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Curated by:
Damian Radcliffe
Background and
This is one of the largest news surveys in
the world. Explores the online news habits
of more than 20,000 people in twelve
countries. Research was conducted online
in January/early February 2015.
Additional analysis of key themes, country
level insights from network of partners
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 2
Please note that Brazil is representative of an urban population rather than a national population.
Source: Internet World Stats internet population estimate 2014.
1. Move to mobile – smartphone ever more central
2. Growing power of social platforms (and messaging apps)
3. Video and new visual formats taking off
4. Increased disruption for traditional media by digital-born
companies and aggregators
5. Making money getting harder due to mobile and social
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 3
9 July RISJ Digital News Report 2015
Presentation to TRF Board

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Charts and tables from 5 country Reuters Institute/YouGov survey with data on news usage, mobile, tablets, and social media

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The Digital Consumer Report 2014 NielsenThe Digital Consumer Report 2014 Nielsen
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1) Today's digital consumers are more connected than ever, constantly accessing content across multiple devices like smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. 2) Device ownership has reached critical mass, with the average American owning 4 digital devices, including smartphones owned by 65% of households. 3) Hispanics are early adopters of digital technology, with 72% owning smartphones and spending over 90 minutes more per month watching online video than the average American.

Social Media in the Middle East: The Story of 2014
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Third annual round-up of developments in social media consumption and behaviours across the Middle East and North Africa. This white paper explores areas such as the social media market in MENA, as well as key networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp), the use of social media for news and consumption by Arab Youth.

Strong growth in news
via smartphone
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 5
8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week?
Base: All (total sample in each country)
Australia 58%
Ireland 52%
Finland 50%
Italy 44%
Mobile app or mobile browser?
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 6
In most countries the mobile browser remains the main access point to news. In the five countries we
looked at, only in the UK – and only on smartphones – do more people say they use apps than a mobile
Q9a/b. Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a MOBILE/TABLET, which of the following statements most applies to you?
Base: All who used a smartphone/tablet for news in the last week. UK = 899/675, US = 1005/521, Germany = 700/331, Finland = 775/391, Italy = 927/384, Australia = 1154/730
The app gap
have a news app installed
on their phone, only a third
actually use them in a
given week
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 7

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Presentation given to the What is Media? conference in Portland, April 2016. My slides explore seven major tech trends and how they are impacting on content creation and distribution.

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The introduction summarizes how technology has changed the way people live and connect through new devices and the internet. People now have access to vast amounts of information online and can communicate globally. The internet has affected how people work, travel, communicate and entertain themselves. It examines how access to the internet has grown and internet speeds have increased dramatically. It also reviews what devices people use to access the internet, how they search for information, what products are bought online, trends in online video consumption, and popular online activities. New technologies will continue driving changes to how society functions into the future.

comScore: Mobile's Hierarchy of Needs
comScore: Mobile's Hierarchy of NeedscomScore: Mobile's Hierarchy of Needs
comScore: Mobile's Hierarchy of Needs

This document discusses how mobile device usage has evolved to meet users' basic needs. It analyzes mobile usage data from various countries to show how categories like health, retail food, and real estate align with physiological needs from Maslow's hierarchy. Real estate audiences are larger on mobile but time spent still lags desktop, indicating mobile is used for early research. Apparel shopping is a key driver of mobile retail in Western markets. Daily health category users on smartphones have increased significantly in the UK and US from 2016 to 2017, allowing users to form daily healthy habits through apps and trackers. The full report contains additional analysis of how other needs like safety, love, and self-actualization are also met through heavy mobile usage of categories

digital mediabig datamobile
Top news sources compared 2012-15
Online news broadly stayed at the same level. TV has declined a bit especially in the US. The main change has
been the decline in printed newspaper and the rise of social media
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 9
Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: various. NB: 2014 data for TV, Print, Online and Social has
been estimated because of an issue with randomisation of responses in that year
Top news sources compared 2012-15
But it is not the same story everywhere. TV viewing in Germany remains strong even with the young while social
media growth is less pronounced. In Denmark online has overtaken TV and social media is growing fast
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 10
Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: various. NB: 2014 data for TV, Print, Online and Social has
been estimated because of an issue with randomisation of responses in that year
Main source of news
TV remains the most important source of news in many countries. France, Germany, and
Japan have the strongest allegiance to traditional media and they have been slower to adopt
new digital trends such as smartphones and social media
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 11
Q4. You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is your MAIN source of news? Base: All who used a source of news in
the last week in each country.
Main source of news by age
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 12
Q4. You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is your MAIN source of news? Base: All who have used news
sources in the last week =23155
But averages hide stark splits between generations. Young Germans or Japanese are likely to have more in
common with young Americans or Finns in preferring online news and social media to TV news, radio, or print.

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Audio and Podcasting in the US

This document discusses trends in audio and podcast consumption in the United States. It notes that while podcast awareness and listenership has grown significantly in recent years, there is still potential for further growth. Mobile devices and increased connectivity have driven more online and on-the-go listening. Popular podcasts have also seen growth in listener support and funding. However, podcast advertising and monetization still lag television and radio, representing an opportunity for growth. Overall listeners are highly engaged with the format, spending many hours each day engaged in audio activities that podcasts could be part of.

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Nielsen Research: Mobile consumer report 2013
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The document provides a global snapshot of mobile consumer trends based on surveys conducted in 10 countries in 2012. It finds that: 1) Smartphone ownership has reached a majority in countries like the US and UK, but feature phones remain most common in India, Brazil, and Russia where infrastructure is still developing. 2) Younger consumers are more likely to adopt smartphones globally, and their interest is expected to drive further adoption. 3) Smartphone habits vary by country, with games and social media being most popular apps worldwide, though mobile shopping is still nascent in many markets.

Young turning away from TV News
Some of the biggest falls have been in the United States, France, and Denmark. Only a quarter (24%) of under 35s
watch TV news bulletins or programmes in the US compared with 37% two years ago. In Germany 58% of under
35s still watch bulletins or programmes weekly.
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 13
Overall trust in the news environment
Overall we see the highest levels of trust in media systems with a good mix of strong public service broadcasters
and robust commercial players - such as Finland, Germany, Denmark and the UK.
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 14
Q6a. Thinking about news in general, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “I think you can trust most news most of the time”. Q6b.
Thinking specifically about news sources that you use, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “I think I can trust most of the news
that I use most of the time”. Base: Total sample in each country
Partisan viewing of TV news channels
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 15
In the United Kingdom there is a tradition of impartiality backed up by strong regulation. The US TV
news model is more partisan

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- More than half of the world's population now uses the internet, with global internet users growing 8% year-over-year. Mobile internet and social media usage are also growing significantly. - Social media users grew over 20% in the past year to over 2.5 billion active users monthly. Mobile social media use in particular saw 30% growth. - The report provides statistics on internet, social media, and mobile usage globally and by region, finding continued growth in connectivity and usage around the world.

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Wave 7 - Cracking the Social Code
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Wave is the world’s largest and longest running social media study. Covering 65 countries with Wave 7 it represents the views, needs and behaviors of more than a billion of the world’s most influential internet & social media users. Please go to for further insights where you to do your own Wave analysis about the social media topics you are interested in.

Facebook becoming more important for news
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 17
Q12a/b. Which, if any, of the following have you used for any purpose/for reading, watching, sharing, or discussing news
in the last week? Base: Combined sample =23557.
41% (+6)
Access use Facebook weekly for finding sharing
or discussing news. Facebook owns WhatsApp
and Instagram
We seek news on Twitter but
bump into it on Facebook
Twitter is seen as a news destination. Facebook is not. This explains the different strategies employed to
seed news in each network and the relative popularity of different news brands
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 18
Q12Cii/Dii. You say you use Twitter/Facebook for news. Which of the following statements applies best to you? Base: Combined sample of UK, US, Italy,
Australia, = Facebook=3560, Twitter = 861.
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 19
Percentage using social media to find
news (2013-15)
Facebook and other social outlets are driving
more traffic to major news sites. Referrals from
Facebook increased 42% in the last year to major
English news sites.
Publishers are delighted at extra traffic but are
concerned about over-reliance on Facebook and
in particular about its algorithms, which are
changing all the time and over which they have
no control.

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Wave is a global survey conducted by UM, revealing the social habits of consumers in 65 countries. The study has tracked the dynamic shifts that have taken place within the social media landscape for the last seven years. Wave 7 has identified that consumers will connect with brands that meet five basic needs. By answering these needs, and by combining technology, social platforms and media in a more cohesive way, brands can put themselves in an extremely powerful position.

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1) Social media usage continues to grow rapidly and is now integral to daily life for many globally. 2) Mobile access to social media is driving much of the growth, now accounting for over 60% of time spent on social networks. 3) While Facebook and Twitter remain popular, Pinterest has seen enormous growth in 2012, becoming the network with the largest increase in unique audience and time spent across devices.

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Overview of where we've come from, and where we're going... with an emphasis on social media usage in the USA and some key emerging global trends and behaviours.

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Growth in online video usage
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 21
We see a significant jump in the use of online news video in all countries except Germany and also in the US, where the
big move happened between 2013 and 2014. Almost a third of US audiences still consume video each week (30%), with
Spain and Italy catching up with growth of +10 and +5 respectively.
Attitudes to video vs text
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 22
Compared with last year, fewer people ‘mostly read in text’ and more people occasionally or regularly
watch online news video
Types of video consumed
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 23
Q11aii. Which TYPES of news video have you watched online in the last month? Base: All who watched online news video in the last month UK = 460, US = 707,
France = 382, Germany = 353, Finland = 334, Italy = 511, Ireland = 408.
Short news clips (66%) are accessed most regularly; providing eyewitness testimony – particularly on a breaking
story – or additional context. Live streams tend to be watched by those who are most interested in news
Barriers to video usage
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 24
Q11ai. You said that you don’t usually watch news videos online. Why not?
Base: All who did not watch online video news in the last week UK = 1689, US = 1588, France = 1609, Germany = 1622, Finland = 1175, Italy = 1495, Ireland =
Of those who don’t use video, four in ten (40%) said they found reading quicker and more convenient, with 19% agreeing that
videos rarely add anything useful to the text. Older groups are two- thirds as likely to express a preference for a bigger screen.
Younger groups are more impatient about load times and preroll advertisements

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Japan, Australia suffering most disruption –
Finland, Denmark and UK the least
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 26
Q5b. Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week ? Via online platforms (web, mobile, tablet, e-reader).
Base: All markets 2015.
Battle for global eyeballs
The Huffington Post and Buzzfeed now operate in a number of countries and languages They are growing fast. The Guardian and Mail are
focusing in UK, US and Australia. Yahoo, MSN and HuffPo are leading through joint enterprises and approaches
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 27
1 Weighted percentage calculated using population data from Internet World Stats and the World Bank: weighted = (country population * percentage adults * percentage accessed)/total population of all
countries surveyed. Brazil is not included due to the absence of reliable data about its urban population. * Joint ventures , ** previously joint ventures now mainly locally owned y
US 22% 10% 3% 3% 4% 12% 10% 14% 11% 23%
UK 12% 5% 1% 14% 12% 1% 48% 1% 5% 8%
France 8%* 1% 1% - - 1% 3% 2% 7% 8%
Germany 6% 1% 1% - - 1% 3% 3% 4% 5%
Spain 8% 1% 1% - - 3% 5% 4% 9% 8%
Italy 7%* 1% 1% - - 2% 3% 4% 8% 11%
Ireland 8% 6% 1% 7% 4% 4% 17% 5% 5% 9%
Brazil 1% 2% 1% - - 6% 8% 9% 20% 18%
Australia 12% 7% 1% 3% 7% 4% 14% 7% 25%** 21%**
Japan 2%* 1% - - - 2% 3% 5% 10% 52%**
Weighted1 10% 4% 1% 2% 2% 5% 8% 6% 8% 18%
New routes to news accelerate disruption
Competition from born-digital content producers is far less of a problem for legacy media than disruption by other players, most importantly
search and social. Search is often the key gateway in Italy, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Japan or France while social media are very important in
Australia and Brazil

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We Are Social's comprehensive new Digital in 2016 report presents internet, social media, and mobile usage statistics and trends from all over the world. It contains more than 500 infographics, including global data snapshots, regional overviews, and in-depth profiles of the digital landscapes in 30 of the world's key economies. For a more insightful analysis of the numbers contained in this report, please visit

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RISJ Digital News Report 2015 34
Newspaper purchase by country
Q7. Have you bought (paid for) a printed newspaper in the last week? (This could be an ongoing subscription or one-off payment for a
physical copy.) Base: Total sample in each country
A number of countries have shown a significant decline in newspaper purchase over the last two years including Germany (-
9), Japan (-7), US (-7), and the UK (-8). In Japan much of that loss has come from under 35s
Paying for online news content
Compared to overall reach, the numbers paying for online news in any form remains relatively low
US, UK, Denmark, Australia, Finland Japan have majority ongoing subscription – paid for websites or apps. Other countries
like Ireland are only just starting with paywalls so payments tend to be for single apps, day passes or other add-ons.
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 35
Q7a. Have you paid for ONLINE news content, or accessed a paid for ONLINE news service in the last year ? (This could be digital subscription,
combined digital/print subscription or one off payment for an article or app). Base: All markets 2015 – UK: 2149; Germany: 1969; Spain: 2026; Italy: 2006;
France: 1991; Denmark: 2019; Finland: 1509; USA: 2295; Urban Brazil: 2033; Japan: 2017: Ireland: 1501; Australia: 2042.
How much might you be prepared to
pay for a news brand you like?
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 36
Q7civ. What is the maximum price you would pay for a subscription to a digital-only news service – including full access to its website, apps, and any
digital replicas of the newspaper? Base: All who had not paid for news in the last year UK = 1992, US = 1942, Spain = 1773, Australia = 1805.

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Advertising revenues
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 37
Sources: IAB, News Digital Ad Spend from Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report
Sponsored and
branded content
RISJ Digital News Report 2015 38
feel disappointed
or deceived after
reading an article
that turned out to
be paid for by an
feel content
valuable to them
feel more negatively towards
the news organisation
1. Smartphones are changing the news
experience. How can news brands get share of
2. More offsite consumption (social networks,
aggregators) feeds traffic but at cost of control
3. Can legacy media innovate enough to hold their
own against disrupters?
4. Business prospects for advertising and pay
models remain challenging
Key implications
for industry
 Do we know enough about growing digital brands?
(HuffPo, Buzzfeed, Vice etc.)
 What relationships do we have with them?
(internships) Are they looking for different skills?
 How do we teach writing for mobile, social, or
pieces which blend video and text?
 What’s the best way to pool our learning –
journalism, PR and advertising – to understand
interlinked changes across our industry?
for SOJC

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Thanks for listening.
More information:
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Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2015: Selected highlights

  • 1. REUTERS INSTITUTE DIGITAL NEWS REPORT KEY FINDINGS FROM 2015 Edited highlights Curated by: Damian Radcliffe
  • 2. Background and methodology This is one of the largest news surveys in the world. Explores the online news habits of more than 20,000 people in twelve countries. Research was conducted online in January/early February 2015. Additional analysis of key themes, country level insights from network of partners RISJ Digital News Report 2015 2 Please note that Brazil is representative of an urban population rather than a national population. Source: Internet World Stats internet population estimate 2014.
  • 3. Key findings from 2015 1. Move to mobile – smartphone ever more central 2. Growing power of social platforms (and messaging apps) 3. Video and new visual formats taking off 4. Increased disruption for traditional media by digital-born companies and aggregators 5. Making money getting harder due to mobile and social RISJ Digital News Report 2015 3
  • 4. 1. CENTRALITY OF SMARTPHONES 9 July RISJ Digital News Report 2015 Presentation to TRF Board 4
  • 5. Strong growth in news via smartphone RISJ Digital News Report 2015 5 8b. Which, if any, of the following devices have you used to access news in the last week? Base: All (total sample in each country) ALSO Australia 58% Ireland 52% Finland 50% Italy 44%
  • 6. Mobile app or mobile browser? RISJ Digital News Report 2015 6 In most countries the mobile browser remains the main access point to news. In the five countries we looked at, only in the UK – and only on smartphones – do more people say they use apps than a mobile browser. Q9a/b. Thinking specifically about when you look for news on a MOBILE/TABLET, which of the following statements most applies to you? Base: All who used a smartphone/tablet for news in the last week. UK = 899/675, US = 1005/521, Germany = 700/331, Finland = 775/391, Italy = 927/384, Australia = 1154/730
  • 7. The app gap 70% have a news app installed on their phone, only a third actually use them in a given week RISJ Digital News Report 2015 7
  • 9. Top news sources compared 2012-15 Online news broadly stayed at the same level. TV has declined a bit especially in the US. The main change has been the decline in printed newspaper and the rise of social media RISJ Digital News Report 2015 9 Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: various. NB: 2014 data for TV, Print, Online and Social has been estimated because of an issue with randomisation of responses in that year
  • 10. Top news sources compared 2012-15 But it is not the same story everywhere. TV viewing in Germany remains strong even with the young while social media growth is less pronounced. In Denmark online has overtaken TV and social media is growing fast RISJ Digital News Report 2015 10 Q3. Which, if any, of the following have you used in the last week as a source of news? Base: various. NB: 2014 data for TV, Print, Online and Social has been estimated because of an issue with randomisation of responses in that year
  • 11. Main source of news TV remains the most important source of news in many countries. France, Germany, and Japan have the strongest allegiance to traditional media and they have been slower to adopt new digital trends such as smartphones and social media RISJ Digital News Report 2015 11 Q4. You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is your MAIN source of news? Base: All who used a source of news in the last week in each country.
  • 12. Main source of news by age RISJ Digital News Report 2015 12 Q4. You say you’ve used these sources of news in the last week, which would you say is your MAIN source of news? Base: All who have used news sources in the last week =23155 But averages hide stark splits between generations. Young Germans or Japanese are likely to have more in common with young Americans or Finns in preferring online news and social media to TV news, radio, or print.
  • 13. Young turning away from TV News Some of the biggest falls have been in the United States, France, and Denmark. Only a quarter (24%) of under 35s watch TV news bulletins or programmes in the US compared with 37% two years ago. In Germany 58% of under 35s still watch bulletins or programmes weekly. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 13
  • 14. Overall trust in the news environment Overall we see the highest levels of trust in media systems with a good mix of strong public service broadcasters and robust commercial players - such as Finland, Germany, Denmark and the UK. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 14 Q6a. Thinking about news in general, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “I think you can trust most news most of the time”. Q6b. Thinking specifically about news sources that you use, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “I think I can trust most of the news that I use most of the time”. Base: Total sample in each country
  • 15. Partisan viewing of TV news channels US AND UK COMPARED RISJ Digital News Report 2015 15 In the United Kingdom there is a tradition of impartiality backed up by strong regulation. The US TV news model is more partisan
  • 17. Facebook becoming more important for news RISJ Digital News Report 2015 17 Q12a/b. Which, if any, of the following have you used for any purpose/for reading, watching, sharing, or discussing news in the last week? Base: Combined sample =23557. 41% (+6) Access use Facebook weekly for finding sharing or discussing news. Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram
  • 18. We seek news on Twitter but bump into it on Facebook Twitter is seen as a news destination. Facebook is not. This explains the different strategies employed to seed news in each network and the relative popularity of different news brands RISJ Digital News Report 2015 18 Q12Cii/Dii. You say you use Twitter/Facebook for news. Which of the following statements applies best to you? Base: Combined sample of UK, US, Italy, Australia, = Facebook=3560, Twitter = 861. TOP ENGLISH PUBLISHERS IN FACEBOOK AND TWITTER
  • 19. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 19 Percentage using social media to find news (2013-15) Facebook and other social outlets are driving more traffic to major news sites. Referrals from Facebook increased 42% in the last year to major English news sites. Publishers are delighted at extra traffic but are concerned about over-reliance on Facebook and in particular about its algorithms, which are changing all the time and over which they have no control.
  • 21. Growth in online video usage RISJ Digital News Report 2015 21 We see a significant jump in the use of online news video in all countries except Germany and also in the US, where the big move happened between 2013 and 2014. Almost a third of US audiences still consume video each week (30%), with Spain and Italy catching up with growth of +10 and +5 respectively.
  • 22. Attitudes to video vs text RISJ Digital News Report 2015 22 Compared with last year, fewer people ‘mostly read in text’ and more people occasionally or regularly watch online news video
  • 23. Types of video consumed RISJ Digital News Report 2015 23 Q11aii. Which TYPES of news video have you watched online in the last month? Base: All who watched online news video in the last month UK = 460, US = 707, France = 382, Germany = 353, Finland = 334, Italy = 511, Ireland = 408. Short news clips (66%) are accessed most regularly; providing eyewitness testimony – particularly on a breaking story – or additional context. Live streams tend to be watched by those who are most interested in news
  • 24. Barriers to video usage RISJ Digital News Report 2015 24 Q11ai. You said that you don’t usually watch news videos online. Why not? Base: All who did not watch online video news in the last week UK = 1689, US = 1588, France = 1609, Germany = 1622, Finland = 1175, Italy = 1495, Ireland = 1093. Of those who don’t use video, four in ten (40%) said they found reading quicker and more convenient, with 19% agreeing that videos rarely add anything useful to the text. Older groups are two- thirds as likely to express a preference for a bigger screen. Younger groups are more impatient about load times and preroll advertisements
  • 26. Japan, Australia suffering most disruption – Finland, Denmark and UK the least RISJ Digital News Report 2015 26 Q5b. Which, if any, of the following have you used to access news in the last week ? Via online platforms (web, mobile, tablet, e-reader). Base: All markets 2015.
  • 27. Battle for global eyeballs The Huffington Post and Buzzfeed now operate in a number of countries and languages They are growing fast. The Guardian and Mail are focusing in UK, US and Australia. Yahoo, MSN and HuffPo are leading through joint enterprises and approaches RISJ Digital News Report 2015 27 1 Weighted percentage calculated using population data from Internet World Stats and the World Bank: weighted = (country population * percentage adults * percentage accessed)/total population of all countries surveyed. Brazil is not included due to the absence of reliable data about its urban population. * Joint ventures , ** previously joint ventures now mainly locally owned y HUFF POST BUZZFEED VICE D MAIL GUARDIAN NY TIMES BBC CNN MSN YAHOO US 22% 10% 3% 3% 4% 12% 10% 14% 11% 23% UK 12% 5% 1% 14% 12% 1% 48% 1% 5% 8% France 8%* 1% 1% - - 1% 3% 2% 7% 8% Germany 6% 1% 1% - - 1% 3% 3% 4% 5% Spain 8% 1% 1% - - 3% 5% 4% 9% 8% Italy 7%* 1% 1% - - 2% 3% 4% 8% 11% Ireland 8% 6% 1% 7% 4% 4% 17% 5% 5% 9% Brazil 1% 2% 1% - - 6% 8% 9% 20% 18% Australia 12% 7% 1% 3% 7% 4% 14% 7% 25%** 21%** Japan 2%* 1% - - - 2% 3% 5% 10% 52%** Weighted1 10% 4% 1% 2% 2% 5% 8% 6% 8% 18%
  • 28. New routes to news accelerate disruption Competition from born-digital content producers is far less of a problem for legacy media than disruption by other players, most importantly search and social. Search is often the key gateway in Italy, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Japan or France while social media are very important in Australia and Brazil 28
  • 30. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 30 United States
  • 31. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 31 United Kingdom
  • 32. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 32 Germany
  • 34. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 34 Newspaper purchase by country Q7. Have you bought (paid for) a printed newspaper in the last week? (This could be an ongoing subscription or one-off payment for a physical copy.) Base: Total sample in each country A number of countries have shown a significant decline in newspaper purchase over the last two years including Germany (- 9), Japan (-7), US (-7), and the UK (-8). In Japan much of that loss has come from under 35s
  • 35. Paying for online news content Compared to overall reach, the numbers paying for online news in any form remains relatively low US, UK, Denmark, Australia, Finland Japan have majority ongoing subscription – paid for websites or apps. Other countries like Ireland are only just starting with paywalls so payments tend to be for single apps, day passes or other add-ons. RISJ Digital News Report 2015 35 Q7a. Have you paid for ONLINE news content, or accessed a paid for ONLINE news service in the last year ? (This could be digital subscription, combined digital/print subscription or one off payment for an article or app). Base: All markets 2015 – UK: 2149; Germany: 1969; Spain: 2026; Italy: 2006; France: 1991; Denmark: 2019; Finland: 1509; USA: 2295; Urban Brazil: 2033; Japan: 2017: Ireland: 1501; Australia: 2042.
  • 36. How much might you be prepared to pay for a news brand you like? RISJ Digital News Report 2015 36 Q7civ. What is the maximum price you would pay for a subscription to a digital-only news service – including full access to its website, apps, and any digital replicas of the newspaper? Base: All who had not paid for news in the last year UK = 1992, US = 1942, Spain = 1773, Australia = 1805.
  • 37. Advertising revenues RISJ Digital News Report 2015 37 Sources: IAB, News Digital Ad Spend from Advertising Association/Warc Expenditure Report
  • 38. Sponsored and branded content RISJ Digital News Report 2015 38 33% feel disappointed or deceived after reading an article that turned out to be paid for by an advertiser 13% feel content valuable to them 28% feel more negatively towards the news organisation
  • 39. 1. Smartphones are changing the news experience. How can news brands get share of attention? 2. More offsite consumption (social networks, aggregators) feeds traffic but at cost of control 3. Can legacy media innovate enough to hold their own against disrupters? 4. Business prospects for advertising and pay models remain challenging 39 Key implications for industry
  • 40.  Do we know enough about growing digital brands? (HuffPo, Buzzfeed, Vice etc.)  What relationships do we have with them? (internships) Are they looking for different skills?  How do we teach writing for mobile, social, or pieces which blend video and text?  What’s the best way to pool our learning – journalism, PR and advertising – to understand interlinked changes across our industry? 40 Potential implications for SOJC
  • 41. Thanks for listening. More information: RISJ Digital News Report 2015 41

Editor's Notes

  1. History and background 2012 = 5 countries UK, US, Germany, France and Denmark Now at 18. Growing to 30.
  2. HuffPo wants to be in 50 countries within the next decade.The publisher, which celebrated its 10th birthday this May and has 15 international editions. The publisher also wants its network of 100,000 bloggers to expand to 1 million, according to Huffington. Buzzfeed opened its first site outside the United States in 2013 in the United Kingdom, and has since added editorial operations in France, Australia, Brazil, India, and Germany. There’s also the New York-based BuzzFeed Español that targets a Latin American audience. The expansion to Mumbai, Berlin, and now Mexico City were announced last summer (along with a planned move to Tokyo). and Canada. HiredCraig Silverman to lead the site’s editorial efforts north of the border.)