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Naphachara Rattanwilai
• Why using Spring Boot?
• Spring Boot Providing
• Run With Spring Boot
• Using Rest Controller + Dojo
• Using Data JPA
• Using Spring Security
• UsingTesting
• Deploy onWeb Server
• How to customize (Extension)
• Using Properties File
• UsingYAML
Why using Spring Boot?
• Easy to create stand alone application.
• Less Configuration
• Running as micro service.
• Providing Many features
• Thymeleaf
• Spring Data JPA
• Spring Security
• Testing
Spring Boot Providing
• Spring-boot-starter
• Spring-boot-starter-actuator
• Spring-boot-starter-aop
• Spring-boot-data-jpa
• Spring-boot-starter-security
• Spring-boot-starter-test
• Spring-boot-starter-web
• Spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
• Etc.
Template Engine
Java Util
Free Maker Thymeleaf Groovy Vlocity
SpringCore 4.1.x
NEO 4J Solr
Redis Gemfire
RunWith Spring Boot
• Config Maven
• Parent
• Adding Dependency
• Adding Properties
• Java.version
• Start-class
Static Page
• META-INF/resources
• /resources/
• /static/
• /public/
Lab 1 – Start Spring Boot
• Running Spring Boot StandAlone
Lab 2 – HelloWorld
• Create RestController
• CreateThymeleaf Page
• Create Page
• Calling Rest with Dojo
Using Spring Data JPA
• Adding Config on Maven
Using Spring Data JPA (Cont.)
• Adding Annotation
• @EnableJpaRepositories
Spring Data JPA Repositories
• Create Interface
• Extends CrudRepository
Lab3 Create Page to Load Data
• Config Spring Data JPA
• Config Dependency
QueryDSL (Cont.)
• Generate Meta Class <plugin>
QueryDSL (Cont.)
• Extends QueryDslPredicateExecutor<T>
Lab4 Search Page*
• Customize Spring Data JPA
• Using QueryDSL
Using Spring Security
• Adding Config Maven
• Adding Annotation
• @EnableWebMvcSecurity
• Create Class extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
Using Spring Security(2)
• Adding Configure Method
• protected void configure(HttpSecurity http)
• protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
Lab 5 – Basic Authentication
• Create Login Page
• Create Result Page
• Create Logout Page
Lab6 – AuthenticationWith Database
• Checking User from Database
• Adding Config on Maven
Lab 7 -Testing
• Create UnitTesting for all classes
Deploy onWeb Server
• Adding
• Extended SpringBootServletInitializer
• Changing Maven to building war file
• Create
• Customize
Lab8 Deploy
• Running Application on Web Server
Thank you

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