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Nick Belhomme January 26th,   PHPBenelux Conference 2013, Belgium
Nick Belhomme
International Conference Speaker

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Building Constructor

Software Architect / Project Lead

Loving Husband

Freelance PHP Consultant

PHP QA trainer

Your host for the upcoming hour
    Claims, Benefits:

    Prevents cancer

Selenium – the web browser
automation tool set

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Selenium Ide Tutorial
Selenium Ide TutorialSelenium Ide Tutorial
Selenium Ide Tutorial

Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that allows users to automate web application testing. It can record, edit, and debug tests of websites. This tutorial explains how to install Selenium IDE and record a basic test by searching Google for "selenium". It then enhances the test with assertions to validate results. The tutorial also demonstrates how to run the same test from PHP code using Selenium Remote Control (RC) and PHPUnit for automated testing.

Automated UI testing. Selenium. DrupalCamp Kyiv 2011
Automated UI testing. Selenium. DrupalCamp Kyiv 2011Automated UI testing. Selenium. DrupalCamp Kyiv 2011
Automated UI testing. Selenium. DrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browser testing. It supports Selenium IDE for recording tests in Firefox, Selenium RC for running tests in multiple browsers, and Selenium WebDriver for communicating directly with browser drivers. When integrating Selenium with Drupal, the DrupalSeleniumWebTestCase class and API can be used to write tests that log in, access pages, and interact with elements. Tests are run via PHPUnit on a headless server like Xvfb to avoid showing a GUI.

drupalui testingsimpletest
#ATAGTR2021 Presentation - "Selenium 4 Observability – a 90 Min Hands on Lab"
#ATAGTR2021 Presentation - "Selenium 4 Observability – a 90 Min Hands on Lab"#ATAGTR2021 Presentation - "Selenium 4 Observability – a 90 Min Hands on Lab"
#ATAGTR2021 Presentation - "Selenium 4 Observability – a 90 Min Hands on Lab"

#Keynote Session by Aditya Garg, "Selenium 4 Observability – a 90 Min Hands on Lab" at #ATAGTR2021. #ATAGTR2021 was the 6th Edition of Global Testing Retreat. The video recording of the session is now available on the following link: To know more about #ATAGTR2021, please visit:

agile testing allianceatagtr2021global testing retreat
Acceptance Tests
●   System tests
●   Black box
●   Functional testing
Browser Compatibility Tests
●   Different Browsers
●   Different Operating Systems
Regression Tests

●   Internal Changes
●   Partner Changes
●   Humans
●   Capture and replay
●   Scripts and bots
●   Selenium

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Selenium is an open source tool for automating web application testing across browsers. It supports testing web applications on multiple browsers and operating systems. Selenium has different modes including a test runner mode using HTML tables to write tests, a record and playback mode using the Selenium IDE Firefox extension, and a remote control mode to write tests in various programming languages. Tests can be integrated with continuous integration to help catch bugs early.

Selenium IDE Introduction, Installation and Working
Selenium IDE Introduction, Installation and WorkingSelenium IDE Introduction, Installation and Working
Selenium IDE Introduction, Installation and Working

Selenium IDE : Introduction, Installing Selenium IDE and FireBug, Selenium IDE Basics : Menu Bar, Tool Bar, Record & Replay, Test Suite Vs Test Case, Create/Execute a Test Suite

selenium idefirebugtest suite

Selenium is a tool for automating web application testing that allows tests to be written in various programming languages; it has multiple components including Selenium IDE for recording and playback of tests in Firefox, and Selenium RC which allows tests to be run from external languages and provides more power and flexibility than the IDE. Tests can be used to check for correct behavior and responses across different browsers and platforms as well as catch regressions.

Manual Testing
●   Time-intensive
●   Nerve-stretching
●   Human error / understanding of the flow
●   Costly
Capture and Replay
●   Captures mouse movements and inputs
●   Replays later
●   Screenresolution, operating systems, window
    sizes, makes this very unmaintainable
Scripts and Bots
●   Bot makes screen-shots, analyzes them for
    visual blocks
●   Calculates visual blocks x-y positions and
    generates mouse clicks on that location and
    user input.
●   Generating a test is time-intensive
●   Error prone on design changes.
●   Records and playback browser tests
●   Asserts on DOM
●   Javascript is being executed and testable
●   Css selectors or xpath position sensitive
●   Hard to detect layout errors

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QSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using SeleniumQSpiders - Automation using Selenium
QSpiders - Automation using Selenium

The document discusses automation testing using Selenium. It provides an overview of Selenium, including what it is, its components like Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, and Selenium WebDriver. It explains the features and advantages of each component. Selenium is an open source tool that allows automated testing of web applications across different browsers and platforms. It supports recording and playback of tests and can help reduce testing time and costs through automation.

Selenium ppt
Selenium pptSelenium ppt
Selenium ppt

Selenium is a suite of tools used for browser automation testing. It was introduced in 2004 and is developed using JavaScript. Selenium has four main components: IDE, Remote Control, WebDriver and Grid. It is used to test web applications and can perform functional, regression and load testing. The Selenium IDE records user interactions in the Firefox browser and exports test cases to various languages. It has advantages like being open source and easy to use, but only supports the Firefox browser.

selenium ide
Selenium 2 - PyCon 2011
Selenium 2 - PyCon 2011Selenium 2 - PyCon 2011
Selenium 2 - PyCon 2011

This document summarizes a presentation about Selenium 2 given by Jason Huggins. The presentation provided an overview of Selenium, including the different components like Selenium IDE, Builder, RC and Grid. It described why Selenium 2 was created and what it is. It demonstrated how to run tests on mobile browsers, and provided code examples for different languages. The presentation highlighted improvements in Selenium 2 like a cleaner API, support for mobile testing, and removing the need to run a server.

by hugs
Learning Curve

●   Jump in quickly
●   Steep – If you want to do it right
●   Mastering it – creating readable,
    understandable, maintainable and robust tests -
    takes time and effort.
Worth it

           Ask a Salary
           own a second
           vacation property
And as an added bonus
●   Better code architecture
●   More functional code
●   High browser compatibility
●   No more regressions
●   Neat cool stuff to brag about at your local pub!!!
Setting it up client side

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Selenium - Introduction
Selenium - IntroductionSelenium - Introduction
Selenium - Introduction


qa trainingquality assurance trainingonline qa training
Automated UI testing with Selenium
Automated UI testing with SeleniumAutomated UI testing with Selenium
Automated UI testing with Selenium

Selenium is a tool for automating web application testing. It supports several components including Selenium IDE for recording tests in Firefox, Selenium RC for running tests across browsers, and Selenium 2 which uses the WebDriver API to control browsers natively. When integrating Selenium with Drupal, tests can be written using the DrupalSeleniumWebTestCase class which provides methods to interact with Drupal and Selenium. Tests are run by starting a headless Xvfb server before launching the Selenium server from the command line.

drupalui testingsimpletest

This document discusses testing web applications using Selenium. It begins by outlining some of the unique challenges of web application testing, including heterogeneous systems with different front-end and back-end components, dynamic pages generated by JavaScript, and security concerns. It then introduces Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. Selenium WebDriver allows testing web applications across browsers and platforms in a programmatic way. The document provides examples of how to use Selenium WebDriver to test a web page, such as verifying the page title. It also discusses challenges like asynchronous behavior that require waiting for elements to load. Finally, it outlines the course project, which involves designing and implementing Selenium tests for adding a new class in the SchoolMate web application

Selenium IDE
    Firefox Plugin:

    Easy record and playback
●   Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, or XPath as needed
    Autocomplete for all common Selenium commands
●   Walk through tests
    Debug and set breakpoints
●   Save tests as HTML, PHPUnit, or any other format
    Support for Selenium user-extensions.js file
    Option to automatically assert the title of every page
    Easy customization through plugins
Selenium IDE
Test Suite Control Flow
    run software on remote machine and display the GUI locally

●   Linux and Mac OS X support X Forwarding with no extra
       ssh -X
●   Windows needs extra software

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Introduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web DriverIntroduction to Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Selenium Web Driver

The document provides an introduction to Selenium WebDriver. It discusses the architecture and components of Selenium 1.0 and 2.0. It describes the Selenium WebDriver API for finding elements, performing actions, and handling windows/frames. It also provides an example of creating a test in Java to validate search results on the Rambler website using Selenium WebDriver.

Automated Web Testing With Selenium
Automated Web Testing With SeleniumAutomated Web Testing With Selenium
Automated Web Testing With Selenium

The document discusses a presentation on automated web testing using Selenium. The agenda includes an introduction to Selenium, a demo, different ways to use Selenium, best practices, and a question and answer session. It also includes polls about web testing experience and which frameworks are used as well as descriptions of what Selenium is and how it can be used for testing web applications across browsers and operating systems.


The document provides an overview of Selenium, an open source test automation tool. It discusses Selenium's origin and capabilities, how to use the Selenium IDE and Core, testing applications with different Selenium components, and examples of using Selenium to test applications in different browsers and with data-driven testing.

                     (X-forwarding for windows)

Configure Xming
   Windows Start => Xming => XLaunch
   Display settings dialog box:
     Multiple windows
     Display number as 0
   Keep clicking next then Finish.
Putty (windows)

●   Connection => SSH => X11
●   Enable X11 forwarding
●   Set X display location as :0.0
Setting it up server side

●   [64 bit] wget
●   [32 bit] wget

●   tar -jxvf firefox-18.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt
●   ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox
    Firefox (No X-Display needed thanks to forwarding)

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Selenium- A Software Testing Tool
Selenium- A Software Testing ToolSelenium- A Software Testing Tool
Selenium- A Software Testing Tool

Selenium is a suite of tools for automating web application testing. It originated in 2004 as JavaScript Functional Tester and was later renamed Selenium. Selenium 2 (WebDriver) was developed in 2008 to address limitations of the original Selenium (RC) by communicating directly with browsers instead of through JavaScript. Selenium is composed of several tools including IDE for recording tests, RC for older tests, Grid for distributed testing, and WebDriver as the main automation tool supporting direct browser communication and a variety of programming languages and browsers.

software testing toolseleniumsoftware testing
Selenium introduction
Selenium introductionSelenium introduction
Selenium introduction

Selenium is an open source tool used for automating web applications. It was developed in 2004 by Jason Huggins at Thoughtworks. Selenium records and replays actions on a browser. It supports many programming languages and all major browsers. Some key advantages are that it is free, open source, and supports cross-browser testing. Selenium is best for automating web-based functional and regression test cases. It has various components like Selenium IDE, RC, WebDriver, and Grid that facilitate browser automation.

what is seleniumselenium introductionwebdriver
Automation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using SeleniumAutomation Testing using Selenium
Automation Testing using Selenium

Selenium is an open source browser automation tool used for automating web application testing. It supports recording and playback of test cases in multiple programming languages like Java, Python and Ruby. Selenium has several components like Selenium IDE for recording and playing back tests without coding, Selenium RC for running tests on remote machines, and Selenium Webdriver which allows directly controlling browser behavior without relying on external servers. Selenium Grid enables parallel execution of tests on different machines for faster test runs. Selenium is used by many companies for testing web applications and is useful for both functional and regression testing of websites and web apps.

software testingjavaselenium
Completely headless
              (no X-forwarding)
●   Install Xvfb
      aptitude install Xvfb
●   Update to latest java version
      aptitude install sun-java6-jre
●   Download the latest Selenium Server Jar
Test driving Selenium RC

To test-drive it is always easier to first use X-forwarding:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -htmlSuite
*firefox ""

testSuite.html and related files are the files saved by Selenium IDE
Test driving Selenium RC
           (X Virtual Frame Buffer)
●   Open a connection and run Xvfb
      Xvfb :99

●   Open another connection and run selenium

    export DISPLAY=:99 & java -jar selenium-server-
    standalone-2.28.0.jar -htmlSuite *firefox
Integrate into

    Make certain your Jenkins server is started with Xvfb run on :99
    ●   Check with:
            ps -ef | grep Xvfb
    ●   If not running then issue a
          Xvfb :99
          CTRL + Z
●   Log into Jenkins: manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins
        install “Hudson Seleniumhq plugin”

Recommended for you

Selenium ppt
Selenium pptSelenium ppt
Selenium ppt

This document provides an overview of Selenium, an open source tool for automating web application testing. It discusses Selenium's features, components including Selenium IDE, RC, and Grid. It also covers Selenium commands called Selenium and how to perform testing with Selenium by writing reusable scripts and validating applications with conditionals. Selenium allows testing across browsers and OS using different programming languages in a flexible and cost-effective manner compared to other testing tools.

Splunk conf2014 - Using Selenium and Splunk for Transaction Monitoring Insight
Splunk conf2014 - Using Selenium and Splunk for Transaction Monitoring InsightSplunk conf2014 - Using Selenium and Splunk for Transaction Monitoring Insight
Splunk conf2014 - Using Selenium and Splunk for Transaction Monitoring Insight

The Synthetic Monitoring App enables you to monitor your Web application and measure critical KPIs such as application performance and availability. This session showcases how this app can simulate user interactions around the clock and set up alerts when your application breaches its performance and availability SLAs. Elias Haddad shows how you can proactively detect application problems before your customers do. Learn how you can compare the end user performance of your application from different locations, various browsers and from a myriad of devices and isolate performance bottlenecks to prevent outages.

application managementsplunk.conf
Selenium Grid
Selenium GridSelenium Grid
Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid allows maintaining a cluster of Selenium RC servers, configuring tests for different environments, and parallelizing tests. It works by having a Grid Hub that manages Selenium Grid Nodes, which each run a Selenium RC Server. The Hub maps environment names like "linux_firefox_3_6" to specific browsers, and clients connect using environment names. This allows the Hub to route clients to available Nodes matching the requested environment.

Setup a Job
●   Create a new freestyle job
Mastering selenium for automated acceptance tests
Mastering selenium for automated acceptance tests
●   remote control is slow at driving the browser.

●   limited number of concurrent tests on the same
    remote control before seriously impacting its

●   Multiple Selenium Remote Controls In Jenkins
    to work around the limitation on the number of
    parallel tests.

Recommended for you

Web Test Automation with Selenium
Web Test Automation with SeleniumWeb Test Automation with Selenium
Web Test Automation with Selenium

This presentation covers an introduction to Selenium, the Open Source, cross browser, cross platform functional testing tool. The talk emphasized the importance of applying the same principles to testing (abstraction, refactoring, DRY) that development teams apply to developing software. (This presentation was used for a talk at the Asian Testing Conference)

Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Automation Testing by Selenium Web DriverAutomation Testing by Selenium Web Driver
Automation Testing by Selenium Web Driver

Automation testing can be performed using Selenium WebDriver which provides advantages like frequent regression testing, rapid feedback to developers, and finding defects missed by manual testing. Selenium has evolved over time, initially starting as a project called WebDriver at Google to solve Selenium's pain points. It now supports various browsers and locators can be used to identify elements on the page for automation.

cuelogicselenium testingselenium web driver
JAVA User Group Bern - Selenium
JAVA User Group Bern  - SeleniumJAVA User Group Bern  - Selenium
JAVA User Group Bern - Selenium

Selenium is an open source tool for automating web browsers across many platforms and browsers. It was named Selenium as a cure for Mercury Interactive testing software, similar to how selenium supplements cure mercury poisoning. The document discusses how eBay uses Selenium for automated testing, including building a grid for parallel testing on virtual machines, implementing page object models, and extending Selenium to test mobile web and native apps through projects like Calabash and iOS driver. It also notes the benefits of open source testing tools and how eBay contributes solutions back to the Selenium community.

michael palotasopen sourceinnovation
The Grid

●   Run tests against multiple browsers

●   multiple versions of browser

●   browsers running on different operating systems

●   To reduce the time it takes for the test suite to
    complete a test pass.
Mastering selenium for automated acceptance tests
The Hub
●   1 instance

●   Allocating a Selenium Remote Control to a specific
    test (transparently)

●   Limiting the number of concurrent test runs on each
    Remote Control

●   Shielding the tests from the actual grid
A Node
●   Remote Control

●   Multiple instances (across machines preferably)

●   Multiple Browsers

●   Can be configured using a json file

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Automated Testing with Selenium
Automated Testing with SeleniumAutomated Testing with Selenium
Automated Testing with Selenium

Short overview of Automated Testing of Web Shop & Paywall in project WHIP, originally presented @ Tamedia:TX 2015

selenium gui automation automated testing web shop
How to work with Selenium Grid: a quick walkthrough
How to work with Selenium Grid: a quick walkthroughHow to work with Selenium Grid: a quick walkthrough
How to work with Selenium Grid: a quick walkthrough

Selenium Grid is a tool that distributes tests across multiple machines to accelerate the testing process. It has a hub that triggers tests and nodes that execute them. To use the grid, one configures the hub and nodes, develops and prepares tests in an XML file, then executes the tests across different browsers in parallel. The document provides details on setting up and using Selenium Grid to distribute tests across a cluster of machines.

Selenium Automation
Selenium AutomationSelenium Automation
Selenium Automation

Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a different approach to supporting test automation.

Setting up the grid
●   Start the hub
      java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role hub

●   Start nodes on separate machines
      java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role
      node -hub http://hub-address:4444/grid/register
Optimizing a Node with js
     ●   java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role node -nodeConfig nodeConfig.js


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Practical Tips & Tricks for Selenium Test Automation
Practical Tips & Tricks for Selenium Test AutomationPractical Tips & Tricks for Selenium Test Automation
Practical Tips & Tricks for Selenium Test Automation

Have unanswered Selenium questions? Want to learn how to use Selenium like a Pro? Join Dave Haeffner - author of The Selenium Guidebook - as he steps through the best and most useful tips & tricks from his weekly Selenium tip newsletter (Elemental Selenium).

selenium testingsauce labsselenium test automation
Meet the Selenium Grid
Meet the Selenium GridMeet the Selenium Grid
Meet the Selenium Grid

Want to run your tests fast, in multiple threads, different browsers and operation systems? Selenium Grid is for you. Do you have complex UI components? How to run Sikuli image recognition with Selenium tests on the grid? check

software testingautomationselenium
SoftQL - Telecom Triage Services
SoftQL - Telecom Triage Services SoftQL - Telecom Triage Services
SoftQL - Telecom Triage Services

This document outlines a proposal for managed services and network optimization. It proposes taking a centralized approach using a team of experienced engineers and proprietary tools for triaging alarms, optimizing performance, and automating daily reporting. Key aspects of the proposal include hourly monitoring and prioritization of issues, root cause analysis, and developing optimization recommendations to resolve chronic network problems. Automation of daily reports is highlighted as an important part of the services for monitoring key performance indicators and tracking the status of trouble tickets and cell health.

alarm monitoringtelecommunicationstriage
Run the suite
●   No Native HTML Selenese tests support

●   Web driver needed

●   PHPUnit
+ Selenium Web Driver

chmod +x phpunit.phar

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Selenium RC: Automated Testing of Modern Web Applications
Selenium RC: Automated Testing of Modern Web ApplicationsSelenium RC: Automated Testing of Modern Web Applications
Selenium RC: Automated Testing of Modern Web Applications

This talk is concerned with automated testing of Web applications. It looks at testing Web apps in general, its goals and challenges; it will present Selenium and Selenium RC in particular as a testing platform; and will then focus on adaptions made to Selenium to ease the effort to test apps made with qooxdoo, a JavaScript framework.

Selenium Primer
Selenium PrimerSelenium Primer
Selenium Primer

An introduction to Selenium, which is a suite of tools such as Selenium IDE and Selenium RC used for automated testing of web applications.

淺談 Geb 網站自動化測試(JCConf 2014)
淺談 Geb 網站自動化測試(JCConf 2014)淺談 Geb 網站自動化測試(JCConf 2014)
淺談 Geb 網站自動化測試(JCConf 2014)

Geb 是瀏覽器自動化的解決方案,帶給網站開發團隊更棒的自動化測試流程,它以 Selenium WebDriver 為基礎,提供類似 jQuery 的 DOM 操作,使用易讀易寫的 Groovy DSL 語法撰寫 Test Script,可以搭配 JUnit 或 Spock 測試框架及 Jenkins CI 持續整合,成為專案開發流程的一部份,或是排��執行監視已上線網站的服務品質。本次議題分享提供實際範例,說明 Geb 的使用方式,包含完成表單的資料輸入、產生報表及畫面截圖等,適合有網站自動化測試需求的開發者。


Convert Html Selenese tests to PHPUnit test

Firefox Addon:
Export the Test Cases
The test case

class Example extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase
  protected function setUp()

 public function testMyTestCase()
   $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=Consulting & Training"));
   $name = $this->getEval(""nick"==="nick"");
Run the test case
php phpunit.phar testcases/testMenu.php

      Run the test suite
      php phpunit.phar testcases

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Selenium Clinic Eurostar 2012 WebDriver Tutorial
Selenium Clinic Eurostar 2012 WebDriver TutorialSelenium Clinic Eurostar 2012 WebDriver Tutorial
Selenium Clinic Eurostar 2012 WebDriver Tutorial

Slides from the Selenium Clinic Tutorial from Eurostar 2012 hosted by Simon Stewart and Alan Richardson. The tutorial was awarded "Best Tutorial" at the conference. The reference slides were excerpted from Alan Richardson's online WebDriver course hosted at Udemy.

Mobile Testing with Selenium 2 by Jason Huggins
Mobile Testing with Selenium 2 by Jason HugginsMobile Testing with Selenium 2 by Jason Huggins
Mobile Testing with Selenium 2 by Jason Huggins

See the slides from Jason Huggins' March 16 presentation at the San Francisco Selenium Meetup on using Selenium 2 for mobile testing.

functional testinghugginsandroid
Selenium Antipatterns
Selenium AntipatternsSelenium Antipatterns
Selenium Antipatterns 第3回日本Seleniumユーザーコミュニティ勉強会の資料です。 Seleniumのアンチパターンについてです。

Use multiple browsers
public static $browsers = array(
    'name' => 'Firefox',
    'browser' => '*firefox',
    'host' => 'hub-address',
    'port' => 4444,
    'timeout' => 30000,
    'name' => 'Internet Explorer',
    'browser' => '*iexplore',
    'host' => 'hub-address',
    'port' => 4444,
    'timeout' => 30000,

protected function setUp()
Use raw Html Selenese test

   public function testMenu()

Use raw Html Selenese testsuite

  public static $seleneseDirectory = '/path/to/files';
Taking it Parallel
With Paratest
    Parallel PHPUnit – running tests concurrently

●   Support for annotated tests
●   Inheritance
●   Tests suites
●   Test methods
●   Reflection driven

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How to Use Selenium, Successfully
How to Use Selenium, SuccessfullyHow to Use Selenium, Successfully
How to Use Selenium, Successfully

Sauce Labs hosted a Selenium bootcamp webinar with guest speaker Dave Haeffner. This presentation will give you a basis for the detail given in Dave's like titled E-book and get you started with Selenium.

selenium testingseleniumautomated testing
Local development environment evolution
Local development environment evolutionLocal development environment evolution
Local development environment evolution

Setting up a local development environment is an integral part of the start of any web-project. In the report, I will share with you the challenges our team encountered during the existence of the project and the ways in which they are solved. We will go from local installation to the workstation through VirtualBox, Vagrant + Chef and Docker-compose. Join, it will be interesting! Presentation given by Sid at Wise TechTalks

Introduction to Selenium grid
Introduction to Selenium gridIntroduction to Selenium grid
Introduction to Selenium grid

Selenium Grid allows running automated tests across different browsers, operating systems, and machines. It works on a master-slave architecture with a hub that distributes tests to node machines. This allows reducing test execution time by running tests in parallel on multiple machines. Selenium Grid supports cross-browser testing and running tests with different data sets on multiple browser instances simultaneously. Setting up a hub is done by running a Java command, and nodes register with the hub using a URL from the hub terminal output. Jenkins can also be configured as a hub to integrate Selenium Grid into a CI/CD pipeline.

seleniumwebdriverseleniumselenium grid
composer install
    // composer.json
     "require": {
          "brianium/paratest": "dev-master",
          "phpunit/dbunit": ">=1.2",
          "phpunit/php-invoker": "*",
          "phpunit/phpunit-selenium": ">=1.2",
          "phpunit/phpunit-story": "*"

Paratest + PHPUnit
●   X-Forwarding:
●   Xvfb
●   Driving Selenium with PHPUnit
●   Selenium Hq
●   Composer
●   Paratest
●   Firefox install dependencies
●   Specify different ports in Jenkins for each RC when not using
    the grid
●   Proxy settings in Browser – use X-Forwarding to run Browser
    and change settings, use profile as a RC param when needed.

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OWASP ZAP Workshop for QA Testers
OWASP ZAP Workshop for QA TestersOWASP ZAP Workshop for QA Testers
OWASP ZAP Workshop for QA Testers

The document discusses OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), a free and open source web application security scanner. It can be used by pentesters, developers, and testers to detect vulnerabilities. ZAP passively and actively scans applications to find issues. It can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines and automated with APIs, command line tools, and programming libraries. The document provides examples of using ZAP to perform passive scanning, active scanning, and automation for testers.

Selenium grid workshop london 2016
Selenium grid workshop london 2016Selenium grid workshop london 2016
Selenium grid workshop london 2016

These were the opening slides used in the all-day Selenium Grid Workshop, given by Marcus Merrell and Manoj Kumar on November 14, 2016 at the 2016 London Selenium Conference

selenium automation automated_testing
Testing Web Apps With Scripting Language - Mark Rees, Century Software
Testing Web Apps With Scripting Language - Mark Rees, Century SoftwareTesting Web Apps With Scripting Language - Mark Rees, Century Software
Testing Web Apps With Scripting Language - Mark Rees, Century Software

Testing Web Apps With Scripting Languages Mark Rees, Century Software. 1 June 2009. Developer Track MSC Malaysia Open Source Conference 2009.

Link to slides and other updates is
            available at
The End!

                   THANK YOU
          Please rate my talk

Slideshare, Twitter, IRC: NickBelhomme
Flickr Photo Credits
Backgrounds by Flikr

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Mastering selenium for automated acceptance tests

  • 1. Nick Belhomme January 26th, PHPBenelux Conference 2013, Belgium
  • 2. Nick Belhomme International Conference Speaker Contributor to various Open Source Projects Building Constructor Software Architect / Project Lead Loving Husband Freelance PHP Consultant PHP QA trainer Your host for the upcoming hour
  • 3. Selenium 34 Claims, Benefits: Prevents cancer Aging
  • 4. Selenium – the web browser automation tool set
  • 5. Acceptance Tests ● System tests ● Black box ● Functional testing
  • 6. Browser Compatibility Tests ● Different Browsers ● Different Operating Systems
  • 7. Regression Tests ● Internal Changes ● Partner Changes
  • 8. Tools ● Humans ● Capture and replay ● Scripts and bots ● Selenium
  • 9. Manual Testing ● Time-intensive ● Nerve-stretching ● Human error / understanding of the flow ● Costly
  • 10. Capture and Replay ● Captures mouse movements and inputs ● Replays later ● Screenresolution, operating systems, window sizes, makes this very unmaintainable
  • 11. Scripts and Bots ● Bot makes screen-shots, analyzes them for visual blocks ● Calculates visual blocks x-y positions and generates mouse clicks on that location and user input. ● Generating a test is time-intensive ● Error prone on design changes.
  • 12. Selenium ● Records and playback browser tests ● Asserts on DOM ● Javascript is being executed and testable ● Css selectors or xpath position sensitive ● Hard to detect layout errors
  • 13. Learning Curve ● Jump in quickly ● Steep – If you want to do it right ● Mastering it – creating readable, understandable, maintainable and robust tests - takes time and effort.
  • 14. Worth it Ask a Salary Increase and own a second modest vacation property
  • 15. And as an added bonus ● Better code architecture ● More functional code ● High browser compatibility ● No more regressions ● Neat cool stuff to brag about at your local pub!!!
  • 16. Setting it up client side
  • 17. Selenium IDE Firefox Plugin: ● Easy record and playback ● Intelligent field selection will use IDs, names, or XPath as needed ● Autocomplete for all common Selenium commands ● Walk through tests ● Debug and set breakpoints ● Save tests as HTML, PHPUnit, or any other format ● Support for Selenium user-extensions.js file ● Option to automatically assert the title of every page ● Easy customization through plugins
  • 20. X-forwarding run software on remote machine and display the GUI locally ● Linux and Mac OS X support X Forwarding with no extra software ssh -X ● Windows needs extra software Xming
  • 21. Xming (X-forwarding for windows) Configure Xming Windows Start => Xming => XLaunch Display settings dialog box: Multiple windows Display number as 0 Keep clicking next then Finish.
  • 22. Putty (windows) ● Connection => SSH => X11 ● Enable X11 forwarding ● Set X display location as :0.0
  • 23. Setting it up server side (headless)
  • 24. Firefox ● [64 bit] wget ● [32 bit] wget ● tar -jxvf firefox-18.0.tar.bz2 -C /opt ● ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox ● Firefox (No X-Display needed thanks to forwarding)
  • 25. Completely headless (no X-forwarding) ● Install Xvfb aptitude install Xvfb ● Update to latest java version aptitude install sun-java6-jre ● Download the latest Selenium Server Jar package wget server-standalone-2.28.0.jar
  • 26. Test driving Selenium RC (X-forwarding) To test-drive it is always easier to first use X-forwarding: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -htmlSuite *firefox "" “/path/to/selenium/testSuite.html” “/path/where/selenium/should/store/results.html” testSuite.html and related files are the files saved by Selenium IDE
  • 27. Test driving Selenium RC (X Virtual Frame Buffer) ● Open a connection and run Xvfb Xvfb :99 ● Open another connection and run selenium export DISPLAY=:99 & java -jar selenium-server- standalone-2.28.0.jar -htmlSuite *firefox "" “/path/to/selenium/testSuite.html” “/path/where/selenium/should/store/results.html”
  • 28. Integrate into Make certain your Jenkins server is started with Xvfb run on :99 ● Check with: ps -ef | grep Xvfb ● If not running then issue a Xvfb :99 CTRL + Z ● Log into Jenkins: manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins install “Hudson Seleniumhq plugin”
  • 29. Setup a Job ● Create a new freestyle job
  • 32. Problem ● remote control is slow at driving the browser. ● limited number of concurrent tests on the same remote control before seriously impacting its stability. ● Multiple Selenium Remote Controls In Jenkins to work around the limitation on the number of parallel tests.
  • 33. The Grid ● Run tests against multiple browsers ● multiple versions of browser ● browsers running on different operating systems ● To reduce the time it takes for the test suite to complete a test pass.
  • 35. The Hub ● 1 instance ● Allocating a Selenium Remote Control to a specific test (transparently) ● Limiting the number of concurrent test runs on each Remote Control ● Shielding the tests from the actual grid infrastructure
  • 36. A Node ● Remote Control ● Multiple instances (across machines preferably) ● Multiple Browsers ● Can be configured using a json file
  • 38. Start the hub java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role hub ● Start nodes on separate machines java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role node -hub http://hub-address:4444/grid/register
  • 40. Optimizing a Node with js ● java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role node -nodeConfig nodeConfig.js //nodeConfig.js { "class":"org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest", "capabilities":[ { "platform":"VISTA", "seleniumProtocol":"Selenium", "browserName":"*firefox", "maxInstances":5 }, { "platform":"VISTA", "seleniumProtocol":"Selenium", "browserName":"*iexplore", "maxInstances":1 } ],
  • 41. "configuration":{ "port":5555, "register":true, "host":"node-address", "proxy":"org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy", "maxSession":5, "role":"node", "hubHost":"hub-address", "registerCycle":5000, "hub":"http://hub-address:4444/grid/register", "hubPort":4444, "url":"http://node-address:5555", "remoteHost":"http://node-address:5555" } }
  • 43. Run the suite ● No Native HTML Selenese tests support ● Web driver needed ● PHPUnit
  • 44. + Selenium Web Driver wget chmod +x phpunit.phar
  • 45. Selenium-ide-php-formatters Convert Html Selenese tests to PHPUnit test cases Firefox Addon: php-formatters/
  • 47. The test case <?php class Example extends PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase { protected function setUp() { $this->setBrowser("*iexplore"); $this->setBrowserUrl(""); } public function testMyTestCase() { $this->open("/"); $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=About")); $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=Consulting & Training")); $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=Blog")); $this->assertTrue($this->isElementPresent("link=Contact")); $name = $this->getEval(""nick"==="nick""); } } ?>
  • 48. Run the test case php phpunit.phar testcases/testMenu.php Run the test suite php phpunit.phar testcases
  • 49. Use multiple browsers public static $browsers = array( array( 'name' => 'Firefox', 'browser' => '*firefox', 'host' => 'hub-address', 'port' => 4444, 'timeout' => 30000, ), array( 'name' => 'Internet Explorer', 'browser' => '*iexplore', 'host' => 'hub-address', 'port' => 4444, 'timeout' => 30000, ) ); protected function setUp() { $this->setBrowserUrl(''); }
  • 50. Use raw Html Selenese test public function testMenu() { $this->runSelenese('testMenu.html') } Use raw Html Selenese testsuite public static $seleneseDirectory = '/path/to/files';
  • 52. With Paratest Parallel PHPUnit – running tests concurrently ● Support for annotated tests ● Inheritance ● Tests suites ● Test methods ● Reflection driven
  • 53. composer install // composer.json { "require": { "brianium/paratest": "dev-master", "phpunit/dbunit": ">=1.2", "phpunit/php-invoker": "*", "phpunit/phpunit-selenium": ">=1.2", "phpunit/phpunit-story": "*" } }
  • 55. References ● X-Forwarding: ● Xvfb ● Driving Selenium with PHPUnit ● Selenium Hq ● Composer ● Paratest
  • 56. Troubleshooting ● Firefox install dependencies and-running-firefox-on-debian-linux-getting-missing- dependencies-shared-libs ● Specify different ports in Jenkins for each RC when not using the grid ● Proxy settings in Browser – use X-Forwarding to run Browser and change settings, use profile as a RC param when needed.
  • 57. Link to slides and other updates is available at
  • 58. The End! THANK YOU Please rate my talk Slideshare, Twitter, IRC: NickBelhomme
  • 59. Flickr Photo Credits Backgrounds by Flikr

Editor's Notes

  1. System: tests request, router, controller, view, response Black box: you do not have to be aware of the code behind the system. And thus you do not write your tests accordingly Functional: tests complete gui and behavior
  2. System: tests request, router, controller, view, response Black box: you do not have to be aware of the code behind the system. And thus you do not write your tests accordingly Functional: tests complete gui and behavior
  3. System: tests request, router, controller, view, response Black box: you do not have to be aware of the code behind the system. And thus you do not write your tests accordingly Functional: tests complete gui and behavior