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Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices
with Micrometer
Ko Turk
Senior Java Developer
Our Partners 2020:
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
You’re part of a racing team
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Sounds silly right?
But what if we don’t have this kind of information?

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Cisco at v mworld 2015 shipped-vmworld
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Cisco at v mworld 2015 shipped-vmworld

The document discusses enabling developers to build, deploy, and run containerized microservices across multiple public and private clouds (intercloud). It introduces Project Shipped, a hybrid DevOps platform that allows developers to develop microservice applications on an intercloud environment. Project Shipped provides tools for continuous integration, deployment, and infrastructure management to deploy and run microservices on Cisco's MetaCloud using open source technologies like Mesos, Marathon, and Docker.

cisco at vmworld 2015
Development and continuous deployment with microservicies
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Development and continuous deployment with microservicies

Talk about how and why we decided to migrate from a monolithic applocation to microservices at seedtag and how we solved the complexities that we found

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DevNexus 2019: MicroProfile and Jakarta EE - What's Next?
DevNexus 2019:  MicroProfile and Jakarta EE - What's Next?DevNexus 2019:  MicroProfile and Jakarta EE - What's Next?
DevNexus 2019: MicroProfile and Jakarta EE - What's Next?

Presentation used at DevNexus 2019 in Atlanta. "What happens to MicroProfile now that Jakarta EE has been created?" is one of the most common questions I get. This presentation discusses that topic.

microprofilejakarta eejava ee
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
But why don’t we (developers) think about proper monitoring?
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Title Text
Application X Application Y
(still driving but slow)
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
If that’s happening…..
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Of course you can log it but…..

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Scaling with Microservices

The document discusses scaling applications with microservices. It introduces the strangler fig pattern for splitting a monolith into microservices. Key challenges of microservices like lack of governance and data consistency are covered. The CAP theorem and choosing availability over consistency is discussed. Prior to adopting microservices, the document recommends understanding organizational structure, domain model, consistency needs, and adopting a DevOps culture.

20201015 Azure PaaS Update at Microsoft Ignite 2020
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2020/10/15 20min Azureを活用したSaaS開発のポイント これから始めるSaaS開発者のためのAzure実践開発ウェビナー ※本内容は 2020年9月末時点での情報です。 # Agenda アジェンダ - App Service - Spring Cloud - Logic Apps - Azure Communication Services

Back from Microsoft //Build 2018
Back from Microsoft //Build 2018Back from Microsoft //Build 2018
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Du 7 au 9 mai aura lieu la conférence Microsoft //Build, LA conférence des développeurs Microsoft. A peine le temps de digérer les nombreuses sessions proposées par Microsoft que nos MVP vous présentent une synthèse des principales annonces.

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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
A log is an event that happened
A metric is a measurement of the health of a system.
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
That’s where
Micrometer comes in
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
for Blue4IT

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This document discusses using Micrometer to monitor applications. It begins with an introduction to Micrometer and examples of using it with Spring Boot to define metrics like timers, histograms and counters. It then covers integrating Micrometer with Prometheus to store metrics and Grafana for visualization. The document provides examples of visualizing different metric types in Grafana and recommends securing exposed metrics endpoints. It suggests Prometheus, Graphite or other databases to store metrics and discusses best practices like disabling unneeded endpoints and implementing security.

micrometerspring bootjava
Code Motion Italy
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Code Motion Italy

Imagine that you’re part of a car racing team. You’re the one behind the screens to control the race and make some tough decisions (like changing the teams strategy). But you don’t have the insights (or metrics) about your car, opponents or even the weather. Sounds painful right? But why are we making this mistake when building our software? Why don’t we implement metrics by default? That’s where Micrometer comes in! It can help you with creating timers, gauges, counters and comparing data. We will create an application from scratch (lot of live coding)! Ready for the ride?!

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Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Dublin JUG 2022
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The document discusses micro frontends for Java microservices. It provides an overview of microservices and frameworks like Spring and JHipster that can be used to develop microservices in Java. It then introduces the concept of micro frontends as an architecture for microservice applications and demonstrates how to build a sample application with micro frontends using JHipster. It also covers securing microservices with OAuth 2.1 and shows a live demo of creating and running microservice applications with JHipster.

Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Java 14Spring Boot
Cloud Foundry
Pipeline as code Micrometer
about IDEs and Micrometer

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Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Belfast JUG 2022
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You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:

Micro Frontends for Java Microservices - Cork JUG 2022
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You've figured out how to split up your backend services into microservices and scale your teams to the moon, right? But what about the frontend? Are you still building monoliths for your UI? If so, you might want to check out micro frontends—basically extensions to the microservices pattern, where the concept is extended to the frontend. Find out how to package and deploy your microservices and their UIs in the same artifact, as well as make it possible to test and develop them independently. In this live session, Matt will show you how to build a microservices and micro frontends architecture using Angular, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Related blog post: GitHub repo:

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Microsoft Power Platform is a high-productivity application development platform from Microsoft. Join this session to learn and prepare yourself in planning, securing, deploying, and supporting applications built on the platform. Know the key concepts and platform architecture to make necessary decisions for your organization to ensure successful deployments.

power platform administration
Likes to drive
the trial bike
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Define the metrics
Create them in Micrometer
Save it to Prometheus
Visualize with Grafana
(Create the teams strategy)
(Preparing the car/race)
(The teams Pitwall)

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My presentation for Scottish Summit 2023 about the fundamentals in Power Platform application lifecycle management (ALM) and Power Platform Pipelines.

almapplication lifecycle managemepower platform
Create the teams strategy
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
What do we want to monitor?
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
How to be good in DevOps?

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I am an instructor of the MLOps workshop for some anonymous startup incubation program where the objectives are (1) to orchestrate and deploy updates to the application and the deep learning model in a unified way. (2) To design a DevOps pipeline to coordinate retrieving the latest best model from the model registry, packaging the web application, deploying the web application and inferencing web service.

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Code Days, February 2021, talk by Mario-Leander Reimer (@LeanderReimer, Chief Software Architect at QAware) == Please download slides if blurred! == Abstract: Continuous delivery is everywhere. Well, not quite! Many teams still fail to continuously deliver well tested and stable product increments to production. Usually with the same old excuse: these high-level tests are too laborious and expensive to implement. But the opposite could be the case! This session will highlight the challenges and importance of early (non-)functional testing for cloud-native applications. Then, we will show how easy it is to implement continuous performance, security and acceptance tests for microservices based on K8s.

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Presented session at Microsoft 365 Saturday Pune on 20th March 2021. Did you know there are about 25 key security and privacy features in Microsoft Teams to keep your organisation secure and compliant? We will cover what these features are as overview and deep dive with some of them so you can apply it to your Microsoft Teams environment.

microsoft teamsmicrosoft 365information security
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
It’s about
• Searching for race factors —> Service Level Indicators
• Creating tactics —> Service Level Objectives
• Creating a strategy —> Service Level Agreement
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Racing Factors —> Defining an indicator (SLI)
• pitstop
request latency
How long does it take to do a pitstop
How long does it take to return a response
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Tactics —> Defining an objective (SLO)
not slower then 8 seconds
service x not longer then 0.1 seconds
• pitstop
request latency

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In this talk, we plan to explain some general tech considerations that developers need to be aware of while building a micro-frontends application. This comes from my year-long experience in building a micro-frontends application in a geographically distributed team. I will share some approaches and practices that worked for us and things that were learned from them!

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Learn how enterprise leaders are using Azure Spring Cloud to transform their IT operations and deliver value. This moderated panel discussion will feature customers sharing real-world stories about: • Running Spring apps in the cloud at enterprise scale • Embracing hybrid as the new normal • Transforming their technology stacks • Implementing zero-trust security and network requirements • Empowering their developers to rapidly dev and deploy • Delivering value faster to their end customers

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Accelerate Spring Apps to Cloud at Scale—Discussion with Azure Spring Cloud C...
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SpringOne 2020 Adib Saikali: Principal Platfrom Architect, VMware; Armando Guzman: Principal Software Engineer, Raley's Family of Stores; Peter Verstraete: Java Software Crafter, Liantis; Asir Selvasingh: Principal PM Architect, Java on Azure, Microsoft; Jonathan Jones: Technical Lead for Group Finance IT, Swiss Re

springone 2020
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Strategy —> Defining an agreement (SLA)
• 2 pitstops less then x seconds
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Define the metrics
Create them in Micrometer
Save it to Prometheus
Visualize with Grafana
(Create the teams strategy)
(Preparing the car/race)
(The teams Pitwall)
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Micrometer for the win!
But what is it?

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The survey received responses from over 650 software developers building microservices around the world. The top findings were that developers enjoy building microservices to solve scalability issues and improve performance. However, maintenance and debugging were identified as challenges. JavaScript and TypeScript were reported as the main programming languages used for microservices by 65% of respondents, showing their growing popularity. Nearly half of developers surveyed said they use AWS for deployment and serverless technologies.

@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
SLF4J only for metrics
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Reasons to use Micrometer
• No vendor lock-in
• It’s Pivotal VMWare Tanzu
• Easy integration in Spring Boot
• So also support in Cloud Foundry
• Simple to use
• You can choose your own database / monitoring system
• You can define your own set of metrics
• But you get a lot for free
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Micrometer is included in Spring Boot 2 actuator
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Extra dependency for Spring Boot 1.5.x

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Building application in a "Microfrontends" way - Matthias Lauf *XConf Manchester

In this talk, we plan to explain some general tech considerations that developers need to be aware of while building a micro-frontends application. This comes from my year-long experience in building a micro-frontends application in a geographically distributed team. I will share some approaches and practices that worked for us and things that were learned from them!

xconfeuxconf europe
JCON - The Battle of the IDEs
JCON - The Battle of the IDEsJCON - The Battle of the IDEs
JCON - The Battle of the IDEs

When working together on a story (mobbing), mostly the half of the people don't know how their IDE is working. Pretty frustrating right? By just installing some plugins you will surprise your team (and they will look at you like you're a god)! I will cover the best plugins for: - learning the features of your IDE (IDE features trainer) - learning shortcuts (key promotors) - checking the quality of your code (SonarLint / Codota) - checking the security of your dependencies (Snyk) - pair programming (Visual Studio Code plugin) - doing code reviews in your IDE! (Visual Studio Code plugin) - styling your IDE (with colours, icon packs and themes) - autogenerating code (SquareTest, GitIgnore) - excluding maven dependencies (Maven Helper) - managing spring (boot) projects (SpringTools) - helping if you don’t know the answer (StackOverflow). I will show you how you can evolve your IDE (by comparing them with Pokemon)! And at the end of the session you will be able to (Poke) master your IDE! Together with (Pika)Duke we will catch ‘em all (we've got the famous PikaDuke stickers).

idesintellij ideaeclipse
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
And also for Micronaut
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Pre-configured Bindings
• Instrumentions of:
• caches
• class loader
• garbage collection
• processor utilisation
• thread pools
• and more
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Demo time

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The Battle of the IDEs @DevNexus 2020
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The document discusses comparing integrated development environments (IDEs) to Pokémon. It provides information on popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio Code. It covers the features and supported languages of each IDE. It also discusses understanding IDE features through tutorials, plugins, and books. The document suggests finding "must have" plugins to improve IDE skills. Overall, it presents an analogy between strengthening an IDE through plugins and learning new attacks for Pokémon.

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JVM Conference - The Battle of the IDEs
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JVM Conference - The Battle of the IDEs

How to be more productive with your IDE??? And what is the best IDE in the world? Please see this talk to rock your IDE!

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"The Battle of the IDEs"
"The Battle of the IDEs""The Battle of the IDEs"
"The Battle of the IDEs"

On Monday 21 October I gave a session about IDEs at the Belastingdienst. I gave the developers tips and tricks on how to be more productive with their current IDE. Also I shared my research about the best IDE for Java developers. Please see my slideshare.

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Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Long Task Timer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer

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The document discusses a presentation comparing different integrated development environments (IDEs) to pokemon. It describes searching for and "catching" different IDEs like pokemon. It then discusses training IDEs by learning shortcuts and features. IDEs can be made stronger through plugins. Common IDEs discussed include Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, and Visual Studio Code. Programming languages each IDE supports are listed. The document imagines battling different IDEs against each other like in pokemon battles.

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05092019 The Battle of the IDEs by Ko Turk at the AlmereJUG / Conspect
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05092019 The Battle of the IDEs by Ko Turk at the AlmereJUG / Conspect

The document discusses different integrated development environments (IDEs) and compares them to different types of Pokemon. It provides an overview of popular IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, and Visual Studio Code and the programming languages they support. It then discusses features for "training your Pokemon" like plugins, shortcuts, and themes. Specific plugins are recommended for each IDE. A comparison is made between switching IDEs and switching between different types of Pokemon for battles. Factors like performance, features, and community are discussed for switching preferences.

intellij ideaeclipsevisual studio code
The Battle of the IDEs
The Battle of the IDEsThe Battle of the IDEs
The Battle of the IDEs

I was battling with my colleague on who had the best IDE! Like a Pokemon Battle he revealed his Pokeball and said “Eclipse, I choose you”! And I was opening my Pokeball and IntelliJ was coming out of it! Which Pokemon will win? The one which is the most productive (for you)! By comparing Pokemon with IDEs, I am showing you the best features. All based on solid research (675 responses). You ever seen the pair programming modus of Visual Studio Code? Or the handy code completion features in IntelliJ? With a lot of fun and some video's I will show you all cool features you definitely need to see!

ideintellij ideanetbeans
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer

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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
About security
• Please implement spring security
• Otherwise you will expose your endpoint to others
• And don’t forget to add it in your database config!
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Define the metrics
Create them in Micrometer
Save it to Prometheus
Visualize with Grafana
(Create the teams strategy)
(Preparing the car/race)
(The teams Pitwall)
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Where to store the metrics?
Which database should I use?

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
• Prometheus
• Graphite
• Atlas
• KairosDB
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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
If you want to expose to prometheus

@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Or Graphite

Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
How to configure your application
with prometheus
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Define the metrics
Create them in Micrometer
Save it to Prometheus
Visualize with Grafana
(Create the teams strategy)
(Preparing the car/race)
(The teams Pitwall)
@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
How to visualise the application metrics?
Which monitoring system to use?

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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CIO Council Cal Poly Humboldt September 22, 2023

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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
• Grafana
• Datadog
• Dynatrace
• Instant
• WaveFront
• and many more
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Let’s deep dive into Grafana
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Long Task Timer (duration)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Timer (count)

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@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Timer (max)
@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
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@KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
Title Text
Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
All examples you can find at:
Thank you for listening

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Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer

  • 1. Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer JCON2020# Ko Turk Senior Java Developer Our Partners 2020:
  • 2. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer You’re part of a racing team
  • 4. Sounds silly right? But what if we don’t have this kind of information?
  • 5. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer But why don’t we (developers) think about proper monitoring?
  • 6. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Title Text Application X Application Y Backend (still driving but slow)
  • 7. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer If that’s happening…..
  • 8. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Of course you can log it but…..
  • 9. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer A log is an event that happened A metric is a measurement of the health of a system.
  • 10. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer That’s where Micrometer comes in
  • 11. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Introduction
  • 14. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
  • 15. Java 14Spring Boot Typescript Angular Cloud Foundry Pipeline as code Micrometer
  • 17. Likes to drive the trial bike
  • 18. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer UtrechtJUG
  • 20. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Goals Define the metrics Create them in Micrometer Save it to Prometheus Visualize with Grafana (Create the teams strategy) (Preparing the car/race) (The teams Pitwall)
  • 22. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer What do we want to monitor?
  • 24. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer How to be good in DevOps?
  • 26. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer It’s about • Searching for race factors —> Service Level Indicators • Creating tactics —> Service Level Objectives • Creating a strategy —> Service Level Agreement
  • 27. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Racing Factors —> Defining an indicator (SLI) • pitstop request latency How long does it take to do a pitstop How long does it take to return a response
  • 28. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Tactics —> Defining an objective (SLO) not slower then 8 seconds service x not longer then 0.1 seconds • pitstop request latency
  • 29. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Strategy —> Defining an agreement (SLA) • 2 pitstops less then x seconds
  • 30. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Goals Define the metrics Create them in Micrometer Save it to Prometheus Visualize with Grafana (Create the teams strategy) (Preparing the car/race) (The teams Pitwall)
  • 32. Micrometer for the win! But what is it?
  • 33. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer SLF4J only for metrics
  • 34. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Reasons to use Micrometer • No vendor lock-in • It’s Pivotal VMWare Tanzu • Easy integration in Spring Boot • So also support in Cloud Foundry • Simple to use • You can choose your own database / monitoring system • You can define your own set of metrics • But you get a lot for free
  • 35. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Micrometer is included in Spring Boot 2 actuator <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-actuator</artifactId> </dependency>
  • 36. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Extra dependency for Spring Boot 1.5.x I<dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-spring-legacy</artifactId> </dependency>
  • 37. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer And also for Micronaut
  • 38. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Pre-configured Bindings • Instrumentions of: • caches • class loader • garbage collection • processor utilisation • thread pools • and more
  • 42. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Long Task Timer
  • 44. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Timer
  • 45. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer
  • 46. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Counter
  • 48. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Gauge
  • 50. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer About security • Please implement spring security • Otherwise you will expose your endpoint to others • And don’t forget to add it in your database config!
  • 51. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Goals Define the metrics Create them in Micrometer Save it to Prometheus Visualize with Grafana (Create the teams strategy) (Preparing the car/race) (The teams Pitwall)
  • 52. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Where to store the metrics? Which database should I use?
  • 53. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Databases • Prometheus • Graphite • Atlas • KairosDB Persistent or not persistent?
  • 54. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer If you want to expose to prometheus <dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-registry-prometheus</artifactId> </dependency>

  • 55. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Or Graphite <dependency> <groupId>io.micrometer</groupId> <artifactId>micrometer-registry-graphite</artifactId> </dependency>

  • 57. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer How to configure your application with prometheus
  • 58. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Goals Define the metrics Create them in Micrometer Save it to Prometheus Visualize with Grafana (Create the teams strategy) (Preparing the car/race) (The teams Pitwall)
  • 60. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer How to visualise the application metrics? Which monitoring system to use?
  • 61. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Systems • Grafana • Datadog • Dynatrace • Instant • WaveFront • and many more
  • 62. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Let’s deep dive into Grafana
  • 63. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Long Task Timer (duration)
  • 64. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Timer (count)
  • 65. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Timer (max)
  • 66. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Gauge
  • 67. @KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Bindings
  • 69. @KoTurk77@KoTurk77 The Battle of the IDEs #Devnexus@KoTurk77Monitoring your Spring Boot and Micronaut microservices with Micrometer Title Text
  • 71. All examples you can find at: @KoTurk77 Thank you for listening