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December 20-25, 2013
© Copyright SELA software & Education Labs Ltd. 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St.Bnei Brak 51202 Israel
Gil Fink
Introduction to HTML5
What is HTML5?
The New Elements
HTML5 JavaScript APIs
What is HTML5?
HTML5 ~= HTML + CSS3 + JavaScript API
The future of the web
Still under development
A lot of features supported by modern browsers
Why to use HTML5?
Many new
HTML elements and attributes
JavaScript APIs and improved capabilities
CSS capabilities

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JavaScript - Chapter 12 - Document Object Model
  JavaScript - Chapter 12 - Document Object Model  JavaScript - Chapter 12 - Document Object Model
JavaScript - Chapter 12 - Document Object Model

What is the DOM? The DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard. The DOM defines a standard for accessing documents: "The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document." The W3C DOM standard is separated into 3 different parts: Core DOM - standard model for all document types XML DOM - standard model for XML documents HTML DOM - standard model for HTML documents The HTML DOM (Document Object Model) When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page. The HTML DOM model is constructed as a tree of Objects. With the HTML DOM, JavaScript can access and change all the elements of an HTML document.

javascriptwebstack academy bangalorefullstack web developer
Introduction to CSS
Introduction to CSSIntroduction to CSS
Introduction to CSS

CSS is used to style and lay out web pages. It allows separation of document content from page layout and design. CSS declarations are made up of selectors and properties. Selectors identify elements on the page and properties set specific styles for those elements, like color, font, size, and layout. CSS rules cascade based on specificity and source, with more specific and inline rules taking precedence over broader and external rules. Inheritance passes down text-based styles by default.

Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation

The document covers various topics related to CSS including CSS introduction, syntax, selectors, inclusion methods, setting backgrounds, fonts, manipulating text, and working with images. Key points include how CSS handles web page styling, the advantages of CSS, CSS versions, associating styles using embedded, inline, external and imported CSS, and properties for backgrounds, fonts, text formatting, and images.

presentationcsscss presentation
What’s Under The HTML5
Demo: HTML5 Sites Examples
Structural Elements
No need for div elements all over the place
New ways to mean what you actually meant to
Main Structural Elements
And More
Defines an article (for example within a section)Article
Footer elements contain information about their containing
element: who wrote it, copyright, etc.
The page header shown on the page, not the same as <head>Header
Collection of links to other pagesNav
A part or chapter in a book, or essentially the content body of the

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The document provides an overview of jQuery including: - What jQuery is and its main features like DOM manipulation and AJAX - How to include jQuery in an HTML document and basic usage syntax - jQuery selectors to find elements and filters to refine selections - Common jQuery methods for manipulating attributes, events, HTML, CSS, and more - Examples of using various jQuery functions and concepts

jqueryhtmldileep mishra
Basics of JavaScript
Basics of JavaScriptBasics of JavaScript
Basics of JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language originally designed for web browsers but now used everywhere. It has dynamic typing and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming. JavaScript was created in 1995 and standardized in 1999. It is now the most popular language on GitHub. JavaScript can be used to build interactive web pages, desktop applications, server-side applications, IoT applications, and real-time applications. The core data types in JavaScript are Number, String, Boolean, Object, Function, Array, Date, and Regular Expressions. JavaScript supports features like variables, flow control, error handling, debugging, and JSON for data exchange.


Bootstrap is a free front-end framework for building responsive, mobile-first websites and web apps. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates and components for things like typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. Bootstrap features responsive grid system, tables, forms, buttons, navigation and other elements for developing responsive web pages and applications. It helps developers design websites faster without writing much custom CSS code.

Inline Semantic Elements
Defines marked textMark
Represents a scalar gauge providing a measurement within a
known range, or a fractional value
Represents the completion progress of a taskProgress
Represents the result of a calculationOutput
Represents a specific moment in timeTime
New Input Types
Date pickers (date,
month, week, time,
datetime, datetime-
New Attributes
Accepted min and max valuesMin, Max
Related to file input type, allows selection of multiple filesMultiple
Specifies a pattern used to validate an input fieldPattern
A short hint intended to aid the user with data entryPlaceholder
Boolean attribute to indicate that the element is requiredRequired
Limits allowed values, thus indicating the granularity requiredStep
And many more
Demo: HTML5 New Elements

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Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).pptIntroduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt

This document introduces JavaScript, explaining that it allows for interactivity on web pages by manipulating the browser and reacting to user actions. It is embedded in HTML and executes on the client side for fast interactions without a connection. JavaScript statements can include code combined with HTML tags. The document also discusses using JavaScript with HTML forms to process and display user input on the page.

Introduction to JavaScript Basics.
Introduction to JavaScript Basics.Introduction to JavaScript Basics.
Introduction to JavaScript Basics.

It is a Very basic introduction to JavaScript. It includes Advantages and Disadvantages of JavaScript, JavaScript Basic Syntax, and JavaScript DOM.

javascriptjavascript basicsjavascript dom
Html frames
Html framesHtml frames
Html frames

Using this presentation you will learn dividing the browser window into different parts(frame). With frames, several Web pages can be displayed in the same browser window.

HTML5 <video> Element
Enables to play video natively in the browser
Video can be composited with anything else on the page
HTML content, images, SVG graphics
Include standard codecs like: h.264, ogg and webm
Hardware accelerated, GPU-based decoding in most of the browsers
<video src="video.mp4" id="videoTag" width="640px" height="360px">

HTML5 <audio> Element
Enables to play audio natively in the browser
Industry-standard MP3 and AAC audio
Fully scriptable via the DOM
<audio src="audio.mp3" id="audioTag" autoplay controls>

Demo: Video and Audio Elements
HTML5 Canvas
A block element that allows developers to draw 2D or
3D graphics using JavaScript
For 3D you use WebGL API
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200">
Your browser doesn’t support Canvas, sorry.
<script type="text/javascript">
var example = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = example.getContext("2d");
context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)";
context.fillRect(30, 30, 50, 50);

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Basic html structure
Basic html structureBasic html structure
Basic html structure

This document provides an overview of basic HTML structure and elements. It discusses what HTML is, how it uses markup tags to describe web page structure with elements like headings, paragraphs, and links. It also covers HTML syntax and documents, how to structure a basic HTML page with tags for the root, head, title, and body. The document demonstrates using block and inline elements and attributes to build out web pages. It provides examples of different text formatting tags and tags for things like quotes, lines, and comments.

html5web designweb design and development
Dom(document object model)
Dom(document object model)Dom(document object model)
Dom(document object model)

The document discusses the Document Object Model (DOM), which defines the logical structure of objects in an HTML document and how they can be manipulated with JavaScript. The DOM represents an HTML document as nodes and objects that can be accessed and modified with JavaScript. All HTML elements, text, and attributes can be accessed through the DOM to be modified, deleted, or have new elements created. Events allow scripts to run in response to user actions on a page.

and iframe objects image object etc dom hiearchymanaging events onload and onunload using the onclframeset
Div tag presentation
Div tag presentationDiv tag presentation
Div tag presentation

The <div> tag defines sections in an HTML document and is used to group block elements to apply styles. It can contain other tags and attributes like id, class, style, and title can be used to identify and style the <div> section. Common uses include wrapping content in containers with specific backgrounds, alignments, or other styles.

Demo: Canvas
Scalable Vector Graphics
Create and draw 2D vector graphics
Vector images are composed of shapes instead of
Based on the SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Full specification
Support for:
Full DOM access to SVG elements
Document structure, scripting, styling, paths, shapes,
colors, transforms, gradients, patterns, masking,
clipping, markers, linking and views
2D Vector Graphics
<svg width="400" height="200" xmlns="">
<rect fill="red" x="20" y="20" width="100" height="75" />
<rect fill="blue" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="75" />
Demo: SVG

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Html ppt
Html pptHtml ppt
Html ppt

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language that is used to structure and present content on the World Wide Web. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1980. The document defines various HTML tags such as headings, paragraphs, bold, italics, lists, images, and links. It provides examples of how to use each tag, including the opening and closing syntax. Common tags discussed include <h1> for main headings, <p> for paragraphs, <b> for bold text, <i> for italics, <ol> for ordered lists, <ul> for unordered lists, and <a> for creating links between pages.

Presentation of bootstrap
Presentation of bootstrapPresentation of bootstrap
Presentation of bootstrap

This document provides an overview and introduction to responsive design using Bootstrap. It defines responsive design as designs that work on any resolution and are user friendly. It explains Bootstrap's grid system and standard device resolutions for extra small, small, medium, and large devices. Key Bootstrap components are summarized like the grid system, Glyphicons, and JavaScript plugins. The basic differences between HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap are outlined. Finally, the main purposes of using Bootstrap are listed as decreasing costs and code while providing an excellent and understandable user experience.

designbootstrap responsiveux
HTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginnerHTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginner

HTML is the backbone of Internet. Learn the basics of HTML, you can create your own website. If you have any doubt contact me for more details. WhatsApp:8008877940

htmlhtml basicsbasics of html
Differences Between Canvas and SVG
Many applications are based on user location
Finding nearby restaurants, fuel stations, etc.
Other applications want to gather information
about user locations for future use
HTML5 introduces a new Geolocation
The user must agree to share his or her location
The browser will get the user’s coordinates and other
location information
Geolocation API
The Geolocation API includes the following main
getCurrentPosition(success, error, options)
watchId = watchPosition(success, error, options)
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback,
{ enableHighAccuracy: true,
maximumAge: 600000,
timeout: 0 });
Demo: Geolocation

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Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
Dynamic HTML (DHTML)

This document provides an overview of dynamic HTML (DHTML) and its components. DHTML uses HTML for content, CSS for styling and presentation, and scripting languages to manipulate and change the page after it loads. The three components are linked via the Document Object Model (DOM), which provides a standard interface. DHTML allows creating animations, games and applications by dynamically building web pages without plugins. It makes the web experience more interactive for users.


This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including: - CSS handles the look and feel of web pages by controlling colors, fonts, spacing, layouts, backgrounds and more. - CSS versions include CSS1 for basic formatting, CSS2 for media styles and positioning, and CSS3 for new features like colors and transforms. - There are three ways to apply stylesheets: inline with HTML tags, internally within <style> tags, and externally with <link> tags. - The Style Builder in Microsoft allows applying styles through a dialog box with options for fonts, backgrounds, text, positioning, and other properties. Basic CSS syntax uses selectors and properties to

cascading style sheetswebstyle builder
An Introduction to HTML5
An Introduction to HTML5An Introduction to HTML5
An Introduction to HTML5

This document provides an overview of HTML5, including what it is, new elements and attributes, forms, media capabilities, and APIs. Key points include HTML5 simplifying the DOCTYPE, making small semantic changes to existing elements, removing obsolete elements, adding new semantic elements like article, section, header, footer, and aside, and introducing new form input types. It also covers new media elements like video and audio, the canvas element, local storage, and geolocation.

web devhtml5
Web Workers
Background workers that run scripts in parallel
with their main page
Independent of any user interface scripts
Allow thread-like operations that include
message-passing mechanisms for coordination
Expected to
Be long-lived
Have a high start-up performance cost
Have high per-instance memory cost
Initializing a Web Worker
<p>Result: <output id="result"></output></p>
var worker = new Worker('worker.js');
worker.onmessage = function (event) {
textContent =;
Web Worker Script
What appears in the worker.js from the
previous slide
Use the postMessage function in order to send
messages to the UI thread
var n = 1;
while (n < 10000) {
n += 1;
Demo: Web Workers

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An Introduction To HTML5
An Introduction To HTML5An Introduction To HTML5
An Introduction To HTML5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5: - It discusses backwards compatibility, progressive enhancement, and the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration in HTML5. - It describes the syntax options of HTML or XHTML and provides examples of new HTML5 elements like <video>, <canvas>, and various new <input> types. - It includes a full sample HTML5 page with new elements, semantics, and WAI-ARIA roles for accessibility.

html5 fosdem geek meet swdc
Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses some of its new features. It begins with an overview of HTML5 and its updated document structure, then describes several new HTML5 elements such as <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <figure>, and <footer>. It also discusses new form attributes, input types, and multimedia capabilities such as audio, video, and geolocation. Finally, it briefly mentions features like drag and drop, SVG graphics, canvas drawing, and server-sent events.


This document provides an overview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It discusses how HTML is used to define the structure and layout of web pages using markup tags, how CSS is used to style web pages, and how JavaScript can be used to add interactive elements. It also covers common HTML tags for headings, paragraphs, lists, and other content sections. Key elements like <head> and <body> are explained along with common tags used in each section.

Web Sockets
Bidirectional communication channel, over a
single TCP socket
Don’t allow raw access to the underlying
Uses the new WebSocket JavaScript object
Can replace long-polling and commet
The Web Sockets protocol RFC:
Web Sockets – JavaScript API
Use the WebSocket object’s built-in events:
onopen: fired when a web socket has opened
onmessage: fired when a message has been received
onclose: fired when a web socket has been closed
socket.onopen = function() {
console.log(‘Socket Status: ‘ + socket.readyState + ‘ (open)’);
var socket = new WebSocket('ws://someURL');
Create a WebSocket object using a URL and a list of
URL must direct to a Web Sockets server endpoint (ws://)
Demo: Web Sockets
Other HTML5 APIs
HTML5 includes other APIs that you can
For example:
Web Notifications – display simple notifications to
the user
File API – exposes sandboxed sections of a user’s local
file system to web applications
IndexedDB – an index database on client-side
And many more

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This document provides an overview of HTML and CSS for website development. It discusses how websites use HTML for content, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for behavior. It then covers basic HTML tags and structure, as well as CSS selectors, the box model, positioning, and floats. The goal is to teach the essentials of using HTML to structure content and CSS to style and position that content for websites.


This document compares HTML4 and HTML5, discussing their versions over time. It notes that HTML5 introduced new structures like drag and drop, can embed video/audio without Flash, and handles inaccurate syntax, while HTML4 used older structures and required Flash for media. HTML5 also introduced new APIs, tags, and features like local storage that enhanced flexibility, while HTML4 had more limited traditional APIs and no local storage capability.


A look at some of exciting features of HTML5, a presentation given by me at Universtiy Seminar in 7th Semester.

CSS3 - Media Queries
<link href="DoNotDisplay.css" rel="stylesheet"
media="screen and (max-width:1199px)" type=“text/css" />
<link href="DoNotDisplay.css" rel="stylesheet"
media="screen and (min-width:1301px)" type="text/css" />
<link href="Presentation.css" rel="stylesheet"
media="screen and (min-width:1200px) and (max-width: 1300px)"
type="text/css" />
CSS3 Colors & Opacity
CSS3 Color
Alpha color with rgba() and hsla() color functions
Transparency control with the opacity property
CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders
Round corners with the border-radius property
Multiple background images per element
box-shadow property on block elements
Demo: CSS3 Enhancements
Other CSS3 Enhancements
CSS3 include much more:
CSS3 Animations
CSS3 Transformations
CSS3 Fonts
CSS3 Border and Background
CSS3 layouts:

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The document summarizes an upcoming presentation on HTML5 and PHP. It lists the group members and covers the following topics in the presentation agenda: HTML5 elements like Canvas, SVG, drag/drop, geo-location, video, audio; PHP syntax, variables, and strings; and differences between SVG and Canvas. It provides code examples and explanations for several HTML5 elements and features including Canvas, SVG, drag/drop, geo-location, video, audio, and form handling.

HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps
HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile appsHTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps
HTML5 & CSS3 refresher for mobile apps

This document provides an overview of HTML5 and CSS3 concepts for building web applications. It begins with defining what a web app is and its basic anatomy. It then covers new HTML5 structural tags, forms, multimedia capabilities like audio and video, offline data storage, geolocation, and canvas/SVG graphics. For CSS3, it discusses new selectors, the box model, positioning, fonts, visual effects, and media queries. Key topics are presented at a high level with examples to illustrate the main capabilities and uses of HTML5 and CSS3 for mobile web development.

mobile application developmentmobile apps
Web Apps
Web AppsWeb Apps
Web Apps

In this lecture, I provide an overview of what it takes to create amazing Web Apps : rich media, the Canvas API, local storage and offline persistence are covered.

html5web applications
HTML5 Integration Strategies
you’re already most of the way there
Most visitors’ browsers can handle most things
Many strategies can be used to implement:
Lowest common denominator
Vertical slices – target a specific HTML5 functionality
JavaScript ‘Polyfills’ can be used to patch the holes
Using fallbacks strategies
HTML5 Bottom Line
Develop once!
Multiple devices reach Multiple platforms reach
Session slide deck and demos –
HTML5Rocks -
HTML5 Landscape Overview -
My Website –
Follow me on Twitter – @gilfink

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HTML5 Refresher
HTML5 RefresherHTML5 Refresher
HTML5 Refresher

Mobile applications Development - Lecture 10 HTML5 Refresher This presentation has been developed in the context of the Mobile Applications Development course at the Computer Science Department of the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

momobile applicationsmobile application development
Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Word camp nextweb
Word camp nextwebWord camp nextweb
Word camp nextweb

This document provides an introduction to HTML5. It describes HTML5 as a draft specification from the W3C that is over 1100 pages and is not yet complete, as it continues to evolve. It adds new elements like canvas, video, audio, and inline SVG, and changes or removes some older elements and attributes. The document outlines the status and roadmap for the HTML5 specification. It also provides examples and demonstrations of new HTML5 features like video, audio, canvas, and geolocation.

Thank You
Gil Fink
Senior Architect

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Gil Fink
Stencil: The Time for Vanilla Web Components has Arrived
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Gil Fink
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Introduction to HTML5

  • 1. © Copyright SELA software & Education Labs Ltd. | 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St Bnei Brak, 51202 Israel | SELA DEVELOPER PRACTICE December 20-25, 2013 © Copyright SELA software & Education Labs Ltd. 14-18 Baruch Hirsch St.Bnei Brak 51202 Israel Gil Fink Introduction to HTML5
  • 2. Agenda What is HTML5? The New Elements HTML5 JavaScript APIs CSS3 Q&A Summary
  • 3. What is HTML5? HTML5 ~= HTML + CSS3 + JavaScript API The future of the web Still under development A lot of features supported by modern browsers
  • 4. Why to use HTML5? Accessibility Searchability Interoperability Many new HTML elements and attributes JavaScript APIs and improved capabilities CSS capabilities
  • 5. What’s Under The HTML5 Umbrella?
  • 6. Demo: HTML5 Sites Examples
  • 7. Structural Elements No need for div elements all over the place New ways to mean what you actually meant to mean HTML 4 HTML 5
  • 8. Main Structural Elements And More DescriptionElement Defines an article (for example within a section)Article Footer elements contain information about their containing element: who wrote it, copyright, etc. Footer The page header shown on the page, not the same as <head>Header Collection of links to other pagesNav A part or chapter in a book, or essentially the content body of the page Section
  • 9. Inline Semantic Elements DescriptionElement Defines marked textMark Represents a scalar gauge providing a measurement within a known range, or a fractional value Meter Represents the completion progress of a taskProgress Represents the result of a calculationOutput Represents a specific moment in timeTime
  • 10. New Input Types Types Email Url Tel Number Range Search Color Date pickers (date, month, week, time, datetime, datetime- local)
  • 11. New Attributes DescriptionAttribute Accepted min and max valuesMin, Max Related to file input type, allows selection of multiple filesMultiple Specifies a pattern used to validate an input fieldPattern A short hint intended to aid the user with data entryPlaceholder Boolean attribute to indicate that the element is requiredRequired Limits allowed values, thus indicating the granularity requiredStep And many more
  • 12. Demo: HTML5 New Elements
  • 13. HTML5 <video> Element Enables to play video natively in the browser Video can be composited with anything else on the page HTML content, images, SVG graphics Include standard codecs like: h.264, ogg and webm Hardware accelerated, GPU-based decoding in most of the browsers <video src="video.mp4" id="videoTag" width="640px" height="360px"> <!-- Only shown when browser doesn’t support video --> <!-- You Could Embed Flash or Silverlight Video Here --> </video>
  • 14. HTML5 <audio> Element Enables to play audio natively in the browser Industry-standard MP3 and AAC audio Fully scriptable via the DOM <audio src="audio.mp3" id="audioTag" autoplay controls> <!-- Only shown when browser doesn’t support audio --> <!-- You could embed Flash or Silverlight audio here --> </audio>
  • 15. Demo: Video and Audio Elements
  • 16. HTML5 Canvas A block element that allows developers to draw 2D or 3D graphics using JavaScript For 3D you use WebGL API <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="200"> Your browser doesn’t support Canvas, sorry. </canvas> <script type="text/javascript"> var example = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var context = example.getContext("2d"); context.fillStyle = "rgb(255,0,0)"; context.fillRect(30, 30, 50, 50); </script>
  • 18. Scalable Vector Graphics Create and draw 2D vector graphics Vector images are composed of shapes instead of pixels Based on the SVG 1.1 2nd Edition Full specification Support for: Full DOM access to SVG elements Document structure, scripting, styling, paths, shapes, colors, transforms, gradients, patterns, masking, clipping, markers, linking and views
  • 19. 2D Vector Graphics <svg width="400" height="200" xmlns=""> <rect fill="red" x="20" y="20" width="100" height="75" /> <rect fill="blue" x="50" y="50" width="100" height="75" /> </svg>
  • 22. Geolocation Many applications are based on user location Finding nearby restaurants, fuel stations, etc. Other applications want to gather information about user locations for future use HTML5 introduces a new Geolocation specification The user must agree to share his or her location The browser will get the user’s coordinates and other location information
  • 23. Geolocation API The Geolocation API includes the following main functions: getCurrentPosition(success, error, options) watchId = watchPosition(success, error, options) clearWatch(watchId) navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, { enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 600000, timeout: 0 });
  • 25. Web Workers Background workers that run scripts in parallel with their main page Independent of any user interface scripts Allow thread-like operations that include message-passing mechanisms for coordination Expected to Be long-lived Have a high start-up performance cost Have high per-instance memory cost
  • 26. Initializing a Web Worker <p>Result: <output id="result"></output></p> <script> var worker = new Worker('worker.js'); worker.onmessage = function (event) { document.getElementById('result'). textContent =; }; </script>
  • 27. Web Worker Script What appears in the worker.js from the previous slide Use the postMessage function in order to send messages to the UI thread var n = 1; while (n < 10000) { postMessage(n); n += 1; }
  • 29. Web Sockets Bidirectional communication channel, over a single TCP socket Don’t allow raw access to the underlying network Uses the new WebSocket JavaScript object Can replace long-polling and commet The Web Sockets protocol RFC:
  • 30. Web Sockets – JavaScript API Use the WebSocket object’s built-in events: onopen: fired when a web socket has opened onmessage: fired when a message has been received onclose: fired when a web socket has been closed socket.onopen = function() { console.log(‘Socket Status: ‘ + socket.readyState + ‘ (open)’); } var socket = new WebSocket('ws://someURL'); Create a WebSocket object using a URL and a list of protocols URL must direct to a Web Sockets server endpoint (ws://)
  • 32. Other HTML5 APIs HTML5 includes other APIs that you can consider. For example: Web Notifications – display simple notifications to the user File API – exposes sandboxed sections of a user’s local file system to web applications IndexedDB – an index database on client-side And many more
  • 33. CSS3 - Media Queries <link href="DoNotDisplay.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width:1199px)" type=“text/css" /> <link href="DoNotDisplay.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width:1301px)" type="text/css" /> <link href="Presentation.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width:1200px) and (max-width: 1300px)" type="text/css" />
  • 34. CSS3 Colors & Opacity CSS3 Color Alpha color with rgba() and hsla() color functions Transparency control with the opacity property CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders Round corners with the border-radius property Multiple background images per element box-shadow property on block elements
  • 36. Other CSS3 Enhancements CSS3 include much more: CSS3 Animations CSS3 Transformations CSS3 Fonts CSS3 Border and Background CSS3 layouts: Flexbox Templating Multi-Columns More
  • 37. HTML5 Integration Strategies HTML5 is HTML you’re already most of the way there Most visitors’ browsers can handle most things Many strategies can be used to implement: Lowest common denominator Vertical slices – target a specific HTML5 functionality JavaScript ‘Polyfills’ can be used to patch the holes Using fallbacks strategies
  • 39. HTML5 Bottom Line Develop once! Multiple devices reach Multiple platforms reach
  • 40. Resources Session slide deck and demos – HTML5Rocks - HTML5 Landscape Overview - overview.html My Website – Follow me on Twitter – @gilfink
  • 41. Thank You Gil Fink Senior Architect @gilfink