragments & (optionally)

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Mobile App User Acquisition Strategies - Launch & Growth

This presentation on Mobile app marketing covers user acquisition strategies for launch and growth stage. Detailed info on user acquition - campaign planning, incent vs. non-incent, network selection, creative planning and testing, buying models, programmatic buying for mobile, campaign performance and analytics. I presented this at NASSCOM Game Developers Conference ( NGDC 2015 ) in Pune, representing [x]cube LABS.

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This presentation contains DataReportal’s update on Instagram adoption and use around the world in October 2021, including the number of Instagram users by country, and insights into Instagram’s audience demographics (i.e. Instagram users by age and gender). Find similar reports for other top social platforms – and loads more great insights – at

Introduction to Agile Marketing
Introduction to Agile MarketingIntroduction to Agile Marketing
Introduction to Agile Marketing

Agile methodology allows the modern marketing team to adapt to fast-changing market conditions, respond to immediate sales needs, and prove ROI quickly and consistently. Bonus: three tools that will make you a lot of money quickly.

agile marketingvuca
• Best used to channel early user attention to
bootstrap important information about
identity and preferences
• Makes users more invested into the app,
personalisation from the get-go is easier
• Impatient users may bounce, “Skip”
Onboarding users on to your app
In Context
• They’re embedded in the app experience,
and appear in at the right time.
• Great for indicating next steps, optional
• Popups may be ignored if intrusive, test this
with your users
Onboarding users on to your app

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Mobile app promotion strategy
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Mobile app promotion strategy

This document provides a mobile app promotion strategy. It discusses metrics to measure app effectiveness like active install rate and average app rating. Content should be created to explain how to use the app across blogs, social media and more. A product demo video should be recorded. A dedicated landing page should be launched to direct users to sign up for alerts. Targeted paid ads on platforms like Google AdWords and Facebook can be used to promote the app during launch. Key performance indicators like downloads, shares and leads will help evaluate the strategy's success.

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Mastering the Product Interview
Mastering the Product InterviewMastering the Product Interview
Mastering the Product Interview

Product interviews can be nerve-wrecking and stressful, especially if you aren’t properly prepared. However, if you know exactly how to get ready, the experience can be incredibly rewarding. We cover what research you should do before the interview, how to craft the best possible answers, ways to distinguish yourself from other candidates and discuss what's required to get the job offer you really want. - An overview of the types of questions to expect - Best ways to prep for a Product Manager interview - Do's and Don'ts for the actual interview - A comprehensive list of books, online training, and other online resources related to product interviews

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CEO & Co-Founder - Steve Krull, Be Found Online
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Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics, which will sunset on July 1, 2023. There are several key changes in GA4: 1. It has an event-based data model where all interactions are tracked as events rather than hit types. 2. Metrics like users and sessions are defined differently, which can lead to discrepancies compared to Universal Analytics. 3. Reporting is less built-out so custom reporting solutions are important. 4. Account structure no longer uses views, instead properties can have multiple data streams to segment traffic. 5. Integrations and privacy controls are improved to adapt to changes in online tracking and regulations. Migration must be done carefully to avoid losing important data.

digital marketingmarketingcontent marketing
In feed prompts
• Is embedded in content
• May occupy prime screen space
• Unobtrusive, scroll and it moves up
• Tap to complete action/learn more
• Easy Dismiss

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Google analytics 4 - présentation détaill��e
Google analytics 4 - présentation détailléeGoogle analytics 4 - présentation détaillée
Google analytics 4 - présentation détaillée

Le 14 octobre 2020, Google annonce la sortie officielle de Google Analytics 4 (GA4), l'évolution finale de Google Analytics App + Web qui était en beta depuis plus d'un an. Quelles différences entre Google Analytics 4 et Google Analytics Universal ? Doit-on passer de l'un à l'autre maintenant ? Quelles sont les nouveautés ? Nous allons voir tout ça en détail, et bien plus encore. Table des matières Proposition de valeur du nouveau Google Analytics 4 Un changement de paradigme Tracking automatique de plusieurs interactions Un analytics cross-device ET cross-plateforme Plus respectueux de la vie privée, plus de contrôle sur les données Dopé à l'intelligence artificielle Un mot sur la technologie derrière Google Analytics 4 Attendre, switcher, utiliser en parallèle ? Un produit encore en beta (mais avancé) Certaines fonctionnalités manquent encore Mais des fonctionnalités importantes sont présentes depuis peu Migrer d’Universal Analytics à GA4 Créer une propriété GA4 depuis zéro Paramétrer des événements Événements collectés automatiquement Les évènements recommandés Les évènements personnalisés Tour rapide des différents rapports Un rapport temps réel centralisé Les rapports d'acquisition Les rapports d'engagement Les rapports de monétisation Les rapports de fidélisation Les rapports démographiques Les rapports technologiques Les conversions Les évènements Les audiences Propriétés utilisateur DebugView Analyse, là où la vraie force réside La template gallery Autre nouveauté phare : une liaison native gratuite avec BigQuery Conclusion sur GA4 Commençons par les points positifs (et ils sont nombreux) Mais il y a aussi des côtés négatifs (rien n'est parfait)

google analyticsga4google analytics app + web
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Digital 2022 Germany (February 2022) v02Digital 2022 Germany (February 2022) v02
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All the data, statistics, and trends you need to make sense of digital in Germany in 2022. Includes the latest reported numbers for internet users, social media users, and mobile connections in Germany, as well as key indicators of ecommerce use. For more reports, including the latest global trends and individual data for more than 230 countries around the world, visit

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7 reasons why user uninstall your app(final)
7 reasons why user uninstall your app(final)7 reasons why user uninstall your app(final)
7 reasons why user uninstall your app(final)

The document discusses 7 common reasons why users uninstall mobile apps. These reasons include: 1) The app becomes irrelevant to the user's needs or interests over time. 2) Issues with memory usage, network usage, or push notifications disrupting the user. 3) A poor user experience due to bugs, slow performance, or bad design. 4) Interruptions to core device functions like making calls or using the camera. 5) Sudden unwanted changes in pricing or payment requirements. 6) The app requesting unnecessary or excessive private user data or permissions.

mobile appandroiduninstall
• Lazy Signup, the less information you ask for, the better
• Minimise the number of screens in an interactive setup/
• Use FAB, get focus on key actions. Users may not be
interested in all your features
• Features may be introduced lazily, over time
• Personalize content, suggest actions, be proactive
• Get the user activated as soon as possible.
• Do not forget to measure!

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"Building your mobile app: budget, planning and best practices!" by Philippe ...
"Building your mobile app: budget, planning and best practices!" by Philippe ..."Building your mobile app: budget, planning and best practices!" by Philippe ...
"Building your mobile app: budget, planning and best practices!" by Philippe ...

eople spend more and more time on their smartphone and so your users! Building an app can then to be a good idea to keep in touch with them but it’s a fully-fledge process. A multitude of features, designs, ergonomics, technologies and prices are possible… So where should you start? During this 45min Workshop, Philippe Dumont will give you actionable advice on: - Get your objectives right - Build your Mobile App brief - The right Budget for the right development - The 4 phases of your development cycle - Overview of mobile development technologies you can use Philippe is CEO and co-founder of Azetone, a platform that allow to visually analyze, improve and personalize the Mobile User Experience. He previously co-founded MyFanGroup, a mobile and digital marketing agency after heading Marketing and Communications for Microsoft EMEA as General Manager and CMO from 2002 to 2009. He will give you all the tips to build the perfect app according to your budget ;)

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App testing and publishing
App testing and publishingApp testing and publishing
App testing and publishing

The document discusses testing and publishing mobile apps. It provides an overview of app distribution options and guidelines for publishing on different platforms. It also covers topics like app templates, testing tools, automation, and strategies for validating apps and keeping users engaged.

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Mobile Project Management
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Mobile Project Management

The document discusses best practices for mobile application development and management. It covers the project life cycle, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project. It also discusses managing enterprise mobility through a holistic approach, common challenges such as scheduling concerns, and best practices for use scenarios, prototypes, user interfaces, store submission, and testing. The overall focus is on effective strategies for developing and managing successful mobile applications and projects.

Onboarding Existing Users
• Offer a tutorial via an in-feed prompt
• Leave a way for users to come back to the tutorial later
• Confirm core actions and utilities
• Use alternate channels: emails, social media
• Use notifications, but sparingly
Runtime Permissions with Android M
• Users can directly manage permissions at runtime
• Individual permissions get greater visibility - win for users
• Auto-update process is smoother - win for developers
• checkSelfPermission() & requestPermissions()
• Normal Permissions & Dangerous Permissions
Runtime Permissions

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Agile methodology - Humanity
Agile methodology  - HumanityAgile methodology  - Humanity
Agile methodology - Humanity

The document discusses agile product development and user experience design, describing agile methodology as an iterative approach performed by cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality, cost-effective software. It also outlines different user types, techniques for simplifying complex interfaces, principles of behavior-driven development, and how to use analytics and A/B testing to continuously improve products based on validated user feedback.

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Prelaunch checklist game design
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Prelaunch checklist game design

Tapjoy shares its pre-launch checklist 101 for mobile app developers. This presentation shares five things developers should keep in mind before launching their mobile game.

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[#GHConf17] Using In-app Growth Patterns to Drive Engagement and Retention Ac...
[#GHConf17] Using In-app Growth Patterns to Drive Engagement and Retention Ac...[#GHConf17] Using In-app Growth Patterns to Drive Engagement and Retention Ac...
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In this presentation, Dan Vallejo from Growth Lab @ Google, talks about using in-app growth patterns to drive engagement and retention across consumer apps

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Runtime Permissions: Best Practices
• Try to avoid dangerous permissions
• Prime the user - explain why you’d like the permission
before asking for it
• Alternatively, wait until users reject the permission till you
tell them why you need it
• Or a data-driven combination of these!
• Do not imitate the native UI
Sensy & Onboarding
• Sensy is a TV Guide & Remote App
• Onboarding techniques:
• Interactive setup deprecated
• In-context Popups in use
• In-feed messages in use
Onboarding users on to your app

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Usability Workshop at Lillebaelt Academy
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Usability Workshop at Lillebaelt Academy

The document summarizes key points about usability workshops and testing. It defines usability and discusses its importance. Usability is defined as how easy user interfaces are to use based on factors like learnability, efficiency and satisfaction. The document outlines usability testing methods like card sorting, prototyping and A/B testing. It emphasizes the need to test assumptions and iteratively improve products based on user research.

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Building a better User Experience for Windows Phone Users
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Building a better User Experience for Windows Phone Users

The document provides tips for improving the user experience of Windows Phone apps. It discusses focusing on metro design principles, ensuring ease of use by following platform conventions, making sure the app delivers on what is promised in its description, and specializing so the app excels at one thing. The author advocates testing apps through usability studies and advises developers to think about visual design, navigation, and how their app compares to similar options in the store.

user experienceuxwp
Remote usability testing and remote user research for usability
Remote usability testing and remote user research for usabilityRemote usability testing and remote user research for usability
Remote usability testing and remote user research for usability

From User Vision's presentation on remote usability testing describing some of the main methods, challenges, tools and tips for successful remote usability testing for user experience

experience designremote usabilityusability
Onboarding users on to your app
• Have as few screens as possible
• One primary action/item per screen
• In-feed messages & contextual suggestions are
Open Challenges
• Introducing Ad-breaks feature
• Using the phone to onboard a physical product


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Usability for everyone : Google I/O Extended 2018
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Usability for everyone : Google I/O Extended 2018

In this talk, I tell the audience how Usability can help create a more inclusive world while helping businesses grow. I also shared ways in which companies can make usability a part of their product development culture

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Usability for all budgets
Usability for all budgetsUsability for all budgets
Usability for all budgets

Usability testing involves having representative users complete typical tasks while observers take notes on their experiences. Early testing prevents costly late-stage changes. While large companies use expensive labs, low-budget testing can also provide useful insights through informal sessions. The results should be reviewed collaboratively to improve the interface design and ensure it meets users' needs.

UDSA Unit 4.pptx
UDSA Unit 4.pptxUDSA Unit 4.pptx
UDSA Unit 4.pptx

The document discusses key principles of user interface and user experience design. It covers several important topics: 1) It defines usability and explains why it is important, noting that users will leave a website or app if it is difficult to use, understand, navigate, or find answers. 2) It outlines various usability principles for designing interfaces, such as learnability, efficiency, memorability, reducing errors, and satisfaction. 3) It discusses important concepts like understanding users, designing for the user's mental model, following conventions like the "7+/-2 rule", reducing unnecessary tasks, and applying principles like visibility and feedback. 4) It describes different types of navigation, improving navigation, and common

why usability is importantwhat is usability?
M E @ E LV I S . C O . I N 

@ E LV I S D S

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Onboarding users on to your app

  • 1. O N B O A R D I N G U S E R S O N T O Y O U R A P P E LV I S D ’ S O U Z A D R O I D C O N I N D I A 2 0 1 5
  • 2. First Moments • FIRST FIVE MINUTES An average user is most engaged with your app during the first few minutes of use • FIRST 7 DAYS For ‘decent’ apps, the majority of users retained for 7 days stick around much longer 77% 23% Users Lost in 
 First 3 days of Install
  • 3. Where are users lost? • Unsatisfactory first impression • New interfaces can be hard • Many apps do things differently • Users look for Instant Gratification • Mismatch in expectations
  • 5. The Activated User • Activated users graduate past first-days use • They perform Key Actions • Blogging app = pick a theme, a name, write first post • Social app = Import address book, Connect to a few friends, Opt into notifications • Enterprise Collaboration app: Start up a new project, add a couple coworkers
  • 6. User Onboarding • Onboarding helps get the user activated • Introduces new technology, behaviour and interfaces • Focus is on Key Actions • Is continuous, not limited to first day use • Not a substitute for “good app design”
  • 7. Rule No 1: Measure • Use analytics tools, track key actions, quantify. • Talk to users for qualitative feedback. • Analyse cohorts: new users, dropped off users, 
 activated users. • What features did they like? What features did they actually use? Did they share the app with others?
  • 9. Tooltips & Overlays • Best used to draw attention to few
 key actions in an app • Great for teaching gestures • Crowded overlays are often ignored • Use FrameLayout for overlays, relatively positioned elements for Tooltips
  • 13. Tutorial • Best used to give users overview of the app • Helpful when users are not acquired through descriptive channels like Play Store • Avoid long tutorials, and provide adequate “Skip” support • Build using Fragments & (optionally) ViewPager
  • 17. Interactive • Best used to channel early user attention to bootstrap important information about identity and preferences • Makes users more invested into the app, personalisation from the get-go is easier • Impatient users may bounce, “Skip” necessary
  • 19. In Context • They’re embedded in the app experience, and appear in at the right time. • Great for indicating next steps, optional shortcuts • Popups may be ignored if intrusive, test this with your users
  • 21. In feed prompts • Is embedded in content • May occupy prime screen space • Unobtrusive, scroll and it moves up • Tap to complete action/learn more • Easy Dismiss
  • 25. Playbook • Lazy Signup, the less information you ask for, the better • Minimise the number of screens in an interactive setup/ tutorial • Use FAB, get focus on key actions. Users may not be interested in all your features • Features may be introduced lazily, over time
  • 26. Playbook… • Personalize content, suggest actions, be proactive • Get the user activated as soon as possible. • Do not forget to measure!
  • 29. Onboarding Existing Users • Offer a tutorial via an in-feed prompt • Leave a way for users to come back to the tutorial later • Confirm core actions and utilities • Use alternate channels: emails, social media • Use notifications, but sparingly
  • 30. Runtime Permissions with Android M • Users can directly manage permissions at runtime • Individual permissions get greater visibility - win for users • Auto-update process is smoother - win for developers • checkSelfPermission() & requestPermissions() • Normal Permissions & Dangerous Permissions
  • 33. Runtime Permissions: Best Practices • Try to avoid dangerous permissions • Prime the user - explain why you’d like the permission before asking for it • Alternatively, wait until users reject the permission till you tell them why you need it • Or a data-driven combination of these! • Do not imitate the native UI
  • 35. Sensy & Onboarding • Sensy is a TV Guide & Remote App • Onboarding techniques: • Interactive setup deprecated • In-context Popups in use • In-feed messages in use
  • 38. Lessons • Have as few screens as possible • One primary action/item per screen • In-feed messages & contextual suggestions are effective!
  • 39. Open Challenges • Introducing Ad-breaks feature • Using the phone to onboard a physical product
  • 42. M E @ E LV I S . C O . I N 
 @ E LV I S D S G E T S E N S Y O N T H E P L AY S T O R E O N B O A R D I N G U S E R S O N T O Y O U R A P P