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Sascha Möllering | zanox AG
Cloud Workshop
About me
Sascha Möllering
Lead Engineer / DevOps Hipster
zanox AG
About me
Java Magazin 11.14
Architektur im Kontext der Cloud: Patterns und
Best Practices
AWS Virtual Cloud Summit
Continuous delivery in AWS using Docker
Entwickler Spezial: Docker
Über den Wolken: Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum
Docker-Einsatz in der Amazon Cloud
• AWS Overview
• Creating a cloud service
• Real World example
• Cloud deployment
• Q&A

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Greetings from AWS User Group Taiwan
Greetings from AWS User Group TaiwanGreetings from AWS User Group Taiwan
Greetings from AWS User Group Taiwan

Talk at JAWS DAYS '17 at Tokyo as the organizer to AWS User Group Taiwan. Covers Guanyu and kms-local a bit, both internal projects at 104 Corp. that will be opensourced.


Presentation given to NashJS ( on 6/14/2018 about serverless architecture in AWS using the Serverless framework (

Securing Containers From Day One | null Ahmedabad Meetup
Securing Containers From Day One | null Ahmedabad MeetupSecuring Containers From Day One | null Ahmedabad Meetup
Securing Containers From Day One | null Ahmedabad Meetup

Kumar Ashwin gives a presentation on securing containers from day one. The presentation covers what containers are, why we need them, the difference between virtual machines and containers, cgroups and namespaces, Docker basics, building optimized Docker images, and best practices for Dockerfile security. Some key points discussed include using minimal base images, ignoring unnecessary files, creating "golden images" as hardened base templates, not running as root, avoiding secrets in Dockerfiles, and using tools like Hadolint and Dockle to scan for issues.

container security
How can we scale?
RegionUS-WEST (N.
California) EU-WEST (Ireland)
US-WEST (Oregon)
US-EAST (Virginia)
AWS Overview
AWS Overview
AWS Overview
EC2: Resizable compute capacity
AutoScaling: scale up or down
Route 53: Domain Name System
ELB: Load Balancing
Elastic IP: Static IP address

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Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014
Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014
Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014

This document provides an overview of Stacktician, which is a tool that allows users to deploy and manage infrastructure on CloudStack using templates similar to AWS CloudFormation. It discusses the history and architecture of Stacktician, including its two main components - StackMate for executing templates and Stacktician for the web interface. It covers the current state including improvements made for error handling, rollbacks, metadata handling and scaling. Finally, it discusses some planned future enhancements such as better plugin support, nested stacks, and stack updates.

AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo
AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo  AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo
AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo

In this session we'll discuss and demonstrate key concepts and design patterns for continuous deployment and integration using technologies like AWS OpsWorks and Chef to enable better control of applications and infrastructures.

Architecting on The Cloud
Architecting on The CloudArchitecting on The Cloud
Architecting on The Cloud

It's the architect session on AWSome Day to introduce the cloud principles which you need to follow when developing cloud services.

AWS Overview
RDS: Managed database service
DynamoDB: NoSQL implementation
Redshift: data warehouse solution
ElastiCache: Managed cache
Kinesis: Service for streaming data
AWS Overview
S3: Highly-scalable object storage
CloudFront: CDN implementation
CloudWatch: Monitoring service
IAM: Identity and Access Management
EMR: Managed Hadoop
CloudFormation: Configuration Mgmt
Starting point
• How can we leverage the Cloud?
• Our application:
– Simple Java based web application
– One application
– One database
– Runs in our own DC
Creating a cloud service
• Initial setup:
– Route53 for DNS
– One Elastic IP (static IPs for the Cloud)
– One EC2 instance
• Web Application
• Database
– One AZ

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NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design PatternsNDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns

This document summarizes serverless design patterns and tools. It begins with a brief history of cloud computing and an introduction to serverless computing. Common serverless use cases like event-driven applications and stream processing are described. Several serverless patterns are then outlined, such as hosting a static website or REST API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Finally, the document demonstrates a serverless application and discusses future directions for serverless technologies.

aws lambda serverless architecture design patterns
Sebastien goasguen cloud stack the next year
Sebastien goasguen   cloud stack the next yearSebastien goasguen   cloud stack the next year
Sebastien goasguen cloud stack the next year

This document discusses plans to improve the Apache CloudStack project. It outlines proposals to clean up code, infrastructure, documentation and the ecosystem. Specific areas of focus include removing unused code, improving testing, consolidating documentation, and defining a catalog of common cluster configurations. The document also proposes an engineering roadmap to address upgrades, logging, storage, networking, the UI/API and QA. The goal is to modernize the architecture through better abstraction layers and make CloudStack more configurable, composable and developer-friendly.

Deep Dive into AWS ECS and Spot Instances at Scale
Deep Dive into AWS ECS and Spot Instances at ScaleDeep Dive into AWS ECS and Spot Instances at Scale
Deep Dive into AWS ECS and Spot Instances at Scale

This document summarizes a presentation about using Amazon ECS and Spot Instances at scale. It discusses the challenges of managing many EC2 instances for microservices and how ECS provides a fully managed container service with auto scaling and cost optimization using Spot Instances. Benefits of ECS include fully managed instances and containers, self-healing, auto scaling, and focus on code instead of infrastructure. ECS is preferable for CPU-bound tasks, long running processes, and internal microservices, while serverless is better for short tasks with limited resources and external APIs. ECS and serverless can also be combined for queue workers and async tasks.

Creating a cloud service
Availability Zone
Creating a cloud service
• Simple approach to scale:
– Different EC2 instance type
• More RAM
• More CPU power
• More IOPS
• Approach will hit a barrier
Creating a cloud service
• Problems:
– No failover
– No redundancy
– Database and application on one instance
– Does not scale very well
Creating a cloud service
• Separate Web Application from DB
– One EC2 instance for the Web Application
– One EC2 instance for the DB
– Or: Managed DB service (RDS)
• One AZ

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goployer, 코드 기반의 배포 도구 - 송주영 (beNX) :: AWS Community Day 2020
goployer, 코드 기반의 배포 도구 - 송주영 (beNX) :: AWS Community Day 2020goployer, 코드 기반의 배포 도구 - 송주영 (beNX) :: AWS Community Day 2020
goployer, 코드 기반의 배포 도구 - 송주영 (beNX) :: AWS Community Day 2020

The document discusses deployment best practices and introduces goployer, an open source deployment tool. It summarizes key aspects of infrastructure as code and modern deployment approaches like blue/green and canary deployments. Goployer supports immutable infrastructure, deployment as code, measurement and testing to enable cost effective and simple deployments. The DevOps Art project aims to share infrastructure code, develop open source tools like Terraform and goployer, and conduct online workshops to foster a proper conceptual understanding of DevOps philosophy and ideal implementations based on that philosophy.

Building A Dynamic Website - 31st Jan 2015
Building A Dynamic Website - 31st Jan 2015Building A Dynamic Website - 31st Jan 2015
Building A Dynamic Website - 31st Jan 2015

Amazon Web Services offers cloud website hosting solutions that provides businesses, non-profits, and governmental organizations with a flexible, highly scalable, and low-cost way to deliver their websites and web applications. Our agenda is "How to deploy a dynamic website using Amazon Web Services". We will discuss some special services on amazon that is AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2), Relational Database Service (RDS), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Route 53 (R53).

aws ec2 dynamic websiteawscloud computing
Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress
Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using CypressSurati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress
Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress

Tired of having users email you that your Svelte application is broken? Turns out that building reliable applications is hard and requires a lot of testing. You can write unit tests but quite often these all pass and the application is still broken. Why? Because they test parts of the application in isolation. But for a reliable application we need more. We need to make sure that all parts, including the backend API’s, work together as intended. Cypress is a great tool to achieve this. It will test you complete web application in the browser and use it like a real world user would. In this session Maurice will show you how to use Cypress during development and on the CI server with Svelte. He will share tips and tricks to make your tests more resilient and more like how an actual end user would behave.

Creating a cloud service
Availability Zone
Creating a cloud service
• Problems:
– No failover
– No redundancy
– Does still not scale very well
Creating a cloud service
• Add an ELB
• Add EC2 instance for Web Application
• Different AZs
• Standby DB instance
– Multi AZ setup in RDS
Creating a cloud service

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從劍宗到氣宗 - 談AWS ECS與Serverless最佳實踐
從劍宗到氣宗  - 談AWS ECS與Serverless最佳實踐從劍宗到氣宗  - 談AWS ECS與Serverless最佳實踐
從劍宗到氣宗 - 談AWS ECS與Serverless最佳實踐

This document summarizes a presentation about best practices for AWS ECS and serverless architectures. It discusses the challenges of traditional infrastructures and benefits of containerization. It provides an overview of AWS ECS for container management and auto-scaling capabilities. It also introduces AWS Lambda and API Gateway for building serverless applications, including their advantages of being cloud-native and cost-effective with minimal infrastructure to manage. Some limitations of serverless architectures are also outlined. The conclusion encourages embracing immutable infrastructure, event-driven computing, and focusing on business logic over infrastructure when possible.

Meeyup aws-loadbalancing-28032015
Meeyup aws-loadbalancing-28032015Meeyup aws-loadbalancing-28032015
Meeyup aws-loadbalancing-28032015

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides Elastic Load Balancing to automatically distribute incoming web traffic across multiple Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. With Elastic Load Balancing, you can add and remove EC2 instances as your needs change without disrupting the overall flow of information. If one EC2 instance fails, Elastic Load Balancing automatically reroutes the traffic to the remaining running EC2 instances. If the failed EC2 instance is restored, Elastic Load Balancing restores the traffic to that instance. Elastic Load Balancing offers clients a single point of contact, and it can also serve as the first line of defense against attacks on your network. You can offload the work of encryption and decryption to Elastic Load Balancing, so your servers can focus on their main task.

elastic load balancingasgmeetup
Building Micro-Services with Scala
Building Micro-Services with ScalaBuilding Micro-Services with Scala
Building Micro-Services with Scala

"Microservices" is one of the hottest buzzwords and, as usual, everyone wants them, but few know how to build them. In this talk we will offer our interpretation of microservice architecture, and show how we are implementing these ideas: using Scala, Akka, sbt and Docker, we modularized Akka applications, Spark jobs and Play servers. In the talk we will discuss design trade-offs and challenges that we faced in the process, and how we have overcome them. The focus is not on particular features of Scala language or a library, but on building modern applications using the Typesafe stack and other open-source tools.

Creating a cloud service
Availability Zone
Availability Zone
Creating a cloud service
• Problems:
– Still limited scaling capabilities
– If one EC2 instance crashes, 50% less
Creating a cloud service
• Add additional EC2 instances
• Add read replicas in RDS
Creating a cloud service
Availability Zone
Availability Zone

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Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen   cloud stack and dockerSebastien goasguen   cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker

This document discusses how Docker can be used with CloudStack. It provides several options: 1) Running Docker in VMs on CloudStack templates that include Docker, 2) Using Docker-optimized OS templates, 3) Launching containers through a container service API, 4) Using CloudStack plugins within the Docker ecosystem like Docker Machine. The document concludes that CloudStack should not try to write a Docker hypervisor plugin, but instead focus on Docker-optimized OS templates and deploying application frameworks to orchestrate Docker.

Container orchestration overview
Container orchestration overviewContainer orchestration overview
Container orchestration overview

In deploying apps that have been containerized, you have a lot to think about regarding what to use in production. There are a lot of things to manage, so orchestrators become a huge help. providing many services together such as scheduling, container communication, scaling, health, and more. There are major platforms to consider from Kubernetes, Swarm to ECS. In this talk we'll go through the overview of orchestrators and some of the differences between the big players. You should come out of the talk knowing where to go next in determining your orchestrator needs.

kubernetersdevopsdocker containers
MTC 2013 monetarisierung
MTC 2013 monetarisierungMTC 2013 monetarisierung
MTC 2013 monetarisierung

Nach wochenlanger Arbeit und nervenaufreibendem Approval-Prozess ist die Killer-App jetzt endlich im Store gelandet. Und jetzt? Die Downloadzahlen sind deutlich unter den Erwartungen, und etwas muss getan werden! In diesem Talk wird dargestellt, welche Möglichkeiten der Bewerbung existieren und welche Fallstricke es auf den unterschiedlichen Plattformen zu umschiffen gilt.

Creating a cloud service
• Problems:
– Naive implementation
– Does not leverage AWS services
– Limited scaling
– Can be quite expensive
Creating a cloud service
• Refactoring
• Introduce caches to take load from DB
• Use S3 and CloudFront to ship static
• Store session data in DynamoDB
• Add Autoscaling
Creating a cloud service
• Autoscaling
– Automatic resizing of compute clusters
based on demand
– Integrated to Amazon CloudWatch
– Maximum and minimum pool sizes
– Autoscaling policies triggered by
CloudWatch alarms
Creating a cloud service
Elastic Load Balancing
Latency Metrics CPU Metrics
Amazon CloudWatch
Scale up/down

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BED Con JBoss
BED Con JBossBED Con JBoss
BED Con JBoss

JBoss 7, Blazing Fast!

Get IT together
Get IT togetherGet IT together
Get IT together

This document discusses infrastructure as code. It describes using VMware and SDKs like VMware vSphere and VI Java SDK to programmatically manage virtual machines. It also discusses using Chef to automate the installation of Linux, packages, and middleware like JBoss. The document provides examples of using Chef to configure JBoss and links to GitHub repositories for VIAutomator and autoimport samples. It concludes with a Q&A section.

Cloud Patterns Beuth Hochschule
Cloud Patterns Beuth HochschuleCloud Patterns Beuth Hochschule
Cloud Patterns Beuth Hochschule

This document provides an overview of cloud architecture and best practices for deploying applications in the AWS cloud. It begins with an introduction to key AWS services like EC2, ELB, RDS, and Auto Scaling. It then walks through creating a basic cloud deployment and improving it by separating concerns, adding redundancy, caching, and autoscaling. Finally, it discusses a real-world example using services like Kinesis and deploying containers with ECS.

Creating a cloud service
Availability Zone
Auto Scaling
Creating a cloud service
• Started with a simple web application
• Added several Amazon services
• Managed to shift load from application
to services
• Added caches and CDN
• Added Autoscaling
Creating a cloud service
• Next steps:
– SOA/Microservices
– Loose coupling: decouple interactions
– Amazon services, don‘t reinvent the wheel
– Database federation
– Database sharding
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

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Docker in der Cloud
Docker in der CloudDocker in der Cloud
Docker in der Cloud

This document discusses using Docker containers in the cloud. It begins with an introduction to Docker and Amazon Web Services (AWS). It then covers deploying Docker containers to AWS using services like OpsWorks, Elastic Beanstalk, and EC2 Container Service. It also discusses the immutable server pattern and using EC2 Container Service to manage Docker containers on EC2 instances.

Docker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS CloudDocker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS Cloud

This document discusses deploying Docker containers on Amazon Web Services. It covers using AWS services like EC2, OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk that support Docker. It describes using the EC2 Container Service for container management and deploying containers across a cluster of EC2 instances. It also discusses the immutable server pattern of deploying to new infrastructure with each release rather than changing existing servers.

Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x
Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.xReal World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x
Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x

This document provides an overview of using the Vert.x reactive application platform at the European advertising network zanox. It discusses how zanox used Vert.x to build a new core system requiring low latency and high throughput. The document covers getting started with Vert.x, best practices like encapsulating common code in modules, deployment strategies including fat jars and Docker, and integrating Vert.x with messaging systems like Apache Kafka using available modules. Metrics showed the Vert.x system at zanox could handle 18,000-28,000 requests per second on average with response times under 2ms.

Docker Deployment
• Amazon Services with Docker
–Amazon OpsWorks*
–Elastic Beanstalk
–EC2 Container Service
*by adding a custom Docker Layer
Docker Deployment
• On EC2 level:
– Using the Docker remote API
– EC2 User Data
Docker Deployment
• Remote API
– API to access Docker daemon
– Can be bound to specific host/port
– E.g. Jenkins can trigger deployments
– GET /containers/json
Docker Deployment
• EC2 User Data
– Data to configure instance during launch
• Install Docker
• Start Daemon
• Run Docker container

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Docker on AWS
Docker on AWSDocker on AWS
Docker on AWS

This document discusses using Docker on AWS. It describes using Docker to deploy highly scalable applications across multiple AWS regions and availability zones. It also discusses using a private Docker registry hosted on EC2 and S3 to store custom Docker images. Finally, it summarizes using Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) for container management on AWS, including concepts like clusters, tasks, and container instances.

Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016
Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016
Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016

Lift Urban Entrepreneurs is designed to create an urban transversal vision through a series of events bringing together entrepreneurs, designers, developers, academics and corporates to explore new solutions to address these urban challenges. The mission is to foster new ideas in order to co-create, prototype and produce solutions for a better urban future. This is the storyboard of the Seoul Workshop held on Nov. 12, 2016 at Google Campus Seoul.

urban challengesinnovationurban entrepreneurs
Production ready Vert.x
Production ready Vert.xProduction ready Vert.x
Production ready Vert.x

This document discusses Vert.x, an open source toolkit for building reactive applications on the JVM. It introduces Vert.x and describes how it was used at Zanox to build a new request processing system with requirements of low latency, high throughput, scalability, resilience, and responsiveness. The document outlines how to start with Vert.x, best practices, using the infrastructure as code and module system, integrating Kafka messaging, and metrics from Zanox's Vert.x project.

• Elastic architecture that grows and
• Multiple AZs
• Use case: simple web app
• Elastic Beanstalk and Docker
• Postgres RDS DB
• JHipster
– Yeoman generator
– Yeoman is a scaffolding tool for webapps
– Creates Spring Boot/AngularJS projects
• Support for:
– Maven/Gradle
– Spring Security
– Spring Data JPA
– Elasticsearch
– MongoDB
– Cassandra
– ...

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Integrate Jenkins with S3
Integrate Jenkins with S3Integrate Jenkins with S3
Integrate Jenkins with S3

This document provides steps to integrate Jenkins with Amazon S3 for artifact storage. It demonstrates installing the Jenkins S3 plugin, configuring credentials for an IAM user with S3 access, and configuring a Jenkins job to upload build artifacts like an index.html file to an S3 bucket after a build. With this integration, artifacts can be reliably stored on S3, which is cheaper for storage than other options and allows easy tracking and management of files.

integrate jenkins s3awshow to integrate jenkins with aws s3
Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as CodeInfrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as Code

Sascha Möllering discusses infrastructure as code and provides an overview of VMware SDKs, Chef, and using Chef to configure JBoss middleware. He explains that VMware has multiple SDKs and that the VI Java SDK simplifies development. Chef is introduced as a tool to automate and standardize server configurations. The presentation then covers using Chef recipes to deploy and configure JBoss application servers and integrating with JBoss Operations Network for monitoring.

Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code
Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as CodeContinuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code
Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code

Sascha Möllering discusses how his company moved from manual server setup and deployment to automated deployments using infrastructure as code and continuous delivery. They now deploy whenever needed using tools like Chef and JBoss to configure servers. Previously they faced challenges like manual processes, difficult rollbacks, and biweekly deployment windows. Now deployments are automated, safer, and can happen continuously.

continuous delivery infrastructure as code
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

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Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices
Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best PracticesCloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices
Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices

This document discusses scaling applications in the AWS cloud. It begins with an overview of AWS services like EC2, S3, RDS, and ELB. It then walks through creating a simple cloud application and database, and improving it by separating components, adding redundancy, caching, and autoscaling. A real-world example is shown using Vert.x, Kinesis, Docker, and deployment scripts to dynamically scale a streaming data application across Availability Zones.

Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development
Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software DevelopmentMicroservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development
Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development

This document discusses microservices architecture and how it enables agility. It defines microservices as small, independent units that can be developed and deployed autonomously. The document argues that microservices align with the principles of the Agile Manifesto by allowing teams to work independently, facilitating continuous delivery, and making the architecture adaptable to change. Some benefits outlined are improved scalability, maintainability, and ability to replace services easily. The conclusion is that by structuring an organization and software architecture around microservices, greater agility can be achieved compared to a monolithic architecture.

microserviceagileagile software development
CloudFormation Best Practices
CloudFormation Best PracticesCloudFormation Best Practices
CloudFormation Best Practices

This document provides an overview of CloudFormation best practices: - It discusses organizing infrastructure using CloudFormation stacks by layers, environments, and services to promote reuse and decoupling. - It recommends starting with existing templates, validation tools, parameter types, and IAM roles to prevent errors. - Debugging tips include viewing stack events, using wait conditions, and logging to CloudWatch. - Safe stack updates involve change sets to review impacts and choosing update styles for minimal disruption.

randall-huntamazon web servicescloud
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

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Deep Dive on Amazon S3 - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
Deep Dive on Amazon S3 - March 2017 AWS Online Tech TalksDeep Dive on Amazon S3 - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
Deep Dive on Amazon S3 - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks

Learn about new and existing Amazon S3 features that can help you better protect your data, save on cost, and improve usability, security, and performance. We will cover a wide variety of Amazon S3 features and go into depth on several newer features with configuration and code snippets, so you can apply the learnings on to your object storage workloads. Learning Objectives: • Review best practices for to reduce costs, protect against data loss, and increase performance in Amazon S3 • Learn about new S3 storage management features that help you align storage with business needs • Understand data security capabilities available in S3 that help protect against malicious or accidental deletion or other data loss

awswebinarcloud computing
Hands-on Labs: Getting Started with AWS - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
Hands-on Labs: Getting Started with AWS  - March 2017 AWS Online Tech TalksHands-on Labs: Getting Started with AWS  - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks
Hands-on Labs: Getting Started with AWS - March 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks

The document provides information about a webinar on getting started with AWS, including deploying a static website. It outlines the agenda which includes: watching a 15 minute presentation on AWS; watching a 25 minute demo of deploying a static website; and having 45-60 minutes to complete the demo independently. It then details the various sections of the webinar which cover creating an AWS account, enabling security features, using S3 buckets to host the website, configuring permissions, associating a domain name, and using CloudFront for acceleration.

cloud computingamazon web serviceswebinar
Amazon EC2 Systems Manager for Hybrid Cloud Management at Scale
Amazon EC2 Systems Manager for Hybrid Cloud Management at ScaleAmazon EC2 Systems Manager for Hybrid Cloud Management at Scale
Amazon EC2 Systems Manager for Hybrid Cloud Management at Scale

Amazon EC2 Systems Manager provides capabilities that enable automated configuration and ongoing management of systems at scale across Windows and Linux workloads running in Amazon EC2 or on-premises at no additional charge. It offers components like Run Command, State Manager, Inventory, Maintenance Windows, Patch Manager, Automation, and Parameter Store to remotely manage servers, define consistent configurations, gather inventory, schedule maintenance windows, automate patching, simplify deployments, and securely store parameters. Using these capabilities is expected to reduce the total cost of ownership for hybrid and cloud environments compared to traditional management tools.

ananth-vaidyanathanaws pop-up loft san franciscoaws
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
Elastic Beanstalk
• Docker support:
– specifies runtime
– Dockerfile is an alternative
• EC2 instances using Docker 1.6
• No direct port mapping
• Local nginx reverse proxy
• Connects to IP of Docker container
Elastic Beanstalk
– Specifies Docker image (support for private
registries as well)
– Defines port for local nginx
– Support for volumes and logging as well

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Best Practices for Managing Security Operations in AWS - March 2017 AWS Onlin...
Best Practices for Managing Security Operations in AWS - March 2017 AWS Onlin...Best Practices for Managing Security Operations in AWS - March 2017 AWS Onlin...
Best Practices for Managing Security Operations in AWS - March 2017 AWS Onlin...

To help prevent unexpected access to your AWS resources, it is critical to maintain strong identity and access policies. It is equally important to track and alert on changes to your AWS resources. In this tech talk, you will learn how to use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to control access to your AWS resources and integrate your existing authentication system with AWS IAM. We will cover how you can deploy and control your AWS infrastructure using code templates, including change management policies with AWS CloudFormation. In addition, we will explore different options for managing both your AWS access logs and your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) system logs using Amazon CloudWatch Logs. We also will cover how to use these logs to implement an audit and compliance validation process using services such as AWS Config, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon Inspector. Learning Objectives: • Understand the AWS Shared Responsibility Model. • Understand AWS account and identity management options and configuration. • Learn the concept of infrastructure as code and change management using AWS CloudFormation. • Learn how to audit and log your AWS service usage. • Learn about AWS services to add automatic compliance checks to your AWS infrastructure.

cloud computingamazon web servicesaws
Oracle Solutions on AWS : May 2014
Oracle Solutions on AWS : May 2014Oracle Solutions on AWS : May 2014
Oracle Solutions on AWS : May 2014

An overview of running Oracle Database, Fusion Middleware and Oracle Applications on AWS. Covers licensing, pricing, support, security, networking, Amazon VPC, Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, use cases, and customer successes.

AWS Black Belt Tips
AWS Black Belt TipsAWS Black Belt Tips
AWS Black Belt Tips

AWS Summit 2014 Brisbane - Breakout 6 Technical deep dive in to 10 AWS Cloud best practices with in-depth look at the tips and tricks of architecting on the AWS platform. Presenter: Dean Samuels, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

awssummitawssummit2014brisbaneamazon web services
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk
But … we didn’t
specify RDS
connection strings in
our Container?
• RDS specific values are exposed as
• Mapped into the Docker container
• Used by the application to connect to
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk

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AWS Distilled
AWS DistilledAWS Distilled
AWS Distilled

This document introduces core concepts of AWS through a sample standard web architecture. It discusses what AWS is, how and why Amazon launched it, and provides examples of key AWS services like VPC, EC2, EBS, ELB, and managed services. It also covers AWS architecture concepts like regions, availability zones, and infrastructure as code.

Auto scaling websites in the cloud
Auto scaling websites in the cloudAuto scaling websites in the cloud
Auto scaling websites in the cloud

This document discusses auto-scaling in the cloud and provides a case study on MediaHub, a media sharing application. It describes MediaHub's architecture, which uses various AWS services like EC2, RDS, S3, CloudFront, and Elastic Beanstalk. It then provides best practices for developing applications in the cloud, such as automating infrastructure, controlling permissions, automating configuration, and designing for redundancy and parallelism. The document concludes that the cloud is not suitable for all applications and that applications must be designed for cloud-scale to reduce costs.

cloud computingauto scalingelastic load balancer
A 60-mn tour of AWS compute (March 2016)
A 60-mn tour of AWS compute (March 2016)A 60-mn tour of AWS compute (March 2016)
A 60-mn tour of AWS compute (March 2016)

This document summarizes a 60-minute talk on AWS compute technologies including EC2, ECS, Lambda, and Elastic Beanstalk. The talk provides an introduction to each service, demos of launching EC2 instances, deploying apps with Elastic Beanstalk and ECS, and implementing APIs with Lambda. It also lists upcoming user group events and a new book on AWS Lambda.

amazon web servicesinfrastructureaws
Elastic Beanstalk
• nginx local proxy
• Config in sites-enabled and conf.d
• proxy-pass is http://docker
• Maps to container-ip
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk

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Introduction to DevOps on AWS
Introduction to DevOps on AWSIntroduction to DevOps on AWS
Introduction to DevOps on AWS

Introduction to DevOps on AWS. Basic introduction to Devops principles and practices, and how they can be implemented on AWS. Introduces basic cloudformation.

Application Lifecycle Management on AWS
Application Lifecycle Management on AWSApplication Lifecycle Management on AWS
Application Lifecycle Management on AWS

An overview of the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tooling and processes on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform

Amazon Webservices for Java Developers - UCI Webinar
Amazon Webservices for Java Developers - UCI WebinarAmazon Webservices for Java Developers - UCI Webinar
Amazon Webservices for Java Developers - UCI Webinar

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services - now commonly known as cloud computing. AWS is an ideal platform to develop on and host enterprise Java applications, due to the zero up front costs and virtually infinite scalability of resources. Learn basic AWS concepts and work with many of the available services. Gain an understanding of how existing JavaEE applications can be migrated to the AWS environment and what the advantages are. Discover how to architect a new JavaEE application from the ground up to leverage the AWS environment for maximum benefit.

amazonjavaamazon web services

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DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

  • 1. Sascha Möllering | zanox AG Cloud Workshop
  • 2. About me Sascha Möllering Lead Engineer / DevOps Hipster zanox AG @sascha242
  • 3. About me Java Magazin 11.14 Architektur im Kontext der Cloud: Patterns und Best Practices AWS Virtual Cloud Summit Continuous delivery in AWS using Docker Entwickler Spezial: Docker Über den Wolken: Ein Erfahrungsbericht zum Docker-Einsatz in der Amazon Cloud
  • 4. Agenda • AWS Overview • Creating a cloud service • Real World example • Cloud deployment • Q&A
  • 5. How can we scale?
  • 6. RegionUS-WEST (N. California) EU-WEST (Ireland) ASIA PAC (Tokyo) ASIA PAC (Singapore) US-WEST (Oregon) SOUTH AMERICA (Sao Paulo) US-EAST (Virginia) GOV CLOUD ASIA PAC (Sydney) Regions Regions EU-CENTRAL (Frankfurt) AWS Overview
  • 8. AWS Overview EC2: Resizable compute capacity AutoScaling: scale up or down Route 53: Domain Name System ELB: Load Balancing Elastic IP: Static IP address
  • 9. AWS Overview RDS: Managed database service DynamoDB: NoSQL implementation Redshift: data warehouse solution ElastiCache: Managed cache Kinesis: Service for streaming data
  • 10. AWS Overview S3: Highly-scalable object storage CloudFront: CDN implementation CloudWatch: Monitoring service IAM: Identity and Access Management EMR: Managed Hadoop CloudFormation: Configuration Mgmt
  • 11. Starting point • How can we leverage the Cloud? • Our application: – Simple Java based web application – One application – One database – Runs in our own DC
  • 12. Creating a cloud service • Initial setup: – Route53 for DNS – One Elastic IP (static IPs for the Cloud) – One EC2 instance • Web Application • Database – One AZ
  • 13. Creating a cloud service Availability Zone
  • 14. Creating a cloud service • Simple approach to scale: – Different EC2 instance type • More RAM • More CPU power • More IOPS • Approach will hit a barrier
  • 15. Creating a cloud service • Problems: – No failover – No redundancy – Database and application on one instance – Does not scale very well
  • 16. Creating a cloud service • Separate Web Application from DB – One EC2 instance for the Web Application – One EC2 instance for the DB – Or: Managed DB service (RDS) • One AZ
  • 17. Creating a cloud service Availability Zone Database
  • 18. Creating a cloud service • Problems: – No failover – No redundancy – Does still not scale very well
  • 19. Creating a cloud service • Add an ELB • Add EC2 instance for Web Application • Different AZs • Standby DB instance – Multi AZ setup in RDS
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  • 22. Creating a cloud service • Problems: – Still limited scaling capabilities – If one EC2 instance crashes, 50% less capability
  • 23. Creating a cloud service • Add additional EC2 instances • Add read replicas in RDS
  • 24. Creating a cloud service Availability Zone Database Availability Zone Database
  • 25. Creating a cloud service • Problems: – Naive implementation – Does not leverage AWS services – Limited scaling – Can be quite expensive
  • 26. Creating a cloud service • Refactoring • Introduce caches to take load from DB • Use S3 and CloudFront to ship static content • Store session data in DynamoDB • Add Autoscaling
  • 27. Creating a cloud service • Autoscaling – Automatic resizing of compute clusters based on demand – Integrated to Amazon CloudWatch – Maximum and minimum pool sizes – Autoscaling policies triggered by CloudWatch alarms
  • 28. Creating a cloud service Requests Elastic Load Balancing Latency Metrics CPU Metrics Amazon CloudWatch Metric Monitoring Alarm Notification Scale up/down
  • 29. Creating a cloud service Availability Zone Auto Scaling group
  • 30. Creating a cloud service • Started with a simple web application • Added several Amazon services • Managed to shift load from application to services • Added caches and CDN • Added Autoscaling
  • 31. Creating a cloud service • Next steps: – SOA/Microservices – Loose coupling: decouple interactions – Amazon services, don‘t reinvent the wheel – Database federation – Database sharding
  • 33. Docker Deployment • Amazon Services with Docker support: –Amazon OpsWorks* –Elastic Beanstalk –EC2 Container Service *by adding a custom Docker Layer
  • 34. Docker Deployment • On EC2 level: – Using the Docker remote API – EC2 User Data
  • 35. Docker Deployment • Remote API – API to access Docker daemon – Can be bound to specific host/port – E.g. Jenkins can trigger deployments – GET /containers/json
  • 36. Docker Deployment • EC2 User Data – Data to configure instance during launch • Install Docker • Start Daemon • Run Docker container
  • 37. Demo • Elastic architecture that grows and shrinks • Multiple AZs • Use case: simple web app • Elastic Beanstalk and Docker • Postgres RDS DB
  • 38. Demo
  • 39. • JHipster – Yeoman generator – Yeoman is a scaffolding tool for webapps – Creates Spring Boot/AngularJS projects Demo
  • 40. • Support for: – Maven/Gradle – Spring Security – Spring Data JPA – Elasticsearch – MongoDB – Cassandra – ... Demo
  • 42. Demo
  • 51. Elastic Beanstalk • Docker support: – specifies runtime – Dockerfile is an alternative • EC2 instances using Docker 1.6 • No direct port mapping • Local nginx reverse proxy • Connects to IP of Docker container
  • 52. Elastic Beanstalk • – Specifies Docker image (support for private registries as well) – Defines port for local nginx – Support for volumes and logging as well
  • 54. Elastic Beanstalk But … we didn’t specify RDS connection strings in our Container?
  • 55. • RDS specific values are exposed as ENV-variables • Mapped into the Docker container • Used by the application to connect to Postgres Elastic Beanstalk
  • 57. Elastic Beanstalk • nginx local proxy • Config in sites-enabled and conf.d • proxy-pass is http://docker • Maps to container-ip
  • 61. Q&A

Editor's Notes

  1. Frage: wie können wir Skalieren? AWS als Basis Zeige heute: Patterns und Best Practices in der Cloud anhand von AWS Beispielapplikation in Java, die skaliert werden soll
  2. 9 bzw. 10 verschiedene Regionen Region: separierte geographische Bereiche Neu: EU-Central in Frankfurt
  3. Regions werden in Availability Zones unterteilt Jede AZ is isoliert, aber durch Leitungen mit niedriger Latenz verbunden A group of AZ is a Region A group of Datacenter is an AZ
  4. Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses designed for dynamic cloud computing. An Elastic IP address is associated with your account, not a particular instance, and you control that address until you choose to explicitly release it Im Fehlerfall (EC2-Instanz ist down) kann die EIP umgemappt werden
  5. RDS: fully managed database service Supports: MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL automatically patches the database software and backs up your database
  6. - Multi AZ: Multi-AZ deployment option you can run mission critical workloads with high availability and built-in automated fail-over from your primary database to a synchronously replicated secondary database
  7. - Multi AZ: Multi-AZ deployment option you can run mission critical workloads with high availability and built-in automated fail-over from your primary database to a synchronously replicated secondary database
  8. - Minimum poolsizes is great if you have crashing EC2 instances,
  9. Alle Bestandteile der Applikation in Services auslagern, die unabhängig voneinander skaliert werden können Loose Kopplung der Komponenten über Messaging Systeme
  10. Eb - Single Container - Multiple Containers (dependencies using JSON format) - Cool: direct integration into ELB (not just on EC2 level)
  11. Eb - Single Container - Multiple Containers (dependencies using JSON format) - Cool: direct integration into ELB (not just on EC2 level)
  12. Eb - Single Container - Multiple Containers (dependencies using JSON format) - Cool: direct integration into ELB (not just on EC2 level)
  13. Eb - Single Container - Multiple Containers (dependencies using JSON format) - Cool: direct integration into ELB (not just on EC2 level)