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jQuery Conference 2012 keynote
jQuery Conference 2012
     San Francisco
        Dave Methvin
 President, jQuery Foundation
 Lead Developer, jQuery Core
Just a few things going on…
• jQuery Foundation
  – Gives us a way to organize support for the jQuery
    project and community efforts
     • Software development
     • Documentation and training
     • Conferences
  – Tomorrow morning's keynote by Richard Worth
• jQuery Core, UI, Mobile
jQuery Core Timeline
•   jQuery 1.0: January 2006
•   jQuery 1.1: January 2007
•   jQuery 1.2: September 2007
•   jQuery 1.3: January 2009
•   jQuery 1.4: January 2010
•   jQuery 1.5: January 2011
•   jQuery 1.6: May 2011
•   jQuery 1.7: November 2011

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Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit
Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkitChoosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit
Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit

This document compares several major JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and toolkits to help determine which is best for a given project. It defines the differences between libraries, frameworks, and toolkits. Features like modularity, code structure, utilities, and user interface capabilities are compared for libraries like jQuery, MooTools, AngularJS, BackboneJS, Dojo and YUI. Considerations around when to use MV* patterns and support, community, and usage statistics are also discussed.

JsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates
JsViews - Next Generation jQuery TemplatesJsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates
JsViews - Next Generation jQuery Templates

Come and see the future of jQuery Templates, as it moves from Beta1 towards a V1 product. The new jQuery Templates is taking two forms: JsRender – lean and mean, for fast rendering of templates as strings, and JsViews – for powerful interactive browser apps in which Data Link and Templates work hand-in-hand. See how with declarative data linking and templating together, creating powerful data-driven UI is easy, whether using MVVM patterns or binding directly to JSON, and whatever the richness or complexity of the underlying data. jQuery UI is already building its future data-bound widgets on top of this technology. With JsViews and JsRender integration between jQuery UI controls and your own data and UI becomes trivially straightforward.

jquerydata linktemplates
JavaScript MV* Framework - Making the Right Choice
JavaScript MV* Framework - Making the Right ChoiceJavaScript MV* Framework - Making the Right Choice
JavaScript MV* Framework - Making the Right Choice

This document discusses JavaScript MV* frameworks and recommends Exoskeleton as a lightweight alternative to popular frameworks like AngularJS and Backbone. It compares the frameworks based on code size, community support and complexity. While frameworks provide structure, Exoskeleton extends Backbone to be faster and more customizable. The document argues Exoskeleton allows more control over code and fewer dependencies than larger frameworks. An example TODO app demonstrates how to use Exoskeleton.

javascript framework mvc mvp mvvm backnone angular
jQuery Core Timeline
•   jQuery 1.0: January 2006
•   jQuery 1.1: January 2007
•   jQuery 1.2: September 2007
•   jQuery 1.3: January 2009
•   jQuery 1.4: January 2010
•   jQuery 1.5: January 2011
•   jQuery 1.6: May 2011
•   jQuery 1.7: November 2011
jQuery 1.8: July 2012
•   Only major release this year
•   Fix bugs, make things faster (of course!)
•   Add some nice things (CSS vendor prefixes)
•   Dump unneeded code (Safari 2 for example)
•   Deprecate "trip hazards"
    – E.g. $.browser
• Set the stage for future work
jQuery 1.8: Modularity
• New grunt build system (yay @cowboy!)
• Intended for advanced users in 1.8
  – You must understand your project dependencies
• Exclude parts you don't need
  – ajax, css, dimensions, effects, offset, deprecated
• Simple option in the jQuery build
  – Documented in the README file
  – Blog post to come
jQuery 1.8: Modularity
• Theoretical example: Small mobile app
  – Uses classes for CSS styling and animations
  – No third-party plugin dependencies
  – Only needs JSONP, using jaubourg's jsonp.js
  – jQuery 1.7.2: 32.8KB min-gz (full jQuery)
  – jQuery 1.8: ~24KB min-gz (including jsonp.js!)

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Mvvm knockout vs angularMvvm knockout vs angular
Mvvm knockout vs angular

A presentation I gave at ALT.NET Melbourne on February 26 2013 :

Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and BackboneJavascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone
Javascript Frameworks Comparison - Angular, Knockout, Ember and Backbone

Introduction and Comparison of polpular JS Frameworks Knockout, Ember, Angular and Backbone. The presentation descrobes How and when to select each framework.

jQuery UI & Mobile - The Great Merger
jQuery UI & Mobile - The Great MergerjQuery UI & Mobile - The Great Merger
jQuery UI & Mobile - The Great Merger

The document discusses plans to merge jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile to create code that works across all devices and environments. Key points include: 1) Creating a shared CSS framework and responsive widgets for layouts and user interfaces. 2) Developing techniques like SVG icons with PNG fallbacks to optimize performance across different platforms and devices. 3) Building a common widget factory and APIs to create reusable and customizable interface elements that work with or without JavaScript. 4) Continuing to improve form controls and other widgets to provide consistent styling and interactions across all form factors.

THIS is why it can't be simple
jQuery 1.8: Closure Compiler
• Experimental branch, not yet available
  – Renames variables and property names
  – Eliminates dead (uncalled) functions
  – Inlines function calls
• Intended for really advanced users
  – vs. obj["name"] confuses optimizer
  – Code annotations act as optimizer hints
  – All your code needs to be CC AO safe
  – Difficult to debug
The Future of jQuery
The Future of jQuery

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HTTP 2.0 - Web Unleashed 2015
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HTTP 2.0 - Web Unleashed 2015

HTTP 2.0 makes the existing web faster, but there are things that web devs can do to make their sites and apps even better with very little work.

PrairieDevCon 2014 - Web Doesn't Mean Slow
PrairieDevCon 2014 -  Web Doesn't Mean SlowPrairieDevCon 2014 -  Web Doesn't Mean Slow
PrairieDevCon 2014 - Web Doesn't Mean Slow

Web sites can be fast and responsive once you understand the process web browsers use to load and run web pages. We'll look at using tools like WebPageTest to analyze and optimize web pages.

web developmentweb performance
AngularJS is awesome
AngularJS is awesomeAngularJS is awesome
AngularJS is awesome

AngularJS is a client-side JavaScript framework that allows developers to create single page applications. It provides two-way data binding, MVC architecture, templates and custom directives to help build testable web apps that can scale. Some key features include data binding, controllers, expressions to dynamically display data, modules to organize code, and services to handle back-end communication. Overall, AngularJS streamlines web development by handling many common tasks like DOM manipulation, data binding and communication with backend services.

angularjs javascript frontend
jQuery 1.9: Early 2013
• Continued API cleanup
  – Better modularity and speed, smaller size
  – Remove some deprecated APIs
• Compatibility plugin
  – Includes most of the APIs we remove
  – For the times you just want to "make it work"
• Support and unit tests for all major market-
  share browsers (including IE7/8)
• IE6 serious-regressions-only policy
This is the exciting part
jQuery 2.0: Early 2013
• Same API as jQuery 1.9
• No major feature additions
jQuery 2.0: Early 2013
• Same API as jQuery 1.9
• No major feature additions

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Harness jQuery Templates and Data LinkHarness jQuery Templates and Data Link
Harness jQuery Templates and Data Link

This document discusses using jQuery Templates and Data Link to build dynamic data-driven browser applications. It describes how jQuery Templates can be used to render templates from data but offers limited interactivity. jQuery Data Link allows binding data to HTML but has no templating. The presentation previews a new approach called JsViews that integrates Templates and Data Link to provide both fast rendering of templates to static HTML strings as well as fully interactive and responsive views through two-way data binding between templates and JavaScript data objects.

templatesdata linkjavascript
Webpack Webpack

Webpack is a module bundler that packs JavaScript files and their dependencies into small bundles for efficient loading on the browser. It builds a dependency graph by walking through imports and outputs bundles or individual files. Loaders allow transforming assets and piping them together, like using babel-loader to transpile JSX to ES5 and css-loader to bundle CSS. This summarizes the key points about Webpack's purpose, how it builds dependencies, and the role of loaders.

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TDC2017 | Florianopolis - Trilha DevOps How we figured out we had a SRE team ...

The document discusses the history and evolution of JavaScript packaging and module bundling from 2000 to the present. It covers early approaches using individual script tags to load JS files, the introduction of minification tools like JSMin in 2003, concatenating files together in the late 2000s, module loaders like RequireJS in 2009, the rise of Node.js and package managers in 2010, and the modern dominance of bundlers like Webpack since 2014 which use loaders to bundle dependencies and assets into single files or chunks.

jQuery 2.0: Early 2013

Why This Approach?
• OldIE workarounds permeate jQuery
  – Refactoring to a plugin isn't practical
• We have a solution for oldIE – version 1.9
  – Remember, it's the same API
Shunning oldIE: Advantages
• Jettison all the oldIE hacks
   –   "Attroperties"
   –   DOM-vs-JavaScript memory leaks
   –   innerHTML serialization quirks
   –   HTML5 shimming
   –   Spontaneous tbody in empty tables
   –   Opacity via filters, causes grainy text
   –   Incorrect case sensitivity on attributes
   –   Non-W3C attachEvent model
   –   Can't change type property of inputs
   –   Link href attribute returns absolute URL
   –   No bubbling on change and submit events
   –   Unreliable offsetHeight on table elements
   –   Thrᵒ exceptions on invalid CSS values
   –   Appended checkboxes lose their chec√s
   –   Broken try/finally – there's G0T to be a catch
   –   Host objects, please NOT hosT objects
   –   It comes it cOmes cannot fi​ght it com̡e̶s, ̕
   –   ̵Un̨ho͞ly code destro҉ying all enli̍̈́̂̈́ghtenment,
   –    JScript lea͠ki̧nᵒ fr̶ǫm ̡yo​ r eye͢s̸ ̛l̕ik͏e liq​uid pain,
                           g        ͟u
   –    ALL IS Lo ̩͇̗̪̏̈́T ALL I​S LOST
   –    MY CODE MY CODE ᵒh noNO NOO o
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify
• Removing oldIE improves the code base
  – Faster
     • Fewer feature detects required at load time
     • Fewer tests needed at run time
  – Smaller
     • Especially when combined with modularity!
  – Revisit design decisions warped by oldIE
     • E.g., attach data directly to DOM elements

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The best reason for writing tests is to automate your testing. Without tests, you'll likely be testing manually. This manual testing will take longer and longer as your codebase grows. In this session, you’ll learn how to test an Angular 2 application. You'll learn how to use Jasmine to unit testing components and Protractor for integration testing. We’ll also take a look at code coverage options and explore continuous integration tools.

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Flexible UI Components for a Multi-Framework World
Flexible UI Components for a Multi-Framework WorldFlexible UI Components for a Multi-Framework World
Flexible UI Components for a Multi-Framework World

Slides from Flexible UI Components talk given at Web Unleashed 2017 Build UI components that work seamlessly in every JavaScript Framework. Your core UI elements shouldn’t have to be different for your marketing site than they are in your application just because the former uses jQuery while the latter is built using Angular or React. Lessons learned from work on ZURB Foundation 7.

zurb foundationfront-end developmentweb development
Not Just Mobile – Modern
• Yes, oldIE is just a "desktop" concern
• But "mobile" is not just iOS/Webkit
  – Poster boy: Microsoft Surface Tablet
     • Not just one screen size; not Webkit
     • Mouse, touch, stylus, maybe even Kinect?
  – Responsive design to the rescue?
• jQuery 2.0 will support modern browsers
  – Not just a Webkit subset of browsers
  – We don't want to break the web
"IE8 can't use my site?"
Breaking the Web?
• jQuery Core team will support two versions
  – Version 1.9 works with IE 6/7/8
  – Version 2.0 does not

  "But Dave, my web site still
  needs to support IE 6/7/8 but I
  want to use jQuery 2.0!"
jQuery Conference 2012 keynote

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“There is no doubt AngularJS is one of the hottest JavaScript and Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks in use today. Is Angular just a bunch of hype, or is there substance behind its promise of teaching HTML new tricks? Join iVision principal architect Jeremy Likness when he shares his hands-on experience developing a massive Angular enterprise application with globally distributed teams of dozens developers over a period of several years. See practical examples of Angular and learn about the various concepts that make it a useful framework that isn’t as opinionated as other options in the market. Beginners will benefit from understanding what Angular does and how it impacts the bottom line of technology, people and process and experienced developers will learn best practices and advanced techniques from Jeremy’s extensive Angular experience. There’s something for everyone so be sure to RSVP now!”

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How did a small, completely self-funded team build a web framework that became more popular than comparable tools with million-dollar budgets? By welcoming the outsiders. Mike will recount how Sails.js grew from an internal tool to one of the most popular frameworks for Node.js, without forgetting its roots. In this talk, Mike will reflect on the experiences he and his team have had building and managing an open-source Node.js framework, Sails.js. He'll discuss the success they've had attracting interlingual developers to Sails, and share some lessons and difficulties they've encountered migrating a new generation of developers from PHP, Java, .NET and Rails to Node.js. There will be discussion of examples from both sides of the spectrum addressing community-related and technical issues with a highlight about overcoming the "maintaining interest" challenge.

open sourcesails.jsnode.js
Impact of Open Source
Impact of Open SourceImpact of Open Source
Impact of Open Source

This document summarizes Anne-Gaëlle Colom's involvement with open source projects like jQuery and jQuery Mobile. It describes how she started contributing by reporting bugs and inconsistencies, eventually taking on a leadership role rewriting documentation. Her contributions led to opportunities like speaking at conferences, meeting open source leaders, and career advancement. Open source involvement provided learning opportunities that improved her teaching and opened doors for her students.

jQuery 2.0: "Tears of Joy" Policy
• Include jQuery 1.9 only for oldIE:

     !--[if lt IE 9]>
         <script src="jquery-1.9.0.js"></script>
       <script src="jquery-2.0.0.js"></script>
jQuery Core Future Growth
jQuery Core Future Growth
• Improve browser features or solve issues that
  exist everywhere (e.g. CSS vendor prefixes)
• Beyond that, emphasis on plugins
  – Don't make everyone pay for platform-specific
    features and needs
• You can still use a CDN jQuery but compress
  all your plugins and site code!
Why We Plugin: Touch Events
• Two non-standard implementations
  – Webkit touch events
  – Microsoft MSPointer
  – No sign of a W3C standard (Apple patents)
• Can we normalize like we did with oldIE?
  – Maybe … but to which implementation?
  – Webkit: de facto; MSPointer: flexible, unproven
• Should we include this in core?
  – Way too early for that. Plugin for now!

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Unit testing
Unit testingUnit testing
Unit testing

Unit testing involves writing small tests for individual units or functions of an application to ensure they work as expected. Tests should be written from the start of a project to prevent bugs and regressions. Unit tests allow for collaborative work by different contributors, help automate catching errors, and produce more reliable code by testing features as they are developed. While unit testing requires upfront effort, it saves work in the long run by reducing unexpected bugs that would otherwise be found by users. The testing framework QUnit can be used to write unit tests in separate .js files and run them from an index.html page.

unit testingqunittdd
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile FrameworkBuilding a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework

Presented June 8, 2012 (Online) at the 'Access by Touch: Delivering Library Services Through Mobile Technologies' conference sponsored by Amigos Library Services. Description: By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this webinar, you will: - learn what a mobile framework is. - acquire best practices in mobile Web development. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile Web apps. - recognize the differences between native and web apps. - have an opportunity to continue to work with Chad after the webinar to demonstrate what you learned. - gain access after the webinar to a free Web server so you can see your mobile Web app live.

frameworksjquery mobilemobile web
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for AllIntroduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All
Introduction to jQuery Mobile - Web Deliver for All

Mobile web development frameworks are targeting the builtin web browsers on iPhone and Android only; however, jQuery mobile has in a different vision, one that will reach the largest distribution of phones possible. Leveraging the ways of progressive enhancement, your website can be viewed in raw HTML on old mobile phones and then enhanced with nice CSS styles across mobile platforms that have a decent CSS and JavaScript support. In this session, Grabanski gives you his list of reasons to use jQuery mobile, an overview of the framework and will draw from his experiences building websites on top of jQuery Mobile.

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jQuery Conference 2012 keynote

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jQuery Conference 2012 keynote

  • 2. jQuery Conference 2012 San Francisco Dave Methvin President, jQuery Foundation Lead Developer, jQuery Core
  • 3. Just a few things going on… • jQuery Foundation – Gives us a way to organize support for the jQuery project and community efforts • Software development • Documentation and training • Conferences – Tomorrow morning's keynote by Richard Worth • jQuery Core, UI, Mobile
  • 4. jQuery Core Timeline • jQuery 1.0: January 2006 • jQuery 1.1: January 2007 • jQuery 1.2: September 2007 • jQuery 1.3: January 2009 • jQuery 1.4: January 2010 • jQuery 1.5: January 2011 • jQuery 1.6: May 2011 • jQuery 1.7: November 2011
  • 5. jQuery Core Timeline • jQuery 1.0: January 2006 • jQuery 1.1: January 2007 • jQuery 1.2: September 2007 • jQuery 1.3: January 2009 • jQuery 1.4: January 2010 • jQuery 1.5: January 2011 • jQuery 1.6: May 2011 • jQuery 1.7: November 2011
  • 6. jQuery 1.8: July 2012 • Only major release this year • Fix bugs, make things faster (of course!) • Add some nice things (CSS vendor prefixes) • Dump unneeded code (Safari 2 for example) • Deprecate "trip hazards" – E.g. $.browser • Set the stage for future work
  • 7. jQuery 1.8: Modularity • New grunt build system (yay @cowboy!) • Intended for advanced users in 1.8 – You must understand your project dependencies • Exclude parts you don't need – ajax, css, dimensions, effects, offset, deprecated • Simple option in the jQuery build – Documented in the README file – Blog post to come
  • 8. jQuery 1.8: Modularity • Theoretical example: Small mobile app – Uses classes for CSS styling and animations – No third-party plugin dependencies – Only needs JSONP, using jaubourg's jsonp.js – jQuery 1.7.2: 32.8KB min-gz (full jQuery) – jQuery 1.8: ~24KB min-gz (including jsonp.js!)
  • 9. THIS is why it can't be simple
  • 10. jQuery 1.8: Closure Compiler • Experimental branch, not yet available • Supports CC's ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS – Renames variables and property names – Eliminates dead (uncalled) functions – Inlines function calls • Intended for really advanced users – vs. obj["name"] confuses optimizer – Code annotations act as optimizer hints – All your code needs to be CC AO safe – Difficult to debug
  • 11. The Future of jQuery
  • 12. The Future of jQuery
  • 13. jQuery 1.9: Early 2013 • Continued API cleanup – Better modularity and speed, smaller size – Remove some deprecated APIs • Compatibility plugin – Includes most of the APIs we remove – For the times you just want to "make it work" • Support and unit tests for all major market- share browsers (including IE7/8) • IE6 serious-regressions-only policy
  • 14. This is the exciting part
  • 15. jQuery 2.0: Early 2013 • Same API as jQuery 1.9 • No major feature additions
  • 16. jQuery 2.0: Early 2013 • Same API as jQuery 1.9 • No major feature additions
  • 17. jQuery 2.0: Early 2013 NO SUPPORT FOR IE6, IE7, NOT EVEN IE8
  • 18. Why This Approach? • OldIE workarounds permeate jQuery – Refactoring to a plugin isn't practical • We have a solution for oldIE – version 1.9 – Remember, it's the same API
  • 19. Shunning oldIE: Advantages • Jettison all the oldIE hacks – "Attroperties" – DOM-vs-JavaScript memory leaks – innerHTML serialization quirks – HTML5 shimming – Spontaneous tbody in empty tables – Opacity via filters, causes grainy text – Incorrect case sensitivity on attributes – Non-W3C attachEvent model – Can't change type property of inputs – Link href attribute returns absolute URL – No bubbling on change and submit events – Unreliable offsetHeight on table elements – Thrᵒ exceptions on invalid CSS values ws – Appended checkboxes lose their chec√s – Broken try/finally – there's G0T to be a catch – Host objects, please NOT hosT objects – It comes it cOmes cannot fi​ght it com̡e̶s, ̕ – ̵Un̨ho͞ly code destro҉ying all enli̍̈́̂̈́ghtenment, – JScript lea͠ki̧nᵒ fr̶ǫm ̡yo​ r eye͢s̸ ̛l̕ik͏e liq​uid pain, g ͟u – ALL IS Lo ̩͇̗̪̏̈́T ALL I​S LOST – MY CODE MY CODE ᵒh noNO NOO o
  • 20. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify • Removing oldIE improves the code base – Faster • Fewer feature detects required at load time • Fewer tests needed at run time – Smaller • Especially when combined with modularity! – Revisit design decisions warped by oldIE • E.g., attach data directly to DOM elements
  • 21. Not Just Mobile – Modern • Yes, oldIE is just a "desktop" concern • But "mobile" is not just iOS/Webkit – Poster boy: Microsoft Surface Tablet • Not just one screen size; not Webkit • Mouse, touch, stylus, maybe even Kinect? – Responsive design to the rescue? • jQuery 2.0 will support modern browsers – Not just a Webkit subset of browsers – We don't want to break the web
  • 22. "IE8 can't use my site?"
  • 23. Breaking the Web? • jQuery Core team will support two versions – Version 1.9 works with IE 6/7/8 – Version 2.0 does not "But Dave, my web site still needs to support IE 6/7/8 but I want to use jQuery 2.0!"
  • 25. jQuery 2.0: "Tears of Joy" Policy • Include jQuery 1.9 only for oldIE: !--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="jquery-1.9.0.js"></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if gte IE 9]><!--> <script src="jquery-2.0.0.js"></script> <!--<![endif]-->
  • 27. jQuery Core Future Growth • Improve browser features or solve issues that exist everywhere (e.g. CSS vendor prefixes) • Beyond that, emphasis on plugins – Don't make everyone pay for platform-specific features and needs • You can still use a CDN jQuery but compress all your plugins and site code!
  • 28. Why We Plugin: Touch Events • Two non-standard implementations – Webkit touch events – Microsoft MSPointer – No sign of a W3C standard (Apple patents) • Can we normalize like we did with oldIE? – Maybe … but to which implementation? – Webkit: de facto; MSPointer: flexible, unproven • Should we include this in core? – Way too early for that. Plugin for now!