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Monoliths and
Bozhidar Bozhanov
Vanity slide
• Senior software engineer @ TomTom
• some other stuff...
General architecture
Source: Microsoft
• single deployment
• single runtime
• single codebase
• interaciton between classes is most often
• most often every layer is in a separate

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Introduction to Microservices
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Introduction to Microservices

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture including: - Definitions and characteristics of microservices such as componentization via services, decentralized governance, and infrastructure automation. - Common drivers for adopting microservices like agility, safety, and scalability. - Guidelines for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices based on business capabilities and domain-driven design. - Discussion of differences between microservices and service-oriented architecture (SOA). - Ecosystem of tools involved in microservices including development frameworks, APIs, databases, containers, and service meshes. - Common design patterns and anti-patterns when developing microservices.

Introduction To Microservices
Introduction To MicroservicesIntroduction To Microservices
Introduction To Microservices

This presentation is conducted on 14th Sept in Limerick DotNet User Group. ( SlideShare Url: In this presentation, new architectural style - Microservices and it's emergence is discussed. We will also briefly touch base on what are not microservices, Conway's law and organization design, Principles of microservices and service discovery mechanism and why it is necessary for microservices implementation. About Speaker: Lalit is a senior developer, software architect and consultant with more than 12 yrsof .NET experience. He loves to work with C# .NET and Azure platform services like App Services, Virtual Machines, Cortana, and Container Services. He is also the author of 'Building Microservices with .NET Core' ( book. To know more and connect with Lalit, you can visit his LinkedIn profile below. This presentation will be useful for software architects/Managers, senior developers. Do share your feedback in comments.


Microservices are an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other. Each service runs a unique process and focuses on doing a small job, such as user authentication or shopping cart functionality. The advantages of microservices include improved scalability, maintainability, and ability to upgrade parts of the system independently. However, adopting microservices also introduces additional operational complexity and communication overhead between services.

• many small modules with specific functionality
• more than one codebase
• every microservice is a separate deployment
• every microservices has its own DB
• communication with web-
• ensures module independence
Monoliths vs microservices
Source: Martin Fowler
Downsides of monoliths…?
• “spaghetti”, “big ball of mud”
• you need a full redeploy
• programmers often violate the layer
• classes often “leak” their implementation
• hard to work with multiple teams
• hard to manage
Benefits of Microservices..?
• modelled around the business domain
• deployment automation culture
• hides implementation details
• decentralization
• option to use multiple languages
• separate deployment, separate monitoring
• isolating problems

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Microservice Architecture
Microservice ArchitectureMicroservice Architecture
Microservice Architecture

The document discusses microservice architecture, including concepts, benefits, principles, and challenges. Microservices are an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other, often using RESTful API's. The approach aims to overcome limitations of monolithic architectures like scalability and allow for independent deployments. The key principles include organizing services around business domains, automating processes, and designing services to be independently deployable.

Micro services vs Monolith Architecture
Micro services vs Monolith ArchitectureMicro services vs Monolith Architecture
Micro services vs Monolith Architecture

Microservices are a new approach to software development where applications are built as a set of independent services that communicate with each other via APIs. This contrasts with a traditional monolithic architecture, where all application components are bundled together into a single program. Some benefits of microservices include increased modularity, scalability, and agility. However, monolithic architectures still have advantages like easier development and better performance. Ultimately, whether a monolithic or microservices approach is best depends on the specific needs and goals of the application.

Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices. It begins by outlining the challenges of monolithic architecture such as long build/release cycles and difficulty scaling. It then introduces microservices as a way to decompose monolithic applications into independently deployable services. Key benefits of microservices include improved agility, scalability, and innovation. The document discusses microservice design principles like communicating over APIs, using the right tools for each service, securing services, and being a good citizen in the ecosystem. It provides examples of how to implement a restaurant microservice using AWS services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB and containers.

Source: Martin Fowler
Downsides of monoliths..?
• “spaghetti”, “big ball of mud”
• if you write bad code, architecture doesn’t matter
• you need a full redeploy
• so? It’s automated anyway
• programmers often violate layers
• see. 1
• classes “leak” their implementation
• see 1
Benefits of microservices..?
• all of them can be achieved with a monolith
• modelled around the business domain
• yes
• deployment automation culture
• nothing stops automated deployments of a monolith
• hides implementation details
• OOP 101
Benefits of microservices..?
• separate deployment, separate мониторинг
• monitoring of classes/components/layers with tools
like statsd
• isolating problems
• when has a single exception broken your server?
• if a whole machine dies – you have an HA cluster
• graceful degradation - feature toggle in monolith

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Presentation given during Start Up Day Hong Kong on September 15, 2017 within the Architecture track

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Microservice architecture. Short intro into the world of microservices, the talk I gave in VilniusPHP meetup.

Microservices Architecture - Cloud Native Apps
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Microservices Architecture - Cloud Native Apps

This document provides an overview of microservices architecture, including concepts, characteristics, infrastructure patterns, and software design patterns relevant to microservices. It discusses when microservices should be used versus monolithic architectures, considerations for sizing microservices, and examples of pioneers in microservices implementation like Netflix and Spotify. The document also covers domain-driven design concepts like bounded context that are useful for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices.

microservicesddddomain driven design
• network overhead
• transaction coordination
• you don’t have transaction? Congratulations.
• need for duplicating common data
• and keeping it in sync
• complicated deployment pipeline
• dependencies
Microservices...should we?
“…don’t even consider microservices unless
you have a system that’s too complex to
manage as a monolith. The majority of software
systems should be built as a single monolithic
application. Do pay attention to good modularity
within that monolith, but don’t try to separate it
into separate services” Martin Fowler
Monoliths and Microservices
“the design thinking and decomposition
strategy required to create a good
microservices architecture are the same as
those needed to create a well structured
monolith” Simon Brown

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Microservice architecture design principles
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- Microservices advocate creating a system from small, isolated services that each own their data and are independently scalable and resilient. They are inspired by biological cells that are small, single-purpose, and work together through messaging. - The system is divided using a divide and conquer approach, decomposing it into discrete subsystems that communicate over well-defined protocols. Each microservice focuses on a single business capability and owns its own data and behavior. - Microservices communicate asynchronously through APIs and events to maintain independence and isolation, which enables continuous delivery, failure resilience, and independent scaling of each service.

Microservice Architecture
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Microservice Architecture

SCS 4120 - Software Engineering IV BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING All in One Place Lecture Notes Distribution Among Friends Only All copyrights belong to their respective owners Viraj Brian Wijesuriya

softwareteachingsoftware development
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This is a small introduction to microservices. you can find the differences between microservices and monolithic applications. You will find the pros and cons of microservices. you will also find the challenges (Business/ technical) that you may face while implementing microservices.

The middle way
Source: Simon Brown
How to write monoliths
• package by layer (small projects)
• with sub-packages by component
• package by components
• logically the same as microservices, without the cons
• one or several projects with module dependencies
• project jigsaw - modules
• good OOP
• interfaces, encapsulation, composition, etc.
More best practices
• Continuous delivery, automation
• High availability
• Log collection
• Monitoring
Microservices use cases
• multiple teams
• short-lived, spawned workers
• memory or CPU intensive parts
• to ease development

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Microservices Architecture
Microservices ArchitectureMicroservices Architecture
Microservices Architecture

- Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that focus on specific tasks and communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves scalability, flexibility and allows for independent development and deployment of services. - The architecture promotes separating concerns, with each small service handling a single "verb" of the application and teams owning service groups. Services are stateless and communicate asynchronously over lightweight protocols. - Automating deployment through containerization allows for easy rollout of new versions with zero downtime and elastic scaling of services based on demand. Monitoring provides visibility into technical and business metrics of the distributed system.

continuous deliveryscalabilityzero-down-time deployment
Microservices Architecture
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Microservices Architecture

Some problems with monolithic architecture, the microservice's best practices and their drawbacks. How build microservices? How to prepare your Operations teams for microservices?

ISTIO Deep Dive
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ISTIO Deep Dive

Presentation in IBM Cloud Meet-up of Toronto

cloud nativedevopsistio
Но като цяло...
• common sense
• добри практики
• качествен код
• не се доверявайте на “модерното”
• не се “наархитектурчвайте”
• a.k.a. KISS
• загубите може да са повече от евентуалните
Thank you!

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Отворено законодателство
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Overview of Message Queues
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