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Advanced Angular.JS - GDayX VN 2013
About me
Nicolas Embleton, French in Ho Chi Minh City


2005 - Software Engineer and System Architect, working on legacy tech stacks
(C++, OpenGL, Java, ...) then quickly Web (PHP)


2009 - Founded a Mobile Development Company of 30 individuals
2011 - Started Datafield Startup, Co-founder, CTO
2013 - Started the Javascript Ho Chi Minh City meetup, Getting active in Startup
Vietnamese scene to support and mentor young talents


Quick Intro
Why Angular?
Main features, and why it's awesome
Best practices
Testing, tooling
And SEO?
Final words
Intro (quick)
From Wikipedia:

AngularJS is built around the belief that declarative programming should be used for building UIs and
wiring software components, while imperative programming is excellent for expressing business
logic. The framework adapts and extends traditional HTML to better serve dynamic content through two-way databinding that allows for the automatic synchronization of models and views. As a result, AngularJS deemphasizes DOM
manipulation and improves testability.

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Over the years developers were used to thing that web is not user-friendly, performance efficient and powerful as native apps. But things have been changed so far; now you can build offline applications with notifications, Bluetooth and camera access and so on. Web development is great again. - Quick startup - I will show how to prioritize content loading in the application to show users meaningful pixels as soon as possible - Progressive enhancement - I will encourage you to use maximum of the platform but still support earlier browsers - Offline application - here I will explain how you can easily make your web application working offline - Push Notifications - one of the best way to increase conversion of your application and now it's possible on the web. I am going to show how to do it right with few steps. - Experimental APIs - I will show how to sign in once on all your devices with Credential API, use native share menu and make payments in few clicks

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jquery interview questionsjquery questionsjavascript questions
The Role of Python in SPAs (Single-Page Applications)
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Angular JS quick review


Model View Controller (MVC)
Extends HTML (very flexible)
2-ways Data-binding
Very reusable (if you follow best practices)
Improves testability (because it is reusable)
Provides routing, history, jqLite, ...


Using angular-seeds
o git clone
o node scripts/web-server.js
o open http://localhost:8000/app/index.html


Using yeoman (excellent workflow tool)

(sudo) npm install -g yo
(sudo) npm install -g generator-angular
yo angular
bower install angular-ui
grunt server
Now, the meat, the main features


2-ways data-binding
Directives, services
Dependency Injection
Inter-components Communication




2-way binding
Easy property mapping

Built-in directives

Where the routing happens





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- Talk from FrontConf Munich 2017 - Abstract: You know the drill right? new cool framework/library appears... boom! new Datepicker in that framework follows and soon enough whole UI libraries, again and again.... It's 2017 and it's time to stop this madness once and for all! How you ask? In this talk we will go through implementation of an app via vanilla web components and explore all the pain points with all these low level primitives that we have natively in the browser. In the end we will build our custom super tiny reactive type-safe library which will allow us to build web components with a breeze Write once, use everywhere by using the platform + abstraction for great Developer experience.

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It’s trivial today to start writing and debugging some React code, but it’s not 100% clear how to properly deploy the application, manage versions and what implications that has on the build configurations. Especially if you want to allow different versions for different users in order to perform some A/B testing, testing new features in production environment, come up with some UI experiments, or gradually roll out new features for a subset of users. In this presentation I hopefully covered all that.


This document provides an outline and overview of a Google App Engine course presented by the National Center for High-Performance Computing. It introduces Google App Engine, outlines the prerequisites for getting started, demonstrates a simple "Hello World" App Engine application, and describes key concepts like the MVC pattern, templates, and using the Google Datastore for application data storage.

Templating - Conditional with ngIf
<div ng-repeat="message in data.messages" ng-class="message.type">
<div ng-if="showFrom(message)">
<div>From: {{}}</div>
<div ng-if="showCreatedBy(message)">
<div>Created by: {{}}</div>
<div ng-if="showTo(message)">
<div>To: {{}}</div>
Templating - Nested repeat
<div ng-repeat="group in groups">
<h2>{{ group.label }}</h2>
<li ng-repeat="friend in group.friends">

{{ }}
Templating - Example 2 - Switch
<div ng-switch on="selection" >
<div ng-switch-when="settings">Settings Div</div>
<span ng-switch-when="home">Home Span</span>
<span ng-switch-default>default</span>
Example 2.2 - Switch with 2-way bind
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<select ng-model="selection" ng-options="item for item in items">
<div class="animate-switch-container"
ng-switch on="selection">
<div ng-switch-when="settings">Settings Div</div>
<div ng-switch-when="home">Home Span</div>
<div ng-switch-default>default</div>

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1. The document discusses integrating Webpack into a Django project to bundle static files. 2. It provides an example Django application and shows how to set up basic Webpack configuration to bundle Vue.js and other static files. 3. Additional Webpack features like hot reloading and code splitting are demonstrated to improve the development and production workflows.

Templating - Simple ngRepeat
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
Item: {{ item }}
Templating - Complex ngRepeat
<header ng-repeat-start="item in items">
Header {{ item }}
<div class="body">
Body {{ item }}
<footer ng-repeat-end>
Footer {{ item }}
// compile the new DOM and link it to the current scope.
// NOTE: we only compile .childNodes so that
// we don't get into infinite loop compiling ourselves
Templating - Routing


Happens in ngView
Routing is a very powerful feature
Allows to update "pieces" of the page
Can stream files from disk to make it truly isolated

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Vue comes with a simple and minimalistic core that is perfect for simple, single page applications that don't require heavy overheads. Vue works primarily on the ViewModel with two-way data bindings and is designed to be simple and flexible, allowing developers to mold the layer as they see fit.

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2-ways data-binding

Becoming more standard, thanks to frameworks like Ember.js or Angular.js



Linking 2 fields for synchronization purpose
Linking data to model
Automatically updating the template as data is changed
o Arrays / Collections
o Inputs
o etc…
2-ways data-binding, example
<input type="text" ng-model="title" style="width: 90%"/>
<div ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-controller="mycontroller">
Title: {{ title }} 
<div class="zippy" zippy-title="title"></div>


Angular.js killer feature
Great deal of re-usability
Just look for directives at
Restricting Directives


"E": Element, <my-directive>
"A": Attribute, <div my-directive>
"C": Class, <div class="my-directive">
"M": Comment: 
Combine (e.g. "EA") for more flexibility

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Communicating between directives


Many design patterns
The "backbonier"


the emitter and the receiver

A more connected example

the directive combinations and controller sharing
Communicating between directives
app.directive('directiveA', function($rootScope){
return function(scope, element, attrs) {

// $rootScope = App Scope
// scope = Current scope (ctrl)

$rootScope.$on('someEvent', function(){
// From here we can react anytime there's an event "someEvent" triggered
Communicating between directives
app.directive('gdayx', function() {

// Creating the directive

return {
restrict: 'E',

// Restricted to "element"

controller: function($scope) {
$scope.what = ""; = function(what) {

// Creating the controller of the directive
// Local data

// External accessor

$scope.what = what;
link: function($scope, $element){
$element.bind("click", function() { // Binding on click
alert("GDayX is "+$scope.what); // Getting content from the Controller.
Communicating between directives
// This directive will "send" data to the first directive
app.directive('is', function() {

// Creating the directive

return {
require: "gdayx",

// Requiring the "gdayx" controller

restrict: 'A',

// Restricting to "attribute"

link: function(scope, element, attrs, gdayxCtrl) {
// gdayxCtrl from the "require: 'gdayx'"; // Passing value to the "gdayx" controller

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Nicolas Embleton, Advanced Angular JS
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Angular.JS is a modern Javascript MVC Framework that was built from the ground up by a team of Googlers, sponsored by Google itself. Angular.JS allows web developers a clear separation between logic and view, and greatly improves the ability to reuse the code by using things such as Directives, Services, Components.Angular.JS smart templating engine also allows to minimize the HTML code, During the presentation, you'll learn some medium-advanced usages of Angular.JS, how to use it, tips & tricks that will make your app amazing.

advanced agularnicolasjavascript
AngularJS - Why is it awesome?


Mature, production-ready
The design and what it allows
Strong support from giants like Google
A lot of solid companies are embracing it

Ebay Commerce Network
DoubleClick (Google) - Marketing Manager & Planner
YouTube APP on PS3
Best Practices


Organize the code well (Captain Obvious!)
Organize modules by feature
angular.module('users', ['utilities']);
angular.module('groups', ['utilities']);
angular.module('mainApp', ['users', 'groups']);


Use the reusability as much as possible
Use the testability as much as possible

Testing, tooling

o Super workflow tool and generator/scaffolder
o Chrome Debugger Extension, (A must have), link
o Task runner
o Package Manager for JS Libraries
Protractor, Karma
o Test Runner
Jasmine, Mocha
o Test Frameworks
And SEO?


Google "Snapshot" famous technic


Turns this:
Into this: - Open Source project - Commercial project

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This document provides an overview of Angular.JS and advanced Angular.JS concepts. It discusses bootstrapping an Angular app, the main features of Angular including templating, routing, two-way data binding, directives, and dependency injection. It also covers best practices, testing and tooling, SEO considerations for Angular apps, and whether Angular is suitable for enterprise projects. The presenter then demonstrates a bootstrapped Angular app and provides resources for learning more about Angular.

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First part of AngularJS Training. Covers details of AngularJs community and answers - Why AngularJS ? - What is AngularJS ? - Getting started - Basic Application layout and anatomies - Data-binding, Existing Directives, Filters, Controllers - Hosting on local (NodeJS) HTTPServer Code samples available at

Introduction à AngularJS
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Introduction à AngularJS

Introduction pour découvrir AngularJS, le framework Javascript de Google pour créer des applications web.

Enterprise project with Angular?


Enterprise project with Angular?



Follow best practices (easier said than done)
System Architecture is KEY to a solid system
As "Agile" would advise, always try to go for simpler but "well-thought"
Enterprise project with Angular?


An example Architecture
Legacy Front End


Experimental Front


Server-side team realm

Experimental Front
End 2

Front-End team realm
Final Words


Angular 1.0.x is mature
Angular 1.2+ will bring more awesomeness

Better and Fluid Animations (js/css3)
More flexibility and functionalities
$interval: add a service wrapping setInterval
Event directives: add ngCopy, ngCut, and ngPaste
jQuery 1.10.x support

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AngularJS is a framework for building dynamic web applications. It uses HTML as the template language and allows you to extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS's data binding and dependency injection allows it to connect data and logic to the DOM and update the DOM when data changes. The core aspects of AngularJS covered in the document include directives, modules, scopes, controllers, templates and data binding. Key points are that directives attach behavior to DOM elements, modules allow partitioning of an app into logical blocks, scopes provide separation of model and view, and controllers extend scopes to handle logic and expose properties.

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Mini-Training: AngularJS
Mini-Training: AngularJSMini-Training: AngularJS
Mini-Training: AngularJS

This document provides an overview of AngularJS, including: - AngularJS is a JavaScript MVVM framework for building dynamic web apps, developed by Google. - It uses Scopes to bind models to views and directives to extend HTML syntax. - Key components include modules, controllers, services and routing to organize an app. - Batarang is a Chrome plugin that helps debug and inspect AngularJS apps.

(if time permits :)
Bootstrapped app


Let's see a quick Angular App
Bootstrapped from Yeoman
Where you can find me:
Author: Nicolas Embleton @:
Presentation made for “Google Developer Day GDayX 2013 Vietnam”
You can follow me at:


And the Javascript Ho Chi Minh City Meetup:



Our group is looking for Projects to mentor. If you have a project you want support for, contact me


Learning AngularJS by the example (+60 minutes-ish training video)

o It's a full "nested-view" library

Reusable Components


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gDayX 2013 - Advanced AngularJS - Nicolas Embleton

  • 2. About me Nicolas Embleton, French in Ho Chi Minh City • 2005 - Software Engineer and System Architect, working on legacy tech stacks (C++, OpenGL, Java, ...) then quickly Web (PHP) • • • 2009 - Founded a Mobile Development Company of 30 individuals 2011 - Started Datafield Startup, Co-founder, CTO 2013 - Started the Javascript Ho Chi Minh City meetup, Getting active in Startup Vietnamese scene to support and mentor young talents
  • 3. Agenda • • • • • • • • Quick Intro Bootstrapping Why Angular? Main features, and why it's awesome Best practices Testing, tooling And SEO? Final words
  • 4. Intro (quick) From Wikipedia: AngularJS is built around the belief that declarative programming should be used for building UIs and wiring software components, while imperative programming is excellent for expressing business logic. The framework adapts and extends traditional HTML to better serve dynamic content through two-way databinding that allows for the automatic synchronization of models and views. As a result, AngularJS deemphasizes DOM manipulation and improves testability.
  • 5. Angular JS quick review • • • • • • • Templating Model View Controller (MVC) Extends HTML (very flexible) 2-ways Data-binding Very reusable (if you follow best practices) Improves testability (because it is reusable) Provides routing, history, jqLite, ...
  • 6. Bootstrapping • Using angular-seeds o git clone o node scripts/web-server.js o open http://localhost:8000/app/index.html • Using yeoman (excellent workflow tool) o o o o o (sudo) npm install -g yo (sudo) npm install -g generator-angular yo angular bower install angular-ui grunt server
  • 7. Now, the meat, the main features • • • • • • Templating Routing 2-ways data-binding Directives, services Dependency Injection Inter-components Communication
  • 8. Templating • Models o o • 2-way binding Easy property mapping Built-in directives o ngView Where the routing happens o ngRepeat Iterator o o ngIf ngSwitch
  • 9. Templating - Conditional with ngIf <div ng-repeat="message in data.messages" ng-class="message.type"> <hr> <div ng-if="showFrom(message)"> <div>From: {{}}</div> </div> <div ng-if="showCreatedBy(message)"> <div>Created by: {{}}</div> </div> <div ng-if="showTo(message)"> <div>To: {{}}</div> </div> </div>
  • 10. Templating - Nested repeat <div ng-repeat="group in groups"><!-- 1st ng-repeat level --> <h2>{{ group.label }}</h2> <ul> <li ng-repeat="friend in group.friends"> <!-- 2nd ng-repeat level --> {{ }} </li> </ul><!-- END: Inner ngRepeat. --> </div><!-- END: Outer ngRepeat. -->
  • 11. Templating - Example 2 - Switch <div ng-switch on="selection" > <div ng-switch-when="settings">Settings Div</div> <span ng-switch-when="home">Home Span</span> <span ng-switch-default>default</span> </div>
  • 12. Example 2.2 - Switch with 2-way bind <div ng-controller="Ctrl"> <select ng-model="selection" ng-options="item for item in items"> </select> <tt>selection={{selection}}</tt> <hr/> <div class="animate-switch-container" ng-switch on="selection"> <div ng-switch-when="settings">Settings Div</div> <div ng-switch-when="home">Home Span</div> <div ng-switch-default>default</div> </div> </div>
  • 13. Templating - Simple ngRepeat <li ng-repeat="item in items"> Item: {{ item }} </li>
  • 14. Templating - Complex ngRepeat <header ng-repeat-start="item in items"> Header {{ item }} </header> <div class="body"> Body {{ item }} </div> <footer ng-repeat-end> Footer {{ item }} </footer>
  • 15. Compiling // compile the new DOM and link it to the current scope. // NOTE: we only compile .childNodes so that // we don't get into infinite loop compiling ourselves $compile(element.contents())(scope);
  • 16. Templating - Routing • • • • Happens in ngView Routing is a very powerful feature Allows to update "pieces" of the page Can stream files from disk to make it truly isolated
  • 17. 2-ways data-binding • • • • Becoming more standard, thanks to frameworks like Ember.js or Angular.js • Example Linking 2 fields for synchronization purpose Linking data to model Automatically updating the template as data is changed o Arrays / Collections o Inputs o etc…
  • 18. 2-ways data-binding, example <input type="text" ng-model="title" style="width: 90%"/> <div ng-app="myapp"> <div ng-controller="mycontroller"> Title: {{ title }} <!-- 2-way data binding --> <hr> <div class="zippy" zippy-title="title"></div> </div> </div>
  • 19. Directives • • • Angular.js killer feature Great deal of re-usability Just look for directives at
  • 20. Restricting Directives • • • • • "E": Element, <my-directive> "A": Attribute, <div my-directive> "C": Class, <div class="my-directive"> "M": Comment: <!-- directive: my-directive exp --> Combine (e.g. "EA") for more flexibility
  • 21. Communicating between directives • • Many design patterns The "backbonier" o • the emitter and the receiver A more connected example o the directive combinations and controller sharing
  • 22. Communicating between directives app.directive('directiveA', function($rootScope){ return function(scope, element, attrs) { // $rootScope = App Scope // scope = Current scope (ctrl) $rootScope.$on('someEvent', function(){ // From here we can react anytime there's an event "someEvent" triggered }); }; });
  • 23. Communicating between directives app.directive('gdayx', function() { // Creating the directive return { restrict: 'E', // Restricted to "element" controller: function($scope) { $scope.what = ""; = function(what) { // Creating the controller of the directive // Local data // External accessor $scope.what = what; } }, link: function($scope, $element){ $element.bind("click", function() { // Binding on click alert("GDayX is "+$scope.what); // Getting content from the Controller. }); } } });
  • 24. Communicating between directives // This directive will "send" data to the first directive app.directive('is', function() { // Creating the directive return { require: "gdayx", // Requiring the "gdayx" controller restrict: 'A', // Restricting to "attribute" link: function(scope, element, attrs, gdayxCtrl) { // gdayxCtrl from the "require: 'gdayx'"; // Passing value to the "gdayx" controller } } });
  • 25. AngularJS - Why is it awesome? • • • • • Mature, production-ready Feature-rich The design and what it allows Strong support from giants like Google A lot of solid companies are embracing it o o o Ebay Commerce Network DoubleClick (Google) - Marketing Manager & Planner YouTube APP on PS3
  • 26. Best Practices • • Organize the code well (Captain Obvious!) Organize modules by feature angular.module('users', ['utilities']); angular.module('groups', ['utilities']); angular.module('mainApp', ['users', 'groups']); • • Use the reusability as much as possible Use the testability as much as possible o o TDD BDD?
  • 27. Testing, tooling • • • • • • Yeoman o Super workflow tool and generator/scaffolder Batarang o Chrome Debugger Extension, (A must have), link Grunt o Task runner Bower o Package Manager for JS Libraries Protractor, Karma o Test Runner Jasmine, Mocha o Test Frameworks
  • 28. And SEO? • Google "Snapshot" famous technic o o o • • _escaped_fragment_ Turns this: Into this: - Open Source project - Commercial project
  • 29. Enterprise project with Angular? • • YES BUT
  • 30. Enterprise project with Angular? • • YES BUT o o o Follow best practices (easier said than done) System Architecture is KEY to a solid system As "Agile" would advise, always try to go for simpler but "well-thought" "team-friendly"designs.
  • 31. Enterprise project with Angular? • An example Architecture Legacy Front End Backend (legacy) Experimental Front End DB Backend (experimental) Server-side team realm Experimental Front End 2 Front-End team realm
  • 32. Final Words • • Angular 1.0.x is mature Angular 1.2+ will bring more awesomeness o o Better and Fluid Animations (js/css3) More flexibility and functionalities $interval: add a service wrapping setInterval Event directives: add ngCopy, ngCut, and ngPaste jQuery 1.10.x support
  • 34. Bootstrapped app • • Let's see a quick Angular App Bootstrapped from Yeoman
  • 35. Where you can find me: Author: Nicolas Embleton @: Presentation made for “Google Developer Day GDayX 2013 Vietnam” You can follow me at: • • And the Javascript Ho Chi Minh City Meetup: • • • o Our group is looking for Projects to mentor. If you have a project you want support for, contact me
  • 36. Resources Learning • • • Learning AngularJS by the example (+60 minutes-ish training video) • • o It's a full "nested-view" library Reusable Components • •