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Hybrid Connections, 
an introduction 
Sam Vanhoutte 
CTO Codit, Integration MVP
Nice to meet you 
CTO, Codit 
Integration MVP – BizTalk V-TSP 
International Focus - 
HQ in BE 
2000 Belgium 
2004 France 
2013 Portugal 
2012 & 2013 
Partner of the Year 
Award Finalist 
1) Azure Hybrid connectivity options 
2) BizTalk Hybrid Connections 
3) Demo time 
4) Architecture 
5) Comparing & when to use what
on Twitter

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Navigating the service mesh landscape with Istio, Consul Connect, and Linkerd
Navigating the service mesh landscape with Istio, Consul Connect, and LinkerdNavigating the service mesh landscape with Istio, Consul Connect, and Linkerd
Navigating the service mesh landscape with Istio, Consul Connect, and Linkerd

The document discusses various service mesh options including Linkerd, Consul Connect, Istio, and AWS App Mesh. It provides an overview of each solution, describing their key features and strengths/opportunities. It emphasizes that the service mesh approach is useful for managing inter-service communication and that implementations are still evolving. It recommends starting simply and iteratively adopting capabilities to match needs.

istioservice meshlinkerd
Hybrid integration platform reference architecture
Hybrid integration platform reference architectureHybrid integration platform reference architecture
Hybrid integration platform reference architecture

WSO2 Integration Platform allows users to integrate with on-premise as well as cloud based systems. It provides deployment options on cloud, on-premise or as a hybrid deployment.

wso2 esbwso2 apimintegration
Enhanced Multisite Site Selection for Windows 10 and DirectAccess with KEMP L...
Enhanced Multisite Site Selection for Windows 10 and DirectAccess with KEMP L...Enhanced Multisite Site Selection for Windows 10 and DirectAccess with KEMP L...
Enhanced Multisite Site Selection for Windows 10 and DirectAccess with KEMP L...

Multisite DirectAccess allows administrators to place servers in multiple physical locations to reduce crucial single points of failure in their DirectAccess architecture. When multisite DirectAccess is configured, Windows 8.x/10 clients are aware of all deployed entry points in the organization and will automatically select the entry point closest to them. The native site selection process is very basic and often yields unexpected results.

by Kemp
directaccesswindows 10richard hicks
Hybrid Connectivity 
in Azure 
when to use what
Evolving Enterprise Infrastructure 
Corporate Network 
Virtual Network
Virtual Networking 
• Traditional network level connectivity 
•Various options 
• Point2Site 
• Site2Site 
• ExpressRoute 
Watch session of Vishwas
Service Bus Messaging 
• Asynchronous, message based 
• Features 
• Queues & Topics for distributed messaging 
• Event Hubs for scalable event ingestion 
• Notification hubs for phone notifications 
Watch session of Rick

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Building Highly Sophisticated Environments for Security and Compliance on AWS
Building Highly Sophisticated Environments for Security and Compliance on AWSBuilding Highly Sophisticated Environments for Security and Compliance on AWS
Building Highly Sophisticated Environments for Security and Compliance on AWS

In this talk we share our experience @ Sixt of building a highly secure and PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant environment on top of AWS.

securityawsamazon web services
ISTIO Deep Dive
ISTIO Deep DiveISTIO Deep Dive
ISTIO Deep Dive

Presentation in IBM Cloud Meet-up of Toronto

cloud nativedevopsistio
Open Source Networking Days- Service Mesh
Open Source Networking Days- Service MeshOpen Source Networking Days- Service Mesh
Open Source Networking Days- Service Mesh

At the Linux Foundation's 2018 Open Source Networking Days, Syed Ahmed compared service mesh options (Istio, Linkerd, and Consul Connect) and spoke about how they diverge from many complications traditionally found in monolithic applications.

service meshistiolinkerd
Service Bus Relay 
• Firewall friendly service publishing 
• Outbound only ports 
• More & more used to avoid DMZ / reverse proxy 
• Features 
• Load balancing 
• Fail over 
• WCF / REST bindings available
BizTalk Services 
• EAI capabilities 
• On premise LOB connectivity (SQL, SAP, Oracle…) 
• Transformation & flat file support 
• Routing 
• EDI capabilities 
• Support for EDIFACT & X12 
• Trading partner management 
• Hybrid connections 
• in Free tier of BizTalk Services
Azure Hybrid Connections 
positioning & overview 
Access on-prem w/o 
Keep existing network 
custom code or infra configuration 
Control & Visibility Agility & Flexibility

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Consul: Service Mesh for Microservices
Consul: Service Mesh for MicroservicesConsul: Service Mesh for Microservices
Consul: Service Mesh for Microservices

Modern application architectures are embracing public clouds, microservices, and container schedulers like Kubernetes and Nomad. These bring complex service-to-service communication patterns, increased scale, dynamic IP addresses, ephemeral infrastructure, and higher failure rates. These changes require a new approach for service discovery, configuration, and segmentation. Service discovery enables services to find and communicate with each other. Service configuration allows us to dynamically configure applications at runtime. Service segmentations lets us secure our microservices architectures by limiting access. In this talk, we cover these challenges and how to solve them with Consul providing as a service mesh.

microservicesnetworkingservice discovery
Service Mesh - kilometer 30 in a microservice marathon
Service Mesh - kilometer 30 in a microservice marathonService Mesh - kilometer 30 in a microservice marathon
Service Mesh - kilometer 30 in a microservice marathon

Distributed applications like microservices shift some of their complexities into the interaction of services. Such a service mesh, which can have hundreds of runtime instances, is very difficult to manage. You will be concerned with some of the following questions: Which service will be requested by which other services in which version and how often depending on the request content? How can you test the interaction and how can you replace single services with new ones? These and other questions will be discussed in this session. Tools to make your live easier with a service mesh will also be introduced.

Complex architectures for authentication and authorization on AWS
Complex architectures for authentication and authorization on AWSComplex architectures for authentication and authorization on AWS
Complex architectures for authentication and authorization on AWS

In this talk we discuss key architecture patterns for designing authentication and authorization solutions in complex microservices environments. We focus on the key advantages and capabilities of AWS Cognito User Pools and Federated Identities and explore how this service can address the challenges of implementing client to service, service to service and service to infrastructure auth. In addition, we discuss patterns and best practices around building a highly available and resilient decentralised authorization solution in a microservices environment based on fine-grained permissions and end to end automation.

Introducing hybrid connections 
part of supported by 
in preview 
free tier (<5 cnx) 
BizTalk Services Azure Web Sites Mobile Services goal: more to come
BizTalk Services pricing model 
EAI capabilities No Yes Yes Yes Yes 
EDI capabilities No Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Scale limit 1 unit 8 units 8 units 8 units 
Scale out No No Yes Yes Yes 
HyCnx per unit 5 5 10 50 100 
HyCnx data transfer / unit 5 GB 5 GB 50 GB 250 GB 500 GB 
Connection limits for each Hybrid Connection apply. Additional Hybrid data transfer billed at $1/GB.
Key Features 
• Access to on-premises resources 
• Connect to SQL Server, Web Services or most other resources that use TCP or HTTP connectivity 
• Works with most frameworks 
• Support for .NET, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js for Websites and Node.js and .NET for Mobile Services 
• No need to alter the network perimeter 
• Doesn’t require a VPN gateway or Firewall changes to allow incoming traffic 
• Applications have access only to the resource that they require 
• Maintains IT control over resources 
• Support for Group Policy and Event/Audit Logging providing Admins control and visibility

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Chaos Debugging for Microservices
Chaos Debugging for MicroservicesChaos Debugging for Microservices
Chaos Debugging for Microservices

Distributed microservices introduce new challenges: failure modes are harder to anticipate and resolve. In this session, we present a “Chaos Debugging” framework enabled by three open source projects: Gloo Shot, Squash, and Loop to help you increase your microservices’ “immunity” to issues. Gloo Shot integrates with any service mesh to implement advanced, realistic chaos experiments. Squash connects powerful and mature debuggers (gdb, dlv, java debugging) to your microservices while they run in Kubernetes. Loop extends the capability of your service mesh to observe your application and record full transactions for sandboxed replay and debugging. Come to this demo-heavy talk to see how together, Squash, Gloo Shot, and Loop allow you to trigger, replay, and investigate failure modes of your microservices in a language agnostic and efficient manner without requiring any changes to your code.

chaos engineeringexperimentationsevice mesh
Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...
Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...
Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...

If you have an existing Java monolith, you know you must take care making changes to it or altering it in any negative way. Often times these monoliths are very valuable to the business and generate a lot of revenue. At the same time, since it’s difficult to make changes to the monolith it’s desirable to move to a microservices architecture. Unfortunately you cannot just do a big-bang migration to a greenfield architecture and will have to incrementally adopt microservices. In this talk, we’ll look at using Gloo proxy which is based on Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to do surgical, function-level traffic control and API aggregation to safely migrate your monolith to microservices and serverless functions.

envoy proxyservice meshgraphql
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMeshService-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh
Service-mesh options with Linkerd, Consul, Istio and AWS AppMesh

Service mesh abstracts the network from developers to solve three main pain points: How do services communicate securely with one another How can services implement network resilience When things go wrong, can we identify what and why Service mesh implementations usually follow a similar architecture: traffic flows through control points between services (usually service proxies deployed as sidecar processes) while an out-of-band set of nodes is responsible for defining the behavior and management of the control points. This loosely breaks out into an architecture of a "data plane" through which requests flow and a "control plane" for managing a service mesh. Different service mesh implementations use different data planes depending on their use cases and familiarity with particular technology. The control plane implementations vary between service-mesh implementations as well. In this talk, we'll take a look at three different control plane implementations with Istio, Linkerd and Consul, their strengths, and their specific tradeoffs to see how they chose to solve each of the three pain points from above. We can use this information to make choices about a service mesh or to inform our journey if we choose to build a control plane ourselves.

Hybrid Connections 
Web Sites 
Mobile Services 
Corporate Network 
Microsoft SQL Server 
Hybrid Connection 
Other published 
Hybrid Connection resources 
‘As-is’ situation, expense application 
Integration Dashboard 
BizTalk Server Process
Step 1: lift & shift dashboard web app 
Dashboard backend 
IDnateshgbraotaiordn fDroanshtebnodard 
BizTalk Server Process
Step 2: create expense mobile app 
Dashboard frontend 
Dashboard backend 
BizTalk Server Process 
Expense mobile svc

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Cloud integration patterns for it pros - itprceed
Cloud integration patterns for it pros - itprceedCloud integration patterns for it pros - itprceed
Cloud integration patterns for it pros - itprceed

This document discusses various Azure integration patterns for connecting on-premises systems and data to the cloud. It outlines networking options like virtual networking and ExpressRoute. It also covers data integration using Azure Storage and SQL Database/Data Sync. Application integration techniques like Service Bus, BizTalk Services, and hybrid connections are presented. Examples are given for different scenarios around synchronizing data, connecting applications, and moving integration solutions to the cloud.

hybrid service bus azure
Integration Solution Patterns
Integration Solution Patterns Integration Solution Patterns
Integration Solution Patterns

The document discusses various integration solution patterns including enterprise integration patterns (EIPs), implementation of EIPs using WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), and high-level integration patterns like API gateway, service broker, and dual channeling. It describes how functional components of WSO2 ESB like mediators and sequences can be used to implement EIPs. Overall it provides an overview of best practices, approaches and strategies for designing integration solutions using patterns.

by WSO2
Api Management with Service Mesh
Api Management with Service MeshApi Management with Service Mesh
Api Management with Service Mesh

In a world of disaggregated API-based architectures, developers are increasingly adopting microservices — and Service Mesh is being used to control many service-to-service communications. But Service Mesh is not addressing the concern of how the exploding number of APIs can be exposed in a controlled and secure manner to their API consumers. In this meetup, we will discuss how to augment service mesh functionality with API management capabilities, so you can create an end-to-end solution for your entire business functionality — from microservices to APIs, to end-user applications.

apiservice meshkubernetes
Step 3: Expose the expense API 
Expense API Dashboard frontend 
Expense mobile svc 
Dashboard backend 
BizTalk Server Process
The hybrid connection manager 
Install from portal 
Download here 
Windows Service 
Port 80 required 
Outbound only 
Optional ports 
Fallback on 443 - 80
Limits & constraints 
• Support for TCP & HTTP 
• Recommend using static TCP ports 
• Dynamic ports (ie FTP passive mode) are not supported 
• No buffering or traffic inspection 
• TLS can be negotiated end-end

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Getting Started with Kubernetes and Consul
Getting Started with Kubernetes and ConsulGetting Started with Kubernetes and Consul
Getting Started with Kubernetes and Consul

Consul is a Service Networking tool designed to connect applications and services across a multi-cloud world. With Consul, organizations can manage service discovery and health monitoring, automate their middleware and leverage service mesh to connect virtual machine environments and Kubernetes clusters.

kuberneteshashicorp consul
AWS Api Gateway by Łukasz Marchewka Scalacc
AWS Api Gateway by Łukasz Marchewka ScalaccAWS Api Gateway by Łukasz Marchewka Scalacc
AWS Api Gateway by Łukasz Marchewka Scalacc

In this presentation, Łukasz explains what exactly API Gateway is and debates about many problems that it actually can solve. He uses AWS API Gateway as an example.

awsscalafunctional programming
azure track -06- cloud integration patterns for it-pros - itproceed
azure track -06- cloud integration patterns for it-pros - itproceedazure track -06- cloud integration patterns for it-pros - itproceed
azure track -06- cloud integration patterns for it-pros - itproceed

by Sam Vanhoutte In the new scenarios where cloud is getting used, integration becomes very important. Luckily, the Windows Azure platform provides a lot of different capabilities and services to make a secure link between your local systems and the Windows Azure services or machines. In this session, an overview will be give of the different technologies and the scenarios to which these technologies are best applicable. The following technologies will be demonstrated and discussed: •Messaging: Service Bus Messaging, BizTalk Services •Services: Service Bus Relay •Mobile: Service Bus Notification Hubs, SignalR •Data: SQL Data Sync •Networking: Windows Azure Virtual Networking •Security: Active Directory integration

windows azureazure
SQL Server specifics 
• SQL Express named instances should use static ports 
• TCP should be enabled 
• SQL Always on limitations 
• MultiSubnetFailover=true is not supported for clustering 
or availability groups 
• ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly is not supported 
• Integrated security not supported
• Shared access signatures 
• Secure, simple & familiar 
• Separate roles for on-premises connector & apps 
• Credentials for the on-premises connector & client apps can be rolled 
• Seamless & secure distribution & update of credentials to applications & 
Hybrid Connection Manager 
• Application authorization is independent 
• You can use an authorization mechanism appropriate for the Hybrid 
• In practice, depends on End-to-End authorization mechanisms 
supported across cloud/on-premises
Reusing connections 
Microsoft Azure On Premises 
Hybrid Connection 
Hybrid Connection 
Multiple applications can share a Hybrid Connection to access an on-prem resource 
Applications on Azure access a resource the same way they would if it was running on-premises
Load-balanced connectors 
Hybrid Connection 
Hybrid Connection 
Multiple instances of the Hybrid Connection Manager can be used on-premises for resiliency and load-balancing.

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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid ConnectivityThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity

This document discusses options for integrating on-premises systems with Azure-based applications. It describes network-based options like virtual networks and non-network options like Azure Relay and the On-Premises Data Gateway. Azure Relay offers WCF Relay and Hybrid Connections. Hybrid Connections use port forwarding while WCF Relay relies on WCF. The document also provides examples of how to connect web/mobile apps, VMs, and SaaS services to on-prem resources and compares different approaches.

service bushybrid connectionswindows azure
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid ConnectivityThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Hybrid Connectivity

Organisations are increasingly becoming aware of the immense power afforded by hybrid application architectures. Enterprise businesses can now leverage the scale, elasticity, economy and global reach afforded by Microsoft Azure whilst still retaining the investment and security of their on-premises LOB systems, helping them to maintain a competitive edge in a world where businesses are no longer constrained by geographic boundaries. Yet with so many options available for connecting systems, which one should you choose? In this session we will discuss the various Microsoft offerings for hybrid connectivity including Hybrid Connections, the On-Premises Data Gateway, Virtual Private Network, Service Bus WCF Relay and the new Azure Relay – and when best to use which.

hybrid integrationhybrid connectivityhitchhiker’s guide
Connecting Mobile Services to On-Premises Resources Using Hybrid Connections
Connecting Mobile Services to On-Premises Resources Using Hybrid ConnectionsConnecting Mobile Services to On-Premises Resources Using Hybrid Connections
Connecting Mobile Services to On-Premises Resources Using Hybrid Connections

This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure services for enabling digital enterprises, including Hybrid Connections which allow applications running on Azure to securely access on-premises resources. It describes how Hybrid Connections work and their pricing tiers. A variety of Azure services and connectors that can be used with Hybrid Connections are also listed such as Web Apps, Mobile Services, BizTalk Services, and API connectors.

microsoftcloud computinghybrid connections
Performance of 
outbound connection 
Multiple agents often 
increase throughput 
No throttling on 
connection or agent 
BizTalk tier does not 
impact performance
Some #devops 
• Group policy settings to allow/designate resources 
• Event & audit logs available 
• Agent comes with PowerShell cmdlets 
Update-HybridConnection -ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" 
Add-HybridConnection -ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" 
Remove-HybridConnection –ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" 
Set-HybridConnectionManagerConfiguration –ManagementPort 9352 
When to use what 
Virtual networking 
Hybrid Connections 
Service Bus relay

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Slide deck related to 15 Factor App. Covers all the aspects related to Cloud Native application development using 15 Factor App methodology.

Global Azure 2022 - Architecting Modern Serverless APIs with Azure Functions ...
Global Azure 2022 - Architecting Modern Serverless APIs with Azure Functions ...Global Azure 2022 - Architecting Modern Serverless APIs with Azure Functions ...
Global Azure 2022 - Architecting Modern Serverless APIs with Azure Functions ...

The document announces an Azure event in Toronto from May 5-7th that Microsoft is sponsoring. It provides information about accessing Microsoft documentation and training resources. It also introduces the speaker, Callon Campbell, who is a Microsoft MVP in Azure and consultant specializing in app migration, modernization and Azure. The agenda covers what serverless means, demos of building serverless APIs with Azure Functions and API Management, and hosting Function apps.

azureazure functionsazure api management
DEVNET-1121 Customizing Cisco Video Access for Guests
DEVNET-1121	Customizing Cisco Video Access for GuestsDEVNET-1121	Customizing Cisco Video Access for Guests
DEVNET-1121 Customizing Cisco Video Access for Guests

Using Cisco Jabber Guest, organizations can connect with customers or other public users (guests) through their website or mobile application using instant-on, real-time voice and video. Guests in queue can watch videos about products and then talk with subject-matter experts. They can see shared content, ask questions and get them answered in real time. And they can do so from the device they prefer - tablet, computer, or smart phone. As a developer, you can create custom experiences using Jabber Guest within a Web app on Windows and Mac or a mobile app on iOS and Android. In this session you'll learn how simple, straightforward, and welcoming the integration can be … for both the developer / organization implementing Jabber Guest integration, and for the guests themselves.

A comparison
Hybrid Connections
For all your follow up questions: @SamVanhoutte 
Get started with a free trial 
Or, use your existing benefits…

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This document discusses drivers and barriers to cloud migration as well as common issues organizations face. It proposes that F5 and VMware solutions can help by automating network changes, enabling live application migration between data centers, and providing a hybrid cloud architecture. F5 solutions such as BIG-IP can optimize performance, maximize availability, simplify management, and accelerate desktop virtualization deployments. The plug-in for VMware vSphere aims to simplify management by integrating F5 solutions directly into the vSphere client user interface.

Accelarting Hybrid Cloud Adoption through Use Cases in vCloud Air
Accelarting Hybrid Cloud Adoption through Use Cases in vCloud AirAccelarting Hybrid Cloud Adoption through Use Cases in vCloud Air
Accelarting Hybrid Cloud Adoption through Use Cases in vCloud Air

Cloud Services spur enterprises to seize new opportunities. This presentation from #vForum highlights common use cases accelerating the adoption of vCloud Air across companies.

hybrid networkinghybrid cloudmobility
.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp- Los Angeles
.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp- Los Angeles.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp- Los Angeles
.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp- Los Angeles

This document outlines an agenda for a .NET cloud-native bootcamp. The bootcamp will introduce practices, platforms and tools for building modern .NET applications, including microservices, Cloud Foundry, and cloud-native .NET technologies and patterns. The agenda includes sessions on microservices, Cloud Foundry, hands-on exercises, and a wrap up. Break times are scheduled between sessions.

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AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)

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AzureConf 2014 - Azure hybrid connections (Sam Vanhoutte)

  • 1. Hybrid Connections, an introduction Sam Vanhoutte CTO Codit, Integration MVP
  • 2. Nice to meet you Sam VANHOUTTE CTO, Codit Integration MVP – BizTalk V-TSP @SamVanhoutte International Focus - HQ in BE 2000 Belgium 2004 France 2013 Portugal 2012 & 2013 Partner of the Year Award Finalist Application Integration Microsoft Integration Community
  • 3. Agenda FOR THE NEXT HOUR 1) Azure Hybrid connectivity options 2) BizTalk Hybrid Connections 3) Demo time 4) Architecture 5) Comparing & when to use what
  • 5. Hybrid Connectivity in Azure overview when to use what
  • 6. Evolving Enterprise Infrastructure Corporate Network Virtual Network
  • 7. Virtual Networking IP/SEC VPN-STYLE CONNECTIVITY • Traditional network level connectivity •Various options • Point2Site • Site2Site • ExpressRoute Watch session of Vishwas
  • 8. Service Bus Messaging INTEROPERABLE ASYNC COMMUNICATION • Asynchronous, message based • Features • Queues & Topics for distributed messaging • Event Hubs for scalable event ingestion • Notification hubs for phone notifications Watch session of Rick
  • 9. Service Bus Relay MAKE INTERNAL SERVICES REACHABLE THROUGH AZURE ENDPOINTS • Firewall friendly service publishing • Outbound only ports • More & more used to avoid DMZ / reverse proxy • Features • Load balancing • Fail over • WCF / REST bindings available
  • 10. BizTalk Services EAI & B2B INTEGRATION • EAI capabilities • On premise LOB connectivity (SQL, SAP, Oracle…) • Transformation & flat file support • Routing • EDI capabilities • Support for EDIFACT & X12 • Trading partner management • Hybrid connections • in Free tier of BizTalk Services
  • 11. Azure Hybrid Connections positioning & overview architecture
  • 12. Goals Access on-prem w/o Keep existing network custom code or infra configuration Control & Visibility Agility & Flexibility
  • 13. Introducing hybrid connections part of supported by in preview free tier (<5 cnx) BizTalk Services Azure Web Sites Mobile Services goal: more to come
  • 14. BizTalk Services pricing model FREE (preview) DEVELOPER BASIC STANDARD PREMIUM EAI capabilities No Yes Yes Yes Yes EDI capabilities No Yes Yes Yes Yes Scale limit 1 unit 8 units 8 units 8 units Scale out No No Yes Yes Yes HyCnx per unit 5 5 10 50 100 HyCnx data transfer / unit 5 GB 5 GB 50 GB 250 GB 500 GB Connection limits for each Hybrid Connection apply. Additional Hybrid data transfer billed at $1/GB.
  • 15. DEMO
  • 16. Key Features • Access to on-premises resources • Connect to SQL Server, Web Services or most other resources that use TCP or HTTP connectivity • Works with most frameworks • Support for .NET, PHP, Java, Python, Node.js for Websites and Node.js and .NET for Mobile Services • No need to alter the network perimeter • Doesn’t require a VPN gateway or Firewall changes to allow incoming traffic • Applications have access only to the resource that they require • Maintains IT control over resources • Support for Group Policy and Event/Audit Logging providing Admins control and visibility
  • 17. Hybrid Connections Web Sites Mobile Services Corporate Network Microsoft SQL Server Hybrid Connection Other published Hybrid Connection resources Manager
  • 18. ‘As-is’ situation, expense application Integration Dashboard BizTalk Server Process
  • 19. Step 1: lift & shift dashboard web app Dashboard backend IDnateshgbraotaiordn fDroanshtebnodard BizTalk Server Process
  • 20. Step 2: create expense mobile app Dashboard frontend Dashboard backend BizTalk Server Process Expense mobile svc
  • 21. Step 3: Expose the expense API Expense API Dashboard frontend Expense mobile svc Dashboard backend BizTalk Server Process
  • 23. The hybrid connection manager ON PREMISES AGENT SPECIFICS Install from portal Download here Windows Service HybridConnectionMgr 80 Port 80 required Outbound only 443 5671 9352 Optional ports Fallback on 443 - 80
  • 24. Limits & constraints • Support for TCP & HTTP • Recommend using static TCP ports • Dynamic ports (ie FTP passive mode) are not supported • No buffering or traffic inspection • TLS can be negotiated end-end
  • 25. SQL Server specifics • SQL Express named instances should use static ports • TCP should be enabled • SQL Always on limitations • MultiSubnetFailover=true is not supported for clustering or availability groups • ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly is not supported • Integrated security not supported
  • 26. Security • Shared access signatures • Secure, simple & familiar • Separate roles for on-premises connector & apps • Credentials for the on-premises connector & client apps can be rolled independently • Seamless & secure distribution & update of credentials to applications & Hybrid Connection Manager • Application authorization is independent • You can use an authorization mechanism appropriate for the Hybrid Application • In practice, depends on End-to-End authorization mechanisms supported across cloud/on-premises
  • 27. Reusing connections Microsoft Azure On Premises Hybrid Connection Hybrid Connection Manager Multiple applications can share a Hybrid Connection to access an on-prem resource Applications on Azure access a resource the same way they would if it was running on-premises
  • 28. Load-balanced connectors Hybrid Connection Hybrid Connection Manager Multiple instances of the Hybrid Connection Manager can be used on-premises for resiliency and load-balancing.
  • 29. DEMO
  • 30. Throughput SOME TIPS & GUIDANCE Performance of outbound connection Multiple agents often increase throughput No throttling on connection or agent BizTalk tier does not impact performance
  • 31. Some #devops POWERSHELL, VISIBILITY & GROUP POLICIES • Group policy settings to allow/designate resources • Event & audit logs available • Agent comes with PowerShell cmdlets Update-HybridConnection -ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" Add-HybridConnection -ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" Remove-HybridConnection –ConnectionString "<cnxstring>" Set-HybridConnectionManagerConfiguration –ManagementPort 9352 Get-HybridConnection
  • 32. When to use what Virtual networking Hybrid Connections Service Bus relay
  • 35. THANK YOU !! For all your follow up questions: @SamVanhoutte AND STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT SESSIONS !!
  • 36. Get started with a free trial Or, use your existing benefits…

Editor's Notes

  1. 80 & 443 (certificate validation & HTTPs) 5671 (connect to Azure), fallback to TCP:443 9352 (push & pull data), fallback to TCP:443