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The fundamental problems of
GUI applications
& why people choose React
Vu Nguyen
• All applications for normal users are GUI applications.
• The fundamental problem is rendering GUI
(include assembling GUI, handling user input and
integrating with application logic).
• This is not another talk about React, ES2015, Webpack,
and other fancy things!
Desktop applications are GUI applications
Desktop applications are GUI applications
Mobile applications are GUI applications

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React js Online Training
React js Online TrainingReact js Online Training
React js Online Training Learntek is global online training provider on Big Data Analytics, Hadoop, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOT, AI, Cloud Technology, DEVOPS, Digital Marketing and other IT and Management courses. We are dedicated to designing, developing and implementing training programs for students, corporate employees and business professional.

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HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed
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HTML5 Web Workers-unleashed

Peter Lubbers from Kaazing gave a presentation on HTML5 features such as Web Workers, Geolocation, and WebSockets. He discussed how these new technologies allow for asynchronous background processing, location detection, and bi-directional real-time communications without polling. Browser support for HTML5 features was also reviewed.

Desktop applications are GUI applications
Mobile applications are GUI applications
Web applications are GUI applications
Every application you use daily
GUI applications
Every application you use daily
GUI applications
(We developers* are the only ones
that work with terminal**)
* Including programmers, hackers, specialists, etc.
** Even the terminal itself is a GUI application!
So if you want to build an application
for normal users,
you have no choice but GUI application!

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Isomorphic JavaScript: #DevBeat Master Class
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Isomorphic JavaScript: #DevBeat Master Class

1) Isomorphic JavaScript allows code to run on both the client and server by being environment-agnostic or shimmed for different environments. 2) It improves performance by enabling faster initial page loads and improves SEO by allowing search engines to crawl single page apps. 3) Popular libraries like Underscore, Backbone, Handlebars, and React can be used isomorphically, and isomorphic applications exist on a spectrum from sharing small parts of code to entire applications.

Web Development with Delphi and React - ITDevCon 2016
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This document provides an overview of modern web development with Delphi and React. It discusses how traditional "fat" web applications are no longer preferred and introduces key concepts in modern web development like JavaScript, HTML5 APIs, DOM, jQuery, single page applications, and React. It explains what React is and core React concepts like components, properties, state, virtual DOM, JSX syntax and lifecycle methods. It also discusses how Delphi can be used to build backend APIs that a React front-end can communicate with.

웹을 지탱하는 차세대 기술 @한국웹20주년 컨퍼런스
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The document discusses emerging web technologies including web components, web graphics, service workers, WebRTC, web animations, and transpilers. It compares these technologies to native platforms, and how browsers work differently than CPUs and GPUs. The document contains links to additional resources on these topics.

Let’s build a basic GUI application (1)
(without GUI library & framework)
Tier 1: Operating System
Bare metal
What do we have?
• A drawing buffer for output
• An input processing unit
• A programming language
• No GUI library or framework
Let’s build things from scratch*!
* Sample code using JavaScript.
The game loop
Process input
Update state
while (playing) {

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No one wants a slow loading, slow reacting application. As page weight has increased so has the dependency on JavaScript to drive rich user experiences. Today many pages load over 2MBs of JavaScript, but is this healthy? Do your scripts and dependencies perform well? In this session we will review common JavaScript performance bottlenecks, how to detect them and how to eliminate them. This session will review common bad coding syntax, architecture and how to replace them with better alternatives. You will also be exposed to caching, code organization, build and deployment best practices that produce the best user experiences. Finally, you will see how to use the navigation timing and performance timing APIs to fine tune your applications to produce a fast, lean application your customers will love.

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Начинаете новый проект и не знаете что же выбрать: gulp+browserify, webpack или может brunch? SVG или PNG спрайты? На сколько сабдоменов шардить ресурсы? С повсеместным приходом HTTP/2.0 лучшие практики оптимизации загрузки веб-сайтов и приложений весьма изменились, однако наши инструменты -- нет. Как же деливерить несколько раз в день и не вынуждать пользователен перескачивать весь бандл? Я расскажу об ограничениях HTTP/1.1, почему возникли бандлеры, как внутри работает HTTP/2.0, какие проблемы он решает, что такое server push, развею пару мифов о минификации, поведаю про преимущества progressive rendering, изменениях в whatwg html5 стандарте и покажу два способа (es6 modules и commonjs без препроцессинга) организации модулей на клиенте.

The game state
var gameState = {
score: 1235,
time: 1200,
player: {
x: 120,
y: 30,
enemies: [ … ],
bullets: [ … ]
The rendering function
function render() {
Updating state
function updateScore(val) {
gameState.score += val;
function updatePosition(dx, dy) {
gameState.player.x += dx;
gameState.player.y += dy;
Life of a GUI application

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In this presentation we'll take a look at building a full stack web application using Polymer and Web Components. After a quick introduction to Polymer, we’ll see how we can handle things like authentication, pagination of large data sets, and adapting our UI to different viewports. We’ll also review what’s needed for moving our app to production and optimizing our User Experience with quick load times and transition animations.

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- Nuxeo has historically used different technologies for its UI such as ZPT, JSF, and AngularJS but is now exploring using Web Components with frameworks like Polymer and React. - Polymer helps build custom elements and adds sugar to remove boilerplate from element registration, lifecycle callbacks, and observers. Nuxeo elements could provide reusable UI building blocks. - The new Nuxeo Web UI would use the DOM as the framework and include Nuxeo elements for data and UI, layouts for convention-based dynamic loading, and testing with WCT and nuxeo-ftest.

Life of a GUI application
Life of a GUI application
Life of a GUI application
Luckily you don’t have to
write “the loop” yourself.
The operating system handles it for you.

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The document discusses isomorphic JavaScript, which allows JavaScript code to run on both the client and server. It provides examples using libraries like Underscore.js and Handlebars.js isomorphically. Frameworks like Meteor, Mojito, and Rendr are introduced that support building isomorphic apps. The benefits are around performance, SEO, and code maintainability. The presentation concludes with a demo of building features into an sample isomorphic blog application.

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Refactoring to a Single Page Application
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"Refactoring to a Single Page Application" by Marcello Teodori In origine era il monolite. Spesso dietro una startup web di successo c'è un'applicazione in tecnologia singola (Java, Rails, ecc.) che cresce finché fatica a scalare all'aumentare degli utenti e con essa il relativo processo di sviluppo all'aumentare degli sviluppatori. Sul back-end una strategia consolidata è suddividere progressivamente il monolite in microservice. Per il front-end la soluzione duale è estrarre gradualmente il codice HTML, CSS e JavaScript in una Single Page Application, applicando diverse tecniche come quelle maturate durante la mia esperienza in Workshare.

marcello teodorijavascriptcodemotion
The fundamental problems
of GUI applications
The problems
• Creating and assembling GUI
• Handling user input
• Integrating GUI & business logic
Basic GUI application architecture
input input
Assembling GUI
input input
input input
input input

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AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly and succinctly. AngularJS's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. And it all happens within the browser, making it an ideal partner with any server technology.

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Progressive Web Applications (PWA) is a comprehensive term describing web applications that implement a base set of browser platform features like HTTPS, Web Manifest and Service Workers. But it bleeds beyond the scope of an application's code because browsers are enabling qualified web applications to offer the same user experiences native application enjoy. This includes prominent home screen placement, push notifications, eliminated browser chrome and app store placement. Become a Progressive Web App expert with my course: Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Beginner to Expert ->

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Primero bgu e
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El documento define las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) y las Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (NTICs), explica las diferencias entre ambas, y menciona algunas ventajas de las TICs. En particular, señala que las TICs son tecnologías para gestionar y enviar información de un lugar a otro, mientras que las NTICs han sido posibles por la aparición de la tecnología digital y ordenadores más potentes. Luego enumera 10 diferencias clave y varias

Assembling GUI
input input
input input
input input
Tier 1
• Creating and assembling GUI → render() function
• Handling user input → (…)
• Integrating GUI & business logic → do it yourself
What does a modern
operating system offers?
Tier 1: Operating System
Bare metal
Process input
Update state
business logic
input logic
rendering logic
Operating System ApplicationEvent system

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It is time to discover your future! Talk to the "Advisor"!

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Stories are one of the most effective ways humans communicate and make sense of reality. Neuroscience research shows that storytelling facilitates understanding between speakers and listeners by transporting people to different perspectives. While facts alone are meaningless, stories provide context that help reframe people's understanding of facts. Effective leaders recognize the power of storytelling to begin dialogues and inspire others. Stories follow common structures like having a beginning, middle, end, hero's journey, and plot points that build suspense to emotionally engage audiences.

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What does a modern operating system offers?
• Handle “the loop”
• Process raw input and provide event system
What does a modern operating system offers?
• Creating and assembling GUI → (defer to app platform)
• Handling user input → Event system
• Integrating GUI & business logic → do it yourself
Let’s build a basic GUI application (2)
(without GUI library & framework)
Tier 1: Operating System
Tier 2: App Platform
Close to bare metal
What do we have? (at tier 2)
• Component system
• Event system
Sample code using Windows API*
* Win32 & COM API. Read more:

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We explore Telstra’s 5 year Digital transformation journey which started in 2011 where 20% of their customer transactions were digital compared to 56% in H1 2016. Telstra’s broad focus on being a more digital rather than physical company aligned with massive investment in IT systems together with their long term organic transformation route is also explored giving a clear indication of strategic imperatives to achieve successful digital transformation. Through interviewing Monty Hamilton, Director of Digital Operations, we look at some of Telstra’s key achievements including their launch of a crowd-sourced customer support model, startup accelerator and their Digital First Program to name a few.

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This document discusses various dental cements, their properties, uses, and applications. It focuses on zinc oxide eugenol cement and calcium hydroxide cement. Zinc oxide eugenol cement is widely used and has good biocompatibility but poor mechanical properties. Modifications have improved strength. Calcium hydroxide cement has high pH and promotes pulp healing when used as a liner or temporary filling. Both cements are soluble but help maintain pulp vitality due to their properties.

PPT Shalat Sunnah Muakkad dan Ghoiru Muakkad
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Shalat sunnah muakad adalah shalat sunnah yang sering dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW seperti shalat rawatib, malam, tarawih dan idain. Shalat ini dilakukan secara individu tanpa adzan dan iqomah, dua rakaat, dan bacaannya dapat dibaca keras atau pelan. Ada beberapa jenis shalat sunnah muakad seperti rawatib, malam, tarawih dan idain.

The application state
struct {
int score,
int time,
PLAYER player,
ENEMIES enemies,
BULLETS bullets
} gameState;
The rendering function
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
HDC hdc;
switch (message) {
case WM_PAINT:
hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
// ...
EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
Composing components
• Create child windows
• Attach them to the app window
• In response to WM_PAINT:
• Pass WM_PAINT to child windows
Handling input
• Handling user input
Response to input events WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN
• Handling application life cycle WM_CREATE, WM_DESTROY

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Story of architecture evolution of one project from zero to Lambda Architecture. Also includes information on how we scaled cluster as soon as architecture is set up. Contains nice performance charts after every architecture change.

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Digital Transformation in Retail Banking
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Digital Transformation in Retail Banking

This document discusses how visual analytics can help drive digital transformation in the retail banking industry. It covers key trends like demographic changes, evolving customer behaviors, and increasing regulations that are challenging traditional banks. It advocates using visual analytics to improve customer centricity, operational efficiencies, risk management, and other initiatives. Case studies are presented showing how banks like ANZ and Swedbank have used visual analytics platforms like Qlik to gain insights from data and remain competitive against technology companies.

Process input
Update state
business logic
input logic
rendering logic
Operating System ApplicationEvent system
What does a modern
application platform offers?
Tier 1: Operating System
Tier 2: App Platform
Close to bare metal
Android Platform
• Composing elements: XML Layout, GUI components
• Handling user input: Event system
• Integrating business logic: Callback
android:onClick="sendMessage" />
public void sendMessage(View view) {
// Do something
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
• Composing elements: XAML, GUI components
• Handling user input: Event system
• Integrating business logic: Handler
Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="3"
Margin="0,10,0,0" Width="125"
Height="25" HorizontalAlignment="Right"
private void Button_Click(
object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
// Do something

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MasterCard Digital Strategy
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This document outlines Mastercard's digital strategy to target customers ages 21-45 through social media platforms and their website. It discusses promoting their "Priceless Moments" campaign on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The strategy aims to establish Mastercard as a trusted brand by highlighting responsible credit card use and offering perks to new customers like lower interest rates. It also focuses on an easy-to-use mobile-friendly website and app with quick access to answers. Mastercard plans to engage customers through content marketing, webinars, and customer-generated videos shared on social media. The goal is to acquire 500,000 new customers in 6 months by offering financial planning seminars. The estimated budget for this digital strategy is $

Web Platform (HTML & JS)
• Composing elements: HTML, GUI components
• Handling user input: Event system
• Integrating business logic: Callback
Say Hello
function sayHello(e) {
// Do something
What does an application platform offers?
• Creating and assembling GUI → Pre-built components,
Domain specific language (DSL) for GUI
• Handling user input → Event system
• Integrating GUI & business logic → Callback, set state
Let’s build a basic GUI application (3)
(without GUI library & framework)
Tier 1: Operating System
Tier 2: App Platform
Tier 3: App
What do we have? (at tier 3, HTML & JS)
• DSL & pre-built GUI components
• Event system
• Callback & set component state
• No GUI library or framework.
We still want to create our custom components!
Let’s build a TODO application.

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Моя презентация, которую читал на VIII Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Информационные технологии в науке"

Healthcare guide to Social Media Marketing
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Today's healthcare marketing requires both offline and online strategies to meet the increasing number of engaged patients searching for healthcare information online. Websites must focus on user experience through responsive design, resource centers, clear information, and lead capture. Blogging on a healthcare provider's website can drive traffic and referrals. Social media, like Twitter, is also used by many physicians, while local directory listings remain important. An effective social media strategy involves consistency, engaging with others, adding value, and monitoring effectiveness. The key questions for healthcare marketers are whether they are providing readily available answers for patients and doing enough to market their facilities.

The application state
var appState = {
todos: [{
title: “hello”,
complete: false
}, {
title: “world”,
complete: false
Updating state
function addTodo(label) {
title: label,
completed: false
function toggle(index) {
var item = appState.todos[index];
item.completed = !item.completed;
The rendering function
function render() {
// !?
The rendering function – First try
function render() {
var $listTodos = document.getElementById(“todos”)
for (var i=0; i < appState.todos; i++) {
// update, insert or delete DOM elements
var $numActive = document.getElementById(“num-active”)
$numActive.innerHTML = getNumActive();
// ...

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Digital Banking
Digital BankingDigital Banking
Digital Banking

The document discusses digital banking and omni-channel banking. It covers topics like internet banking, mobile banking, the internet of things, customer experience, content creation, data analytics, predictive analytics, CRM systems, and ensuring consistency across channels. The key aspects are using customer data and insights to improve the customer experience across online, mobile, and physical channels to provide a seamless omni-channel banking experience.

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Case Study: Open Banking, APIs and Digital Transformation—the Banco Original ...
Case Study: Open Banking, APIs and Digital Transformation—the Banco Original ...Case Study: Open Banking, APIs and Digital Transformation—the Banco Original ...
Case Study: Open Banking, APIs and Digital Transformation—the Banco Original ...

This document summarizes a presentation given by Guga Stocco of Banco Original and David Bressler of CA Technologies about digital transformation in banking. The presentation discusses how focusing on customer experience can drive successful digital transformation. It also shares the story of how Banco Original embraced open banking by utilizing APIs to rethink what it means to be a bank and provide a frictionless customer experience. The presentation covers topics like fintech innovation, mobile and agile strategies, and how platforms can inform customer experiences.

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Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey
Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey
Backbase webinar feat. Jim Marous: State of the Digital Customer Journey

Customer loyalty and retention, two of the most important considerations in measuring business success in banking, are created by truly knowing your customer and offering a superior customer experience. However, banks need to improve customer experience, and digital channels are the best way to achieve this. Many FIs know this already, yet still find it difficult to seize the opportunity, despite knowing many customer pain points, such as no real onboarding process, a personalization gap, and lack of a seamless omni-channel experience. In this new Backbase webinar, we have talked to the renowned industry thought leader Jim Marous, co-publisher of The Financial Brand and publisher of the Digital Banking Report, about the importance of digital channels, about onboarding, and about the multi-channel process. The webinar agenda covers: The importance of digital channels Digital onboarding The commitment to the digital The real online customer experience: the omni-channel process

60 seconds onboardingcustomer experiencefinovate demo
So far, we have defined application state
and logic just fine.
The only hard part that kept us back is
rendering step.
(Include generating HTML, keeping updated with app state
and registering event callbacks)
The rendering function – Second try
var lastState; // store last appState for comparing
function render() {
var $listTodos = document.getElementById(“todos”)
for (var i=0; i < appState.todos; i++) {
// update, insert or delete DOM elements
var $numActive = document.getElementById(“num-active”)
$numActive.innerHTML = getNumActive();
// ...
lastState = deepClone(appState);
We have tried storing last application state
for rendering only changed parts.
This is what frameworks like Angular.js or
Backbone (Underscore) offers.

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Building Multi-Tenant and SaaS products in PHP with the open source Innomatic Platform. Let’s look at how you can build multi-tenant applications and SaaS products in PHP faster and better with the open source Innomatic Platform. Presentation at CloudConf 2015

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Innomatic è la piattaforma open source per creare applicazioni multi-tenant e piattaforme SaaS in PHP.

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MongoDB World 2018: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes: Taking Your Stitch Application to th...

The document discusses the evolution of MongoDB and the introduction of MongoDB Stitch and Triggers. Key points include: 1) MongoDB Stitch allows developers to build event-driven functions that execute in response to events like database changes or third party webhooks. 2) Stitch Triggers coordinate change streams from MongoDB to pass change events to an event coordinator, which ensures functions execute correctly. 3) An example application called the MongoDB Swagstore is presented to demonstrate how Stitch Triggers could be used to update inventory, send shipping notifications, and more in response to database changes.

mongodbmongodb world
• Applying Separation of
Concern to GUI applications.
• Input event
→ Controller
→ Model
→ View
• Applying Separation of
Concern to GUI applications.
• Model → Presenter → View
• View → Presenter → Model
var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
default: { title: "", complete: false },
toggle: function() {…); // trigger "change" (model)
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: …,
events: …, // callback to manipulate model (handled by controller)
initialize: {
this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); // listen to "change"
render: function() { … }, // rendering function (view)
// …
Angular.js (version 1)
function TodoCtrl($scope) {
var todos = $scope.todos = [];
$scope.addTodo = function() { // user event
todos.push({ title: $scope.newTodo, completed: false }); // update state
$scope.$watchCollection("todos", function() { // state-change event
// …
<form id="todo-form" ng-submit="addTodo()"> … </form>
<ul id="todo-list">
<li ng-repeat="todo in todos"> … </li>

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Talking about how to build smart design and architecture for app development. Let your app can easy develop and deploy components on your app. And more topic of version control and quality improvement.

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What is React Native? How does React Native work? Writing React Native Expo Components, props, and states Component lifecycle Declarative and imperative Event handling User input Style Layout Data access Publishing your Project

reactreact native
What does a
application MV* framework offers?
Tier 1: Operating System
Tier 2: App Platform
Tier 3: App
What does a MV* framework offers?
• Creating and assembling GUI → view, template
• Handling user input → user event
• Integrating GUI & business logic
→ state-change event (Backbone.js, Angular.js)
Wow, so many concepts!
model, view, template, controller, presenter,
user event, state-change event
Let’s return to our starting architecture
Life of a GUI application

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Windows Phone 8.1 アプリ開発徹底解説
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Windows Phone 8.1 アプリ開発徹底解説

This document is about a seminar on Windows Phone 8.1 application development. It discusses topics like the purpose of the seminar, tools for app development like Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, user interface design basics, controls, extending controls, connecting data and UI, app packaging and deployment, platform commonalities and differences, and managing app state and data roaming.

windows phone 8.1 visual studio
Introduction to interactive data visualisation using R Shiny
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Shiny is an R library for building interactive webapps. Shiny allows rapid prototyping and quick production of dashboards and interactive data visualisations. This is especially important in situations where putting a real data-driven prototype in the hands of the end user allows for better refining of requirements before passing off to a web development team. This allows to speed up the delivery process and reducing the dependencies on other teams. Code and solution to exercises available on github:

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This document discusses event-based programming and how it differs from procedural programming. In event-based programming, code is executed upon activation of events rather than in sequential order. The system waits for user input events, which then trigger program methods. When an input event occurs, a data structure describing the event is placed on an event queue. The program enters an event loop that continuously removes events from the queue and processes them by calling event dispatch routines.

Enter React solution
Let’s put aside the fancy ways to define
application state.
The only hard part is rendering step.
The application state
var appState = {
todos: [{
title: “hello”,
complete: false
}, {
title: “world”,
complete: false
Updating state
function addTodo(label) {
title: label,
completed: false
function toggle(index) {
var item = appState.todos[index];
item.completed = !item.completed;

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Faites évoluer votre accès aux données avec MongoDB Stitch
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Vous avez des données précieuses dans MongoDB; et alors qu'il est important d'utiliser ces données pour donner de la valeur à vos utilisateurs et clients, il peut s'avérer difficile de le faire de manière sûre et sécurisée. Dans cette session, vous apprendrez à connecter simplement vos utilisateurs aux données dont ils ont besoin à l’aide de MongoDB Stitch.

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With the upcoming release of Windows 8, Microsoft decided to bring HTML+Javascript into the world of Windows-platform application development as a first-class citizen. But make no mistake, this isn’t an attempt to somehow subvert Web developers—it’s more about enabling Web developers to leverage those skills in building “native” Windows applications running on the Windows 8 laptops, desktops, and slates. In this presentation, we’ll go over the basics of building a Windows 8 app using HTML and JavaScript, including a brief overview of what’s possible—and what’s not—for the Web developer seeking to “go native” on Windows.

javascriptwindows 8html

David Marques gave a presentation on Android app development to a user group in São Paulo, Brazil. He began by introducing himself and his background in mobile development. The presentation covered the core components of Android apps including activities, services, content providers, and intent receivers. Marques explained how each component works and provided code examples. He emphasized doing background work in services on separate threads to avoid blocking the main thread.

The rendering function
render: function() {
return (
{ {
return <li> { item.title } </li>;
Handle state change
addTodoHandler: function() {
var label = this.refs.inputTodo.value;
addTodo(label); // update application state
this.forceUpdate(); // trigger rendering function
render: function() {
return (
<input ref="inputTodo"/>
<button onClick={this.addTodoHandler}/>
<ul> … </ul>
Life of a GUI application
React lets us work with our classic architecture
and helps solving the hard part: rendering!
No need to rewrite our application in an opinion way.

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This document summarizes techniques for optimizing Angular application performance, including ahead of time compilation, lazy loading, change detection strategies, avoiding memory leaks, and server side rendering. It provides code examples and compares boot times between different configurations. The techniques can improve first meaningful paint time by up to 86% compared to the default configuration.

angular optimization
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The document is a presentation about Silverlight 2 for developers. It includes an agenda covering CRUD, designers, patterns and testing. It discusses using Silverlight 2 for building applications with a dive log app as an example. It covers using services, securing applications, HTTP requests and using Blend. It also discusses using MVC patterns, separation of concerns, the presentation model pattern and implementing data binding, commands and value converters in applications.

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The project involves a front-end with UI widgets and a back-end with services, databases (.Net and MongoDB), and several standalone systems that interact. The front-end integrates with sites from over 70 brands. Widgets are created and their versions managed, with pros being the ability to change everything in new versions while maintaining backward compatibility, and cons being needing to fix bugs in all versions and get brands to update. Communication between widgets uses events both globally and bubbling up from children. Context is cloned and widgets reload on context changes. Load testing and error tracking are used. Plans exist to move more to front-end, use OOP and MVC patterns.

We only need to understand 2 functions
to start working with React:
- forceUpdate()
- render()
What does React offers?
• Creating and assembling GUI → React components
• Handling user input → user events
• Integrating GUI & business logic
→ keep GUI updated when application state changed
Why do people choose React?
What do people choose React?
• As we see, the only hard part is rendering step.
• React is a view library. It solves the right problem and
solves it well.
• It leaves application state for us. This is good because:
• We work with classic architecture of GUI applications.
• We can choose which architecture works best for us.
• We can migrate legacy applications to React without
changing so much code.

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React Native становится все более зрелым фреймворком для создания кросс платформенных мобильных приложений. Доклад основан на нашем опыте создания production приложения - от архитектуры до тестирования и CI. Рассмотрим вопрос переиспользования кода при разработке для разных платформ- что и сколько процентов можно переиспользовать и как этого достичь. Поговорим о том, как можно очень просто сделать offline-first приложение для чтения и создания данных. И чем нам в этом могут помочь Redux и Redux persist. Разберем, как максимально просто сделать навигацию в приложении. И, конечно же, какое production приложение без тестирования и continuous integration? Рассмотрим компонентное тестирование с Enzyme и интеграционное с Appium. А также, как максимально приблизить процесс deploy к тому, чему мы привыкли в web, с помощью CodePush.

Android class provider in mumbai
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Android Classes In Mumbai best android classes in mumbai with job assistance. our features are: expert guidance by it industry professionals lowest fees of 5000 practical exposure to handle projects well equiped lab after course resume writing guidance

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Plug yourself in and your app will never be the same (1 hr edition)
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The document provides an overview of plugin development for Lotus Notes, Domino and Sametime applications using the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit. It discusses what plugins can do, how to install the Expeditor Toolkit plugin in Eclipse, the basic anatomy of a plugin, key extension points, and how to build user interfaces with SWT and jobs. The presentation also demonstrates how to create a sample plugin that reads data from a web service and displays it in a sidebar panel.

How to choose a library or framework?
1. Write the prototype by your own
without using library or framework.
2. Understand what them offer.
3. Choose only which ones you need.
4. Keep in mind the design that you can switch to
another library later.
What’s next?
• Redux, an application state solution for React.
• Because we understand how to handle application state,
we can decide to use Redux or not. It’s up to you.
Vu Nguyen
The fundamental problems of
GUI applications
& why people choose React
Vu Nguyen

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The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React

  • 1. TechTalk The fundamental problems of GUI applications & why people choose React Vu Nguyen
  • 2. TL;DR • All applications for normal users are GUI applications. • The fundamental problem is rendering GUI (include assembling GUI, handling user input and integrating with application logic). • This is not another talk about React, ES2015, Webpack, and other fancy things!
  • 3. Desktop applications are GUI applications
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  • 5. Desktop applications are GUI applications Mobile applications are GUI applications Web applications are GUI applications
  • 6. Every application you use daily is GUI applications
  • 7. Every application you use daily is GUI applications (We developers* are the only ones that work with terminal**) * Including programmers, hackers, specialists, etc. ** Even the terminal itself is a GUI application!
  • 8. So if you want to build an application for normal users, you have no choice but GUI application!
  • 9. Let’s build a basic GUI application (1) (without GUI library & framework) Tier 1: Operating System Bare metal
  • 10. What do we have? • A drawing buffer for output • An input processing unit • A programming language • No GUI library or framework Let’s build things from scratch*! * Sample code using JavaScript.
  • 11. 1235
  • 12. The game loop Process input Update state Render while (playing) { processInput(); updateState(); render(); waitForNextFrame(); }
  • 13. The game state var gameState = { score: 1235, time: 1200, player: { x: 120, y: 30, }, enemies: [ … ], bullets: [ … ] }; 1235
  • 14. The rendering function function render() { renderBackground(); renderEnemies(); renderCharacter(); renderBullets(); renderScore(); renderTimeBar(); swapBuffer(); } 1235
  • 15. Updating state function updateScore(val) { gameState.score += val; } function updatePosition(dx, dy) { gameState.player.x += dx; gameState.player.y += dy; }
  • 16. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 render()
  • 17. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 1235 state 2 render() render() updateState()
  • 18. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 1235 state 2 render() render() processInput() updateState() processInput()
  • 19. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 1235 state 2 render() render() processInput() updateState() processInput()
  • 20. Luckily you don’t have to write “the loop” yourself. The operating system handles it for you.
  • 21. The fundamental problems of GUI applications
  • 22. The problems • Creating and assembling GUI • Handling user input • Integrating GUI & business logic
  • 23. Basic GUI application architecture Viewstate render() input input logic
  • 24. Assembling GUI Viewstate render() input input logic Viewstate render() input input logic Viewstate render() input input logic
  • 25. Assembling GUI Viewstate render() input input logic Viewstate render() input input logic Viewstate render() input input logic input render()
  • 26. Tier 1 • Creating and assembling GUI → render() function • Handling user input → (…) • Integrating GUI & business logic → do it yourself
  • 27. What does a modern operating system offers? Tier 1: Operating System Bare metal
  • 28. Process input Update state Render onClick() onKeydown() WM_LBUTTONDOWN WM_KEYDOWN onPaint() WM_PAINT Application business logic Application input logic Application rendering logic Operating System ApplicationEvent system
  • 29. What does a modern operating system offers? • Handle “the loop” • Process raw input and provide event system
  • 30. What does a modern operating system offers? • Creating and assembling GUI → (defer to app platform) • Handling user input → Event system • Integrating GUI & business logic → do it yourself
  • 31. Let’s build a basic GUI application (2) (without GUI library & framework) Tier 1: Operating System Tier 2: App Platform Close to bare metal
  • 32. What do we have? (at tier 2) • Component system • Event system Sample code using Windows API* * Win32 & COM API. Read more:
  • 33. The application state struct { int score, int time, PLAYER player, ENEMIES enemies, BULLETS bullets } gameState; 1235
  • 34. The rendering function LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) PAINT_STRUCT ps; HDC hdc; switch (message) { case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); // ... EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break; } }; 1235
  • 35. Composing components • Create child windows • Attach them to the app window • In response to WM_PAINT: • Pass WM_PAINT to child windows
  • 36. Handling input • Handling user input Response to input events WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN • Handling application life cycle WM_CREATE, WM_DESTROY
  • 37. Process input Update state Render onClick() onKeydown() WM_LBUTTONDOWN WM_KEYDOWN onPaint() WM_PAINT Application business logic Application input logic Application rendering logic Operating System ApplicationEvent system
  • 38. What does a modern application platform offers? Tier 1: Operating System Tier 2: App Platform Close to bare metal
  • 39. Android Platform • Composing elements: XML Layout, GUI components • Handling user input: Event system • Integrating business logic: Callback <Button xmlns:android="http://schemas..." android:id="@+id/button_send" android:text="@string/button_send" android:onClick="sendMessage" /> public void sendMessage(View view) { // Do something }
  • 40. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) • Composing elements: XAML, GUI components • Handling user input: Event system • Integrating business logic: Handler <Button Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="3" Margin="0,10,0,0" Width="125" Height="25" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Click="Button_Click">View</Button> private void Button_Click( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Do something }
  • 41. Web Platform (HTML & JS) • Composing elements: HTML, GUI components ��� Handling user input: Event system • Integrating business logic: Callback <button style="width:100px;height:40px" onclick="sayHello()"> Say Hello </button> function sayHello(e) { // Do something }
  • 42. What does an application platform offers? • Creating and assembling GUI → Pre-built components, Domain specific language (DSL) for GUI • Handling user input → Event system • Integrating GUI & business logic → Callback, set state
  • 43. Let’s build a basic GUI application (3) (without GUI library & framework) Tier 1: Operating System Tier 2: App Platform Tier 3: App
  • 44. What do we have? (at tier 3, HTML & JS) • DSL & pre-built GUI components • Event system • Callback & set component state • No GUI library or framework. We still want to create our custom components! Let’s build a TODO application.
  • 45. The application state var appState = { todos: [{ title: “hello”, complete: false }, { title: “world”, complete: false }] };
  • 46. Updating state function addTodo(label) { appState.todos.push({ title: label, completed: false }); } function toggle(index) { var item = appState.todos[index]; item.completed = !item.completed; }
  • 47. The rendering function function render() { // !? }
  • 48. The rendering function – First try function render() { var $listTodos = document.getElementById(“todos”) for (var i=0; i < appState.todos; i++) { // update, insert or delete DOM elements } var $numActive = document.getElementById(“num-active”) $numActive.innerHTML = getNumActive(); // ... }
  • 49. So far, we have defined application state and logic just fine. The only hard part that kept us back is rendering step. (Include generating HTML, keeping updated with app state and registering event callbacks)
  • 50. The rendering function – Second try var lastState; // store last appState for comparing function render() { var $listTodos = document.getElementById(“todos”) for (var i=0; i < appState.todos; i++) { // update, insert or delete DOM elements } var $numActive = document.getElementById(“num-active”) $numActive.innerHTML = getNumActive(); // ... lastState = deepClone(appState); }
  • 51. We have tried storing last application state for rendering only changed parts. This is what frameworks like Angular.js or Backbone (Underscore) offers.
  • 53. MVC • Applying Separation of Concern to GUI applications. • Input event → Controller → Model → View
  • 54. MVP • Applying Separation of Concern to GUI applications. • Model → Presenter → View • View → Presenter → Model
  • 55. Backbone.js var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({ default: { title: "", complete: false }, toggle: function() {…); // trigger "change" (model) } }); var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({ template: …, events: …, // callback to manipulate model (handled by controller) initialize: { this.listenTo(this.model, "change", this.render); // listen to "change" }, render: function() { … }, // rendering function (view) // … });
  • 56. Angular.js (version 1) function TodoCtrl($scope) { var todos = $scope.todos = []; $scope.addTodo = function() { // user event todos.push({ title: $scope.newTodo, completed: false }); // update state }; $scope.$watchCollection("todos", function() { // state-change event // … }); } <form id="todo-form" ng-submit="addTodo()"> … </form> <ul id="todo-list"> <li ng-repeat="todo in todos"> … </li> </ul>
  • 57. What does a application MV* framework offers? Tier 1: Operating System Tier 2: App Platform Tier 3: App
  • 58. What does a MV* framework offers? • Creating and assembling GUI → view, template • Handling user input → user event • Integrating GUI & business logic → state-change event (Backbone.js, Angular.js)
  • 59. Wow, so many concepts! model, view, template, controller, presenter, user event, state-change event Let’s return to our starting architecture
  • 60. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 1235 state 2 render() render() processInput() updateState() processInput()
  • 62. Let’s put aside the fancy ways to define application state. The only hard part is rendering step.
  • 63. The application state var appState = { todos: [{ title: “hello”, complete: false }, { title: “world”, complete: false }] };
  • 64. Updating state function addTodo(label) { appState.todos.push({ title: label, completed: false }); } function toggle(index) { var item = appState.todos[index]; item.completed = !item.completed; }
  • 65. The rendering function React.createClass({ render: function() { return ( <ul> { { return <li> { item.title } </li>; }) } </ul> ); } });
  • 66. Handle state change React.createClass({ addTodoHandler: function() { var label = this.refs.inputTodo.value; addTodo(label); // update application state this.forceUpdate(); // trigger rendering function }, render: function() { return ( <div> <input ref="inputTodo"/> <button onClick={this.addTodoHandler}/> <ul> … </ul> </div> );} });
  • 67. Life of a GUI application state 1 1235 1235 state 2 render() render() addTodoHandler() addTodo() toggleHandler() toggle()
  • 68. React lets us work with our classic architecture and helps solving the hard part: rendering! No need to rewrite our application in an opinion way.
  • 69. We only need to understand 2 functions to start working with React: - forceUpdate() - render()
  • 70. What does React offers? • Creating and assembling GUI → React components • Handling user input → user events • Integrating GUI & business logic → keep GUI updated when application state changed
  • 71. Why do people choose React?
  • 72. What do people choose React? • As we see, the only hard part is rendering step. • React is a view library. It solves the right problem and solves it well. • It leaves application state for us. This is good because: • We work with classic architecture of GUI applications. • We can choose which architecture works best for us. • We can migrate legacy applications to React without changing so much code.
  • 73. How to choose a library or framework? 1. Write the prototype by your own without using library or framework. 2. Understand what them offer. 3. Choose only which ones you need. 4. Keep in mind the design that you can switch to another library later.
  • 74. What’s next? • Redux, an application state solution for React. • Because we understand how to handle application state, we can decide to use Redux or not. It’s up to you.
  • 76. TechTalk The fundamental problems of GUI applications & why people choose React Vu Nguyen