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Emerging Technologies in MIS
Emerging Technologies
• Cloud computing
• Mobile apps
• Big data analytics
• Automation
• Artificial intelligence
• Smart technology
• Virtual reality
• Reduces overhead of the implementing organization’s data.
• Use powerful servers.
• Accessed with an Internet connection.
• Use standard Web browser.
• Services for delivering and providing access to software remotely.
• Web-based service are now referred to as software as a service (SaaS).
• A leading example is
• provides on-demand services for customer relationship management.

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IntraActive intranet
IntraActive intranetIntraActive intranet
IntraActive intranet

FÅ SUCCES MED DIT SHAREPOINT INTRANET IntraActive intranet gør det nemt for dig at etablere og videreudvikle dit SharePoint intranet. IntraActive samler de mest anvendte intranetkomponenter i én løsning, som nemt kan tilpasses din virksomheds behov. Med vores velafprøvede implementeringsproces kommer I trygt i luften med jeres nye intranet - hurtigt og effektivt. Med kombinationen af IntraActive og vores veldefinerede proces får du et køreklart intranet inden for et overskueligt budget. IntraActive udvides løbende med ny funktionalitet og nye apps baseret på vores kunders ønsker og behov.

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IntraActive intranet
IntraActive intranetIntraActive intranet
IntraActive intranet

Få succes med dit SharePoint intranet IntraActive intranet gør det nemt for dig at etablere og videreudvikle dit intranet IntraActive intranet samler de mest anvendte intranetkomponenter i én løsning, som nemt kan tilpasses din virksomheds behov. Med vores velafprøvede implementeringsproces kommer I trygt i luften med jeres nye intranet - hurtigt og effektivt. Med kombinationen af IntraActive og vores veldefinerede proces får du et køreklart intranet inden for et overskueligt budget. IntraActive intranet udvides løbende med ny funktionalitet og nye apps baseret på vores kunders ønsker og behov.

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Internet of Things. Morgeninspiration Juni 2017
Internet of Things. Morgeninspiration Juni 2017Internet of Things. Morgeninspiration Juni 2017
Internet of Things. Morgeninspiration Juni 2017

Jens Poder og Mads Vad Kristensens gennemgang af først hvad Iinternet of Things egentlig går ud på, og dernæst hvordan man griber et konkret projekt an. Slides fra morgeninspiration hos Peytz & Co den 14, juni 2017.

• Apps are small pieces of software.
• Run on the Internet, on your computer.
• On your mobile phone or tablet.
• Generally delivered over the Internet.
• Google refers to its online services as apps.
• Google Apps suite of desktop productivity tools.
• Google workspace, ShipStation, one drive etc.
• Big data analytics is the examining big data to uncover information.
• Such as hidden patterns.
• correlations, market trends and customer preferences.
• can help organizations make informed business decisions.
• Software used to improve business outcomes.
• include more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities.
• customer personalization and improved operational efficiency.

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Præsentation fra morgenmøde d. 9. maj 2012 hos Pentia.

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Fokuser på din forretning med Office 365. Få de internationale erfaringer og ...
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Office 365 kan ses på bundlinien hos mange danske virksomheder. Få del i både danske og udenlandske virksomheders erfaringer og hjælp til at lave din virksomheds business case. Vi tager konkret udgangspunkt i andre danske og internationale virksomheders business cases og beslutningsprocesser. Microsofts Cloud Director for Danmark, Norge, Sverige, Finland, Østrig og Irland vil dele sine erfaringer fra de virksomheder han har hjulpet ”i skyen” – og adressere overvejelser og belyse de målbare fordele din virksomhed kan opnå på produktivitet, samarbejde, sikkerhed og bundlinje.

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• Automation of oft-used processes reduces time and resources expended on it.
• Automation provide time to perform other activities by employees.
• Like planning, creative exploration and analysis.
• Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
• Cost-savings are only a part of the picture.
• The amount of trouble saved in repeated tasks, especially across distributed
• Power BI etc.
• AI changing way organizations do business.
• Process huge amount of unstructured data.
• So they rewrite their algorithms to mimic human learning and decision-making.
• AI finds trends, patterns and structures in new data.
• To rewrite programs based on descriptive data models.
• Iterative process enables computers to do everything from play chess.
• Salesforce, Microsoft power automate, Splunk Enterprise

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Itera: Projekt- og projektportefølje portal hos SEAS-NVE
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Få IBM's bud på den bedste desktopvirtualisering, Per Lolk og Erik Berg, Komp...
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Præsentation fra IBM Smarter Business 2012

ibm smarter business 2012smarter infrastructureper lolk og erik berg
• The word “SMART” refers to self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology.
• Technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis.
• It can be easily programmed through an intuitive user interface.
• Serious games are software applications developed to achieve learning.
• SMART Tech integrate flexibly with the software, hardware, peripherals.
• Smart devices with software helps managers enhance their business activities.
• 6000S Pro, MX Pro, GX Series, SMART Podium 624.
• Virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment.
• enables users to explore and interact with a virtual surrounding.
• It seems like almost reality so that it is perceived through user’s senses
• Virtual reality can be used to operate complex machines by trainees.
• It can also work perfectly with games and videos using VR.
• In MIS virtual reality is used to provide simulated Environment of business.
• IrisVR Suite, VR Maker, Concept3D etc.

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  • 1. S U B T I T L E H E R E YOUR TITLE GOES HERE Emerging Technologies in MIS Emerging Technologies
  • 2. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES • Cloud computing • Mobile apps • Big data analytics • Automation • Artificial intelligence • Smart technology • Virtual reality
  • 4. CLOUD COMPUTING • Reduces overhead of the implementing organization’s data. • Use powerful servers. • Accessed with an Internet connection. • Use standard Web browser. • Services for delivering and providing access to software remotely. • Web-based service are now referred to as software as a service (SaaS). • A leading example is • provides on-demand services for customer relationship management.
  • 6. MOBILE APPS • Apps are small pieces of software. • Run on the Internet, on your computer. • On your mobile phone or tablet. • Generally delivered over the Internet. • Google refers to its online services as apps. • Google Apps suite of desktop productivity tools. • Google workspace, ShipStation, one drive etc.
  • 8. BIG DATA ANALYTICS: • Big data analytics is the examining big data to uncover information. • Such as hidden patterns. • correlations, market trends and customer preferences. • can help organizations make informed business decisions. • Software used to improve business outcomes. • include more effective marketing, new revenue opportunities. • customer personalization and improved operational efficiency.
  • 10. AUTOMATION • Automation of oft-used processes reduces time and resources expended on it. • Automation provide time to perform other activities by employees. • Like planning, creative exploration and analysis. • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability. • Cost-savings are only a part of the picture. • The amount of trouble saved in repeated tasks, especially across distributed teams. • Power BI etc.
  • 12. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE • AI changing way organizations do business. • Process huge amount of unstructured data. • So they rewrite their algorithms to mimic human learning and decision-making. • AI finds trends, patterns and structures in new data. • To rewrite programs based on descriptive data models. • Iterative process enables computers to do everything from play chess. • Salesforce, Microsoft power automate, Splunk Enterprise
  • 14. SMART TECHNOLOGIES • The word “SMART” refers to self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology. • Technology like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis. • It can be easily programmed through an intuitive user interface. • Serious games are software applications developed to achieve learning. • SMART Tech integrate flexibly with the software, hardware, peripherals. • Smart devices with software helps managers enhance their business activities. • 6000S Pro, MX Pro, GX Series, SMART Podium 624.
  • 15. VIRTUAL REALITY • Virtual reality is a simulated 3D environment. • enables users to explore and interact with a virtual surrounding. • It seems like almost reality so that it is perceived through user’s senses • Virtual reality can be used to operate complex machines by trainees. • It can also work perfectly with games and videos using VR. • In MIS virtual reality is used to provide simulated Environment of business. • IrisVR Suite, VR Maker, Concept3D etc.

Editor's Notes

  1. A virtual desktop allows users to access their desktop and applications from anywhere on any kind of endpoint device, while IT organizations can deploy and manage these desktops from a centrally located data center.
  2. Automation of oft-used processes reduces time and resources expended on it. The stakeholders involved in the decision-making worry less about the time taken to separate insights from the noise when automation is on point. Instead, they focus on the import of the insights, and how they can be deployed towards greater efficiency of their operations in the future. The freed-up cerebral equity is then diverted to creative exploration, planning, and analyses which do not fall under the purview of numerical quantities. Examples of areas that stand to benefit from effective deployment of Automation are Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria. The amount of trouble saved in repeated tasks, especially across distributed teams, contributes directly towards process harmony and outcomes are optimized.
  3. Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way organizations do business. The organizations that use it most effectively recognize the risks of relying on computers to process huge sets of unstructured data, so they rewrite their algorithms to mimic human learning and decision-making. Microsoft Power Automate is an RPA software that helps its users automate tasks to achieve a faster and more efficient workflow. Its capability to automate business processes creates productivity throughout the entire organization Splunk Enterprise is a software that has predictive tools that enable companies to turn the gathered data into answers. By utilizing it your organization can have a more data-driven workflow
  4. VR platform to view 3D models (Revit, Navisworks, Rhino) into Virtual Reality. View BIM-level data in VR to communicate your vision with greater clarity and gain the trust of clients and partners. Make decisions with speed and confidence by experiencing a true-to-scale space The most advanced virtual content creation platform that empowers you to create 360° digital twins or 3D rendered virtual spaces VR, 360° video, 3D renderings, for custom virtual environment creation with Concept3D's enterprise tour and map platform