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Aviran Cohen
I am Aviran Cohen
Full-stack Developer
7 years experience in web development
What we’ll cover
1.A brief history of web development
4.Getting Started
6.HTML Compiler
A Brief History
Of Web
Once upon a time
jQuery (2006)
▣ Started as DOM manipulation tool
▣ Became an all-in-one javascript library
□ without much forethoughts
▣ Our best friend back then, until..
The Era of Web
jQuery + Webapp = Headaches
▣ Structureless spaghetti code
□ Total code mess
▣ Selectors creating tight coupling
□ Non-reusable code
▣ Not enough high level abstractions
□ A lot of code required to be written
Backbone.js (2010)
▣ It brings structures to our code
▣ but still uses jQuery to handle the views
▣ Solved
□ No more spaghetti code
▣ NOT Solved
□ Selectors creating tight coupling
□ Not enough high level abstractions
What about High Level Abstractions?
▣ Backbone is unopinionated.
▣ It lacks the necessary tools to easily manage
any webapp above a certain threshold in
▣ The bottom line - Backbone asks you to write
A Lot More Code to get what you want
And the earth was without form,
and void; and darkness wasupon
the face of the deep
And the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness
wasupon the face of the deep
And God said:
Let there be light..
And the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness
wasupon the face of the deep
And God said:
Let there be light..
...and there was light
Initial release in 2009
Faster development
Quality code (structure and robustness)
Developed by Google
How come jQuery is still way more popular
than angular?
It’s not one or another
▣ Angular does not replace jQuery!
▣ jQuery library is the undoubted king of a DOM
Angular’s Role
▣ Angular offers a comprehensive framework to
develop front-end applications
▣ Actually Angular provides jqLite out of the
□ a jQuery-like library that provides a subset of
jQuery functionality
AngularJS is all
AngularJS is:
1.a powerful Front-end
JavaScript framework
1.Extends HTML to build
complex web applications
1.Organizes JavaScript code
into reusable components
How things worked before:
How things works the Angular’s way:
Why Angular
▣ Component based - Code reuse
▣ Extends HTML by adding directives, custom
tags, attributes, expressions, templates within
▣ Data Binding and Dependency Injection
□ Everything is communicated automatically
▣ Dependency-injected code for easy testing
and TDD
The major features of AngularJS
▣ Easy Data Binding: Two way Data Binding
▣ Reusable Components - Directives
▣ Dependency injection
▣ Routing
▣ Templating
▣ Modules
▣ Controllers
▣ Services
▣ Expressions
▣ Filters
▣ Form Validation
▣ $scope, $http, $routeProvides..
What kind of
Angular use?
Change to View
updates the Model
Change to Model
updates the View
Two-way Binding
Two-way Binding
▣ Any changes in the scope are reflected in the
view, and any user interactions with the view
are reflected in the scope model.
▣ This makes the scope model the single source
of truth
define the data and methods that
will be available for the view
MODELbusiness logic
Html Template
$scope (VM)
Two-way Data-
Commands Change Notifications
What architecture is it?
Model View Whatever - Whatever works for you
Getting Started
Getting started
▣ ng-app
<html ng-app=”myApp”>
<script src='angular.js'></script>
▣ Use this directive to bootstrap an application
▣ Only one ng-app directive can be used per
HTML document
<html ng-app>
Markup {{ expression }}
▣ Double curly brace notation {{ }}
▣ Used to bind expressions to elements is built-
in Angular markup.
<div>1 + 2 = {{1+2}}</div>
Hello {{username}}
▣ The ng-model directive binds an input,select,
textarea (or custom form control) to a
property on the scope
▣ Two-way binding
Data Binding
▣ ng-model
▣ ng-show
<html ng-app>
<script src='angular.js'></script>
<input ng-model=''>
<div ng-show=''>Hi {{}}</div>
Modules (HTML side)
▣ All AngularJS JavaScript code is stored in
▣ And a module is attached to a page
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['otherModule', 'anotherModule']);
<html ng-app="myApp"> ... </html>
Modules (Javascript)
▣ Modules are used to define services, controllers,
directives and filters
▣ Each module member is a constructor which can
inject other services
app.factory('myValues', function() {
return function() {
return [1,2,3,4,5,6];
app.filter('skipFirstValue', function() {
return function(data) {
return data.slice(1);
});$rootScope, myValues, skipFirstValueFilter) {
//this is called when the page is loaded
$rootScope.values = skipFirstValue(myValues());
▣ The scope is the glue between JavaScript and
HTML in AngularJS
▣ Anything placed on the $scope object can be
referenced in HTML
<div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
Hello, so far I have <strong>{{ totalApples }} </strong> apples.
<button ng-click="moreApples()">Give me more!</button>
app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.totalApples = 0;
$scope.moreApples = function() {
Think of the scope as the memory for your HTML
▣ Controllers are defined inside of a module like
all other services
app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) { ... });
▣ And they can be referenced in HTML using
ng-controller (Or within routes..)
<html ng-app>
<script src='angular.js'></script>
<script src='controllers.js'></script>
<body ng-controller='UserController'>
<div>Hi {{}}</div>
function UserController($scope) {
$scope.user = { name:'Larry' };
AJAX using $http
▣ Use $http to perform an AJAX request
▣ The scope will automatically update itself
when $http returns gets a response
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('ColorsCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.colors = $http.get('/api/colors.json');
The Magic
No more HTML mess
Today’s websites have giant series of <div> with
extensive and exhaustive CSS, causing little
semantic clarity.
With Angular you can create your own tags and
attributes using Directives.
▣ Special custom components in HTML
▣ The directives can be placed in element
names, attributes, class names, as well as
▣ Directives are a way to teach HTML new
<div my-precious-element></div>
▣ Handled in JavaScript via DOM manipulation
▣ A directive is just a function which executes
when the compiler encounters it in the DOM.
app.directive('myPreciousElement', function() {
return function($scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function() {
Possible usage of directives
<rating max='5' model='stars.average'>
<tab title='Active tab' view='...'>
<tab title='Inactive tab' view='...'>
<tooltip content='messages.tip1'>
Built-in Directives
▣ AngularJS provides series of predefined HTML
▣ These components reduce much of the
JavaScript required to make HTML appear
Some of the Built-in Directive
▣ ng-repeat
▣ ng-show
▣ ng-hide
▣ ng-disabled
▣ ng-href
▣ ng-click
▣ ng-dbclick
▣ ng-mouseup
▣ ng-mouseover
▣ ng-focus
▣ ng-blur
▣ ...
HTML Compiler
HTML Compiler
▣ Angular’s HTML compiler allows the
developer to teach the browser new HTML
▣ The compiler allows you to attach behavior to
any HTML element or attribute and even
create new HTML elements or attributes with
custom behavior.
▣ Angular calls these behavior extensions
How the HTML Compiler works
▣ Compiler is an angular service which traverses
the DOM looking for attributes.
▣ The compilation process happens in two
□ Compile: traverse the DOM and collect all of the
directives. The result is a linking function.
□ Link: combine the directives with a scope and
produce a live view.
Any questions?
You can find me at:

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  • 7. jQuery ▣ Started as DOM manipulation tool ▣ Became an all-in-one javascript library □ without much forethoughts ▣ Our best friend back then, until..
  • 8. The Era of Web Apps
  • 9. jQuery + Webapp = Headaches ▣ Structureless spaghetti code □ Total code mess ▣ Selectors creating tight coupling □ Non-reusable code ▣ Not enough high level abstractions □ A lot of code required to be written
  • 12. backbone.js ▣ It brings structures to our code ▣ but still uses jQuery to handle the views
  • 13. backbone.js ▣ Solved □ No more spaghetti code ▣ NOT Solved □ Selectors creating tight coupling □ Not enough high level abstractions
  • 14. What about High Level Abstractions? ▣ Backbone is unopinionated. ▣ It lacks the necessary tools to easily manage any webapp above a certain threshold in complexity ▣ The bottom line - Backbone asks you to write A Lot More Code to get what you want
  • 15. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness wasupon the face of the deep
  • 16. ‘’ And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness wasupon the face of the deep And God said: Let there be light..
  • 17. ‘’ And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness wasupon the face of the deep And God said: Let there be light..
  • 19. AngularJS Initial release in 2009 Faster development Quality code (structure and robustness) Developed by Google
  • 21. How come jQuery is still way more popular than angular?
  • 22. It’s not one or another ▣ Angular does not replace jQuery! ▣ jQuery library is the undoubted king of a DOM manipulation
  • 23. Angular’s Role ▣ Angular offers a comprehensive framework to develop front-end applications ▣ Actually Angular provides jqLite out of the box □ a jQuery-like library that provides a subset of jQuery functionality
  • 25. ‘’ AngularJS is: 1.a powerful Front-end JavaScript framework 1.Extends HTML to build complex web applications 1.Organizes JavaScript code into reusable components
  • 26. How things worked before: JS HTML Structure Behavior CSSPresentation
  • 28. Why Angular ▣ Component based - Code reuse ▣ Extends HTML by adding directives, custom tags, attributes, expressions, templates within HTML ▣ Data Binding and Dependency Injection □ Everything is communicated automatically ▣ Dependency-injected code for easy testing and TDD
  • 29. The major features of AngularJS ▣ Easy Data Binding: Two way Data Binding ▣ Reusable Components - Directives ▣ Dependency injection ▣ Routing ▣ Templating ▣ Modules ▣ Controllers ▣ Services ▣ Expressions ▣ Filters ▣ Form Validation ▣ $scope, $http, $routeProvides..
  • 31. Template Model View Compile Change to View updates the Model Change to Model updates the View Two-way Binding
  • 32. Two-way Binding ▣ Any changes in the scope are reflected in the view, and any user interactions with the view are reflected in the scope model. ▣ This makes the scope model the single source of truth
  • 34. VIEW define the data and methods that will be available for the view MODELbusiness logic Html Template $scope (VM) Two-way Data- Binding Commands Commands Change Notifications What architecture is it?
  • 35. MVW Model View Whatever - Whatever works for you
  • 37. Getting started ▣ ng-app <html ng-app=”myApp”> <head> <script src='angular.js'></script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
  • 38. ng-app ▣ Use this directive to bootstrap an application ▣ Only one ng-app directive can be used per HTML document <html ng-app>
  • 39. Markup {{ expression }} ▣ Double curly brace notation {{ }} ▣ Used to bind expressions to elements is built- in Angular markup. <div>1 + 2 = {{1+2}}</div> Hello {{username}}
  • 40. ng-model ▣ The ng-model directive binds an input,select, textarea (or custom form control) to a property on the scope ▣ Two-way binding
  • 41. Data Binding ▣ ng-model ▣ ng-show <html ng-app> <head> <script src='angular.js'></script> </head> <body> <input ng-model=''> <div ng-show=''>Hi {{}}</div> </body> </html>
  • 42. Modules (HTML side) ▣ All AngularJS JavaScript code is stored in modules ▣ And a module is attached to a page var app = angular.module('myApp', ['otherModule', 'anotherModule']); <html ng-app="myApp"> ... </html>
  • 43. Modules (Javascript) ▣ Modules are used to define services, controllers, directives and filters ▣ Each module member is a constructor which can inject other services app.factory('myValues', function() { return function() { return [1,2,3,4,5,6]; }; }); app.filter('skipFirstValue', function() { return function(data) { return data.slice(1); } });$rootScope, myValues, skipFirstValueFilter) { //this is called when the page is loaded $rootScope.values = skipFirstValue(myValues()); });
  • 44. $scope ▣ The scope is the glue between JavaScript and HTML in AngularJS ▣ Anything placed on the $scope object can be referenced in HTML <div ng-controller="AppCtrl"> Hello, so far I have <strong>{{ totalApples }} </strong> apples. <button ng-click="moreApples()">Give me more!</button> </div> app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.totalApples = 0; $scope.moreApples = function() { $scope.totalApples++; } });
  • 45. $scope Think of the scope as the memory for your HTML
  • 46. Controllers ▣ Controllers are defined inside of a module like all other services app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) { ... });
  • 47. Controllers ▣ And they can be referenced in HTML using ng-controller (Or within routes..) <html ng-app> <head> <script src='angular.js'></script> <script src='controllers.js'></script> </head> <body ng-controller='UserController'> <div>Hi {{}}</div> </body> </html> function UserController($scope) { $scope.user = { name:'Larry' }; } index.html controllers.js
  • 48. Ajax
  • 49. AJAX using $http ▣ Use $http to perform an AJAX request ▣ The scope will automatically update itself when $http returns gets a response var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller('ColorsCtrl', function($scope, $http) { $scope.colors = $http.get('/api/colors.json'); });
  • 51. No more HTML mess Today’s websites have giant series of <div> with extensive and exhaustive CSS, causing little semantic clarity. With Angular you can create your own tags and attributes using Directives.
  • 52. Directives ▣ Special custom components in HTML ▣ The directives can be placed in element names, attributes, class names, as well as comments. ▣ Directives are a way to teach HTML new tricks. <div my-precious-element></div>
  • 53. Directives ▣ Handled in JavaScript via DOM manipulation ▣ A directive is just a function which executes when the compiler encounters it in the DOM. app.directive('myPreciousElement', function() { return function($scope, element, attrs) { element.bind('click', function() { alert('clicked!'); }); }; });
  • 54. Possible usage of directives <rating max='5' model='stars.average'> <tabs> <tab title='Active tab' view='...'> <tab title='Inactive tab' view='...'> </tabs> <tooltip content='messages.tip1'>
  • 55. Built-in Directives ▣ AngularJS provides series of predefined HTML components ▣ These components reduce much of the JavaScript required to make HTML appear dynamic
  • 56. Some of the Built-in Directive Components ▣ ng-repeat ▣ ng-show ▣ ng-hide ▣ ng-disabled ▣ ng-href ▣ ng-click ▣ ng-dbclick ▣ ng-mouseup ▣ ng-mouseover ▣ ng-focus ▣ ng-blur ▣ ...
  • 58. HTML Compiler ▣ Angular’s HTML compiler allows the developer to teach the browser new HTML syntax. ▣ The compiler allows you to attach behavior to any HTML element or attribute and even create new HTML elements or attributes with custom behavior. ▣ Angular calls these behavior extensions directives.
  • 59. How the HTML Compiler works ▣ Compiler is an angular service which traverses the DOM looking for attributes. ▣ The compilation process happens in two phases: □ Compile: traverse the DOM and collect all of the directives. The result is a linking function. □ Link: combine the directives with a scope and produce a live view.
  • 61. Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: