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Enterprise Applications,
Information & Knowledge
    Management 2009
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                                 Einat Shimoni
                             EVP & Senior Analyst
                            Enterprise Applications,
                           Analytics & KM Strategies
  Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   1
    Enterprise Applications general trends

    Enterprise Applications (CRM, ERP, SCM)

    Knowledge Management

     Business Intelligence & MDM


     Enterprise Portals & External websites

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   2
We will present data on products and integrators:                                                                                Explanations
                                                                                                                                  on Slides
List of Packages and Integrators
                            Rep in
    Package                                                Integrators                              Delivery model
     Vendor A             Company 1                Integrator a, Integrator b                              On-premise
                                                   Integrator a, Integrator b,
     Vendor B             Company 2                                                                             SaaS
                                                          Integrator c
     Vendor C             Company 3                           Integrator a

         Lists only include vendors that are represented in Israel
         The location within the lists is random
         Lists might not include all players

          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           3
We will present data on products and integrators:                                                                                                Explanations

 STKI Israeli Positioning                                                                                                                          on Slides

                  • Not a technological positioning, refers only to Israeli market
                  • Represents current Israeli market and not our recommendation
                                                                                                                 Vendor A
                  •Focused on enterprise market (not SMB)
                                                                                              Vendor B
                    Market Presence (X)
                            Market share - existing and new sales (more emphasis)
Local Support

                            Mind share (how user organizations rate vendors)
                    Local Support (Y) – is influenced by (X)
                            Experience & technical knowledge, localization,
                             support, number and kind of integrators
                   Worldwide leaders marked, based on global positioning
                   Vendors to watch: Are only just entering Israeli market
                                     so can’t be positioned but should be watched
 Vendors to Watch:
                Vendor C
                                                          Market Presence
                           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           4

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This document provides an overview of Goodrich Corporation presented at the 25th Annual Industrial Select Conference hosted by Lehman Brothers. It summarizes Goodrich's balanced portfolio, including original equipment and aftermarket sales across commercial aerospace, defense, and space markets. Charts are included showing trends in commercial aircraft delivery forecasts, key platform maturity, and growth in the A320 fleet.

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Delivering business value through transformative networking 20012011

This document discusses Cisco's transformative networking approach enabled by Intelligent WAN. It outlines a three-phased sales engagement model of preparation, discovery, and proposal. The preparation phase involves using tools to understand the customer's business objectives. Discovery uses network assessment tools to analyze the current infrastructure. The proposal phase develops a unique architecture roadmap and captures opportunities. It emphasizes driving business and technology alignment through network transformation opportunities. The approach aims to have more strategic and impactful customer conversations to better support their business goals through long-term architecture planning.

Warsaw Seminar Diem Ho 2
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This document summarizes IBM's efforts to develop skills for the 21st century through academic partnerships. It discusses four pillars of IBM's global university programs: talent-research collaborations, talent-skills building, talent-recruiting, and infrastructure projects. It provides examples of specific programs and initiatives under each pillar, such as shared research awards, academic initiative courses, PhD fellowships, and internship programs. The document emphasizes IBM's goal of partnering with schools to educate students for the IT workforce through access to IBM technology, materials, and volunteer support from IBM employees.

We will present data on products and integrators:                                                                               Explanations

Selected Wins 2008-1Q2009                                                                                                        on Slides

 Package X: Company 1 (Integrator), Company 2 (Integrator)
 Package Y: Company 3 (Integrator), Company 4 (Integrator)

        These slides contain examples of selected wins during
         2008 and Q12009 (decision and purchase of certain
         products, not necessarily ongoing projects)
        The lists are only partial and don’t include all wins of
         all vendors during this period

         Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           5
IT in Aggressive Cost-Cutting Time                                                                                             Trends

       IT budget                             Less budget for                                 models:
       decrease                                 new apps
                                                                                            SaaS, OSS

                                                                                             3rd party
                                              Decrease app
     Need to cut IT                                                                         ERP tools?
                                               maint. Self-
                                             service projects                                E-Service here
      Your Text here                                                                           Your Text

        Social &
                                              Interaction with
                                                                                          Social CRM,
                                                employees &
     technologies                                                                           KM 2.0

                                                                                          BPM, Web 2.0,
                                               Innovation, re-
     Need to help
                                              think processes,
      increase                                  connect with                               Social CRM,
      revenues                                   customers                                   CEM, BI

        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       6
Application projects in recession                                                                                            Trends

• Zero based budgeting – every project is
  examined in payback, maturity, and risk
   • Low risk projects
   • Small scale projects (< 1 year)
   • Proven payback within ½ - 1 year
   Problem: sometimes the less mature markets
   (MDM, BPM) are the ones that can provide
   greater business benefits

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       7
Your Text here                                                                               Your Text here

  Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   8

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Swot analysis ibmSwot analysis ibm
Swot analysis ibm

IBM's strategic goals are to grow annual revenues by at least 5% and increase earnings per share by at least 10%. Its strategic plan involves openness by sharing innovations and collaborating with customers and rivals to reduce the cost of providing services. The document outlines IBM's SWOT analysis, identifying strengths like intellectual property and R&D, weaknesses such as high costs and employees, opportunities like open-source and standards, and threats like low-cost competition and outsourcing. Strategies are developed to leverage strengths and opportunities while addressing weaknesses and threats.

Global Water Investment Conference June 20, 2012
Global Water Investment Conference   June 20, 2012Global Water Investment Conference   June 20, 2012
Global Water Investment Conference June 20, 2012

The name Xylem is derived from classical Greek and is the tissue that transports water in plants, highlighting the engineering efficiency of our water-centric business by linking it with the best water transportation of all -- that which occurs in nature

The need for smart order routing in a fragmented market
The need for smart order routing in a fragmented marketThe need for smart order routing in a fragmented market
The need for smart order routing in a fragmented market

My presentation at the Burgundy seminar in Oslo. The animations don't work... contact me if you want the original .ppt

Questions for every IT project                                                                                               Trends

• What are the business benefits and when is
  the payback?
• What is the risk?
  Is it mature?
  Is it well supported in Israel?
  How many ISVs with in depth knowledge?
  Are other organizations happy with it?
• What is the TCO?
• Is the application user friendly?

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       9
Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here

 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   10
Technologies Maturity Model 2009                                                                                                   General

Business Value
  Investment                                                                        BI                                 Web
to make money                                                                                                          2.0
                                                                                CRM                                Data                 IT+business
Cut costs, Increase                                                                         Scorecard           Governance,
                                                Oper.                                                                                   Project
                                                                       ERP 2
   productivity                                                         Financial                                                       Pure
                                                  Tactic                                                                                Business
Commodity IT                portal          ERP1
  Services                                                                                                                          Size of figure =
                                                                                                                                    cost of project
  Investment                                                                              Non-
                                                            sector                       Finance
for regulations                                               reg.                       sectors

                                    Using                       Implementing                             Looking
                                                              Market Maturity
             Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             11
IT Services Families                                                                                                                    Trends

   Reduce Expenses                                                  Increase Revenues

Increase                                                                        Improve                   Increase
 process                  Cut costs                                            customer                   business
                                                                                                                                  regulation &
efficiency                                                                    Experience                    agility
                                                                                                                                    risk mng.

                                                      Active BI
               Green IT                                                          Social CRM                    BSC

        DC Tech: virtualization                                                  Analytical
                                                        BPM                                                                            management
                etc.                                                               CRM

                                                    Supply chain
                                                                                                            Innovation                     IT
         Employee Productivity                                                   Experience
                                                                                                           support tools               Governance

          IT Sourcing models

              IT portfolio


                Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic                12

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Avis InvestorPresentationCreditSuisse

- The document presents information to investors about the company's business overview, strategic overview, and outlook for 2008. - It highlights the company's two-brand strategy, opportunities to expand revenue sources and maximize profits, and expectations for revenue and earnings growth in 2008. - Key metrics provided include over 6,900 locations, $5.9 billion in annual revenues, and targets to increase earnings through initiatives like performance excellence projects.

The cloud for "me"
The cloud for "me"The cloud for "me"
The cloud for "me"

This document introduces a cloud-based mass customization platform for e-commerce called Logicmix. The platform allows apparel brands to offer customized products directly to customers, helping address growing demand for customization. It aims to significantly reduce inventory and lead times for customers while increasing margins. The solution utilizes configurable product templates, a visualization tool, and integrates e-commerce features to provide an end-to-end customization experience for both B2B and B2C customers in the apparel industry.

CDP - Global Outlook for Business Intelligence
CDP - Global Outlook for Business IntelligenceCDP - Global Outlook for Business Intelligence
CDP - Global Outlook for Business Intelligence

The presentation discusses trends in business intelligence, including standardization, mashups, data quality, governance, pre-built analytics, dashboarding, collaboration, competency centers, and leveraging analytics. It provides examples of how these trends are impacting analysts and being adopted by local New Zealand and international companies.

Major trend in enterprise applications                                                                                        Trends

SaaS (Software as a Service):
A software delivery model, delivered via the web, in which users
can consume functionality based on subscription pricing.

SaaS is typically a multi-tenant, one-to-many architecture (one
code base for all), this provides it with economy of scale

The software is hosted remotely, eliminating the need for
users to invest in related hardware or handle the installation, set-
up and daily upkeep & maintenance.

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       13
Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here

      Did SaaS make its debut
             in Israel?

 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   14
SaaS in Israel                                                                                                                 Trends

 Most Israeli orgs aren’t yet using SAAS
 Major adopters: technology, high tech, global companies
 Major objectors: Financial orgs and govt.

SaaS projects’ characteristics in Israel:
• Short micro-projects (~3 man months)
• Average of 40 users per installation
• Usually DOES include some sort of integration to
  1-2 inhouse applications
• High satisfaction level (worldwide data: 94%)

        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       15
SaaS major setbacks in Israel                                                                                                Trends

• 357 regulation doesn’t allow keeping “linked”
  data outside for financial organizations
• Need for local point of contact
• Need for SLA and local support
• Hebrew
• Israeli vendors need to reorganize operations
  around this model

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       16

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IS Undergrads Class 9
IS Undergrads Class 9IS Undergrads Class 9
IS Undergrads Class 9

The document discusses strategies used by managers to make sales and reporting numbers appear compliant through representation work rather than actual work, such as helping salespeople find unclaimed revenue to report as sales or increasing reported sales activities. It also notes how managers then use the represented numbers to portray success through rehearsed visits and panic over visits from higher-ups despite the disconnection between the represented numbers and actual work.

IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009
IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009
IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009

IT Governance / Office of the CIO Trends from STKI Summit 2009, The presentation from STKI annual conference regarding IT trends 2009

2009 Summit Presenation on enterprise applications, Analytics and KM
2009 Summit Presenation on enterprise applications, Analytics and KM2009 Summit Presenation on enterprise applications, Analytics and KM
2009 Summit Presenation on enterprise applications, Analytics and KM

The document discusses trends in enterprise applications, knowledge management, business intelligence, and other technologies. It covers the following key points: 1) In a time of economic recession, IT projects face tighter budgets and scrutiny, focusing on low-risk projects with quick paybacks. New models like SaaS are gaining traction. 2) Major trends include the rise of SaaS and open source software. SaaS provides savings through a multi-tenant architecture but faces challenges in Israel related to data sovereignty and local support. Open source is gaining acceptance but requires available expertise. 3) CRM is shifting focus from transactions to customer interactions and experience. Analytical CRM and reducing contact center costs remain top

Characteristics of common SaaS                                                                                                Trends

• Applications that have a “network effect”
  Travel management
  Social software
• Niche/Point-solutions
• Solutions that are easily separated from others

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       17
Application models                                                                                                            General


       Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here


                     Internal                                                                                   External
        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       18
Where are we now                                                                                                                     General
and what’s the next stage?

   ASP                                                    SaaS                                                            PaaS

• Single separate instance                                                                                    • Outcome of using PaaS
                                               • Vendor controls application
• Could have shared or                                                                                        •Platform-Centric
                                               • User has No access to core
                                                                                                              • User controls the app.
dedicated infrastructure                       components of the solution
• �� ASP wasn’t a bad idea,                                                                                    • Fully-customized software
                                               • Multitenant, one-to-many
                                                                                                              • Will be more suitable for
                                               • Semi-customized (view)
it had BAD timing
                                               • More suitable for generic                                    “heavy” business processes
                                               “lightweight” processes or

              Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       19
Mashup Definition                                                                                                            Trends

• Mashup: a “web 2.0” term :
  combining data layers from more than one
  source into a single integrated interactive

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       20

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Asug Minnesota   Using Six Sigma To Reduce CostsAsug Minnesota   Using Six Sigma To Reduce Costs
Asug Minnesota Using Six Sigma To Reduce Costs

The document discusses how organizations can reduce costs and boost performance in SAP managed services using Six Sigma. It outlines Softtek's "Right Approach" which focuses on right-sizing, right-placing, and right-balancing SAP application portfolios. This includes streamlining operations, aligning services with business priorities, and driving process rigor to continuously improve performance and reduce costs on an ongoing basis.

reduce costsasug usaasug minnesota
Increasing the ROI of SAP post-implementation
Increasing the ROI of SAP post-implementationIncreasing the ROI of SAP post-implementation
Increasing the ROI of SAP post-implementation

Increase the ROI of SAP post-implementation Reducing the cost of application support through a Managed Service Delivery model Increasing the value IT can provide to the business

Enterprise Applications, Analytics and Knowledge Products Positionings in Isr...
Enterprise Applications, Analytics and Knowledge Products Positionings in Isr...Enterprise Applications, Analytics and Knowledge Products Positionings in Isr...
Enterprise Applications, Analytics and Knowledge Products Positionings in Isr...

STKI's analysis of the Israeli Market: players and positionings in Enterprise Applications, Marketing Technologies, BI & Analytics, Knowledge Management, Web & eCommerce.

wcmbusiness intelligenceknowledge management
 New Applications = Services Mashups                                                                                              Trends

 An application mashup
should define its needed
 infrastructure services
                                           T7                                            T2
                                                                                 T7 T8
                                 T1                                       T1                              T5
                                                     T4    T2                  T3 T4
                                                T5                                       T6
          Applications                                                                                          Infrastructure
            Services                                                                                               Services

                                                           Puzzle Builder
   The goal:
Optimization of
 IT resources!

           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       21
Cloud enables creation of                                                                                                         General
new business models

• Cloud can enable new Business                                                                               mashups?
  business models*
• By consuming “missing
  elements” from the cloud
  you can create a whole
  new product
• Examples: virtual
  network operator

* Source: STKI brain storming session

           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       22
                    Open Source Software                                                                                    Trends

• Open Source applications used by 65% of
  global enterprises
• Most Israeli organizations don’t consider using
  OSS in almost any project
• The economic pressure will push Israeli orgs
  to consider this model in specific areas:
    WCM
    Internal IT tools
    Collaboration and Web 2.0 tools

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       23
There are some major benefits to                                                                                            General
open source software

 Main reasons:
Cost Text here
   Your                                                                                         Your Text here

Vendor independence
Sometimes –
 Better functionality

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       24

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Enterprise applications, Web & Analytics trends 2012
Enterprise applications, Web & Analytics trends 2012Enterprise applications, Web & Analytics trends 2012
Enterprise applications, Web & Analytics trends 2012

The document summarizes trends in enterprise applications presented at the STKI Summit 2012. Some of the main trends discussed include increased use of mobile, social, big data/analytics and cloud technologies. Over 50% of enterprises are using SaaS delivery models for some applications. Open source application usage remains low in Israel. Context-based services that adapt to user location and activities are emerging. Voice interfaces are becoming more common. The CMO is an increasingly important customer for applications as companies focus more on customer experience. Social CRM allows companies to listen to customers and engage on social media. Microsoft Dynamics is a popular platform for CRM solutions in Israel with many system integrators offering customized solutions.

SaaS landscape in India
SaaS landscape in IndiaSaaS landscape in India
SaaS landscape in India

This document discusses the SaaS landscape in India in 2009 according to a report by Zinnov, a consulting firm. It finds that: 1) The domestic SaaS market in India was estimated to be around $50-56 million USD and was dominated by collaborative applications and CRM workloads. 2) The market was still nascent with only a handful of early movers having cornered a large share. Major players included and Ramco Systems. 3) Many top global SaaS companies were not strongly focusing on the Indian market at that time. It also notes some challenges SaaS providers faced in India like lack of knowledge about local workflows

Strategic Marketing
Strategic MarketingStrategic Marketing
Strategic Marketing

Dean Eyers presents on strategic marketing at Cisco. The presentation covers who strategic marketing is at Cisco, their focus on customer and market research, analyzing markets and competitors, and how they provide a bigger picture view. It summarizes Cisco's strategic marketing capabilities including custom research, customer intelligence, market analysis, and competitive analysis.

product managementsvpmamarketing
Open Source pricing appeal                                                                                                  Trends

  Price of a WCM project based on open
      source CAN BE 15-20% cheaper
  But will not always be the best choice

    Source: Water & Stone
     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       25
Major Benefits for adopting                                                                                                 General
Open Source Software
    Which of the following does your company see as the
              major benefits of adopting OSS ?

            Source: Open IT, Annual Open Source Survey for 2008, September 29, 2008
     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       26
What should you do to make Open Source                                                                                        General
Software relevant to your organization?                                                                                       Trends

• Most important: assure available local
  professional knowledge with the package:
  Specialized Israeli ISVs or in-house
• There should be no compromises on SLA
• Understand the model and legal terms

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       27

Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   28

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Idc Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2008 Vendor SharesIdc Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2008 Vendor Shares
Idc Worldwide Business Intelligence Tools 2008 Vendor Shares

The document provides an excerpt from an IDC report on the worldwide business intelligence tools market in 2008. It discusses key trends in the market including continued spending by organizations of all sizes, stronger growth in advanced analytics vs query/reporting, and the evolving definition of BI software. It provides revenue and market share data for 2008 and growth rates for 2006-2008 for major vendors like SAP, SAS, IBM, Oracle and Microsoft. Specialty vendors still occupy 30% of the market.

PMI NA Global congress 2011
PMI NA Global congress 2011PMI NA Global congress 2011
PMI NA Global congress 2011

integrating agile in a waterfall world, a presentation from the PMI Global Congress, North America, 2011 To hear the audio go to

scrumagile project managementwaterfall
SIFMA 2010 June 23 - Real Time Risk Management with Microsoft’s StreamInsight
SIFMA 2010 June 23 - Real Time Risk Management with Microsoft’s StreamInsightSIFMA 2010 June 23 - Real Time Risk Management with Microsoft’s StreamInsight
SIFMA 2010 June 23 - Real Time Risk Management with Microsoft’s StreamInsight

This document summarizes a presentation about using Microsoft's StreamInsight platform for real-time risk management in capital markets. The presentation discusses using StreamInsight to power a market strategy engine, implement real-time risk calculations that feed into SQL Server 2008 R2, and potentially leverage Windows HPC Server 2008 for computationally intensive risk calculations. It also notes lessons learned around advanced time handling, UDF extensibility, and the Reactive Framework in StreamInsight.


   CRM will be less about transactions
     And more about interactions

Think of it as a way of improving customer
 experience by managing “conversations”

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      29

Better customer experience
     = better product
   Your Text here                                                                               Your Text here

  CRM and CEM can provide a real competitive differentiator

            Upcoming STKI Round Table on
                CRM: June 17, 2009
     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      30
 CRM: from the outside looking in                                                                                             Trends

    Focus on external clients needs

      Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here

Focus on internal processes

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      31
                           Multi Channel CRM                                                                                      Trends

 • Mobile service • e-billing    •More self       • newsletters                                                           • EPSS/guided
 • e-banking      • e-service     service options • email marketing                                                        interactions
 • SMS            • e-payments and transactions • email response                                                          • RTD
                  • Live chat                                                                                             • CC
                  • Collaboration

Proliferation of customer touch points
           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      32

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IBM Z for the Digital Enterprise - IBM Z Software KeynoteIBM Z for the Digital Enterprise - IBM Z Software Keynote
IBM Z for the Digital Enterprise - IBM Z Software Keynote

The document discusses IBM's Z strategy and digital transformation model. It highlights how IBM Z continues to drive the global economy by processing billions of daily transactions. It also outlines IBM's digital transformation model for clients, which includes exposing APIs to enable apps and data, evolving to automate delivery pipelines, optimizing with analytics, and predicting and responding to service interruptions. The model is meant to help clients address digital transformation needs, leverage existing IBM Z assets to accelerate transformation, and achieve business and technical goals.

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Business value Drivers for IoT Solutions
Business value Drivers for IoT SolutionsBusiness value Drivers for IoT Solutions
Business value Drivers for IoT Solutions

Presents the business view for IoT, landscape, market trends by industry and the challenges presented by IoT

Learning More About Saa S Strategy Tuneup
Learning More About Saa S Strategy TuneupLearning More About Saa S Strategy Tuneup
Learning More About Saa S Strategy Tuneup

The document describes Montclair Advisors' SaaS Strategy Tune-up service. The tune-up provides an analysis of a company's SaaS business model and strategy, comparing it to competitors. It identifies challenges and opportunities to improve profitability, market share, and avoid mistakes. The process involves interviews, market analysis, and delivering actionable recommendations to help companies optimize their SaaS strategy.

saasmontclair advisorscloud computing
         Israeli CRM Trends 2009                                                                                             Trends

• “XRM” – using CRM as a development
  platform for various needs
  This is an important criteria when choosing CRM
• “Quick win, quick ROI” approach continues
• Reducing contact center costs (self service)
• Analytical CRM continues to be top priority

      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      33
Source: STKI CIO Survey 2009                                                                                               Trends

                                           CRM Priorities2009


                            14%                                                                                            15%



 Campaign            Ecommerce                     CRM                  Self-Service                Analytical
Management            Systems                    Packages                                             CRM

    Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic         34
     Worldwide CRM Trends 2009                                                                                                 Trends

• Think outside of the “CRM” box:
    Web virtual agents
    Home based CC
    Customer centric innovation
• SaaS will rise significantly
• Engagement with the customer – Social marketing
• Managing the customer experience
• Social CRM – clients & employees more “social”
• Self Service is king (but don’t compromise with
  the customer experience, i.e poor IVRs)
• Customer data still a problem
        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      35
 The new DIGITAL social customer                                                                                                      Trends

             Your Text here                                                                               Your Text here

Source: 2008, Fabio Cipriani.

               Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      36

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Trivitron Healthcare - Company Profile
Trivitron Healthcare - Company ProfileTrivitron Healthcare - Company Profile
Trivitron Healthcare - Company Profile

For the complete report, get in touch with us at : Trivitron HealthCare Pvt. Ltd. is headquartered in Chennai and manufactures medical equipments in the domains of Radiology, Cardiology, Intensive Care Units, Neurology, etc. The report begins with the basic facts about the company such as contact details, revenues, competitors, brief history, line of business and geographic reach among others. Key Products and Services of the company describe the rationale of how it creates, delivers, and captures value through its products and services offered. Business Model of the company highlights the various technological initiatives undertaken by the company. Information about the company’s management side is also provided that details their names, designation, professional experiences, memberships of boards etc. Through SWOT analysis, the report highlights key internal factors that give the company advantage or disadvantage over its peers along with key external factors prevailing in the industry that may have favorable or unfavorable impact on the company’s operations. The report also covers the financial analysis of the company including the balance sheet, profit and loss a/c and the key ratios depicting the key financial figures for fiscal year 2007-10. Industry Analysis provides top level understanding of the Medical Equipment sector in India with special reference to medical imaging segment. Market size, growth, key segments, growth drivers, import \ export and trends are some of the foremost points covered in the analysis. The competitive landscape identifies key players of the industry drawing comparisons on parameters such financial performance and service offerings. The company is benchmarked against its main competitors’ key financial ratios in the competitive benchmarking chapter.

medical equipmentscompanycompetition
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Presentation Innovations + Vr 1 0

The document provides an overview of Visual Rules, a business rules management software. It discusses Innovations Software Technology, which created Visual Rules, and its products, solutions and services. It then covers Visual Rules features like graphical modeling of rules, components like the modeler and execution server, benefits like improved efficiency, and case studies where customers saved 25-70% of costs.

HP Software Strategy by Mario Derba
HP Software Strategy by Mario DerbaHP Software Strategy by Mario Derba
HP Software Strategy by Mario Derba

Mario Derba, Country Manager of HP SW Solutions in Italy, discussed how technology is advancing rapidly and creating an environment where enterprises need to be able to instantly respond to opportunities and competition. Derba outlined how HP software can help enterprises by enabling application transformation, converged infrastructure, enterprise security, information optimization, and hybrid delivery models. Derba also highlighted HP's leadership position in the software market and new innovations that further simplify, automate, and secure IT operations for businesses.

Communication with customers                                                                                                        CRM
  spurs customer centric innovation
                                                                                    What features should
  What do you like about our new product?
                                                                                     product X include?

What don’t you like about
                                                                                                                What do you like about
   our new product?
                                                                                                                   our company?

            Your Text here                                                                               Your Text here
                                                                                                                     Do you have ideas
                                                                                                                        how we can
  How do you prefer                                                                                                    enhance our
  to interact with us?                                                                                                   products?

              Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      37

  Interact with the customers &
Learn more about what they want

Define new customized products
  Your Text here                                                                              Your Text here

   IT needs infrastructures to
 support diversity of products &
   Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      38
CRM Packages & Integrators in Israel:
                Package                   Rep in Israel                                 Integrators                                 Delivery model
               Siebel (Oracle)           Oracle Israel, Taldor                      Taldor, IBM, BeyondIT                                On Premise
             Siebel on-Demand                 Oracle Israel,
                                                                             Taldor, ManofIT, Yael, BeyondIT

                  (Oracle)                     Taldor, Yael                                                                        At customer/partner
                                                                              Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP,
                Oracle CRM                    Oracle Israel                                                                              On Premise
                                                                              Oracle, HP-EDS, Advantech
             Peoplesoft (Oracle)             Oracle, Matrix                                    Matrix                                    On Premise
                 SAP CRM                        SAP Israel                        Ness, Taldor, Advantech                                On Premise
              Amdocs (Clarify)                    Amdocs                                      Amdocs                                     On Premise
                                                                             20 Partners, including: Matrix-                          On Premise;
             Microsoft Dynamics                                              Effect, Advantech, SIT, Malam-
                                                 Microsoft                                                                         Hosted by partners;
                   CRM                                                        Team, Netwise, Aman ,Elad,
                                                                                                                                  SaaS not yet in Israel
                   Pivotal                         ONE1                                        ONE1                                      On Premise
                                             ONE1, Blat-Lapidot                                                       SaaS
Mid Tier

               MEGA Center                           Yael                                        Yael                                    On Premise
              Onyx (Consona)                   IT Navigator                                IT Navigator                                  On Premise
                  Netsuite                                                    Edmiso                                                          SaaS
                MyBusiness                     MyBusiness                                  MyBusiness                                         SaaS
                 SugarCRM                                                                     OpenIT                                    Open source

                       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic           39
Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions in Israel – Part 1
Company                                                                       Solution
                                                                      E-Drive (Car Market)
                                                                   Capital Market: “Optimi”
                                                              Advisor Platform (‫(יועצי השקעות‬
                                                            )‫פניות ציבור (מענה לחוק חופש המידע‬
Effect (Matrix)                                                         High Tech Solution
                                                             ‫פתרון לניהול גביה והליכים משפטיים‬
                            Infrastuctures: configuration management, dashboard, self service, CDI
                                                                    Contact center - moked
                                                                   Analytical Dynamic CRM
                                                           CRM for security org./departments
                                             HRM – Healthcare CRM, hospital risk management
                                                     DRM – Donors relationship management
                              Academy – Alumni, Student, scholarship grant mng, training courses
                                                                              Retail CRM
                                                                 VC – Venture capital CRM
                                                        Financial services and Retail banking
           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   40

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This document provides an overview of various digital technologies and platforms used in Israel, including their positioning in the Israeli market and representative partners and integrators. It covers areas such as marketing automation platforms, digital experience consultants, voice of customer tools, customer data platforms, digital marketing platforms, web content management tools, e-commerce packages, and CRM packages. For each area, it lists relevant companies and products and the Israeli representatives and implementation partners that work with each solution.

Einat 2019 positioning-apps_analytics_v7
Einat   2019 positioning-apps_analytics_v7Einat   2019 positioning-apps_analytics_v7
Einat 2019 positioning-apps_analytics_v7

This document provides an overview of various digital technologies and platforms used in Israel, including their positioning in the Israeli market and representative partners and integrators. It covers areas such as marketing automation platforms, digital experience consultants, voice of customer tools, customer data platforms, digital marketing platforms, web content management tools, e-commerce packages, and CRM packages. For each area, it lists relevant companies and products and the Israeli representatives and implementation partners that work with each solution.

ICT Export Directory - Egypt by Eitesal ver01
ICT Export Directory - Egypt by Eitesal ver01ICT Export Directory - Egypt by Eitesal ver01
ICT Export Directory - Egypt by Eitesal ver01

The first ICT export Directory including around 200 Clients testimonials for 50 Egyptian companies prepared by Eitesal NGO with objective to highlight the successful International presence and reach of the Egyptian ICT industry and its credibility.

information technologybpodirectory
Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions in Israel – Part 2
Company                                                                  Solution
                                                                 Contribution System
                                                                        Donors CRM
                                                             Conferences and training
                                                                      Members club
                                                            CRM for High-Tech sector
                                                              Customer Service Portal
Broad Digital                                       Billing, Rating, Account Receivables
 Highview                                                    BI for Microsoft Dynamics
                                                                      Capital Market
                                                                      ‫ניהול פניות ציבור‬
                                                                     Surveys module
                                                           MOSS and CRM integration
                                                            Vehicle Fleet management
   Almog                                                             SMS distribution
                                                                    Pricelists update
                                                  HR companies’ operations and clients
   Eyron Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI           Election campaign management
       Einat                                   Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   41
CRM-Related Applications:
         Solution                                         Description                                        Representing
                                                     Enterprise Incentives                                  Incentives, Matrix-
       Incentives Pro
                                                        Management                                               partner
            Kana                                       Collaborative CRM                                         Malam-Team
       DSKnowledge                           Service Center Knowledgebase                                            Danshir
  Talisma – CIM (customer
                                                       Collaborative CRM                                    Business Solutions
 interaction management)
                                                collaborative CRM, KM for
     Knova (Consona)                                                                                              IT Navigator
                                                      contact centers
    Siebel - Social CRM                               Social tools for CRM                                      Oracle - Siebel
           Cemax                           Feedback Mng, Complaints Mng.                                              Cemax
*Doesn’t include Contact Center/telephony tools

            Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   42
Multi Channel /customer Self Service applications
Product Name                                      Description                                           Israeli Representative
        Lyris                                    Email marketing
      Neolane                              Multichannel marketing
   Cellular apps.                   SMS dist., WAP, download apps
 Self service apps                             Self Service Kiosks
       Kana                                    Collaborative CRM                                                     Malam-Team
   Talisma – CIM                               Collaborative CRM                                                Business Solutions
 Megacenter Mail
                               Managing channels (SMS, Fax, email)                                                   Yael Software
 Server (MCMS)
eBilling + eService +
                                                     Self Service                                        Oracle (part of Siebel suite)
 Mail-IT + possible         Marketing messages management (Mails
   cloud model                            channel)
                              Bank2go, Ultra Credit, Calldinator, WFA
   Matrix Mobile
                                MMIS – Matrix mobile info. server
   One1 Mobile                               Mobile channel, SMS                                                      One1 Mobile
                                                                                                        Netwise – Integration partner
    Cellesense                  Text and web automated self service
        AMS                              Billminer (EBPP), self care                                                       Lognet
Yodlee Moneycenter            Aggregated financial data and payment                                                    Bynet SW.
                Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   43
        ISQ                                  Q&A web self-service                                                            ISQ
CRM - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

                                                                                               Siebel           Microsoft
                                                                                               + SOD

 Local Support

                                 Oracle CRM
                                       MEGACenter                                                 Salesforce


Vendors to Watch:
                                                                                  This analysis should be used with its
NetSuite (on-demand)
                                                                                  supporting documents
SugarCRM (open source)
                                                  Market Presence
                   Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       44

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2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
CRM Selected Wins during 2008/1Q09
                   (Partial List)
 Siebel On-Demand: ECI (Taldor), Test Insight (ManofIT),
  Remmon (ManofIT), Pascal (ManofIT), Coreflow (ManofIT),
  Civcom (ManofIT), Oridion, Teva, Netafim, Galil College,
  Nicast (ManofIT)
 Peoplesoft: Bezeq projects
 SAP CRM: Zim, Excellence Nesua (Taldor), Given Imaging
  (Advantech), Navy, IAI, Machon Mor, Sarel, Technion (Taldor)
 Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Leumi-Card (Effect-Matrix),
  Random Logic-888 (Almog), Aviv PCB (Almog), Bank Igud
  (Effect), Doar Israel (Effect-Matrix), Egged (Advantech), Mey
  Eden (Aman), Yad Vashem, Red Data, Africa hotels,
  Superpharm (Effect), HTR (Effect), Audiocodes (Effect), Avis
  (Effect), Bank Leumi
 Pivotal: Moatza Lezarchanut, Madgal, Negev Ceramics, Ambar
 Salesforce: Symantech division, Alladin, Scopus
         Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   45
CRM Consultants in Israel (alphabetical)
                  Partial List
 Accenture
 Alternative
 Aman (widelink)
 BI-Pro
 Deloitte Touche: Strategy, business case
 IT solutions
 Luria
 Meteor
 Sensecom: Contact Centers
 Synergy: Campaign Management, Analytical CRM
 Several other independent advisors
       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   46
STKI Rule of Thumb
          HIGH-END CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat

• License:                              $1K - $3K
• Integration:                          2 x license
• Hardware:                             1 x license
• Maintenance:                          0.5 x license (for 3 years)
• Training &
 Change Mng:                            1 x license
• Testing:                              0.25-0.5 x license
• Data Quality:                         0.25-0.5 x license
 Total:                                    6 x license
                                           $6,000 - $18,000 per seat
          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   47
STKI Rule of Thumb
             Mid-Tier CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat

• License:                              $500 - $1K
• Integration:                          2 x license
• Maintenance:                          0.5 x license (for 3 years)
• Implementation                         0.75 x license
 (training, testing,
 data quality)

 Total:                                    ~4 x license
                                           $2,000 - $4,000 per seat
          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   48

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

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Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
STKI Rule of Thumb
                          SaaS CRM price model
Pay-as-you-go subscription pricing
Price per user per month: 40$ - 130$
* Depending on functionality, contract period,
  scope of modules vs. full suite, number of users
Additional possible costs:
• Relatively very short implementation time
• Internet bandwidth requirement
• Data quality
• Training + HATMAA
• Some possible customization costs

        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   49
EPSS for CSRs + Unified Agent Desktop
     Solution                                            Description                                           Representing
                                       Guided Customer Interactions,                                          E-Glue, ONE1-
                                          Unified Desktop, EPSS                                                  partner
                                       Guided Customer Interactions,                                       Composia, Matrix-
                                          Unified Desktop, EPSS                                                partner
                                        Front End integration, Unified
    OpenSpan                                                                                                    Malam-Team
                                                                                                         Solan, Yael & SRL -
    E-Tracker                                                   EPSS
CCF (Customer Care                      Aggregation, Acceleration and                                      Microsoft, Matrix -
   Framework)                                   Automation                                                      partner
    Expeditor                                     Desktop Integration                                    IBM, Matrix - partner
                                         Acceleration and automation,
   SKS for CCF                                                                                                     Bynet SW
                                          expanding CCF capabilities
     Jacada                                  Front End integration
        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   50
Campaign Management
                        Package Vendors in Israel
       Product Name                                          Israeli Rep.                              Integrators
               Unica                                                Gstat                                IBM, Gilon
           Chordiant                                                                                           IBM
                 SAS                                      Mia Computers                                       Gilon
   Teradata Analytic CRM                                        Mittwoch                            Mittwoch, Gilon
 Siebel Marketing Automation
                                                           Taldor, Oracle                                    Taldor
     (Acquired by Oracle)
             Neolane                                             Netwise                                   Netwise
    Peoplesoft Marketing
                                                                   Matrix                                    Matrix
MEGACenter Marketing Module                                          Yael                                      Yael
                                        Other CRM Vendors…

        Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   51

Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   52

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CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

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Product management Summit 2022
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Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
                                       ERP Life Cycle                                                                            Trends

                                       Increase efficiency of
                                       ERP operations
Basic modules
 HR, Logistics,
                                   Portals, BI, BPM

                                                                     Advanced modules
      Stabilizing                 Upgrades
      the system
                                     Increase Hatmaa “Core” modules

                                                                                                                   ERP 3 ?
ERP 1                                                 ERP 2

          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      53
                  ERP Maturity Model 2009                                                                                             Trends
Business Value                                   Increase efficiency, advanced/ vertical
                                                 modules, upgrade, improve HATMAA,
  Investment                                        implement ERP portals, BI, BPM
to make money
                                                                    ERP 2
Cut costs, Increase                                                                                                                     Project
   productivity                                                                                                    ERP
                                                                ERP                                                                     Pure
                                                                                       for ERP
                                                             Operational                                                                Business
                                                               Portals                                                                  Project

Commodity IT
  Services                                                                                                                          Size of figure =
                                                                                                                                    cost of project
  Investment                                                                            governance
for regulations                                                                            tools

                                    Using                     Implementing                               Looking
                                                            Market Maturity
             Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             54
ERP Benefits                                                                                                              Trends

   Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      55
ERP Staffing ratio
Average size of Israeli ERP department: 15-20
    Implementers: 60%
    Developers: 17%
    Infrastructure (system/DBAs): 10%
    Other: 13%
 ERP effort distribution:
    New developments: 70%
    Maintenance: 30%
 Average ratio between ERP staff / ERP users:
    SAP 1:66
    Oracle 1:30 (due to smaller-scale installations)
         Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   56

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Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
       ERP Main priorities for 2009                                                                                          Trends

How to reduce ongoing maintenance costs?
  Sourcing strategies
  3rd party tools
  Licensing management

  Improve HATMAA of ERP to decrease
   training costs, improve usability and
   lower HD costs
      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      57
            SAP ERP specific issues in 2009                                                                                   Trends

BI – BW architectural dilemmas
More willingness to use external services
Increase efficiency with 3rd party tools
Upgrade costs too high for value they provide

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      58
        Oracle ERP specific issues in 2009                                                                                    Trends

Need for software configuration management
More use of internal ERP staff
Increase efficiency with 3rd party tools

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      59
STKI Rule of Thumb
         Enterprise ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat

License:                                  $1600 - $2500

Integration:                              2-3 x license
Hardware:                                 1 x license
Maintenance:                              0.5 x license (for 3 years)
(Testing, Training
Data Quality):                            1 x license
Total:                                 ~6 x license
                                       ~$12,000 per seat
         Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   60

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presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

israelisrael information technologiescloud computing
STKI Rule of Thumb
          Large - SMB ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat

• License:                              $1500-$1700
• Integration:                          2 x license
• Hardware:                             0.25 x license
• Maintenance:                          0.5 x license (for 3 years)
• Implementation                         0.75 x license
 (training, testing,
 data quality)

 Total:                                    4.5 x license
                                           $6,750 - $7650 per seat
          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   61
STKI Rule of Thumb
                    SMB ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat

• License:                              $700-$1200
• Integration:                          2 x license
• Maintenance:                          0.5 x license (for 3 years)
• Implementation                         0.5 x license
 (training, testing,
 data quality)

 Total:                                    4 x license
                                           $2800 – $4,800 per seat
          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   62
ERP Packages & Integrators: Part 1
Package Israel Rep                                                Integrators                                            Delivery model
                                              Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle
              Oracle Israel                 consulting, HP-EDS, Advantech, Ernst &                                             On-premise
                                                    Young, Unitask, Motorola
                Oracle                      Unitask (Oracle Easy), Afek, Motorola,
  Oracle      Accelerated                  ONE1UP, Advanteck, E&Y, Yael, AKT (HR                                               On-premise
                Edition                                    module)
                                        Ness, IBM, Taldor, Advantech, Malam-Team,
                                        HP-EDS, Accenture, Aman, SRL, Danshir, CB
               SAP Israel                                                                                                      On-premise
SAP All-in-                                I.T, E121, EPS SAP, Gav, IGC, Opex,
  One                                         SAPLM, SDM, AKT (HR module)
  SAP                                      Xioma, Malam-Team (Etop), RELS, Harel
Business       SAP Israel                 comp Malal, Complete, Menahel4U, Todan,                                              On-premise
  One                                               Reut-ONE, Synopsis
 E-Tafnit          Matrix                                Matrix, Alpha Consultants                                             On-premise
  QAD                SIT                                     SIT, ManofIT, Tirosh                                        On-premise, SaaS
              Intentia Israel                                      Intentia Israel                                             On-premise
 (M3, S3)
                                                      Ashbal, Meidatech, FBC                                             On-premise, SaaS
 Priority         Ashbal
                                                Afek, Tulip, RAAN, HP-EDS, IlitERP
               Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic     63
ERP Packages & Integrators: Part 2
    Package                        Israel Rep                                        Integrators                                Delivery Model

                             Microsoft Israel.                         Matrix, Oregano, Malam-Team,
Microsoft Dynamics            Localization &                             Prodware, Tadiad, Maxoft                                      On-premise
        AX                    Distribution by
                                                                       other partners in qualifications
                           mAXimum ERP (Matrix)
   Aviv, MARS                              Aviv                                               Aviv                                     On-premise
    ONE ERP                              ONE1                                               ONE1                                       On-premise
   KAV systems                             Kav                                          Kav, Ardom                                     On-premise
FinPro, Logistic Pro                     Almog                                              Almog                                      On-premise
   Gan Tochnot                                                                                                                     On-demand,
                                          Aman                                              Aman
     Heshev                                                                                                                          Hosted
    Comax (on                                                                                                                      On-demand,
     demand)                                                                                                                         Hosted
      Bgate                               Bgate
        IFS                              Teldan                                                                                        On-premise
   BPCS, Baan                            Matrix                         Matrix, Afek, IBM, Tulip (Baan)                                On-premise
                Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic          64

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NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
                                  SMB ERP in Israel                                                                           Trends

Pressure from large players in generic ERP
Verticalization, Verticalization, Verticalization
  SMB ERP providers develop very deep and
   verticalized solutions
On-demand models – also in Israel!

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      65
ERP On-demand model                                                                                                            ERP
Kicking in

•   Comax
•   Meida-Tech (Priority on demand)
•   SIT – QAD
•   Ggate
•   Gan Tochnot Heshev

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      66
ERP - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09

Enterprise ERP                           Medium - Large ERP                                          SMB ERP

            Oracle         SAP                                           Oracle
                                                                                                                SAP BOONE1
                                                        ONE1 Priority                      Oracle
                                                                                          AE/easy QAD Tafnit
                                                        QAD  Tafnit

                                                            Aviv                                     Aviv
                                                                                    Vendors to Watch:

                                                                                                                Ggate         IFS
                                                                Microsoft Dynamics AX                               COMAX

                                                Market Presence
                                                                                                  This analysis should be used
                                                Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portionsupporting documents
                                                                                                  with its of graphic
    Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI                                                                                  67
ERP Selected Wins 2008-1Q09
                           (Partial List)
 SAP: Rakevet Israel (Malam-Team)
     SAP All-in-one (Best Practices): Gidron (Taldor), Ashdod medical center
      (Taldor), Batey Zikuk (Taldor)
     Sap modules: GRC – Dead Sea, BIA – Coca Cola, Learning solution - Bazan,
      IDM – Ness, Billing - Meitav
     SAP ECC upgrades: Mecan-Ericsoon, M.of Health, Tadiran Solelot
 Oracle: Object (R12), Ashot (ONE1up), LUZ II, Actimize
     Accelerated Edition: Modu (Advantech, R12), Retalix, ITL, Rion
 Tafnit: Barzilay hospital, Leumicard, Albar, Sani, Visa, Mizrachi, Ayalon, Ampa
 QAD: Vishey international, Expansions in AVT, Seragon. On-demand ERP:
  Enlyten, RGI
 Microsoft Dynamics AX (not localized version): Random Logic 888 (Malam-
  Team), Aviv PCB (Oregano)
 Comax (on demand): Hazi hinam, 2 municipalities, Domisil
 ONE1 ERP: Agami, Beit Yanai, Ambar
            Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   68

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Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS InfrastructureRecent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure

Recent advancements in the NIST-JARVIS infrastructure: JARVIS-Overview, JARVIS-DFT, AtomGPT, ALIGNN, JARVIS-Leaderboard

3rd party SAP complimentary tools (partial list) – Part 1
     Solution                    Israel Rep.                                               Description
       EPIuse                          Ness                                          Selective data copies
       Zoption                         Ness                    Integrating financial functions with Office - excel

       Panaya                        Panaya                        Simulation and guidance for SAP upgrades
   Intellicorp – Live
                                       Ness                               Impact analysis (for SAP upgrades)
   Object Manager                      Ness                              Software configuration management

       OrgPlus                         Ness                                         Visual HR management

      Xpandion                         Ness                        Risk mng, behavioral analysis, license audit

     ARX Cosign                        Ness                                               Digital signature

  IXOS - (OpenText)              Top Solutions                       SAP content management and archiving

  Printboss - Consist            Consist, Ness                              Design/distribution of SAP forms

  MessageManager                       Ness                                      Unified messaging for SAP

        SteerU                       SteerU                                                 EPSS for SAP

      Innowera Shimoni’s work CopyrightNess                         Integration of SAP transactions with Excel
            Einat                      2009 @STKI   Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   69
3rd party SAP complimentary tools (partial list) – Part 2

     Solution                     Israel Rep.                                                  Description
     Item Field -
                                         Aman                                    Data transformation for SAP
    Clicksoftware                 Clicksoftware                                   SAP workforce optimization
  HR Load runner                      HP Israel                             software performance testing tools
  HP Quality Center                   HP Israel                                          automate QA testing
 Cisco Data Privacy                      Cisco                                   Data security on the network
      CA Wily                         CA Israel                   Monitoring customer transactions in real time
      Arcplan                          Danshir                                       Dashboard for SAP data

             Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   70
3rd party Oracle e-Business Suite
        complimentary products (partial list)

     Solution                     Israel Rep.                                               Description
 UPK (acquired by                                                    Tools to increase productivity, usability,
     Oracle)                                                             deployment & content creation
                                  John Bryce,
                                  Blat Lapidot
   OMM (Object                                                          Migration management and change
Migration Manager)                                                      management for Oracle e-business
    Print Director                                                               Enhanced Oracle printing
   Dynamic Entity                                                       Data management and control tool
                                         AOA                                   Travel management system
(Add-on Applications)

           Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   71
ERP Consultants (Alphabetical list)
                        Partial List
 Accenture
 Bit-Plus
 Byon
 Deloitte Touche
 Ernst & Young
 Meteor
 Seker
 Tulip
 Several Independent advisors
          Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   72

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetryObservability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing SystemsMitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdfBest Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf

As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

apache airflowdbtdbt-core
 Supply Chain Management                                                                                                           Trends

Information focus                                           Strategic measurements,
                                                              Balanced Scorecard
SCP: Supply
  Chain                        planning &
 Planning                      forecasting               Inventory                 Advanced
                                                        planning &                 planning &
                                                       optimization               optimization

                                                                    Product Data Management
SCE: Supply
   Chain                                                                   ERP 1, ERP 2
                                                       WMS                                                       Supplier
 Execution                                                                                                        portal
Transaction focus

                        Demand                        Logistics                     Operations                       Supply

            Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      73
Supply Chain Management                                                                                                        SCM
Global trends
From Execution to Planning:

  try to match demand and deliver the right
   product to the right place at the right time at
   the right price

Organizations becoming demand sensitive:

  More data that will help predict demand from
   POS, suppliers, internal sales/marketing people

  Ability to respond near real time
       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      74
Supply Chain Management                                                                                                        SCM
Israel trends
 Gap between IT and logistics/SCM business departments
 SCM very broad and complex, requires special expertise
 Confusion regarding what ERP packages can and can’t do
    why do we need a BoB solution if we have an ERP?
 SCM package decisions are still based on BoB:
    Solution has to be flexible, be able to include many
     dynamic constraints that change as you go
    Solution has to include transactional as well as analytical
     (multi dimensional analysis)
    SCM packages are also facing suppliers and partners

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      75

Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   76

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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

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             Knowledge Management                                                                                       Trends

But don’t think too much…
                          Get practical
 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      77
        The problem with Knowledge                                                                                         Trends

 It takes too much time to find
 existing information needed to
         complete tasks

The Problem: Too much info!
           Lack of information

    Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      78
                        Let’s see the numbers                                                                                Trends

The typical IW spends up to 25% of the day searching
 for the right information to complete a given task.
 Ineffective searches/wasting time looking for
 information can cost companies up to 10% in salary
 expenses (Butler Group)
Employees spend 12 hours a week on info-gathering
 tasks: mostly, unsuccessfully. (Accenture)
Knowledge workers spend 15%-30% of their time
 gathering information, but are successful less than 50
 percent of the time. (IDC)
The amount of new technical information is doubling
 every two years
      Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      79
Internal KM Maturity Model 2009                                                                                       KM
Business Value

to make money
                                                                                                         Blogs                          IT+business
Cut costs, Increase                                                                                                    Social
                                                                                         Wikis                                          Pure
                                                               ECM                                  Search
Commodity IT                             portal
  Services                                                                                                                          Size of figure =
                                                                                                                                    cost of project

for regulations

                                    Using                     Implementing                               Looking
                                                            Market Maturity
             Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic             80

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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KM Best Practices                                                                                                           Trends

KM should be process-dependent and
 combined in every-day tasks
Accommodate different types of users
  Digital natives
  Digital immigrants

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      81
What isn’t acceptable for the                                                                                                 KM
Digital native (generation X)?

    Paper application                                                                        E-form on
          form                                                                             company portal

    2 hour classroom                                                                    Simulation games,
    session with PPT                                                                     online courses,
         slides                                                                            community

                                                                                          Posting ideas on
     Suggestion box
                                                                                           company blog

                                                                              Interaction, relevancy,
                                                                                    ease of use
     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      82
The digital native                                                                                                             KM

 Technology “consumerization”                                                                                                 Trends

• New-age knowledge workers are used to:
  • Communicate
  • Share
  • Collaborate
  • Plan
    … in a different way.
 They will probably grow grassroots web 2.0 initiatives,
 whether IT likes it or not

       Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      83
Web 2.0: User is at the center                                                                                             Trends

    Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      84

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Revolutionize your transportation processes with our cutting-edge RPA software. Automate repetitive tasks, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency in the logistics sector with our advanced solutions.

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Web 2.0 tools: Adoption vs. Complexity                                                                                      Trends

                                                                   Most known
                                                                   most deployed

                                                                                                      Least known
                                                                                                     least deployed

                                                                        Source: Cutter

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic      85
Innovation tools?

           Operations                                        Management
               Support                                            Support
               Systems                                            Systems                                         Systems

Transaction Special Employee                           Analytical            Decision
Processing Purpose Productivity                        Systems               Support
 Processing                                                      Supporting
                              Enabling                                                                             Systems that
                                                                  Strategic                                          generate
  Business                   Workgroup
                                                                  Decision                                         Innovation &
Transactions                Collaboration


               Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74
                             All Rights Reserved @STKI    Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   86
Innovation types                                                                                                            Trends

    Source: Web 2.0 business models, CEO Teemu Arina

     Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       87
Innovation Sources                                                                                                         Trends

    Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic       88

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Israeli IT Application Market 2009Presentation

  • 1. Enterprise Applications, Information & Knowledge Management 2009 Your Text here Your Text here Einat Shimoni EVP & Senior Analyst Enterprise Applications, Analytics & KM Strategies Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 1
  • 2. Agenda Enterprise Applications general trends 1 Enterprise Applications (CRM, ERP, SCM) 2 Knowledge Management 3 Business Intelligence & MDM 4 BPM 5 Enterprise Portals & External websites 6 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 2
  • 3. We will present data on products and integrators: Explanations on Slides List of Packages and Integrators Rep in Package Integrators Delivery model Israel Vendor A Company 1 Integrator a, Integrator b On-premise Integrator a, Integrator b, Vendor B Company 2 SaaS Integrator c SaaS Vendor C Company 3 Integrator a On-premise  Lists only include vendors that are represented in Israel  The location within the lists is random  Lists might not include all players Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 3
  • 4. We will present data on products and integrators: Explanations STKI Israeli Positioning on Slides • Not a technological positioning, refers only to Israeli market • Represents current Israeli market and not our recommendation Vendor A •Focused on enterprise market (not SMB) Vendor B  Market Presence (X)  Market share - existing and new sales (more emphasis) Local Support  Mind share (how user organizations rate vendors) Worldwide  Local Support (Y) – is influenced by (X) Leader  Experience & technical knowledge, localization, support, number and kind of integrators  Worldwide leaders marked, based on global positioning  Vendors to watch: Are only just entering Israeli market so can’t be positioned but should be watched Vendors to Watch: Vendor C Market Presence Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 4
  • 5. We will present data on products and integrators: Explanations Selected Wins 2008-1Q2009 on Slides  Package X: Company 1 (Integrator), Company 2 (Integrator)  Package Y: Company 3 (Integrator), Company 4 (Integrator)  These slides contain examples of selected wins during 2008 and Q12009 (decision and purchase of certain products, not necessarily ongoing projects)  The lists are only partial and don’t include all wins of all vendors during this period Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 5
  • 6. General IT in Aggressive Cost-Cutting Time Trends New IT budget Less budget for models: decrease new apps SaaS, OSS 3rd party Decrease app Need to cut IT ERP tools? maint. Self- costs service projects E-Service here Your Text here Your Text Social & Interaction with Social CRM, consumer employees & technologies KM 2.0 customers impact BPM, Web 2.0, Innovation, re- Need to help Innovation, think processes, increase connect with Social CRM, revenues customers CEM, BI Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 6
  • 7. General Application projects in recession Trends • Zero based budgeting – every project is examined in payback, maturity, and risk • Low risk projects • Small scale projects (< 1 year) • Proven payback within ½ - 1 year Problem: sometimes the less mature markets (MDM, BPM) are the ones that can provide greater business benefits Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 7
  • 8. Your Text here Your Text here Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 8
  • 9. General Questions for every IT project Trends • What are the business benefits and when is the payback? • What is the risk? Is it mature? Is it well supported in Israel? How many ISVs with in depth knowledge? Are other organizations happy with it? References! • What is the TCO? • Is the application user friendly? Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 9
  • 10. Your Text here Your Text here Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 10
  • 11. Technologies Maturity Model 2009 General Trends Business Value BPM Active Investment BI Web to make money 2.0 Collab. Balanced CRM Data IT+business Cut costs, Increase Scorecard Governance, Oper. Project MDM ERP 2 CRM productivity Financial Pure Ent. BI Tactic Business Search BI Project ECM Gateway Commodity IT portal ERP1 Services Size of figure = complexity/ cost of project Financial Investment Non- sector Finance for regulations reg. sectors reg. Using Implementing Looking Market Maturity Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 11
  • 12. General IT Services Families Trends Reduce Expenses Increase Revenues Increase Increase Increase Improve Increase governance, process process Cut costs customer business regulation & Intelligence efficiency Experience agility risk mng. Regulation Active BI Green IT Social CRM BSC compliance CXO DC Tech: virtualization Analytical BPM management BPM/BPA etc. CRM tools Customer Supply chain Innovation IT Employee Productivity Experience intelligence support tools Governance Management Marketing IT Sourcing models focus IT portfolio management B2B Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 12
  • 13. General Major trend in enterprise applications Trends SaaS (Software as a Service): A software delivery model, delivered via the web, in which users can consume functionality based on subscription pricing. SaaS is typically a multi-tenant, one-to-many architecture (one code base for all), this provides it with economy of scale The software is hosted remotely, eliminating the need for users to invest in related hardware or handle the installation, set- up and daily upkeep & maintenance. Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 13
  • 14. Your Text here Your Text here Did SaaS make its debut in Israel? Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 14
  • 15. General SaaS in Israel Trends Most Israeli orgs aren’t yet using SAAS  Major adopters: technology, high tech, global companies  Major objectors: Financial orgs and govt. SaaS projects’ characteristics in Israel: • Short micro-projects (~3 man months) • Average of 40 users per installation • Usually DOES include some sort of integration to 1-2 inhouse applications • High satisfaction level (worldwide data: 94%) Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 15
  • 16. General SaaS major setbacks in Israel Trends • 357 regulation doesn’t allow keeping “linked” data outside for financial organizations • Need for local point of contact • Need for SLA and local support • Hebrew • Israeli vendors need to reorganize operations around this model Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 16
  • 17. General Characteristics of common SaaS Trends • Applications that have a “network effect” Travel management Social software • Niche/Point-solutions • Solutions that are easily separated from others Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 17
  • 18. Application models General Trends Self development Your Text here Your Text here Package Internal External Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 18
  • 19. Where are we now General Trends and what’s the next stage? ASP SaaS PaaS • Single separate instance • Outcome of using PaaS • Vendor controls application • Could have shared or •Platform-Centric • User has No access to core • User controls the app. dedicated infrastructure components of the solution • … ASP wasn’t a bad idea, • Fully-customized software • Multitenant, one-to-many • Will be more suitable for • Semi-customized (view) it had BAD timing • More suitable for generic “heavy” business processes “lightweight” processes or consumers Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 19
  • 20. General Mashup Definition Trends • Mashup: a “web 2.0” term : combining data layers from more than one source into a single integrated interactive application Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 20
  • 21. General New Applications = Services Mashups Trends An application mashup should define its needed infrastructure services Gateway (=ensemble) T8 T7 T2 T7 T8 T6 T3 T1 T1 T5 T4 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Applications Infrastructure Services Services Puzzle Builder The goal: Optimization of IT resources! Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 21
  • 22. Cloud enables creation of General Trends new business models • Cloud can enable new Business mashups? business models* • By consuming “missing elements” from the cloud you can create a whole new product • Examples: virtual network operator * Source: STKI brain storming session Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 22
  • 23. General Open Source Software Trends • Open Source applications used by 65% of global enterprises • Most Israeli organizations don’t consider using OSS in almost any project • The economic pressure will push Israeli orgs to consider this model in specific areas:  WCM  Internal IT tools  Collaboration and Web 2.0 tools Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 23
  • 24. There are some major benefits to General Trends open source software Main reasons: Cost Text here Your Your Text here Vendor independence Sometimes – Better functionality Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 24
  • 25. General Open Source pricing appeal Trends Price of a WCM project based on open source CAN BE 15-20% cheaper But will not always be the best choice Source: Water & Stone Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 25
  • 26. Major Benefits for adopting General Trends Open Source Software Which of the following does your company see as the major benefits of adopting OSS ? Source: Open IT, Annual Open Source Survey for 2008, September 29, 2008 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 26
  • 27. What should you do to make Open Source General Software relevant to your organization? Trends • Most important: assure available local professional knowledge with the package: Specialized Israeli ISVs or in-house • There should be no compromises on SLA • Understand the model and legal terms Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 27
  • 28. CRM Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 28
  • 29. CRM Trends CRM will be less about transactions And more about interactions Think of it as a way of improving customer experience by managing “conversations” Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 29
  • 30. CRM Trends Better customer experience = better product Your Text here Your Text here CRM and CEM can provide a real competitive differentiator Upcoming STKI Round Table on CRM: June 17, 2009 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 30
  • 31. CRM CRM: from the outside looking in Trends Focus on external clients needs Your Text here Your Text here Focus on internal processes Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 31
  • 32. CRM Multi Channel CRM Trends • Mobile service • e-billing •More self • newsletters • EPSS/guided • e-banking • e-service service options • email marketing interactions • SMS • e-payments and transactions • email response • RTD • Live chat • CC management • Collaboration Proliferation of customer touch points Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 32
  • 33. CRM Israeli CRM Trends 2009 Trends • “XRM” – using CRM as a development platform for various needs This is an important criteria when choosing CRM • “Quick win, quick ROI” approach continues • Reducing contact center costs (self service) • Analytical CRM continues to be top priority Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 33
  • 34. CRM Source: STKI CIO Survey 2009 Trends CRM Priorities2009 40% 35% 35% 30% 25% 20% 20% 18% 14% 15% 10% 8% 5% 0% Campaign Ecommerce CRM Self-Service Analytical Management Systems Packages CRM Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 34
  • 35. CRM Worldwide CRM Trends 2009 Trends • Think outside of the “CRM” box: Web virtual agents Home based CC Customer centric innovation • SaaS will rise significantly • Engagement with the customer – Social marketing • Managing the customer experience • Social CRM – clients & employees more “social” • Self Service is king (but don’t compromise with the customer experience, i.e poor IVRs) • Customer data still a problem Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 35
  • 36. CRM The new DIGITAL social customer Trends Your Text here Your Text here Source: 2008, Fabio Cipriani. Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 36
  • 37. Communication with customers CRM Trends spurs customer centric innovation What features should What do you like about our new product? product X include? What don’t you like about What do you like about our new product? our company? Your Text here Your Text here Do you have ideas how we can How do you prefer enhance our to interact with us? products? Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 37
  • 38. CRM Trends Interact with the customers & Learn more about what they want Define new customized products Your Text here Your Text here IT needs infrastructures to support diversity of products & interactions Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 38
  • 39. CRM Packages & Integrators in Israel: Package Rep in Israel Integrators Delivery model Siebel (Oracle) Oracle Israel, Taldor Taldor, IBM, BeyondIT On Premise SaaS; Siebel on-Demand Oracle Israel, Taldor, ManofIT, Yael, BeyondIT Enterprise (Oracle) Taldor, Yael At customer/partner Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle CRM Oracle Israel On Premise Oracle, HP-EDS, Advantech Peoplesoft (Oracle) Oracle, Matrix Matrix On Premise SAP CRM SAP Israel Ness, Taldor, Advantech On Premise Amdocs (Clarify) Amdocs Amdocs On Premise 20 Partners, including: Matrix- On Premise; Microsoft Dynamics Effect, Advantech, SIT, Malam- Microsoft Hosted by partners; CRM Team, Netwise, Aman ,Elad, SaaS not yet in Israel Yael…. Pivotal ONE1 ONE1 On Premise ONE1, Blat-Lapidot SaaS Mid Tier MEGA Center Yael Yael On Premise Onyx (Consona) IT Navigator IT Navigator On Premise Netsuite Edmiso SaaS MyBusiness MyBusiness MyBusiness SaaS SugarCRM OpenIT Open source Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 39
  • 40. Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions in Israel – Part 1 Company Solution E-Drive (Car Market) Capital Market: “Optimi” Advisor Platform (‫(יועצי השקעות‬ )‫פניות ציבור (מענה לחוק חופש המידע‬ Effect (Matrix) High Tech Solution ‫פתרון לניהול גביה והליכים משפטיים‬ Infrastuctures: configuration management, dashboard, self service, CDI Contact center - moked Analytical Dynamic CRM CRM for security org./departments HRM – Healthcare CRM, hospital risk management DRM – Donors relationship management Academy – Alumni, Student, scholarship grant mng, training courses Malam-Team Retail CRM VC – Venture capital CRM Financial services and Retail banking Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 40
  • 41. Microsoft-Based CRM Solutions in Israel – Part 2 Company Solution Contribution System Donors CRM Conferences and training SIT Members club CRM for High-Tech sector Customer Service Portal Broad Digital Billing, Rating, Account Receivables Highview BI for Microsoft Dynamics Capital Market ‫ניהול פניות ציבור‬ Advantech Surveys module MOSS and CRM integration Vehicle Fleet management Almog SMS distribution Pricelists update HR companies’ operations and clients Agile Eyron Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Election campaign management Einat Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 41
  • 42. CRM-Related Applications: Developing/ Solution Description Representing Company Enterprise Incentives Incentives, Matrix- Incentives Pro Management partner Kana Collaborative CRM Malam-Team DSKnowledge Service Center Knowledgebase Danshir Talisma – CIM (customer Collaborative CRM Business Solutions interaction management) collaborative CRM, KM for Knova (Consona) IT Navigator contact centers Siebel - Social CRM Social tools for CRM Oracle - Siebel Cemax Feedback Mng, Complaints Mng. Cemax *Doesn’t include Contact Center/telephony tools Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 42
  • 43. Multi Channel /customer Self Service applications Product Name Description Israeli Representative Lyris Email marketing Neolane Multichannel marketing Netwise Cellular apps. SMS dist., WAP, download apps Self service apps Self Service Kiosks Kana Collaborative CRM Malam-Team Talisma – CIM Collaborative CRM Business Solutions Megacenter Mail Managing channels (SMS, Fax, email) Yael Software Server (MCMS) eBilling + eService + Self Service Oracle (part of Siebel suite) eCommerce Mail-IT + possible Marketing messages management (Mails cloud model channel) Matrix Bank2go, Ultra Credit, Calldinator, WFA Matrix Mobile MMIS – Matrix mobile info. server solutions One1 Mobile Mobile channel, SMS One1 Mobile Netwise – Integration partner Cellesense Text and web automated self service AMS Billminer (EBPP), self care Lognet Yodlee Moneycenter Aggregated financial data and payment Bynet SW. Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 43 ISQ Q&A web self-service ISQ
  • 44. CRM - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Siebel Microsoft + SOD Peoplesoft SAP Local Support Oracle CRM Pivotal Worldwide MEGACenter Salesforce Leader Onyx Amdocs Vendors to Watch: This analysis should be used with its NetSuite (on-demand) supporting documents SugarCRM (open source) Market Presence Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 44
  • 45. CRM Selected Wins during 2008/1Q09 (Partial List)  Siebel On-Demand: ECI (Taldor), Test Insight (ManofIT), Remmon (ManofIT), Pascal (ManofIT), Coreflow (ManofIT), Civcom (ManofIT), Oridion, Teva, Netafim, Galil College, Nicast (ManofIT)  Peoplesoft: Bezeq projects  SAP CRM: Zim, Excellence Nesua (Taldor), Given Imaging (Advantech), Navy, IAI, Machon Mor, Sarel, Technion (Taldor)  Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Leumi-Card (Effect-Matrix), Random Logic-888 (Almog), Aviv PCB (Almog), Bank Igud (Effect), Doar Israel (Effect-Matrix), Egged (Advantech), Mey Eden (Aman), Yad Vashem, Red Data, Africa hotels, Superpharm (Effect), HTR (Effect), Audiocodes (Effect), Avis (Effect), Bank Leumi  Pivotal: Moatza Lezarchanut, Madgal, Negev Ceramics, Ambar  Salesforce: Symantech division, Alladin, Scopus Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 45
  • 46. CRM Consultants in Israel (alphabetical) Partial List  Accenture  Alternative  Aman (widelink)  BI-Pro  Deloitte Touche: Strategy, business case  IT solutions  Luria  Meteor  Sensecom: Contact Centers  Synergy: Campaign Management, Analytical CRM  Several other independent advisors Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 46
  • 47. STKI Rule of Thumb HIGH-END CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $1K - $3K • Integration: 2 x license • Hardware: 1 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Training & Change Mng: 1 x license • Testing: 0.25-0.5 x license • Data Quality: 0.25-0.5 x license Total: 6 x license $6,000 - $18,000 per seat Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 47
  • 48. STKI Rule of Thumb Mid-Tier CRM in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $500 - $1K • Integration: 2 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Implementation 0.75 x license (training, testing, data quality) Total: ~4 x license $2,000 - $4,000 per seat Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 48
  • 49. STKI Rule of Thumb SaaS CRM price model Pay-as-you-go subscription pricing Price per user per month: 40$ - 130$ * Depending on functionality, contract period, scope of modules vs. full suite, number of users Additional possible costs: • Relatively very short implementation time • Internet bandwidth requirement • Data quality • Training + HATMAA • Some possible customization costs Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 49
  • 50. EPSS for CSRs + Unified Agent Desktop Developing/ Solution Description Representing Company Guided Customer Interactions, E-Glue, ONE1- E-Glue Unified Desktop, EPSS partner Guided Customer Interactions, Composia, Matrix- Composia Unified Desktop, EPSS partner Front End integration, Unified OpenSpan Malam-Team Desktop Solan, Yael & SRL - E-Tracker EPSS partners CCF (Customer Care Aggregation, Acceleration and Microsoft, Matrix - Framework) Automation partner Expeditor Desktop Integration IBM, Matrix - partner Acceleration and automation, SKS for CCF Bynet SW expanding CCF capabilities Jacada Front End integration Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 50
  • 51. Campaign Management Package Vendors in Israel Product Name Israeli Rep. Integrators Unica Gstat IBM, Gilon Chordiant IBM SAS Mia Computers Gilon Teradata Analytic CRM Mittwoch Mittwoch, Gilon Siebel Marketing Automation Taldor, Oracle Taldor (Acquired by Oracle) Neolane Netwise Netwise Peoplesoft Marketing Matrix Matrix Automation MEGACenter Marketing Module Yael Yael Other CRM Vendors… Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 51
  • 52. ERP Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 52
  • 53. ERP ERP Life Cycle Trends Increase efficiency of ERP operations Basic modules HR, Logistics, Portals, BI, BPM Financials Advanced modules Stabilizing Upgrades the system Increase Hatmaa “Core” modules ERP 3 ? ERP 1 ERP 2 Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 53
  • 54. ERP ERP Maturity Model 2009 Trends Business Value Increase efficiency, advanced/ vertical modules, upgrade, improve HATMAA, Investment implement ERP portals, BI, BPM to make money IT+business ERP 2 Cut costs, Increase Project Process productivity ERP modeling ERP Pure MDM for ERP Operational Business Portals Project Commodity IT ERP1 Services Size of figure = complexity/ cost of project ERP Investment governance for regulations tools Using Implementing Looking Market Maturity Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 54
  • 55. ERP ERP Benefits Trends Source: Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 55
  • 56. ERP Staffing ratio Average size of Israeli ERP department: 15-20  Implementers: 60%  Developers: 17%  Infrastructure (system/DBAs): 10%  Other: 13%  ERP effort distribution:  New developments: 70%  Maintenance: 30%  Average ratio between ERP staff / ERP users:  SAP 1:66  Oracle 1:30 (due to smaller-scale installations) Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 56
  • 57. ERP ERP Main priorities for 2009 Trends How to reduce ongoing maintenance costs? Sourcing strategies 3rd party tools Licensing management Improve HATMAA of ERP to decrease training costs, improve usability and lower HD costs Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 57
  • 58. ERP SAP ERP specific issues in 2009 Trends BI – BW architectural dilemmas More willingness to use external services Increase efficiency with 3rd party tools Upgrade costs too high for value they provide Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 58
  • 59. ERP Oracle ERP specific issues in 2009 Trends Need for software configuration management Upgrades More use of internal ERP staff Increase efficiency with 3rd party tools Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 59
  • 60. STKI Rule of Thumb Enterprise ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat License: $1600 - $2500 Integration: 2-3 x license Hardware: 1 x license Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) Implementation (Testing, Training Data Quality): 1 x license Total: ~6 x license ~$12,000 per seat Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 60
  • 61. STKI Rule of Thumb Large - SMB ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $1500-$1700 • Integration: 2 x license • Hardware: 0.25 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Implementation 0.75 x license (training, testing, data quality) Total: 4.5 x license $6,750 - $7650 per seat Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 61
  • 62. STKI Rule of Thumb SMB ERP in Israel: Price Per Seat • License: $700-$1200 • Integration: 2 x license • Maintenance: 0.5 x license (for 3 years) • Implementation 0.5 x license (training, testing, data quality) Total: 4 x license $2800 – $4,800 per seat Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 62
  • 63. ERP Packages & Integrators: Part 1 Package Israel Rep Integrators Delivery model Yael, Malam-Team, ONE1UP, Oracle Oracle Oracle Israel consulting, HP-EDS, Advantech, Ernst & On-premise Apps Young, Unitask, Motorola Oracle Unitask (Oracle Easy), Afek, Motorola, Oracle Accelerated ONE1UP, Advanteck, E&Y, Yael, AKT (HR On-premise Edition module) Ness, IBM, Taldor, Advantech, Malam-Team, SAP, HP-EDS, Accenture, Aman, SRL, Danshir, CB SAP Israel On-premise SAP All-in- I.T, E121, EPS SAP, Gav, IGC, Opex, One SAPLM, SDM, AKT (HR module) SAP Xioma, Malam-Team (Etop), RELS, Harel Business SAP Israel comp Malal, Complete, Menahel4U, Todan, On-premise One Reut-ONE, Synopsis E-Tafnit Matrix Matrix, Alpha Consultants On-premise QAD SIT SIT, ManofIT, Tirosh On-premise, SaaS Lawson Intentia Israel Intentia Israel On-premise (M3, S3) Ashbal, Meidatech, FBC On-premise, SaaS Priority Ashbal (meidatech) Afek, Tulip, RAAN, HP-EDS, IlitERP Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 63
  • 64. ERP Packages & Integrators: Part 2 Package Israel Rep Integrators Delivery Model Microsoft Israel. Matrix, Oregano, Malam-Team, Microsoft Dynamics Localization & Prodware, Tadiad, Maxoft On-premise AX Distribution by other partners in qualifications mAXimum ERP (Matrix) Aviv, MARS Aviv Aviv On-premise ONE ERP ONE1 ONE1 On-premise KAV systems Kav Kav, Ardom On-premise FinPro, Logistic Pro Almog Almog On-premise Gan Tochnot On-demand, Aman Aman Heshev Hosted Comax (on On-demand, Comax demand) Hosted On-premise, Bgate Bgate SaaS IFS Teldan On-premise BPCS, Baan Matrix Matrix, Afek, IBM, Tulip (Baan) On-premise Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 64
  • 65. ERP SMB ERP in Israel Trends Pressure from large players in generic ERP Verticalization, Verticalization, Verticalization SMB ERP providers develop very deep and verticalized solutions On-demand models – also in Israel! Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 65
  • 66. ERP On-demand model ERP Trends Kicking in • Comax • Meida-Tech (Priority on demand) • SIT – QAD • Ggate • Gan Tochnot Heshev Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 66
  • 67. ERP - Israeli Market Positioning 1Q09 Enterprise ERP Medium - Large ERP SMB ERP Priority SAP Oracle SAP Oracle SAP BOONE1 AIO ERP ONE1 Priority Oracle AE/easy QAD Tafnit ERP QAD Tafnit Kav Aviv Aviv Movex Movex Vendors to Watch: Ggate IFS Microsoft Dynamics AX COMAX Market Presence This analysis should be used Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portionsupporting documents with its of graphic Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI 67
  • 68. ERP Selected Wins 2008-1Q09 (Partial List)  SAP: Rakevet Israel (Malam-Team)  SAP All-in-one (Best Practices): Gidron (Taldor), Ashdod medical center (Taldor), Batey Zikuk (Taldor)  Sap modules: GRC – Dead Sea, BIA – Coca Cola, Learning solution - Bazan, IDM – Ness, Billing - Meitav  SAP ECC upgrades: Mecan-Ericsoon, M.of Health, Tadiran Solelot  Oracle: Object (R12), Ashot (ONE1up), LUZ II, Actimize  Accelerated Edition: Modu (Advantech, R12), Retalix, ITL, Rion  Tafnit: Barzilay hospital, Leumicard, Albar, Sani, Visa, Mizrachi, Ayalon, Ampa investments  QAD: Vishey international, Expansions in AVT, Seragon. On-demand ERP: Enlyten, RGI  Microsoft Dynamics AX (not localized version): Random Logic 888 (Malam- Team), Aviv PCB (Oregano)  Comax (on demand): Hazi hinam, 2 municipalities, Domisil  ONE1 ERP: Agami, Beit Yanai, Ambar Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 68
  • 69. 3rd party SAP complimentary tools (partial list) – Part 1 Solution Israel Rep. Description EPIuse Ness Selective data copies Zoption Ness Integrating financial functions with Office - excel Panaya Panaya Simulation and guidance for SAP upgrades Intellicorp – Live Ness Impact analysis (for SAP upgrades) compare Object Manager Ness Software configuration management OrgPlus Ness Visual HR management Xpandion Ness Risk mng, behavioral analysis, license audit ARX Cosign Ness Digital signature IXOS - (OpenText) Top Solutions SAP content management and archiving Printboss - Consist Consist, Ness Design/distribution of SAP forms MessageManager Ness Unified messaging for SAP SteerU SteerU EPSS for SAP Innowera Shimoni’s work CopyrightNess Integration of SAP transactions with Excel Einat 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 69
  • 70. 3rd party SAP complimentary tools (partial list) – Part 2 Solution Israel Rep. Description Item Field - Aman Data transformation for SAP Informatica Clicksoftware Clicksoftware SAP workforce optimization HR Load runner HP Israel software performance testing tools HP Quality Center HP Israel automate QA testing Cisco Data Privacy Cisco Data security on the network CA Wily CA Israel Monitoring customer transactions in real time Arcplan Danshir Dashboard for SAP data Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 70
  • 71. 3rd party Oracle e-Business Suite complimentary products (partial list) Solution Israel Rep. Description Oracle Partners: UPK (acquired by Tools to increase productivity, usability, Yana-Smart, Oracle) deployment & content creation John Bryce, Blat Lapidot OMM (Object Migration management and change Migration Manager) management for Oracle e-business Unitask Print Director Enhanced Oracle printing Dynamic Entity Data management and control tool AOA AOA Travel management system (Add-on Applications) Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 71
  • 72. ERP Consultants (Alphabetical list) Partial List  Accenture  Bit-Plus  Byon  Deloitte Touche  Ernst & Young  HMS  Meteor  OIC  Seker  Tulip  Several Independent advisors Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 72
  • 73. SCM Supply Chain Management Trends Information focus Strategic measurements, Balanced Scorecard SCP: Supply Demand Chain planning & Planning forecasting Inventory Advanced planning & planning & optimization optimization Product Data Management SRM SCE: Supply Chain ERP 1, ERP 2 WMS Supplier Execution portal Transportation Management Transaction focus Demand Logistics Operations Supply Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 73
  • 74. Supply Chain Management SCM Trends Global trends From Execution to Planning: try to match demand and deliver the right product to the right place at the right time at the right price Organizations becoming demand sensitive: More data that will help predict demand from POS, suppliers, internal sales/marketing people Ability to respond near real time Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 74
  • 75. Supply Chain Management SCM Trends Israel trends  Gap between IT and logistics/SCM business departments  SCM very broad and complex, requires special expertise  Confusion regarding what ERP packages can and can’t do  why do we need a BoB solution if we have an ERP?  SCM package decisions are still based on BoB:  Solution has to be flexible, be able to include many dynamic constraints that change as you go  Solution has to include transactional as well as analytical (multi dimensional analysis)  SCM packages are also facing suppliers and partners Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 75
  • 76. KM Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 76
  • 77. KM Knowledge Management Trends But don’t think too much… Get practical Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 77
  • 78. KM The problem with Knowledge Trends It takes too much time to find existing information needed to complete tasks The Problem: Too much info! Lack of information Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 78
  • 79. KM Let’s see the numbers Trends The typical IW spends up to 25% of the day searching for the right information to complete a given task. Ineffective searches/wasting time looking for information can cost companies up to 10% in salary expenses (Butler Group) Employees spend 12 hours a week on info-gathering tasks: mostly, unsuccessfully. (Accenture) Knowledge workers spend 15%-30% of their time gathering information, but are successful less than 50 percent of the time. (IDC) The amount of new technical information is doubling every two years Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 79
  • 80. Internal KM Maturity Model 2009 KM Trends Business Value Investment to make money Blogs IT+business Cut costs, Increase Social Project tools productivity Wikis Pure Ent. Business ECM Search Project Gateway Commodity IT portal Services Size of figure = Archiving complexity/ cost of project Investment for regulations Using Implementing Looking Market Maturity Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 80
  • 81. KM KM Best Practices Trends KM should be process-dependent and combined in every-day tasks Accommodate different types of users Digital natives Digital immigrants Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 81
  • 82. What isn’t acceptable for the KM Trends Digital native (generation X)? Paper application E-form on form company portal 2 hour classroom Simulation games, session with PPT online courses, slides community Posting ideas on Suggestion box company blog Interaction, relevancy, ease of use Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 82
  • 83. The digital native KM Technology “consumerization” Trends • New-age knowledge workers are used to: • Communicate • Share • Collaborate • Plan … in a different way. They will probably grow grassroots web 2.0 initiatives, whether IT likes it or not Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 83
  • 84. KM Web 2.0: User is at the center Trends Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 84
  • 85. KM Web 2.0 tools: Adoption vs. Complexity Trends Most known most deployed Least known least deployed Source: Cutter Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 85
  • 86. Innovation tools? Innovation Operations Management Support Support Support Systems Systems Systems Innovation Transaction Special Employee Analytical Decision Systems Processing Purpose Productivity Systems Support ? Processing Supporting Enabling Systems that Strategic generate Business Workgroup Decision Innovation & Transactions Collaboration creativity Making Operational Knowledge Analytical Management Systems Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Moshav Bnei Zion, Israel +972 9 74 444 74 All Rights Reserved @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 86
  • 87. General Innovation types Trends Source: Web 2.0 business models, CEO Teemu Arina Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 87
  • 88. General Innovation Sources Trends Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2009 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 88