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Office of the CIO
              Trends 2008
Galit Fein
EVP  Senior Analyst
Strategies for the Web 
Office of the CIO

                 All Rights Reserved @STKI    Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74   1

1    IT Mngt  Client Support Strategies

2    Q/A Strategies
      Your Text here                                                                             Your Text here
Sourcing  H/R Strategies                                                             3

    Web 2008

                 All Rights Reserved @STKI    Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74           2
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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E-commerce - INTAC
E-commerce - INTACE-commerce - INTAC
E-commerce - INTAC
HR for modern times
HR for modern timesHR for modern times
HR for modern times

Bart introduces himself and his company Wijs, a 55-person digital agency located in Ghent that he has worked at since 2006. He discusses the challenges of retaining talent in a young, fast-moving industry and small market. His proposed solutions are radical transparency by openly sharing knowledge; focusing on continual development for employees through training and coaching; and fostering self-steering and co-creation by empowering multi-disciplinary teams and encouraging entrepreneurship. The goal is to create value for clients, employees, and society in a balanced way.


The document discusses digital trends for 2013 based on an online trend report from 50 experts. The presenter Bart discusses 7 key trends: 1) the shift to digital across communications, media, technology and marketing; 2) the disappearance of physical buttons in favor of gestures and digital interfaces; 3) renewed interest in hardware design and features; 4) the data deluge as everything becomes digitally recorded; 5) consumers having all data at their fingertips; 6) the rise of peer-to-peer models across industries; and 7) the need for real-time marketing in response to an informed, connected consumer. Bart warns of profound societal changes and that companies must adapt or risk becoming obsolete.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Trends voor lokale websites
Trends voor lokale websitesTrends voor lokale websites
Trends voor lokale websites

Presentatie voor Dag van de Lokale Website.

trendslokaallokale websites
Online Marketing
Online MarketingOnline Marketing
Online Marketing

Presentatie voor KdG Hogeschool.

Apestaartjaren: de mobiele generatie
Apestaartjaren: de mobiele generatieApestaartjaren: de mobiele generatie
Apestaartjaren: de mobiele generatie

Bart introduces himself as working for the web design firm Netlash and several other companies. The document then discusses trends for mobile devices popular with younger generations, including increased social networking, augmented reality applications, casual gaming, streaming content, using location services, closed online communities, QR codes, airplane mode, near field communication, and comparative shopping applications. Mobile trends center around social interaction, entertainment, location-based services, and comparing products.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Over Netlash-bSeen
Over Netlash-bSeenOver Netlash-bSeen
Over Netlash-bSeen

This document provides contact information for an organization called NETLASH, including their Twitter handle @netlash and website It asks if the reader has any questions and mentions conversation.

How to track events with GA
How to track events with GAHow to track events with GA
How to track events with GA

This document discusses implementing event tracking on a public transportation company's route planning tool to better understand how users interact with it. It proposes an Event Tracking Implementation Schema (E.T.I.S.) to uniformly track and categorize events. Case studies found users frequently searched by "intersection" and "identification", so the tool's autocomplete can be improved. While many viewed route details and schedules, few planned return trips, so those features need better prominence. The conclusion is E.T.I.S. will analyze the tool's usability, engagement models will shape user actions, and search options and planning features will be restructured based on usage data and intelligence.

trackingeventsmakes and models
Understand and act on your goal flow analysis
Understand and act on your goal flow analysisUnderstand and act on your goal flow analysis
Understand and act on your goal flow analysis

The document discusses analyzing the goal flow of a public transportation route planner tool to improve accessibility and engagement. It proposes using an involvement funnel to differentiate conversion paths based on engagement level. A case study identifies two funnels - low involvement (scan-focus-behave) and high involvement (scan-behave-focus). Analysis shows most users access the tool via the homepage but direct access has a higher conversion rate. The conclusion recommends stimulating direct access through campaigns and embedding the tool to increase engagement and conversions.

modelgoal flowgoogle analytics
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Over Content Managemenet Systemen, voor Intac.

EPO and the 4 A's
EPO and the 4 A'sEPO and the 4 A's
EPO and the 4 A's

The document discusses different ways for an audience to engage with and take action for a brand or message. It asks if the audience is able to discover, engage with, refer others to, and take action for whoever or whatever is trying to reach them. It then distinguishes between paid, owned, and earned channels that brands can leverage, with paid referring to channels the brand directly pays for, owned being channels the brand fully controls, and earned being unpaid channels.

modelonline marketing4a

Presentatie voor Kovag over webshops.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Omgaan met Nieuwe Media - Open VLD
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Omgaan met Nieuwe Media - Open VLD
open vldsocial media
11 tips for HTML5
11 tips for HTML511 tips for HTML5
11 tips for HTML5

The document provides tips for learning about HTML5, including: 1. HTML5 is an extension of HTML4 that improves semantics and adds native browser support for media like video and audio. 2. To ensure cross-browser compatibility, a JavaScript library is needed to enable HTML5 features in older browsers. 3. Useful resources for learning HTML5 include blogs, books, social media accounts of experts, attending conferences, experimenting with frameworks like HTML5 Boilerplate, and inspecting existing websites.

fewebweb designhtml5
The 10 worst pieces of advice you've ever had
The 10 worst pieces of advice you've ever hadThe 10 worst pieces of advice you've ever had
The 10 worst pieces of advice you've ever had

The document provides a commencement speech listing the "10 worst pieces of advice you've ever had." Each piece of advice is listed with a brief explanation, followed by a rebuttal or alternative perspective. The main pieces of advice that are rebutted include working for a boss, going for the money, taking it easy, guarding work-life balance, focusing on one thing, not making mistakes, giving up, not listening to others, following rules, and growing up. The overall message is that traditional or conventional advice is often misguided, and entrepreneurs should follow their dreams, learn from others but think independently, accept risk and failure as part of the process, and never stop learning, challenging assumptions, and thinking like a "

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Wijze Case: SEO
Wijze Case: SEOWijze Case: SEO
Wijze Case: SEO

This document summarizes the search engine optimization efforts of a digital marketing agency. The agency conducted keyword research, optimized content and metadata, developed landing pages, and performed technical site adaptations. They also engaged in strategic link building, local SEO through Google Places, and used Google Analytics to track results. As a result of these efforts, the client saw a 390% increase in non-branded visitors over 5 months compared to the previous year, and daily visitor numbers grew from 100 to 1,500.

googleseoonline marketing

Presentatie voor GentM.

IT Market in Israel 2008-2010
IT Market in Israel 2008-2010IT Market in Israel 2008-2010
IT Market in Israel 2008-2010

The document discusses the biggest issues and fears that information technologists face in 2008 according to Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf. It introduces Dr. Schwarzkopf as a research fellow and managing partner at STKI who will discuss the expectations and concerns for information technology that year. The document also includes copyright information and links to Wikipedia and STKI's website.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Knowledge Management Jan2009
Knowledge Management Jan2009Knowledge Management Jan2009
Knowledge Management Jan2009

The document discusses knowledge management and issues around finding information efficiently. It notes that knowledge workers spend 15-30% of their time gathering information but are often unsuccessful. Traditional knowledge management approaches have limitations. Web 2.0 tools like wikis, blogs and RSS are gaining popularity for internal knowledge sharing, but bring challenges around consistency and information overload. Enterprise search is also an important trend, but users demand more than basic text search capabilities.

Business Intelligence Trends
Business Intelligence TrendsBusiness Intelligence Trends
Business Intelligence Trends

Business intelligence (BI) was a top technology priority for Israeli organizations in 2008. Classic BI approaches were still common, but interest was growing in more advanced active BI techniques. Challenges with BI implementation included under-utilization, inconsistent data from separate data marts, and difficulty of use. However, BI provided benefits such as a single version of the truth from data warehouses and connecting business strategies to actions. Master data management (MDM) was an emerging concept to help with data quality issues, though few Israeli organizations had implemented MDM projects at that time.

Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008
Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008
Green IT Trends in Israel July 2008

The document discusses trends in the green IT market in Israel from 2007-2008. It covers topics like how IT contributes to global warming, green initiatives organizations are taking like consolidating servers and printers, and improving energy efficiency in data centers which typically use 50% of their power on cooling. A survey found that over half of organizations plan to build a new or refurbished data center within the next two years in order to improve energy efficiency.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009
Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009
Web 2,0 for organizational Knowledge Management 2009

This document discusses using Web 2.0 tools for internal knowledge management. It describes traditional KM approaches as expensive and complex compared to Web 2.0 tools like wikis and blogs, which are cheap and easy to use. Web 2.0 allows bottom-up collaboration but can result in inconsistent information. The document provides examples of companies using internal wikis and blogs and recommends starting with existing communities and experts. It also discusses supporting innovation with tools for idea generation, evaluation and brainstorming.

Where Can I Take You
Where Can I Take YouWhere Can I Take You
Where Can I Take You

The document discusses topics around innovation, resilience, and emerging technologies. It describes how innovation drives transformation and moves systems from their existing state to a preferred future state. Cloud computing is presented as a disruptive technology that allows software and services to be delivered over the web without installing servers or software. The concept of "neo-nomads" working remotely from various locations like coffee shops is also mentioned.

Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009
Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009
Stki 8th Cio Bootcamp 2009

The document discusses how technological innovations drive economic cycles and financial markets. It argues that major technological revolutions occur every 40-60 years and disrupt existing industries, leading to periods of instability and new growth opportunities. The current transition is from an industrial economy to a service economy driven by information technology. Executives need to understand these long-term cycles to manage businesses through periods of change and recession.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Governance Risk & Compliance Trends 2009
Governance Risk & Compliance Trends 2009Governance Risk & Compliance Trends 2009
Governance Risk & Compliance Trends 2009

Enterprise Risk Mngt trends, Regulations implications on IT, Best Practices for better Governance Risk & Compliance

2008 service based economy???? the future
2008 service based economy???? the future2008 service based economy???? the future
2008 service based economy???? the future

The document discusses the history and evolution of Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf's company STKI. It provides details about how STKI began as a market research firm in the 1980s, analyzing Israel's emerging IT market. Over time, STKI expanded its services to include consulting. It was later acquired by Gartner but continued operating in Israel under the STKI name. The document also references Dr. Schwarzkopf's research on technological revolutions and paradigm shifts in computing and their impact on business models and the economy.

Social Media Analytics
Social Media AnalyticsSocial Media Analytics
Social Media Analytics

As Social Media is growing rapidly in the past few years, there is a need not only to monitor the impact but also understanding how to measure the effectiveness of Social Media Marketing. There are many tools and methods that taking the first step to capture these data. So what tools we can leverage and how we can justify the effectiveness of Social Media? We are going to discuss in more details on how to track the data and share your ideas on how we these data can be more relevant to your business.

qr codebeehive strategysocial media week
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Hatmaa 2009
Hatmaa 2009Hatmaa 2009
Hatmaa 2009

The document discusses defining and measuring project success. It argues that success is not just about being on time and on budget, but whether users adopt and utilize the project's changes over the long term. This requires change management and transition management to help users adapt to new processes. The key is measuring "hatmaa" - the level of adoption and utilization of changes. The document outlines assessing existing applications' hatmaa, identifying low vs. high hatmaa, and solutions like training, tools, and reinforcement to improve hatmaa over time.

Infrastructures V2 STKI Summit 2008
Infrastructures V2 STKI Summit 2008Infrastructures V2 STKI Summit 2008
Infrastructures V2 STKI Summit 2008

This document discusses trends in the Israeli infrastructure market in 2008. It highlights that in 2007, STKI accurately predicted the trend would be to "innovate to survive", and that in 2008, the hottest trend is now "surviving". The document also provides an agenda to cover an overview of projects in 2007-2008, general trends, and technology domain research.

[Webinar] Treasury in a Time of Crisis
[Webinar] Treasury in a Time of Crisis[Webinar] Treasury in a Time of Crisis
[Webinar] Treasury in a Time of Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating business continuity, disaster recovery, and risk management planning to ensure treasury meets strategic and emergency requests from senior management while simultaneously optimizing liquidity and de-risking treasury operations. In this webinar, Kyriba will review best practices that our 2,000 corporate clients around the world are planning for right now. Key topics include: - Business continuity planning - what not to overlook when working from home - Perfecting cash forecasting to optimize liquidity - Protecting against spikes in currency volatility - Short term investment strategies, including prime funds - Using liquidity as a lever to minimize supply chain disruption

treasury management systemstreasurytreasury management best practices
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Future of Venture Capital 2016 - PwC Presentation
Future of Venture Capital 2016 - PwC PresentationFuture of Venture Capital 2016 - PwC Presentation
Future of Venture Capital 2016 - PwC Presentation

This document discusses corporate venture capital (CVC) and its growth. It notes that the number of CVC funds and deals has doubled or increased significantly since 2010 globally and in Asia. In Australia, CVC activity is also growing. CVCs can accelerate startup growth by providing branding, customers, resources, industry knowledge and networks. The document outlines typical startup funding stages and funding ranges. It presents frameworks for CVC strategies including defining objectives, developing opportunities, engagement methods, and realizing synergies post-investment. Unicorns that have been backed by CVCs are also mentioned.

I-Bytes Resources Industry
I-Bytes Resources IndustryI-Bytes Resources Industry
I-Bytes Resources Industry

The document provides updates on solutions from various resources companies, including EVRAZ releasing a mobile app to alert employees of potential COVID-19 exposure, Birla Cellulose launching viscose fiber with antimicrobial properties, and JFE Steel completing global deployment of non-contact technology to control steel sheet vibration during galvanizing.

information technologydigitaltechnology
Israel IT Market 2008-2010
Israel IT Market  2008-2010Israel IT Market  2008-2010
Israel IT Market 2008-2010

The document discusses trends in Israel's IT market from 2008 to 2010 based on surveys conducted by STKI. STKI forecasts trends for 2008 by surveying technology experts and IT users to understand developments and gather market intelligence on Israel's IT sector over the next few years.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Application Software STKI Summit 2008
Application Software STKI Summit 2008Application Software STKI Summit 2008
Application Software STKI Summit 2008

The document outlines trends in enterprise applications in the Israeli market. It discusses disruptive technologies like SaaS and Web 2.0 in 2007 and then social software and open source applications from 2008-2010. Both of these newer technologies rely on economies of scale through widespread adoption. The document also lists several common types of enterprise applications like ERP, CRM, knowledge management, and business intelligence that will be covered.

Ole Trøan - State of the Norwegian IPv6 Nation
Ole Trøan - State of the Norwegian IPv6 NationOle Trøan - State of the Norwegian IPv6 Nation
Ole Trøan - State of the Norwegian IPv6 Nation

The document discusses IPv6 adoption in Norway. It examines where Norway is on the technology adoption curve for IPv6 and whether it is leading or following other countries. It also evaluates IPv6 deployment for different sectors in Norway like internet service providers, businesses, residents, enterprises, content, and education. The document advocates that IPv6 needs to be enabled by default to drive further adoption.

ole trøanipv6
Five Good And Really Bad Ideas For Bi Iniatives
Five Good And Really Bad Ideas For Bi IniativesFive Good And Really Bad Ideas For Bi Iniatives
Five Good And Really Bad Ideas For Bi Iniatives

Presented at the ITA Business Intelligence Roundtable in January, 2009, this presentation discusses best practices and anti-patterns in launching a successful BI / DW initiative.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Oracle Presentation
Oracle PresentationOracle Presentation
Oracle Presentation

The document discusses trends related to the role of the chief information officer (CIO) and information technology (IT) management. It addresses two main functions of the CIO: managing internal IT as well as acting as the CEO of external IT. It also summarizes key IT trends in 2008 such as flat IT spending, higher regulatory standards, and greater demand for IT services. The document provides recommendations for implementing an Office of the CIO and IT governance tools to improve IT strategy alignment, transparency, and return on investment.

STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

israel market researchinformation technologyerp
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

israel information technologiesisraeltechnology
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

israelisrael information technologiescloud computing
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008
Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

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CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

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Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

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Adani Group will surpass these figures and experience a more significant increase in the price value. This will give the conglomerate’s business excellent exposure. It will also be able to recover from the struggle that the company was suffering after the Hindenburg Report Adani.

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حبوب سايتوتك للبيع في الامارات اشراف دكتورة 00966583759617
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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Front Slide ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024 Next Slide What is Email Marketing? Email marketing involves promoting products or services via email to potential customers. Tools like ConvertKit enhance the effectiveness of email marketing by helping you reach your target audience and elevate your business. Next Slide What is ConvertKit? ConvertKit is a top email marketing tool, favored by content creators and small businesses. It offers features like automation, landing pages, sequencing, and broadcasting, making it ideal for generating and converting leads efficiently. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 1. Landing Pages: Easily create customizable landing pages. 2. Forms: Embed forms on your website to generate leads. 3. Automation: Automate email responses with pre-built templates. 4. Broadcasting: Send personalized emails to thousands of subscribers. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 5. Sequencing: Automate email series to convert leads into customers. 6. Integration: Integrate with platforms like affiliate sites and e-commerce. 7. Commerce: Start an e-commerce business without a website. 8. Creator Pro: Advanced features for selling high-cost products. Next Slide How ConvertKit Can Help Your Business Grow 1. Convert Casual Visitors: Turn social media followers into subscribers. 2. Build Relationships: Customize emails to build strong audience relationships. 3. Source of Earnings: Use trust to convert subscribers into sales. Next Slide Join ConvertKit Affiliate Program ConvertKit's affiliate program offers free training, premium tools, and a 30% commission for referrals. Next Slide ConvertKit Pricing Plans ConvertKit has Monthly and Yearly plans with Free, Creator, and Creator Pro tiers. Start with the free plan and upgrade as needed. Next Slide ConvertKit Alternatives 1. Mailchimp: All-in-one marketing platform. 2. GetResponse: Focus on landing pages and email lists. 3. ActiveCampaign: Advanced follow-up sequences. 4. AWeber: Building mailing lists and designing newsletters. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. Mailchimp - Automation: ConvertKit offers advanced options. - Landing Pages: ConvertKit has more templates. - Customer Support: ConvertKit offers 24/7 support in all plans. - Email Sending Limit: ConvertKit allows unlimited emails. - Migration: ConvertKit offers free migration services. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. GetResponse - Simplicity: ConvertKit is user-friendly for small businesses. - Sequencing: Easier to use in ConvertKit. - WordPress Plugin: Available in ConvertKit. - Charges: No charges for duplicate signups in ConvertKit. Next Slide Conclusion Email marketing is an excellent method to showcase your business and sell high-value products. ConvertKit is a robust tool to help you reach your target audience and start earning.

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Shiri Elgavish
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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EGBG Services
Israel IT Market 2008-2010
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Israel IT Market 2008-2010
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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Office Of The CIO STRATEGIES STKI Summit 2008

  • 1. Office of the CIO Trends 2008 Galit Fein EVP  Senior Analyst Strategies for the Web  Office of the CIO All Rights Reserved @STKI    Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74 1
  • 2. Agenda 1 IT Mngt Client Support Strategies 2 Q/A Strategies Your Text here Your Text here Sourcing H/R Strategies 3 4 Web 2008 Conclusion All Rights Reserved @STKI    Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74 2