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Firebase defines for
By Apaichon Punopas
• Realtime Database call by API
• Store as JSON format
• Sync data from multiple applications
• Only write front end code
• Secure and monitor your data
• Access from everywhere
What is Firebase ?
• Originally referring to "non SQL", "non relational" or "not
only SQL"
• Simplicity of design, simpler "horizontal" scaling to
clusters of machines
• key-value, wide column, graph, or document
• "more flexible" than relational database tables
• Most NoSQL stores lack true ACID transactions
• Most NoSQL use JSON format
What is NO SQL ?
• This model organizes data into one or more tables
(or "relations") of columns and rows, with a unique
key identifying each row. Rows are also called
records or tuples.
What is Relational DB ?

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Firebase - A real-time server
Firebase - A real-time serverFirebase - A real-time server
Firebase - A real-time server

Want to build chat applications, online games and other exciting stuff? Firebase is here to help you developing all these amazing things. Go through these slides to learn about Firebase, and how to use it.

develop chatreal-time serverdevelop online games
Introduction to Firebase with Android and Beyond...
Introduction to Firebase with Android and Beyond...Introduction to Firebase with Android and Beyond...
Introduction to Firebase with Android and Beyond...

This document provides an introduction and overview of Firebase. It discusses how Firebase is a fully managed platform for building mobile and web apps that provides features like data synchronization, authentication, messaging, storage and analytics. It outlines Firebase's cross-platform capabilities and focus on developer experience. Several core Firebase features are described in more detail, including the realtime database, authentication, storage, hosting, remote config and analytics. Hands-on coding demos are presented using Firebase with Android, IoT devices and the web.

Firebase Introduction
Firebase Introduction Firebase Introduction
Firebase Introduction

Introduction to Google Firebase. This presentation covers basic intro to Firebase and its services. To get started with Firebase :

• Move fast
• Forget about infrastructure
• Make smart, data-driven decisions
• Work across platforms
• Free to start, scale with ease
Why use Firebase ?
Who use Firebase ?
• Single JSON format
Firebase structure
"lastName":"Doe" ,
"age":30 ,
"gender":"M" ,
• Go to
• Click
• Click
• Fill Project Information
Register Firebase

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Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform that allows developers to build collaborative applications without writing server-side code. It provides features like authentication, a real-time database, file storage, hosting, and cloud messaging. Firebase was developed in 2011 and later acquired by Google in 2014.

Firebase in action 2021
Firebase in action 2021Firebase in action 2021
Firebase in action 2021

This document provides an overview of a Firebase workshop. It introduces Firebase services like Authentication, Realtime Database, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Storage. For each service, it discusses what it is, how it works, use cases, and recommendations for using it correctly. It also includes examples using Github repos. The workshop concludes with a Kahoot quiz and a request for feedback.

Firebase Analytics
Firebase AnalyticsFirebase Analytics
Firebase Analytics

This document discusses Firebase Analytics, a mobile analytics tool from Google. It provides an overview of Firebase Analytics, comparing it to other mobile analytics tools. It then discusses how Firebase Analytics can help understand user interactions with an app, popular devices, and user engagement. The document outlines the mobile app lifecycle and when Firebase Analytics is needed. It also summarizes what events and user properties are automatically tracked by Firebase Analytics and how users can extend measurements by defining custom events and properties. Finally, it provides brief descriptions of how to create a Firebase project, integrate the SDK, and connect Firebase to Google Analytics and BigQuery for additional analytics capabilities.

firebasefirebase analyticsfirebase events
Manual edit data
• Node.js is a server-side platform.
• Built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine).
• It was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009.
• It is an open source.
• Cross-platform runtime environment for developing
server-side and networking applications.
• Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.
What is NodeJS ?
• The term I/O is used to describe any program,
operation or device that transfers data to or from a
computer and to or from a peripheral device.
What is I/O ?
• Most I/O requests are considered blocking
requests, meaning that control does not return to
the application until the I/O is complete. The
delayed from systems calls such read() and write()
can be quite long. Using systems call that block is
sometimes call synchronous programming.
What is Blocking I/O ?

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Database, data storage, hosting with Firebase
Database, data storage, hosting with FirebaseDatabase, data storage, hosting with Firebase
Database, data storage, hosting with Firebase

The document discusses Firebase features for database, data storage, and cloud hosting. It describes Firebase's real-time database, which allows syncing changed data in milliseconds across devices. It also covers Firebase storage, which provides robust, secure, and scalable file storage. Additionally, it mentions Firebase hosting, which allows for fast, secure content delivery and rapid website deployment through features like automatic SSL certificates and one-click rollbacks.

data storagefirebasehosting
Documenting your REST API with Swagger - JOIN 2014
Documenting your REST API with Swagger - JOIN 2014Documenting your REST API with Swagger - JOIN 2014
Documenting your REST API with Swagger - JOIN 2014

Swagger is a specification and complete framework implementation for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. The overarching goal of Swagger is to enable client and documentation systems to update at the same pace as the server. The documentation of methods, parameters, and models are tightly integrated into the server code, allowing APIs to always stay in sync. With Swagger, deploying managing, and using powerful APIs has never been easier.

Firebase Auth Tutorial
Firebase Auth TutorialFirebase Auth Tutorial
Firebase Auth Tutorial

A simple how-to's on how to use Firebase Authentication Service using Android SDK, Facebook SDK & Firebase SDK.

androidmobile application developmentfirebase
• Programs that use non-blocking I/O tend to follow
the rule that every function has to return
immediately, i.e. all the functions in such programs
are nonblocking. Thus control passes very quickly
from one routine to the next.
What is non blocking I/O ?
1. Go to
2. Choose NodeJS for your OS.
3. Extract file and Click on Installer package.
4. After finish installed then open terminal and type
Installation NodeJS
>node -v
1. Create file name package.json
Integrate Firebase with
NodeJS #2
"name": "testfirebase",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "MyService is Rest Api Application for our core system.",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1"
"keywords": [
"Test Firebase"
"author": “Your Name",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": ">= 1.14.2",
"express": "^4.14.0",
"firebase": "^3.5.2",
"guid": "latest"
2. Install NodeJS Package
3. Create file name “app.js” and put code following.
Integrate Firebase with
>npm install
var express = require("express");
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
console.log("My Service is listening to port 3000.");

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Firebase in a Nutshell
Firebase in a NutshellFirebase in a Nutshell
Firebase in a Nutshell

Firebase evolved from Envolve, a startup founded in 2011 that provided an API for integrating online chat into websites. Developers were using Envolve's real-time architecture to sync app data beyond just chat. In 2011, Firebase was founded to focus on this real-time data synchronization, launching its first product - the Firebase Real-time Database - in 2012. This database synchronizes app data across devices in real-time and stores it in Firebase's cloud. In 2014, Firebase launched products for hosting, authentication, and other services, positioning itself as a mobile backend platform.


The document discusses Firebase and its features for building realtime web and mobile applications. It explains that Firebase provides a database, authentication, security, and hosting capabilities. It also outlines how to set up Firebase in an Android app by including the library, setting the context, reading and writing data to the database, and enabling different authentication methods. Security rules and offline capabilities with Firebase are also briefly mentioned.

mobilestatic hostinggoogle cloud platform
Developing Faster with Swagger
Developing Faster with SwaggerDeveloping Faster with Swagger
Developing Faster with Swagger

This document discusses how Swagger can be used to develop APIs faster. It describes what Swagger is, provides an example Swagger YAML file, and discusses how code can be generated from Swagger specifications. It also introduces Swagger Inflector, which uses the Swagger specification as the single source of truth to automatically route controllers, map models, and generate sample data when controllers are not implemented. The document encourages rethinking the DRY principle and maintaining the API specification as the central source.

4. Go to Firebase console and copy code for web on
overview section then paste to app.js .
Integrate Firebase with
var firebase = require("firebase");
// Initialize the app with a service account, granting admin privileges
apiKey: "AIzaSyBrzkaCzORJfYizrjeIij3rbl6d-EYswt0",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "810901210082"
1.Put code in app.js following.
2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js
Create data
var Guid = require('guid');'/members/add',function(req,res){
var _guid = Guid.create();
var guid = _guid.toString();
firebase.database().ref('members/' + guid.toString())
var message ={code:200,status:"Insert completed"}
message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err}
message.result = req.body;
Install Chrome Postman for test Restful API.
1. Find in Google by wording is “Chrome Postman”
2. Click add chrome plugin
Install Postman
Test CRUD Rest API by Postman to make sure that all function
are work correctly .
1. Open “Chrome Postman” then set parameter following.
Setup Postman’s Parameters

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API & Backend Integration
API & Backend IntegrationAPI & Backend Integration
API & Backend Integration

This document discusses building forms, APIs, and CRUD operations in React. It covers creating basic and controlled forms in React, RESTful APIs and CRUD operations using HTTP methods like GET and POST. Axios is introduced as a library for making API requests from React. Examples of CRUD functionality for create, read, update and delete operations are provided. The conclusion emphasizes how this knowledge enables building dynamic web applications with seamless data interaction and user experience.

Azure App Service
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Azure App Service

This slide deck provides the basics of Azure App Service. This presentation was presented by Harikharan Krishnaraju, Developer Support Escalation Engineer, Microsoft during the TechMeet360 event organized by BizTalk360, held on December 17, 2016 at Coimbatore.

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Introduction to Progressive web app (PWA)
Introduction to Progressive web app (PWA)Introduction to Progressive web app (PWA)
Introduction to Progressive web app (PWA)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are experiences that combine the best of the web and mobile apps. They load quickly, work offline, and feel like native mobile apps. The key aspects of PWAs include service workers for offline functionality, app shells for fast loading, and manifest files for home screen capabilities. PWAs use caching strategies and service workers to load from the cache first for offline access, then request updates from the network as needed. This provides a better user experience than online-first solutions which require network connectivity.

1.Go to Firebase web console then set JSON
Open Authorise
• Rerun app.js
• Back to Chrome Postman then click send button.
Test Rest API
>node app.js
We have created solution like below picture.
What we’ve done ?
1.Put code in app.js following.
2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js
3. On Chrome Postman click Send button.
Get data

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Realtime vs Cloud Firestore
Realtime vs Cloud Firestore Realtime vs Cloud Firestore
Realtime vs Cloud Firestore

Firebase was founded in 2011 and acquired by Google in 2014. It launched Cloud Firestore in 2017. Realtime Database is Firebase's original database that stores data in a JSON tree structure, while Cloud Firestore is newer and stores data in documents within collections. Both provide real-time updates and offline support on mobile and web. Cloud Firestore has more powerful querying, transactions, and security features but was still in beta, while Realtime Database is more reliable but has fewer features and scales data differently.


Firebase is a mobile and web application platform with tools and infrastructure designed to help developers build high-quality apps. Firebase evolved from Envolve, a prior startup founded by Tamplin and Lee in 2011. Envolve provided developers an API that let them integrate online chat into their websites.

hostinggoogle analyticsdatabase
Introduction to Firebase [Google I/O Extended Bangkok 2016]
Introduction to Firebase [Google I/O Extended Bangkok 2016]Introduction to Firebase [Google I/O Extended Bangkok 2016]
Introduction to Firebase [Google I/O Extended Bangkok 2016]

This document provides an overview of developing a mobile application with Firebase. It discusses that developing a mobile app requires functionality like authentication, databases, storage, analytics etc. It then summarizes the key services Firebase provides for mobile development including authentication, realtime database, storage, hosting, cloud messaging, remote config, testing services, crash reporting, dynamic links, invites, monetization services and analytics. The document demonstrates how to integrate and use these Firebase services in a mobile app with code snippets. It positions Firebase as providing an easy way to add functionality to an app without needing to hire backend engineers.

cross platformbackendandroid
1.Put code in app.js following.
2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js
Edit data
var memberId = req.body.memberId;
var memberInfo = req.body.memberInfo;
firebase.database().ref('members/' + memberId)
var message ={code:200,status:"Update completed"}
message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err}
message.result = req.body;
1.Put code in app.js following.
2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js
Delete data
var memberId = req.body.memberId;
firebase.database().ref('members/' + memberId)
var message ={code:200,status:"Remove completed"}
message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err}
message.result = req.body;
Human are social animals
Give and Take:
Why Helping Others Drives Our

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A quick authentication with polymerfire elements presented in GDG Algiers GCP Next 2017 You can test the demo part in

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Node.js - A practical introduction (v2)

This document provides an introduction to Node.js including its history, uses, advantages, and community. It describes how Node.js uses non-blocking I/O and JavaScript to enable highly scalable applications. Examples show how Node.js can run HTTP servers and handle streaming data faster than traditional blocking architectures. The document recommends Node.js for real-time web applications and advises against using it for hard real-time systems or CPU-intensive tasks. It encourages participation in the growing Node.js community on mailing lists and IRC.

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  • 2. • Realtime Database call by API • Store as JSON format • Sync data from multiple applications • Only write front end code • Secure and monitor your data • Access from everywhere What is Firebase ?
  • 3. • Originally referring to "non SQL", "non relational" or "not only SQL" • Simplicity of design, simpler "horizontal" scaling to clusters of machines • key-value, wide column, graph, or document • "more flexible" than relational database tables • Most NoSQL stores lack true ACID transactions • Most NoSQL use JSON format What is NO SQL ?
  • 4. • This model organizes data into one or more tables (or "relations") of columns and rows, with a unique key identifying each row. Rows are also called records or tuples. What is Relational DB ?
  • 5. • Move fast • Forget about infrastructure • Make smart, data-driven decisions • Work across platforms • Free to start, scale with ease Why use Firebase ?
  • 7. • Single JSON format Firebase structure {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe" , "age":30 , "gender":"M" , “birthDay":"1/1/1986" }
  • 8. • Go to • Click • Click • Fill Project Information Register Firebase
  • 10. • Node.js is a server-side platform. • Built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine). • It was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009. • It is an open source. • Cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications. • Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. What is NodeJS ?
  • 11. • The term I/O is used to describe any program, operation or device that transfers data to or from a computer and to or from a peripheral device. What is I/O ?
  • 12. • Most I/O requests are considered blocking requests, meaning that control does not return to the application until the I/O is complete. The delayed from systems calls such read() and write() can be quite long. Using systems call that block is sometimes call synchronous programming. What is Blocking I/O ?
  • 13. • Programs that use non-blocking I/O tend to follow the rule that every function has to return immediately, i.e. all the functions in such programs are nonblocking. Thus control passes very quickly from one routine to the next. What is non blocking I/O ?
  • 14. 1. Go to 2. Choose NodeJS for your OS. 3. Extract file and Click on Installer package. 4. After finish installed then open terminal and type command. Installation NodeJS >node -v
  • 15. 1. Create file name package.json Integrate Firebase with NodeJS #2 { "name": "testfirebase", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "MyService is Rest Api Application for our core system.", "scripts": { "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1" }, "keywords": [ "Test Firebase" ], "author": “Your Name", "license": "MIT", "dependencies": { "body-parser": ">= 1.14.2", "express": "^4.14.0", "firebase": "^3.5.2", "guid": "latest" } }
  • 16. 2. Install NodeJS Package 3. Create file name “app.js” and put code following. Integrate Firebase with NodeJS >npm install var express = require("express"); var app = express(); require('rootpath')(); var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.listen(3000); console.log("My Service is listening to port 3000.");
  • 17. 4. Go to Firebase console and copy code for web on overview section then paste to app.js . Integrate Firebase with NodeJS var firebase = require("firebase"); // Initialize the app with a service account, granting admin privileges firebase.initializeApp({ apiKey: "AIzaSyBrzkaCzORJfYizrjeIij3rbl6d-EYswt0", authDomain: "", databaseURL: "", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "810901210082" });
  • 18. 1.Put code in app.js following. 2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js Create data var Guid = require('guid');'/members/add',function(req,res){ var _guid = Guid.create(); var guid = _guid.toString(); firebase.database().ref('members/' + guid.toString()) .set(req.body,function(err){ var message ={code:200,status:"Insert completed"} if(err) message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err} else message.result = req.body; res.send(message); }); });
  • 19. Objective Install Chrome Postman for test Restful API. 1. Find in Google by wording is “Chrome Postman” 2. Click add chrome plugin Install Postman
  • 20. Objective Test CRUD Rest API by Postman to make sure that all function are work correctly . 1. Open “Chrome Postman” then set parameter following. Setup Postman’s Parameters 1 2 3 4 2
  • 21. 1.Go to Firebase web console then set JSON following. Open Authorise
  • 22. • Rerun app.js • Back to Chrome Postman then click send button. Test Rest API >node app.js
  • 23. We have created solution like below picture. What we’ve done ? 23
  • 24. 1.Put code in app.js following. 2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js 3. On Chrome Postman click Send button. Get data app.get('/members/getMany',function(req,res){ firebase.database().ref('members').once('value') .then(function(data){ res.send(data.val()); }) });
  • 25. 1.Put code in app.js following. 2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js Edit data app.put('/members/edit',function(req,res){ var memberId = req.body.memberId; var memberInfo = req.body.memberInfo; firebase.database().ref('members/' + memberId) .update(memberInfo,function(err){ var message ={code:200,status:"Update completed"} if(err) message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err} else message.result = req.body; res.send(message); }); });
  • 26. 1.Put code in app.js following. 2. Open Terminal then run nodejs > node app.js Delete data app.delete('/members/delete',function(req,res){ var memberId = req.body.memberId; firebase.database().ref('members/' + memberId) .remove(function(err){ var message ={code:200,status:"Remove completed"} if(err) message ={code:500,status:"error",message:err} else message.result = req.body; res.send(message); }); });
  • 27. Human are social animals Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success END