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with Spring Cloud
Kasim Sert
2016 1
๏ The Definitions
๏ Monolith vs Micro-Service
๏ Microservices Features
๏ Case Study
๏ Demos
๏ Conclusion
What are Microservices ?
๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small
services each running as independent processes and
intercommunicating via well known protocols

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istio: service mesh for all

Istio addresses service level concerns in a principled way and truly unleashes the power of microservices.

Building microservices web application using scala & akka
Building microservices web application using scala & akkaBuilding microservices web application using scala & akka
Building microservices web application using scala & akka

- Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other, often over the network. It can improve agility, scalability, and resilience. - While challenging, microservices are worth pursuing due to benefits like improved iteration speed and engineer autonomy enabled by modern tools like containers and service orchestration platforms. - For building microservices, Scala and the Akka toolkit are good choices as Akka supports core aspects of microservices like distributed actors, reactive programming, and event streaming. Its features help address issues in concurrent and distributed systems.

programming languagesmicroservicesscala
Spring Boot. Boot up your development. JEEConf 2015
Spring Boot. Boot up your development. JEEConf 2015Spring Boot. Boot up your development. JEEConf 2015
Spring Boot. Boot up your development. JEEConf 2015

This document discusses Spring Boot, an open-source framework for building microservices and web applications. It provides an overview of Spring Boot's key features like embedded servers, auto-configuration, starters for common dependencies, and production monitoring with Spring Boot Actuator. The document also covers configuration, customization, security, and compares Spring Boot to alternatives like Dropwizard.

What are Microservices ?
๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small
services each running as independent processes and
intercommunicating via well known protocols
๏ Developing a single application as a suite of small
services each running its own process and
communicating with lightweight mechanisms often
an HTTP resource API, Martin Fowler
What are Microservices ?
๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small
services each running as independent processes and
intercommunicating via well known protocols
๏ Developing a single application as a suite of small
services each running its own process and
communicating with lightweight mechanisms often
an HTTP resource API, Martin Fowler
๏Fine-Grained SOA, Adrian Cockcroft-Netflix
Microservices Features
๏ Composing a single application using small services
๏rather than a single monolithic application
๏ each running as independent processes
๏not just modules in a single executable
๏ intercommunicating via open protocols
๏HTTP/Rest,or Messaging
๏ Separately written deployed scaled and maintained
๏potentially in different languages
๏ Services are independently replaceable and upgradable
Microservices Are Not
๏SOA is about integrating enterprise applications,
Microservices are about decomposing single
๏ A Silver Bullet
๏Microservices approach involves drawbacks and risks
๏ New!

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This document summarizes a presentation about building microservices with WSO2 technologies. It introduces the microservices architecture and framework MSF4J, which allows developing microservices in Java using annotations. MSF4J provides high performance, metrics collection, and integration with Kubernetes for deployment. Hands-on examples are provided to demonstrate creating a sample stock quote microservice with MSF4J and deploying it to Kubernetes. The presentation also covers the WSO2 Application Server and its transition to being based on Tomcat rather than Carbon for improved performance and classloading.

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Red Hat JBoss Fuse integration services delivers cloud-based integration based on OpenShift by Red Hat to deliver continuous delivery of tested, production-ready integration solutions. Utilizing a drag and drop, code-free UI and combining that with the integration power of Apache Camel, Fuse integration services is the next generation iPaaS. In this session, we'll walk you through why iPaaS is important, the current Fuse integration services roadmap, and the innovation happening in open source community projects to make this a reality.

WSO2Con USA 2015: End-to-end Microservice Architecture with WSO2 Identity Ser...
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This document discusses iJET International's migration to a microservices architecture using WSO2 Identity Server and API Manager for identity management and API integration. The key challenges addressed were replacing their legacy architecture with a scalable and agile system, and enabling single sign-on access across their applications. Within six months, they implemented a new infrastructure with federated SSO, API Store and Gateway, and rebuilt an application using REST APIs secured by WSO2. While documentation gaps caused issues, the migration was ultimately successful.

by WSO2
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Microservices Are Trending
๏ Twitter moved from Ruby/Rails monolith to
๏ Facebook moved from PHP monolith to Microservices
๏ Netflix moved from Java monolith to Microservices
Benefits of a Microservice
๏ Extreme Scalability
๏ Organisational Ownership
๏ Cheaper to Start
๏ Ideal for the Cloud
๏ Grasp latest technologies
๏ Promotes Agile Practices
๏ Promotes DevOps
๏ “It’s what the cool people do!”
Benefits of a Monolith
๏ Common code infrastructure
๏ More density/efficient allocation of hardware
๏ Less inter-process communication required, less
network hops
๏ Easy to scale(up to some level with load balancer)
๏ Easy to test as a single unit(up to some limit)
Monolith vs Microservices

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This document discusses service discovery for microservices using Docker and OSGi. It describes how Docker containers can be monitored to dynamically register their services in an OSGi environment. Consul is introduced as a distributed key-value store that can be used for service discovery across multiple hosts. The document concludes with demos of integrating Docker services with OSGi using Consul for service discovery.

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The Hardest Part of Microservices: Calling Your Services
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When building microservices, you must solve for a number of critical functions, but the process can be incredibly complex and expensive to maintain. Christian Posta offers an overview of Envoy Proxy and Service Mesh, explaining how they solve application networking problems more elegantly by pushing these concerns down to the infrastructure layer and demonstrating how it all works.

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Asynchronous Microservices in nodejs
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Asynchronous Microservices in nodejs

Nodeconf Barcelona 2015 presentation exploring several ways of building microservices in an asynchronous way. Presented the concept of a broker as an alternative to a multiple point-to-point architecture.

๏ Available verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (and more)
๏ Mechanisms for

• caching and cache control

• content negotiation

• session management

• user agent and server identification
๏ Status codes in response (200, 404, etc) for

information, success, redirection, client error, server
๏ Rich standardised interface for interacting over the net
๏ Minimal and popular data representation format
๏ Schemaless in principle, but can be validated if needed
๏ Uniform Interface By;

• Use of known HTTP verbs for manipulating resources

• Resource manipulation through representations which
separated from internal representations 

• Hypermedia as the engine of application state
(HATEOAS): Response contains all allowed operations
and the resource identifiers needed to trigger them
Case Study
๏ Consider Monolithic Online Shopping Application
๏Web/Mobile Interfaces
๏Functions for:
๏Searching for products
๏Product catalog
๏Inventory management
๏Shopping cart
๏Order Fulfilment
๏How would this look with microservices?

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Microservice architecture is widespread our days. It comes with a lot of benefits and challenges to solve. Main goal of this talk is to go through troubleshooting and debugging in the distributed micro-service world. Topic would cover: main aspects of the logging,  monitoring, distributed tracing, debugging services on the cluster. About speaker: Andrеy Kolodnitskiy is Staff engineer in the Lohika and his primary focus is around distributed systems, microservices and JVM based languages. Majority of time engineers spend debugging and fixing the issues. This talk will be dedicated to best practicies and tools Andrеys team uses on its project which do help to find issues more efficiently.

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Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and ...

Microservice 4.0 Journey - From Spring NetFlix OSS to Istio Service Mesh and Serverless at Open Source Summit Japan

Micro services Architecture
Micro services ArchitectureMicro services Architecture
Micro services Architecture

This document discusses microservice architecture and related technologies. It introduces microservices and contrasts them with monolithic architectures. It covers refactoring monoliths into microservices and best practices around continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD), deployment with Docker, and monitoring microservices in the cloud. Specific technologies mentioned include Docker, Kubernetes, Consul, Eureka, Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Spring Cloud for developing microservices.

micro service architecturearchitecturemicro service
Basic Diagram
Understanding Monolith
New Types of Client
New Types of Persistence/

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A quick glance into the Microservices architecture and what the architecture offers over its precursor - Monolith Architecture

Design patterns for microservice architecture
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Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

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Microservices architecture
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Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
Monolith Challenges
๏ Language/Framework Lock
๏ Digestion
๏Single developer can not digest
๏Single team can not manage a large
application(amazon’s 2 pizza rule)
๏ Deployment as single unit
๏Can not independently deploy single change (risky)
๏Ready changes should be wait(next deploy)
Case Study with Microservices
Microservices Advantages
๏ Encapsulate Business capabilities
๏ Not dependent on technology stack
๏ Easy to digest each service
๏ Easy to test, deploy manage, version and scale each
๏ Changes can be deployed as soon as ready
Microservices Disadvantages
๏ Complexity moved to operation layer
๏fallacies of distributed computing
๏ Services will be unavailable
๏Design for failure
๏Much more need for monitoring(Healthcheck?)
๏ Remote Calls more expensive than in-process calls
๏ Problem of Transactions (Eventual consistency over
๏ Features span multiple services (Hard to Integration

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Micro Service Architecture

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on microservice architecture. It begins with defining microservices as small, independent applications that communicate via APIs. It then gives an example of how the Dropwizard framework can be used to build production-ready microservices. The remainder of the document outlines five requirements for an internal loan underwriting system and how each could be implemented as an independent microservice. It discusses tooling, deployment strategies, testing approaches, and concludes with a discussion of the Unix philosophy and how it relates to microservices.

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linkerd: The Cloud Native Service Mesh
linkerd: The Cloud Native Service Meshlinkerd: The Cloud Native Service Mesh
linkerd: The Cloud Native Service Mesh

This document discusses linkerd, an open source service mesh for microservices. It summarizes that a service mesh handles communication between microservices by providing features like load balancing, failure recovery, and observability. Linkerd's approach uses lightweight proxies and integrates with service discovery and control plane tools, providing reliability, security and management of microservices. Potential downsides of a service mesh discussed are memory usage and latency overhead.

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스프링 클라우드에 대한 소개

springeurekaspring cloud
Fallacies of Distributed
๏ Network is reliable
๏ Latency is zero
๏ Bandwith is infinite
๏ The Network is secure
๏ Topology does not change
๏ There is one administrator
๏ Transport cost is zero
๏ The network is homogenous
Spring Cloud Summary
๏ Spring cloud(Using Netflix OSS internally)
๏Apply common patterns needed in distributed/cloud
๏Distributed/Versioned/Centralised Config.
๏Service Registration/Discovery
๏Load Balancing
๏Circuit Brakers
๏Based on Spring Boot
Spring Cloud Summary
๏ Spring Boot

Stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications
๏ Spring Data REST / Spring HATEOAS

Spring-based applications following HATEOAS principles
๏ Spring Cloud Config

Centralised external configuration management, backed by Git
๏ Netflix Eureka

REST-based service discovery and registration for failover and
๏ Netflix Ribbon
IPC library with built-in client-side software load-balancers
๏ Netflix Hystrix

Latency and fault tolerance for distributed system
๏ Netflix Hystrix Dashboard

Web-based UI for monitoring Hystrix 27
๏ Reinvented itself in 2007
๏ Moved from DVD mailing to video-on-demand
๏Once USPS biggest customer
๏Now biggest source of Internet Traffic
๏ Became pioneer in Cloud computing
๏since all applications run on AWS
๏ Open sources its cloud projects with name Netflix Open
Source Software

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The document discusses various metaprogramming techniques in Java, including annotations, reflection, bytecode manipulation libraries like ASM and BCEL, Java agents, and dynamic languages like Groovy. It provides examples of using annotations to mark classes as commands, reflecting on annotated classes, enhancing classes at runtime by modifying bytecode with ASM, and dynamically adding methods in Groovy using its metaprogramming features.

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The document discusses microservices, Spring Boot, UI5, and OData. It describes how microservices are stateless, service-oriented, and loosely coupled. It explains that Spring Boot allows for quick development while including features like metrics and pluggable capabilities. It then discusses how UI5 tiles can each have their own backend microservice with isolated databases and communication through APIs. The document promotes using OData with UI5 for entity definition and CRUD operations and using Spring Boot for entity definition and repository logic without additional code. It introduces an OData/UI5 boilerplate project that applies the microservices pattern and includes plumbing for UI5, OData, and linking to JPA entities to rapidly build prototypes.

REST API Best (Recommended) Practices
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This document discusses best practices for REST APIs. It recommends using HTTP methods appropriately, with GET for retrieving resources, POST for creating, PUT for updating entirely and PATCH for partial updates, and DELETE for removing. It also suggests making APIs intuitive, hypermedia-driven, versioned, discoverable and secured. Resources should be addressable and have clear relationships defined between them.

rest api
๏ Monoliths always bad?
๏ How micro is micro?
๏Small enough for one developer to digest
๏Predictable and easy to experiment
๏If necessary can be rewritten in different technology
stack in two weeks
DEMO1-Spring Data REST
DEMO2-Spring Config Server
DEMO3-Spring Cloud

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This document discusses microservices architecture and how it compares to monolithic architecture. It notes some advantages of microservices such as independent scalability, fault isolation and faster deployments. However, microservices also introduce more operational complexity. The document recommends Spring Boot as a solution for building microservices due to its features like embedded servers, auto-configuration and production-ready environments without XML configuration. It also describes Spring Boot Actuator which adds monitoring endpoints.

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The Fintechs
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The Fintechs

This document discusses fintechs and provides definitions and examples. It begins by defining fintech as the use of technology to make financial systems more efficient. It then discusses what fintechs do, including providing services like lending, payments and money transfers in a more convenient way than traditional banks. The document provides examples of fintech applications and companies. It also discusses topics like open banking, APIs, fintech adoption rates in different parts of the world, and the fintech ecosystem in Turkey.

Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps
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Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps

Here is the blog: In the IT industry the biggest problem we regularly face is the abundance of choice. We have tons of frameworks, languages, tools, platforms, etc. Although for competition purposes; multiple choices are ultimately very good but we usually find ourselves in paralysis when we have to choose among them for our next project. People usually still consider that (frontend) of web applications are created by mixing together HTML, CSS & JavaScript without giving any thoughts about the frontend architecture, workflow and testing; but things have definitely changed now since last couple of years and in this presentation I try to explain that how JavaScript and it’s related stuff has become first class citizen and how the new workflow looks like. And I will also explain that how the architecture of modern web applications is migrating from thick server-side applications to smart clients and services on their journey North to pure Microservices. Here is the list of different tools and frameworks that have been discussed in this presentation: * Yeoman: ( Yeoman is the web’s scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. * Bower: ( Bower is used for dependency management, so that you no longer have to manually download and manage your scripts. Web sites are made of lots of things — frameworks, libraries, assets, utilities, and rainbows. Bower manages all these things for you. * Grunt: ( Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects. When you work on large projects you have couple of things that you do regularly and you would like them to be automated; Grunt is the tool to solve that problem! * HTML5 Boilerplate: ( HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. * Twitter Bootstrap: ( Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. * Jasmine: ( Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests. * Karma: ( A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers. * PhantomJS: ( PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. * Protractor: ( Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications.


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Microservices with Spring

  • 2. 2 Agenda ๏ The Definitions ๏ Monolith vs Micro-Service ๏ Microservices Features ๏ Why HTTP,REST,JSON ? ๏ Case Study ๏ Demos ๏ Conclusion
  • 3. 3
  • 4. What are Microservices ? ๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small services each running as independent processes and intercommunicating via well known protocols 4
  • 5. What are Microservices ? ๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small services each running as independent processes and intercommunicating via well known protocols ๏ Developing a single application as a suite of small services each running its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms often an HTTP resource API, Martin Fowler 5
  • 6. What are Microservices ? ๏ Decomposition of single system into a suite of small services each running as independent processes and intercommunicating via well known protocols ๏ Developing a single application as a suite of small services each running its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms often an HTTP resource API, Martin Fowler ๏Fine-Grained SOA, Adrian Cockcroft-Netflix 6
  • 7. Microservices Features ๏ Composing a single application using small services ๏rather than a single monolithic application ๏ each running as independent processes ๏not just modules in a single executable ๏ intercommunicating via open protocols ๏HTTP/Rest,or Messaging ๏ Separately written deployed scaled and maintained ๏potentially in different languages ๏ Services are independently replaceable and upgradable 7
  • 8. Microservices Are Not ๏ SOA ๏SOA is about integrating enterprise applications, Microservices are about decomposing single applications ๏ A Silver Bullet ๏Microservices approach involves drawbacks and risks ๏ New! 8
  • 9. Microservices Are Trending ๏ Twitter moved from Ruby/Rails monolith to Microservices ๏ Facebook moved from PHP monolith to Microservices ๏ Netflix moved from Java monolith to Microservices 9
  • 10. Benefits of a Microservice Approach ๏ Extreme Scalability ๏ Organisational Ownership ๏ Cheaper to Start ๏ Ideal for the Cloud ๏ Grasp latest technologies ๏ Promotes Agile Practices ๏ Promotes DevOps ๏ “It’s what the cool people do!” 10
  • 11. Benefits of a Monolith ๏ Common code infrastructure ๏ More density/efficient allocation of hardware ๏ Less inter-process communication required, less network hops ๏ Easy to scale(up to some level with load balancer) ๏ Easy to test as a single unit(up to some limit) 11
  • 13. HTTP ๏ Available verbs GET, POST, PUT, DELETE (and more) ๏ Mechanisms for
 • caching and cache control
 • content negotiation
 • session management
 • user agent and server identification ๏ Status codes in response (200, 404, etc) for
 information, success, redirection, client error, server error ๏ Rich standardised interface for interacting over the net 13
  • 14. JSON ๏ Minimal and popular data representation format ๏ Schemaless in principle, but can be validated if needed 14
  • 15. REST ๏ Uniform Interface By;
 • Use of known HTTP verbs for manipulating resources
 • Resource manipulation through representations which separated from internal representations 
 • Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS): Response contains all allowed operations and the resource identifiers needed to trigger them 15
  • 16. Case Study ๏ Consider Monolithic Online Shopping Application ๏Web/Mobile Interfaces ๏Functions for: ๏Searching for products ๏Product catalog ๏Inventory management ๏Shopping cart ๏Checkout ๏Order Fulfilment ๏How would this look with microservices? 16
  • 19. New Types of Client 19
  • 20. New Types of Persistence/ Services 20
  • 21. Monolith Challenges ๏ Language/Framework Lock ๏ Digestion ๏Single developer can not digest ๏Single team can not manage a large application(amazon’s 2 pizza rule) ๏ Deployment as single unit ๏Can not independently deploy single change (risky) ๏Ready changes should be wait(next deploy) 21
  • 22. Case Study with Microservices 22
  • 23. Microservices Advantages ๏ Encapsulate Business capabilities ๏ Not dependent on technology stack ๏ Easy to digest each service ๏ Easy to test, deploy manage, version and scale each service. ๏ Changes can be deployed as soon as ready 23
  • 24. Microservices Disadvantages ๏ Complexity moved to operation layer ๏fallacies of distributed computing ๏ Services will be unavailable ๏Design for failure ๏Much more need for monitoring(Healthcheck?) ๏ Remote Calls more expensive than in-process calls ๏ Problem of Transactions (Eventual consistency over ACID) ๏ Features span multiple services (Hard to Integration Test) 24
  • 25. Fallacies of Distributed Computing ๏ Network is reliable ๏ Latency is zero ๏ Bandwith is infinite ๏ The Network is secure ๏ Topology does not change ๏ There is one administrator ๏ Transport cost is zero ๏ The network is homogenous 25
  • 26. Spring Cloud Summary ๏ Spring cloud(Using Netflix OSS internally) ๏Apply common patterns needed in distributed/cloud applications ๏Distributed/Versioned/Centralised Config. Management ๏Service Registration/Discovery ๏Load Balancing ๏Circuit Brakers ๏Monitoring ๏Based on Spring Boot 26
  • 27. Spring Cloud Summary ๏ Spring Boot
 Stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications ๏ Spring Data REST / Spring HATEOAS
 Spring-based applications following HATEOAS principles ๏ Spring Cloud Config
 Centralised external configuration management, backed by Git ๏ Netflix Eureka
 REST-based service discovery and registration for failover and load-balancing ๏ Netflix Ribbon IPC library with built-in client-side software load-balancers ๏ Netflix Hystrix
 Latency and fault tolerance for distributed system ๏ Netflix Hystrix Dashboard
 Web-based UI for monitoring Hystrix 27
  • 28. Netflix ๏ Reinvented itself in 2007 ๏ Moved from DVD mailing to video-on-demand ๏Once USPS biggest customer ๏Now biggest source of Internet Traffic ๏ Became pioneer in Cloud computing ๏since all applications run on AWS ๏ Open sources its cloud projects with name Netflix Open Source Software 28
  • 29. Conclusion ๏ Monoliths always bad? ๏ How micro is micro? ๏Small enough for one developer to digest ๏Predictable and easy to experiment ๏If necessary can be rewritten in different technology stack in two weeks 29