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          Martin Lippert,VMware, @martinlippert
Were do we come from?

Servlet Specification
        mostly static HTML created on server
                  Template Engines

                                      JSP Specification
                                     mostly static HTML created on server
                                    no template engines necessary anymore

    Web Frameworks
    mostly static HTML created on server
        various framework, supporting:
authentication, session-handling, page flows, etc.

                                        only used to do some kid‘s stuff
Or from her


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From User Action to Framework Reaction
From User Action to Framework ReactionFrom User Action to Framework Reaction
From User Action to Framework Reaction

1) The document discusses reactivity in modern frontend frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. 2) It explains the different approaches to reactivity including Angular's use of Zone.js for change detection, React's functional components approach, and Vue's reactive state. 3) The document also covers alternatives within frameworks like OnPush change detection in Angular and using observables, as well as design patterns like separating state from components.

Ruby on Rails Security
Ruby on Rails SecurityRuby on Rails Security
Ruby on Rails Security

This document summarizes common Ruby on Rails security issues and best practices for addressing them. It covers potential information leaks from application setup and deployment, cross-site scripting vulnerabilities from unsanitized user input, session fixation issues, cross-site request forgery problems, SQL injection protection, preventing JavaScript hijacking, securing mass assignment, and security risks related to third-party Rails plugins. The document provides explanations of each issue and recommendations for configuration and code changes to enhance the security of Rails applications.

Apache Etch Introduction @ FOSDEM 2011
Apache Etch Introduction @ FOSDEM 2011Apache Etch Introduction @ FOSDEM 2011
Apache Etch Introduction @ FOSDEM 2011

Apache Etch is a framework for building efficient and feature-rich network services. It allows for symmetric and asynchronous communication between nodes. Services can be described independently of programming language or transport mechanism. Etch provides a flexible protocol stack and supports languages like Java, C#, C, and Go. It aims to support additional transports, languages, security features, and tools over time.

Typical Runtime Structures

     Browser          render HTML

                      business logic &
Tomcat / tc Server
                      page rendering

Relational Database    contains data
And today...
What happens?

                         render HTML & improved
                         experience using JavaScript
            AJAX calls

                              business logic &
Tomcat / tc Server         page rendering & APIs

                            contains data & new
Relational Database
                         challenges (structure, size)
A few observations
                         duplicated logic, no
                           render HTML & improved
                          experience using JavaScript
            AJAX calls
                         APIs are challenging, Java not
                          the only language anymore
                                 business logic &
Tomcat / tc Server            page rendering & APIs

                          relational & transactional
                              contains anymore
                              don‘t fit data & new
Relational Database
                           challenges (structure, size)

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Java Web Programming [4/9] : JSP Basic
Java Web Programming [4/9] : JSP BasicJava Web Programming [4/9] : JSP Basic
Java Web Programming [4/9] : JSP Basic

This document provides an overview of JSP (JavaServer Pages) basics. It discusses what JSP is, its advantages, the elements that make up a JSP file including directives, scripting elements, actions, and implicit objects. It also covers the JSP lifecycle, how JSP pages work, common directives like page and include, scripting elements like declarations, scriptlets and expressions, and standard actions like include, forward, useBean and setProperty. The document is intended to teach the fundamentals of JSP through explanations and examples.

javajava web programming
MSc Enterprise Systems Development Guest Lecture at UniS (2/12/09)
MSc Enterprise Systems Development Guest Lecture at UniS (2/12/09)MSc Enterprise Systems Development Guest Lecture at UniS (2/12/09)
MSc Enterprise Systems Development Guest Lecture at UniS (2/12/09)

A guest lecture I presented to MSc Level Enterprise Systems Development students within the Department of Computing at the University of Surrey. This was a very similar presentation to the L2 lecture delivered the week earlier, but also included more advanced material.

Integration of Backbone.js with Spring 3.1
Integration of Backbone.js with Spring 3.1Integration of Backbone.js with Spring 3.1
Integration of Backbone.js with Spring 3.1

This document discusses integrating Backbone.js with Spring 3.1. It begins with an overview of new features in Spring 3.1, such as cache abstraction, bean definition profiles, and Java-based configuration. It then provides an introduction to Backbone.js, explaining how it gives structure to web applications using models, collections, views and routers. The document demonstrates how to integrate Backbone.js and Spring 3.1 by using Spring to provide a RESTful JSON API for Backbone models and collections to communicate with, while keeping the UI rendered separately using Backbone views. It provides examples of tasks being managed through GET, POST, PUT and DELETE requests to the Spring API.

Different pictures

AWS             node.js                HTML/CSS
          NoSQL               Java
JavaScript      Hadoop

  modern apps                old style apps

             Ruby/Rails      Application
 Clojure          PaaS         Server
Where do we go
    from here?

Innovation happens here

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Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)

Overview of JAX-WS technology for web services (Java API for XML Web Services). JAX-WS is the core Java web service technology for Java EE applications. It provides a unified client and server-side API for writing SOAP/WSDL based web services. JAX-WS is platform independent. Many Java platforms like Glassfish, Axis2 or CXF support JAX-WS. Thus services developed with JAX-WS on one platform can be easily ported to another platform. JAX-WS is based on annotations like @WebService thus greatly simplifying the development of web services. POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) can be simply annotated with JAX-WS annotations thus turning these into web service implementations. JAX-WS is the core web service technology according to JSR-224 affording basic web service functionality. WSIT (Web Service Interoperability Technology) sits on top of JAX-WS and adds enhanced functionality like security, reliability and transactions. WSIT is the standard Java WS protocol stack beyond basic WS functionality (SOAP, WSDL) to achieve interoperability between Java and .Net (for more complex applications that go beyond simple WS requests).

Spring Framework - MVC
Spring Framework - MVCSpring Framework - MVC
Spring Framework - MVC

This document provides an overview of Spring MVC, the model-view-controller framework for building web applications in Spring. It discusses Spring MVC's request processing workflow including the front controller and application context. It also covers controllers, mapping requests, returning views and data representation. Key topics include RESTful design, annotations like @RequestMapping and return types, and view resolvers for resolving JSP and other view technologies.

spring webspring frameworkmvc
Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)
Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)
Java EE 7 (Hamed Hatami)

The document provides an overview of Java EE 7 including: - Major themes like ease of development, lightweight, and HTML5 support - New and updated specifications including JSF 2.2, JAX-RS 2.0, JPA 2.1, JMS 2.0, CDI 1.1, and more - Enhancements to the web profile, messaging, RESTful web services, persistence, and other APIs - New capabilities like support for JSON, WebSocket, schema generation, and batch processing

The JavaScript Story

My assumptions
             - on the client side -

       Browser only (HTML5/CSS3)
             JavaScript only

   „The browser-based application
written in JavaScript becomes the new
       rich client architecture“
Existing JavaScript libs are UI centric
         (focus on making life with the DOM easier)

               most prominent:
JavaScript versions of
„good old rich client patterns“
       begin to appear
         (and are highly necessary)


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Jsf Framework
Jsf FrameworkJsf Framework
Jsf Framework

- Doris Chen presented on JavaServer Pages/Servlets and web application frameworks. - She discussed the JSP/Servlet technology foundation and how frameworks like Struts, JavaServer Faces, and Sun ONE Application Framework build upon it. - Struts is an open source MVC framework that uses Java servlets as controllers and JSPs as views. It utilizes configuration files and custom tags to coordinate requests between components.

KnockOutjs from Scratch
KnockOutjs from ScratchKnockOutjs from Scratch
KnockOutjs from Scratch

This document provides an overview and introduction to KnockoutJS, a JavaScript MVVM library created by Steve Sanderson. It discusses key features of KnockoutJS like observable properties, observable arrays, and bindings. Observable properties allow automatic updating of the UI when the model changes. Bindings provide a simple way to connect UI elements to the model. The document also covers how to set up a basic Knockout app with a view model, bindings, and applying bindings. Additional resources for learning KnockoutJS are provided at the end.

Spring Web Services
Spring Web ServicesSpring Web Services
Spring Web Services

The document describes contract-first and contract-last approaches to developing web services using Spring. It provides details on defining the service contract, creating message endpoints, mapping messages to endpoints, configuring marshaling and exceptions, and serving WSDL files. The key aspects are defining the XML schema first in contract-first, while contract-last derives the schema from the code. It also discusses using JDOM or marshalling endpoints to process messages.


My assumptions
            - server side languages -

     many different languages in use
choose the right language for the right job
    don‘t use a new language for fun
My assumptions
             - data storage -

     more and more data (big data)
different storage techniques combined
     (rdbms, nosql, graph databases)
         scalability is important
The landscape

                    Browser App

Service   Service     Service         Service    Service

                NoSQL                           NoSQL
RDBMS                                  NoSQL
      RDBMS                NoSQL                 NoSQL

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Multi Client Development with Spring
Multi Client Development with SpringMulti Client Development with Spring
Multi Client Development with Spring

Spring provides tools for building multi-client web applications, including support for mobile clients and REST APIs. It includes the Spring MVC framework for building web UIs, the RestTemplate for consuming REST services, and tools like Spring Android for building native Android apps that integrate with REST backends. Demos show consuming a Spring REST service from a web UI, Android app, and HTML5 app to demonstrate support for multiple client types from a single backend.

Angular jS Introduction by Google
Angular jS Introduction by GoogleAngular jS Introduction by Google
Angular jS Introduction by Google

Angular jS Introduction by Google A to Z angular introduction about Angular Framework which is single page application. Angular JS and angular is very important for single page applications.

by ASG
angular js introductionangular js introduction by googlea to z angular introduction
Lecture 7 Web Services JAX-WS & JAX-RS
Lecture 7   Web Services JAX-WS & JAX-RSLecture 7   Web Services JAX-WS & JAX-RS
Lecture 7 Web Services JAX-WS & JAX-RS

The document discusses Java web services and RESTful web services. It provides an overview of JAX-WS for implementing SOAP-based web services and JAX-RS for implementing RESTful web services. Key points include how JAX-WS uses annotations to simplify web service development, the SOAP protocol for exchanging messages, and how JAX-RS leverages HTTP methods and URIs to access resources on the web.

Browser App

               rich client application
Service         written in JavaScript
          Service       Service      Service   Service
        (a lot bigger than what we do today in
             JavaScript within the browser)

                   NoSQL                   NoSQL
RDBMS                                  NoSQL
       RDBMS                NoSQL              NoSQL
Browser App

     maybe also CoffeeScript,
        TypeScript, Dart

maybe GWT, but likely not

    forget about JSF
The landscape
         services are provided by a PaaS
  or are hand-written (in a language of your choice)
                  Browser App
    this is where Spring is really powerful

    ready to run „in the cloud“ (scalability)
              (no client-side rendering or logic)

Service   Service       Service          Service     Service

                   NoSQL                            NoSQL
RDBMS                                       NoSQL
      RDBMS                   NoSQL                  NoSQL

  Spring MVC is the easiest way to
implement RESTful APIs and services

      APIs are JSON and HATEOAS based

        Spring MVC + Spring HATEOAS
          is a powerful combination

                     more on Spring HATEOAS:

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The document provides an introduction to the Spring MVC framework. It describes key concepts such as MVC architecture, dependency injection, configuration of the DispatcherServlet, mapping requests to controllers, and defining views. It also discusses configuring other features like file uploads, scheduling, logging, security, and exceptions handling. The document encourages enrolling in a Udemy course for more details on using Spring MVC.

Spring 3.1: a Walking Tour
Spring 3.1: a Walking TourSpring 3.1: a Walking Tour
Spring 3.1: a Walking Tour

This talk introduces how to build applications using some of the features in Spring 3.1, the new framework from SpringSource, a division of VMWare

GeeCON 2012 Bad Tests, Good Tests
GeeCON 2012 Bad Tests, Good TestsGeeCON 2012 Bad Tests, Good Tests
GeeCON 2012 Bad Tests, Good Tests

Slides from my GeeCON 2012 presentation. Few were removed so I do not spoil the fun for those of you who plan to attend my talk on Confitura.


Spring Integration &

    Spring Batch
Browser App

RESTful API                        Push
using AJAX                     (over WebSockets)
   (over http)

Browser App

        RDBMS and NoSQL datastores are
               provided by the PaaS
        + the PaaS takes care of scalability
Service access managed by Spring (e.g. Spring Data)
      + Service     Service   Service       Service

                  NoSQL                  NoSQL
RDBMS                                NoSQL
       RDBMS              NoSQL              NoSQL
Running in the cloud
                    (on a PaaS)

Service   Service    Service      Service    Service

                NoSQL                       NoSQL
RDBMS                              NoSQL
      RDBMS              NoSQL               NoSQL

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How To Use The Codename One Sources
How To Use The Codename One SourcesHow To Use The Codename One Sources
How To Use The Codename One Sources

How to use the open source Codename One project on github to debug your project, fix issues and how to contribute this back to the main project.

open sourceiosgit
Enhancing Spring MVC Web Applications Progressively with Spring JavaScript
Enhancing Spring MVC Web Applications Progressively with Spring JavaScriptEnhancing Spring MVC Web Applications Progressively with Spring JavaScript
Enhancing Spring MVC Web Applications Progressively with Spring JavaScript

This document discusses using Spring JavaScript to integrate Ajax toolkits like Dojo into Spring web applications. It provides an overview of Ajax and different Ajax approaches. Spring JavaScript makes it simple to enhance DOM nodes with new behaviors and styles. It supports rendering page fragments and built-in response types. Advanced techniques include custom response handling, modular JavaScript code, and consuming RESTful services that return JSON.

spring javascriptspringajax
Introduction to Rails engine
Introduction to Rails engineIntroduction to Rails engine
Introduction to Rails engine

Kể từ khi Rails 3 được release cho tới bản Rails 5 gần đây nhất, các developer đã bắt đầu sử dụng Rails engine để viết code clean hơn. Nếu như bạn không thích việc phải viết đi viết lại 1 đoạn code dài, đây là một tin vô cùng tuyệt vời. Rails engine cho phép bạn viết các phần ứng dụng chỉ 1 lần, sau đó có thể dùng đi dùng lại. Hãy tưởng tượng bạn cần xây dựng một số ứng dụng Web cho một vài doanh nghiệp, mỗi ứng dụng có hàng nghìn chức năng, yêu cầu rất phổ biến với các ứng dụng dạng này là tính năng quản lý nhân viên của doanh nghiệp. Đây chính là một ví dụ hoàn hảo để vận dụng Rails engine vì các chức năng sẽ không thay đổi nhiều, bạn dễ dàng trừu tượng hóa những tính năng đó trong một engine. Vào buổi seminar tới đây, tôi sẽ trình bày một số điểm cơ bản vô cùng bổ ích về Rails engine, giúp cho các bạn có thêm kiến thức áp dụng trong công việc


 (asynchronous module definition)

(Dependency Injection for JavaScript)

Micro Services for JavaScript
(OSGi services written in JavaScript)
More Challenges
cloud-ready services
define good APIs
versioned APIs
TDD for JavaScript

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Design & Development of Web Applications using SpringMVC
Design & Development of Web Applications using SpringMVC Design & Development of Web Applications using SpringMVC
Design & Development of Web Applications using SpringMVC

Spring MVC is a web MVC framework that provides a reusable presentation layer for web applications. It removes boilerplate code and standardizes navigation flow and validation. Spring MVC controllers handle HTTP requests and delegate work to service objects. It uses the front controller design pattern and is view-agnostic, allowing different view technologies. Spring MVC applications are configured through XML files and use annotations for components and request mapping.

spring frameworkjavajsf
XECon2015 :: [2-2] 박상현 - React로 개발하는 SPA 실무 이야기
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XECon2015 :: [2-2] 박상현 - React로 개발하는 SPA 실무 이야기

SPA(single page application)을 만들기 위한 리액트 기본과 실무 사용기를 공유합니다. 간단하지만 알고있으면 유용한 리액트 검색엔진 대응 Tip도 간략하게 설명합니다.

Integrate Spring MVC with RequireJS & Backbone.js & Spring Data JPA
Integrate Spring MVC with RequireJS & Backbone.js & Spring Data JPAIntegrate Spring MVC with RequireJS & Backbone.js & Spring Data JPA
Integrate Spring MVC with RequireJS & Backbone.js & Spring Data JPA

This document contains slides from a presentation on integrating Spring MVC with RequireJS, Backbone.js, and Spring Data JPA. It discusses problems with front-end development like lack of standards and coupling data to the DOM. It then introduces Backbone.js and RequireJS as solutions, showing sample code. It also covers defining a RESTful interface, using Spring MVC as a REST server, parameter and return types, and unit testing controllers. Finally, it discusses the layer architecture and data conversion between Spring MVC and Spring Data JPA.

javaspring data
more information
                Adrian Colyer on Application Development in the Cloud Era

Example app using Spring for providing RESTful APIs and JavaScript for a rich client and mobile

                   Asynchronous Module Definition for JavaScript (AMD)


                                     hello world with wire.js

                             more advanced example for wire.js

                                     Cloud Foundry PaaS
and thank you for your attention

        Martin Lippert,VMware, @martinlippert

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Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript

  • 1. Modern Architectures Spring with and JavaScript Martin Lippert,VMware, @martinlippert
  • 2. Were do we come from?
  • 3. Servlet Specification mostly static HTML created on server Template Engines JSP Specification mostly static HTML created on server no template engines necessary anymore Web Frameworks mostly static HTML created on server various framework, supporting: authentication, session-handling, page flows, etc. JavaScript only used to do some kid‘s stuff
  • 4. Or from her e? Desktop? SWT? Swing?
  • 5. Typical Runtime Structures Browser render HTML business logic & Tomcat / tc Server page rendering Relational Database contains data
  • 7. What happens? render HTML & improved Browser experience using JavaScript AJAX calls business logic & Tomcat / tc Server page rendering & APIs contains data & new Relational Database challenges (structure, size)
  • 8. A few observations duplicated logic, no modularization render HTML & improved Browser experience using JavaScript AJAX calls APIs are challenging, Java not the only language anymore business logic & Tomcat / tc Server page rendering & APIs relational & transactional contains anymore don‘t fit data & new Relational Database challenges (structure, size)
  • 9. Different pictures AWS node.js HTML/CSS NoSQL Java JavaScript JavaScript Hadoop CoffeeScript modern apps old style apps Scala Ruby/Rails Application Clojure PaaS Server RDBMS HTML5/CSS3
  • 10. Where do we go from here?
  • 13. The JavaScript Story
  • 14. My assumptions - on the client side - Browser only (HTML5/CSS3) JavaScript only „The browser-based application written in JavaScript becomes the new rich client architecture“
  • 15. Existing JavaScript libs are UI centric (focus on making life with the DOM easier) most prominent: jquery
  • 16. JavaScript versions of „good old rich client patterns“ begin to appear (and are highly necessary) Examples backbone.js angular.js ember.js ...
  • 18. My assumptions - server side languages - many different languages in use choose the right language for the right job don‘t use a new language for fun
  • 19. My assumptions - data storage - more and more data (big data) different storage techniques combined (rdbms, nosql, graph databases) scalability is important
  • 20. The landscape Browser App (JavaScript) Service Service Service Service Service NoSQL NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL NoSQL
  • 21. Browser App (JavaScript) rich client application Service written in JavaScript Service Service Service Service (a lot bigger than what we do today in JavaScript within the browser) NoSQL NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL NoSQL
  • 22. Browser App (JavaScript) maybe also CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Dart maybe GWT, but likely not forget about JSF
  • 23. The landscape services are provided by a PaaS or are hand-written (in a language of your choice) Browser App this is where Spring is really powerful (JavaScript) ready to run „in the cloud“ (scalability) (no client-side rendering or logic) Service Service Service Service Service NoSQL NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL NoSQL
  • 24. Service Spring MVC is the easiest way to implement RESTful APIs and services APIs are JSON and HATEOAS based Spring MVC + Spring HATEOAS is a powerful combination more on Spring HATEOAS:
  • 25. Service Spring Integration & Messaging Spring Batch
  • 26. Browser App (JavaScript) RESTful API Push using AJAX (over WebSockets) (over http) Service
  • 27. Browser App (JavaScript) RDBMS and NoSQL datastores are provided by the PaaS + the PaaS takes care of scalability Service access managed by Spring (e.g. Spring Data) + Service Service Service Service NoSQL NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL NoSQL
  • 28. Running in the cloud (on a PaaS) Service Service Service Service Service NoSQL NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL RDBMS NoSQL NoSQL
  • 30. Modularity in JavaScript
  • 31. AMD (asynchronous module definition) wire.js (Dependency Injection for JavaScript) Micro Services for JavaScript (OSGi services written in JavaScript)
  • 32. More Challenges offline cloud-ready services define good APIs versioned APIs TDD for JavaScript
  • 33. more information Adrian Colyer on Application Development in the Cloud Era Example app using Spring for providing RESTful APIs and JavaScript for a rich client and mobile app Asynchronous Module Definition for JavaScript (AMD) wire.js hello world with wire.js more advanced example for wire.js Cloud Foundry PaaS
  • 34. Q&A and thank you for your attention Martin Lippert,VMware, @martinlippert