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Practical tips for securing your cloud
James Turner, IBRS Advisor
August 2012
Building a smarter planet
 This presentation has a lot of pictures of clouds
Building a smarter planet
Practical tips to securing your cloud
 Defining the cloud
 What IBRS clients are asking &
What the experts say
 Four interesting areas of risk
 Summary
 A glimpse of the future
 Questions
Building a smarter planet
Defining cloud
 The most widely accepted definition
of cloud comes from the National
Institute of Science and Technology
(NIST) :
1. On demand self-service
2. Broad network access
3. Resource pooling
4. Rapid elasticity
5. Pay-per-use measured service
 I’m talking about SaaS
Morning Glory clouds – Gulf of Carpentaria. Source: NASA. Credit: Mick Petroff

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This document discusses the implications of cloud computing for information privacy from an Australian perspective. It notes that cloud computing provides large data repositories accessible as a service, and that 14 million Australians and 900,000 small-medium businesses in Australia actively use cloud services. However, cloud computing also poses information privacy and data security risks for users regarding the use and disclosure of personal information without consent, as well as security threats from data location, access controls and long-term viability. The article explores the need for new privacy laws to protect consumer information stored in the cloud and support cloud industry growth in Australia, drawing comparisons to laws in the United States.

Building a smarter planet
What IBRS clients are asking & what the experts say
 “Review our SaaS contracts for
technical risks”
– Defence Signals Directorate (DSD)
•availability of data and business functionality;
•protecting data from unauthorised access; and,
•handling security incidents.
– Australian Government Information
Management Office (AGIMO)
•Performance management
•Ending the arrangement
– National Archives of Australia
Building a smarter planet
Four SaaS vendor contract reviews
 Findings – there are 4 core areas of
risk in these vendor MSAs:
1. Light on specifics
2. Heavy on indemnity
3. Default customer referencing
4. Flimsy data portability
Building a smarter planet
Light on specifics
 Will protect customer data “in a
manner consistent with general
industry standards reasonably
 Will use “commercially reasonable
efforts to make the purchased services
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a
 Impact: nothing to hold them to!
7 Light and wispy cirrus clouds
Building a smarter planet
Heavy on indemnity
 They will not be held liable for any loss
of data, or revenue, or profits.
 Service credits, if available, are like
eating lettuce
– You expend more energy chewing than you
get from the consumption
 Impact: nothing to hold them to!
– (and look at how well that worked in the
software industry!)

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The document discusses the adoption of cloud computing across various parts of the US Department of Defense (DoD) and intelligence community. It outlines several early cloud computing projects from 2009 including the DoD DISA RACE and JFCOM Valiant Angel programs. It also discusses the National Security Agency's adoption of Hadoop and MapReduce for intelligence gathering. The document concludes that cloud computing adoption in the DoD and intelligence community has been rapid as the benefits are seen to outweigh security concerns, with system integrators building cloud offerings to support operational use cases.

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This document discusses IBM's offering for a private cloud solution targeted at smaller enterprises. It begins by explaining the benefits of cloud computing for improving resource utilization and reducing costs. It then discusses the differences between public and private clouds, noting that private clouds can provide higher security and service level agreements. The document outlines IBM's BladeCenter Foundation for Cloud (BCFC) which provides the virtualized infrastructure that a cloud solution is built upon. It specifically highlights IBM's SmartCloud Entry solution, which sits on top of the BCFC and provides tools to simplify deployment and management of the private cloud, making it a suitable option for smaller enterprises seeking such a solution.

data centersystem xutilization
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The document discusses security issues related to cloud computing. It identifies three main areas of concern: security and privacy of data, compliance with regulations, and legal/contractual issues. It provides checklists of specific security topics and concerns to evaluate for each area when considering adopting cloud services, such as data protection, identity management, business continuity, and liability. The goal is to help users properly assess cloud providers' security practices to protect their data and investments in the cloud.

Building a smarter planet
Customer reference by default
 “Customer agrees to work with
<vendor’s> Marketing Department to
produce a news release to Customer’s
use of the Service”
 Risks of being outed as a customer:
– “kick me”
– Collateral damage
– Target rich environment
– Economy of effort for attackers
 Impact: what has this done to your risk
Building a smarter planet
Flimsy data portability
 Only 1 of the 4 mentioned a format
 Proprietary data formats help create
 One source of truth?
 Migrating to another vendor?
– Who owns the metadata?
– Can you access security logs?
 Impact: Vendor lock in, paying for
migration, rivals being sold your work
10 Storm front over Phillip Island, Nov 11, 2011. Source:
Building a smarter planet
Conclusion: Practical tips to securing your cloud
 Understand the risks
– Create a list of the technical risks
– War game different scenarios, attacks, or
– Walk these through with business
 Contract management
– involved vs. committed?
– Be biased toward vendors who commit to
– Note: Take-it-or-leave-it contracts are
positively viewed by some
Asperatus Cloud, New Zealand, undated photo. Source: National Geographic
Building a smarter planet
An interconnected world...
... leads to exponential complexity and unforeseen interdependencies!

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This document discusses the top 10 security risks of cloud computing. It begins with an introduction by Ludovic Petit and provides background on cloud security risks. It then lists and describes each of the 10 risks: 1) Accountability and data risk, 2) User identity federation, 3) Legal and regulatory compliance, 4) Business continuity and resiliency, 5) User privacy and secondary usage of data, 6) Service and data integration, 7) Multi-tenancy and physical security, 8) Incidence analysis and forensics, 9) Infrastructure security, and 10) Non-production environment exposure. The document aims to help organizations assess cloud security risks and ensure cloud providers address these top risks.

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This document discusses security issues and challenges related to cloud computing. It begins with an abstract that introduces cloud computing and notes that while it provides advantages like scalability and efficiency, security concerns have slowed its adoption. The document then provides details on three types of cloud deployments (private, public, hybrid) and three service delivery models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). It discusses specific security issues related to each deployment type and service model. The document also outlines some key challenges to cloud computing adoption, with security ranked as the top challenge by organizations according to surveys. Other challenges discussed are costing models and charging models in cloud computing.

itcloud computingscalability

This document proposes a novel framework for dependable cloud computing. It discusses security risks associated with cloud computing including vulnerabilities, accessibility issues, authentication, data tampering and privacy concerns. The framework aims to address these issues by involving all stakeholders to securely store and transfer encrypted data between private clouds and cloud service providers. An encryption system was designed using Java programming to encrypt and decrypt data in transit to test the dependability of stored and transferred data from the cloud. The goal is to improve security techniques and build trust in cloud computing by preventing and detecting security flaws.

iosr journal of computer engineering (iosr-jce)
Building a smarter planet
Building a smarter planet
 “Cloud Computing Security Considerations”, Defence Signals Directorate (Australian Department of Defence), April 2011.
 “Better Practice Guide: Negotiating the cloud – legal issues in cloud computing agreements”, Australian Government Information Management
Office, February 2012.
 “A Checklist for Records Management and the Cloud”, National Archives of Australia, 2011.
 IBRS research:
– "The Next Perfect IT Storm: The Red Shift, Utility Computing", IBRS, April 2008.
– "Cloud computing, you may need a parachute", IBRS, April 2009.
– "Legal considerations that apply in cloud computing", IBRS, May 2009.
– "Cloud computing and the law - data considerations", IBRS, June 2009.
– "Cloud computing and the law - business implication", IBRS, July 2009.
– "A legal checklist before taking off into the cloud", IBRS, August 2009.
– "APRA offers timely advice against losing your head in the cloud", IBRS, November 2010.
– "Two tests to evaluate Cloud economics", IBRS, March 2011.
– "A matrix for cloud computing risk analysis", IBRS, October 2011.
– "Cloud security - the real risks", IBRS, January 2012.
– “How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Part 1”, IBRS, May 2012
– “How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Part 2”, IBRS, July 2012

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  • 1. Practical tips for securing your cloud James Turner, IBRS Advisor August 2012
  • 2. Building a smarter planet Warning  This presentation has a lot of pictures of clouds 2
  • 3. Building a smarter planet Practical tips to securing your cloud  Defining the cloud  What IBRS clients are asking & What the experts say  Four interesting areas of risk  Summary  A glimpse of the future  Questions 3
  • 4. Building a smarter planet Defining cloud  The most widely accepted definition of cloud comes from the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) : 1. On demand self-service 2. Broad network access 3. Resource pooling 4. Rapid elasticity 5. Pay-per-use measured service  I’m talking about SaaS 4 Morning Glory clouds – Gulf of Carpentaria. Source: NASA. Credit: Mick Petroff
  • 5. Building a smarter planet What IBRS clients are asking & what the experts say  “Review our SaaS contracts for technical risks” – Defence Signals Directorate (DSD) •availability of data and business functionality; •protecting data from unauthorised access; and, •handling security incidents. – Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) •Liability •Performance management •Ending the arrangement – National Archives of Australia 5
  • 6. Building a smarter planet Four SaaS vendor contract reviews  Findings – there are 4 core areas of risk in these vendor MSAs: 1. Light on specifics 2. Heavy on indemnity 3. Default customer referencing 4. Flimsy data portability 6
  • 7. Building a smarter planet Light on specifics  Will protect customer data “in a manner consistent with general industry standards reasonably applicable”  Will use “commercially reasonable efforts to make the purchased services available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week”.  Impact: nothing to hold them to! 7 Light and wispy cirrus clouds
  • 8. Building a smarter planet Heavy on indemnity  They will not be held liable for any loss of data, or revenue, or profits.  Service credits, if available, are like eating lettuce – You expend more energy chewing than you get from the consumption  Impact: nothing to hold them to! – (and look at how well that worked in the software industry!) 8
  • 9. Building a smarter planet Customer reference by default  “Customer agrees to work with <vendor’s> Marketing Department to produce a news release to Customer’s use of the Service”  Risks of being outed as a customer: – “kick me” – Collateral damage – Target rich environment – Economy of effort for attackers  Impact: what has this done to your risk profile? 9
  • 10. Building a smarter planet Flimsy data portability  Only 1 of the 4 mentioned a format  Proprietary data formats help create lock-in  One source of truth?  Migrating to another vendor? – Who owns the metadata? – Can you access security logs?  Impact: Vendor lock in, paying for migration, rivals being sold your work 10 Storm front over Phillip Island, Nov 11, 2011. Source:
  • 11. Building a smarter planet Conclusion: Practical tips to securing your cloud  Understand the risks – Create a list of the technical risks – War game different scenarios, attacks, or failures – Walk these through with business stakeholders  Contract management – involved vs. committed? – Be biased toward vendors who commit to standards – Note: Take-it-or-leave-it contracts are positively viewed by some 11 Asperatus Cloud, New Zealand, undated photo. Source: National Geographic
  • 12. Building a smarter planet An interconnected world... 12 ... leads to exponential complexity and unforeseen interdependencies!
  • 13. Building a smarter planet Questions? 13
  • 14. Building a smarter planet References  “Cloud Computing Security Considerations”, Defence Signals Directorate (Australian Department of Defence), April 2011.  “Better Practice Guide: Negotiating the cloud – legal issues in cloud computing agreements”, Australian Government Information Management Office, February 2012.  “A Checklist for Records Management and the Cloud”, National Archives of Australia, 2011.  IBRS research: – "The Next Perfect IT Storm: The Red Shift, Utility Computing", IBRS, April 2008. – "Cloud computing, you may need a parachute", IBRS, April 2009. – "Legal considerations that apply in cloud computing", IBRS, May 2009. – "Cloud computing and the law - data considerations", IBRS, June 2009. – "Cloud computing and the law - business implication", IBRS, July 2009. – "A legal checklist before taking off into the cloud", IBRS, August 2009. – "APRA offers timely advice against losing your head in the cloud", IBRS, November 2010. – "Two tests to evaluate Cloud economics", IBRS, March 2011. – "A matrix for cloud computing risk analysis", IBRS, October 2011. – "Cloud security - the real risks", IBRS, January 2012. – “How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Part 1”, IBRS, May 2012 – “How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? Part 2”, IBRS, July 2012 14