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Amazon EKS
Brandon Chavis, Product Manager, Amazon EKS
Arun Gupta, Principal Open Source Technologist, @arungupta
Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
• Manage masters
• Highly available setup
• Upgrades
57%of Kubernetes workloads run
on AWS today
— Cloud Native Computing Foundation

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Getting Started with Kubernetes on AWS
Getting Started with Kubernetes on AWSGetting Started with Kubernetes on AWS
Getting Started with Kubernetes on AWS

The document discusses Kubernetes and how to run it on AWS. It begins with an introduction to containers and Docker. It then explains what Kubernetes is and how it can manage containers at scale by starting, stopping, and monitoring containers across multiple hosts. It discusses key Kubernetes concepts like pods, services, and deployments. It also provides an overview of running Kubernetes on AWS using Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), including how it provides a managed Kubernetes control plane and integrates with other AWS services.

kuberneteseksamazon eks
Introduction to EKS (AWS User Group Slovakia)
Introduction to EKS (AWS User Group Slovakia)Introduction to EKS (AWS User Group Slovakia)
Introduction to EKS (AWS User Group Slovakia)

This document discusses Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), a managed Kubernetes service on AWS. EKS runs Kubernetes control planes for customers across multiple AWS availability zones to provide high availability and automatic healing. It allows customers to deploy and manage Kubernetes applications without having to stand up or maintain their own Kubernetes clusters. EKS integrates tightly with other AWS services and comes with features like VPC networking and IAM authentication for security.

Amazon Web Services User Group Sydney - February 2018
Amazon Web Services User Group Sydney - February 2018Amazon Web Services User Group Sydney - February 2018
Amazon Web Services User Group Sydney - February 2018

Hosted by PolarSeven Cloud Consulting - Our monthly AWS User Group Sydney presentation night. Introductions and What's New In AWS - by PolarSeven Bonus Session - AWS Mitch Beaumant - Amazon Fargate in 15 minutes Session 1: Security Policy Lifecycle Management "Automated security actions based on observed security events and protecting AWS deployments are some of the key challenges facing network and security teams. With the general availability of Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS 8.0 software, VM-Series virtualized next-generation firewall, network and security teams now have a simple, automated security management platform for managing and enforcing security policies within AWS deployments. This session will provide an advanced technical overview of the enhancements done over the last 12 months. The topics covered will include, • Technical overview of Panorama driven security workflows for AWS • Presentation of our github AWS templates with a focus on CFT and Terraform" Paloaltonetworks See video presentation here Session 2: Automating the Service Desk using Amazon Lex and Amazon Connect Once considered a rare and difficult capability to achieve, the democratisation of artificial intelligence has made it possible for developers to easily access and leverage machine learning capabilities to automate and solve problems across multiple industries. This presentation aims to demonstrate how easy it is to take advantage of an AWS Machine Learning capability (Amazon Lex) with no deep learning experience and solve common everyday IT problems. Telstra Watch the video presentation here

securitypaloalto networksvm series
© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tenet 1
EKS is a platform for enterprises
to run production-grade workloads
© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tenet 2
EKS provides a native and
upstream Kubernetes experience
© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tenet 3
If EKS customers want to use additional
AWS services, the integrations are seamless
and eliminate undifferentiated heavy lifting
© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Tenet 4
EKS team actively contributes
to the Kubernetes project

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Amazon EKS: Getting Started
Amazon EKS: Getting StartedAmazon EKS: Getting Started
Amazon EKS: Getting Started

In this talk, we provide an introduction to Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS). Learn the basics of managing, deploying, and scaling containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS. We first provide a quick introduction of containers, Kubernetes, and Amazon EKS. Then we dive into a hands-on demonstration of Amazon EKS.

使用 Amazon EKS 打造高效的服務架構設計
使用 Amazon EKS 打造高效的服務架構設計使用 Amazon EKS 打造高效的服務架構設計
使用 Amazon EKS 打造高效的服務架構設計

This document discusses Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS). It highlights how EKS can save time by managing the Kubernetes control plane and enabling the use of various node groups. It provides demonstrations of creating an EKS cluster and registering node groups, such as a general Auto Scaling group and spot fleet. It also covers tight integration with IAM for authentication and authorization and discusses community feedback about customizing worker node AMIs and streamlining access management.

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
Modernizing on EKS (Keynote)- AWS Container Day 2019 Barcelona
Modernizing on EKS (Keynote)- AWS Container Day 2019 BarcelonaModernizing on EKS (Keynote)- AWS Container Day 2019 Barcelona
Modernizing on EKS (Keynote)- AWS Container Day 2019 Barcelona

In this opening keynote, EKS GM Bob Wise covers how we got to our current container landscape, container best practices, and how EKS has developed in the past year of general availability. We also learn how AWS has contributed to the open source community.

aws container day 2019 barcelonaamazon ekskubernetes
EKS Customers
C r e a t e E K S c l u s t e r
P r o v i s i o n w o r k e r n o d e s
L a u n c h a d d - o n s
L a u n c h w o r k l o a d s
EKS – Kubernetes masters
C r e a t e H A m a s t e r s
C e r t i f i c a t e m a n a g e m e n t
I A M i n t e g r a t i o n
S e t u p L BC r e a t e H A e t c d
A u t o s c a l e
C r e a t e c l u s t e r
EKS Workers
Amazon EKS
AZ 1 AZ 2 AZ 3
Your AWS account
EKS Architecture

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Introducing Amazon EKS
Introducing Amazon EKSIntroducing Amazon EKS
Introducing Amazon EKS

開發者無伺服器、容器技術專題 Introducing Amazon EKS (Level 200) Speaker: Bruce Chen, BDM, AWS Guest Speaker: 蔡��城 Tom Tsai, DevOps Engineer, MaiCoin

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
CON319_Interstella GTC CICD for Containers on AWS
CON319_Interstella GTC CICD for Containers on AWSCON319_Interstella GTC CICD for Containers on AWS
CON319_Interstella GTC CICD for Containers on AWS

"Interstella 8888 is an intergalactic trading company that deals in rare resources, but their antiquated monolithic logistics systems are causing the business to lose money. Join this workshop to learn how to set up a CI/CD pipeline for containerized microservices. You'll get hands-on experience deploying Docker container images using Amazon ECS AWS CloudFormation, AWS CodeBuild, and AWS CodePipline, automating everything from code check-in to production. AWS credits are provided. Bring your laptop, and have an active AWS account."

aws re:invent 2017amazoncontainers
The Serverless Tidal Wave - SwampUP 2018 Keynote
The Serverless Tidal Wave - SwampUP 2018 KeynoteThe Serverless Tidal Wave - SwampUP 2018 Keynote
The Serverless Tidal Wave - SwampUP 2018 Keynote

The document discusses the rise of serverless computing and its benefits. It describes how AWS pioneered serverless computing with AWS Lambda and has since expanded its serverless offerings. The serverless model provides easy scaling, high availability, and developers can focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure management. Containers are also discussed as working with serverless computing.

How do I provision EKS Worker Nodes?
Heptio IAM Authenticator
An open source approach to integrating
AWS IAM authentication with Kubernetes
3) Authorizes AWS Identity with RBAC
1) Passes AWS Identity
2) Verifies AWS Identity
4) K8s action
AWS Auth
IAM Authentication + Kubectl
IAM Auth Support == Upstream in 1.10

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AWS Lambda provides serverless computing service to build and run applications without having to worry about servers. In this session, we will look at popular enterprise use cases of AWS Lambda liked Data Lakes, DR, CI/CD and Cloud Operations. Session sponsored by Cognizant

Run Kubernetes with Amazon EKS
Run Kubernetes with Amazon EKSRun Kubernetes with Amazon EKS
Run Kubernetes with Amazon EKS

Kubernetes offers a powerful abstraction layer for managing containerized infrastructure. Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without having to manage the Kubernetes control plane. In this session, learn how Amazon EKS makes deploying Kubernetes on AWS simple and scalable, including networking, security, monitoring, and logging. Learn what we're doing to make AWS an even better place to run Kubernetes, and watch a demonstration of AWS customers starting to use Amazon EKS.

CON317_Advanced container management at
CON317_Advanced container management at catsndogs.lolCON317_Advanced container management at
CON317_Advanced container management at

" is a (fictional) company that needs help deploying and scaling its container-based application. During this workshop, attendees will join the new DevOps team at, and help the company to manage their applications using Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS), and help release new features to make our customers happier than ever. Attendees will get hands-on with service and container-instance auto-scaling, spot-fleet integration, container placement strategies, service discovery, secrets management with AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store, time-based and event-based scheduling, and automated deployment pipelines. If you are a developer interested in learning more about how Amazon ECS can accelerate your application development and deployment workflows, or if you are a systems administrator or devops person interested in understanding how Amazon ECS can simplify the operational model associated with running containers at scale, then this workshop is for you. You should have basic familiarity with ECS, EC2, and IAM. The workshop requires: A laptop (Windows, OSX, or Linux) with the AWSCLI or AWS Powershell installed An AWS account with administrative permissions (including the ability to create IAM roles and policies) created at least 24 hours in advance."

aws re:invent 2017amazoncontainers
Native VPC networking
with CNI plugin
Pods have the same VPC
address inside the pod
as on the VPC
Simple, secure networking
Open source and
on Github
…{ }
Nginx Pod
Java Pod
Secondary IPs:
Veth IP:
Veth IP:
Nginx Pod
Java Pod
Veth IP:
Veth IP:
Secondary IPs:
VPC Subnet –
Instance 1 Instance 2
EKS is Kubernetes Certified
Conformance Challenges:
Workers Masters
Kubernetes assumes a single
network for workers and masters
API Access

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Running Kubernetes with Amazon EKS - AWS Online Tech TalksRunning Kubernetes with Amazon EKS - AWS Online Tech Talks
Running Kubernetes with Amazon EKS - AWS Online Tech Talks

Learning Objectives: - What is Amazon EKS - How Amazon EKS helps you run Kubernetes on AWS - Timelines for availability and next steps

kubernetesamazon eksk8s
Amazon EKS - Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
Amazon EKS - Elastic Container Service for KubernetesAmazon EKS - Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
Amazon EKS - Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes

The document describes Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes), including an overview of EKS, its architecture, features, and integration with other AWS services. Key points include: EKS manages Kubernetes control planes and nodes are launched in the customer's VPC, EKS supports networking via the AWS VPC CNI plugin, and EKS provides security and access management using IAM roles and policies.

awsamazon web servicesamazon eks
AWS Container services
AWS Container servicesAWS Container services
AWS Container services

The document discusses container services on AWS, including Amazon ECS, AWS Fargate, and Amazon EKS. It provides an overview of each service's key features such as scheduling and orchestration, scaling, networking, and resource allocation. It also compares the services and provides guidance on which may be most suitable for different use cases. ECS is best for applications requiring more control over infrastructure, while Fargate removes the need to manage EC2 instances. EKS provides a native Kubernetes experience on AWS.

A different way: EKS Cross-Account
Workers Masters
Customer VPC EKS VPC
Network Load
API Access
Static IPs
EKS Cross-Account Networking:
EKS Worker EKS Master
public/private keys
Kubelet installs
server cert
Kubelet issues CSR
Certificate rotation
Will $(thing) work on EKS?
Thank you!

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Running Kubernetes Across Multiple AWS Accounts (CON409) - AWS re:Invent 2018
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Running Kubernetes Across Multiple AWS Accounts (CON409) - AWS re:Invent 2018

This session covers how a Kubernetes cluster can be run over multiple AWS accounts to separate the control plane from the worker nodes and increase security, separate concerns, and isolate workloads. Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) manages the Kubernetes control plane and recommends that customers launch worker nodes in their accounts. We cover in detail how we made this topology possible, the challenges we faced, and how we solved it.

AWS EKS: Amazon Manages Kubernetes
AWS EKS: Amazon Manages KubernetesAWS EKS: Amazon Manages Kubernetes
AWS EKS: Amazon Manages Kubernetes

This talk give you an overview of the new AWS Managed Kubernetes Service. Why do we want to use an managed service and most importend is this a good idea with EKS.

Modernizing applications with Amazon EKS - MAD304 - Santa Clara AWS Summit.pdf
Modernizing applications with Amazon EKS - MAD304 - Santa Clara AWS Summit.pdfModernizing applications with Amazon EKS - MAD304 - Santa Clara AWS Summit.pdf
Modernizing applications with Amazon EKS - MAD304 - Santa Clara AWS Summit.pdf

In this session, learn how to easily containerize and migrate existing applications to Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) without needing to refactor your code or tooling. Amazon EKS makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes on AWS.


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Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS)
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