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Sascha Möllering | zanox AG
Event-driven architecture with Java
Sascha Möllering
Lead Engineer at zanox AG
About me
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A

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Iguazú: A Long-Running Job Scheduler using Docker and Mesos
Iguazú: A Long-Running Job Scheduler using Docker and MesosIguazú: A Long-Running Job Scheduler using Docker and Mesos
Iguazú: A Long-Running Job Scheduler using Docker and Mesos

These slides describe how Coursera created its next generation of long-running job scheduler by integrating Docker and Mesos.

Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen   cloud stack and dockerSebastien goasguen   cloud stack and docker
Sebastien goasguen cloud stack and docker

This document discusses how Docker can be used with CloudStack. It provides several options: 1) Running Docker in VMs on CloudStack templates that include Docker, 2) Using Docker-optimized OS templates, 3) Launching containers through a container service API, 4) Using CloudStack plugins within the Docker ecosystem like Docker Machine. The document concludes that CloudStack should not try to write a Docker hypervisor plugin, but instead focus on Docker-optimized OS templates and deploying application frameworks to orchestrate Docker.

NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design PatternsNDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns
NDev Talk - Serverless Design Patterns

This document summarizes serverless design patterns and tools. It begins with a brief history of cloud computing and an introduction to serverless computing. Common serverless use cases like event-driven applications and stream processing are described. Several serverless patterns are then outlined, such as hosting a static website or REST API using AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Finally, the document demonstrates a serverless application and discusses future directions for serverless technologies.

aws lambda serverless architecture design patterns
• Today: building event driven system
• Using:
– Apache Kafka/Amazon Kinesis
– Docker
– Vert.x
– Apache Camel/AWS Lamdba
– Google’s Protobuf
• Producers putting data into messaging
• Messages in Google’s Protobuf format
• Consumers pulling data from
messaging system
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A

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Presentation given to NashJS ( on 6/14/2018 about serverless architecture in AWS using the Serverless framework (

Fuse integration-services
Fuse integration-servicesFuse integration-services
Fuse integration-services

Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!

Intro to Serverless
Intro to ServerlessIntro to Serverless
Intro to Serverless

Common considerations on Serverless architecture, AWS Lambda (including Serverless Framework) and ECS. Also introduces Guanyu, an open-sourced wrapper to Sophos-AV Free edition, as example to demonstrate patterns and tradeoffs in architecture.

Sas 2015 event_driven
• Publish-subscribe messaging
• Implemented as distributed commit log
• Fast: 100s of MB (reads and writes) per
s from thousands of clients
• Scalable: elastically and transparently
expanded without downtime
• Durable: Messages persisted on disk

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104 meets cloud
104 meets cloud104 meets cloud
104 meets cloud

Conflicts we at 104 Corp. faced in cloud migration. Most of the contents are in English except for presenter notes and title pages.

Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress
Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using CypressSurati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress
Surati Tech Talks 2022 / Build reliable Svelte applications using Cypress

Tired of having users email you that your Svelte application is broken? Turns out that building reliable applications is hard and requires a lot of testing. You can write unit tests but quite often these all pass and the application is still broken. Why? Because they test parts of the application in isolation. But for a reliable application we need more. We need to make sure that all parts, including the backend API’s, work together as intended. Cypress is a great tool to achieve this. It will test you complete web application in the browser and use it like a real world user would. In this session Maurice will show you how to use Cypress during development and on the CI server with Svelte. He will share tips and tricks to make your tests more resilient and more like how an actual end user would behave.

Greetings from AWS User Group Taiwan
Greetings from AWS User Group TaiwanGreetings from AWS User Group Taiwan
Greetings from AWS User Group Taiwan

Talk at JAWS DAYS '17 at Tokyo as the organizer to AWS User Group Taiwan. Covers Guanyu and kms-local a bit, both internal projects at 104 Corp. that will be opensourced.

• Depends on Apache Zookeeper
• Zookeeper for:
– Cluster management
– Offset storage
Sas 2015 event_driven
• Managed service for real-time data
• Decoupling services
• Data stored for 24 hours
• 1MB messages max
Sas 2015 event_driven

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AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo
AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo  AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo
AWS Webcast - AWS OpsWorks Continuous Integration Demo

In this session we'll discuss and demonstrate key concepts and design patterns for continuous deployment and integration using technologies like AWS OpsWorks and Chef to enable better control of applications and infrastructures.

Architecting on The Cloud
Architecting on The CloudArchitecting on The Cloud
Architecting on The Cloud

It's the architect session on AWSome Day to introduce the cloud principles which you need to follow when developing cloud services.

Container orchestration overview
Container orchestration overviewContainer orchestration overview
Container orchestration overview

In deploying apps that have been containerized, you have a lot to think about regarding what to use in production. There are a lot of things to manage, so orchestrators become a huge help. providing many services together such as scheduling, container communication, scaling, health, and more. There are major platforms to consider from Kubernetes, Swarm to ECS. In this talk we'll go through the overview of orchestrators and some of the differences between the big players. You should come out of the talk knowing where to go next in determining your orchestrator needs.

kubernetersdevopsdocker containers
• Stream:
– Ordered sequence of data records
– Data records are distributed into shards
• Shard:
– Group of data records in a stream
– 1MB write per second
– 2MB read per second
– 1000 puts per second
Sas 2015 event_driven
• Package application with dependencies
• Standardized unit for software
• Layered filesystem, share common files
• Isolate applications from each other

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Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014
Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014
Stacktician - CloudStack Collab Conference 2014

This document provides an overview of Stacktician, which is a tool that allows users to deploy and manage infrastructure on CloudStack using templates similar to AWS CloudFormation. It discusses the history and architecture of Stacktician, including its two main components - StackMate for executing templates and Stacktician for the web interface. It covers the current state including improvements made for error handling, rollbacks, metadata handling and scaling. Finally, it discusses some planned future enhancements such as better plugin support, nested stacks, and stack updates.

Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale
Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScaleOvercoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale
Overcoming 5 Common Docker Challenges: How We Do It at RightScale

We highlight solutions to common Docker challenges that you may encounter as you move from initial experiments toward full-fledged Docker adoption. At RightScale, we’ve been sharing our lessons learned as we move toward a fully containerized environment leveraging a “sea of containers.” We’re now in the middle stages of that journey and will share some of the challenges we’ve encountered and how we’ve overcome them.

Rohit yadav cloud stack internals
Rohit yadav   cloud stack internalsRohit yadav   cloud stack internals
Rohit yadav cloud stack internals

The document discusses Rohit Yadav and his work with Apache CloudStack. It provides an agenda for understanding CloudStack internals, including getting started as a user or developer, a guided tour of the codebase, common development patterns, and deep dives into key areas like system VMs, networking implementation, and plugins. The document outlines ways to join the CloudStack community and how to contribute code through GitHub pull requests.

Sas 2015 event_driven
• Docker container: stripped-to-basics
version of a Linux operating system
• Docker image: software you load into a
• Docker image built with a Dockerfile
• Docker images built using “inheritance”
• Custom image based on “base image”
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A

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DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code
DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as codeDevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code
DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code

This document is a summary of a webinar about infrastructure as code. It introduces the speaker, Srirajan, and discusses how automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and others can be used to define infrastructure in code. Key benefits of infrastructure as code include automation, repeatability, and disaster recovery. The webinar also discusses testing infrastructure code and version controlling code changes.

Cloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel RidingCloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel Riding

Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

camelfabric8distributed systems
Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x
Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.xReal World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x
Real World Enterprise Reactive Programming using Vert.x

This document provides an overview of using the Vert.x reactive application platform at the European advertising network zanox. It discusses how zanox used Vert.x to build a new core system requiring low latency and high throughput. The document covers getting started with Vert.x, best practices like encapsulating common code in modules, deployment strategies including fat jars and Docker, and integrating Vert.x with messaging systems like Apache Kafka using available modules. Metrics showed the Vert.x system at zanox could handle 18,000-28,000 requests per second on average with response times under 2ms.

Sas 2015 event_driven
Software & Frameworks
• Toolkit for reactive applications
• Based on the JVM
• Event driven and non-blocking
• Polyglot (Java, JS, Groovy, Ruby)
• Lightweight and modular
Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks
• Producer application built using Vert.x
• Sends a message every 5s
• Kafka or Kinesis depending on
deployment target

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MTC 2013 monetarisierung
MTC 2013 monetarisierungMTC 2013 monetarisierung
MTC 2013 monetarisierung

Nach wochenlanger Arbeit und nervenaufreibendem Approval-Prozess ist die Killer-App jetzt endlich im Store gelandet. Und jetzt? Die Downloadzahlen sind deutlich unter den Erwartungen, und etwas muss getan werden! In diesem Talk wird dargestellt, welche Möglichkeiten der Bewerbung existieren und welche Fallstricke es auf den unterschiedlichen Plattformen zu umschiffen gilt.

BED Con JBoss
BED Con JBossBED Con JBoss
BED Con JBoss

JBoss 7, Blazing Fast!

Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code
Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as CodeContinuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code
Continuous Delivery and Infrastructure as Code

Sascha Möllering discusses how his company moved from manual server setup and deployment to automated deployments using infrastructure as code and continuous delivery. They now deploy whenever needed using tools like Chef and JBoss to configure servers. Previously they faced challenges like manual processes, difficult rollbacks, and biweekly deployment windows. Now deployments are automated, safer, and can happen continuously.

continuous delivery infrastructure as code
Software & Frameworks
But … how can we
detect where the
application is running?
Software & Frameworks
Sas 2015 event_driven
Software & Frameworks
• Framework based on EI Patterns
• Small library with minimal dependencies
• Define routing and mediation rules

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Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices
Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best PracticesCloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices
Cloud Architecture: Patterns and Best Practices

This document discusses scaling applications in the AWS cloud. It begins with an overview of AWS services like EC2, S3, RDS, and ELB. It then walks through creating a simple cloud application and database, and improving it by separating components, adding redundancy, caching, and autoscaling. A real-world example is shown using Vert.x, Kinesis, Docker, and deployment scripts to dynamically scale a streaming data application across Availability Zones.

CloudFormation Best Practices
CloudFormation Best PracticesCloudFormation Best Practices
CloudFormation Best Practices

This document provides an overview of CloudFormation best practices: - It discusses organizing infrastructure using CloudFormation stacks by layers, environments, and services to promote reuse and decoupling. - It recommends starting with existing templates, validation tools, parameter types, and IAM roles to prevent errors. - Debugging tips include viewing stack events, using wait conditions, and logging to CloudWatch. - Safe stack updates involve change sets to review impacts and choosing update styles for minimal disruption.

randall-huntamazon web servicescloud
Log Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Amazon Kinesis - March 20...
Log Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Amazon Kinesis - March 20...Log Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Amazon Kinesis - March 20...
Log Analytics with Amazon Elasticsearch Service and Amazon Kinesis - March 20...

Log analytics is a common big data use case that allows you to analyze log data from websites, mobile devices, servers, sensors, and more for a wide variety of applications including digital marketing, application monitoring, fraud detection, ad tech, gaming, and IoT. In this tech talk, we will walk you step-by-step through the process of building an end-to-end analytics solution that ingests, transforms, and loads streaming data using Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon Kinesis Analytics and AWS Lambda. The processed data will be saved to an Amazon Elasticsearch Service cluster, and we will use Kibana to visualize the data in near real-time. Learning Objectives: 1. Reference architecture for building a complete log analytics solution 2. Overview of the services used and how they fit together 3. Best practices for log analytics implementation

cloud computingamazon web serviceswebinar
Sas 2015 event_driven
Software & Frameworks
Sas 2015 event_driven
Software & Frameworks
• Language-neutral
• Platform-neutral
• Extensible mechanism for serializing
structured data
• Support for Java, Python, and C++

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Get IT together
Get IT togetherGet IT together
Get IT together

This document discusses infrastructure as code. It describes using VMware and SDKs like VMware vSphere and VI Java SDK to programmatically manage virtual machines. It also discusses using Chef to automate the installation of Linux, packages, and middleware like JBoss. The document provides examples of using Chef to configure JBoss and links to GitHub repositories for VIAutomator and autoimport samples. It concludes with a Q&A section.

Introduction to Kafka with Spring Integration
Introduction to Kafka with Spring IntegrationIntroduction to Kafka with Spring Integration
Introduction to Kafka with Spring Integration

A brief example that demonstrates asic usage of Kafka and Spring Integration when you build a microservice.

microservicekafkaspring integration
„Enterprise Event Bus“ Unified Log (Event) Processing Architecture
„Enterprise Event Bus“ Unified Log (Event) Processing Architecture„Enterprise Event Bus“ Unified Log (Event) Processing Architecture
„Enterprise Event Bus“ Unified Log (Event) Processing Architecture

Independent of the source of data, the integration of event streams into an Enterprise Architecture gets more and more important in the world of sensors, social media streams and Internet of Things. Events have to be accepted quickly and reliably, they have to be distributed and analysed, often with many consumers or systems interested in all or part of the events. Dependent on the size and quantity of such events, this can quickly be in the range of Big Data. In this session an architecture with a central log structured storage is presented where anybody can store and subscribe for events. This can be implemented using frameworks such as Kafka, Storm, Samza and Spark Streaming.

Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks

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Cloud Patterns Beuth Hochschule
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Cloud Patterns Beuth Hochschule

This document provides an overview of cloud architecture and best practices for deploying applications in the AWS cloud. It begins with an introduction to key AWS services like EC2, ELB, RDS, and Auto Scaling. It then walks through creating a basic cloud deployment and improving it by separating concerns, adding redundancy, caching, and autoscaling. Finally, it discusses a real-world example using services like Kinesis and deploying containers with ECS.

Docker in der Cloud
Docker in der CloudDocker in der Cloud
Docker in der Cloud

This document discusses using Docker containers in the cloud. It begins with an introduction to Docker and Amazon Web Services (AWS). It then covers deploying Docker containers to AWS using services like OpsWorks, Elastic Beanstalk, and EC2 Container Service. It also discusses the immutable server pattern and using EC2 Container Service to manage Docker containers on EC2 instances.

Docker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS CloudDocker in der AWS Cloud
Docker in der AWS Cloud

This document discusses deploying Docker containers on Amazon Web Services. It covers using AWS services like EC2, OpsWorks and Elastic Beanstalk that support Docker. It describes using the EC2 Container Service for container management and deploying containers across a cluster of EC2 instances. It also discusses the immutable server pattern of deploying to new infrastructure with each release rather than changing existing servers.

Sas 2015 event_driven
Software & Frameworks
• Compute service
• Runs your code in response to events
• Manages underlying compute resources
Software & Frameworks
• Triggered by:
– Modifications in S3 buckets
– Notifications by SNS
– Messages in Kinesis
– Table updates in DynamoDB
Software & Frameworks
• Code run in Lambda: “Lambda function”
• Don’t confuse with Java 8 Lambda
• Lambda functions support
– Java 8
– JavaScript

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Docker on AWS
Docker on AWSDocker on AWS
Docker on AWS

This document discusses using Docker on AWS. It describes using Docker to deploy highly scalable applications across multiple AWS regions and availability zones. It also discusses using a private Docker registry hosted on EC2 and S3 to store custom Docker images. Finally, it summarizes using Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) for container management on AWS, including concepts like clusters, tasks, and container instances.

Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016
Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016
Lift Urban Entrepreneurs Seoul Ideation Workshop, Nov 12, 2016

Lift Urban Entrepreneurs is designed to create an urban transversal vision through a series of events bringing together entrepreneurs, designers, developers, academics and corporates to explore new solutions to address these urban challenges. The mission is to foster new ideas in order to co-create, prototype and produce solutions for a better urban future. This is the storyboard of the Seoul Workshop held on Nov. 12, 2016 at Google Campus Seoul.

urban challengesinnovationurban entrepreneurs
Production ready Vert.x
Production ready Vert.xProduction ready Vert.x
Production ready Vert.x

This document discusses Vert.x, an open source toolkit for building reactive applications on the JVM. It introduces Vert.x and describes how it was used at Zanox to build a new request processing system with requirements of low latency, high throughput, scalability, resilience, and responsiveness. The document outlines how to start with Vert.x, best practices, using the infrastructure as code and module system, integrating Kafka messaging, and metrics from Zanox's Vert.x project.

Software & Frameworks
• Two different event models
– Pull event model
– Push event model
Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks
Software & Frameworks

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Integrate Jenkins with S3
Integrate Jenkins with S3Integrate Jenkins with S3
Integrate Jenkins with S3

This document provides steps to integrate Jenkins with Amazon S3 for artifact storage. It demonstrates installing the Jenkins S3 plugin, configuring credentials for an IAM user with S3 access, and configuring a Jenkins job to upload build artifacts like an index.html file to an S3 bucket after a build. With this integration, artifacts can be reliably stored on S3, which is cheaper for storage than other options and allows easy tracking and management of files.

integrate jenkins s3awshow to integrate jenkins with aws s3
Infrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as CodeInfrastructure as Code
Infrastructure as Code

Sascha Möllering discusses infrastructure as code and provides an overview of VMware SDKs, Chef, and using Chef to configure JBoss middleware. He explains that VMware has multiple SDKs and that the VI Java SDK simplifies development. Chef is introduced as a tool to automate and standardize server configurations. The presentation then covers using Chef recipes to deploy and configure JBoss application servers and integrating with JBoss Operations Network for monitoring.

How Discovery Migrated 80% of Their IT to AWS with Cloudreach
How Discovery Migrated 80% of Their IT to AWS with CloudreachHow Discovery Migrated 80% of Their IT to AWS with Cloudreach
How Discovery Migrated 80% of Their IT to AWS with Cloudreach

Discovery Communications migrated 80% of their IT infrastructure to AWS to reduce costs, improve scalability and performance, and gain access to AWS services and innovations; they worked with Cloudreach to assess over 800 workloads, design the cloud environment and migration process, and execute the datacenter migrations using a dedicated team and standardized "migration factory" approach. Discovery has already migrated workloads from datacenters in Paris, Miami, and the US with more migrations ongoing to achieve their cloud goals.

aws cloudaws
Software & Frameworks
• Building the applications
– ingestion-service
– kafka-consumer-camel
– kinesis-consumer-lambda
Software & Frameworks
• ingestion-service
1. git clone
2. mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true
3. docker build -t
autoscaling/ingestion-service .
Software & Frameworks
• kafka-consumer-camel
1. git clone
2. mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true
3. docker build -t
autoscaling/kafka-consumer .
Software & Frameworks
• kinesis-consumer-lambda
1. git clone
2. mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true

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Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development
Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software DevelopmentMicroservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development
Microservices: Architecture for Agile Software Development

This document discusses microservices architecture and how it enables agility. It defines microservices as small, independent units that can be developed and deployed autonomously. The document argues that microservices align with the principles of the Agile Manifesto by allowing teams to work independently, facilitating continuous delivery, and making the architecture adaptable to change. Some benefits outlined are improved scalability, maintainability, and ability to replace services easily. The conclusion is that by structuring an organization and software architecture around microservices, greater agility can be achieved compared to a monolithic architecture.

microserviceagileagile software development
DevSecCon London 2017: Permitting agility whilst enforcing security by Alina ...
DevSecCon London 2017: Permitting agility whilst enforcing security by Alina ...DevSecCon London 2017: Permitting agility whilst enforcing security by Alina ...
DevSecCon London 2017: Permitting agility whilst enforcing security by Alina ...

The document discusses Yelp's use of Docker containers and microservices on their open source PaaSTA platform. It describes how Yelp uses Jenkins build pipelines with multiple steps, including a security-check step that runs tests to check for things like up-to-date packages, best practices for Docker containers, and known vulnerabilities. Any failures in the security tests will create a Jira ticket and notify teams so issues can be addressed quickly. The takeaways are that organizations can implement similar security testing in their own build pipelines to help service owners keep their software secure.

devsecopsdevseccon london 2017
Introduction Apache Kafka
Introduction Apache KafkaIntroduction Apache Kafka
Introduction Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a high-throughput distributed messaging system that can be used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It provides a publish-subscribe messaging model and is designed as a distributed commit log. Kafka allows for both push and pull models where producers push data and consumers pull data from topics which are divided into partitions to allow for parallelism.

apache kafkakafka
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A
Sas 2015 event_driven
• Locally
1. Start the Spotify Kafka Docker Container
• Why Spotify Kafka Docker Image?
– Kafka depends on Zookeeper
– Spotify Kafka runs Kafka and Zookeeper
– No dependency to external Zookeeper
– Runs out of the box

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Being Ready for Apache Kafka - Apache: Big Data Europe 2015
Being Ready for Apache Kafka - Apache: Big Data Europe 2015Being Ready for Apache Kafka - Apache: Big Data Europe 2015
Being Ready for Apache Kafka - Apache: Big Data Europe 2015

These are the slides of my Kafka talk at Apache: Big Data Europe in Budapest, Hungary. Enjoy! --Michael Apache Kafka is a high-throughput distributed messaging system that has become a mission-critical infrastructure component for modern data platforms. Kafka is used across a wide range of industries by thousands of companies such as Twitter, Netflix, Cisco, PayPal, and many others. After a brief introduction to Kafka this talk will provide an update on the growth and status of the Kafka project community. Rest of the talk will focus on walking the audience through what's required to put Kafka in production. We’ll give an overview of the current ecosystem of Kafka, including: client libraries for creating your own apps; operational tools; peripheral components required for running Kafka in production and for integration with other systems like Hadoop. We will cover the upcoming project roadmap, which adds key features to make Kafka even more convenient to use and more robust in production.

Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018
Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018
Habitat talk at CodeMonsters Sofia, Bulgaria Nov 27 2018

Habitat intro for CodeMonsters. For the code used in the demo, see

application automationcontinuous delivery
IBM InterConnect 2015 - IIB in the Cloud
IBM InterConnect 2015 - IIB in the CloudIBM InterConnect 2015 - IIB in the Cloud
IBM InterConnect 2015 - IIB in the Cloud

This document discusses different cloud computing layers (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and how IBM Integration Bus can integrate with them. It describes how tools like Chef, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, and Bluemix PaaS can be used to automate deployment and management of IIB in cloud environments. The document also discusses how IIB can connect to SaaS applications and provide APIs to expose integration services as cloud applications.

• Locally
2. Start the Apache Camel Kafka consumer
• Kafka-Consumer Docker Container
– Based on phusion/baseimage
– Installs Oracle Java 8
– Add consumer Fat-JAR
– Starts the Fat-JAR
• Locally
3. Start the Vert.x Kafka Producer
• Vert.x Producer Docker Container
– Based on phusion/baseimage
– Installs Oracle Java 8
– Add producer Fat-JAR
– Starts the Fat-JAR

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Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native ApplicationsFlying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications
Flying to clouds - can it be easy? Cloud Native Applications

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

cloud native applicationsspring cloudspring cloud netflix
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?
JDD 2016 - Jacek Bukowski - "Flying To Clouds" - Can It Be Easy?

Nowadays "cloud" and "microservice" terms are used all the time, even overused. Does any system must be the "microservices" deployed in the "cloud"? Definitely not! However once you see that your system may benefit from that architecture, the next question is how to get there - how to fly to the clouds? Spring was always about simplifying the complicated aspects of your enterprise system. Netflix went to microservice architecture long before this term even was created. Both are very much contributed to open source software. How can you benefit from joint forces of the both?

Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...
Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...
Event-driven Applications with Kafka, Micronaut, and AWS Lambda | Dave Klein,...

One of the great things about running applications in the cloud is that you only pay for the resources that you use. But that also makes it more important than ever for our applications to be resource-efficient. This becomes even more critical when we use serverless functions. Micronaut is an application framework that provides dependency injection, developer productivity features, and excellent support for Apache Kafka. By performing dependency injection, AOP, and other productivity-enhancing magic at compile time, Micronaut allows us to build smaller, more efficient microservices and serverless functions. In this session, we'll explore the ways that Apache Kafka and Micronaut work together to enable us to build fast, efficient, event-driven applications. Then we'll see it in action, using the AWS Lambda Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud.

apache kafkakafka summitaws lambda
• Requirements for AWS:
– User Role for Kinesis access from EC2
– User Role for Kinesis access from Lambda
– EC2 instance
– Kinesis stream
– Lambda package
• In AWS
– Create Kinesis stream (in our case
Sas 2015 event_driven
• In AWS
– Create Lambda function
• Upload JAR to S3 bucket
• Specify function
• Add event source (SUMMIT_STREAM)

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DEVNET-1007 Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco
DEVNET-1007	Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and CiscoDEVNET-1007	Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco
DEVNET-1007 Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco

Automation of infrastructure is one of the key tenants of DevOps. Chef has been at the vanguard of "Infrastructure as Code", where the configuration and management of your applications and servers is automated and tracked as source code. This infrastructure source code may be tested, shared and tracked just like any other software project. Traditionally configuration management has meant physical, virtual and cloud servers but Cisco and Chef are working together to extend this into networking. This session will provide an introduction to Chef and the current state of Cisco integrations, network automation scenarios and the roadmap ahead.

Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco
Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and CiscoNetwork Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco
Network Infrastructure as Code with Chef and Cisco

Chef is an open source framework for managing infrastructure as code. It uses a declarative language and recipes to describe and configure systems to match a desired state. Chef works by having clients pull policies from a server and apply them locally, then reporting the state back. Cisco and Chef are working together to bring official Chef support to Cisco's NX-OS and IOS-XR platforms through Omnibus packages and a Cisco cookbook with resources for managing Cisco devices. This will allow network infrastructures to be managed as code through testing, versioning, and continuous delivery practices.

Kafka Explainaton
Kafka ExplainatonKafka Explainaton
Kafka Explainaton

Kafka is primarily used to build real-time streaming data pipelines and applications that adapt to the data streams. It combines messaging, storage, and stream processing to allow storage and analysis of both historical and real-time data.

Sas 2015 event_driven
Sas 2015 event_driven
• In AWS
– Start an EC2 instance
• t2.small is sufficient
• Install Docker and run container using EC2
user data
• Important: select correct IAM role
• EC2 User Data
#!/bin/bash -ex
yum -y update
yum install docker -y
service docker start
docker run autoscaling/ingestion-service

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HBase Meetup @ Cask HQ 09/25
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The document summarizes an agenda for an HBase Meetup at Cask HQ. The agenda includes announcements about Cask's newly open sourced projects - CDAP (Cask Data Application Platform), Coopr (cluster provisioning), and Tigon (real-time streaming on YARN and HBase). It also lists talks on using HBase at Flipboard and master topologies after HBase 1.0. Cask is now fully open source and aims to build communities around these projects to help more developers build applications on Hadoop platforms.

CICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overview
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CICD with SharePoint SPFx A useful overview

This document provides an overview of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) including its development and deployment process. It discusses setting up the development environment with Node.js, Yeoman and Gulp. It describes building, bundling and packaging solutions as well as enabling the app catalog and deploying SPFx apps. It also covers using Azure DevOps for continuous integration and delivery pipelines along with its predefined variables and Office 365 CLI commands.

Devops continuousintegration and deployment onaws puttingmoneybackintoyourmis...
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Devops continuousintegration and deployment onaws puttingmoneybackintoyourmis...

DevOps, Continuous Integration & Deployment on AWS discusses practices for software development on AWS including DevOps, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment. It provides an overview of AWS services that can be used at different stages of the software development lifecycle such as CodeCommit for source control, CodePipeline for release automation, and CodeDeploy for deployment. National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) maintains its websites and services on AWS to support its annual writing challenge. It migrated to AWS to improve uptime and scalability. Its future goals include porting older sites to Rails, using Amazon SES for email, load balancing with ELB, implementing auto scaling, and using services like CodeDeploy, SNS

emerson eduardo rodriguesdev opsinformations
Sas 2015 event_driven
Sas 2015 event_driven
• Basics
• Infrastructure
• Software & Frameworks
• Deployment
• Putting it all together
• Q&A
Putting it all together
• Integration of Kinesis and Kafka
– Kinesis consumer that processes records
– Record processing -> sending to Kafka
– AWS Lambda perfect choice
– Problem: Lambda and VPN (VPC) not

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Organizations around the globe are leveraging the cloud to accomplish world-changing missions. This session will address how AWS can help organizations put more money toward their mission and scale outreach and operations to achieve more with less. Hear some of AWS’s most advanced customers on how their organizations handle DevOps, continuous integration and deployment. Learn how these practices allow them to rapidly develop, iterate, test and deploy highly-scalable web applications and core operational systems on AWS. The discussion will focus on best practices, lessons learned, and the specific technologies and services they use.

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1) The document discusses using Spring Cloud Netflix to build cloud native applications. It describes key concepts like microservices, twelve-factor apps, and Netflix OSS projects like Eureka and Hystrix that Spring Cloud Netflix integrates. 2) Spring Cloud Netflix enables common patterns for distributed systems through annotations, including service discovery with Eureka, circuit breaking with Hystrix, load balancing with Ribbon, and declarative REST clients with Feign. 3) The document provides a demo example of a microservices architecture using Spring Cloud Netflix with separate services for news and articles that are discovered and load balanced, with circuit breaking protection.

spring boot
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration TalkChicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk

This document discusses integration in the age of DevOps. It describes how microservices help solve the problem of decoupling services and teams to move quickly at scale. Apache Camel is presented as a solution for integration that allows for reliable and distributed integration through mechanisms like messaging. Kubernetes and Docker are discussed as platforms that help develop and run microservices locally and at scale by providing automation, configuration, isolation and service discovery capabilities.

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
Putting it all together
• Integration testing Kinesis and Kafka
• Create Kinesis stream in @BeforeClass
• Produce data and write into stream
• Delete stream in @AfterClass
Putting it all together
Putting it all together
Putting it all together
• Integration testing Kinesis and Kafka
– Spotify Docker Client
• Run Spotify Kafka container in @BeforeClass
• Produce data and write into stream
• Stop Spotify Kafka container in @AfterClass

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One of the great things about running applications in the cloud is that you only pay for the resources that you use. But that also makes it more important than ever for our applications to be resource-efficient. This becomes even more critical when we use serverless functions. Micronaut is an application framework that provides dependency injection, developer productivity features, and excellent support for Apache Kafka. By performing dependency injection, AOP, and other productivity-enhancing magic at compile time, Micronaut allows us to build smaller, more efficient microservices and serverless functions. In this session, we'll explore the ways that Apache Kafka and Micronaut work together to enable us to build fast, efficient, event-driven applications. Then we'll see it in action, using the AWS Lambda Sink Connector for Confluent Cloud.

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A case study of the tools and techniques used at Gilt Groupe to develop and deploy a system composed of over 200 micro-services.

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Putting it all together
Putting it all together
• Integrationtests Kinesis and Kafka
– Put messages into Kinesis
– Consumer messages in application
– Put messages in Kafka
– Consume messages from Kafka
– Compare messages
Putting it all together
• Integrationtests Kinesis and Kafka
– After tests: clean up infrastructure
– Very cost effective
– Real world tests without mocking
– Quite fast
• What have we achieved today?
– We created a distributed, message driven
– Based on JVM and Docker
– Running locally and AWS

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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• ingestion-service
• kafka-consumer
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• Lambda User Role
• kinesis-consumer-lamdba
• Spotify Kafka Docker Image
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