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G.V.Shyam Kumar
Mob: +1(959)-200-6363
Mail ID:
Skype ID: gvshyamkumar
Visa-Status: H1B
 9 Years of experience on JAVA/J2EE, PaaS (Pivotal Cloud Foundry), Microservices with
Spring Boot and Agile Methodologies working in multiple roles starting as a Developer,
Tech/Team Lead and Solution Architect.
 Though major part of career is into Banking Domain have also worked on domains like Health
care and Retail.
 Good understanding of Object oriented design and Agile methodologies.
 Often used a combination of the best agile methodologies like Extreme Programming and
 Good documentation skills in terms of communicating things diagrammatically using UML -
diagrams like Class, Sequence, Data Flow diagrams.
 Lead the team with individual contribution. Acted as a moderator for technical reviews by
doing code review, technical issues resolution and delivered the project with high quality.
 Conversant with various design patterns, hands-on in UML Modeling, developing Web-
Services, ORM using Hibernate, Spring JDBC Template and StoredProcedure APIs.
 Excellent professional experience in Message oriented middleware viz. Mule ESB and
Webservices (SOAP with Axis2 and REST with Jersey).
 Extensive exposure on administrative/deployment activities of application on Web logic, Apache
Tomcat and Version Management tools such as Clear Case, Dimensions, CVS and VSS etc.
 Strong logical and analytical abilities along with practical and lateral problem solving capabilities
 Developed a Universal application for iPhone and iPad using Objective-C , Cocoa libraries and
Core Data
 Key contributor on providing Security framework solutions for vulnerabilities like XSS, CSRF,
SQL Injection, Implement SSL/TLS (Avoid middle man attack)
 Improved the EOD (End Of Day) process performance and reduced it to 50% of time what it was
taking before
 Automated the entire Commission process using REST APIs with Jersey framework to enable a
request to process across different Weblogic nodes.
 Developed and implemented Web Services and Web Service client programs in RESTful way as
well as SOAP with AXIS2.
Cloud Technologies
• Pivotal CF
• Spring Boot
Big Data Skills Web Technologies
• Hadoop Servlets, JSP
• HDFS, MapReduce Java Script
• Hive Ajax
• Pig
• HBase
• Java 1.5
• Objective-C
Code Review Tools
J2EE Technologies
• Spring Services
• Design Patterns
Integration Technologies
• Web Services
• Mule ESB
Open Source Frameworks
• Struts
• Hibernate
• Spring
• Quartz Scheduler
• Junit
• Log4j
• Ant
Web Servers/App. Servers
• Web Logic Server v8.1,10.3
• Apache Tomcat
Dev Environment tools
• Eclipse /My Eclipse
• Netbeans
• SQL/Oracle Developer
• Toad
Configuration Management
Database Technologies
Oracle 10g, 11g
Operating Systems
• Windows XP/7
• Mac
• Unix
• Sun Solaris
Defect Tracking
• HP Quality Center
• Working as Senior Associate with Cognizant Technology Solutions from 23rd
Jun 2014 to Till
• Worked as Senior Programmer Analyst with Franklin Templeton from 22nd
Aug 2011 to 20th
• Worked as Senior Application Developer with iNautix from 4th
June 2010 to 19th
August 2011.
• Worked as IT Engineer for TCS representing CMC Ltd. from Jan 18th
2010 to 17th
May 2010.
• Worked as Jr. Systems Engineer, TEMENOS INDIA PVT. LTD, Chennai from Nov 30th
2007 to
Dec 31st
• Worked as Jr. S/W Engineer, Sphygo Tech PVT. LTD, Hyderabad from Dec 2006 to Nov 2007.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client: Travelers
Project Role: Architect
Technologies: Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Java/J2EE, Spring Boot
Initiative: Application Migration to PCF for Travelers
Different applications of Travelers are being migrated to PCF in the process of doing that my primary
responsibilities are:
1) If Application is migrated to JBoss 6.3 and Mavenized.
2) Analyzing and breaking into services in the process of mavening to get independently deployable
Microservices with Eureka.
3) Migrating applications to Spring Boot and making them could ready.
4) Making the applications cloud ready.
5) Analyzing the 12 factors for every application.
6) Writing User Defined Services.
7) In the process of automating the Migration Process with CI/CD tools like Jenkins and UCD.
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Client: Aetna
Project Role: Team Lead
Technologies: Core Java, Spring Framework, Axis 2, Rabbit MQ, Maven, Oracle
Initiative: Communication Engine
Aetna offers health care, dental, pharmacy, group life, long term care insurance and employee benefits
through Medicare.
• Comm-Engine aimed to develop and send communication notification for the Patients.
• This is middleware application that associates with multiple application like AA, ACT, CRS,
Campaign manager,
• MAH/CE/AA are a few of the applications that request Comm-Engine to generate letters/mail
with given specify data.
• As the data may vary for each applications Comm-Engine cope these changes and generate the
requested letter/mail using thunderhead application and send the respective details to vendor.
Franklin Templeton
Aug 2011 – Jun 2014
Project Role: Solution Architect
Technologies: Java, Spring, Struts, QuartzScheduler, Jersy to implement RESTful Services, Oracle 10g,
Weblogic 10.3
Commission Automation
• Primary responsibilities include identifying different processes those have to be automated which
form a part of the Commission Process.
• Identify if the EOD has completed and whether the day is last day of the month.

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The document provides a summary of Rahul Kumar's professional experience and qualifications. It includes details of his 5 years of software development experience working with technologies like Java, Spring, Hibernate, Azure Cloud, and Big Data tools. It also lists 3 past projects involving building applications for claims analysis, reporting, and customer account management. The summary seeks to associate with an organization where he can apply his skills and knowledge.

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Bala Sr Java Developer

BalaSai has over 7 years of experience in information technology with expertise in Java/J2EE technologies. He has extensive experience developing applications using Java, J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, JSF, web services, and other technologies. He has worked on projects in various domains for clients like Nationwide, Northern Trust, Walmart, and Elsevier. BalaSai is proficient in all phases of the software development lifecycle and has experience using agile methodologies.


This document contains a resume for Pramod Kumar. It lists his contact information, certifications in Java programming and other technologies, 11+ years of experience as a senior Java engineer developing applications using technologies like SpringBoot, microservices, RESTful APIs, Angular, and databases like Cassandra. It provides details on his technical skills, work experience at various companies developing applications for industries like healthcare and retail, and responsibilities including designing and implementing microservices, continuous integration/deployment, and unit/integration testing.

• Both monthly and quarterly processes are automated without any manual intervention
• Challenge: process called first year trial was run on different weblogic nodes to make the process
run faster for different set of records on each node
• Made those APIs Microservices using REST to achieve this and also identified the independent
processes that can go in parallel and others those which have to go in a sequential manner.
• Made use of java concurrency and designed the process.
• In a 3 member team for this project my role is to design the project and give solutions to the
Franklin Templeton
Project Role: Solution Architect
Technologies: Java Multithreading, Spring, Struts, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3
EOD (End Of Day Process Improvement)
• Prior to this project the EOD (End Of Day) process would take 5 hours on high volume day and 3
hours on a normal day, many a times it would even take more time with a cascading effect.
• After the change now the time has reduced to half of what it was taking before.
• Each process in the EOD would run in multithreaded fashion.
• Running independent process in a parallel mode was the new idea.
• Designed the EOD process in a manner where independent processes can run in parallel and the
ones having dependency would run looking into the thread dependency.
• Fail over mechanism was also designed to abort the batch wherever it fails.
• All this was done with least business impact and regression testing.
Franklin Templeton
Project Role: Lead
Technologies: Java, Spring, QuartzScheduler, JAXB, Jersy to implement RESTful Services, Oracle 10g,
Weblogic 10.3
MFU (Mutual Fund Utility):
• To give a centralized platform to all the Mutual Fund companies across India
• A customer can walk into MFU and request to create a CAN and invest into different funds across
different fund houses just by giving 1 cheque and filing 1 application form
• It’s a centralized platform for PAN verification as well
• Technologies to be used are Webservices, Spring, QuartzScheduler and Oracle 10g
• 3 member team has been identified to complete the project for Franklin Templeton
• Information would come into FT in 2 ways ie. RESTful webservice and XML File through SFTP.
Developed a framework called ParseAndBind that picks and parses the XML file using JAXB and
StreamSource and maps it to the given VO.
• ParseAndBind API has the ability to bind any VO to any other VO using Spring BeanWrapperImpl and
supporting properties file mapping, then validation framework is called and transactions sit in a
work table.
• RESTful webservices are another way through which we get folio information using GetFolio and
SetFolio services.
• 2 ways SSL is being implemented using certificates of public key strength 2048 bits of using
Signature hashing algorithm SHA maintaining keys in key store and trust store at both ends.
Franklin Templeton
Project Role: Sr. Software Engineer
Technologies: Java, Spring, Axis2 SOAP, Mule3, QuartzScheduler, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3
CVL Webservices
• Developing webservice client to consume CVL Services like getSolicitPan, getUnsolicitPan and
• Generated client Stub using Axis2 WSDL2Java.
• Set the values required for the service.
• Parse the response using Castor mapping file.
• Handle multiple req/res.
• Integration with Mule ESB 3
Franklin Templeton
Project Role: Sr. Software Engineer
Technologies: Java, Spring, Struts, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3
DesertRose Application Security & Application Performance
• Identified the application loop holes in terms of security and architecture. Working on improving
them, implemented
1) Connection Lookup In Login Screen
2) SSL
3) XSS
4) Proper Session Handling
6) Converted Modules to Struts & Springs from servlets
7) Used token based implementation for restricting the users from directly
navigating to a page and to avoid reprocessing the request when the page is
8) Used Quartz Scheduler for delivering E-Mails for stale IDs
9) Being a financial application there can be fraudulent activities even by
internal users
a. So introduced a method of logging the user activity for some of the very
sensitive information screens and log if the user modified, viewed, deleted
or authorized and account or folio or any transaction.
10) Wrote an E-Mail API using Springs that can be used as an Independent
iNautix Technologies
June 2010 – Aug 2011
Sr. Software Engineer
Technologies: iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Lib, Coredata, Libxml2
COATES Analytics
• Coates gives a consolidated report to the customer who invested with several Broker Dealers
across USA, these reports comprise of the share values.
• As the data could be huge in reporting applications it was a big challenge how to make it faster &
how to put it over the screen.
• Did a lot of research & found the efficient way for the Application Development.
• Using Core Data with the under lying SQLite DB.
• Using Libxml2 parser instead of using the conventional NSXMLparser.
• Doing an Asynchronous call to the server from the Core Data Application.
• Built a Universal Application to run both on iPhone & iPad.
Technologies: Java, Spring MVC, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3
Kapitall (UAO)
• Involved in UI design documentation
• Developing UI components with utmost importance to performance
• Working on developing custom widgets in DOJO & JSP
• Reducing the server side processing as much as possible also avoiding session attributes to the
extent possible
• Worked on Account Opening module both Individual & Joint account creation
• Worked on the secondary account holder E-Signature process.
• Worked on Account Maintenance module.
• Currently into ACH module, 3rd
phase of the project.
CMC Ltd. (TCS)
Jan 2010 – May 2010
IT Engineer
• Involved in designing the UI design document & also ICT System Architecture document
• Involved in coding the Skill module changes, this deals with changes related to Expiring &
deleting a Skill from the DB based on the user privileges. Deleting a skill should be possible only
if the the Skill is expired & if the user is a Global Key User.
• Involved in coding the reporting module using the JPF Controller architecture & Jasper to
generate reports.
• Involved in writing related queries & also required procedures in Oracle.
Temenos India Pvt. Ltd.
Nov 2007 – Dec 2009
Jr. Software Engineer
This project came up as an enhancement to the existing functionality of T24 to handle Funds Transfer &
send swift messages across to other external interfaces in an international SWIFT standard. This
enhancement lets client to make a single transaction that has multiple settlement methods, it must be
possible to select multiple withdrawal (debit) accounts with multiple currencies, single Credit (Nostro),
and execute the remittances in a single transaction (Single swift message).
• Involved in coding the Business Logic in JAVA, developing a new application accepting multiple
debit accounts, multiple debit amounts, and multiple exchange rates.

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Krishnagopal Thogiti is a senior Java developer with 10 years of experience developing web applications using technologies like Spring, Struts, Hibernate, Java, JavaScript, XML, and more. He has worked as a consultant for FINRA developing an insider trading fraud detection application using GWT, CXF, and Spring Batch. Previously, he worked for Gannett developing a website using Adobe CQ5 and integrating news items using Spring integration and batch processing. He is proficient in technologies like AngularJS, Bootstrap, Oracle, Maven and has strong software development skills.

Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume
Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_ResumeVijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume
Vijaykumar Krishnan_SAP_Enterprise_Portal_Resume

Vijaykumar Krishnan has over 8 years of experience as an SAP NetWeaver Portal Consultant, specializing in portal configuration, administration, and developing Web Dynpro and Java applications. He has extensive experience leading upgrades from SAP Enterprise Portal 7.0 to 7.4 and developing custom applications for clients like Flextronics International. He is proficient in technologies like Java, J2EE, Web Dynpro, UI5, and various SAP portal products.

Venugopal Kommineni
Venugopal KommineniVenugopal Kommineni
Venugopal Kommineni

The document provides a summary of Venugopal Kommineni's professional experience and technical skills. It includes over 10 years of experience in enterprise application development using Java/J2EE technologies, including design, development, testing and production support. He has expertise in technologies such as Spring, Hibernate, REST/SOAP web services, AngularJS, JSF, databases and application servers.

• The application should have single credit a/c & amount. Whenever the multiple debit accounts are
used, a check should be done whether all the accounts belong to a single customer.
• Executive program in IT Management (EPGCITM) from Indian Institute of Management (IIMK)
Dec, 2013 – Dec, 2014.
• Master Of Science in IT (MSc. IT) from Anna University in year 2007 with 77%
• Bachelor of Science in IT from Utkal University in 2004 with 66%
• Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.5 (SCJP)
• The application should have single credit a/c & amount. Whenever the multiple debit accounts are
used, a check should be done whether all the accounts belong to a single customer.
• Executive program in IT Management (EPGCITM) from Indian Institute of Management (IIMK)
Dec, 2013 – Dec, 2014.
• Master Of Science in IT (MSc. IT) from Anna University in year 2007 with 77%
• Bachelor of Science in IT from Utkal University in 2004 with 66%
• Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.5 (SCJP)

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Shyam pcf

  • 1. G.V.Shyam Kumar Mob: +1(959)-200-6363 Mail ID: Skype ID: gvshyamkumar Visa-Status: H1B PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY:  9 Years of experience on JAVA/J2EE, PaaS (Pivotal Cloud Foundry), Microservices with Spring Boot and Agile Methodologies working in multiple roles starting as a Developer, Tech/Team Lead and Solution Architect.  Though major part of career is into Banking Domain have also worked on domains like Health care and Retail.  Good understanding of Object oriented design and Agile methodologies.  Often used a combination of the best agile methodologies like Extreme Programming and Scrum.  Good documentation skills in terms of communicating things diagrammatically using UML - diagrams like Class, Sequence, Data Flow diagrams.  Lead the team with individual contribution. Acted as a moderator for technical reviews by doing code review, technical issues resolution and delivered the project with high quality.  Conversant with various design patterns, hands-on in UML Modeling, developing Web- Services, ORM using Hibernate, Spring JDBC Template and StoredProcedure APIs.  Excellent professional experience in Message oriented middleware viz. Mule ESB and Webservices (SOAP with Axis2 and REST with Jersey).  Extensive exposure on administrative/deployment activities of application on Web logic, Apache Tomcat and Version Management tools such as Clear Case, Dimensions, CVS and VSS etc.  Strong logical and analytical abilities along with practical and lateral problem solving capabilities  Developed a Universal application for iPhone and iPad using Objective-C , Cocoa libraries and Core Data  Key contributor on providing Security framework solutions for vulnerabilities like XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection, Implement SSL/TLS (Avoid middle man attack)
  • 2.  Improved the EOD (End Of Day) process performance and reduced it to 50% of time what it was taking before  Automated the entire Commission process using REST APIs with Jersey framework to enable a request to process across different Weblogic nodes.  Developed and implemented Web Services and Web Service client programs in RESTful way as well as SOAP with AXIS2. SKILLS/TOOLS: Cloud Technologies • Pivotal CF • Spring Boot Big Data Skills Web Technologies • Hadoop Servlets, JSP • HDFS, MapReduce Java Script • Hive Ajax • Pig • HBase Languages/Methodologies • Java 1.5 • XML • SQL • WSDL • HTML • Objective-C Code Review Tools • CAST J2EE Technologies • Spring Services • JAX-B • JDBC • JNDI • Design Patterns Integration Technologies • Web Services • SOAP • Mule ESB • REST Open Source Frameworks • Struts • Hibernate • Spring • Quartz Scheduler • Junit • Log4j
  • 3. • Ant Web Servers/App. Servers • Web Logic Server v8.1,10.3 • Apache Tomcat Dev Environment tools • Eclipse /My Eclipse • Netbeans • SQL/Oracle Developer • Toad • SOAP UI Configuration Management • CVS • SVN • VSS Database Technologies Oracle 10g, 11g Operating Systems • Windows XP/7 • Mac • Unix • Sun Solaris Defect Tracking • HP Quality Center PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: • Working as Senior Associate with Cognizant Technology Solutions from 23rd Jun 2014 to Till date. • Worked as Senior Programmer Analyst with Franklin Templeton from 22nd Aug 2011 to 20th Jun 2014. • Worked as Senior Application Developer with iNautix from 4th June 2010 to 19th August 2011. • Worked as IT Engineer for TCS representing CMC Ltd. from Jan 18th 2010 to 17th May 2010. • Worked as Jr. Systems Engineer, TEMENOS INDIA PVT. LTD, Chennai from Nov 30th 2007 to Dec 31st 2009. • Worked as Jr. S/W Engineer, Sphygo Tech PVT. LTD, Hyderabad from Dec 2006 to Nov 2007. PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Cognizant Technology Solutions Client: Travelers Project Role: Architect Technologies: Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Java/J2EE, Spring Boot Initiative: Application Migration to PCF for Travelers
  • 4. Different applications of Travelers are being migrated to PCF in the process of doing that my primary responsibilities are: 1) If Application is migrated to JBoss 6.3 and Mavenized. 2) Analyzing and breaking into services in the process of mavening to get independently deployable Microservices with Eureka. 3) Migrating applications to Spring Boot and making them could ready. 4) Making the applications cloud ready. 5) Analyzing the 12 factors for every application. 6) Writing User Defined Services. 7) In the process of automating the Migration Process with CI/CD tools like Jenkins and UCD. Cognizant Technology Solutions Client: Aetna Project Role: Team Lead Technologies: Core Java, Spring Framework, Axis 2, Rabbit MQ, Maven, Oracle Initiative: Communication Engine Aetna offers health care, dental, pharmacy, group life, long term care insurance and employee benefits through Medicare. • Comm-Engine aimed to develop and send communication notification for the Patients. • This is middleware application that associates with multiple application like AA, ACT, CRS, Campaign manager, • MAH/CE/AA are a few of the applications that request Comm-Engine to generate letters/mail with given specify data. • As the data may vary for each applications Comm-Engine cope these changes and generate the requested letter/mail using thunderhead application and send the respective details to vendor. Franklin Templeton Aug 2011 – Jun 2014 Project Role: Solution Architect Technologies: Java, Spring, Struts, QuartzScheduler, Jersy to implement RESTful Services, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 Commission Automation • Primary responsibilities include identifying different processes those have to be automated which form a part of the Commission Process. • Identify if the EOD has completed and whether the day is last day of the month.
  • 5. • Both monthly and quarterly processes are automated without any manual intervention • Challenge: process called first year trial was run on different weblogic nodes to make the process run faster for different set of records on each node • Made those APIs Microservices using REST to achieve this and also identified the independent processes that can go in parallel and others those which have to go in a sequential manner. • Made use of java concurrency and designed the process. • In a 3 member team for this project my role is to design the project and give solutions to the developers. Franklin Templeton Project Role: Solution Architect Technologies: Java Multithreading, Spring, Struts, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 EOD (End Of Day Process Improvement) • Prior to this project the EOD (End Of Day) process would take 5 hours on high volume day and 3 hours on a normal day, many a times it would even take more time with a cascading effect. • After the change now the time has reduced to half of what it was taking before. • Each process in the EOD would run in multithreaded fashion. • Running independent process in a parallel mode was the new idea. • Designed the EOD process in a manner where independent processes can run in parallel and the ones having dependency would run looking into the thread dependency. • Fail over mechanism was also designed to abort the batch wherever it fails. • All this was done with least business impact and regression testing. Franklin Templeton Project Role: Lead Technologies: Java, Spring, QuartzScheduler, JAXB, Jersy to implement RESTful Services, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 MFU (Mutual Fund Utility): • To give a centralized platform to all the Mutual Fund companies across India • A customer can walk into MFU and request to create a CAN and invest into different funds across different fund houses just by giving 1 cheque and filing 1 application form • It’s a centralized platform for PAN verification as well • Technologies to be used are Webservices, Spring, QuartzScheduler and Oracle 10g • 3 member team has been identified to complete the project for Franklin Templeton
  • 6. • Information would come into FT in 2 ways ie. RESTful webservice and XML File through SFTP. Developed a framework called ParseAndBind that picks and parses the XML file using JAXB and StreamSource and maps it to the given VO. • ParseAndBind API has the ability to bind any VO to any other VO using Spring BeanWrapperImpl and supporting properties file mapping, then validation framework is called and transactions sit in a work table. • RESTful webservices are another way through which we get folio information using GetFolio and SetFolio services. • 2 ways SSL is being implemented using certificates of public key strength 2048 bits of using Signature hashing algorithm SHA maintaining keys in key store and trust store at both ends. Franklin Templeton Project Role: Sr. Software Engineer Technologies: Java, Spring, Axis2 SOAP, Mule3, QuartzScheduler, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 CVL Webservices • Developing webservice client to consume CVL Services like getSolicitPan, getUnsolicitPan and getPanDetails. • Generated client Stub using Axis2 WSDL2Java. • Set the values required for the service. • Parse the response using Castor mapping file. • Handle multiple req/res. • Integration with Mule ESB 3 Franklin Templeton Project Role: Sr. Software Engineer Technologies: Java, Spring, Struts, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 DesertRose Application Security & Application Performance • Identified the application loop holes in terms of security and architecture. Working on improving them, implemented 1) Connection Lookup In Login Screen 2) SSL 3) XSS 4) Proper Session Handling
  • 7. 5) CSRF 6) Converted Modules to Struts & Springs from servlets 7) Used token based implementation for restricting the users from directly navigating to a page and to avoid reprocessing the request when the page is refreshed. 8) Used Quartz Scheduler for delivering E-Mails for stale IDs 9) Being a financial application there can be fraudulent activities even by internal users a. So introduced a method of logging the user activity for some of the very sensitive information screens and log if the user modified, viewed, deleted or authorized and account or folio or any transaction. 10) Wrote an E-Mail API using Springs that can be used as an Independent component iNautix Technologies June 2010 – Aug 2011 Sr. Software Engineer Technologies: iOS, Objective-C, Cocoa Lib, Coredata, Libxml2 COATES Analytics • Coates gives a consolidated report to the customer who invested with several Broker Dealers across USA, these reports comprise of the share values. • As the data could be huge in reporting applications it was a big challenge how to make it faster & how to put it over the screen. • Did a lot of research & found the efficient way for the Application Development. • Using Core Data with the under lying SQLite DB. • Using Libxml2 parser instead of using the conventional NSXMLparser. • Doing an Asynchronous call to the server from the Core Data Application. • Built a Universal Application to run both on iPhone & iPad. Technologies: Java, Spring MVC, Oracle 10g, Weblogic 10.3 Kapitall (UAO) • Involved in UI design documentation • Developing UI components with utmost importance to performance • Working on developing custom widgets in DOJO & JSP
  • 8. • Reducing the server side processing as much as possible also avoiding session attributes to the extent possible • Worked on Account Opening module both Individual & Joint account creation • Worked on the secondary account holder E-Signature process. • Worked on Account Maintenance module. • Currently into ACH module, 3rd phase of the project. CMC Ltd. (TCS) Jan 2010 – May 2010 IT Engineer Nokia • Involved in designing the UI design document & also ICT System Architecture document • Involved in coding the Skill module changes, this deals with changes related to Expiring & deleting a Skill from the DB based on the user privileges. Deleting a skill should be possible only if the the Skill is expired & if the user is a Global Key User. • Involved in coding the reporting module using the JPF Controller architecture & Jasper to generate reports. • Involved in writing related queries & also required procedures in Oracle. Temenos India Pvt. Ltd. Nov 2007 – Dec 2009 Jr. Software Engineer SMBC This project came up as an enhancement to the existing functionality of T24 to handle Funds Transfer & send swift messages across to other external interfaces in an international SWIFT standard. This enhancement lets client to make a single transaction that has multiple settlement methods, it must be possible to select multiple withdrawal (debit) accounts with multiple currencies, single Credit (Nostro), and execute the remittances in a single transaction (Single swift message). Role: • Involved in coding the Business Logic in JAVA, developing a new application accepting multiple debit accounts, multiple debit amounts, and multiple exchange rates.
  • 9. • The application should have single credit a/c & amount. Whenever the multiple debit accounts are used, a check should be done whether all the accounts belong to a single customer. EDUCATION: • Executive program in IT Management (EPGCITM) from Indian Institute of Management (IIMK) Dec, 2013 – Dec, 2014. • Master Of Science in IT (MSc. IT) from Anna University in year 2007 with 77% • Bachelor of Science in IT from Utkal University in 2004 with 66% CERTIFICATIONS: • Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.5 (SCJP)
  • 10. • The application should have single credit a/c & amount. Whenever the multiple debit accounts are used, a check should be done whether all the accounts belong to a single customer. EDUCATION: • Executive program in IT Management (EPGCITM) from Indian Institute of Management (IIMK) Dec, 2013 – Dec, 2014. • Master Of Science in IT (MSc. IT) from Anna University in year 2007 with 77% • Bachelor of Science in IT from Utkal University in 2004 with 66% CERTIFICATIONS: • Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.5 (SCJP)