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Bastian Feder, Papaya Software GmbH
Nils Langner, Gruner + Jahr
Sven Kiera, TWT Interactive GmbH

Advanced Eclipse Workshop

                                      IPC spring edition 2010
Who are we?

    Bastian Feder              Nils Langner

    Application developer     Qualitätsmanagement
    PHP since 2001            PHP since 2002
    Open Source addict        Founder

    Sven Kiera

    Web developer
    PHP and Java since 1998
    Author of PHP Tool
      Integration (PTI)
Who are you?
Start the engines
Set current language
       System -> Systemverwaltung -> Sprachunterstützung

       Anwendungen -> Zubehör -> Terminal

       #> cd IPC09_Workshop ¶

       #> sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu workspace ¶

       #> ./bin/eclipse/eclipse ¶
Eclipse - Basics
 Workspace
   The workspace is the physical location (file path) you are working in. You can
    choose the workspace during startup of eclipse or via the menu (File-> Switch
    Workspace-> Others).
   All your projects, sources files, images and other artifacts will be stored and saved
    in your workspace.

 Perspective
   A perspective is a visual container for a set of views and editors.

 Views
   Viewport providing specific information and/or functionality

 Working Sets
   Group elements for display in views or for operations on a set of elements.
Your Choice …
 External Tools
 SVN and PDT
 Shortcuts
 Templates
 PTI (PHP Tool Integration)
 Validators
 Xdebug
Eclipse - Shortcuts
Shortcut          Description
CTRL-ALT-Cursor   Copy the current line

CTRL-Left/Right   Jump to previous/next courser position
CTRL-Up/Down      Move marked text
SHIFT-ALT-A       Toggle block edit and normal mode
STRG-SHIFT-T      Open the „Open Type“ box
STRG-SHIFT-C      Comment the marked text using „//“

ALT-ENTER         Maximize Editor
 To edit the shortscuts           Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
Contextual predefined code snippets
Configure at Preferences > PHP > Templates
File Templates

Creating a prefilled file
when using the „new PHP
File“ dialog

Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Editor ->
Code Templates
Eases typing of complex code structures
  (e.g. foreach statement)

 Activation key: <CTRL> + space
Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)

Validators are plugins that
  can analyse files and set
  markers (e.g. Warnings,

 They can be switched off!
 Validators can be run manual or on build
 Most native PDT validators are syntax
 It is possible to add validators
  written in PHP
                                             Window -> Preferences -> Validation
PTI & Dynamic Language Toolkit
 Eclipse Plugins für Eclipse PDT 2.x und Zend Studio 7.x
 Ziel: Direkte Nutzung von PHP Tools in Eclipse PDT
 Aktuelle Unterstützung:
      PHP_CodeSniffer
      PHPDepend
      PHPUnit
      PHP Copy / Paste Detector
 PEAR Verwaltung inkl. aktueller PEAR Bibliothek
 Erweitert Eclipse DLTK External Checker um direkte
  Nutzung von PHP Skripten
 Open Source (EPL)
Creating a Validator
The dynamic language validator will run
a php script and interprets the outfit by
matching against an regular expression

We are going to build the incredible
echo-instead-of-print Validator

                                            Window -> Preferences -> Dynamic
                                            Languages -> Validators -> Add
Subversion                               (client configuration)

 Set        „auto-properties“
       WinXp:                        C:Dokumente & Einstellungen<USER>AnwendungsdatenSubversionconfig

       MacOs / Linux:                                            ~/.subversionconfig

global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store .project .cache .settings
enable-auto-props = yes

*.js = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL
*.css = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL
*.php = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL
*.html = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/html;svn:keywords=LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL
*.htm = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/html;svn:keywords=LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL
*.xsl = svn:eol-style=LF
*.xml = svn:eol-style=LF
*.xsd = svn:eol-style=LF
Subversive (installation)
•   Eclipse update site
Subversion      (client configuration)

•   SVN connector
•   SVN properties for new files
•   Customize label decorations
Subversion & Subversive
 Setup
 Common      handling
   Checkout
   Commit / revert changes
 Conflict
 Extended usage
     Branching, tagging, merging, patching
External Tools
Running external tools
inside Eclipse

                         Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration
Build Script
Running a script that creates the PHPDoc
documentation files

                 <project name="Workshop" basedir="." default="build">
                        simple example build file

                  <target name="documentation">
                    <exec executable="phpdoc">
                      <arg value="-s wp-content/Plugins/PushWP/ -d docs" />

                  <target name="build" depends="documentation" />
Code Beautifier
The one missing thing in PDT
 Debugging   techniques
 Xdebug
 How   to enable Eclipse for debugging
Debugging techniques
Local debugging
Debugging techniques   (II)

•   Remote debugging
Debugging techniques        (III)

•   Multi-User Debugging
     – Only possible using Remote
     – DBGp Proxy necessary
 Debugging for PHP by Derick Rethans
 Provides profiling, tracing, code coverage,
 Cross platform
Obtaining Xdebug
 Download    from
    Installation support at
 Package   system of Linux distribution
Xdebug configuration
Add to php.ini (e.g. on Mac)

 ;; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug
 xdebug.remote_host= ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here
 ;; profiler
Xdebug configuration                                                        (II)

.htaccess - file

   # xDebug section                #
   php_value xdebug.remote_enable 1
   php_value xdebug.remote_handler bdgp
   php_value xdebug.remote_host ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here
 ;; php_value xdebug.allowed_clients <client IP address>
   php_value xdebug.remote_port 9000
   # profiler
   php_value xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger 1
   php_value xdebug.profiler_enable 0
   php_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir "/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling"

         Hands on
Preferences – Basic setup
General settings
 Debug   Port
 Multisession

 DBGp    Proxy settings
Preferences – Basic setup
Preferences – PHP servers
                 Remote debugging
                 Mapping between
                IDE and Xdebug
Configuration for remote
Configuration for remote
debugging (II)
Configuration for remote
debugging (III)
Start a remote debugging
Start a local debugging
Configure „autostart“ options
 Accept    JIT
     Localhost
   Any

   Prompt
Debug CLI scripts
    #> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=“idekey=ECLIPSE_DBGP“↵

    #> php myScript.php ↵

    #> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=““ ↵


   JIT configured

   Breakpoint        set or 'Break at first line' active
Debug     cronjobs, PHPUnit tests, etc.
Debugging made easy!
Firefox Add-on
„Xdebug Helper“

             Further questions? Ask us at:



Contact'n Rate
•    Contact
    – Websites:

•    Rate the workshop @
This set of slides and the source code
    included in the download package is
    licensed under the

   Creative Commons Attribution-
   Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0
   Generic License

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Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)

  • 1. Bastian Feder, Papaya Software GmbH Nils Langner, Gruner + Jahr Sven Kiera, TWT Interactive GmbH Advanced Eclipse Workshop IPC spring edition 2010 30.06.2010
  • 2. Who are we? Bastian Feder Nils Langner Application developer Qualitätsmanagement PHP since 2001 PHP since 2002 Open Source addict Founder Sven Kiera Web developer PHP and Java since 1998 Author of PHP Tool Integration (PTI)
  • 5. Start the engines Set current language System -> Systemverwaltung -> Sprachunterstützung Open Anwendungen -> Zubehör -> Terminal #> cd IPC09_Workshop ¶ #> sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu workspace ¶ #> ./bin/eclipse/eclipse ¶
  • 6. Eclipse - Basics  Workspace  The workspace is the physical location (file path) you are working in. You can choose the workspace during startup of eclipse or via the menu (File-> Switch Workspace-> Others).  All your projects, sources files, images and other artifacts will be stored and saved in your workspace.  Perspective  A perspective is a visual container for a set of views and editors.  Views  Viewport providing specific information and/or functionality  Working Sets  Group elements for display in views or for operations on a set of elements.
  • 7. Your Choice …  External Tools  SVN and PDT  Shortcuts  Templates  PTI (PHP Tool Integration)  Validators  Xdebug
  • 8. Eclipse - Shortcuts Shortcut Description CTRL-ALT-Cursor Copy the current line CTRL-Left/Right Jump to previous/next courser position CTRL-Up/Down Move marked text SHIFT-ALT-A Toggle block edit and normal mode STRG-SHIFT-T Open the „Open Type“ box STRG-SHIFT-C Comment the marked text using „//“ ALT-ENTER Maximize Editor To edit the shortscuts Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
  • 9. Templates Contextual predefined code snippets Configure at Preferences > PHP > Templates
  • 10. File Templates Creating a prefilled file when using the „new PHP File“ dialog Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Editor -> Tempalates
  • 11. Code Templates Eases typing of complex code structures (e.g. foreach statement)  Activation key: <CTRL> + space
  • 13. Validators Validators are plugins that can analyse files and set markers (e.g. Warnings, Errors)  They can be switched off!  Validators can be run manual or on build  Most native PDT validators are syntax checkers  It is possible to add validators written in PHP Window -> Preferences -> Validation
  • 14. PTI & Dynamic Language Toolkit  Eclipse Plugins für Eclipse PDT 2.x und Zend Studio 7.x  Ziel: Direkte Nutzung von PHP Tools in Eclipse PDT  Aktuelle Unterstützung:  PHP_CodeSniffer  PHPDepend  PHPUnit  PHP Copy / Paste Detector  PEAR Verwaltung inkl. aktueller PEAR Bibliothek  Erweitert Eclipse DLTK External Checker um direkte Nutzung von PHP Skripten  Open Source (EPL)
  • 15. Creating a Validator The dynamic language validator will run a php script and interprets the outfit by matching against an regular expression We are going to build the incredible echo-instead-of-print Validator Window -> Preferences -> Dynamic Languages -> Validators -> Add
  • 16. Subversion (client configuration)  Set „auto-properties“  WinXp: C:Dokumente & Einstellungen<USER>AnwendungsdatenSubversionconfig  MacOs / Linux: ~/.subversionconfig [miscellany] global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store .project .cache .settings enable-auto-props = yes [auto-props] *.js = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL *.css = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL *.php = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:keywords=Id LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL *.html = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/html;svn:keywords=LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL *.htm = svn:eol-style=LF;svn:mime-type=text/html;svn:keywords=LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision URL *.xsl = svn:eol-style=LF *.xml = svn:eol-style=LF *.xsd = svn:eol-style=LF
  • 17. Subversive (installation) • Eclipse update site
  • 18. Subversion (client configuration) • SVN connector • SVN properties for new files • Customize label decorations
  • 19. Subversion & Subversive  Setup  Common handling  Checkout  Commit / revert changes  Conflict handling  Extended usage  Branching, tagging, merging, patching
  • 20. External Tools Running external tools inside Eclipse Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration
  • 21. Build Script Running a script that creates the PHPDoc documentation files <project name="Workshop" basedir="." default="build"> <description> simple example build file </description> <target name="documentation"> <exec executable="phpdoc"> <arg value="-s wp-content/Plugins/PushWP/ -d docs" /> </exec> </target> <target name="build" depends="documentation" /> </project>
  • 22. Code Beautifier The one missing thing in PDT
  • 23. Debugging  Debugging techniques  Xdebug  How to enable Eclipse for debugging
  • 25. Debugging techniques (II) • Remote debugging
  • 26. Debugging techniques (III) • Multi-User Debugging – Only possible using Remote Debugging – DBGp Proxy necessary
  • 27. Xdebug  Debugging for PHP by Derick Rethans (  Provides profiling, tracing, code coverage, …  Cross platform
  • 28. Obtaining Xdebug  PECL  Download from  Installation support at  Package system of Linux distribution
  • 29. Xdebug configuration Add to php.ini (e.g. on Mac) [XDebug] ;; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug zend_extension="/usr/lib/php/php5/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/" xdebug.remote_enable=true xdebug.remote_host= ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here xdebug.remote_port=9000 xdebug.remote_handler=dbgp ;; profiler xdebug.profiler_enable=Off xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger=On xdebug.profiler_output_dir=/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling
  • 30. Xdebug configuration (II) .htaccess - file #-------------------------------# # xDebug section # #-------------------------------# php_value xdebug.remote_enable 1 php_value xdebug.remote_handler bdgp php_value xdebug.remote_host ;if debugging on remote server, put client IP here ;; php_value xdebug.allowed_clients <client IP address> php_value xdebug.remote_port 9000 # profiler php_value xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger 1 php_value xdebug.profiler_enable 0 php_value xdebug.profiler_output_dir "/data_lokal/temp/xdebug/profiling"
  • 31. Xdebug Hands on
  • 33. General settings  Debug Port  Multisession  DBGp Proxy settings
  • 35. Preferences – PHP servers  Remote debugging  Mapping between IDE and Xdebug
  • 39. Start a remote debugging session
  • 40. Start a local debugging
  • 41. Configure „autostart“ options  Accept JIT  Localhost  Any  Prompt
  • 42. Debug CLI scripts #> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=“idekey=ECLIPSE_DBGP“↵ #> php myScript.php ↵ #> export XDEBUG_CONFIG=““ ↵ Preconditions  JIT configured  Breakpoint set or 'Break at first line' active Debug cronjobs, PHPUnit tests, etc.
  • 43. Debugging made easy! Firefox Add-on „Xdebug Helper“
  • 44. Questions? Further questions? Ask us at:
  • 45. Contact'n Rate • Contact – Websites: • • • • Rate the workshop @
  • 46. License This set of slides and the source code included in the download package is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License