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LinkedIn for Education:
An Implementation aid

Issued In Public Interest

Dedicated To those innumerable Parents who stretch beyond their means to dream
a wonderful education for their children
is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation
Scope of this Document
• This intent of this document is to help Students, Universities and
Employers harness the power of LinkedIn for Education by proper
implementation of the LinkedIn for Education.
• This framework specifically addresses aspects pertaining to Information
Divide, Branding of Students, Universities and does not address aspects
related to Employability.
The Student


Employer Connect





Three facets of the
• Student’s Challenge/Requirement
• University’s Challenge/Requirement
• Employer’s Challenge/Requirement
Student’s requirement (as a Prospective
Student, Student & Alumni)
• Research about College/university

• What’s happening on Campus
• What are Alumni upto
– Where do they live?

– Where they work?
– What they do?
– What they studied?

– What they are skilled at?
– How you are connected?
University Requirement
Employer’s Requirement
A Framework to dissolve the
information Divide
University/College is the central hub which enables
• Education
• Placement After completion of the education or enables their students
pursue higher education
University/College challenge/requirement as stated earlier is to
• Attract the best possible students to their institutions
• Attract the best possible employer to recruit their students
A Framework to dissolve the
information Divide
In order to facilitate the decision making process of Industry, it is the
responsibility of the university/college to
• Publish information about the infrastructure, courses, activities, faculty,
alumni, records, achievements and any information
a) that will be useful for prospective students’ to make a decision to join
that university/college.
b) may be used by businesses to visit the university/college to scout for

• Create or comply with a platform to facilitate the upload of student and
alumni information which is available to the general public.
How LinkedIn for Education can help
the University, Industry and the

The components of LinkedIn for Education’s framework that enable dissolve
Information Divide
• LinkedIn for Education enable universities to regularly update
information about the infrastructure, courses, activities, faculty, alumni,
records, achievements and any information

that will be useful for prospective students’ to make a decision to join that
that will be useful for prospective decision makers in the industry to arrive
at an informed decision to scout talent in the particular university/college.

• LinkedIn for education facilitates the upload of student and alumni
information. The individuals from different communities can now
connect with one another on the LinkedIn platform and transact with
one another for mutually beneficial purposes.

LinkedIn for Education
Create University Page for your
If a University Page does not currently exist for your school, you
can request to have a page created. To request a new University
Page, please be sure the following requirements are met first:
• You must have a University email address (e.g. added and confirmed on your
LinkedIn account.
• You're a current employee of the school and your position is
listed in the Experience section on your profile.
• The school does not already exist and is not represented under
a different name.
Then contact LinkedIn with the following information:

• Include the URL for your school's official website.
• List the country where your school is located.
• If you will NOT be the administrator of the page, list the email address
for the correct administrator.
• If applicable, list the existing Company Page associated with your school.
• If the school is part of a larger university system, please note any other
existing University Pages.
How does the University Page look
after it is created
University Page Enables

Embedding Logo
Capture University Name
Facilitate People to Follow Updates made
Showcase important videos
Update information Student, Alumni, Faculty
Different Reports on Alumni
Who you know
General Information about University/College
Notable Alumni
Featured Groups
Similar Schools

University Name

Showcase important videos

Facilitate People to Follow

Update information
Student, Alumni, Faculty

Different Reports on Alumni

Who you know
General Information about University/College

Notable Alumni

Featured Groups

Similar Schools
Examples of Updates
Updates on Infrastructure
Updates on Courses
Updates on Activities
Updates on Activities
Updates on Faculty
Updates on Alumni
Updates on Achievements
Updates on Achievements
Updates on Achievements
Updates on Achievements
Faculty: Interfaces for Position Specific
Inputs and Optional Admin Rights
Inputs that can be made by
Student: Interfaces to enable inputs
pertaining to their education
Inputs that can be made by
Alumnus: interfaces to enable inputs
pertaining to education
Alumni Details specifically pertaining
to me, Raghunath Ramaswamy
Harness the wealth of your

The slides to follow showcases actual data, since I have a LinkedIn
profile and so do many of the IIT Delhi alumni
Thanks to IIT Delhi creating a University Page, the LinkedIn for
Education has also been enabled and invoked.

To Harness the wealth of your Alumni,
Make sure you invoke and enable the University page for your educational
institution. That will enable your alumni to include your educational
institution as part of their LinkedIn profile. Ensure that your students create
a proper LinkedIn profile.
Where they live
Where they live
Specific Location: Bengaluru
Where they work
Where they work
Specific Company: IBM
What they do
What they do
Specific Industry: Information Technology
What they Studied
What they Studied
Specific Discipline: Business, Management, Marketing, and
Related Support Services
What they’re skilled at
What they’re skilled at
Specific Skill: Project Management
How you are connected
How you are connected
Specifically 1st Level Connections
Also Search by year
Include people with no dates
How you are connected
Don’t Include people with no dates
Notable Alumni
Additional Inputs on Harnessing the
Power of Linked In
Additional Inputs on Harnessing the
Power of Linked In
• Ensure you have a complete LinkedIn profile
• Make sure you connect with the right people and nurture continuously a
network for your needs
• Engage your network with content that interests them
The LinkedIn profile Elements
1. Professional Headline

11.Recommendation received

2. Professional Photo


3. Blog & Websites


4. Summary


5. Skills & Expertise

15.Honors & Awards

6. Experience

16.Test Scores

7. Education


8. Certifications

18.Volunteering & Cause

9. Languages

10.Recommendation given
Engagement for the University
University Identity = Home Page

Components of the Network



Engagement for the Student/Alumni
Student Identity = LinkedIn Profile

Components of the Network

Alumni Network

Strategy To Nurture

Individuals connections

Strategy To Nurture Network

Constantly Evolving Community
for the Entities needs

Constantly Evolving connections for
the Individuals needs

Engagement: Relevant Content for the
desired & evolving community

Engagement: Relevant Content for the
desired & evolving Connections








Thank you for viewing our presentation.
Universities/Institutions/Colleges, In case you require help related to
• Branding
• Improving your LinkedIn experience
• Training your Faculty and Students on LinkedIn
Students and Alumni who require
• Training themselves on LinkedIn
• To Arrive at smart choices on Career Decisions
May please feel free to get in touch with me.
Raghunath Ramaswamy,
LinkedIn Pub url:

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LinkedIn for education: An Implementation Aid

  • 1. LinkedIn for Education: An Implementation aid Issued In Public Interest Dedicated To those innumerable Parents who stretch beyond their means to dream a wonderful education for their children is a registered trademark of LinkedIn Corporation
  • 2. Scope of this Document • This intent of this document is to help Students, Universities and Employers harness the power of LinkedIn for Education by proper implementation of the LinkedIn for Education. • This framework specifically addresses aspects pertaining to Information Divide, Branding of Students, Universities and does not address aspects related to Employability.
  • 4. Three facets of the Student University Employer Connect • Student’s Challenge/Requirement • University’s Challenge/Requirement • Employer’s Challenge/Requirement
  • 5. Student’s requirement (as a Prospective Student, Student & Alumni) • Research about College/university • What’s happening on Campus • What are Alumni upto – Where do they live? – Where they work? – What they do? – What they studied? – What they are skilled at? – How you are connected?
  • 8. A Framework to dissolve the information Divide University/College is the central hub which enables • Education • Placement After completion of the education or enables their students pursue higher education University/College challenge/requirement as stated earlier is to • Attract the best possible students to their institutions • Attract the best possible employer to recruit their students
  • 9. A Framework to dissolve the information Divide In order to facilitate the decision making process of Industry, it is the responsibility of the university/college to • Publish information about the infrastructure, courses, activities, faculty, alumni, records, achievements and any information a) that will be useful for prospective students’ to make a decision to join that university/college. b) may be used by businesses to visit the university/college to scout for talent. • Create or comply with a platform to facilitate the upload of student and alumni information which is available to the general public.
  • 10. How LinkedIn for Education can help the University, Industry and the students? The components of LinkedIn for Education’s framework that enable dissolve Information Divide • LinkedIn for Education enable universities to regularly update information about the infrastructure, courses, activities, faculty, alumni, records, achievements and any information a) b) that will be useful for prospective students’ to make a decision to join that university/college that will be useful for prospective decision makers in the industry to arrive at an informed decision to scout talent in the particular university/college. • LinkedIn for education facilitates the upload of student and alumni information. The individuals from different communities can now connect with one another on the LinkedIn platform and transact with one another for mutually beneficial purposes.
  • 12. Create University Page for your University/College If a University Page does not currently exist for your school, you can request to have a page created. To request a new University Page, please be sure the following requirements are met first: • You must have a University email address (e.g. added and confirmed on your LinkedIn account. • You're a current employee of the school and your position is listed in the Experience section on your profile. • The school does not already exist and is not represented under a different name.
  • 13. Then contact LinkedIn with the following information: • Include the URL for your school's official website. • List the country where your school is located. • If you will NOT be the administrator of the page, list the email address for the correct administrator. • If applicable, list the existing Company Page associated with your school. • If the school is part of a larger university system, please note any other existing University Pages.
  • 14. How does the University Page look after it is created
  • 15. University Page Enables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Embedding Logo Capture University Name Facilitate People to Follow Updates made Showcase important videos Update information Student, Alumni, Faculty Different Reports on Alumni Who you know General Information about University/College Notable Alumni Featured Groups Similar Schools Updates
  • 16. Logo University Name Showcase important videos Facilitate People to Follow Update information Student, Alumni, Faculty Different Reports on Alumni Who you know
  • 17. General Information about University/College Notable Alumni
  • 30. Faculty: Interfaces for Position Specific Inputs and Optional Admin Rights
  • 31. Inputs that can be made by Faculty
  • 32. Student: Interfaces to enable inputs pertaining to their education
  • 33. Inputs that can be made by Student
  • 34. Alumnus: interfaces to enable inputs pertaining to education
  • 35. Alumni Details specifically pertaining to me, Raghunath Ramaswamy
  • 36. Harness the wealth of your Alumni 1. 2. The slides to follow showcases actual data, since I have a LinkedIn profile and so do many of the IIT Delhi alumni Thanks to IIT Delhi creating a University Page, the LinkedIn for Education has also been enabled and invoked. To Harness the wealth of your Alumni, Make sure you invoke and enable the University page for your educational institution. That will enable your alumni to include your educational institution as part of their LinkedIn profile. Ensure that your students create a proper LinkedIn profile.
  • 38. Where they live Specific Location: Bengaluru
  • 40. Where they work Specific Company: IBM
  • 42. What they do Specific Industry: Information Technology
  • 44. What they Studied Specific Discipline: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
  • 46. What they’re skilled at Specific Skill: Project Management
  • 47. How you are connected
  • 48. How you are connected Specifically 1st Level Connections
  • 49. Also Search by year Include people with no dates
  • 50. How you are connected Don’t Include people with no dates
  • 52. Additional Inputs on Harnessing the Power of Linked In
  • 53. Additional Inputs on Harnessing the Power of Linked In • Ensure you have a complete LinkedIn profile • Make sure you connect with the right people and nurture continuously a network for your needs • Engage your network with content that interests them
  • 54. The LinkedIn profile Elements 1. Professional Headline 11.Recommendation received 2. Professional Photo 12.Projects 3. Blog & Websites 13.Patents 4. Summary 14.Publications 5. Skills & Expertise 15.Honors & Awards 6. Experience 16.Test Scores 7. Education 17.Courses 8. Certifications 18.Volunteering & Cause 9. Languages 10.Recommendation given 54
  • 55. 55
  • 56. Engagement for the University University Identity = Home Page Components of the Network Followers Groups Engagement for the Student/Alumni Student Identity = LinkedIn Profile Components of the Network Alumni Network Strategy To Nurture Network Individuals connections Strategy To Nurture Network Constantly Evolving Community for the Entities needs Constantly Evolving connections for the Individuals needs Engagement: Relevant Content for the desired & evolving community Engagement: Relevant Content for the desired & evolving Connections Interact Interact Measure Measure Analyse Analyse Refine Refine 56
  • 57. Thank you for viewing our presentation. Universities/Institutions/Colleges, In case you require help related to • Branding • Improving your LinkedIn experience • Training your Faculty and Students on LinkedIn Students and Alumni who require • Training themselves on LinkedIn • To Arrive at smart choices on Career Decisions May please feel free to get in touch with me. Raghunath Ramaswamy, 9840925155 Twitter:@RaghuRamaswamy LinkedIn Pub url: