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Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
API First or Events
First: Is it a Binary
Madhav Sathe
Cloud Applications Architect
Last Updated:
September 2020
Rohit Kelapure
Solution Architect VMware
APIs or Events ? What Came First ?
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 2
APIs and Events - The fundamental difference?
Do something for
APIs Events
I’m interested in
Service Mesh and/or API Gateway
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 3
Your Digital Assets
New Business Channels
API Gateway “By 2023, over 50% of B2B transactions
will be performed through real-time APIs
versus traditional approaches.”
- Gartner, Use APIs to Modernize EDI for B2B
Ecosystem Integration, 11 June 2019
✓ Unlock new revenue streams
✓ Enable super infrastructure
✓ Adoption predicts financial
Monetization through APIs
Future growth engine
Business Imperative - APIs
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 4
● Predictive analytics
● Fraud detection
● Real-time personalization
● IoT
● Easier to extend
● Autonomy to evolve
● Independence allows
much better agility
● Serverless
● FaaS
Business Imperative - Events
Digital Experience → New
Economic Opportunities
Malleable Systems →
Reduced Time to Market
New Paradigms → Ride the
Cloud Wave
“By 2025, nearly 30 percent of data generated will be real-time” - IDC

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OSGi Community Event 2016 Presentation by Jan Rellermeyer (IBM), Tim Verbelen (imec) & Jochen Hiller (Deutsche Telekom AG) Eclipse Concierge provides a clean, small and lightweight implementation of the OSGi core framework specification, specifically tailored to embedded systems and IoT. In this talk, we will cover how to use and deploy the Concierge OSGi framework (e.g. using OSGi enRoute), and discuss many of the new and upcoming features in the Concierge project such as the OSGi REST interface and Cloud Ecosystems reference implementations. We will also present our work in progress on implementing the OSGi R6 core specification level and novel demonstrations that illustrate the advantages of having a lean and streamlined OSGi implementation to deal with deployment and dynamism in IoT applications.

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SWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBM
SWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBMSWIFTly, Go Cloud!! - Swift@IBM
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This document discusses Swift development on IBM Cloud. It summarizes Swift's performance and memory usage, introduces the Kitura web framework, and describes tools like the Swift Sandbox and Package Catalog for community enablement. An example photo sharing app called BluePic is presented to illustrate end-to-end Swift development, with the iOS client communicating with backend services hosted on IBM Cloud.

"The Cloud Native Enterprise is Coming"
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This document summarizes a presentation given by James Watters, SVP of Products at Pivotal, about Pivotal's cloud native R&D strategy. Some key points include: - Pivotal's focus is on transforming how software is built through products like Cloud Foundry, Spring, and Spring Cloud. - Trends like low-cost computing and ubiquitous connectivity are enabling cloud native software companies to reshape the world. - Pivotal is investing in technologies like container orchestration, multi-cloud cloud orchestration, and open source API-driven cloud integration. - Spring Boot is driving adoption for its benefits of high productivity, direct support for microservices through the JVM,

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Event Maturity Model
Inspired By Martin Fowler
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Choose Your Own Adventure
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8Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
“Successful software always gets
Fred Brooks

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Swift is now simpler than ever to use for end-to-end development. Developers wanting a local development environment can now leverage popular Swift@IBM technologies using IBM Cloud Tools for Swift (beta) on IBM Bluemix. In addition, Linux developers can take advantage of today's most popular language on the most powerful Linux platform for data-serving and systems of record, LinuxONE™.Start building end-to-end applications and quickly deploy them with Kitura on both OSX and Linux. Kitura is a modular, package-based web framework and HTTP server. Written in the Swift language, this open source framework lays the foundation for community collaboration, building off the latest technologies from the developer community including Libdispatch, Foundation, and the Swift Package Manager.

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Evolution of Architecture
Customer Order
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Microservices with tight coupling
Evolution of Architecture
Customer Order
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Microservices with loose but temporal coupling
Evolution of Architecture
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Decoupled microservices with thick events
Evolution of Architecture
Customer Events With
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Order Query
Query View

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This document provides an overview of applying API management to microservices deployed in Kubernetes using the WSO2 API Operator. It discusses microservices architecture and service meshes. It then covers how the API Operator can be used to deploy an API gateway and apply API management functionality like security, throttling and monitoring to microservices. It provides examples of exposing microservices as APIs using both the "swagger first" and "publisher first" approaches. Finally, it outlines a demo of deploying sample microservices in an Istio service mesh and applying API management using the API Operator. Learning materials are also referenced to help understand configuring the required tools and components.

by WSO2
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The document compares serverless computing platforms Azure Functions and AWS Lambda. It provides an overview of key concepts like functions, triggers, bindings and event models. It also outlines some example use cases for functions. The document analyzes the architecture and infrastructure of Azure Functions and AWS Lambda and compares features between the two platforms. It concludes by listing relevant documentation and SDK repositories for further reference.

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Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 13
● API’s externally observed behavior can not
change unless it is backward compatible
● A good API practitioner will have sufficient
tests to ensure backward compatibility
● Spring Cloud Contracts can be included in
● Use events with encoding standards that
support schemas such as Avro
● Use schema registry to ensure
● Confluent’s schema registry maven plugin
can be used in CI
API & API Contracts Treat Event Schemas as API Contracts
Managing Evolution Without Breaking Things
Contracts & Compatibility
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 14
Design Considerations for Events Driven
Event broker
● Delivery guarantees
● Message ordering
● Coupling due to event schema
● Message duplication
● Sagas to handle eventual consistency
● Idempotency in operations
comes with a
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API & Events Math
API Events
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Amundsen API Maturity Model
API First Architecture
Ease Of Consumption

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Watch webinar on-demand Enterprises are rushing to enable their remote workforce with virtual desktops and applications need a robust load balancing solution to deliver VDI quickly in any data center or cloud. Waiting to procure appliance-based load balancers or compromising with limited virtual load balancers is not an option for business continuity. Avi Networks, Now a part of VMware offers The NSX Advanced Load Balancer which is a full-featured, multi-cloud, software-defined platform that delivers distributed load balancing with on-demand elasticity and pinpoint application and end-user analytics. With Avi, VMware Horizon customers can deliver VDI in record time while simplifying their operations, reducing troubleshooting time, and saving costs. Learn how to: - Simplify your infrastructure and operations to deliver virtual desktops and apps - Troubleshoot end-user experience issues with point and click simplicity - Eliminate costly over-provisioning of load balancers and save costs for VDI deployments - Deploy load balancing consistently for virtual desktops in any cloud environment

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Microsoft Ignite Australia November 2015

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Valiton / Hubert Burda Media shares insights about the challenges they faced with self-hosted MongoDB clusters on AWS and how they solved it with the migration to MongoDB Atlas

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Patterns To Manage Uncertainty in Event Driven Architectures
Reference Architectures
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Docket Based Choreography
Handling Uncertainty with APIs and Events
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Events Based Stateful Streaming
Programming Models with Events
@sina sujoodi
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Exploit The Best Of Both Worlds
Bringing It Together
Start with APIs and API Gateways
Immediate Impact
Incremental Feature development
Continue to decompose monoliths into a
mesh of microservices
Data Driven Strangler
Model the System as Events
Model Business Domain
Completely Decoupled Microservices
with Event Based Architecture and use
APIs to drive value
End Goal

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Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc.
Thank You
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 22
Tradeoffs and Functional choices
Role of APIs and Events in the Design of A Complex System
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 23
❖ Business
➢ Unlock new business channels by exposing data and services
➢ Montezing services
❖ Access
➢ Access across firewalls
➢ Endpoints in DMZ
➢ Abstract infrastructure and platform operations
➢ Platform & language neutral access to microservices
❖ Modernizing legacy
➢ Extending life of legacy with minimal disruption
➢ Anti-corruption layer
❖ Modern apps
➢ Backend for Frontend
➢ Temporal coupling is required
➢ Standards such as Service Mesh make it easy to implement zero-touch security
When To Use APIs
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 24
● Loosely Coupled Architecture
○ Temporal decoupling of microservices
○ Independent evolution of microservices
○ Extend architectures - Plug and play new modules
● Enables new Paradigms
○ Serverless microservices
● Data Modernization
○ Change data capture
○ Streaming & data transformation
○ Near real-time analytics
○ Modernizing ETLs
● Scaleable Business Processes
○ Implementing sagas
○ Notifications
When To Use Events

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The document provides an overview of Anypoint Runtime Fabric on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). It discusses how Runtime Fabric can deploy Mule applications to containers consistently across clouds and data centers. It highlights that Runtime Fabric on EKS allows customers to use their own Kubernetes infrastructure while Runtime Fabric Appliance provides a fully managed option. The agenda includes a demonstration of deploying an application with Runtime Fabric on EKS, exploring logging, load balancing, auto-scaling and high availability features.

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● Temporal coupling
● Needs extensive testing to ensure
backward compatibility
APIs Events
Challenges with each approach
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Decoupled microservices with thin events
Evolution of Architecture
Customer Events
Order Events
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API Maturity Model Comparison
Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 28
Business Imperative - APIs & Events
Path To App Modernization
Reuse across multiple types of applications
and integrations
Enable Super Infrastructure - Forcing Function
for Value
Inclusive to humans & machines
Adoption helps predict financial performance
Make a system Malleable
Easier to extend
Greater autonomy to act independently
Independence allows much better agility
New paradigms - FaaS & Serverless
API First Business Events First Business

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SpringOne 2020 Boskey Savla: Technical Product Line Marketing Manager, VMware; Jared Ruckle: Group Product Line Marketing Manager, VMware

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This presentation covers: * The NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes * NGINX Plus to up-level your KIC Architecture * NGINX App Protect for securing your Kubernetes services * Demo of both working in tandem to set: * Kubernetes routing policy with NGINX KIC * Granular, Per-App and Per-Service Security Policy with NGINX App Protect

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The document summarizes a CNCF webinar about Project Updates with LitmusChaos. The webinar agenda covers what's new in LitmusChaos 2.0, use cases from iFood and HaloDoc, and a demo of making an e-commerce application resilient. For iFood, the challenges of a growing online food delivery platform moving to microservices are described. For HaloDoc, the service reliability challenges of a hybrid cloud-native healthcare application are covered. LitmusChaos helps both companies by providing experiments, observability, and automation to test reliability.

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API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice?

  • 1. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. API First or Events First: Is it a Binary Choice? Madhav Sathe Cloud Applications Architect @madhav_sathe Last Updated: September 2020 Rohit Kelapure Solution Architect VMware @rkela APIs or Events ? What Came First ?
  • 2. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 2 APIs and Events - The fundamental difference? Consumer API Do something for me APIs Events Producer Something happened Consumer I’m interested in it Pub/Sub Service Mesh and/or API Gateway
  • 3. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 3 Your Digital Assets New Business Channels Internal Developers Partner Developers Customer Developers ERP, CRM API Gateway “By 2023, over 50% of B2B transactions will be performed through real-time APIs versus traditional approaches.” - Gartner, Use APIs to Modernize EDI for B2B Ecosystem Integration, 11 June 2019 ✓ Unlock new revenue streams ✓ Enable super infrastructure ✓ Adoption predicts financial performance Monetization through APIs Future growth engine Business Imperative - APIs ConsumptionExposure
  • 4. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 4 ● Predictive analytics ● Fraud detection ● Real-time personalization ● IoT ● Easier to extend ● Autonomy to evolve independently ● Independence allows much better agility ● Serverless ● FaaS Business Imperative - Events Digital Experience → New Economic Opportunities Malleable Systems → Reduced Time to Market New Paradigms → Ride the Cloud Wave “By 2025, nearly 30 percent of data generated will be real-time” - IDC
  • 5. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 5 Event Maturity Model Inspired By Martin Fowler
  • 6. 6Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Heuristics Choose Your Own Adventure
  • 7. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 7
  • 8. 8Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. “Successful software always gets changed” Fred Brooks
  • 9. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 9 Monolith Evolution of Architecture Customer Module Order Module Customer Order
  • 10. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 10 Microservices with tight coupling Evolution of Architecture Customer Service Order Service Customer Order A P I A P I
  • 11. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 11 Microservices with loose but temporal coupling Evolution of Architecture Customer Service Order Service Customer A P I A P I Order
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  • 13. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 13 ● API’s externally observed behavior can not change unless it is backward compatible ● A good API practitioner will have sufficient tests to ensure backward compatibility ● Spring Cloud Contracts can be included in CI ● Use events with encoding standards that support schemas such as Avro ● Use schema registry to ensure compatibility ● Confluent’s schema registry maven plugin can be used in CI API & API Contracts Treat Event Schemas as API Contracts Managing Evolution Without Breaking Things Contracts & Compatibility
  • 14. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 14 Design Considerations for Events Driven Event broker ● Delivery guarantees ● Message ordering Events ● Coupling due to event schema ● Message duplication State ● Sagas to handle eventual consistency ● Idempotency in operations Complete decoupling comes with a cost
  • 15. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 15 API & Events Math API Events
  • 16. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 16 Amundsen API Maturity Model API First Architecture Ease Of Consumption Product Cetricness
  • 17. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 17 Patterns To Manage Uncertainty in Event Driven Architectures Reference Architectures
  • 18. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 18 Docket Based Choreography Handling Uncertainty with APIs and Events @shaunanderson
  • 19. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 19 Events Based Stateful Streaming Programming Models with Events @sina sujoodi
  • 20. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 20 Exploit The Best Of Both Worlds Bringing It Together Start with APIs and API Gateways Immediate Impact Incremental Feature development Continue to decompose monoliths into a mesh of microservices Data Driven Strangler Model the System as Events Model Business Domain Completely Decoupled Microservices with Event Based Architecture and use APIs to drive value End Goal OPERATIONALIZE SEAMS EVENT DOMAIN MODEL
  • 21. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. Thank You
  • 22. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 22 Tradeoffs and Functional choices Role of APIs and Events in the Design of A Complex System
  • 23. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 23 ❖ Business ➢ Unlock new business channels by exposing data and services ➢ Montezing services ❖ Access ➢ Access across firewalls ➢ Endpoints in DMZ ➢ Abstract infrastructure and platform operations ➢ Platform & language neutral access to microservices ❖ Modernizing legacy ➢ Extending life of legacy with minimal disruption ➢ Anti-corruption layer ❖ Modern apps ➢ Backend for Frontend ➢ Temporal coupling is required ➢ Standards such as Service Mesh make it easy to implement zero-touch security When To Use APIs
  • 24. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 24 ● Loosely Coupled Architecture ○ Temporal decoupling of microservices ○ Independent evolution of microservices ○ Extend architectures - Plug and play new modules ● Enables new Paradigms ○ Serverless microservices ● Data Modernization ○ Change data capture ○ Streaming & data transformation ○ Near real-time analytics ○ Modernizing ETLs ● Scaleable Business Processes ○ Implementing sagas ○ Notifications When To Use Events
  • 25. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 25 ● Temporal coupling ● Needs extensive testing to ensure backward compatibility ● APIs Events Challenges with each approach
  • 26. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 26 Decoupled microservices with thin events Evolution of Architecture Customer Service Order Service Customer A P I A P I Order Customer Events Order Events
  • 27. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 27 API Maturity Model Comparison
  • 28. Confidential │ ©2020 VMware, Inc. 28 Business Imperative - APIs & Events Path To App Modernization Reuse across multiple types of applications and integrations Enable Super Infrastructure - Forcing Function for Value Inclusive to humans & machines Adoption helps predict financial performance Make a system Malleable Easier to extend Greater autonomy to act independently Independence allows much better agility New paradigms - FaaS & Serverless API First Business Events First Business