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Computer Network
Network Components
Functions of Network Components
 Network Interface Connection [NIC]
 A network card that formats, send and receive the data at the
receiving node or device.
Functions of Network Components…
 Hub
 A device that connects all the computer in a network to each

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1 introduction-to-computer-networking
1 introduction-to-computer-networking1 introduction-to-computer-networking
1 introduction-to-computer-networking

This document provides an introduction to computer networking, including definitions of networking concepts and an overview of network topologies. It defines a network as connecting two or more computers to share resources like files, printers, and disk drives. There are different types of network topologies including bus, star, ring, and mesh, each with their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, ease of installation and reconfiguration, and fault tolerance. The document also discusses network hardware, software, client/server models, and the roles of local, wide, and metropolitan area networks.

1 introduction-to-computer-networking slide
1 introduction-to-computer-networking slide1 introduction-to-computer-networking slide
1 introduction-to-computer-networking slide

This document provides an introduction to computer networking concepts. It defines what a network is and explains that networks allow computers to share resources like files, printers, and storage. It discusses different types of network topologies including bus, star, ring, and mesh and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each. It also defines common networking hardware like network interface cards, repeaters, hubs, bridges, routers, and switches and explains their basic functions. Finally, it introduces the concepts of local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and metropolitan area networks (MANs).

computer networking

This document provides an introduction to computer networking concepts. It defines what a network is and explains that networks allow computers to share resources like files, printers, and storage. It discusses different types of network topologies including bus, star, ring, and mesh and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each. It also defines common networking hardware like network interface cards, repeaters, hubs, bridges, routers, and switches and explains their basic functions. Finally, it introduces the concepts of local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and metropolitan area networks (MANs).

Functions of Network Components…
 Switch
 It is like a hub, however, instead of broadcasting incoming data
request, it uses the physical device address in the incoming
request to transfer the request to correct server computer.
Functions of Network Components…
 Server: A computer that runs operating system and hold data that is
shared over a computer network.
 A file server is a high-performance computer containing large capacity
hard disk drives that are available to all network users
 It is not used as a normal computer terminal but manages and shares files.
 Printer server is a computer dedicated to managing all printers on the
Functions of Network Components…
 Client: a computer that is connected to a network.
 It can send data and receive data sent by other computers on
the network.
Functions of Network Components…
 Modem: Modulator/demodulator.
 It is a device normally provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to
grant access to the Internet.
 It converts analogue and digital signals between your landline and the

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A network switch is a networking hardware device that connects devices on a computer network by using packet switching to receive and forward data to the destination device. It learns the MAC addresses of connected devices and forwards traffic only to the relevant ports, unlike a hub which floods traffic to all ports. Common network topologies include bus, star, ring and mesh configurations which connect devices in different patterns and have advantages and disadvantages for scalability and fault tolerance.

Computer network ppt
Computer network pptComputer network ppt
Computer network ppt

A computer network connects multiple computers and devices to allow communication and sharing of resources. There are different types of networks including local area networks (LANs) within a single building, metropolitan area networks (MANs) within a city, and wide area networks (WANs) across large distances like countries. Common network topologies include bus, ring, star, tree and mesh configurations. Computer networks enable file sharing, printer sharing, collaboration, remote access, data protection, and centralized administration.

Networking presentation
Networking presentationNetworking presentation
Networking presentation

A computer network connects multiple devices together to share resources and information. There are different types of networks including LANs, WANs, MANs, PANs, and VPNs. Network topology describes how devices are physically connected, with common topologies being bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree. Key networking hardware includes network interface cards, hubs, switches, bridges, and routers. Networks are measured based on latency, data transfer rate, bandwidth, and other performance parameters. Ethernet is a common standard used to connect devices via cables or wirelessly. IP addresses identify devices on the Internet or private networks.

Functions of Network Components…
A device that directs data from the modem and sends it to
the different devices including computers, laptops, games
consoles, digital televisions and mobile devices that are
connected to it.
These devices may be connected directly to the router
wirelessly or through cables.
Functions of Network Components…
 Cables:
 wires used to connect more than one computers or other
devices such as printers and scanner to each other.
Twisted pair Coaxial Fibre optic
types of networks
types of networks
1.Lan  local area network
2.wan  wide arear network
3.Pan  personal area network
4.Man  metropolitan area network
5.Can  campus area network
6.San  storge area network
7.Vpn  virtual private network

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This document discusses data networking and communications. It defines telecommunications as technologies that allow information to be distributed at a distance with little delay. Computer networks like LANs, MANs, and WANs interconnect devices. LANs are small networks within a building or area, while WANs connect over large distances like between cities. The document also describes different network topologies (bus, ring, star), transmission mediums (coaxial cable, twisted pair, fiber optic), and network devices (hubs, routers, bridges, switches).

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The document discusses the history and development of the Internet. It began in 1969 as the ARPANET, a network created by the US government to connect universities and research labs. No single organization owns the Internet, which uses TCP/IP protocols and packet switching to connect networks worldwide. Local area networks (LANs) connect computers within the same building, while wide area networks (WANs) connect LANs across greater distances. The document also covers network topologies, types, layers of the OSI model, and common Internet services like email and search engines.

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Local Area Network
servers or workstations. Servers are generally not used by
humans directly, but rather run continuously to provide
"services" to the other computers (and their human users) on the
network. Services provided can include printing and faxing,
software hosting, file storage and sharing, messaging, data
storage and retrieval, complete access control (security) for the
network's resources, and many others.
Wide Area Networks
Wide Area Networks (WANs)
connect networks in larger
geographic areas, such as
Florida, the United States, or the
world. Dedicated transoceanic
cabling or satellite uplinks may
be used to connect this type of
global network.
Wide Area Network
The world
Japan hub
Chinese server
America switch German router
Egypt server
personal area network
A personal area network (PAN) connects
electronic devices within a user's
immediate area. The size of a PAN
ranges from a few centimeters to a few
meters. One of the most common real-
world examples of a PAN is the
connection between a Bluetooth earpiece
and a smartphone. PANs can also
connect laptops, tablets, printers,
keyboards, and other computerized

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1Chapter 1
Chapter 1

This document provides an introduction to data communication and computer networking. It discusses key concepts like data communication, networking, communication models, and transmission media. It also covers topics like protocols, the OSI model, TCP/IP, and different network topologies including bus, star, ring, and tree. The document is serving to introduce students in the College of Engineering and Technology at Wollega University to foundational topics in data communication and computer networking.

1 introduction-to-computer-networking
1 introduction-to-computer-networking1 introduction-to-computer-networking
1 introduction-to-computer-networking

This document provides an introduction to computer networking concepts. It defines what a network is and explains that networks allow computers to share resources like files, printers, and storage. It then covers network topologies including bus, star, ring and mesh and describes the advantages and disadvantages of each. The document also discusses network hardware and software components like network interface cards, repeaters, hubs, bridges and routers. Finally, it distinguishes between intranets, which are private networks within an organization, and the public Internet.

Network Devices
Network DevicesNetwork Devices
Network Devices

Network Devices Contents  Introduction  Network card 1. ARC Net card 2. Ethernet card 3. Token Ring • Network Cables 1. Coaxial cable 2. Twisted pair cable 3. Fiber optic cable • Network Topology 1. Bus Topology 2. Star Topology 3. Ring Topology 4. Mesh Topology • Network Connectivity Devices 1. Hub 2. Repeaters 3. Switches 4. Gateways 5. Bridges • Conclusion THANKS>

csesocial networkcable network
metropolitan area network (MAN)
A metropolitan area network
(MAN) is a computer network
that connects computers
within a metropolitan area ,
,ytic egral elgnis a eb dluoc hcihw
yna ro ,snwot dna seitic elpitlum
elpitlum htiw aera egral nevig
a naht regral si NAM A .sgnidliub
tub )NAL( krowten aera lacol
krowten aera ediw a naht rellams
campus area network (CAN)
A campus area network (CAN) is a
computer network that spans a
limited geographic area sNAC .
aera lacol elpitlum tcennocretni
na nihtiw )NAL( skrowten
.supmac etaroproc ro lanoitacude
cilbup eht ot tcennoc sNAC tsoM
storage area network (SAN)
A storage area network (SAN) or storage
network is a computer network which
provides access to consolidated, block-level
data storage. SANs are primarily used to
access data storage devices, such as disk
arrays and tape libraries from servers so that
the devices appear to the operating system
as direct-attached storage. A SAN typically is
a dedicated network of storage devices not
accessible through the local area network
virtual private network
A virtual private network, or VPN, is
an encrypted connection over the
Internet from a device to a
network noitcennoc detpyrcne ehT .
si atad evitisnes taht erusne spleh
stneverp tI .dettimsnart ylefas
morf elpoep dezirohtuanu
dna ciffart eht no gnippordsevae
allows the user to

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This document defines and describes different types of computer networks. It discusses network topologies like bus, ring, star, mesh, tree and point-to-point. The most widely used topology is the bus network, which is used in Ethernet. It also defines different types of networks based on size, including personal area networks (PANs), local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), wide area networks (WANs), wireless local area networks (WLANs), and controller area networks (CANs). Network topologies and types can be combined to form hybrid network structures.


This document provides an overview of computer networks and their classification. It discusses the key components of data communication systems and different types of networks including personal area networks (PANs), local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks (WANs). The document also covers different network topologies such as bus, ring, star, and mesh along with examples of each.

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Network Topology
Network Topology
Computer network topology is the way various components
of a network (like nodes, links, peripherals, etc) are
arranged. Network topologies define the layout, virtual
shape or structure of network, not only physically but also
logically. The way in which different systems and nodes
are connected and communicate with each other is
determined by topology of the network.
Topology can be physical or logical
 Physical Topology is the physical layout of nodes,
workstations and cables in the network.
 Logical topology is the way information flows between
different components.
Types of Physical Network Topologies
 Bus Topology
 Star Topology
 Ring Topology
 Mesh Topology
 Tree Topology
 Hybrid Topology

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A computer network connects independent computers that communicate over a shared network medium. The basic components of a network include at least two computers (servers or clients), networking interface cards, a connection medium like cables, and network operating system software. There are different types of networks including LANs, WANs, intranets, and the Internet. The OSI model defines seven layers of network functionality from the physical layer up to the application layer. TCP/IP is an open networking model used on the Internet with layers including physical, internet, and transport layers.

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Networking Concepts.pdf

This document provides an overview of basic networking concepts. It defines a computer network and provides examples. It discusses the advantages of networking such as file sharing, resource sharing, communication and flexible access. It also describes networking components like network cards, cables, modems and hubs/switches. It outlines different types of networks including LAN, MAN, WAN and PAN. It explains network architectures like peer-to-peer and client-server. It defines common network topologies such as point-to-point, bus, star, ring, tree and mesh. Finally, it discusses network security and the importance of authorization and authentication.

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Bus Topology
 In the bus topology, the computers are connected
through a common communication media. A special
type of central wire is used as communication
media. This central wire is called Bus. The computer
are attached through the bus the ends of the bus are
closed with the terminator .The terminators are
used to absorb signals.
Advantages of Bus Topology
 Easy to install and configure
 Inexpensive
 Easily extended
Disadvantages of Bus Topology
 Performance decreases
 Weak signals
 Difficult troubleshooting

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Star Topology
 The star topology uses a separate cable for each work
station as shown in fig.The cable connects the work
station to a central device typically a HUB. The
configuration provides a more reliable network that is
easily expended. With star there is no central point of
failure in the cable .if there is a problem with the cable
only the station connected to that cable is a effected .to
add more work stations simply connect another HUB
Advantages of Star Topology
 Easily expended and modified
 Easy to troubleshoot
 Multiple cable types supported by hub
Disadvantages of Star Topology
 If hub fails then entire network will fail
 Require more cables
 May require a device to rebroadcast signals
across the network

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Ring Topology
 Every computer is connected to the next computer in the ring and each
transmits what it receives from the previous computer. The messages
flow around the ring in one direction.
Some ring network do ring token passing. A short message called token
(memory area)is passed around a ring until a computer wishes to send
information to other computers. That computer modifies token, adds an
electronic address and data and send it around the ring. Each computer
in sequence receives the token and next computer until either the
electronic address matches the address of a computer
Or the token return to its origin .The receiving computer returns a
message to the sender indicating that message has been received.
 It provides an orderly network in which
every device has access to the token and
can transmit.
 It performs well under a heavy load.
 Failure of one computer can effect the
whole network .
 Difficult to troubleshoot.
 Change mode with adding or removing a
device effect the entire network.

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Mesh Topology
 A mesh network or mesh topology uses
separate cable to connect each device to
every other device on the network, providing a
straight communication path. For sending
messages, check the cable connected into two
devices. A message is send directly from
sender to receiver because each one has
individual and separate connection.
Enhance for error tolerance provided
by redundant links.
Easy to troubleshoot.
Difficult to install and

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Tree Topology
 The type of network topology in which a central 'root' node (the top
level of the hierarchy) is connected to one or more other nodes that
are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the second level) with a
point-to-point link between each of the second level nodes and the
top level central 'root' node, while each of the second level nodes that
are connected to the top level central 'root' node will also have one or
more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the
third level) connected to it, also with a point-to-point link, the top
level central 'root' node being the only node that has no other node
above it in the hierarchy (The hierarchy of the tree is symmetrical.)
Each node in the network having a specific fixed number, of nodes
connected to it at the next lower level in the hierarchy, the number,
being referred to as the 'branching factor' of the hierarchical tree.
Hybrid Topology
 Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or
more topologies in such a way that the resulting
network does not exhibit one of the standard
topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc.). For example,
a tree network connected to a tree network is still a
tree network topology. A hybrid topology is always
produced when two different basic network
topologies are connected. Two common examples
for Hybrid network are: star ring network and star
bus network.

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 It is scalable.Secondary nodes allow more
devices to be connected to a central node.
 Point to point connection of devices.
 Having different levels of the network
makes it more manageable hence easier
fault identification and isolation.
Maintenance of the network may be
an issue when the network spans a
great area.
Since it is a variation of bus topology,
if the backbone fails, the entire
network is crippled.

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  • 3. Functions of Network Components  Network Interface Connection [NIC]  A network card that formats, send and receive the data at the receiving node or device.
  • 4. Functions of Network Components…  Hub  A device that connects all the computer in a network to each other.
  • 5. Functions of Network Components…  Switch  It is like a hub, however, instead of broadcasting incoming data request, it uses the physical device address in the incoming request to transfer the request to correct server computer.
  • 6. Functions of Network Components…  Server: A computer that runs operating system and hold data that is shared over a computer network.  A file server is a high-performance computer containing large capacity hard disk drives that are available to all network users  It is not used as a normal computer terminal but manages and shares files.  Printer server is a computer dedicated to managing all printers on the network.
  • 7. Functions of Network Components…  Client: a computer that is connected to a network.  It can send data and receive data sent by other computers on the network.
  • 8. Functions of Network Components…  Modem: Modulator/demodulator.  It is a device normally provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to grant access to the Internet.  It converts analogue and digital signals between your landline and the Internet.
  • 9. Functions of Network Components… Router: A device that directs data from the modem and sends it to the different devices including computers, laptops, games consoles, digital televisions and mobile devices that are connected to it. These devices may be connected directly to the router wirelessly or through cables.
  • 10. Functions of Network Components…  Cables:  wires used to connect more than one computers or other devices such as printers and scanner to each other. Twisted pair Coaxial Fibre optic
  • 12. types of networks 1.Lan  local area network 2.wan  wide arear network 3.Pan  personal area network 4.Man  metropolitan area network 5.Can  campus area network 6.San  storge area network 7.Vpn  virtual private network
  • 13. Local Area Network servers or workstations. Servers are generally not used by humans directly, but rather run continuously to provide "services" to the other computers (and their human users) on the network. Services provided can include printing and faxing, software hosting, file storage and sharing, messaging, data storage and retrieval, complete access control (security) for the network's resources, and many others.
  • 14. Wide Area Networks Wide Area Networks (WANs) connect networks in larger geographic areas, such as Florida, the United States, or the world. Dedicated transoceanic cabling or satellite uplinks may be used to connect this type of global network.
  • 15. Wide Area Network The world Japan hub Chinese server America switch German router Computer device Argentina Egypt server
  • 16. personal area network A personal area network (PAN) connects electronic devices within a user's immediate area. The size of a PAN ranges from a few centimeters to a few meters. One of the most common real- world examples of a PAN is the connection between a Bluetooth earpiece and a smartphone. PANs can also connect laptops, tablets, printers, keyboards, and other computerized devices.
  • 17. metropolitan area network (MAN) A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a computer network that connects computers within a metropolitan area , ,ytic egral elgnis a eb dluoc hcihw yna ro ,snwot dna seitic elpitlum elpitlum htiw aera egral nevig a naht regral si NAM A .sgnidliub tub )NAL( krowten aera lacol krowten aera ediw a naht rellams
  • 18. campus area network (CAN) A campus area network (CAN) is a computer network that spans a limited geographic area sNAC . aera lacol elpitlum tcennocretni na nihtiw )NAL( skrowten .supmac etaroproc ro lanoitacude cilbup eht ot tcennoc sNAC tsoM internet
  • 19. storage area network (SAN) A storage area network (SAN) or storage network is a computer network which provides access to consolidated, block-level data storage. SANs are primarily used to access data storage devices, such as disk arrays and tape libraries from servers so that the devices appear to the operating system as direct-attached storage. A SAN typically is a dedicated network of storage devices not accessible through the local area network (LAN).
  • 20. virtual private network A virtual private network, or VPN, is an encrypted connection over the Internet from a device to a network noitcennoc detpyrcne ehT . si atad evitisnes taht erusne spleh stneverp tI .dettimsnart ylefas morf elpoep dezirohtuanu dna ciffart eht no gnippordsevae allows the user to
  • 22. Network Topology Computer network topology is the way various components of a network (like nodes, links, peripherals, etc) are arranged. Network topologies define the layout, virtual shape or structure of network, not only physically but also logically. The way in which different systems and nodes are connected and communicate with each other is determined by topology of the network.
  • 23. Topology can be physical or logical  Physical Topology is the physical layout of nodes, workstations and cables in the network.  Logical topology is the way information flows between different components.
  • 24. Types of Physical Network Topologies  Bus Topology  Star Topology  Ring Topology  Mesh Topology  Tree Topology  Hybrid Topology
  • 25. Bus Topology  In the bus topology, the computers are connected through a common communication media. A special type of central wire is used as communication media. This central wire is called Bus. The computer are attached through the bus the ends of the bus are closed with the terminator .The terminators are used to absorb signals.
  • 27. Advantages of Bus Topology  Easy to install and configure  Inexpensive  Easily extended
  • 28. Disadvantages of Bus Topology  Performance decreases  Weak signals  Difficult troubleshooting
  • 29. Star Topology  The star topology uses a separate cable for each work station as shown in fig.The cable connects the work station to a central device typically a HUB. The configuration provides a more reliable network that is easily expended. With star there is no central point of failure in the cable .if there is a problem with the cable only the station connected to that cable is a effected .to add more work stations simply connect another HUB
  • 31. Advantages of Star Topology  Easily expended and modified  Easy to troubleshoot  Multiple cable types supported by hub
  • 32. Disadvantages of Star Topology  If hub fails then entire network will fail  Require more cables  May require a device to rebroadcast signals across the network
  • 33. Ring Topology  Every computer is connected to the next computer in the ring and each transmits what it receives from the previous computer. The messages flow around the ring in one direction. Some ring network do ring token passing. A short message called token (memory area)is passed around a ring until a computer wishes to send information to other computers. That computer modifies token, adds an electronic address and data and send it around the ring. Each computer in sequence receives the token and next computer until either the electronic address matches the address of a computer Or the token return to its origin .The receiving computer returns a message to the sender indicating that message has been received.
  • 35. Advantages  It provides an orderly network in which every device has access to the token and can transmit.  It performs well under a heavy load.
  • 36. Disadvantages  Failure of one computer can effect the whole network .  Difficult to troubleshoot.  Change mode with adding or removing a device effect the entire network.
  • 37. Mesh Topology  A mesh network or mesh topology uses separate cable to connect each device to every other device on the network, providing a straight communication path. For sending messages, check the cable connected into two devices. A message is send directly from sender to receiver because each one has individual and separate connection.
  • 39. Advantages Enhance for error tolerance provided by redundant links. Easy to troubleshoot.
  • 40. Disadvantages Difficult to install and maintain. Expensive.
  • 41. Tree Topology  The type of network topology in which a central 'root' node (the top level of the hierarchy) is connected to one or more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the second level) with a point-to-point link between each of the second level nodes and the top level central 'root' node, while each of the second level nodes that are connected to the top level central 'root' node will also have one or more other nodes that are one level lower in the hierarchy (i.e., the third level) connected to it, also with a point-to-point link, the top level central 'root' node being the only node that has no other node above it in the hierarchy (The hierarchy of the tree is symmetrical.) Each node in the network having a specific fixed number, of nodes connected to it at the next lower level in the hierarchy, the number, being referred to as the 'branching factor' of the hierarchical tree.
  • 43. Hybrid Topology  Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies (e.g., bus, star, ring, etc.). For example, a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network topology. A hybrid topology is always produced when two different basic network topologies are connected. Two common examples for Hybrid network are: star ring network and star bus network.
  • 45. Advantages  It is scalable.Secondary nodes allow more devices to be connected to a central node.  Point to point connection of devices.  Having different levels of the network makes it more manageable hence easier fault identification and isolation.
  • 46. Disadvantages Maintenance of the network may be an issue when the network spans a great area. Since it is a variation of bus topology, if the backbone fails, the entire network is crippled.