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HTML5 vs
           Native Android
   Smart Enterprises for the Future

                      Suzanne Alexandra
           Android Technology Evangelist
where we'll play tonight
2011: Mobile exceeds PCs

                           business insider

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Kony plaform short
Kony plaform   shortKony plaform   short
Kony plaform short

Kony is a mobile application development platform that allows developers to build cross-platform apps using a single codebase. It was founded in 2007 and has experienced 600% growth in the last two years. The platform provides tools for designing, developing, testing, delivering, deploying and managing mobile apps, allowing developers to build apps for multiple operating systems using different deployment methods.

platform as a servicebyodmobile management
Introduction to Mobile Development
Introduction to Mobile DevelopmentIntroduction to Mobile Development
Introduction to Mobile Development

This document provides an overview of mobile development. It discusses key mobile platforms like iOS and Android. For iOS, it covers features of iOS 5, the Xcode development environment, and testing tools. For Android, it discusses the open source nature, features, architecture, Java-based development using Eclipse/Android SDK, and testing framework. It also compares high-level differences between developing for iOS vs Android like required tools and programming languages.

mobile html5 phonegap ios android
Kony Mobile Management
Kony Mobile ManagementKony Mobile Management
Kony Mobile Management

Kony is a mobile application development and management platform founded in 2007. It has experienced 600% growth in the last two years and has over 200 customers including global and Fortune 500 companies. Kony provides a full-spectrum mobile management offering that allows companies to manage their mobile devices, applications, and data in an automated, scalable, and user-friendly manner.

mdmmcmmobile management
2012: Mobile ubiquity

   "We now live and always will live in a multi-device world,
   where companies and consumers choose different
   smartphone and tablet platforms and expect to get apps
   on all of them."

                                         -- Forrester Research
Native Android                  Mobile middleware

                      four tracks

            HTML5, JavaScript                       Hybrid

         Experience                  Cost

Native                                        Web

         Performance                Agility

Enterprise class apps

   Real mobile experiences that challenge the processing
   power, memory and display of the best mobile devices
   and platforms, for large brands and large audiences,
   with vibrant content, at transactional scale.

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Adobe AIR Mobile development for Android and PlayBook
Adobe AIR Mobile development for Android and PlayBookAdobe AIR Mobile development for Android and PlayBook
Adobe AIR Mobile development for Android and PlayBook

This document discusses mobile development using the Flash platform and Adobe AIR. It covers building mobile apps for Android using AIR APIs and permissions. It also discusses the new Blackberry Playbook tablet, including its hardware details and developer options for building apps using the Playbook SDK, Adobe AIR, or WebWorks. Resources are provided for learning mobile development with Flash Builder and the Tour de Mobile Flex app.

Cross platform solutions for Mobile App Development
Cross platform solutions for Mobile App Development Cross platform solutions for Mobile App Development
Cross platform solutions for Mobile App Development

This document discusses cross-platform solutions for mobile app development. It begins with an introduction to the mobile landscape and popular mobile platforms. It then covers native mobile app development and the benefits of cross-platform solutions, such as building apps once that run on multiple platforms. Several cross-platform solutions are described, including those based on web technologies like PhoneGap and Adobe Air, and those using native technologies like MoSync. Game development options and conclusions on cross-platform solutions are also provided.

Flex User Group breton
Flex User Group bretonFlex User Group breton
Flex User Group breton

This document discusses Adobe's Flash and Flex platforms on tablet devices. It covers Adobe AIR 2.6 support for iOS and Android tablets, as well as Flash Player 10.1 support. It also discusses Flex support on tablets and the new Blackberry Playbook, including its hardware specs and the Adobe AIR SDK available for developing applications for the Playbook. Finally, it discusses using LiveCycle Data Services for real-time mobile applications across multiple platforms.

user groupadoberennes
Native Android
What is native?

 android sdk

                   android ndk (c/c++)

Native apps run here
Key technology benefits

Native user experience      Integrate with android platform
Best hardware integration   More discoverable on device
Integrate with other apps   Run smoother, better, faster

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The Modern Web, Part 1: Mobility
The Modern Web, Part 1: MobilityThe Modern Web, Part 1: Mobility
The Modern Web, Part 1: Mobility

David Pallmann's public webcast series on The Modern Web. Part 1 deals with Mobility, one of the four pillars (along with HTML5, Social,and Cloud)

Windows phone
Windows phoneWindows phone
Windows phone

The document discusses Windows Phone application development. It covers topics like the Windows Phone platform, developer tools, the emulator, Metro design language, and submitting apps to the Windows Phone Marketplace. Key points include an overview of the emulator's capabilities for testing apps, how to debug apps using Visual Studio, requirements for app certification, and new features in the Marketplace like assisted game ratings and distribution options.

app developmentlumiawindows phone
Bam amor mobile development tools
Bam amor   mobile development toolsBam amor   mobile development tools
Bam amor mobile development tools

The document provides an overview of mobile application development platforms. It discusses Android, iOS, and Windows Phone platforms. For each platform it covers the development tools, languages, and resources available for developers. It also provides example application categories and statistics about app stores for different platforms.

windows phone 7mobile development toolsandroid
image from gallery

camera   microphone

                              capturing photo

                          app widget,
Key business benefits

Low barrier to entry         Reuse app functionality
Distribute through markets   Rich ecosystem, wealth of material
Open and free platform
Cloud to device messaging

Push a message, from your app server
To Google's messaging server
To the device
Device then contacts another server to download data
Google Play

             Easy to upload
             Easy to update
             Malware checks
             Device or feature filtering
             Monetization

Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.

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This presentation provides an overview of the Android operating system. It discusses how Android applications are written in Java and compiled to Dalvik bytecode. It describes Android's common application components like activities, services, content providers and broadcasts. The presentation also covers Android's file structure, permissions model, and versions of the Android OS over time. It compares Android to the iPhone OS and highlights some of Android's key features and limitations.

Mobile development
Mobile development Mobile development
Mobile development

This document discusses different approaches to mobile front-end development, including native development, unified frameworks, and web development. Native development involves creating platform-specific apps and offers the best performance and features but at a higher cost. Unified frameworks like Xamarin and Qt allow writing once and deploying to multiple platforms but may not match native performance and look-and-feel. Web development using responsive design can be cost-effective but offers fewer features and poorer performance than native alternatives. The best approach depends on an app's requirements regarding platforms, features, and budgets.

HTML5 for Mobile - When and Why
HTML5 for Mobile - When and WhyHTML5 for Mobile - When and Why
HTML5 for Mobile - When and Why

When should you use HTML5 vs native apps for mobile app development? What are the pros and cons of HTML5? What are the advantages of native apps? What is the cost of HTML5 app development? This presentation contains the facts based on 6+ years of mobile app development and more recently HTML5 experience. We look forward to your feedback.

by DMI
iphone appshtml5native apps
Market filtering

   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <manifest ... >

   <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"
             android:targetSdkVersion="11" />
   <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" />


Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.
But the cost?

Development and design*           $250,000

But, allow 1.5x – 2x              $375,000

Then repeat, multiple platforms   $750,000 ++

                                        * one estimate,
The platforms

                        Native Android

      Cross-platform          No

      User interface         High

      Performance            High

      Cost                   High

      Updates          Google Play Store

      Languages          Java, C, C++
Mobile HTML5

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Live Streaming Application Development
Live Streaming Application DevelopmentLive Streaming Application Development
Live Streaming Application Development

The document outlines the steps and key considerations for building a live streaming application. It discusses technical requirements like content delivery networks, video players, and media storage. It also covers essential elements like scalability, flexibility, compatibility with different screens, and offline downloading. Advanced features that could enhance live streaming apps are suggested like in-app video storage, role-based dashboards, and analytics. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of hiring a dedicated team from a mobile app development company to build a custom live streaming platform.

android streaming applive streaming appsteps to develop live streaming application
microsoft windows phone for government and citizens
microsoft  windows phone for government and citizensmicrosoft  windows phone for government and citizens
microsoft windows phone for government and citizens

Phone 7.5 (Mango) is a different kind of phone, architected to put the focus on end users and the people important to them. In fact, developers can build compelling government and citizens-oriented experiences that enhance the relationship between local government and its constituency. In this session we'll provide an overview of Windows Phone device and platform and discuss specific aspects related to building Public Sector apps (what they are, why you should care about them), design principles behind our UX approach, the tools at your disposal to create amazing apps as well aspects related to cloud and services, including review to specific and pertinent public data sources; and finally how to monetize on our Windows Phone Marketplace.

windpws phonegovernment mobilitydevelopment
Adobe gaming flash gamm michael
Adobe gaming flash gamm michaelAdobe gaming flash gamm michael
Adobe gaming flash gamm michael

This document discusses Adobe's focus on gaming and provides an overview of their gaming tools and initiatives. It highlights that gaming is a huge industry, with the biggest platforms being browser and mobile. It promotes Adobe's gaming SDK, frameworks like Starling and Away3D, and tools like Adobe Scout and FlasCC for bringing C/C++ games to the browser. It also mentions standards-based tools like CreateJS. The document encourages developers to use Adobe's free and open-source tools to build high-performance games across platforms.

Financial Times
                             One app,
                             many Android devices

Cross platform

                            Android smartphone


           Android tablet
Graceful degradation
Your browser is not supported
</canvas>                              Feature detection

                           cross platform

    Multiple CSS files
    styles.css    mobile.css    android.css
    <h1 { color:white; text-align:center;         }

<canvas id="canvas" width="838" height="220"></canvas>

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12 Frameworks for Mobile Hybrid Apps
12 Frameworks for Mobile Hybrid Apps12 Frameworks for Mobile Hybrid Apps
12 Frameworks for Mobile Hybrid Apps

Mobile hybrid frameworks enable quickly prototyping and creating cross-platform mobile applications for iOS, Android, and even for the web and desktop. Here's a list of 12 of the best ones to use in your next project.

javascriptmobilemobile application development
Kony Mobile App Mgmt
Kony Mobile App MgmtKony Mobile App Mgmt
Kony Mobile App Mgmt

Kony's Mobile Application Management solution allows companies to securely deploy and manage mobile apps for employees without compromising data privacy or device control. The solution uses embedded libraries to enforce IT policies within apps, such as restricting access by location or deleting app data if a user's permissions are revoked. It focuses on application security rather than device management and provides visibility into apps and inventory without accessing full device details. Key benefits include application isolation, encryption, device locking, and resetting apps if a device is lost or stolen.

#mobile #byod
Mobile Web Apps
Mobile Web AppsMobile Web Apps
Mobile Web Apps

The document discusses different approaches to developing mobile applications, including native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Native apps are developed using each mobile operating system's native tools and languages, allowing full access to device capabilities but requiring separate development for each platform. Web apps are developed with web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript and run in a mobile browser, allowing cross-platform support but limiting access to device features. Hybrid apps combine web technologies with a native wrapper to provide cross-platform support while also allowing access to some device capabilities. The document analyzes the pros and cons of each approach and factors to consider like platforms supported, user experience, performance, and frameworks available.

hybrid appsengineering seminarweb apps

                       ( function ( position ) { … } );
Offline access … app cache

                        CACHE MANIFEST

          <html manifest="demo.manifest">
Web sockets

var connection =
  new WebSocket('ws://');
Web workers

        var worker = new Worker('worker.js');

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Building your Own Mobile Enterprise Application: It’s Not as Hard as You Migh...
Building your Own Mobile Enterprise Application: It’s Not as Hard as You Migh...Building your Own Mobile Enterprise Application: It’s Not as Hard as You Migh...
Building your Own Mobile Enterprise Application: It’s Not as Hard as You Migh...

This document discusses various options for building mobile enterprise applications, including developing native applications, using HTML5, PhoneGap, Xamarin, and the Citrix Mobile SDK. It provides pros and cons of each approach and examples of how they work. Developing truly native applications may be best but is also most difficult, while tools like PhoneGap, Xamarin, and the Citrix SDK allow developing cross-platform applications by wrapping or compiling to native code but have limitations compared to native development. Detection of mobile devices connecting remotely is also discussed.

Mobile next 2013 petru jucovschi
Mobile next 2013   petru jucovschiMobile next 2013   petru jucovschi
Mobile next 2013 petru jucovschi

The document discusses mobility and application ecosystems today and what the future may hold. It summarizes findings from a developer economics study that show most developers value platform reach and revenue opportunities. Many developers currently earn less than $500 per app monthly. The document also examines cross-platform development tools and frameworks, comparing their technologies, languages, and developer satisfaction ratings. Key criteria for evaluating native, hybrid, and web apps are outlined. The document concludes by discussing opportunities for Windows development and encouraging developers to learn HTML5, target multiple device types and platforms, and contact Microsoft with ideas.

2011 08-24 mobile web app
2011 08-24  mobile web app2011 08-24  mobile web app
2011 08-24 mobile web app

This document discusses developing a mobile web application to access data from the Hydstra software database on web-enabled mobile phones. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of developing native applications versus a cross-platform web application. It recommends using the jQuery Mobile framework to build a cross-platform mobile web app that can be accessed on any mobile device with a web browser. The document also discusses tools for developing the app, such as Google Chrome and Eclipse, as well as hosting and administration requirements.

Challenge: layouts

desktop 1600 px
                       tablet 800 / 1280 px

                     smartphone 320 / 480 px
Responsive design

 Tiles on a flexible grid
 Media queries to check device
 Think differently about content

 Beginner's Guide to
 Responsive Mobile Design
Challenge: interaction

                         touch and gesture,
                             tap and swipe
Touch and gesture

 Touch is instant, but click has
 ~300ms delay
 You also need swipe
 Basically, you need a touch library


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Windows store app development V1
Windows store app development V1Windows store app development V1
Windows store app development V1

This document provides an overview of developing Windows Store apps. It discusses that apps can be built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the web, or C#, C++, and VB.NET using the .NET framework. Earning money from apps is also covered, including paid apps, in-app purchases, ads, and trials. The document concludes by recommending getting the necessary tools like Visual Studio 2012 and a developer license to start building a basic "Hello World" Windows Store app.

htmlcssapp store
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile designDreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design
Dreamweaver CS6, jQuery, PhoneGap, mobile design

A session talk for #NAGW2012 on: Mobile app, choices Dreamweaver’s place Creating Mobile Design (actual design, not code) Other helpful Adobe tools to create HTML/CSS jQuery Mobile in DW PhoneGap Build in DW

IBM MobileFirst - Hybrid Application Development with Worklight
IBM MobileFirst - Hybrid Application Development with WorklightIBM MobileFirst - Hybrid Application Development with Worklight
IBM MobileFirst - Hybrid Application Development with Worklight

IBM MobileFirst begins with a mindset: Innovative enterprises see the opportunities gained by bringing all resources together to strengthen customer engagement–whenever and wherever the customer wants, and on the customer's favorite device, which is often mobile. Whether transforming your customer acquisition strategies, streamlining your business process, or boosting product and service innovations, you can accomplish more by focusing on mobile computing environments first. IBM MobileFirst offers you true end-to-end mobile solutions. Some providers specialize in service offerings; some focus on platform and application development; some offer only mobile security; while others focus just on mobile device management. We bring it all. We help your customers initiate transactions at the moment of awareness. You can encourage customer-building touchpoints and deepen relationships with your customers with realtime, one-to-one engagements. Learn what they want with powerful mobile analytics and usage data, then create more compelling interactions. We can also help you increase workforce productivity through mobile apps that enhance collaboration, improve knowledge sharing, and speed responses. Gain efficiency by extending existing business capabilities and applications to mobile workers, partners, and customers.

What about security?
A few tips

 Make sure the device is password protected and encrypted.
 Store locally only a small subset of enterprise data.
 Consider changing the schema of a local database.
 Do origin checks on cross-document messaging.
 Remember Chrome for Android.

How HTML5 and Chrome help


Multiprocess architecture
And one more thing

         App updates are pushed out instantly
             on your server -- no waiting

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Crosswalk and the Intel XDK
Crosswalk and the Intel XDKCrosswalk and the Intel XDK
Crosswalk and the Intel XDK

The document discusses the Crosswalk project and the Intel XDK. It provides an overview of the Intel XDK, which is a free integrated development environment (IDE) and toolkit that allows developers to build hybrid mobile apps using HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS that can be deployed across multiple platforms. It also discusses Crosswalk, which is an open source project that provides a modern HTML and JavaScript runtime based on Chromium for developing advanced Android apps with web technologies.

Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?
Native, Web or Hybrid Mobile App Development?

The document discusses different approaches to developing mobile apps, including native apps, web apps, and hybrid apps. Native apps are developed specifically for a single platform using that platform's tools and programming languages. They have full access to device features but have high development and maintenance costs. Web apps are developed with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and run in a mobile browser, allowing cross-platform use but more limited access to device features. Hybrid apps combine native and web technologies by wrapping web views in a native container, giving them full device access and lower costs than native apps. The document explores the characteristics and tradeoffs of each approach.

App forum2015 London - RhoMobile Update
App forum2015 London - RhoMobile UpdateApp forum2015 London - RhoMobile Update
App forum2015 London - RhoMobile Update

The document summarizes analysis of the cross-platform mobile development tools market. It finds that revenue growth in the market is slowing as native mobile apps increase in popularity and perceived efficiency gains from cross-platform tools have diminished. Spending per developer has also dropped over the past 14 months. However, a shortage of native mobile developers in enterprises continues to help drive some growth for cross-platform development tools.

hybrid applications rhomobile appforum
Browser comparison

                     Android Browser          Google Chrome
 Feature              Android 1.5+             Android 4.0+

 Geolocation                           2.0+

 Video + Audio                         2.3+

 App cache                             2.1+

 Web storage                           2.0+

 Web sockets

 Web workers
The platforms

                   Native Android            HTML5
 Cross-platform          No                   Yes

 User interface         High             Medium to high

 Performance            High                Medium

 Cost                   High                  Low

 Updates          Google Play Store        Your server

 Languages          Java, C, C++      HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Where's it all going?

The business model also changes as the revenue streams
generated from app stores diminish, causing vendors to turn
to value added services to generate income.
                                    - Smith's Point Analytics
Let's talk

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Mobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison
Mobile Apps Develpment - A ComparisonMobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison
Mobile Apps Develpment - A Comparison

There are quite a few choices for Mobile Apps Development. These slides are an attempt to compare with conclusions

mobile development approachdevelopment approachhtml5
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...
Mobile app development using PhoneGap - A comprehensive walkthrough - Touch T...

A quick rampup through the learning curve of PhoneGap, by way of walking through an App Development.

chennaiphonegaptouch tour
Getting started with android dev and test perspective
Getting started with android   dev and test perspectiveGetting started with android   dev and test perspective
Getting started with android dev and test perspective

The presentation covers basic intro to Android, how to get started with development, including instructions on setup, common UI usages like menus, dialogs; details on services like Sensors, Location and Google Maps It also covers ideas on how to test including details on shell and installation instructions without using Eclipse

google mapsandroidmobile phone
thanks · gracias

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HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future

  • 1. HTML5 vs Native Android Smart Enterprises for the Future Suzanne Alexandra Android Technology Evangelist
  • 4. 2011: Mobile exceeds PCs business insider
  • 5. 2012: Mobile ubiquity "We now live and always will live in a multi-device world, where companies and consumers choose different smartphone and tablet platforms and expect to get apps on all of them." -- Forrester Research
  • 6. Native Android Mobile middleware four tracks HTML5, JavaScript Hybrid
  • 7. Hybrid Experience Cost Native Web Performance Agility Middleware
  • 8. Enterprise class apps Real mobile experiences that challenge the processing power, memory and display of the best mobile devices and platforms, for large brands and large audiences, with vibrant content, at transactional scale.
  • 10. What is native? android sdk android ndk (c/c++) renderscript
  • 12. Key technology benefits Native user experience Integrate with android platform Best hardware integration More discoverable on device Integrate with other apps Run smoother, better, faster
  • 13. image from gallery camera microphone capturing photo app widget, notifications
  • 14. Key business benefits Low barrier to entry Reuse app functionality Distribute through markets Rich ecosystem, wealth of material Open and free platform
  • 15. Cloud to device messaging Push a message, from your app server To Google's messaging server To the device Device then contacts another server to download data
  • 16. Google Play  Easy to upload  Easy to update  Malware checks  Device or feature filtering  Monetization Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • 17. Market filtering <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest ... > <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" android:targetSdkVersion="11" /> <uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" /> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="true"/> </manifest> Google Play is a trademark of Google Inc.
  • 18. But the cost? Development and design* $250,000 But, allow 1.5x – 2x $375,000 Then repeat, multiple platforms $750,000 ++ * one estimate,
  • 19. The platforms Native Android Cross-platform No User interface High Performance High Cost High Updates Google Play Store Languages Java, C, C++
  • 21. Financial Times One app, many Android devices video
  • 22. Cross platform Android smartphone iOS Android tablet
  • 23. Graceful degradation <canvas> Your browser is not supported </canvas> Feature detection !!document.createElement('canvas'). getContext cross platform Multiple CSS files styles.css mobile.css android.css <h1 { color:white; text-align:center; }
  • 24. Canvas <canvas id="canvas" width="838" height="220"></canvas>
  • 25. Geolocation navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition ( function ( position ) { … } );
  • 26. Offline access … app cache CACHE MANIFEST index.html stylesheet.css images/logo.png scripts/main.js <html manifest="demo.manifest">
  • 27. Web sockets var connection = new WebSocket('ws://');
  • 28. Web workers var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
  • 29. Challenge: layouts desktop 1600 px tablet 800 / 1280 px smartphone 320 / 480 px
  • 30. Responsive design  Tiles on a flexible grid  Media queries to check device @media  Think differently about content Beginner's Guide to Responsive Mobile Design
  • 31. Challenge: interaction touch and gesture, tap and swipe
  • 32. Touch and gesture  Touch is instant, but click has ~300ms delay  You also need swipe  Basically, you need a touch library fastclick,
  • 34. A few tips  Make sure the device is password protected and encrypted.  Store locally only a small subset of enterprise data.  Consider changing the schema of a local database.  Do origin checks on cross-document messaging.  Remember Chrome for Android. article
  • 35. How HTML5 and Chrome help Origin X-Frame-Options WebSockets Sandboxing Multiprocess architecture
  • 36. And one more thing App updates are pushed out instantly on your server -- no waiting
  • 37. Browser comparison Android Browser Google Chrome Feature Android 1.5+ Android 4.0+ Canvas Geolocation 2.0+ Video + Audio 2.3+ App cache 2.1+ Web storage 2.0+ Web sockets Web workers
  • 38. The platforms Native Android HTML5 Cross-platform No Yes User interface High Medium to high Performance High Medium Cost High Low Updates Google Play Store Your server Languages Java, C, C++ HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • 39. Where's it all going? The business model also changes as the revenue streams generated from app stores diminish, causing vendors to turn to value added services to generate income. - Smith's Point Analytics
  • 40. Let's talk @suzalex @motodev
  • 42. LEGAL LICENSE NOTICES Except where noted, sample source code written by Motorola Mobility Inc. and provided to you is licensed as described below. Copyright © 2012, Motorola, Inc. All rights reserved except as otherwise explicitly indicated. • Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. • Neither the name of the Motorola, Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. • THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Other source code displayed in this presentation may be offered under other licenses. Apache 2.0 Copyright © 2010, Android Open Source Project. All rights reserved unless otherwise explicitly indicated. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License Portions of this presentation are reproduced from work created and shared by Google ( and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License ( MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2012 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All rights reserved.