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Jason Lemkin
Founder & CEO
VC Fundraising Workshop
It’s the same but different
Workshop Wednesday with SaaStr CEO Jason Lemkin - VC Workshop
Workshop Wednesday with SaaStr CEO Jason Lemkin - VC Workshop
Workshop Wednesday with SaaStr CEO Jason Lemkin - VC Workshop

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We cannot simplydisregard unprovenfounders,otherwise we will be passing on too many high quality investment opportunities – e.g. Vitalik Buterin had no unfair advantages when he started Ethereum • However, we would require that the startup idea showing some tractions, which can be proven by the market

Fundamentals of Venture Capital
Fundamentals of Venture CapitalFundamentals of Venture Capital
Fundamentals of Venture Capital

The document provides an overview of fundamentals of venture capital. It discusses that the core business of venture capital is to raise money, invest money, and return money. It also discusses key concepts like expected returns, IRR targets, power law distribution of returns, portfolio construction, and fund structures. The document uses examples and scenarios to illustrate concepts like different exit scenarios needed to achieve a 3x return, fund exit values based on fund size and ownership percentage, and optimal number of portfolio companies based on fund size and check sizes.

Overview of Startup Fundraising
Overview of Startup FundraisingOverview of Startup Fundraising
Overview of Startup Fundraising

The document discusses key topics related to fundraising, including deciding who to raise money from, how much to raise, contacting investors, pitching to investors, and negotiating valuation. It provides advice on raising money from different sources like friends and family, angels, venture capitalists (VCs), and provides guidelines on valuation and terms for different funding stages.

VCs Investing, But Stress in System
VCs Mostly Still Hunting Decacorns
In 2021, “easy” to
see in SaaS
In 2024, “easy” to
see in AI
VCs Mostly Still Hunting Decacorns
Best of Best Still There in SaaS
Now that we know it
can be done (SaaS
Decacorns) … so …
Big Funds flooding
winners with capital

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Venture Capital 101
Venture Capital 101Venture Capital 101
Venture Capital 101

Venture Capital 101 presentation on the basics of VC such as what venture capital is, and how it works. I delivered this presentation to a student group called InSITE that I belong to (mix of Columbia and NYU MBA and Law students). Enjoy! -Brian Rothenberg

vcventure capital
Webinar 6 Society 5.0 | Wealth University
Webinar 6  Society 5.0 | Wealth UniversityWebinar 6  Society 5.0 | Wealth University
Webinar 6 Society 5.0 | Wealth University

The document discusses various topics that may be focused on in the next decade, including Society 5.0, Entrepreneur 5.0, Investor 5.0, Property 5.0, and Wealth 5.0. It also discusses the Global Wealth Group, a platform that connects investors with investment opportunities. The Group has performed well with over 7,500 members investing over $600 million. It is raising $5 million for strategic acquisitions and commercial acceleration. The funding will help increase metrics like revenue and valuation as the Group works towards an IPO target of over $100 million.

society 5.0property 5.0wealth 5.0
Dos and donts of raising investment capital
Dos and donts of raising investment capitalDos and donts of raising investment capital
Dos and donts of raising investment capital

Some things to consider before taking on outside investment, where to find that investment and what you need to get it

venture capitalstartupstartups
100x ARR Back … For Subset of AI
Why AI is Already Big $$$
How a $2B Fund Makes Money
A $2B fund is what it
takes to write a Series
B check today
Even 4 unicorn cash
exits not enough for
$2B fund
Seed Funds Crunched on Ownership
A $100m seed fund
even with 3+ $1B exits
can’t make money
with 5% ownership
That’s really 10%
though at seed (50%
dilution profile)

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SpringTime Ventures 2022 Startup Fundraising Market Analysis
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SpringTime Ventures 2022 Startup Fundraising Market Analysis

There's a pig in the pipe in the venture financing market. We anticipate that the public market selloff will impact Early-Stage venture capital (i.e., Series A, B) this year making it harder for startups to raise capital at those levels and impacting valuations/valuation multiples at all stages. Available Venture capital is at record levels, but it may be deceiving at Seed. We created this analysis for the startups in our portfolio and wanted to share it with the startup community throughout the US. Startups, we hope you can use this to position yourself for success in the long run.

Venture Capital Financing Basics
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Venture Capital Financing Basics

A primer for founders on how to raise that first round of venture capital from Harvard Business School professor and Flybridge general partner Jeff Bussgang

vcventure capitalentrepreneurship
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Jeremy Liddle and Emmanuel Cabrera present at Tank Stream Labs in Sydney Australia on entrepreneurship, startup, venture capital and mindset.

venture capitalcapitalstartup
Big Funds Tripling Down on Winners
Big Funds flooding
winners with capital
Capturing a lot of
headlines, but later
stage overall still
slow — outside of AI
Yes, Come to SF Bay to Raise VC $$$
Growth is Still King -- NOT Profits
Efficiency only matters:
- Run up to IPO
- If can’t raise more money
Otherwise, VCs don’t really
care if profitable or that
efficient … if growth is epic
Triple Triple Double Double Still Rules
Many B2B startups have
seen growth slow, but not all
Still need “T2D2”, or ideally,
“T3D2” to get to $200m+
ARR, growing 40%, in 9-10
years or less

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RRE Ventures Raising Seed Capital
RRE Ventures   Raising Seed CapitalRRE Ventures   Raising Seed Capital
RRE Ventures Raising Seed Capital

This document provides an overview of raising seed capital from Steve Schlafman of RRE Ventures. It discusses the basics of venture capital, including the different funding options available to startups and reasons to raise capital. It covers the current state of the seed market, notable angel investors and seed funds, as well as tips for preparing to raise a seed round, such as launching a minimum viable product, finding advisors, choosing the right investors, and setting an appropriate funding target and round size. The document emphasizes the importance of having a compelling brand and story to attract investors.

angelsseed capitalfunding
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Marco\'s Power Point on Access to Capital, presented at Solekai, in front of a VIP audience March 4, 2010.

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Sherry Quam Taylor _ Bloomerang 07 28 2022.pdfSherry Quam Taylor _ Bloomerang 07 28 2022.pdf
Sherry Quam Taylor _ Bloomerang 07 28 2022.pdf

This document provides 5 steps for organizations that experienced extreme growth in 2020-2021. Step 1 is to embrace risk-taking when developing new ideas. Step 2 is to think ambitiously and invest in all key areas of the organization, including programs, administration, and fundraising. Step 3 is to stay flexible in fundraising approaches. Step 4 is to ensure the right people are in place who can lead large donors to make their best gifts. Step 5 is not explicitly stated but the document provides guidance on developing deep, personalized relationships with top donors through frequent, customized interactions.

Growth Slowed? Cry Me a River
80%+ of VC-backed
startups not growing
fast enough anymore
to raise another
Be very self-aware
Growth Slowed? Cry Me a River
80%+ of VC-backed
startups not growing
fast enough anymore
to raise another
Be very self-aware
Calling Yourself “AI” (Probably) Isn’t Enough
B2B2C, Vertical, Security: No Downturn

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Venture capital Brief Introduction
Venture capital Brief IntroductionVenture capital Brief Introduction
Venture capital Brief Introduction

Venture capital firms provide funding for startup companies and manage large funds from institutions and wealthy investors. They look for companies in high-growth industries like technology and assess them based on their business model, market potential, and management team. While most VC investments fail to return a profit, successful ones can provide high returns through events like a company's IPO or acquisition. Some well-known Chinese VC firms include Softbank, which earned a 1000% return on its investment in Alibaba, demonstrating the potential rewards of venture capital.

by Mon
vcventure capital
How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model
How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio modelHow to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model
How to VC: Creating a VC fund portfolio model

This article aims to help VCs figure out how to size a venture capital fund, how many companies to include in your portfolio, and when and how to do follow-on investments. Most VCs aim to make a 3X (net) return on initial fund capital, at a ~20% net IRR. Note however, likely less than 10% of most VC funds achieve that goal.

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Go Big or Get Rich: Liquidity Alternatives at $3M+ ARR with Turn/River Capital
Go Big or Get Rich: Liquidity Alternatives at $3M+ ARR with Turn/River CapitalGo Big or Get Rich: Liquidity Alternatives at $3M+ ARR with Turn/River Capital
Go Big or Get Rich: Liquidity Alternatives at $3M+ ARR with Turn/River Capital

Join Joanne Yuan, Partner with Turn/River Capital on liquidity alternatives. Joanne is responsible for sourcing and executing new investments and working strategically with companies post-investment. She led the investment in and sits on the board of Acunetix and Netsparker. She has nearly a decade of experience investing in, scaling, acquiring, and selling enterprise software companies at Hellman & Friedman, Morgan Stanley, and Google.

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B2B2C: Bounced Back Fast
Stress Will Remain Where Multiples Are Low
IPO Market & Multiples Still “Meh”
VCs Probably Too Optimistic on M&A

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11 rich dad poor dad

The document discusses lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki about what the rich teach their children about money that the poor and middle class do not. It notes that the rich have money work for them, while the poor and middle class work for money. It contrasts the perspectives of a "Poor Dad" versus a "Rich Dad," and discusses strategies for developing financial intelligence and independence, such as paying yourself first, choosing friends carefully, and learning to manage risk rather than avoid it.

EIA 2015 How VC Funding Works
EIA 2015 How VC Funding WorksEIA 2015 How VC Funding Works
EIA 2015 How VC Funding Works

Ravi Belani gave a presentation on venture capital to the European Innovation Academy. He discussed the three main sources of cash for startups - revenue, debt, and equity investment. He explained how venture capitalists make money through management fees and carrying a percentage of profits. Belani provided examples of valuations and negotiation exercises. He covered key investment terms like pre-money valuation, option pools, liquidation preferences, and board composition.

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Saastr Workshop Wednesdays with Redpoint

Redpoint Ventures Market Overview Logan Bartlett, Managing Director @ Redpoint Ventures

AI: But Where is Budget Coming From?
Other Apps,
Budgets In Many
Being Cut to Fund AI
Huge Efficiency
Thank You!

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Workshop Wednesday with SaaStr CEO Jason Lemkin - VC Workshop

  • 1. Jason Lemkin Founder & CEO SaaStr @jasonlk VC Fundraising Workshop It’s the same but different
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  • 6. VCs Mostly Still Hunting Decacorns In 2021, “easy” to see in SaaS In 2024, “easy” to see in AI vs
  • 7. VCs Mostly Still Hunting Decacorns
  • 8. Best of Best Still There in SaaS Now that we know it can be done (SaaS Decacorns) … so … Big Funds flooding winners with capital
  • 9. 100x ARR Back … For Subset of AI
  • 10. Why AI is Already Big $$$
  • 11. How a $2B Fund Makes Money A $2B fund is what it takes to write a Series B check today Even 4 unicorn cash exits not enough for $2B fund
  • 12. Seed Funds Crunched on Ownership A $100m seed fund even with 3+ $1B exits can’t make money with 5% ownership That’s really 10% though at seed (50% dilution profile)
  • 13. Big Funds Tripling Down on Winners Big Funds flooding winners with capital Capturing a lot of headlines, but later stage overall still slow — outside of AI
  • 14. Yes, Come to SF Bay to Raise VC $$$
  • 15. Growth is Still King -- NOT Profits Efficiency only matters: - Run up to IPO - If can’t raise more money Otherwise, VCs don’t really care if profitable or that efficient … if growth is epic
  • 16. Triple Triple Double Double Still Rules Many B2B startups have seen growth slow, but not all Still need “T2D2”, or ideally, “T3D2” to get to $200m+ ARR, growing 40%, in 9-10 years or less
  • 17. Growth Slowed? Cry Me a River 80%+ of VC-backed startups not growing fast enough anymore to raise another round Be very self-aware here
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  • 19. Calling Yourself “AI” (Probably) Isn’t Enough
  • 22. Stress Will Remain Where Multiples Are Low
  • 23. IPO Market & Multiples Still “Meh”
  • 24. VCs Probably Too Optimistic on M&A
  • 25. AI: But Where is Budget Coming From? Other Apps, Budgets In Many Cases Being Cut to Fund AI Why? Huge Efficiency Promises