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Dynamic Application using NodeJS and AngularJS with OrientDB
By Apaichon Punopas

1. Understanding NodeJS and AngularJS Concept.
2. Show the example of Dynamic Application developed
by NodeJS and AngularJS with OrientDB.
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Solution Provider for

IT Training (Web Platform)
– Javascript , HTML5 ,NodeJS ,
AngularJS, ASP.NET , OrientDB.



IT Outsourcing


Software Package Development
Our Software Package

Sale Channel System

We are sale channel.
Real time business monitoring.
Forecast and Decision Making.
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Advanced Tips & Tricks for using Angular JS

Session from GIDS 2014, showing tips and tricks for using AngularJS for creating production-ready JavaScript applications

AngularJS in 60ish Minutes
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AngularJS in 60ish Minutes

This is a talk I gave the at the AngleBrackets/DevIntersection conference in April of 2014 that covers the AngularJS JavaScript framework (one of my favorite frameworks out there!). In this talk I discussed the challenges with Single Page Applications (SPA) and how AngularJS helps solve those challenges with built-in support for two-way data binding, directives and filters, controllers and more. I also discuss the relationship of modules to controllers, factories and services, and more.

Understanding angular js
Understanding angular jsUnderstanding angular js
Understanding angular js

This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including its core features and concepts. It discusses how AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework that uses MVC architecture. Key points covered include two-way data binding, templates, dependency injection, modules, controllers, views, models, scopes, filters, services, and directives. Custom directives and their creation are demonstrated. The document aims to give attendees an introduction to AngularJS and its basic building blocks.

web developmentprogrammingjavascript
High Level Architecture
What is NodeJS ?

- NodeJS is Server side application same as
Apache, IIS, Glassfish, Jboss, WebSphere, etc
but different technology.
- Non-Blocking I/O
- Single Thread Application
- Javascript V8 Engine
- Event Loops
What is Non-Blocking I/O ?
Queue Management
No Queue Management

Queue Management

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Step by Step - AngularJS
Step by Step - AngularJSStep by Step - AngularJS
Step by Step - AngularJS

On September 25th we hosted a webinar on “Step by Step AngularJS for beginners” for the Indian region and we’d like to share the presentation and recorded webinar with you now! In the webinar, we covered: • Introduction to AngularJS • Introduction to SPA • Controller and $scope object • Controller hierarchy • Service and factory methods • Routing • CRUD operations in AngularJS application And more!

AngularJS for designers and developers
AngularJS for designers and developersAngularJS for designers and developers
AngularJS for designers and developers

This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including its philosophy and architecture. AngularJS aims to simplify development by providing model-view-controller frameworks and dependency injection. It advocates for declarative code for building user interfaces rather than imperative code. The document also discusses AngularJS concepts like templates, scopes, models, repeaters, filters and custom directives to build single page applications.

angularjsjavascriptweb design and development
Introduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJSIntroduction to AngularJS
Introduction to AngularJS

This document provides an overview and introduction to single page application (SPA) frameworks using AngularJS. It discusses the rise of responsive SPAs and some of the challenges in building SPAs. It then introduces key AngularJS concepts like templates, directives, expressions, data binding, scopes, controllers and modules. It also includes a recap of JavaScript concepts like objects, functions and classes. Finally, it demonstrates basic AngularJS examples using directives, expressions, filters, controllers and scopes.

NodeJS Behavior from Test Result

Basic Performance Test

NodeJS 0.1.103 vs Apache 2.2.14


Hardware dual-core Intel T4200 2 GHZ
machine with 4 GB RAM running Ubuntu
Hitting them with ApacheBench 2.3
– 1,000 concurrents with 100,000 requests
– 20,000 concurrents with 1,000,000
Test Result
Test Result
What is Angular JS ?

Java Script Framework Started on 2009
by google engineers
Miško Hevery

Brad Green

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Angular js 1.0-fundamentals
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Angular js 1.0-fundamentals

This document provides an overview of AngularJS fundamentals including controllers, services, directives, dependency injection, routing, forms, and testing. It discusses key AngularJS concepts like scopes, expressions, filters, and the digest loop. Sample code is presented to demonstrate modules, controllers, and directives. Various options for server communication, caching, debugging, localization, and animation are also covered. Guidelines for optimizing AngularJS applications are provided at the end.

AngularJS Basic Training
AngularJS Basic TrainingAngularJS Basic Training
AngularJS Basic Training

This document provides an overview of AngularJS including that it is 100% JavaScript and client-side, uses an MVC pattern, and key concepts like data binding, templating, routing, and dependency injection. It also describes components like directives, controllers, services, and filters and includes code samples to demonstrate concepts like scopes, bindings, and organizing an Angular application.

AngularJS Best Practices
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AngularJS Best Practices

AngularJS Best Practices - Templates -Directives -Businesses logic -$scope -Performance optimization tips AngularJS 1.3

best practices angularjs 1.3best-practicesangularjs
Angular Concept


MVC architecture
Client side templates
Scope and View
Data binding
Routes and View
$http API
Data (Model)


Data (Model)

Controller (JS)





Unit Test
Model, View , Controller
Model – Business Model Structure
$scope.model = {name:'Angular' ,type:'MVW' , createdBy:'google', year

View – Presentation GUI such as HTML , Jade, etc
<div ng-controller="GreetingCtrl">
{{ greeting }}

Controller – JS Code controls work flow of application.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('GreetingCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.greeting = 'Hola!';
Client side templates


No need to access server for rendering


Decouple view from JS code

<h1>{{text}}</h1> +
$scope.text = 'Welcome To Angular';
<h1>Welcome To Angular</h1>

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Why angular js Framework
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Why angular js Framework

Why Angular JS Framework - PPT Tells About Angular JS Core Features | Advantages .Make SPA Application With Angular JS . Learn Angular JS

Front end development with Angular JS
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Front end development with Angular JS

Node package manager (NPM) initializes projects and manages front-end packages. Bower manages client-side packages like jQuery. Grunt and Gulp automate workflows. Yo generates application scaffolding. Angular uses MVC architecture with views, models, and controllers. Data binding syncs models and views. Directives extend HTML. Modules contain components and support dependency injection. Routes define application states. Filters format data. Controllers manipulate scope data. Values, services, and factories support dependency injection of reusable code. Testing uses Karma, Jasmine, and generated test skeletons.

bowerangular jsgrunt
Angular js architecture (v1.4.8)
Angular js architecture (v1.4.8)Angular js architecture (v1.4.8)
Angular js architecture (v1.4.8)

1) Angular JS modules allow you to organize an application into specific modules that contain controllers, services, filters and directives. A module is created using angular.module and can be retrieved later on. 2) Dependency injection in Angular allows components to receive dependencies from the injector. Dependencies can be annotated inline, through the $inject property or implicitly. 3) Data binding in Angular automatically synchronizes data between the model and view. The view reflects changes made to the model and vice versa using bindings like {{expression}} or ngBind.

Scope and View
The scope is responsible for detecting changes to
the model section and provides the execution
context for expressions.
Data Binding
Data Binding with Jquery
var newValue = 'bob is happy' ;

$('input').on('input', function() { self.value = $(this).val();

JS code is coupled with HTML


Too much code
Data Binding with Angular
$scope.tagline = 'Bob is happy today';

function get_tagline() { return $scope.tagline;

Decouple JS code from HTML


Less code

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Angular js
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Angular js

This document provides an overview of Angular JS including its architecture, components like controllers, services, directives and views. It discusses best practices for controllers, creating services, using directives, and avoiding the Flash of Unstyled Content issue. It also mentions the UI-Router module and recommends a file structure for Angular apps. In the end, it lists some pros and cons of Angular JS, noting its two-way binding, component architecture, and rapid development but also potential performance issues with deep object graphs.

angular jswebfront-end
Angularjs Basics
Angularjs BasicsAngularjs Basics
Angularjs Basics

The document discusses how web pages are created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It explains the Document Object Model (DOM) and how JavaScript can manipulate the DOM. It then provides an overview of AngularJS including what it is, how it works, and some key concepts like directives, dependency injection, services, and data binding.

AngularJS - What is it & Why is it awesome ? (with demos)
AngularJS - What is it & Why is it awesome ? (with demos)AngularJS - What is it & Why is it awesome ? (with demos)
AngularJS - What is it & Why is it awesome ? (with demos)

AngularJS - What is it & Why is it awesome! A quick introduction to AngularJS, its features and some demos. This deck was part of Gary Arora's presentation for the Boston Code Mastery event in December 2013.

Directive is feature for create custom control.
<div menubar> </div>

JS Code (Angular Directive)
function(directives) {
directives.directive('menubar', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
templateUrl: 'views/root.html',
replace: false,
Routes and View
Router is feature for define url direct to view or to do
something else.

Product List Page


Shopping Cart Page


Item Detail Page

Angular Router renders a template into the viewport
view port
Router Demo

myApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider',
function($routes, $location) {
when('/', {
templateUrl: '/app/src/views/list.html',
controller: 'ProductsList'
.when('/item/:id', {
controller: 'ProductDetails'
redirectTo: '/'
$location.html5Mode(true); }]);
$http API
The $http service is a core Angular service that facilitates
communication with the remote HTTP servers via the
browser's XMLHttpRequest object or via JSONP.






$http({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously


// when the response is available




}).error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.

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AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started
AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get startedAngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started
AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started

In this presentation, you will find everything need to get started with AngularJS. For more details, have a look at my blog ( or follow me on twitter (@sbegaudeau)

Angular js PPT
Angular js PPTAngular js PPT
Angular js PPT

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that extends HTML with directives and binds data to HTML with expressions. Some key points: - AngularJS extends HTML with directives like ng-app, ng-model, and ng-bind. - Expressions written with double braces like {{expression}} output data on the HTML page. - Modules define AngularJS applications and controllers control the application logic and data. - Common directives include ng-init, ng-click, ng-repeat, and filters like currency and lowercase can be used. - A shopping cart example demonstrates binding data with ng-repeat, adding items with ng-click, and removing with ng-click.

angular jsangular js pptmean stack
OrientDB & Lucene
OrientDB & LuceneOrientDB & Lucene
OrientDB & Lucene

This document discusses the integration of Apache Lucene with OrientDB to provide full-text and spatial indexing capabilities. It provides an overview of Lucene and how it is used by various systems. It then describes how OrientDB uses Lucene under the hood to add full-text search through a Lucene index, as well as spatial search capabilities by leveraging Lucene's spatial module. The document outlines the basic workflow and provides code examples for creating different index types and using query operators. Finally, it discusses current performance and outlines the roadmap for further improvements and additional features in OrientDB's Lucene integration.

Why Angular and No SQL are
Dynamically ?
Business has alway changed requirement.
If we need add more field after production.
Relational Database Way

No SQL with Angular Way



Data (Model)


Data (Model)




(*Change only complex)

Question and Feedback
Contact to apaichon@hotmail and Facebook

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Dynamic Application Development by NodeJS ,AngularJS with OrientDB

  • 1. Dynamic Application using NodeJS and AngularJS with OrientDB By Apaichon Punopas
  • 2. Objective 1. Understanding NodeJS and AngularJS Concept. 2. Show the example of Dynamic Application developed by NodeJS and AngularJS with OrientDB.
  • 3. Who is ? Solution Provider for • IT Training (Web Platform) – Javascript , HTML5 ,NodeJS , AngularJS, ASP.NET , OrientDB. c • IT Outsourcing • Software Package Development
  • 4. Our Software Package Sale Channel System » » » » » » » » We are sale channel. Real time business monitoring. Forecast and Decision Making. Customer Centric. Co-Worker network. Integrate with Social Network. Utilize Mobile equipment. Integrate to POS.
  • 6. What is NodeJS ? - NodeJS is Server side application same as Apache, IIS, Glassfish, Jboss, WebSphere, etc but different technology. - Non-Blocking I/O - Single Thread Application - Javascript V8 Engine - Event Loops
  • 8. Queue Management No Queue Management Queue Management
  • 9. NodeJS Behavior from Test Result Basic Performance Test  NodeJS 0.1.103 vs Apache 2.2.14 • • Hardware dual-core Intel T4200 2 GHZ machine with 4 GB RAM running Ubuntu 10.04 Hitting them with ApacheBench 2.3 – 1,000 concurrents with 100,000 requests – 20,000 concurrents with 1,000,000 requests
  • 12. What is Angular JS ? Java Script Framework Started on 2009 by google engineers Miško Hevery Brad Green
  • 13. Angular Concept • • • • • • • MVC architecture Client side templates Scope and View Data binding Directive Routes and View $http API
  • 14. MVC vs MVW MVC Data (Model) MVW DOM(View) Data (Model) Controller (JS) DOM(View) Whatever Controller Directive Unit Test
  • 15. Model, View , Controller Model – Business Model Structure $scope.model = {name:'Angular' ,type:'MVW' , createdBy:'google', year :2009}; View – Presentation GUI such as HTML , Jade, etc <div ng-controller="GreetingCtrl"> {{ greeting }} </div> Controller – JS Code controls work flow of application. var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]); myApp.controller('GreetingCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.greeting = 'Hola!'; }]);
  • 16. Client side templates  No need to access server for rendering  Decouple view from JS code <h1>{{text}}</h1> + $scope.text = 'Welcome To Angular'; <h1>Welcome To Angular</h1>
  • 17. Scope and View The scope is responsible for detecting changes to the model section and provides the execution context for expressions.
  • 19. Data Binding with Jquery var newValue = 'bob is happy' ; $('input').val(newValue); $('input').on('input', function() { self.value = $(this).val(); }); • JS code is coupled with HTML • Too much code
  • 20. Data Binding with Angular $scope.tagline = 'Bob is happy today'; function get_tagline() { return $scope.tagline; } • Decouple JS code from HTML • Less code
  • 21. Directive Directive is feature for create custom control. HTML <div menubar> </div> JS Code (Angular Directive) define(['directives/directives'], function(directives) { directives.directive('menubar', function() { return { restrict: 'EA', templateUrl: 'views/root.html', replace: false, transclude:true, controller:"RootCtrl"};}); });
  • 22. Routes and View Router is feature for define url direct to view or to do something else. /Products Product List Page /Cart Shopping Cart Page /ProductItem/72 Item Detail Page Angular Router renders a template into the viewport view port
  • 23. Router Demo myApp.config(['$routeProvider', '$locationProvider', function($routes, $location) { $routes. when('/', { templateUrl: '/app/src/views/list.html', controller: 'ProductsList' }) .when('/item/:id', { templateUrl: '/app/src/views/details.html', controller: 'ProductDetails' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); $location.html5Mode(true); }]);
  • 24. $http API The $http service is a core Angular service that facilitates communication with the remote HTTP servers via the browser's XMLHttpRequest object or via JSONP. • $http.get • $http.head • $ $http({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}). success(function(data, status, headers, config) { // this callback will be called asynchronously • $http.put // when the response is available • • $http.delete $http.jsonp }).error(function(data, status, headers, config) { // called asynchronously if an error occurs // or server returns response with an error status. });
  • 25. Why Angular and No SQL are Dynamically ? Business has alway changed requirement. If we need add more field after production. Relational Database Way No SQL with Angular Way Change Change Change Data (Model) DOM(View) Data (Model) DOM(View) Change Controller Change DB Controller (*Change only complex) DB
  • 26. Question and Feedback Contact to apaichon@hotmail and Facebook