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Module 3
The most popular responsive,
mobile-first HTML5 and CSS3
What is Bootstrap?
• Free front-end framework for faster and easier web development
• Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS for typography, forms, buttons,
tables, navigation, image carousels…
• Optional JavaScript plugins
• Ability to easily create responsive designs
What is responsive web design?
Responsive web design is about creating web sites
which automatically adjust themselves to look good on all devices,
from small phones to large desktops.
What is a framework?
A framework provides code for common activities
performed in web development — so you don’t need to
reinvent the wheel every time you start a project

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An introduction to bootstrap
An introduction to bootstrapAn introduction to bootstrap
An introduction to bootstrap

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end framework that helps developers design responsive mobile-first websites easily. It provides pre-built UI components like buttons, navigation bars, and grids for building layouts. The document discusses Bootstrap's introduction, file structure, grid system, responsive design features, and common layout components like dropdown menus and button groups.

CSS framework By Palash
CSS framework By PalashCSS framework By Palash
CSS framework By Palash

All about CSS and its framework. This covered the most important CSS frameworks with their sample code and working.

Bootstrap 5 basic
Bootstrap 5 basicBootstrap 5 basic
Bootstrap 5 basic

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework for building responsive mobile-first websites and web apps. It was created in 2011 by developers at Twitter and contains pre-built UI components and CSS styles for common patterns like navigation bars, dropdowns, and progress bars. Bootstrap uses a responsive 12-column grid system and has gone through several major releases to support new features and a mobile-first approach. It is free to use, well-documented, customizable, and has a large community of developers.

bootstrap5new in bootstrap5bootstrap5 history
History of Bootstrap
• Developed by Mark Otto and Jacob
Thornton at Twitter
• Released as an open source product in
August 2011
• Currently on version 3
• Popularity and usage is rising
Goals for Module 3
What we’ll cover in Module 3 (Feb 10 and Feb 17)
This week (Feb 10):
1. Overview of what Bootstrap is and how it can be used
2. Experiment with the grid system
3. Experiment with other elements: tables and buttons
Next week (Feb 17):
1. Create a simple-one page site
Module 3 - Intro to Bootstrap

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div tag.pdf
div tag.pdfdiv tag.pdf
div tag.pdf

The <div> tag defines sections on an HTML page and is used to group other elements. It has no inherent styling but can be styled using classes, IDs, or inline styles. Any content can be placed inside a <div> tag, which browsers separate with line breaks. Examples are provided of using <div> tags with inline and external styles to format text sections with different backgrounds and fonts.

html <div> tag

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of structured documents written in HTML. CSS controls the layout of multiple documents from a single style sheet and allows for more precise control over layouts and different styles for different media like screens and print. CSS syntax uses selectors to apply styles denoted by properties and values to HTML elements. Styles can be applied inline, internally in the <style> tag, or externally in a separate .css file linked via the <link> tag.

Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5

The document is a presentation on HTML5 that covers: - What HTML5 is and why to use it - New HTML5 structural elements, forms, multimedia elements, and JavaScript APIs - Demonstrations of HTML5 features like Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Web Workers, and Web Sockets - How CSS3 enhances HTML5 with features like media queries, colors, animations and more - Strategies for implementing HTML5 into websites while maintaining compatibility

Module 3 - Intro to Bootstrap
Pros and Cons of Bootstrap
• Save time: use the predefined
design templates and classes
• Responsive features
• Consistent design across
• Easy to to use
• Compatible with all modern
• Open Source: free to download
and use
• Div-heavy code
• Relies on classes extensively
• Source code can be rather
• Larger CSS and JS files can
cause some loading lag time
• Popularity means lots of sites
are using it… may want to
customize to stand out
Pros: Cons:
Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)
Start simple, get more complex as needed
Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)
Built-in styles look clean, modern but can easily be customized

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Bootstrap ppt
Bootstrap pptBootstrap ppt
Bootstrap ppt

Bootstrap is the world’s most popular framework for building responsive, mobile-first sites and applications. Inside you’ll find high quality


CSS3 is an update to the CSS2.1 specification that introduces many new features and modules. Some key CSS3 modules include selectors, backgrounds and borders, text effects, transformations, transitions, multiple columns, and user interface. CSS3 allows for rounded borders using border-radius, box shadows using box-shadow, and image borders using border-image. Other CSS3 properties include text-shadow, word-wrap, transforms like rotate and scale, transitions for animated effects, multiple columns layout, and user interface features like resizing and outlines. Support for CSS3 varies across browsers.

CSS Day: CSS Grid Layout
CSS Day: CSS Grid Layout CSS Day: CSS Grid Layout
CSS Day: CSS Grid Layout

This document summarizes CSS Grid Layout, a new two-dimensional grid system being added to CSS. It discusses some of the limitations of existing CSS layout methods and how Grid Layout addresses them. Key points include: Grid Layout uses line-based placement to position items, grid tracks can be flexible or fixed widths, areas can be explicitly or implicitly named, and the system avoids hacks and limitations of previous methods.

cssgrid layoutcss3
Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)
Simple, easy to understand 12-column grid system
Class demos
1. Download:
(in eLearn - Module 3)
2. Unzip
3. Define a new site using
Dreamweaver, point it to
this folder
4. Open the index.html file
5. Note the links to the css files:
• bootstrap.css - this contains all the styles to create the
• bootstrap-theme.css - additional css for a visually
enhanced experience (DON’T EDIT THIS FILE)
• custom-styles.css - this is where you create custom
styles to modify the design

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The document discusses front-end web development frameworks and tools. It covers full stack development, Git, Node.js, npm, and Bootstrap. Bootstrap is described as a free front-end framework that includes HTML, CSS templates for interfaces and optional JavaScript plugins. It also provides responsive designs and a mobile-first approach. The document then explains components of Bootstrap like grids, forms, navigation bars, cards, modals and preprocessors like Less and Sass which can be used to write CSS code.

Bootstrap - Basics
Bootstrap - BasicsBootstrap - Basics
Bootstrap - Basics

Let's get started with the basics of bootstrap. This presentation contain the common components used in bootstrap.

web designdesignpresentation

CSS, Introduction CSS Selector CSS Style CSS Background CSS Border CSS Display CSS Float CSS Font CSS Text CSS Button CSS Table CSS Form

The grid and containers
Container element wraps contents and houses the grid system, options:
.container - responsive fixed-width container
.container-fluid - full-width, spans the entire width of the screen
Step 1: create a container
1. In the index.html file create a <div>
2. Apply the container class:
<div class="container">
The Grid
The grid creates page layouts with a series of rows and
columns that house the content
Blocks of content are created by specifying the number of
columns you wish to span
Module 3 - Intro to Bootstrap

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Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and web apps. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates and components for things like typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap features responsive grid system, tables, forms, buttons, navigation and other elements for developing responsive web pages and applications. It helps developers design websites faster without writing much custom CSS code.

HTML Dasar : #5 Heading
HTML Dasar : #5 HeadingHTML Dasar : #5 Heading
HTML Dasar : #5 Heading

Dokumen tersebut berisi daftar judul heading dari level satu hingga enam yang digunakan pada dokumen HTML. Dokumen tersebut juga berisi ucapan terima kasih dan alamat email.

Introduction to CSS3
Introduction to CSS3Introduction to CSS3
Introduction to CSS3

This presentation is target for developers that are new to CSS3, and would like to know what CSS3 they need to understand for Windows 8 development.

Media Queries
Key breakpoints in the grid system:
/* Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px) */
/* No media query since this is the default in Bootstrap */
/* Small devices (tablets, 768px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { ... }
/* Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { ... }
/* Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up) */
@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }
Step 2: add a row
1. Inside <div class=“container”>, create a <div>
2. Apply the row class:
<div class=“row">
Rows and columns
• Rows must be placed within a container for proper
alignment and padding
• Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns
Grid options
• Including the class prefix options allows you to have
more control over how the columns stack/don’t stack on
smaller devices

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This document provides an introduction to jQuery, covering its features, comparisons to other frameworks, selectors, and plugins. jQuery is an open-source JavaScript library that simplifies DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions. It uses CSS-style selectors to select and manipulate HTML elements. Some key features include DOM element selections, DOM traversal/modification, DOM manipulation based on CSS selectors, events, effects/animations, Ajax, and extensibility through plugins. The document also discusses jQuery versus other frameworks like Dojo and YUI, demonstrates basic selectors and methods, and encourages the use of plugins to add additional functionality.

CSS3 Media Queries
CSS3 Media QueriesCSS3 Media Queries
CSS3 Media Queries

Media queries allow CSS styles to be applied conditionally based on characteristics of the device viewing the content, like screen width. They provide a way to target specific devices and change layouts without changing the HTML. The document discusses the syntax of media queries, including using media types, features, expressions, and keywords. It provides examples of using media queries to load different style sheets or apply different CSS rules for different screen widths.

cssmedia queriescss3
Responsive web design
Responsive web designResponsive web design
Responsive web design

Responsive web design allows websites to automatically adjust to different screen sizes using flexible layouts and CSS media queries. Bootstrap is a popular free and open-source framework for responsive web design. It contains HTML and CSS templates for common elements like buttons, navigation bars, grids and more. Bootstrap uses a mobile-first approach and its responsive 12-column grid system allows elements to re-arrange depending on screen size. Basic components like images, tables, buttons and forms can be styled using Bootstrap classes.

web designbootstrap
Step 3: add a column
1. Within the row, create a <div></div>
2. Apply the class for a 12 column-wide column
using extra small:
<div class="col-xs-12">12 columns (x small)</div>
Looks like:
Note: I’ve added some custom styles in <link href="css/custom-styles.css"
rel=“stylesheet"> to show the difference between xs, sm, md and lg
Step 4: add columns at xs
1. Create another row:
<div class=“row">
2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width
using xs (extra-small): col-xs-3
<div class=“col-xs-3”>3 columns (x small)</div>
3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these <div>s
Looks like:

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Twitter bootstrap training_session_pptTwitter bootstrap training_session_ppt
Twitter bootstrap training_session_ppt

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that provides pre-built styles and components for faster web development. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a mobile-first approach. Originally developed by Twitter, Bootstrap has been released as open source. It provides basic styling for common elements like typography, forms, buttons, tables and a powerful grid system for responsive design. The document discusses these features of Bootstrap in detail.

Bootstrap day1
Bootstrap day1Bootstrap day1
Bootstrap day1

Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for common tasks like building layouts, user interfaces, forms, and navigation, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. Bootstrap can be downloaded or used via a CDN, and includes a grid system, tables, images, jumbotron, wells, alerts, and buttons. The grid system uses 12 columns that automatically re-arrange on different screen sizes, and features different classes for tablet, desktop, and larger desktop layouts.

Bootstrap [part 1]
Bootstrap [part 1]Bootstrap [part 1]
Bootstrap [part 1]

It include bootstrap introduction,Normalize CSS,Grid,Responsive Web Design ,Panels,jumbotron,image,alert,button....etc

Step 6: columns at sm
1. Create another row
<div class=“row">
2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width
using sm (small): col-sm-3
<div class=“col-sm-3”>3 columns (small)</div>
3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
Looks like:
Step 7: columns at md
1. Create another row
<div class=“row">
2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width
using md (medium): col-md-3
<div class=“col-md-3”>3 columns (medium)</div>
3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
Looks like:

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Battle of the Front-End Frameworks: Bootstrap vs. Foundation
Battle of the Front-End Frameworks: Bootstrap vs. FoundationBattle of the Front-End Frameworks: Bootstrap vs. Foundation
Battle of the Front-End Frameworks: Bootstrap vs. Foundation

This document compares the Bootstrap and Foundation front-end frameworks. Both frameworks provide pre-built CSS and JavaScript components to help build responsive websites, but they differ in some key ways. Bootstrap uses Less/Sass and supports IE8 with polyfills, while Foundation only uses Sass and does not support IE8. Foundation has a more flexible grid system and "mobile-first" CSS, while Bootstrap requires adding classes for full responsiveness. Overall, the document analyzes the differences in functionality, compatibility, and implementation of these popular front-end frameworks.

Bootstrap 5 ppt
Bootstrap 5 pptBootstrap 5 ppt
Bootstrap 5 ppt

History Why bootstrap Getting started containers Grid basic Typograpy Colours Tables Images Alerts Buttons Progress bar Spinner Pagination Listgroups Cards Dropdowns Collaps Navs Carousel Modal Tooltip Popovers Toast Scrollspy Offcanvas Utilities Bootstrap 5 forms


Bootstrap is a free and open-source framework for responsive web design. It contains HTML and CSS templates for common user interface components like responsive grid systems, tables, forms, buttons, navigation and other interfaces. Bootstrap can save considerable time in development and testing by providing popular user interface elements and default styling.

Step 7: columns at lg
1. Create another row
<div class=“row">
2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width
using lg (large): col-lg-3
<div class=“col-lg-3”>3 columns (large)</div>
3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
Looks like:
Looks like this on a small device:
Notice how the teal and red rows (medium
and large) have stacked at a smaller size…
but the yellow and orange (xsmall and small)
continue to sit side-by-side
Using the class-prefixes allows you to define
how content will look on a smaller device…
Combine for more control…
• Want more control?
• Combine the sizes:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8”>xs at 12, md at 8</div>
<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4”>xs at 6, md at 4</div>

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Web development and web design with seo

Happy to Help is a website that aims to provide household services like plumbing and electricians to users by connecting them directly to local service providers. The website allows users to find and book these small household services from the comfort of their home by selecting their location and desired service on the website. It provides contact information of different pre-screened service providers to make the process easy for users. The website aims to enhance communication between users and service providers through its online platform.

Bootstrap Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for faster and easier web development. Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional JavaScript plugins. Bootstrap also gives we the ability to easily create responsive designs. Responsive web design is about creating web sites which automatically adjust themselves to look good on all devices, from small phones to large desktops. Advantages of Bootstrap: Easy to use: Anybody with just basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using Bootstrap Responsive features: Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops Mobile-first approach: In Bootstrap, mobile-first styles are part of the core framework Browser compatibility: Bootstrap 4 is compatible with all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 10+, Edge, Safari, and Opera)

Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3
Create Responsive Website Design with Bootstrap 3

This document provides an overview of how to create responsive website designs using Bootstrap 3. It discusses how Bootstrap is a popular framework for responsive, mobile-first projects. It then covers the basics of getting started with Bootstrap, including downloading Bootstrap, including the necessary files, and using Bootstrap's grid system and other components to create responsive designs.

website designmobilemobile apps
Looks like:
Combining class-prefixes
allows for different layouts on
smaller devices
More great features…
Styles for headings 1 through 6
• Bootstrap's global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428
• Applied to the <body> and all paragraphs
• <p> tags receive a bottom margin of half their computed line-height
(10px by default)

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Responsive Design and Bootstrap

Responsive Design and Bootstrap Mary Delamater, Joel Murach - Murach's ASP.NET Core MVC-Mike Murach & Associates, Inc. (2020) (1) core mvcmurach
ViA Bootstrap 4
ViA Bootstrap 4ViA Bootstrap 4
ViA Bootstrap 4

A guide for beginners “Bootstrap is a free, open-source front-end library for designing websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSSbased design templates for everything from typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components as well as JavaScript extensions. Unlike many other web frameworks, Bootstrap concerns itself with front-end development only.” — Wikipedia

introducing bootstrap 4viastudy.comviastudy
Intro To Twitter Bootstrap
Intro To Twitter BootstrapIntro To Twitter Bootstrap
Intro To Twitter Bootstrap

This document summarizes an introductory workshop on using Twitter Bootstrap for web development. The workshop covered basic HTML/CSS concepts, introduced Bootstrap and its key components, emphasized the importance of grid-based sketching, and walked through building a sample website using Bootstrap grids, buttons, navbars, tables and other elements. Attendees would learn how to translate designs into Bootstrap components, use the documentation to implement resources, and develop sites systematically using a grid-based approach.

web developmenthtml/csstwitter bootstrap
Making a paragraph stand out
• Make a paragraph stand out by adding the class .lead
Formatting options
Many other classes exist for:
• Inline text elements
• Alignment classes
• Transformation classes
• Abbreviations
• Addresses
• Blockquotes
One of my favourites…
Horizontal definitions:
• Make terms and descriptions in <dl> line up side-by-side
• Starts off stacked like default <dl>s, but when the navbar
expands, so do these
Open the table.html file
• Add the class “table" to the <table> tag
• Style creates an attractive, easy to read table
Try adding these classes: (e.g. class=“table table-bordered”)
• table-bordered
• table-hover
• table-striped

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The document discusses how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Corvid Servlet Runtime templates to control formatting and layout. CSS allows separating design from content, making templates simpler and easier to maintain. It also enables adapting appearance for different devices. The document provides examples of using CSS classes to style template elements and explains how to set up a demo system using the included CSS and templates.


The document discusses how to use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Corvid Servlet Runtime templates to control formatting and layout. CSS allows separating design from content, making templates simpler and easier to maintain. It also enables customization of appearance for different devices. The document provides examples of how to apply CSS classes and rules to Corvid template elements to control fonts, colors, positioning and more.

7.-Bootstrap-5-report powerpoint presentation
7.-Bootstrap-5-report powerpoint presentation7.-Bootstrap-5-report powerpoint presentation
7.-Bootstrap-5-report powerpoint presentation

This powerpoint presentation talks about the Bootstrap 5 and other Bootstrap like Bootstrap 3 and 4. And the difference between the 3 bootstrap version.

bootstrapbootstrap 5bootstrap 3
Responsive table option
Try adding a <div> around the table with the
• Note how the table behaves when viewed on a
small screen
Links and buttons
• Bootstrap has custom button and link styles
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default”>Default</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary”>Primary</button>
Links and buttons
Open the button.html file
• Note the buttons have the class “btn” applied
Try adding these classes:
• btn-default to the button in the left column
• btn-lg to the button in the middle column
• btn-block to the button in the right column
What is the effect of each class?
Putting it all
• Open theme.html
• Check out how some elements work
• E.g. the Carousel at the very bottom
• Shrink your window and see how the
layout changes and adapts
Next week we’ll take some elements
from this theme and build a simple,
one-page website

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CSS: a rapidly changing world
CSS: a rapidly changing worldCSS: a rapidly changing world
CSS: a rapidly changing world

Extended slides from a recent Sydney Port80 presentation. The slides cover three overall topics: 1) a quick timeline of CSS-related events, 2) key events that changed CSS and 3) a discussion on writing better CSS.

html5 boilerplatecsssass
HTML & CSS #10 : Bootstrap
HTML & CSS #10 : BootstrapHTML & CSS #10 : Bootstrap
HTML & CSS #10 : Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an open-source HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive mobile-first projects. It provides pre-built components and utilities for common tasks like responsive grid system, typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interfaces. The document discusses what Bootstrap is, why it is popular, how to get started, its grid system for responsive design, and customizing Bootstrap with additional CSS.

Introduction to Bootstrap: Design for Developers
Introduction to Bootstrap: Design for DevelopersIntroduction to Bootstrap: Design for Developers
Introduction to Bootstrap: Design for Developers

The document provides an introduction to Bootstrap, one of the most popular front-end frameworks. It discusses basic design principles like proximity, alignment, repetition and contrast. It then covers key aspects of Bootstrap like the grid system, CSS components, JavaScript plugins, customization options, and how it relates to basic design principles. The benefits of Bootstrap are faster development, powerful grid system, customizable styles and responsive components, while potential drawbacks include file size overhead and templates looking similar without customization.

Interested in learning more?
• Check out the Bootstrap
website at

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Introduction to Bootstrap: Design for Developers
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Module 5 - WCM system comparison
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Module 4 - Dreamweaver Templates (Static vs. Dynamic Content)
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Module 3 - Intro to Bootstrap

  • 1. Module 3 Bootstrap Framework The most popular responsive, mobile-first HTML5 and CSS3 framework
  • 2. What is Bootstrap? • Free front-end framework for faster and easier web development • Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS for typography, forms, buttons, tables, navigation, image carousels… • Optional JavaScript plugins • Ability to easily create responsive designs
  • 3. What is responsive web design? Responsive web design is about creating web sites which automatically adjust themselves to look good on all devices, from small phones to large desktops.
  • 4. What is a framework? A framework provides code for common activities performed in web development — so you don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time you start a project
  • 5. History of Bootstrap • Developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter • Released as an open source product in August 2011 • Currently on version 3 • Popularity and usage is rising
  • 6. Goals for Module 3 What we’ll cover in Module 3 (Feb 10 and Feb 17) This week (Feb 10): 1. Overview of what Bootstrap is and how it can be used 2. Experiment with the grid system 3. Experiment with other elements: tables and buttons Next week (Feb 17): 1. Create a simple-one page site
  • 10. Pros and Cons of Bootstrap • Save time: use the predefined design templates and classes • Responsive features • Consistent design across elements • Easy to to use • Compatible with all modern browsers • Open Source: free to download and use • Div-heavy code • Relies on classes extensively • Source code can be rather complex • Larger CSS and JS files can cause some loading lag time • Popularity means lots of sites are using it… may want to customize to stand out Pros: Cons:
  • 11. Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO) Start simple, get more complex as needed
  • 12. Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO) Built-in styles look clean, modern but can easily be customized
  • 13. Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO) Simple, easy to understand 12-column grid system
  • 15. Download 1. Download: module-3-bootstrap (in eLearn - Module 3) 2. Unzip 3. Define a new site using Dreamweaver, point it to this folder
  • 16. Download 4. Open the index.html file 5. Note the links to the css files: • bootstrap.css - this contains all the styles to create the layouts (DON’T EDIT THIS FILE) • bootstrap-theme.css - additional css for a visually enhanced experience (DON’T EDIT THIS FILE) • custom-styles.css - this is where you create custom styles to modify the design
  • 17. The grid and containers Container element wraps contents and houses the grid system, options: .container - responsive fixed-width container .container-fluid - full-width, spans the entire width of the screen
  • 18. Step 1: create a container 1. In the index.html file create a <div> 2. Apply the container class: <div class="container"> </div>
  • 19. The Grid The grid creates page layouts with a series of rows and columns that house the content Blocks of content are created by specifying the number of columns you wish to span
  • 21. Media Queries Key breakpoints in the grid system: /* Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px) */ /* No media query since this is the default in Bootstrap */ /* Small devices (tablets, 768px and up) */ @media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { ... } /* Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up) */ @media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { ... } /* Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up) */ @media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }
  • 22. Step 2: add a row 1. Inside <div class=“container”>, create a <div> 2. Apply the row class: <div class=“row"> </div>
  • 23. Rows and columns • Rows must be placed within a container for proper alignment and padding • Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns
  • 24. Grid options • Including the class prefix options allows you to have more control over how the columns stack/don’t stack on smaller devices
  • 25. Step 3: add a column 1. Within the row, create a <div></div> 2. Apply the class for a 12 column-wide column using extra small: <div class="col-xs-12">12 columns (x small)</div>
  • 26. Looks like: Note: I’ve added some custom styles in <link href="css/custom-styles.css" rel=“stylesheet"> to show the difference between xs, sm, md and lg
  • 27. Step 4: add columns at xs 1. Create another row: <div class=“row"> </div> 2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width using xs (extra-small): col-xs-3 <div class=“col-xs-3”>3 columns (x small)</div> 3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these <div>s
  • 29. Step 6: columns at sm 1. Create another row <div class=“row"> </div> 2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width using sm (small): col-sm-3 <div class=“col-sm-3”>3 columns (small)</div> 3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
  • 31. Step 7: columns at md 1. Create another row <div class=“row"> </div> 2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width using md (medium): col-md-3 <div class=“col-md-3”>3 columns (medium)</div> 3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
  • 33. Step 7: columns at lg 1. Create another row <div class=“row"> </div> 2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width using lg (large): col-lg-3 <div class=“col-lg-3”>3 columns (large)</div> 3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs
  • 35. Looks like this on a small device: Notice how the teal and red rows (medium and large) have stacked at a smaller size… but the yellow and orange (xsmall and small) continue to sit side-by-side Using the class-prefixes allows you to define how content will look on a smaller device…
  • 36. Combine for more control… • Want more control? • Combine the sizes: <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8”>xs at 12, md at 8</div> <div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4”>xs at 6, md at 4</div> </div>
  • 37. Looks like: Combining class-prefixes allows for different layouts on smaller devices
  • 40. Paragraphs • Bootstrap's global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428 • Applied to the <body> and all paragraphs • <p> tags receive a bottom margin of half their computed line-height (10px by default)
  • 41. Making a paragraph stand out • Make a paragraph stand out by adding the class .lead
  • 42. Formatting options Many other classes exist for: • Inline text elements • Alignment classes • Transformation classes • Abbreviations • Addresses • Blockquotes
  • 43. One of my favourites… Horizontal definitions: • Make terms and descriptions in <dl> line up side-by-side • Starts off stacked like default <dl>s, but when the navbar expands, so do these
  • 44. Tables Open the table.html file • Add the class “table" to the <table> tag • Style creates an attractive, easy to read table Try adding these classes: (e.g. class=“table table-bordered”) • table-bordered • table-hover • table-striped
  • 45. Responsive table option Try adding a <div> around the table with the class"table-responsive" • Note how the table behaves when viewed on a small screen
  • 46. Links and buttons • Bootstrap has custom button and link styles <button type="button" class="btn btn-default”>Default</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary”>Primary</button> …etc…
  • 47. Links and buttons Open the button.html file • Note the buttons have the class “btn” applied Try adding these classes: • btn-default to the button in the left column • btn-lg to the button in the middle column • btn-block to the button in the right column What is the effect of each class?
  • 48. Putting it all together… • Open theme.html • Check out how some elements work • E.g. the Carousel at the very bottom • Shrink your window and see how the layout changes and adapts Next week we’ll take some elements from this theme and build a simple, one-page website
  • 49. Interested in learning more? • Check out the Bootstrap website at