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jQuery comes to XPages
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June 20, 2013
Ben Green
Vice President - APAC
Who we are
• Our background is in creating tools for collaborative
computing in mid-size and large enterprises, primarily for
Lotus Notes
• Easy-to-use tools for developers and administrators
• 2300+ active customers, 47 countries
• Offices in US, UK and Japan
• Entered mobile space in 2010 with Unplugged – easy
mobilization of Notes apps to Blackberry, Android and iOS
Teamstudio Unplugged
• Your Mobile Domino Server – take your Notes
apps with you!
• End users access Notes applications from
mobile devices whether online or offline
• Leverages existing skills and technology –
XPages – Replication model you already know
• IBM Collaboration Solutions Award Winner 2013
Teamstudio Continuity
• Mobile BCM application for smartphones and tablets
– iOS, Android and BB
• Offline access to all your BCM and
Disaster Recovery data
• Store plans, contacts, call trees, and more
• Client available for download from app stores
• 30% off all TS tools and 15% off all Ytria tools
• Visit us at SoftBank World – July 23-24 in Tokyo
• Next webinar – June 27th – Dojo Grids in XPages
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
Howard Greenberg
jQuery: The World's Most Popular
JavaScript Library Comes to XPages
Your Host Today:
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC 2
Upcoming and Recorded Webinars
Next Webinar on June 27th
Dojo DataGrid and XPages with Brad Balassaitis
Same web page has a link to previous webinars
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
• Seven XPages Courses!
‒ FREE !! Introduction to XPages Development
‒ JavaScript for XPages Development (8.5 and 9)
‒ Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 / XPages Development 1 for 9
‒ Rapid XPages Development using Application Layout and Dojo UI Controls (8.5 and 9)
‒ XPages Development 2 for Notes and Domino 8.5
‒ Mobile XPages for Domino 8.5 and 9
‒ Java 1 for XPages Developers
• Self Paced Training
– Learn anywhere!
– An Instructor is a click away
• Instructor Led (Private)
• TLCC Mentoring Services
TLCC XPages Offerings
Spring Sale!!!!
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
Your Presenter Today:
Dr. Marky Roden
About Marky
• Over 15 years IBM Notes Domino® work
• Senior Consultant at PSC Group
• XPages Developer
• Project Leader
• jQuery Specialist
• Contact Information
• Blog:
• Email:
• Twitter: @markyroden
• Skype: marky.roden @pscgroup
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
What is jQuery anyway?
• A JavaScript library which simplifies the
every day web development tasks of Document
Model manipulation, event handling, animation
Created: June 2006 by John Resig
Removes browser dependencies
Open Source (MIT License)
What is jQuery anyway?
• 66% of world’s top 10,000 websites use jQuery (*Apr 2013)
Used by Microsoft .Net v4 as part of the ASP.NET
AJAX framework
Some websites you probably know using jQuery
Amazon Google
Twitter Dell
Wordpress Bank of America
Stackoverflow Drupal
BestBuy Wordpress
What is jQuery anyway?
• Core
• Document Model (DOM) Manipulation
• Simple Animations
• UI
• Pre-packages functional capabilities
• Analogous to Dojo Widgets
• Mobile
• A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for
popular mobile device platforms, built on the
jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. 7
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
Whatabout Dojo? WhenshouldI use jQuery?
• Dojo and jQuery have the same basic premise:
• Browser compatibility / Code simplification
• Many similar capabilities.
• DOM manipulation
• Widgets (Date pickers, sliders etc)
• Many differences
• Dojo intended for larger client applications
• jQuery intended to make coding as easy as
possible 9
Where’s the balance?
• Many factors determine the balance
• Network connectivity
• Functional requirements
• Developmental experience with Dojo/jQuery
• Project timeline
• Maintainability of the application
• jQuery v2.0 (future) will not support IE<9
• “The entire jQuery core team instantly became giddy as they started
ripping out oldIE support for jQuery 2.0.”
17 Dec 2012 - Scott González (jQuery contributor) 10
Don’t use jQuery when….
• There isn’t a justifiable reason to use it
• jQuery is an additional download (~94k)
• Version 1.8 does allow for exclusion of code which is
• When not to use jQuery :
• Simple DOM manipulation
• To provide functionality which is already provided by
• To determine runtime events in the onLoad event
• If you are using OneUI (*not for beginners)
• Because you don’t want to learn Dojo 11
Use jQuery when……
• Enhanced functionality not provided by Dojo
• Specific jQuery or jQuery UI functionality
• Specific Animation requirements
• Broader browser compatibility
• The business plan supports jQuery usage
• The requirements are best suited to a jQuery
>>>>> The Plugin Community <<<< 12
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
How does jQuery work - API References
API references Examples
Selectors (“ELEMENT”) (“.class”) (“#idTag”)
Attributes .attr() .html() .toggleClass()
Traversing .children() .closest() .find()
Manipulation .appendTo() .css() .val()
CSS .height() .position() .width()
Events .blur() .bind() .keypress()
Effects .animate() .fadeIn() .slideToggle()
Ajax .get() .getJSON() .serialize()
Utilities .grep() .each() .inArray()
Internals .error() .pushStack() .context()
Example API reference methods and properties
Select and conquer
• 1) Select the DOM elements you wish to affect
• 2) Concatenate the API reference to use
$(‘.myClass’).css(‘display’, ‘none’)
• 3) Execute
Select all elements with a class “myClass”
Set the display style to none
• All methods/properties return a jQuery object
• Allows for chaining of *all* other API references
• Advantages
• Object reuse: Lower memory consumption and
• Shorter more manageable code
• Easier syntax for beginners
• Easy plugin creation
Select All Paragraph nodes
Within each node find all words
containing the letter t
Color those matches red
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
Adding jQuery to the application
• jQuery is a Client Side JavaScript library
• Can be added to the application
• Can be referenced externally to the database
• jQuery plugins contain images and style sheets
• A complete miniaturized application
• More than just JavaScript Code
• Could be complicated to maintain if all files
were added
as resources 18
Adding jQuery to the database
• Download the jQuery library
• Save in a “js” folder on your computer
Adding jQuery to the database
• Don’t add it to the database as a file resource
• Don’t add it to the database as a js library
• Domino Designer in Eclipse (DDE) reads and
processes resources
• More time consuming (slows DDE)
• Less maintainable
Adding jQuery to the database
• The WebContent folder
• Acts like the root folder within your database
• All files referenced to the .nsf/ in the URL
• Much easier to maintain files in one place
• Makes jQuery plugin management much
Adding jQuery to the database
• Drag and Drop the js folder into WebContent
Adding jQuery to the application
• Directly added to the XPage source panel
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script>
Adding jQuery to the application
• Through a Theme
Adding jQuery to your XPages - Example
• Modernizing a notes view
Adding User interactivity
• Add a basic viewPanel control to your XPage
An un-styled viewPanel
Functional but not aesthetically
Adding User interactivity - demonstration
• Using jQuery, user interactivity can be added to
a viewPanel to make it more functional and
improve the user experience.
The following link has an example of the demonstration
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
jQuery plugins
• Extensions of the jQuery API code base
• The plugin is called in the same was as a normal
API reference
• $(‘.myClass’).doSomething()
• To achieve the desired functionality additional resources
are often necessary
• Images
• Other JavaScript files
jQuery plugins
• Additional JavaScript Libraries
• May also include
• Images
• Added to your XPage database
through WebContent folder as
jQuery plugins - example
• Joyride.js – Website feature tour
• Requirement:
• Provide a visual cue for website users
to the new features available
• Make it simple to use
• Make it one time only
jQuery plugins - example
• Joyride – Website feature tour
By clicking a button
users are guided around
the new website
jQuery plugins - example
• Joyride – Website feature tour
All the properties available with the Joyride plugin
jQuery plugins
• For more information on how to add a jQuery
plugin to your database:
• Notes in 9 Episode 74
• Getting started with jQuery Plugins in XPages
• What is jQuery?
• What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery?
• How does jQuery work?
• How do I add jQuery to my XPages?
• What are jQuery plugins?
• How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
Functionality in a box
• Yesterday your boss could have said:
• “I need a slideshow adding to the website by tomorrow, needs
to allow users to see thumbnails and cycle through them
• You would have panicked
• You could have remembered Google is your friend..
and found a great reference on jQuery slideshows
• You would then have responded: “Which one sir?” 
Functionality in a box
• Over 3000 jQuery plugins created and registered
Charting Modal Window
Form Validation Mobile
Responsive Layouts Web Typography
Sliders Animation
Galleries Tables
Carousels Form Select and Combo
Time and Date Pickers
And almost all of them are FREE
• Demonstrations of jQuery plugins in XPages can
be found at:
• Questions and Answers
twitter: @MarkyRoden
Download the latest version
Review the documentation
Look through the Tutorials
Fantastic working examples/code
Example code
Example builder (*April 2013)
~305,000 questions/answers tagged jQuery !
(~4,750 questions tagged Dojo)
(~1250 questions tagged XPages)
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
Use the Q&A pane in
WebEx to ask questions
We will answer your
questions verbally
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
Use the Q&A pane in
WebEx to ask questions
We will answer your
questions verbally
© 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC
Question and Answer Time!
Teamstudio Questions?
TLCC Questions?
888-241-8522 or 561-953-0095
Mark Roden
Howard Greenberg Ben Green
Upcoming Events:
TLCC Spring Sale
ICON UK in Brighton
•TLCC TackItOn the day after
30% off all Teamstudio tools and 15% off all Ytria tools
Next webinar June 27th
SoftBank World 2013 July 23-24 in Japan

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jQuery: The World's Most Popular JavaScript Library Comes to XPages

  • 1. jQuery comes to XPages Tweet about this event: #xpages and mention us: @teamstudio @TLCCLTD @markyroden June 20, 2013
  • 3. Who we are • Our background is in creating tools for collaborative computing in mid-size and large enterprises, primarily for Lotus Notes • Easy-to-use tools for developers and administrators • 2300+ active customers, 47 countries • Offices in US, UK and Japan • Entered mobile space in 2010 with Unplugged – easy mobilization of Notes apps to Blackberry, Android and iOS
  • 4. Teamstudio Unplugged • Your Mobile Domino Server – take your Notes apps with you! • End users access Notes applications from mobile devices whether online or offline • Leverages existing skills and technology – XPages – Replication model you already know • IBM Collaboration Solutions Award Winner 2013
  • 5. Teamstudio Continuity • Mobile BCM application for smartphones and tablets – iOS, Android and BB • Offline access to all your BCM and Disaster Recovery data • Store plans, contacts, call trees, and more • Client available for download from app stores
  • 6. Teamstudio • 30% off all TS tools and 15% off all Ytria tools • Visit us at SoftBank World – July 23-24 in Tokyo • Next webinar – June 27th – Dojo Grids in XPages
  • 7. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC Howard Greenberg TLCC @TLCCLtd jQuery: The World's Most Popular JavaScript Library Comes to XPages Your Host Today: 1 #XPages
  • 8. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC 2 Upcoming and Recorded Webinars Next Webinar on June 27th Dojo DataGrid and XPages with Brad Balassaitis Same web page has a link to previous webinars
  • 9. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC • Seven XPages Courses! ‒ FREE !! Introduction to XPages Development ‒ JavaScript for XPages Development (8.5 and 9) ‒ Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 / XPages Development 1 for 9 ‒ Rapid XPages Development using Application Layout and Dojo UI Controls (8.5 and 9) ‒ XPages Development 2 for Notes and Domino 8.5 ‒ Mobile XPages for Domino 8.5 and 9 ‒ Java 1 for XPages Developers • Self Paced Training – Learn anywhere! – An Instructor is a click away • Instructor Led (Private) • TLCC Mentoring Services 3 TLCC XPages Offerings Spring Sale!!!!
  • 10. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC Your Presenter Today: 5 #XPages Dr. Marky Roden @MarkyRoden
  • 11. About Marky • Over 15 years IBM Notes Domino® work • Senior Consultant at PSC Group • XPages Developer • Project Leader • jQuery Specialist • Contact Information • Blog: • Email: • Twitter: @markyroden • Skype: marky.roden @pscgroup 2
  • 12. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 3
  • 13. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 4
  • 14. What is jQuery anyway? • A JavaScript library which simplifies the common every day web development tasks of Document Model manipulation, event handling, animation and AJAX/JSON Created: June 2006 by John Resig Removes browser dependencies Open Source (MIT License) 5
  • 15. What is jQuery anyway? • 66% of world’s top 10,000 websites use jQuery (*Apr 2013) Used by Microsoft .Net v4 as part of the ASP.NET AJAX framework Some websites you probably know using jQuery Amazon Google Twitter Dell Wordpress Bank of America Stackoverflow Drupal BestBuy Wordpress 6
  • 16. What is jQuery anyway? • Core • Document Model (DOM) Manipulation • Simple Animations • UI • Pre-packages functional capabilities • Analogous to Dojo Widgets • Mobile • A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. 7
  • 17. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 8
  • 18. Whatabout Dojo? WhenshouldI use jQuery? • Dojo and jQuery have the same basic premise: • Browser compatibility / Code simplification • Many similar capabilities. • DOM manipulation • Widgets (Date pickers, sliders etc) • Many differences • Dojo intended for larger client applications • jQuery intended to make coding as easy as possible 9
  • 19. Where’s the balance? • Many factors determine the balance • Network connectivity • Functional requirements • Developmental experience with Dojo/jQuery • Project timeline • Maintainability of the application • jQuery v2.0 (future) will not support IE<9 • “The entire jQuery core team instantly became giddy as they started ripping out oldIE support for jQuery 2.0.” 17 Dec 2012 - Scott González (jQuery contributor) 10
  • 20. Don’t use jQuery when…. • There isn’t a justifiable reason to use it • jQuery is an additional download (~94k) • Version 1.8 does allow for exclusion of code which is not necessary • When not to use jQuery : • Simple DOM manipulation • To provide functionality which is already provided by Dojo Widgets • To determine runtime events in the onLoad event • If you are using OneUI (*not for beginners) • Because you don’t want to learn Dojo 11
  • 21. Use jQuery when…… • Enhanced functionality not provided by Dojo • Specific jQuery or jQuery UI functionality • Specific Animation requirements • Broader browser compatibility • The business plan supports jQuery usage • The requirements are best suited to a jQuery solution >>>>> The Plugin Community <<<< 12
  • 22. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 13
  • 23. How does jQuery work - API References API references Examples Selectors (“ELEMENT”) (“.class”) (“#idTag”) Attributes .attr() .html() .toggleClass() Traversing .children() .closest() .find() Manipulation .appendTo() .css() .val() CSS .height() .position() .width() Events .blur() .bind() .keypress() Effects .animate() .fadeIn() .slideToggle() Ajax .get() .getJSON() .serialize() Utilities .grep() .each() .inArray() Internals .error() .pushStack() .context() Example API reference methods and properties 14
  • 24. Select and conquer • 1) Select the DOM elements you wish to affect $(‘.myClass’) • 2) Concatenate the API reference to use $(‘.myClass’).css(‘display’, ‘none’) • 3) Execute Select all elements with a class “myClass” Set the display style to none 15
  • 25. Chaining • All methods/properties return a jQuery object • Allows for chaining of *all* other API references $("p") .find(":contains('t')") .css('color','red') • Advantages • Object reuse: Lower memory consumption and faster • Shorter more manageable code • Easier syntax for beginners • Easy plugin creation Select All Paragraph nodes Within each node find all words containing the letter t Color those matches red 16
  • 26. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 17
  • 27. Adding jQuery to the application • jQuery is a Client Side JavaScript library • Can be added to the application • Can be referenced externally to the database • jQuery plugins contain images and style sheets • A complete miniaturized application • More than just JavaScript Code • Could be complicated to maintain if all files were added as resources 18
  • 28. Adding jQuery to the database • Download the jQuery library • • Save in a “js” folder on your computer 19
  • 29. Adding jQuery to the database • Don’t add it to the database as a file resource • Don’t add it to the database as a js library • Domino Designer in Eclipse (DDE) reads and processes resources • More time consuming (slows DDE) • Less maintainable 20
  • 30. Adding jQuery to the database • The WebContent folder • Acts like the root folder within your database • All files referenced to the .nsf/ in the URL • Much easier to maintain files in one place • Makes jQuery plugin management much easier 21
  • 31. Adding jQuery to the database • Drag and Drop the js folder into WebContent 22
  • 32. Adding jQuery to the application • Directly added to the XPage source panel <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js"></script> 23
  • 33. Adding jQuery to the application • Through a Theme <resource> <content-type>application/x-javascript</content-type> <href>js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js</href> </resource> 24
  • 34. Adding jQuery to your XPages - Example • Modernizing a notes view 25
  • 35. Adding User interactivity • Add a basic viewPanel control to your XPage An un-styled viewPanel Functional but not aesthetically pleasing 26
  • 36. Adding User interactivity - demonstration • Using jQuery, user interactivity can be added to a viewPanel to make it more functional and improve the user experience. The following link has an example of the demonstration 27
  • 37. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements 28
  • 38. jQuery plugins • Extensions of the jQuery API code base • The plugin is called in the same was as a normal API reference • $(‘.myClass’).doSomething() • To achieve the desired functionality additional resources are often necessary • CSS • Images • Other JavaScript files 29
  • 39. jQuery plugins • Additional JavaScript Libraries • May also include • Images • CSS • Added to your XPage database through WebContent folder as before 30
  • 40. jQuery plugins - example • Joyride.js – Website feature tour • Requirement: • Provide a visual cue for website users to the new features available • Make it simple to use • Make it one time only 31
  • 41. jQuery plugins - example • Joyride – Website feature tour 32 By clicking a button users are guided around the new website
  • 42. jQuery plugins - example • Joyride – Website feature tour 33 All the properties available with the Joyride plugin
  • 43. jQuery plugins • For more information on how to add a jQuery plugin to your database: • Notes in 9 Episode 74 • Getting started with jQuery Plugins in XPages
  • 44. Agenda • What is jQuery? • What about Dojo? When should I use jQuery? • How does jQuery work? • How do I add jQuery to my XPages? • What are jQuery plugins? • How can jQuery plugins solve my requirements
  • 45. Functionality in a box • Yesterday your boss could have said: • “I need a slideshow adding to the website by tomorrow, needs to allow users to see thumbnails and cycle through them quickly…..” • You would have panicked • You could have remembered Google is your friend.. and found a great reference on jQuery slideshows • jquery-image-galleryslideshow-plugins-and-tutorials/ • You would then have responded: “Which one sir?” 
  • 46. Functionality in a box • Over 3000 jQuery plugins created and registered Charting Modal Window Form Validation Mobile Responsive Layouts Web Typography Sliders Animation Galleries Tables Carousels Form Select and Combo Time and Date Pickers And almost all of them are FREE
  • 47. Demonstrations • Demonstrations of jQuery plugins in XPages can be found at:
  • 48. • Questions and Answers twitter: @MarkyRoden
  • 49. Resources • Download the latest version Review the documentation Look through the Tutorials Fantastic working examples/code Themebuilder Documentation Example code Example builder (*April 2013) ~305,000 questions/answers tagged jQuery ! (~4,750 questions tagged Dojo) (~1250 questions tagged XPages)
  • 50. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC Questions???? 7 Use the Q&A pane in WebEx to ask questions We will answer your questions verbally
  • 51. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC Questions???? 6 Use the Q&A pane in WebEx to ask questions We will answer your questions verbally
  • 52. © 2013 The Learning Continuum Company, Ltd – This material can not be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of TLCC Question and Answer Time! 7 Teamstudio Questions? 877-228-6178 TLCC Questions? 888-241-8522 or 561-953-0095 Mark Roden Howard Greenberg Ben Green Upcoming Events: TLCC Spring Sale ICON UK in Brighton •TLCC TackItOn the day after 30% off all Teamstudio tools and 15% off all Ytria tools Next webinar June 27th SoftBank World 2013 July 23-24 in Japan #XPages @markyroden @TLCCLtd @Teamstudio