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Introduction to Agile
Will Egan
@willegan |
Introduction to Agile Marketing
‣ Welcome
‣ Setting the scene
‣ Principles of agile marketing
‣ Comparing traditional to agile
‣ Implementation
‣ Tools
‣ Conclusion
3 x
A little about me…
‣ CMO at Ausmed
‣ Co-founder of Code the Future
‣ Background in technical SEO
‣ Digital marketing since 2007
‣ Understand what lean and agile methodology is and the benefits of
thinking in those terms, and how it's different to growth hacking
‣ Learn how to apply methodology to marketing
‣ Case studies and examples on agile marketing in action
‣ Review of the various tools and planning required for execution
‣ Discuss what success looks like and the metrics to track success
‣ Live simulation: walk through how to optimise performance of current
marketing initiatives with agile marketing

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Define a Powerful Go-to-Market Strategy That Sets Your Product Apart

Your Go-to-Market Strategy is the foundation that defines how you’re going to compete with your product and win in the market. But all too often, companies jump right to defining their product or marketing tactics without a solid foundation of strategy. And even when a Product Manager or Product Marketer makes an attempt to define a Go-to-Market Strategy, too often, it’s created without solid evidence or without the depth necessary to make it compelling. And because different stakeholders have different ideas and definitions for a Go-to-Market Strategy, they are unlikely going to satisfy the expectations of all stakeholders. In this webinar, we’ll help you to create a clear understanding of what a Go-to-Market Strategy is and what Product Management and Product Marketing need to do to create a powerful Go-to-Market Strategy that will set their product apart from the competition. Key Takeaways from participating in this webinar: --Develop a common definition for a Go-to-Market Strategy that can be shared with your organization --Learn the seven elements that go into a complete Go-to-Market Strategy --Understand the essential steps to creating your Go-to-Market Strategy

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This document provides guidance on developing a digital marketing strategy in 3 sentences or less: The document discusses the importance of having a clear digital marketing strategy and assessing your capabilities before developing your strategy. It also emphasizes that a digital strategy can improve any business by lowering costs and increasing profits. The document provides a checklist to help businesses evaluate their current digital marketing approach across key areas like strategic planning, data integration, and customer experience.

How to be successful with Agile at Scale. 2013 PM Symposium
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How to be successful with Agile at Scale. 2013 PM Symposium

Presented at the 2013 PM Symposium in Washington DC. How to be successful with Agile at Scale. Culture Last. Predictability First.

We have one and half hours…
‣ What do you hope to get out of this class?
‣ Why have you come here today?
‣ What must I cover, for this to be worthwhile?
‣ More theory, or more practical?
‣ What type of marketing environment are you in?
Setting the Scene
Introduction to Agile Marketing

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Anyone willing to have an introductory note on Digital Marketing, will get most of the knowledge in this presentation.

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B2B ABM Strategy Overview Download the ABM Planning Template Key Planning Assumptions Based on Research - How Account Based Marketing (ABM) Translates to Revenue - ROI for Account Based Marketing (ABM) - Account Based Marketing (ABM) as a Percentage of the Overall Marketing Budget - Account Based Marketing (ABM) Adoption - How Account Based Marketing (ABM) Challenges - Is Tech a Barrier for Account Based Marketing (ABM) - Is Account Based Marketing (ABM) an Effective Use of Marketing Tech For additional go to market resources visit Free Downloads @ For key market research & Stats from Gartner, IDC, Forrester and more visit Leverage pragmatic insights on go to market processes and market tactics @ Go-To-Market Strategy Planning Templates @

b2b abm strategyb2b abm strategy overviewaccount based marketing (abm)
‣ Change is constant
‣ Change is accelerating
‣ Competitive advantages are getting harder to maintain
‣ Competition emerging everywhere
‣ Brands are struggling to outlast their products

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‣ Returns are harder to guarantee
‣ Strategies that worked even six months ago may not work today
‣ Brands are easier to build, but it’s even easier to fall
‣ Vocal customers demanding more
‣ Invariably, first to the plate gets the biggest feed
‣ Opportunities emerging and disappearing rapidly
Introduction to Agile Marketing
Introduction to Agile Marketing
‣ Technical complexity is high, and increasing
‣ Data/analytics driving decision making
‣ Marketing teams relying on more skills
‣ People with the right skills are rare
‣ Channels expanding/audiences narrowing

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Agile Marketing Framework
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Agile Marketing Framework

If your organization is interesting in Agile transformation for technology, then you should also be looking into Agile Marketing. Think of your organization like a car. Two wheels which represent Technology, and the other two wheels represent Marketing. Even if you get the Technology wheels spinning faster, unless the Marketing wheels can spin just as fast, your car will be going in circles. Product and marketing go hand in hand when it comes to deriving value from your respective markets. As we all know, one of the major keys in Agile is the tightening of the feedback loop. This is why we want shorter sprint cycles, smaller batch sizes, and strive to continuously learn. When it comes to building products, it's the marketing team's job to test the market, size the market, segment the customers in the market, and just generally derive value from the market. But the problem is, most modern organizations are using waterfall-like operating models to run their marketing teams which hand-cuff talented marketers from surfacing new insights. Marketing departments are still using waterfall processes because only up until a few years ago, digital marketing was a brand new concept. Large organizations used Print, TV and Radio advertising in their marketing campaigns, which by nature were not trackable. Campaigns were planned well in advance, usually at the start of a new financial year, and themes, content and messaging was approved then too. Because of the lack of trackability, marketing was always considered a cost-centre. Today that has changed. Marketing is now quickly being understood as a revenue-driver. New tools are allowing us to track digital campaigns like never before imagined, everything and anything can be attributed to even the most minute detail. Because of this marketing focused companies are able to confidently say that for $(x) of marketing budget input, they are getting $(y) of revenue from customers. This is catapulting Marketing teams to the top of the business group food chain. In this session we will discuss the need for Agile Marketing and why marketing should be the focal point for your organization's business agility transformation (hint: it's because marketer's own the customer journey). More importantly, this session will actually dive into the details of how a marketing team would implement Agile using the four stages of the Growth Marketing Lifecycle (GMLC). If this interests you and you're excited to learn more, please reach out and let's have a chat! - Ahmad Iqbal August 2017

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Agile Marketing Values Explained
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We dive into the 7 values that underpin Agile Marketing, as articulated in the Agile Marketing Manifesto. Since these ideals should guide agile marketing teams in their quest for ongoing improvement, a thorough understanding of what they really mean is crucial.

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‣ Returns are getting harder to guarantee
‣ Digital Darwinism
‣ Speed and uncertainty
‣ Should you persist with failing campaigns?
‣ Misleading data
Introduction to Agile Marketing
Need for an Agile Marketing Environment
Agile methodology allows the modern marketing team to
adapt to fast-changing market conditions, respond to
immediate sales needs, and prove ROI quickly and
Definition taken from Hubspot’s ‘Go Agile or Go Home’

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The Product Owner Role
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The Product Owner Role

The Product Owner manages stakeholders' requirements, communicates the product vision to the Scrum team, and sets goals for each sprint. They own and maintain the Product Backlog, understand user stories, and prioritize work. The Product Owner attends daily standups to listen and provide guidance when needed. They also facilitate continuous improvement, coach stakeholders, and shield the team from distractions to help deliver releases on scope.

Add Lean Principles
Lean principles allow for the
experimentation of your marketing
plan (channels, strategies, ad-
copy/messaging etc.) in order to
reduce the scale of failure and
increase the chance of success.
Growth Hacking? No.
Growth hacking is the practice of
using a website or a product’s
functionality in alternative—and
often ingenious—ways to capture
value beyond it’s original scope.
Learn how to apply lean and
agile methodology to marketing.
5 Minutes 1. Analyse the VUCA factors in your industry
2. Identify a significant risk or assumption
that exists in your current marketing plan
Identification of key areas of
your marketing strategy that
could benefit from an agile
marketing approach.
Principles of Agile
Introduction to Agile Marketing

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This document provides a social media plan sample for a fresh fruit delivery business. It includes a SWOT analysis noting strengths like quality produce and delivery but also weaknesses such as high prices. The plan aims to sell 450 units per day through both online and offline channels. The target audience is described along with preferred social media platforms of Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin. Tactics like A/B testing and branding are outlined over 7 weeks. Goals include growing the brand, driving leads and sales, and improving customer retention. Finally, the document provides details on maintaining accounts and content strategies for each platform.

social media strategy

O documento discute a importância do sono e do descanso para o cérebro e o corpo, enfatizando que dormir bem à noite traz energia para aproveitar a vida com saúde e alegria.

Principles of Agile
‣ Continuos delivery
‣ Welcome and harness change
‣ Introduce new ideas frequently
‣ Collaborate and encourage cross functional teams
‣ Build projects that support and motivate people
‣ Encourage face-to-face conversation
‣ Keep things simple, but encourage excellence
‣ Reflect regularly on performance
For full manifesto, visit:
How it works…
Product Backlog
An iterative, incremental project management methodology.
Sprint Backlog
Sprint Working Product
Applying that concept to marketing…
Full Campaign
An iterative, incremental project management methodology.
Prioritising Key
Key Terms
‣ Sprint = defined working period, with clear output commitments
‣ User Story = a clear, independent task
‣ Epic = a collection of user stories
‣ Story Points = a relative estimate of story complexity (time)
‣ Planning Meeting = start of sprint, where stories are picked up
‣ Stand-Ups = daily team meetings to plan/review/collaborate
‣ Backlog = outstanding user stories
‣ Retrospective = end of sprint, what should we start/continue/stop doing?

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This document outlines the key sections to include in a business plan presentation, including an overview of the company and solution, the skills and experience of the team, the customer needs being addressed, a demonstration of the unique solution, an analysis of competitors and competitive advantages, potential barriers to entry, details on the market opportunity like size and target customers, the business model for generating revenue, and financial projections for the first year.

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The document lists the weekly and daily winners of photo contests on the website, with Matthew Morgan winning the weekly contest and Badz Manaois, MariaRosaria Quaratesi, Marjie Callaghan, Pixel Bender, and Dionell Datiles each winning daily contests on separate occasions.



민관협력의 개념ppppublic private partnership.
Values of Agile Marketing
‣ Validated learning over opinions and conventions
‣ Customer focused collaboration over silos and hierarchy
‣ Adaptive and iterative campaigns over big-bang campaigns
‣ The process of customer discovery over static prediction
‣ Flexible vs. rigid planning
‣ Responding to change over following a plan
‣ Many small experiments over a few large bets
For full manifesto, visit:
Writing User Stories
A specific description of a
task from the stakeholder
“As a ______ (stakeholder), I
need to_______(outcome), so
Epic, a collection of user
1 2 3
Review of the various tools and
planning required for execution.
5 Minutes 1. Using what you identified in exercise one,
write a user story/epic that describes a way
to test those risks or assumptions.
User stories/Epic
‣ As a consumer, I want shopping cart
functionality to easily purchase items
‣ As an executive, I want to generate a report
to understand which departments need to
improve their productivity.
How Traditional
and Agile Differ
Introduction to Agile Marketing

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Upholding a dual commitment to personal achievement and community stewardship, Jason Grosfeld has taken part in many academic, professional, and philanthropic endeavors over the course of his career.

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Introduction to Agile Marketing
How Traditional and Agile Marketing Differ
‣ Marketing Calendar
‣ Marketing Schedule
‣ Target Market
‣ Target Customers
‣ Customer Profile
‣ Your physical environment
‣ Customer personas
‣ Communication Strategy
‣ Marketing Goals and
‣ S.W.O.T. Analysis
‣ Market Overview
‣ Competitive Strategy
‣ Messaging Strategy
‣ Active Marketing Channels
‣ Marketing Mix
‣ Your Product
‣ Your Position
‣ Your Process
‣ Your Price
‣ Sales Analysis
‣ Profitability Analysis
‣ Finances and Budgeting
‣ Competitor Analysis
‣ Market research
How Traditional and Agile Marketing Differ
Key differences
Agile marketing also reduces the
need for extensive—and often
proposals etc.
Regular reporting ensures that
marketing centres around
activities that work.
1. Are we hitting our deadlines?
2. Are we meeting our goals?
3. Are we telling the right
Agile is not just for development teams. At Atlassian, Agile is a way
of life for all teams.!marketing

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This document provides an overview of, a website for expressing oneself through writing. It discusses the site's growth in views and articles. Various topics are covered on the site, including EU/politics, architecture, technology, entertainment and music. The document provides guidance on how to write for the site, including deciding on topics and frequency. It outlines roles for team leaders, community managers, and event managers. Writers can be ranked as contributors, starting authors, authors or editors. Benefits of being involved include being part of an ambitious team, learning writing skills, having fun, and sharing opinions with thousands of readers.

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This document discusses strategies for stretch learning aligned to Common Core standards. It describes six conditions for stretch learning and 20 indicators of success for students and teachers. For students, indicators include being curious, encountering dilemmas, collaborating, and making real-world connections. For teachers, indicators include drawing students in through interests, providing rigorous and collaborative learning, presenting open-ended situations, and rewarding thinking over memorization. The document provides templates to help plan professional development and design stretch learning units.

Introduction to Agile Marketing
Key Considerations
‣ Ensure your team is well educated on agile
‣ Start with an experiment with one team, or one project
‣ Prepare campaigns in both formats, to see how they would differ
‣ Don’t obsess over tools to begin with, just use a wall and cards
‣ Define your go-to-market themes and data points you can track to
report against them
Identifying Go To Market Themes
‣ Rather than dictating exact activities, provide a vision of what you
want your team/campaign to focus on
‣ Develop a reporting tool that provides you with that feedback loop
‣ Review the GTM themes at each retrospective
‣ They should provide a general direction only, without defining exactly
what we do, but remain measurable.
‣ Examples:
‣ “Grow our online community”
‣ “Directly grow revenue from existing traffic”
‣ “Improve relevance of existing marketing channels”
Improve relevance of existing marketing channels

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Chapter 10Chapter 10
Chapter 10

This document summarizes transport in unicellular and multicellular organisms. In unicellular organisms, transport occurs over short distances by simple diffusion, osmosis, or active transport since the cell membrane is in direct contact with the environment. In multicellular organisms, transport must occur over longer distances since interior cells are not in direct contact with the environment. This requires the development of transport systems like circulatory systems to distribute oxygen, nutrients and remove wastes. The human circulatory system uses blood and blood vessels to transport these materials between organs and tissues via processes like diffusion and active transport.

актив¦зац¦я навчально п¦знавально¬ творчо¬ д¦яльност¦ учн¦в на уроках св¦тово¬
актив¦зац¦я навчально п¦знавально¬ творчо¬ д¦яльност¦ учн¦в на уроках св¦тово¬актив¦зац¦я навчально п¦знавально¬ творчо¬ д¦яльност¦ учн¦в на уроках св¦тово¬
актив¦зац¦я навчально п¦знавально¬ творчо¬ д¦яльност¦ учн¦в на уроках св¦тово¬

Активізація навчально-пізнавальної творчої діяльності учнів на уроках світової літератури. Презентація вчителя вищої категорії з світової літератури Федорінової О.Є.

світова літератураКСЛІ
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The document discusses setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. It recommends determining where you currently stand, setting a destination or goal, identifying reasons for wanting to achieve the goal, setting a timeframe for when you want to reach it, considering sources of support, and anticipating potential challenges that may arise. Maintaining momentum is also discussed as important for staying on track to achieve the goals.

Discuss what success looks like
and the metrics to track
5-10 Minutes 1. Pick a product or service
2. Identify the key assumptions or risks
3. Develop a GTM theme around that risk
4. Define two metrics you could use to track
that risk
GTM themes, and reporting
Introduction to Agile Marketing
Key tools
‣ KANBAN - Wall, Trello, Blossom, Jira
‣ Documentation - Wiki, Google Docs, Confluence
‣ Reporting - Excel, Google Docs, Confluence
‣ Others?
Introduction to Agile Marketing

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Навчальна презентація про військово-політичні події в Україні восени 1648 - на початку 1649 рр. Успішні дії козацької армії весни-літа 1648 р. продовжилися наступом в Галичині, яку, на жаль, Богдану Хмельницькомук не вдалося відбити у поляків. Логічні схеми, цитати, яскраві і доцільні ілюстрації дозволять повністю осягнути всю сутністю подій Національно-визвольної війни.

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Introduction to Agile Marketing
Bonus Tools/Ideas
Introduction to Agile Marketing
that will make you money… quickly!

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Presented by Gary Katz at Predictive Analytics World, February 18, 2009 San Francisco, Calif. See

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Introduction to Agile Marketing
Key Considerations
‣ Agile marketing is a reaction to the transition that other teams have
already made in the business
‣ It’s designed to reduce time, failure, documentation and increase
success, feedback, happiness
‣ Introduce by providing education on agile
‣ Then, transition one team or campaign over first
‣ Build a feedback loop, and become better at defining success metrics
‣ Change constantly, remember your evolutionary instinct
‣ Don’t worry about the tools and system so much, focus on the
underlying values of agile

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Introduction to Agile Marketing

  • 1. Introduction to Agile Marketing Will Egan @willegan |
  • 2. Introduction to Agile Marketing AGENDA ‣ Welcome ‣ Setting the scene ‣ Principles of agile marketing ‣ Comparing traditional to agile ‣ Implementation ‣ Tools ‣ Conclusion 3 x Practical Exercises
  • 3. INTRODUCTION A little about me… ‣ CMO at Ausmed ‣ Co-founder of Code the Future ‣ Background in technical SEO ‣ Digital marketing since 2007
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Objectives ‣ Understand what lean and agile methodology is and the benefits of thinking in those terms, and how it's different to growth hacking ‣ Learn how to apply methodology to marketing ‣ Case studies and examples on agile marketing in action ‣ Review of the various tools and planning required for execution ‣ Discuss what success looks like and the metrics to track success ‣ Live simulation: walk through how to optimise performance of current marketing initiatives with agile marketing
  • 5. INTRODUCTION We have one and half hours… ‣ What do you hope to get out of this class? ‣ Why have you come here today? ‣ What must I cover, for this to be worthwhile? ‣ More theory, or more practical? ‣ What type of marketing environment are you in?
  • 6. Setting the Scene Introduction to Agile Marketing
  • 11. VUCA Volatile ‣ Change is constant ‣ Change is accelerating ‣ Competitive advantages are getting harder to maintain ‣ Competition emerging everywhere ‣ Brands are struggling to outlast their products
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  • 13. VUCA Uncertain ‣ Returns are harder to guarantee ‣ Strategies that worked even six months ago may not work today ‣ Brands are easier to build, but it’s even easier to fall ‣ Vocal customers demanding more ‣ Invariably, first to the plate gets the biggest feed ‣ Opportunities emerging and disappearing rapidly
  • 16. VUCA Complex ‣ Technical complexity is high, and increasing ‣ Data/analytics driving decision making ‣ Marketing teams relying on more skills ‣ People with the right skills are rare ‣ Channels expanding/audiences narrowing
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  • 18. VUCA Ambiguous ‣ Returns are getting harder to guarantee ‣ Digital Darwinism ‣ Speed and uncertainty ‣ Should you persist with failing campaigns? ‣ Misleading data
  • 20. INTRODUCTION Need for an Agile Marketing Environment Agile methodology allows the modern marketing team to adapt to fast-changing market conditions, respond to immediate sales needs, and prove ROI quickly and consistently. Definition taken from Hubspot’s ‘Go Agile or Go Home’
  • 21. INTRODUCTION Add Lean Principles Lean principles allow for the experimentation of your marketing plan (channels, strategies, ad- copy/messaging etc.) in order to reduce the scale of failure and increase the chance of success.
  • 22. INTRODUCTION Growth Hacking? No. Growth hacking is the practice of using a website or a product’s functionality in alternative—and often ingenious—ways to capture value beyond it’s original scope.
  • 23. KEY OBJECTIVES Learn how to apply lean and agile methodology to marketing. EXERCISE AGENDA 5 Minutes 1. Analyse the VUCA factors in your industry 2. Identify a significant risk or assumption that exists in your current marketing plan DELIVERABLE Identification of key areas of your marketing strategy that could benefit from an agile marketing approach. RESOURCES Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous Activity
  • 25. Principles of Agile ‣ Continuos delivery ‣ Welcome and harness change ‣ Introduce new ideas frequently ‣ Collaborate and encourage cross functional teams ‣ Build projects that support and motivate people ‣ Encourage face-to-face conversation ‣ Keep things simple, but encourage excellence ‣ Reflect regularly on performance For full manifesto, visit:
  • 26. How it works… Product Backlog An iterative, incremental project management methodology. Sprint Backlog 15-30 Days Sprint Working Product
  • 27. Applying that concept to marketing… Full Campaign An iterative, incremental project management methodology. Prioritising Key Activities 15-30 Days Sprint Completed Activities
  • 28. Key Terms ‣ Sprint = defined working period, with clear output commitments ‣ User Story = a clear, independent task ‣ Epic = a collection of user stories ‣ Story Points = a relative estimate of story complexity (time) ‣ Planning Meeting = start of sprint, where stories are picked up ‣ Stand-Ups = daily team meetings to plan/review/collaborate ‣ Backlog = outstanding user stories ‣ Retrospective = end of sprint, what should we start/continue/stop doing?
  • 29. Values of Agile Marketing ‣ Validated learning over opinions and conventions ‣ Customer focused collaboration over silos and hierarchy ‣ Adaptive and iterative campaigns over big-bang campaigns ‣ The process of customer discovery over static prediction ‣ Flexible vs. rigid planning ‣ Responding to change over following a plan ‣ Many small experiments over a few large bets For full manifesto, visit:
  • 30. Writing User Stories A specific description of a task from the stakeholder perspective. “As a ______ (stakeholder), I need to_______(outcome), so that_______(benefit).” Epic, a collection of user stories. 1 2 3
  • 31. KEY OBJECTIVES Review of the various tools and planning required for execution. EXERCISE AGENDA 5 Minutes 1. Using what you identified in exercise one, write a user story/epic that describes a way to test those risks or assumptions. DELIVERABLE User stories/Epic RESOURCES Independent Negotiable Valuable Estimable Small Testable Activity ‣ As a consumer, I want shopping cart functionality to easily purchase items online. ‣ As an executive, I want to generate a report to understand which departments need to improve their productivity.
  • 32. How Traditional and Agile Differ Introduction to Agile Marketing
  • 34. How Traditional and Agile Marketing Differ Traditional ‣ Marketing Calendar ‣ Marketing Schedule ‣ Target Market ‣ Target Customers ‣ Customer Profile ‣ Your physical environment ‣ Customer personas ‣ Communication Strategy ‣ Marketing Goals and Objectives ‣ S.W.O.T. Analysis ‣ Market Overview ‣ Competitive Strategy ‣ Messaging Strategy ‣ Active Marketing Channels ‣ Marketing Mix ‣ Your Product ‣ Your Position ‣ Your Process ‣ Your Price ‣ Sales Analysis ‣ Profitability Analysis ‣ Finances and Budgeting ‣ Competitor Analysis ‣ Market research
  • 35. How Traditional and Agile Marketing Differ Key differences Agile marketing also reduces the need for extensive—and often useless—documentation/ proposals etc. Regular reporting ensures that marketing centres around activities that work.
  • 36. KEY CHALLENGE/QUESTION 1. Are we hitting our deadlines? 2. Are we meeting our goals? 3. Are we telling the right story? CASE STUDY SUMMARY Agile is not just for development teams. At Atlassian, Agile is a way of life for all teams.!marketing Atlassian
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  • 42. Key Considerations ‣ Ensure your team is well educated on agile ‣ Start with an experiment with one team, or one project ‣ Prepare campaigns in both formats, to see how they would differ ‣ Don’t obsess over tools to begin with, just use a wall and cards ‣ Define your go-to-market themes and data points you can track to report against them
  • 43. Identifying Go To Market Themes ‣ Rather than dictating exact activities, provide a vision of what you want your team/campaign to focus on ‣ Develop a reporting tool that provides you with that feedback loop ‣ Review the GTM themes at each retrospective ‣ They should provide a general direction only, without defining exactly what we do, but remain measurable. ‣ Examples: ‣ “Grow our online community” ‣ “Directly grow revenue from existing traffic” ‣ “Improve relevance of existing marketing channels”
  • 44. Improve relevance of existing marketing channels
  • 45. KEY OBJECTIVES Discuss what success looks like and the metrics to track success. EXERCISE AGENDA 5-10 Minutes 1. Pick a product or service 2. Identify the key assumptions or risks 3. Develop a GTM theme around that risk 4. Define two metrics you could use to track that risk DELIVERABLE GTM themes, and reporting metrics PRODUCT IDEAS Activity
  • 47. Key tools ‣ KANBAN - Wall, Trello, Blossom, Jira ‣ Documentation - Wiki, Google Docs, Confluence ‣ Reporting - Excel, Google Docs, Confluence ‣ Others?
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  • 55. Bonus Tools/Ideas Introduction to Agile Marketing that will make you money… quickly!
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  • 60. Key Considerations ‣ Agile marketing is a reaction to the transition that other teams have already made in the business ‣ It’s designed to reduce time, failure, documentation and increase success, feedback, happiness ‣ Introduce by providing education on agile ‣ Then, transition one team or campaign over first ‣ Build a feedback loop, and become better at defining success metrics ‣ Change constantly, remember your evolutionary instinct ‣ Don’t worry about the tools and system so much, focus on the underlying values of agile
  • 61. Thanks, Q&A Introduction to Agile Marketing Will Egan @willegan |