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Eric Nelson
Developer & Platform Group
Microsoft Ltd
Eric Nelson
Developer & Platform Group
Microsoft Ltd
  Microsoft and Cloud
  Azure Services Platform

Storage in the Cloud
  SQL Data Services + a little Windows Azure Storage

SQL Data Services
  Drill down
If you were watching carefully – we did a
u-turn on how we surfaced “database in
the cloud” last week. All hail the power of
early adopters... 

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Unlocking the Value of your Data Featuring AWS Enterprise Use Cases
Unlocking the Value of your Data Featuring AWS Enterprise Use CasesUnlocking the Value of your Data Featuring AWS Enterprise Use Cases
Unlocking the Value of your Data Featuring AWS Enterprise Use Cases

This document provides an overview of how organizations can unlock the value of their data using Amazon Web Services (AWS). It discusses the information processing cycle of input, storage, process, and output and how AWS services can be applied at each stage. Examples are given of how customers have used AWS for disaster recovery, analytics, workflow orchestration, search, and content distribution. The conclusion emphasizes that AWS reference architectures and components like S3, EC2, and DynamoDB allow customers to focus on their applications rather than infrastructure maintenance.

aws clouds3aws glacier
AWS Update | London - Overview of New Releases
AWS Update | London - Overview of New ReleasesAWS Update | London - Overview of New Releases
AWS Update | London - Overview of New Releases

A round up of all the features & improvements released since our last update, we'll walk through the timeline to bring you up to speed on the continuous innovation at AWS.

2011 04-dsi-javaee-in-the-cloud-andreadis
2011 04-dsi-javaee-in-the-cloud-andreadis2011 04-dsi-javaee-in-the-cloud-andreadis
2011 04-dsi-javaee-in-the-cloud-andreadis

The document discusses Java Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. It begins by explaining the importance of PaaS and how it provides benefits like increased agility and reduced costs. It then reviews existing Java PaaS options like Google App Engine, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, and CloudBees. It notes limitations of Google App Engine related to APIs and constraints. It describes Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and CloudBees as offering more flexibility but still relying on underlying infrastructure as a service platforms. The document advocates that the Java virtual machine is well suited for cloud computing due to its ability to manage resources.

SQL Data Services programming model is...
  TSQL over TDS - SqlClient
    ODBC, OLEDB, ADO.NET, LINQ to Entities etc.
  Exposes most of SQL Server
  Beta July, Release November
This session looks at how we are supporting
the above, the limitations, the “cunning plan”
  No code. No demos
SQL Data Service Overview
Run/Store stuff in the cloud -
  Somebody else has the data center key role in Cloud
  Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) – objects
  Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) – virtual
SQL Server Data Services (SSDS) – announced at MIX
08 (March 2008)
   “SQL Server in the cloud”
   “Code far”
ADO.NET Data Services - part of .NET Framework 3.5
SP1(July 2008)
   Not just about Cloud but all about REST
   Used by Windows Azure
   Being explored by SQL Data Services
Azure Services Platform – announced at PDC 08
(October 2008)
   Windows Azure “O.S. for the Cloud”
   SQL Services
   + more

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Angrybirds Magento Cloud Deployment
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Angrybirds Magento Cloud Deployment

Deployment Pipeline for Magento Enterprise in the Cloud. The Talk covers the Amazon Cloud Infrastructure; Scaling and Autoscaling in the Cloud, the Deployment Pipeline used to do continuous deployments...

by AOE
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Cloud Computing & Scaling Web Apps
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Cloud Computing & Scaling Web Apps

The presentation discussed moving applications to the cloud for scalability, flexibility and pay-as-you-go pricing, noting key differences between RSAWEBCloud and AWS; challenges for developers include optimizing applications for production environments and handling scaling which requires separating concerns like data types and using caching, load balancing, and autoscaling tools.

web application developmenthostingscalability
IBM Software Available In The Cloud With Amazon Web Services
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IBM Software Available In The Cloud With Amazon Web Services

The document discusses an IBM webinar about making IBM software available on Amazon Web Services. It provides an agenda that includes presentations from IBM and AWS on the cloud services opportunity, the IBM-AWS partnership, available IBM AMIs for development on AWS, new licensing guidelines, and a customer case study from Ixion LLC. Attendees are invited to submit questions during the webinar.

SQL Data Service Overview
SQL Data Service Overview

Azure Storage   SQL Data Services


Relational? (today)


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2011 State of the Cloud: A Year's Worth of Innovation in 30 Minutes - Jinesh...

A Year's Worth of Innovation in 30 Minutes - In this Keynote talk, Jinesh Varia discuss all the new features and services that AWS released in 2011 and discusses AWS growth and innovation along with customers and partners. The speaker notes contain the links to the blog posts of announcements.

up con conferencejinmanamazon
Scalable Architecture on Amazon AWS Cloud - Indicthreads cloud computing conf...
Scalable Architecture on Amazon AWS Cloud - Indicthreads cloud computing conf...Scalable Architecture on Amazon AWS Cloud - Indicthreads cloud computing conf...
Scalable Architecture on Amazon AWS Cloud - Indicthreads cloud computing conf...

Session presented at the 2nd Conference on Cloud Computing held in Pune, India on 3-4 June 2011. Abstract:“With increasing demand, ever-growing datasets, unpredictable traffic patterns and need for faster response times, “scalable architecture” has become a necessity. Here, we will see how the traditional concepts and best practices for scalability have to be adopted for the cloud. Further, we will go through the unique advantages that Amazon AWS cloud offers for architecting scalable applications. As an architect, you need to identify the components and bottlenecks in your architecture and modify your application to leverage the underlying scalability. We will cover the following topics: Scalability principles for the cloud Leveraging AWS services for application components Shared nothing architecture Asynchronous work queues for loosely coupled applications Database scalability Tools, connectors and enablers to help build, deploy and monitor your cloud environment Scalability using Platform-as-a-Service offerings on top of AWS An example of a horizontally scalable architecture for an enterprise application on Amazon AWS This talk will act as a primer for a cloud architect to achieve an auto-scalable, highly available, fully-monitored edge-cached application.” Speaker: Kalpak Shah is the Founder & CEO of Clogeny Technologies Pvt. Ltd. and guides the overall strategic direction of the company. Clogeny is focused on niche software and product development in cloud computing and scalable applications domains. He is passionate about the ground-breaking economics and technology afforded by the cloud computing platforms. He has been leading and architecting cutting-edge product development across the cloud stack including IaaS, PaaS and SaaS vendors. He has previously worked at organizations like Sun Microsystems and Symantec in the storage domain primarily distributed and disk filesystems. Kalpak has a Bachelors’ of Engineering degree in computer engineering from PICT, University of Pune.

Thu 1100 duncan_john_color
Thu 1100 duncan_john_colorThu 1100 duncan_john_color
Thu 1100 duncan_john_color

This document summarizes a presentation about MySQL Cluster and how it can be used with both SQL and NoSQL interfaces. MySQL Cluster provides a distributed, auto-partitioning database with SQL and NoSQL access. It allows for write-scalability, high availability, and low total cost of ownership. The document discusses how MySQL Cluster can be accessed through both traditional SQL interfaces as well as NoSQL interfaces like mod_ndb, ClusterJ, and Memcache.

nosqlnosql now!
Azure Storage        SQL Data Services
Vision                Highly scalable,
                      highly available
                      store in the Cloud

Access                Uses ADO.NET
                      Data Services -
Relational? (today)   No

Relational?           No
Azure Storage        SQL Data Services
Vision                Highly scalable,     Highly scalable,
                      highly available     highly available
                      store in the Cloud   relational store in
                                           the Cloud
Access                Uses ADO.NET         SqlClient + TSQL
                                           (Use Azure Web Role + ADO.NET
                      Data Services -      Data Services if REST is required)
                                           Yes – but with some
Relational? (today)   No

                                           Yes – with less and
Relational?           No
(tomorrow)                                 less limitations
Azure Storage        SQL Data Services
Vision                Highly scalable,     Highly scalable,
                      highly available     highly available
                      store in the Cloud   relational store in
                                           the Cloud
Access                Uses ADO.NET         SqlClient + TSQL
                                           (Use Azure Web Role + ADO.NET
                      Data Services -      Data Services if REST is required)
                                           Yes – but with some
Relational? (today)   No

                                           Yes – with less and
Relational?           No
(tomorrow)                                 less limitations
                                           RDBMS – as it is 
Analogy               File System
Web Site
                                 Web Site
                                Web Role
                                  (ASPX, ASMX,
                                 (ASPX, ASMX,
                                (ASPX, WCF)

                                                                SQL Data Services


                            Your Service


           Windows Azure Datacenter

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Prodware wa college - marcel meijer
Prodware   wa college - marcel meijerProdware   wa college - marcel meijer
Prodware wa college - marcel meijer

The document discusses cloud computing and various cloud service models. It describes how cloud services provide on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. The document then provides examples of how organizations can utilize infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) cloud models. It also outlines key characteristics of public, private and hybrid cloud deployment models.

windows azurecloud
What is Semantic Service provisioning
What is Semantic Service provisioningWhat is Semantic Service provisioning
What is Semantic Service provisioning

This document summarizes a presentation about semantic service provisioning. It discusses moving from traditional web services to semantic web services by adding semantics. This allows for more flexible, easily composed services that can support alternative service provisioning and global, dynamic services. The presentation describes how semantic web services bring more potential to the web by making it more dynamic and enabling discovery, invocation, and monitoring through semantic descriptions of web services.

Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability (SpringOne China 2...
Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability (SpringOne China 2...Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability (SpringOne China 2...
Decomposing applications for deployability and scalability (SpringOne China 2...

Cloud Foundry helps developers decompose monolithic applications into modular services by: 1) Making it easy to provision platform services like SQL, NoSQL, and message brokers that services can use. 2) Allowing developers to deploy and manage application services independently without having to setup and manage environments themselves. 3) Supporting polyglot applications by enabling different services to be written in different programming languages and frameworks.

SQL Data Service Overview
Symmetric Programming Model         Data Hub Aggregation

• Initial services – core RDBMS capabilities as a service (SDS), Data
  Sync and Data Hub
• Future Offerings
    • Additional data platform capabilities as a service: BI/DSS, DW
    • New services: Reference Data, Secure Data Hub
• Enable new uses of data to deliver differentiated business value
Clear Feedback: “I want a database in the Cloud”

Familiar SQL Server relational model
Uses existing APIs & tools
Built for the Cloud with availability and scale
Accessible to all from PHP, Ruby, and Java

Focus on combining the best features of SQL Server
         running at scale with low friction
Application                                               Application                           Application
                                 Browser                                                        Browser
                                                                                                                             ODBC, OLEDB,
                                Application                                                    Application
                                                                                                               SQL Client*   ADO.Net PHP,
              REST Client                                                REST Client
                                                                                                                             Ruby, …

                             Cloud                                                            Cloud




                                                                                        Windows Azure
                                Windows Azure
Data Center

                                                          Data Center
                                  Web App                                                         Web App
                                                                           REST (Astoria)

                                                                                                SQL Client*
                                 REST Client                               ADO.Net + EF

                REST/SOAP + ACE Model                                                     TDS + TSQL Model

                    SDS Current                                                             SDS Next

                                                                        * Client access enabled using TDS for ODBC,
                                                                          ADO.Net, OLEDB, PHP-SQL, Ruby, …

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MetaCDN: Enabling High Performance, Low Cost Content Storage and Delivery via...
MetaCDN: Enabling High Performance, Low Cost Content Storage and Delivery via...MetaCDN: Enabling High Performance, Low Cost Content Storage and Delivery via...
MetaCDN: Enabling High Performance, Low Cost Content Storage and Delivery via...

My talk on MetaCDN for the Cloudslam 2009 virtual conference. Many 'Cloud Storage' providers have launched in the last two years, providing internet accessible data storage and delivery in several continents that is backed by rigorous Service Level Agreements (SLAs), guaranteeing specific performance and uptime targets. The facilities offered by these providers is leveraged by developers via provider-specific Web Service APIs. For content creators, these providers have emerged as a genuine alternative to dedicated Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) for global file storage and delivery, as they are significantly cheaper, have comparable performance and no ongoing contract obligations. As a result, the idea of utilising Storage Clouds as a 'poor mans' CDN is very enticing. However, many of these 'Cloud Storage' providers are merely basic storage services, and do not offer the capabilities of a fully-featured CDN such as intelligent replication, failover, load redirection and load balancing. Furthermore, they can be difficult to use for non-developers, as each service is best utilised via unique web services or programmer APIs. In this presentation, we describe the design, architecture, implementation and user-experience of MetaCDN, a system that integrates these 'Cloud Storage' providers into an unified CDN service that provides high performance, low cost, geographically distributed content storage and delivery for content creators. MetaCDN harnesses the power of 'Cloud Storage' for novices and seasoned users alike, offering an easy to use web portal and a sophisticated Web Service API.

Decomposing applications for scalability and deployability - svcc sv_code_ca...
Decomposing applications for scalability and deployability  - svcc sv_code_ca...Decomposing applications for scalability and deployability  - svcc sv_code_ca...
Decomposing applications for scalability and deployability - svcc sv_code_ca...

Today, there are several trends that are forcing application architectures to evolve. Users expect a rich, interactive and dynamic user experience on a wide variety of clients including mobile devices. Applications must be highly scalable, highly available and run on cloud environments. Organizations often want to frequently roll out updates, even multiple times a day. Consequently, it’s no longer adequate to develop simple, monolithic web applications that serve up HTML to desktop browsers. In this talk we describe the limitations of a monolithic architecture. You will learn how to use the scale cube to decompose your application into a set of narrowly focused, independently deployable back-end services and an HTML 5 client. We will also discuss the role of technologies such as NodeJS and AMQP brokers. You will learn how a modern PaaS such as Cloud Foundry simplifies the development and deployment of this style of application.

sv_code_campsvccservice-oriented architecture
Sql azure introduction
Sql azure introductionSql azure introduction
Sql azure introduction

SQL Azure Database provides SQL Server database technology as a cloud service, addressing issues with on-premises databases like high maintenance costs and difficulty achieving high availability. It allows databases to automatically scale out elastically with demand. SQL Azure Database uses multiple physical replicas of a single logical database to provide automatic fault tolerance and high availability without complex configuration. Developers can access SQL Azure using standard SQL client libraries and tools from any application.

Web and departmental
  5 to 10GB
  Strip away blob, many applications < 3GB of
ISVs delivering SaaS
  Although more to do
New scenarios – data sync
  Aggregation of enterprise, partner, desktop &
  device data
Uses shared infrastructure at SQL database and below
                  Each user database is replicated to one or more servers (configurable based on SLA)
                  Client requests are routed to current “primary server” for read and write operations (based on SQL
                  Security, lockdown and isolation enforced in SQL tier
              Highly scalable and state-of-the-art HA technology
                  Automatic failure detection; client request re-routed to new primary on failure
                  High SLA guarantee using replication (hot standby replicas)
                  Automatic management, self-healing and load balancing across shared resource pool
              SDS provides provisioning, metering and billing infrastructure

                      SDS Provisioning - databases, accounts, roles, …, metering and billing

Machine)                          Data Node (Machine)                     Data Node (Machine)                   Data Node
rver                                  SQL Server                              SQL Server                            SQL S

User       User            User      User    User       User       User      User    User       User     User      User
DB3        DB4             DB1       DB2     DB3        DB4        DB1       DB2     DB3        DB4      DB1       DB2

                     Scalability and Availability: Fabric, Failover, Replication, and Load balancing
Multi-tenancy considerations
    Get less
    DB size
    Duration of transaction
Automatic Load Balancing
  3 replicas
    Primary and two hot secondary
  Can switch primary to a secondary with no

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An intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
An intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS)An intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
An intro to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

A presentation for AWS Usergroup Greece, introducing the basic Amazon Cloud services, concepts and buzzwords.

Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects - QCon 2008 Tutorial
Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects - QCon 2008 TutorialCloud Computing for Developers and Architects - QCon 2008 Tutorial
Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects - QCon 2008 Tutorial

The document provides an overview of a tutorial on cloud computing for developers and architects. It discusses defining cloud computing, qualities of clouds, examples of Amazon Web Services including Simple Storage Service (S3) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), and how to provision and operate cloud environments. The agenda covers cloud industry trends, a cloud reference model, managing cloud systems, cloud architectures, and questions.

Sql azure database under the hood
Sql azure database under the hoodSql azure database under the hood
Sql azure database under the hood

1. SQL Azure provides a relational database as a service using a familiar SQL Server model that is built for the cloud with high availability and scale. 2. Provisioning of servers and databases in SQL Azure is coordinated across nodes and datacenters to create the resources and update metadata. 3. The SQL Azure architecture uses gateways, load balancers, and replication to provide transparent failover and ensure service resilience during operations like login and active sessions. 4. SQL Azure monitors service health and collects metrics to detect and address issues proactively through automated diagnostics and alerts. Security features like encryption, firewalls, and authentication help mitigate attack vectors.

sql server
TDS Gateway
        Utility Layer
                                                                      Front-end Node                                 Front-end Node
Billing/Usage           Account                                               Protocol Parser                                   Protocol Parser
 Database               Database

                                                                 TDS                                             TDS
                                                                              Gateway Logic                                     Gateway Logic
                Roles                                          Session 1                                       Session 2

                                                                                                             Master Cluster

                                                                                                 Master Node                 Master Node
            Service Platform

  Load              Database                                                                    Partition Manager          Partition Manager
Balancing          Provisioning

                                                                                                   Data Node                   Data Node
                                                                                                  Components                  Components

                                                                    Data Cluster

            Data Node                Data Node                       Data Node                    Data Node                  Data Node

         SQL                        SQL                          SQL                         SQL                            SQL
        Server                     Server                       Server                      Server                         Server
                         Mgmt.                   Mgmt.                       Mgmt.                                                       Mgmt.
                        Services                Services                    Services                                                    Services
        Fabric                     Fabric                       Fabric                                                     Fabric

                                                           Fabric                  Replication
                                                                7                              TDS Gateway
        Utility Layer
                                                                      Front-end Node                                    Front-end Node
Billing/Usage           Account                                                  Protocol Parser                                   Protocol Parser
 Database               Database
                                                                           6               2
                                                                 TDS                                                TDS
                                                                                 Gateway Logic                                     Gateway Logic
                Roles                                          Session 1                                          Session 2

                                                                                                       4        Master Cluster
                                                                                                    Master Node                 Master Node
            Service Platform

  Load              Database                                                                       Partition Manager          Partition Manager
Balancing          Provisioning

                                                                                                      Data Node                   Data Node
                                                                                                     Components                  Components

                                                                    Data Cluster

            Data Node                Data Node                       Data Node                       Data Node                  Data Node

         SQL                        SQL                          SQL                            SQL                            SQL
        Server                     Server                       Server                         Server                         Server
                         Mgmt.                   Mgmt.                          Mgmt.                                                       Mgmt.
                        Services                Services                       Services                                                    Services
        Fabric                     Fabric                       Fabric                                                        Fabric

                                                           Fabric                     Replication
Value Props:
                                                                                                                             • Full h/w control – size/scale
                                                                                                                             • 100% compatibility
                                                        Value Props:
                                                         • XSPs, Server Ops                                                  • Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale
                                                         • SQL CLR
                                                         • 100% compatibility
                                                                                                              SQL Server
                                                        Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale
                                                                                                            •SQL Server on-premises
                                                                                                            •Resource governance @

                                                                                                            •Security @ SQL Server/OS
                    Value Props:
                     • Auto HA, Fault-
                        Tolerance                                                Hosted RDBMS
                     • Friction-free scale                                      •Hosted SQL Server
                     • Self-provisioning                                        •Resource governance @ VM
                                                                                •Security @ SQL Server/OS
                     • High compatibility
                                             SDS (RDBMS)
                                         •Virtual DB server
                                         •Logical user database (LUDB)
                                         •Resource governance @ LUDB
                                         •Security @LUDB

                    Low                                                                                                     High

               • Deliver unique value propositions to core v1 scenarios
               • High compatibility between on/off-premises offering – SQL Data Platform
Symmetrical Model
  Patterns work for Cloud and On Premise
Common application patterns
  Security, schema, code
Logical/policy based administration

 V1: Address the needs of 95% or more web and
            departmental application

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Sql azure database under the hood
Sql azure database under the hoodSql azure database under the hood
Sql azure database under the hood

In this presentation we present SQL Azure under the hood, we explore the internal componentes and process involved in the SQL Azure Platform. Regards Ing. Eduardo Castro, SQL Server MVP

azurecloud computingsql server
SQL Azure Federation and Scalability
SQL Azure Federation and ScalabilitySQL Azure Federation and Scalability
SQL Azure Federation and Scalability

In this presentation we review SQL Azure Federation and Scalability. Best Regards, Dr. Eduardo Castro Martinez Microsoft SQL Server MVP

sql server
Sql azure data services OData
Sql azure data services ODataSql azure data services OData
Sql azure data services OData

In this presentation we explore SQL Azure and OData. Best Regards, Eduardo Castro

In Scope for v1             Out of Scope for v1
 Tables, indexes and         Distributed
 views                       Transactions
 Stored Procedures           Distributed Query
 Triggers                    CLR
 Constraints                 Service Broker
 Table variables,            Spatial
 session temp tables (#t)    Physical server or
 …                           catalog DDL and views
Standard SQL Server security model
    Authenticate logins, map to users and roles
    Authorize users and roles to SQL objects
    Limited to standard SQL Auth logins
      Username + password
Future AD Federation, WLID, etc as
alternate authentication protocols

Security model is 100% compatible with on-premise SQL
SDS focus on logical administration
     Move to policy based management
 Data management, config and availability
     HA “out of box”
     Transparent failover

DBA role places more focus on policy/logical management
Each account has
   a billing relationship with Microsoft
   owns one or more virtual servers

Each virtual server has
   one or more databases including virtual
   each database limited in size
   one or more logins

Each logical database has
   one or more SQL users
 Login=ericnel[@server1] (maps to testuser)

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Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript
Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScriptModern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript
Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript

Modern web applications are moving toward JavaScript-based rich clients that communicate with RESTful APIs and services. The browser acts as the rich client using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, while the server side provides cloud-hosted RESTful services using technologies like Spring and NoSQL databases for scalability. This shifts complexity from server-side rendering to the client while taking advantage of the cloud. Key challenges include implementing modularity in JavaScript and supporting offline use, cloud deployment, API design best practices, and testing.

JAX 2012: Moderne Architektur mit Spring und JavaScript
JAX 2012: Moderne Architektur mit Spring und JavaScriptJAX 2012: Moderne Architektur mit Spring und JavaScript
JAX 2012: Moderne Architektur mit Spring und JavaScript

Modern web applications are moving toward JavaScript-based rich clients running in browsers, with business logic and data accessed via RESTful APIs. This shifts rendering and logic from servers to clients. JavaScript frameworks help build complex client-side apps, while various languages can be used to create scalable cloud services. Challenges include achieving modularity in JavaScript, and building offline/cloud-ready services with versioned, documented APIs.

Windows Azure架构探析
Windows Azure架构探析Windows Azure架构探析
Windows Azure架构探析

1. Windows Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a hosted environment for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. 2. The platform provides compute, storage and networking services that together support development and hosting of applications scaled for the internet. 3. Key components include the Azure Services Platform for .NET and SQL-based services, Live Services for user-centric experiences, and support for building applications that integrate on-premises and cloud-hosted services using standard protocols.

Exchange Hosted Archive (EHA) is high
 scale archival service
 Runs on SDS infrastructure
       Goes into production in Spring ’09
 Rebuilt to address cost and scale issues

Reduced COGS with increased customer and business benefit:
 • Larger scale (e.g. larger customers ~24TB each)   • Better query performance for fan-out
 • More self-managing (e.g. fault-tolerance)         • Faster provisioning of new customers
MIX „09                                         Migration
                    TechEd                WWPC                                   PDC

Mar 09    Apr 09    May 09     Jun 09     Jul 09   Aug 09      Sep 09   Oct 09   Nov 09

         Internal            Invitation                     Public                Commercial
         Adoption              CTP                           CTP                  Availability

         Invitation CTP – On-board invitation-only customers + some current
         Public CTP – On-board all early adopters

                    Commercial Availability with Windows Azure in 2009
Partitioned databases
   Move management from application into service
Distributed query
   Fan-out over partitions or collection of database instances
   SQL Login support federated with AD, WLID, …
   Schema management and deployment
   Billing-on-behalf, tenant provisioning and management
Consolidation “dial”
   Part of server (current), whole server, set of servers, …
   Enable dedicated resource assignment and differentiated SLA
Underlying platform is real and in production

Delivery of rich relational database service –
PDC ’09

Relational database is key capability of the
Azure Services Platform

SDS design and architecture supports a wide
range of scenarios

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Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript
Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScriptModern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript
Modern Architectures with Spring and JavaScript

JavaScript becomes more and more important for implementing full-featured rich client applications in the browser. Therefore our classical ideas and blueprints for Spring-based architectures have to change. This talks provides a high-level overview of these changes and talks about how to combine Spring on the server side to implement RESTful and HATEOAS APIs and JavaScript in the client side to realize full client side apps in your browser. The talk discusses the basic ideas and motivations behind this shift in architectures without going too deep into all the technical details.

33degree spring architecture javascript
Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2
Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2
Databases in the Cloud - DevDay Austin 2017 Day 2

Databases in the Cloud discusses AWS database services for moving workloads to the cloud. It describes Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) which provides several fully managed relational database options including MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle, SQL Server, and Amazon Aurora. It also discusses non-relational database services like DynamoDB, ElastiCache, and Redshift for analytics workloads. The document provides guidance on choosing between SQL and NoSQL databases and discusses benefits of managed database services over hosting databases on-premises or in EC2 instances.

awsaws cloudaws devday
3. Sql Services 概览
3. Sql Services 概览3. Sql Services 概览
3. Sql Services 概览

1. The document discusses SQL Data Services and provides descriptions of data modeling capabilities, data synchronization using Project Huron, and BI capabilities including reporting, data mining, and ETL. 2. It also references Microsoft Cloud Services and shows how SQL Data Services uses SQL Server technologies like distributed databases on nodes to handle data storage, retrieval, and processing in a scalable and reliable manner. 3. The document discusses several advantages of SQL Data Services including availability, scalability, reliability, security, and cost efficiency.

2009     •   Play with Windows Azure –
          •   Do not play with SDS just yet
          •   Invest time in ADO.NET Data Services (3.5 SP1)

          •   Invest time in LINQ, Entity Framework
          •   Watch the MIX 09 recordings

 2010     • Live applications running on Azure Services Platform
          • (There already are e.g.

 “Do”       study )
Team Blog
MSDN Development Center
My blog
© 2008 Microsoft Ltd. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.
The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market
     conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation.

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  • 5. SQL Data Services programming model is... TSQL over TDS - SqlClient ODBC, OLEDB, ADO.NET, LINQ to Entities etc. Exposes most of SQL Server Beta July, Release November This session looks at how we are supporting the above, the limitations, the “cunning plan” etc. No code. No demos
  • 7. Run/Store stuff in the cloud - Somebody else has the data center key role in Cloud Computing Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) – objects Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) – virtual machines
  • 8. SQL Server Data Services (SSDS) – announced at MIX 08 (March 2008) “SQL Server in the cloud” “Code far” ADO.NET Data Services - part of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1(July 2008) Not just about Cloud but all about REST Used by Windows Azure Being explored by SQL Data Services Azure Services Platform – announced at PDC 08 (October 2008) Windows Azure “O.S. for the Cloud” SQL Services + more
  • 11. 3 2
  • 12. Azure Storage SQL Data Services Vision Access Relational? (today) Relational? (tomorrow) Analogy
  • 13. Azure Storage SQL Data Services Vision Highly scalable, highly available store in the Cloud Access Uses ADO.NET Data Services - REST Relational? (today) No Relational? No (tomorrow) Analogy
  • 14. Azure Storage SQL Data Services Vision Highly scalable, Highly scalable, highly available highly available store in the Cloud relational store in the Cloud Access Uses ADO.NET SqlClient + TSQL (Use Azure Web Role + ADO.NET Data Services - Data Services if REST is required) REST Yes – but with some Relational? (today) No limitations Yes – with less and Relational? No (tomorrow) less limitations Analogy
  • 15. Azure Storage SQL Data Services Vision Highly scalable, Highly scalable, highly available highly available store in the Cloud relational store in the Cloud Access Uses ADO.NET SqlClient + TSQL (Use Azure Web Role + ADO.NET Data Services - Data Services if REST is required) REST Yes – but with some Relational? (today) No limitations Yes – with less and Relational? No (tomorrow) less limitations RDBMS – as it is  Analogy File System
  • 16. Web Site Web Site Web Role (ASPX, ASMX, (ASPX, ASMX, WCF) (ASPX, WCF) WCF) SQL Data Services L Easy B Worker Worker Service Role Internet Your Service Queue L Trickier B Blobs Tables Storage Windows Azure Datacenter
  • 18. Symmetric Programming Model Data Hub Aggregation • Initial services – core RDBMS capabilities as a service (SDS), Data Sync and Data Hub • Future Offerings • Additional data platform capabilities as a service: BI/DSS, DW • New services: Reference Data, Secure Data Hub • Enable new uses of data to deliver differentiated business value
  • 19. Clear Feedback: “I want a database in the Cloud” Familiar SQL Server relational model Uses existing APIs & tools Built for the Cloud with availability and scale Accessible to all from PHP, Ruby, and Java Focus on combining the best features of SQL Server running at scale with low friction
  • 20. Application Application Application Browser Browser ODBC, OLEDB, Application Application SQL Client* ADO.Net PHP, REST Client REST Client Ruby, … Cloud Cloud Evolves HTTP+REST HTTP+REST HTTP HTTP TDS Windows Azure Windows Azure Data Center Data Center Web App Web App REST (Astoria) SQL Client* REST Client ADO.Net + EF REST/SOAP + ACE Model TDS + TSQL Model SDS Current SDS Next * Client access enabled using TDS for ODBC, ADO.Net, OLEDB, PHP-SQL, Ruby, …
  • 21. Web and departmental 5 to 10GB Strip away blob, many applications < 3GB of data ISVs delivering SaaS Although more to do New scenarios – data sync Aggregation of enterprise, partner, desktop & device data
  • 22. Uses shared infrastructure at SQL database and below Each user database is replicated to one or more servers (configurable based on SLA) Client requests are routed to current “primary server” for read and write operations (based on SQL session) Security, lockdown and isolation enforced in SQL tier Highly scalable and state-of-the-art HA technology Automatic failure detection; client request re-routed to new primary on failure High SLA guarantee using replication (hot standby replicas) Automatic management, self-healing and load balancing across shared resource pool SDS provides provisioning, metering and billing infrastructure SDS Provisioning - databases, accounts, roles, …, metering and billing Machine) Data Node (Machine) Data Node (Machine) Data Node rver SQL Server SQL Server SQL S User User User User User User User User User User User User DB3 DB4 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB1 DB2 Scalability and Availability: Fabric, Failover, Replication, and Load balancing
  • 23. Multi-tenancy considerations Throttling Get less Limits DB size Duration of transaction …
  • 24. Automatic Load Balancing 3 replicas Primary and two hot secondary Can switch primary to a secondary with no interruption
  • 25. TDS Gateway Utility Layer Front-end Node Front-end Node Billing/Usage Account Protocol Parser Protocol Parser Database Database TDS TDS Gateway Logic Gateway Logic Roles Session 1 Session 2 Master Cluster Master Node Master Node Service Platform Load Database Partition Manager Partition Manager Monitoring Balancing Provisioning Data Node Data Node Components Components Data Cluster Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL Mgmt. Server Server Server Server Server Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Services Services Services Services Services Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric TDS Fabric Replication Protocol
  • 26. 1 7 TDS Gateway Utility Layer Front-end Node Front-end Node Billing/Usage Account Protocol Parser Protocol Parser Database Database 6 2 TDS TDS Gateway Logic Gateway Logic Roles Session 1 Session 2 3 4 Master Cluster 8 Master Node Master Node Service Platform Load Database Partition Manager Partition Manager 5 Monitoring Balancing Provisioning Data Node Data Node Components Components Data Cluster Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node Data Node SQL SQL SQL SQL SQL Mgmt. Server Server Server Server Server Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Mgmt. Services Services Services Services Services Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric Fabric TDS Fabric Replication Protocol
  • 27. Value Props: • Full h/w control – size/scale • 100% compatibility Value Props: • XSPs, Server Ops • Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale Dedicated • SQL CLR • 100% compatibility SQL Server Roll-your-own HA/DR/scale •SQL Server on-premises •Resource governance @ machine Resources •Security @ SQL Server/OS Value Props: • Auto HA, Fault- Tolerance Hosted RDBMS • Friction-free scale •Hosted SQL Server • Self-provisioning •Resource governance @ VM •Security @ SQL Server/OS • High compatibility SDS (RDBMS) •Virtual DB server •Logical user database (LUDB) •Resource governance @ LUDB •Security @LUDB Shared “Friction”/Control Low High • Deliver unique value propositions to core v1 scenarios • High compatibility between on/off-premises offering – SQL Data Platform extension
  • 28. Symmetrical Model Patterns work for Cloud and On Premise Common application patterns Security, schema, code Logical/policy based administration V1: Address the needs of 95% or more web and departmental application
  • 29. In Scope for v1 Out of Scope for v1 Tables, indexes and Distributed views Transactions Stored Procedures Distributed Query Triggers CLR Constraints Service Broker Table variables, Spatial session temp tables (#t) Physical server or … catalog DDL and views
  • 30. Standard SQL Server security model Authenticate logins, map to users and roles Authorize users and roles to SQL objects Limited to standard SQL Auth logins Username + password Future AD Federation, WLID, etc as alternate authentication protocols Security model is 100% compatible with on-premise SQL
  • 31. SDS focus on logical administration Move to policy based management Data management, config and availability HA “out of box” Transparent failover DBA role places more focus on policy/logical management
  • 32. Each account has a billing relationship with Microsoft owns one or more virtual servers Each virtual server has one or more databases including virtual master each database limited in size one or more logins Each logical database has one or more SQL users Database=testDB Login=ericnel[@server1] (maps to testuser)
  • 33. Exchange Hosted Archive (EHA) is high scale archival service Runs on SDS infrastructure Goes into production in Spring ’09 Rebuilt to address cost and scale issues Reduced COGS with increased customer and business benefit: • Larger scale (e.g. larger customers ~24TB each) • Better query performance for fan-out • More self-managing (e.g. fault-tolerance) • Faster provisioning of new customers
  • 34. MIX „09 Migration TechEd WWPC PDC Mar 09 Apr 09 May 09 Jun 09 Jul 09 Aug 09 Sep 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Internal Invitation Public Commercial Adoption CTP CTP Availability Invitation CTP – On-board invitation-only customers + some current Public CTP – On-board all early adopters Commercial Availability with Windows Azure in 2009
  • 35. Partitioned databases Move management from application into service Distributed query Fan-out over partitions or collection of database instances Security SQL Login support federated with AD, WLID, … SaaS Schema management and deployment Billing-on-behalf, tenant provisioning and management Consolidation “dial” Part of server (current), whole server, set of servers, … Enable dedicated resource assignment and differentiated SLA
  • 36. Underlying platform is real and in production Delivery of rich relational database service – PDC ’09 Relational database is key capability of the Azure Services Platform SDS design and architecture supports a wide range of scenarios
  • 37. 2009 • Play with Windows Azure – • Do not play with SDS just yet • Invest time in ADO.NET Data Services (3.5 SP1) “Learn” • Invest time in LINQ, Entity Framework • Watch the MIX 09 recordings 2010 • Live applications running on Azure Services Platform • (There already are e.g. “Do” study )
  • 38. Team Blog MSDN Development Center us/sqlserver/dataservices My blog
  • 39. © 2008 Microsoft Ltd. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.