SlideShare a Scribd company logo
IoT, Atomic Web Design,
Virtual & Augmented Reality
Andrew Newman @ Canofpopcom
Resources for 2016 - (sources of inspiration)
Objective of this document:
To provide a starter list of resources and referenceable
materials related to the use of new and existing digital
technologies in one or more current or emerging trends.
Version: 0.1 - 2016 - 3 Trends
Resources for 2016 - (sources of inspiration)
Format: Theme - Type - Title - URL - Explanation.
Trend: A general direction as to how something is changing /
developing, i.e. Internet of Things, Atomic Design, Virtual
Type: Format of material i.e. Blog, Portfolio or Individual.
Example: Image or video
Explanation: Brief note about material / source.
Internet Of Things (IoT)
Internet Of Things (IoT)
Brief Explanation:
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever-growing network
of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet
connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these
objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems.
Applications Within Advertising: MANY
Smart Fashion, Experiential, Smart Devices, Out Of Home.
2016: Watch points - APPLE WATCH 2, Smart Fashion, Affordable
3D Printing, lighthouses (Bluetooth beacons), Machine Learning
Internet Of Things (IoT)
projects and art installations that live
on the fringes of Art & Technology.
IOT List keeps an ever expanding
directory of internet enabled products
from cameras to ovens.
Arduino is a small programmable
electronics board for enthusiasts a great
starting point for anyone looking to get
into IoT.
A community of IoT enthusiasts, often
talking about the latest developments and
offering simple guides.
Internet Of Things (IoT)
Some articles on the subject.
Atomic Web Design
& Pattern Libraries
Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries
Brief Explanation:
Atomic design and pattern libraries are both methodologies designed to work together to
create deliberate, flexible, versatile and scaleable design systems for websites, they have
been likened to style guides and represent a way forward when working with sites that have
to work across multiple platforms, devices and cultures.
Applications Within Advertising:
Websites, Web Applications - mid and large scale web sites and properties.
Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries
SITE / BOOK - Atomic Web Design
The methods we use to design and develop
websites are always evolving. Atomic
design is once such evolved method,
Bradfosts site / book is a good place to
start understanding a few of these newer
terms, practices and methods.
Presentation (SlideShare - covering key
Pattern Lab is a collection of tools to
help you create atomic design systems..
Also features some useful demos,resources
and even templates to get you started.
Resources: http://patternlab.
Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries
SITE - Service Manual
A good example of design documentation, .
gov deploys a “service manual” approach
to ensure consistency in design and
development whilst considering key
factors such as accessibility and
usability across a wide range of user
Style is an evoling list
ofcompanies and sites that are using
online style guides (Patterns) to help
drive both efficiencies and ensure
consistency across Creative and
Development processes and practices.
Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
Brief Explanation:
VR and AR are new terms, think Lawnmower Man, Nintendo
Virtual Boy*, Blipper and host of other 1990s applications
and devices, what makes things different is that the tech has
moved on considerably this new wave (almost consumer ready)
includes backers such as Facebook, Sony, Google & Apple.
reality-1-0-2016-preview/ (thanks to Paul F for this link)
Applications Within Advertising: Experiential, Out Of Home,
Augmented Media, Data Visualisation, Awesome body rocking
Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
VR feels very real in 2015 and a host of
new top games are incoming for the ever
growing pile of virtual reality headsets.
We've rounded up the most exciting VR
games for your delight and delectation.
TV, the Internet, and mobile have all
radically changed how brands connect and
engage with consumers. VR is the next
major platform to shatter advertising
norms, dramatically changing how brands
and advertisers connect and empathize
with consumers.
Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
A good write up on the trend featuring
examples from COCACOLA, FACEBOOK 360*
videos and others.
SITE / COLLECTION - Microsoft HoloLens
Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully
untethered, holographic computer,
enabling high-definition holograms to
integrate with your world. Help develop
the future of holographic computing. Come
unlock new possibilities.
Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
STUDIO BLOG - Blockinterval
Solid round up of the different topic
that are circulating around User
Experience within virtual reality, some
great follow up links such as the VR
Interface Design Manifesto.
RESEARCH - Twenty Milliseconds
As new VR and AR experiences develop and
become mainstream there may be a rise of
Simulation Motion Sickness, this article
explores the idea further.
Other useful links
1. COLLECTION - Site Inspire
The Vogue magazine of internet design,
this site documents web projects that are
often highly creative and that establish
future design and interaction trends.
An ever evolving list of interaction
types and styles, this site highlights
some of the best uses currently out
3. AWARDS SITE - AWWWARDS http://www.
The awards that recognize the talent and
effort of the best web designers,
developers and agencies in the world.
CodePen is a playground for the front end
side of the web. It's all about
inspiration, education, and sharing.
It’s also a great place to experiment
with html, css and javascript.
Other useful links
5. BLOG - Digital Buzz Blog
A growing list of marketing campaigns that
utilise one or more digital channels, focus
mainly is on DIGITAL but increasingly
reports on large and small scale integrated
campaigns and executions.
6. BLOG - Digital Trends
A smallish blog that covers a wide range of
topics, good for a quick flick through.
7. EMO Unlimited - Agency
Where I work (Shameless PLUG)
EMO Unlimited is a multi-disciplined
marketing communications agency, which
connect global brands to local (national,
regional) networks.
We help local networks connect with
prospects and customers in their area
through omni-channel executions.
Here’s to a great 2016

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Resources (Links) for 2016

  • 1. RESOURCES FOR 2016 IoT, Atomic Web Design, Virtual & Augmented Reality Andrew Newman @ Canofpopcom
  • 2. Resources for 2016 - (sources of inspiration) Objective of this document: To provide a starter list of resources and referenceable materials related to the use of new and existing digital technologies in one or more current or emerging trends. Version: 0.1 - 2016 - 3 Trends URL:
  • 3. Resources for 2016 - (sources of inspiration) Format: Theme - Type - Title - URL - Explanation. Trend: A general direction as to how something is changing / developing, i.e. Internet of Things, Atomic Design, Virtual Reality. Type: Format of material i.e. Blog, Portfolio or Individual. Example: Image or video Explanation: Brief note about material / source.
  • 4. THEME 1: Internet Of Things (IoT)
  • 5. Internet Of Things (IoT) Brief Explanation: The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems. SRC: Applications Within Advertising: MANY Smart Fashion, Experiential, Smart Devices, Out Of Home. 2016: Watch points - APPLE WATCH 2, Smart Fashion, Affordable 3D Printing, lighthouses (Bluetooth beacons), Machine Learning
  • 6. Internet Of Things (IoT) SITE - CREATIVE APPLICATIONS documents projects and art installations that live on the fringes of Art & Technology. SITE - IOT LIST IOT List keeps an ever expanding directory of internet enabled products from cameras to ovens. BLOG - Arduino is a small programmable electronics board for enthusiasts a great starting point for anyone looking to get into IoT. COMMUNITY - ELEMENT14 http://www.element14. com/community/groups/internet-of-things? ICID=hp-iot-topgroup A community of IoT enthusiasts, often talking about the latest developments and offering simple guides.
  • 7. Internet Of Things (IoT) Some articles on the subject. uk/article/1352048/internet-things- already-future-advertising http://www.metronomegazette. com/2013/12/the-internet-of-things. html http://www.forbes. com/sites/onmarketing/2015/11/23/th e-future-of-ad-targeting-in-an-iot- world/
  • 8. THEME 2: Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries
  • 9. Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries Brief Explanation: Atomic design and pattern libraries are both methodologies designed to work together to create deliberate, flexible, versatile and scaleable design systems for websites, they have been likened to style guides and represent a way forward when working with sites that have to work across multiple platforms, devices and cultures. SRC: Applications Within Advertising: Websites, Web Applications - mid and large scale web sites and properties.
  • 10. Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries SITE / BOOK - Atomic Web Design The methods we use to design and develop websites are always evolving. Atomic design is once such evolved method, Bradfosts site / book is a good place to start understanding a few of these newer terms, practices and methods. Presentation (SlideShare - covering key principles): death-of-lorem-ipsum-pixel-perfect- content SITE - Pattern Lab is a collection of tools to help you create atomic design systems.. Also features some useful demos,resources and even templates to get you started. Resources: http://patternlab. io/resources.html Demo:
  • 11. Atomic Web Design & Pattern Libraries SITE - Service Manual manual/designers A good example of design documentation, . gov deploys a “service manual” approach to ensure consistency in design and development whilst considering key factors such as accessibility and usability across a wide range of user cases. SITE / COLLECTION - http: // Style is an evoling list ofcompanies and sites that are using online style guides (Patterns) to help drive both efficiencies and ensure consistency across Creative and Development processes and practices. Example:
  • 12. THEME 3: Virtual (and Augmented) Reality
  • 13. Virtual (and Augmented) Reality Brief Explanation: VR and AR are new terms, think Lawnmower Man, Nintendo Virtual Boy*, Blipper and host of other 1990s applications and devices, what makes things different is that the tech has moved on considerably this new wave (almost consumer ready) includes backers such as Facebook, Sony, Google & Apple. SRC: reality-1-0-2016-preview/ (thanks to Paul F for this link) Applications Within Advertising: Experiential, Out Of Home, Augmented Media, Data Visualisation, Awesome body rocking experiences. *
  • 14. Virtual (and Augmented) Reality ARTICLE - WAREABLE games-for-oculus-rift-project-morpheus- gear-vr-and-project-cardboard VR feels very real in 2015 and a host of new top games are incoming for the ever growing pile of virtual reality headsets. We've rounded up the most exciting VR games for your delight and delectation. ARTICLE - VENTUREBEAT http://venturebeat. com/2015/10/18/virtual-reality-the-last- frontier-in-native-advertising/ TV, the Internet, and mobile have all radically changed how brands connect and engage with consumers. VR is the next major platform to shatter advertising norms, dramatically changing how brands and advertisers connect and empathize with consumers.
  • 15. Virtual (and Augmented) Reality ARTICLE - ADAGE.COM reality-advertising-s-big-thing/294328/ A good write up on the trend featuring examples from COCACOLA, FACEBOOK 360* videos and others. SITE / COLLECTION - Microsoft HoloLens hololens/en-us Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world. Help develop the future of holographic computing. Come unlock new possibilities. *More: have-ads/
  • 16. Virtual (and Augmented) Reality STUDIO BLOG - Blockinterval updates/2015/10/15/user-experience-in- virtual-reality Solid round up of the different topic that are circulating around User Experience within virtual reality, some great follow up links such as the VR Interface Design Manifesto. v=n3b8hZ5NV2E RESEARCH - Twenty Milliseconds https://www.twentymilliseconds. com/post/all-about-motion-sickness/ As new VR and AR experiences develop and become mainstream there may be a rise of Simulation Motion Sickness, this article explores the idea further.
  • 18. Other useful links 1. COLLECTION - Site Inspire The Vogue magazine of internet design, this site documents web projects that are often highly creative and that establish future design and interaction trends. 2. COLLECTION - An ever evolving list of interaction types and styles, this site highlights some of the best uses currently out there. 3. AWARDS SITE - AWWWARDS http://www. The awards that recognize the talent and effort of the best web designers, developers and agencies in the world. 4. PLAYGROUND - CODEPEN.IO http: // CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web. It's all about inspiration, education, and sharing. It’s also a great place to experiment with html, css and javascript.
  • 19. Other useful links 5. BLOG - Digital Buzz Blog A growing list of marketing campaigns that utilise one or more digital channels, focus mainly is on DIGITAL but increasingly reports on large and small scale integrated campaigns and executions. 6. BLOG - Digital Trends A smallish blog that covers a wide range of topics, good for a quick flick through. 7. EMO Unlimited - Agency Where I work (Shameless PLUG) EMO Unlimited is a multi-disciplined marketing communications agency, which connect global brands to local (national, regional) networks. We help local networks connect with prospects and customers in their area through omni-channel executions.
  • 20. THANKS Here’s to a great 2016