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―High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enables
               Data-Driven Science in
           the Globally Networked World‖

                            Invited Speaker
        Grand Challenges in Data-Intensive Discovery Conference
            San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego
                              La Jolla, CA
                           October 28, 2010

                                    Dr. Larry Smarr
Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology
     Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
                        Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD
                             Follow me on Twitter: lsmarr

Today we are living in a data-dominated world where distributed scientific instruments,
as well as supercomputers, generate terabytes to petabytes of data. It was in response to
this challenge that the NSF funded the OptIPuter project to research how user-controlled
10Gbps dedicated lightpaths (or ―lambdas‖) could provide direct access to global data
repositories, scientific instruments, and computational resources from ―OptIPortals,‖ PC
clusters which provide scalable visualization, computing, and storage in the user's
campus laboratory. The use of dedicated lightpaths over fiber optic cables enables
individual researchers to experience ―clear channel‖ 10,000 megabits/sec, 100-1000
times faster than over today’s shared Internet—a critical capability for data-intensive
science. The seven-year OptIPuter computer science research project is now over, but it
stimulated a national and global build-out of dedicated fiber optic networks. U.S.
universities now have access to high bandwidth lambdas through the National
LambdaRail, Internet2's WaveCo, and the Global Lambda Integrated Facility. A few
pioneering campuses are now building on-campus lightpaths to connect the data-
intensive researchers, data generators, and vast storage systems to each other on
campus, as well as to the national network campus gateways. I will give examples of the
application use of this emerging high performance cyberinfrastructure in genomics,
ocean observatories, radio astronomy, and cosmology.
Academic Research ―OptIPlatform‖ Cyberinfrastructure:
      A 10Gbps ―End-to-End‖ Lightpath Cloud

                                                                              HD/4k Video Cams
                                               HD/4k Telepresence
           End User                                                                   HPC


                                  National LambdaRail

Optical Switch

                   Data Repositories & Clusters          HD/4k Video Images
The OptIPuter Project: Creating High Resolution Portals
Over Dedicated Optical Channels to Global Science Data

                                                                               David Lee,
                                                                               Jason Leigh
      Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI
      Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST
      Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent

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Creating a Planetary Scale OptIPuter
Creating a Planetary Scale OptIPuterCreating a Planetary Scale OptIPuter
Creating a Planetary Scale OptIPuter

07.11.13 Invited Talk Calit2 Booth, Supercomputing '07 Title: Creating a Planetary Scale OptIPuter Reno, NV

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11.12.09 Keynote Presentation 40-year anniversary Celebration of SARA Title: 21st Century e-Knowledge Requires a High Performance e-Infrastructure Amsterdam, Netherlands

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UC Capabilities Supporting High-Performance Collaboration and Data-Intensive ...

07.10.22 University of California Council of Research UC Irvine Title: UC Capabilities Supporting High-Performance Collaboration and Data-Intensive Sciences Irvine, CA

calit2high performancecollaboration
On-Line Resources
           Help You Build Your Own OptIPortal

                          OptIPortals Are Built
                From Commodity PC Clusters and LCDs
            To Create a 10Gbps Scalable Termination Device
Nearly Seamless AESOP OptIPortal

46‖ NEC Ultra-Narrow Bezel 720p LCD Monitors

         Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2@UCSD;
3D Stereo Head Tracked OptIPortal:

  Array of JVC HDTV 3D LCD Screens
    KAUST NexCAVE = 22.5MPixels
       Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2@UCSD
Project StarGate Goals:
    Combining Supercomputers and Supernetworks
• Create an ―End-to-End‖
  10Gbps Workflow
• Explore Use of OptIPortals as
  Petascale Supercomputer
  ―Scalable Workstations‖
• Exploit Dynamic 10Gbps
  Circuits on ESnet
• Connect Hardware Resources
• Show that Data Need Not be
  Trapped by the Network                      Rick Wagner     Mike Norman

  ―Event Horizon‖
                   Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD
               •   ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC

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Experiences in Application Specific Supercomputer Design - Reasons, Challenge...
Experiences in Application Specific Supercomputer Design - Reasons, Challenge...Experiences in Application Specific Supercomputer Design - Reasons, Challenge...
Experiences in Application Specific Supercomputer Design - Reasons, Challenge...

The document discusses challenges faced with application specific supercomputer design. It provides an example of QPACE, a supercomputer designed for quantum chromodynamics (QCD) computations. Key challenges discussed include data ordering issues when using InfiniBand networking that could cause computations to use invalid data if ordering of writes to memory was not enforced. Ensuring proper data ordering is important to avoid software consuming data before it is valid.

High Performance Computing - Challenges on the Road to Exascale Computing
High Performance Computing - Challenges on the Road to Exascale ComputingHigh Performance Computing - Challenges on the Road to Exascale Computing
High Performance Computing - Challenges on the Road to Exascale Computing

The document discusses challenges in achieving exascale computing capabilities by 2018. It outlines how standard technology scaling will not be enough, and compromises will need to be made. These include reduced node performance, lower network bandwidth and fewer pins. Blue Gene architecture is presented as an example of a balanced system that achieves high performance through optimized interconnects and packaging density. A thought experiment proposes integrating significant solid state storage at each node to create an "active storage" machine based on Blue Gene architecture.

ACM HPDC 2010参加報告
ACM HPDC 2010参加報告ACM HPDC 2010参加報告
ACM HPDC 2010参加報告

The document summarizes the 19th ACM HPDC conference and VTDC workshop held in 2010. It provides an overview of the accepted papers and talks, including the topics covered, presenters and their affiliations, and high-level discussions. Key areas included distributed storage systems, virtualization technologies, data-intensive computing, workflows, and cloud/grid resources.

Using Supernetworks to Couple End User’s OptIPortal
 to Remote Supercomputers and Visualization Servers
Source: Mike Norman,
Rick Wagner, SDSC                                Argonne NL
                                                               DOE Eureka
                                          100 Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers
                                          200 NVIDIA Quadro FX GPUs in 50
                                              Quadro Plex S4 1U enclosures
                                                               3.2 TB RAM        rendering

 SDSC                                              10 Gb/s fiber optic network
 Calit2/SDSC OptIPortal1
 20 30‖ (2560 x 1600 pixel) LCD panels
                                           NSF TeraGrid Kraken   simulation
                                                      Cray XT5
 10 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 graphics
                                          8,256 Compute Nodes
 cards > 80 megapixels
                                         99,072 Compute Cores
 10 Gb/s network throughout
                                                   129 TB RAM

                       *ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC
National-Scale Interactive Remote Rendering
                   of Large Datasets
        SDSC                 ESnet            ALCF
                                 Science Data Network (SDN)
                                 > 10 Gb/s Fiber Optic Network
                                 Dynamic VLANs Configured
                                 Using OSCARS
     Visualization                                                         Eureka
OptIPortal (40M pixels LCDs)                     100 Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers
10 NVIDIA FX 4600 Cards                                      200 NVIDIA FX GPUs
10 Gb/s Network Throughout                                            3.2 TB RAM
                               Interactive Remote Rendering
  Real-Time Volume Rendering Streamed from ANL to SDSC
        Last Year                                Last Week
High-Resolution (4K+, 15+ FPS)—But:      Now Driven by a Simple Web GUI
• Command-Line Driven                    •Rotate, Pan, Zoom
• Fixed Color Maps, Transfer Functions   •GUI Works from Most Browsers
• Slow Exploration of Data               • Manipulate Colors and Opacity
                                         • Fast Renderer Response Time

                          Source: Rick Wagner, SDSC
NSF OOI is a $400M Program
                  -OOI CI is $34M Part of This

30-40 Software Engineers
Housed at Calit2@UCSD

           Source: Matthew Arrott, Calit2 Program Manager for OOI CI
               is Built on NLR/I2 Optical Infrastructure
                  Physical Network Implementation
  Source: John Orcutt,
Matthew Arrott, SIO/Calit2

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"Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel
"Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel"Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel
"Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel

For the full video of this presentation, please visit: For more information about embedded vision, please visit: Bill Jenkins, Senior Product Specialist for High Level Design Tools at Intel, presents the "Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs" tutorial at the May 2016 Embedded Vision Summit. While large strides have recently been made in the development of high-performance systems for neural networks based on multi-core technology, significant challenges in power, cost and, performance scaling remain. Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are a natural choice for implementing neural networks because they can combine computing, logic, and memory resources in a single device. Intel's Programmable Solutions Group has developed a scalable convolutional neural network reference design for deep learning systems using the OpenCL programming language built with our SDK for OpenCL. The design performance is being benchmarked using several popular CNN benchmarks: CIFAR-10, ImageNet and KITTI. Building the CNN with OpenCL kernels allows true scaling of the design from smaller to larger devices and from one device generation to the next. New designs can be sized using different numbers of kernels at each layer. Performance scaling from one generation to the next also benefits from architectural advancements, such as floating-point engines and frequency scaling. Thus, you achieve greater than linear performance and performance per watt scaling with each new series of devices.

embedded vision alliancealteraembedded vision summit
Petascale Analytics - The World of Big Data Requires Big Analytics
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Petascale Analytics - The World of Big Data Requires Big Analytics

The document discusses big data and analytics technologies. It describes how new technologies like Hadoop and MapReduce enable processing of extremely large datasets. It also discusses future technologies like exascale computing and storage class memory that will be needed to manage increasing data volumes and support real-time analytics.

Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyCoupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy

08.10.02 First Lecture in the Australian American Leadership Dialogue Scholar Tour University of Adelaide Title: Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy Adelaide, Australia

university of adelaidesmarrcalit2
California and Washington Universities Are Testing
     a 10Gbps Connected Commercial Data Cloud
• Amazon Experiment for Big Data
  – Only Available Through CENIC & Pacific NW
    – Private 10Gbps Peering Paths
  – Includes Amazon EC2 Computing & S3 Storage
• Early Experiments Underway
  – Robert Grossman, Open Cloud Consortium
  – Phil Papadopoulos, Calit2/SDSC Rocks
Open Cloud OptIPuter Testbed--Manage and Compute
            Large Datasets Over 10Gbps Lambdas

              CENIC         NLR C-Wave           Dragon

                                                 Open Source SW
                                                  Hadoop
•   9 Racks                        MREN           Sector/Sphere
•   500 Nodes                                     Nebula
•   1000+ Cores                                   Thrift, GPB
•   10+ Gb/s Now                                  Eucalyptus
•   Upgrading Portions to                         Benchmarks
    100 Gb/s in 2010/2011

                  Source: Robert Grossman, UChicago
Ocean Modeling HPC In the Cloud:
           Tropical Pacific SST (2 Month Ave 2002)
   MIT GCM 1/3 Degree Horizontal Resolution, 51 Levels, Forced by NCEP2.
     Grid is 564x168x51, Model State is T,S,U,V,W and Sea Surface Height

        Run on EC2 HPC Instance. In Collaboration with OOI CI/Calit2

Source: B. Cornuelle, N. Martinez, C.Papadopoulos COMPAS, SIO
Run Timings of Tropical Pacific:
     Local SIO ATLAS Cluster and Amazon EC2 Cloud
                 ATLAS      ATLAS      ATLAS      EC2 HPC      EC2 HPC
                 Ethernet   Myrinet,   Myrinet    Ethernet     Ethernet
                 NFS        NFS        Local Disk 1 Node       Local Disk
    Wall Time*   4711       2986       2983      14428         2379
    User Time* 3833         2953       2933      1909          1590
    System       798        17         19        2764          750
    Time*                                                *All times in Seconds

 Atlas: 128 Node Cluster @ SIO COMPAS. Myrinet 10G, 8GB/node, ~3yrs old
 EC2:   HPC Computing Instance, 2.93GHz Nehalem, 24GB/Node, 10GbE

 Compilers:      Ethernet – GNU FORTRAN with OpenMPI
                 Myrinet – PGI FORTRAN with MPICH1

 Single Node EC2 was Oversubscribed, 48 Process. All Other Parallel
 Instances used 6 Physical Nodes, 8 Cores/Node. Model Code has been
 Ported to Run on ATLAS, Triton (@SDSC) and in EC2.

Source: B. Cornuelle, N. Martinez, C.Papadopoulos COMPAS, SIO

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Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyCoupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy

This document summarizes Dr. Larry Smarr's presentation on linking Australian researchers to the global innovation economy through high-performance networking. Some key points: - Australia has established a 1 Gbps dedicated connection between the University of Melbourne and UC San Diego to better connect Australian researchers globally. - Dr. Smarr is visiting Australian universities to launch the next phase of this project - linking major research universities and CSIRO to each other and innovation centers worldwide with AARNet's new 10 Gbps network. - This unprecedented bandwidth will allow Australian researchers to join emerging global collaborative research efforts on issues critical to Australia's future.

Exploring emerging technologies in the HPC co-design space
Exploring emerging technologies in the HPC co-design spaceExploring emerging technologies in the HPC co-design space
Exploring emerging technologies in the HPC co-design space

This document discusses emerging technologies for high performance computing (HPC), focusing on heterogeneous computing and non-volatile memory. It provides an overview of HPC architectures past and present, highlighting the trend toward more heterogeneous systems using GPUs and other accelerators. The document discusses challenges for applications to adapt to these changing architectures. It also explores potential future technologies like 3D memory and discusses the Department of Energy's efforts in codesign centers to facilitate collaboration between application developers and emerging hardware.

Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation EconomyCoupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy

08.10.17 Ninth Lecture in the Australian American Leadership Dialogue Scholar Tour University of Sydney Title: Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy Sydney, Australia

Using Condor and Amazon EC2 on
     Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS)
• APBS Rocks Roll (NBCR) + EC2 Roll
  + Condor Roll = Amazon VM
• Cluster extension into Amazon using Condor

 Running in Amazon Cloud
                         Cluster       EC2 Cloud
                                       NBCR          NBCR
                                        VM            VM


  APBS + EC2 + Condor

          Source: Phil Papadopoulos,
Moving into the Clouds:
                      Rocks and EC2
• We Can Build Physical Hosting Clusters & Multiple,
  Isolated Virtual Clusters:
  – Can I Use Rocks to Author ―Images‖ Compatible with EC2?
    (We Use Xen, They Use Xen)
  – Can I Automatically Integrate EC2 Virtual Machines into
    My Local Cluster (Cluster Extension)
     – Submit Locally
     – My Own Private + Public Cloud
• What This Will Mean
  – All your Existing Software Runs Seamlessly
    Among Local and Remote Nodes
  – User Home Directories Can Be Mounted
  – Queue Systems Work
  – Unmodified MPI Works
                Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
―Blueprint for the Digital University‖--Report of the
   UCSD Research Cyberinfrastructure Design Team
• Focus on Data-Intensive Cyberinfrastructure
                                                                    April 2009

No Data
--Design for
Data Flows

Current UCSD Optical Core:
           Bridging End-Users to CENIC L1, L2, L3 Services
                                      Quartzite Communications
  To 10GigE cluster
   node interfaces
                                             Core Year 3
                                            Quartzite    Wavelength
                                   >= 60 endpoints at 10 GigE


                                   >= 32 Packet switched Lucent                         To 10GigE cluster
                                                                                       node interfaces and
                                   >= 32 Switched wavelengths                               other switches

To cluster nodes
                                   >= 300 Connected endpoints
                                                                                                  To cluster nodes
            GigE Switch with
           Dual 10GigE Upliks
To cluster nodes
                                    Approximately 0.5 TBit/s
                                               32 10GigE

                                    Arrive at the ―Optical‖                        GigE Switch with
                                                                     Force10      Dual 10GigE Upliks

                                    Center of Campus.

            GigE Switch with
                                    Switching is a Hybrid of:
                                       To              Packet Switch            CalREN-HPR
           Dual 10GigE Upliks
                                    Packet, Lambda, Circuit --
                                    OOO and Packet Switches
                                                                                Campus Research
  4 GigE
  4 pair fiber
                                                       Juniper T320

                                Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
                                (Quartzite PI, OptIPuter co-PI)
                                Quartzite Network MRI #CNS-0421555;
                                OptIPuter #ANI-0225642

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40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility
40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility
40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility

In this deck from the Swiss HPC Conference, Mark Wilkinson presents: 40 Powers of 10 - Simulating the Universe with the DiRAC HPC Facility. "DiRAC is the integrated supercomputing facility for theoretical modeling and HPC-based research in particle physics, and astrophysics, cosmology, and nuclear physics, all areas in which the UK is world-leading. DiRAC provides a variety of compute resources, matching machine architecture to the algorithm design and requirements of the research problems to be solved. As a single federated Facility, DiRAC allows more effective and efficient use of computing resources, supporting the delivery of the science programs across the STFC research communities. It provides a common training and consultation framework and, crucially, provides critical mass and a coordinating structure for both small- and large-scale cross-discipline science projects, the technical support needed to run and develop a distributed HPC service, and a pool of expertise to support knowledge transfer and industrial partnership projects. The on-going development and sharing of best-practice for the delivery of productive, national HPC services with DiRAC enables STFC researchers to produce world-leading science across the entire STFC science theory program." Watch the video: Learn more: and Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

Early Benchmarking Results for Neuromorphic Computing
Early Benchmarking Results for Neuromorphic ComputingEarly Benchmarking Results for Neuromorphic Computing
Early Benchmarking Results for Neuromorphic Computing

This document summarizes early benchmarking results for neuromorphic computing using Intel's Loihi chip. It finds that Loihi provides orders of magnitude gains over CPUs and GPUs for certain workloads that are directly trained on the chip or use novel bio-inspired algorithms. These include online learning, adaptive control, event-based vision and tactile sensing, constraint satisfaction problems, and nearest neighbor search. Larger networks and problems tend to provide greater performance gains with Loihi.

#intelneuromorphic computingbenchmarking
ECP Application Development
ECP Application DevelopmentECP Application Development
ECP Application Development

In this deck from the HPC User Forum at Argonne, Andrew Siegel from Argonne presents: ECP Application Development. "The Exascale Computing Project is accelerating delivery of a capable exascale computing ecosystem for breakthroughs in scientific discovery, energy assurance, economic competitiveness, and national security. ECP is chartered with accelerating delivery of a capable exascale computing ecosystem to provide breakthrough modeling and simulation solutions to address the most critical challenges in scientific discovery, energy assurance, economic competitiveness, and national security. This role goes far beyond the limited scope of a physical computing system. ECP’s work encompasses the development of an entire exascale ecosystem: applications, system software, hardware technologies and architectures, along with critical workforce development." Watch the video: Learn more: and Sign up for our insideHPC Newsletter:

hpcsupercomputinghpc user forum
UCSD Campus Investment in Fiber Enables
Consolidation of Energy Efficient Computing & Storage
                                        WAN 10Gb:
           N x 10Gb                    CENIC, NLR, I2

                       Gordon –
                      HPD System

 Cluster Condo

                                                    (Central) Storage
                  Triton – Petascale
                    Data Analysis

                       Digital Data       Campus Lab            OptIPortal
                       Collections          Cluster         Tile Display Wall

                 Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
UCSD Planned Optical Networked
               Biomedical Researchers and Instruments
                                                                          •   Connects at 10 Gbps :
Microscopy Facility                                                            – Microarrays
                                                          San Diego            – Genome Sequencers
                                                          Supercomputer        – Mass Spectrometry
                                                                               – Light and Electron
                                                                               – Whole Body Imagers
                                                                               – Computing
                                                                               – Storage
Cellular & Molecular
Medicine East

                                                         Imaging Lab
Center for
& Imaging                                   Center for
                                            Molecular Genetics
Sciences Building                 Cellular & Molecular
              Biomedical Research Medicine West
Moving to a Shared Campus Data Storage
     and Analysis Resource: Triton Resource @ SDSC

   Large Memory                                                         Shared Resource
   PSDAF                                                                Cluster
   • 256/512 GB/sys                                                     • 24 GB/Node
   • 9TB Total                                                          • 6TB Total
   • 128 GB/sec                                                         • 256 GB/sec
   • ~ 9 TF                                                             • ~ 20 TF

                                                                  UCSD Research Labs
                                 Large Scale Storage
                                 • 2 PB
                                 • 40 – 80 GB/sec
                                 • 3000 – 6000 disks
                                 • Phase 0: 1/3 TB, 8GB/s

                                       Campus Research

                      Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
Calit2 Microbial Metagenomics Cluster-
Next Generation Optically Linked Science Data Server
                              Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2

     512 Processors
       ~5 Teraflops                               Sun
                                 1GbE            X4500
 ~ 200 Terabytes Storage          and           Storage
                               Switched         10GbE
                               / Routed

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High Performance Collaboration – The Jump to Light Speed
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Calit2 CAMERA Automatic Overflows
           into SDSC Triton

                                    @ SDSC

                                     Triton Resource

                    Transparently            CAMERA -
                    Sends Jobs to             Managed
                    Submit Portal            Job Submit
                      on Triton              Portal (VM)
                                    CAMERA             ==
                                     DATA           No Data
Prototyping Next Generation User Access and Large
      Data Analysis-Between Calit2 and U Washington
Photo Credit: Alan Decker                             Feb. 29, 2008


    iHDTV: 1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to
    UW Research Channel Over NLR
Rapid Evolution of 10GbE Port Prices
   Makes Campus-Scale 10Gbps CI Affordable
    • Port Pricing is Falling
    • Density is Rising – Dramatically
    • Cost of 10GbE Approaching Cluster HPC Interconnects
(60 Max)

                 $ 5K
                 Force 10
                 (40 max)                                     ~$1000
                                                              (300+ Max)

                                      $ 500
                                      Arista                  $ 400
                                      48 ports                Arista
                                                              48 ports
2005               2007                2009            2010

            Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
10G Switched Data Analysis Resource:
    Data Oasis (RFP Responses Due 10/29/2010)

                OptIPuter                    RCN

                   32                        n
Trestles            12                                           Existing
                                                Oasis Procurement (RFP)

                   8               • Phase0: > 8GB/s sustained, today             1500 –
                                   • RFP for Phase1: > 40 GB/sec for Lustre      2000 TB
                                                                                   > 40
                                   • Nodes must be able to function as Lustre      GB/s
                                   OSS (Linux) or NFS (Solaris)
                        100        • Connectivity to Network is 2 x 10GbE/Node
Gordon                             • Likely Reserve dollars for inexpensive
                                   replica servers
                         Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2

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Calit2 has formed two divisional councils to provide leadership and strategic direction. It has also developed multiple communication channels like brochures and websites. Two new Calit2 buildings at UC San Diego and UC Irvine will provide major new laboratories linked by dedicated optical networks for over 1000 researchers working across disciplines like nanotechnology, biomedicine, and digital arts. Calit2 is also working on applications of high-speed networks for areas like telemedicine, disaster response, and digital cinema.

Genomics at the Speed of Light: Understanding the Living Ocean
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You Can Download This Presentation

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Larry Smarr
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Coupling Australia’s Researchers to the Global Innovation Economy
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Larry Smarr
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High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enables Data-Driven Science in the Globally Networked World

  • 1. ―High Performance Cyberinfrastructure Enables Data-Driven Science in the Globally Networked World‖ Invited Speaker Grand Challenges in Data-Intensive Discovery Conference San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego La Jolla, CA October 28, 2010 Dr. Larry Smarr Director, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology Harry E. Gruber Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD Follow me on Twitter: lsmarr
  • 2. Abstract Today we are living in a data-dominated world where distributed scientific instruments, as well as supercomputers, generate terabytes to petabytes of data. It was in response to this challenge that the NSF funded the OptIPuter project to research how user-controlled 10Gbps dedicated lightpaths (or ―lambdas‖) could provide direct access to global data repositories, scientific instruments, and computational resources from ―OptIPortals,‖ PC clusters which provide scalable visualization, computing, and storage in the user's campus laboratory. The use of dedicated lightpaths over fiber optic cables enables individual researchers to experience ―clear channel‖ 10,000 megabits/sec, 100-1000 times faster than over today’s shared Internet—a critical capability for data-intensive science. The seven-year OptIPuter computer science research project is now over, but it stimulated a national and global build-out of dedicated fiber optic networks. U.S. universities now have access to high bandwidth lambdas through the National LambdaRail, Internet2's WaveCo, and the Global Lambda Integrated Facility. A few pioneering campuses are now building on-campus lightpaths to connect the data- intensive researchers, data generators, and vast storage systems to each other on campus, as well as to the national network campus gateways. I will give examples of the application use of this emerging high performance cyberinfrastructure in genomics, ocean observatories, radio astronomy, and cosmology.
  • 3. Academic Research ―OptIPlatform‖ Cyberinfrastructure: A 10Gbps ―End-to-End‖ Lightpath Cloud HD/4k Video Cams HD/4k Telepresence Instruments End User HPC OptIPortal 10G Lightpaths National LambdaRail Campus Optical Switch Data Repositories & Clusters HD/4k Video Images
  • 4. The OptIPuter Project: Creating High Resolution Portals Over Dedicated Optical Channels to Global Science Data Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE) Picture Source: Mark Ellisman, David Lee, Jason Leigh Calit2 (UCSD, UCI), SDSC, and UIC Leads—Larry Smarr PI Univ. Partners: NCSA, USC, SDSU, NW, TA&M, UvA, SARA, KISTI, AIST Industry: IBM, Sun, Telcordia, Chiaro, Calient, Glimmerglass, Lucent
  • 5. On-Line Resources Help You Build Your Own OptIPortal OptIPortals Are Built From Commodity PC Clusters and LCDs To Create a 10Gbps Scalable Termination Device
  • 6. Nearly Seamless AESOP OptIPortal 46‖ NEC Ultra-Narrow Bezel 720p LCD Monitors Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2@UCSD;
  • 7. 3D Stereo Head Tracked OptIPortal: NexCAVE Array of JVC HDTV 3D LCD Screens KAUST NexCAVE = 22.5MPixels Source: Tom DeFanti, Calit2@UCSD
  • 8. Project StarGate Goals: Combining Supercomputers and Supernetworks • Create an ―End-to-End‖ 10Gbps Workflow • Explore Use of OptIPortals as OptIPortal@SDSC Petascale Supercomputer ―Scalable Workstations‖ • Exploit Dynamic 10Gbps Circuits on ESnet • Connect Hardware Resources at ORNL, ANL, SDSC • Show that Data Need Not be Trapped by the Network Rick Wagner Mike Norman ―Event Horizon‖ Source: Michael Norman, SDSC, UCSD • ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC
  • 9. Using Supernetworks to Couple End User’s OptIPortal to Remote Supercomputers and Visualization Servers Source: Mike Norman, Rick Wagner, SDSC Argonne NL DOE Eureka 100 Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers 200 NVIDIA Quadro FX GPUs in 50 Quadro Plex S4 1U enclosures 3.2 TB RAM rendering ESnet SDSC 10 Gb/s fiber optic network NICS visualization ORNL Calit2/SDSC OptIPortal1 20 30‖ (2560 x 1600 pixel) LCD panels NSF TeraGrid Kraken simulation Cray XT5 10 NVIDIA Quadro FX 4600 graphics 8,256 Compute Nodes cards > 80 megapixels 99,072 Compute Cores 10 Gb/s network throughout 129 TB RAM *ANL * Calit2 * LBNL * NICS * ORNL * SDSC
  • 10. National-Scale Interactive Remote Rendering of Large Datasets SDSC ESnet ALCF Science Data Network (SDN) > 10 Gb/s Fiber Optic Network Dynamic VLANs Configured Using OSCARS Rendering Visualization Eureka OptIPortal (40M pixels LCDs) 100 Dual Quad Core Xeon Servers 10 NVIDIA FX 4600 Cards 200 NVIDIA FX GPUs 10 Gb/s Network Throughout 3.2 TB RAM Interactive Remote Rendering Real-Time Volume Rendering Streamed from ANL to SDSC Last Year Last Week High-Resolution (4K+, 15+ FPS)—But: Now Driven by a Simple Web GUI • Command-Line Driven •Rotate, Pan, Zoom • Fixed Color Maps, Transfer Functions •GUI Works from Most Browsers • Slow Exploration of Data • Manipulate Colors and Opacity • Fast Renderer Response Time Source: Rick Wagner, SDSC
  • 11. NSF OOI is a $400M Program -OOI CI is $34M Part of This 30-40 Software Engineers Housed at Calit2@UCSD Source: Matthew Arrott, Calit2 Program Manager for OOI CI
  • 12. OOI CI is Built on NLR/I2 Optical Infrastructure Physical Network Implementation Source: John Orcutt, Matthew Arrott, SIO/Calit2
  • 13. California and Washington Universities Are Testing a 10Gbps Connected Commercial Data Cloud • Amazon Experiment for Big Data – Only Available Through CENIC & Pacific NW GigaPOP – Private 10Gbps Peering Paths – Includes Amazon EC2 Computing & S3 Storage Services • Early Experiments Underway – Robert Grossman, Open Cloud Consortium – Phil Papadopoulos, Calit2/SDSC Rocks
  • 14. Open Cloud OptIPuter Testbed--Manage and Compute Large Datasets Over 10Gbps Lambdas CENIC NLR C-Wave Dragon Open Source SW  Hadoop • 9 Racks MREN  Sector/Sphere • 500 Nodes  Nebula • 1000+ Cores  Thrift, GPB • 10+ Gb/s Now  Eucalyptus • Upgrading Portions to  Benchmarks 100 Gb/s in 2010/2011 14 Source: Robert Grossman, UChicago
  • 15. Ocean Modeling HPC In the Cloud: Tropical Pacific SST (2 Month Ave 2002) MIT GCM 1/3 Degree Horizontal Resolution, 51 Levels, Forced by NCEP2. Grid is 564x168x51, Model State is T,S,U,V,W and Sea Surface Height Run on EC2 HPC Instance. In Collaboration with OOI CI/Calit2 Source: B. Cornuelle, N. Martinez, C.Papadopoulos COMPAS, SIO
  • 16. Run Timings of Tropical Pacific: Local SIO ATLAS Cluster and Amazon EC2 Cloud ATLAS ATLAS ATLAS EC2 HPC EC2 HPC Ethernet Myrinet, Myrinet Ethernet Ethernet NFS NFS Local Disk 1 Node Local Disk Wall Time* 4711 2986 2983 14428 2379 User Time* 3833 2953 2933 1909 1590 System 798 17 19 2764 750 Time* *All times in Seconds Atlas: 128 Node Cluster @ SIO COMPAS. Myrinet 10G, 8GB/node, ~3yrs old EC2: HPC Computing Instance, 2.93GHz Nehalem, 24GB/Node, 10GbE Compilers: Ethernet – GNU FORTRAN with OpenMPI Myrinet – PGI FORTRAN with MPICH1 Single Node EC2 was Oversubscribed, 48 Process. All Other Parallel Instances used 6 Physical Nodes, 8 Cores/Node. Model Code has been Ported to Run on ATLAS, Triton (@SDSC) and in EC2. Source: B. Cornuelle, N. Martinez, C.Papadopoulos COMPAS, SIO
  • 17. Using Condor and Amazon EC2 on Adaptive Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS) • APBS Rocks Roll (NBCR) + EC2 Roll + Condor Roll = Amazon VM • Cluster extension into Amazon using Condor Local Running in Amazon Cloud Cluster EC2 Cloud NBCR NBCR VM VM NBCR VM APBS + EC2 + Condor Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 18. Moving into the Clouds: Rocks and EC2 • We Can Build Physical Hosting Clusters & Multiple, Isolated Virtual Clusters: – Can I Use Rocks to Author ―Images‖ Compatible with EC2? (We Use Xen, They Use Xen) – Can I Automatically Integrate EC2 Virtual Machines into My Local Cluster (Cluster Extension) – Submit Locally – My Own Private + Public Cloud • What This Will Mean – All your Existing Software Runs Seamlessly Among Local and Remote Nodes – User Home Directories Can Be Mounted – Queue Systems Work – Unmodified MPI Works Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 19. ―Blueprint for the Digital University‖--Report of the UCSD Research Cyberinfrastructure Design Team • Focus on Data-Intensive Cyberinfrastructure April 2009 No Data Bottlenecks --Design for Gigabit/s Data Flows
  • 20. Current UCSD Optical Core: Bridging End-Users to CENIC L1, L2, L3 Services Quartzite Communications To 10GigE cluster node interfaces Core Year 3 Enpoints: Quartzite Wavelength >= 60 endpoints at 10 GigE Core Selective ..... Switch >= 32 Packet switched Lucent To 10GigE cluster node interfaces and >= 32 Switched wavelengths other switches To cluster nodes ..... >= 300 Connected endpoints Glimmerglass To cluster nodes ..... Production GigE Switch with OOO Dual 10GigE Upliks Switch To cluster nodes Approximately 0.5 TBit/s 32 10GigE ..... Arrive at the ―Optical‖ GigE Switch with Force10 Dual 10GigE Upliks Center of Campus. ... GigE Switch with Switching is a Hybrid of: To Packet Switch CalREN-HPR Research Dual 10GigE Upliks Packet, Lambda, Circuit -- other nodes Cloud GigE OOO and Packet Switches 10GigE Campus Research 4 GigE 4 pair fiber Cloud Juniper T320 Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2 (Quartzite PI, OptIPuter co-PI) Quartzite Network MRI #CNS-0421555; OptIPuter #ANI-0225642
  • 21. UCSD Campus Investment in Fiber Enables Consolidation of Energy Efficient Computing & Storage WAN 10Gb: N x 10Gb CENIC, NLR, I2 Gordon – HPD System Cluster Condo DataOasis (Central) Storage Triton – Petascale Data Analysis Scientific Instruments Digital Data Campus Lab OptIPortal Collections Cluster Tile Display Wall Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 22. UCSD Planned Optical Networked Biomedical Researchers and Instruments • Connects at 10 Gbps : CryoElectron Microscopy Facility – Microarrays San Diego – Genome Sequencers Supercomputer – Mass Spectrometry Center – Light and Electron Microscopes – Whole Body Imagers – Computing – Storage Cellular & Molecular Medicine East Calit2@UCSD Bioengineering Radiology Imaging Lab National Center for Microscopy & Imaging Center for Molecular Genetics Pharmaceutical Sciences Building Cellular & Molecular Biomedical Research Medicine West
  • 23. Moving to a Shared Campus Data Storage and Analysis Resource: Triton Resource @ SDSC Triton Resource Large Memory Shared Resource PSDAF Cluster • 256/512 GB/sys • 24 GB/Node • 9TB Total • 6TB Total • 128 GB/sec • 256 GB/sec • ~ 9 TF • ~ 20 TF x256 x28 UCSD Research Labs Large Scale Storage • 2 PB • 40 – 80 GB/sec • 3000 – 6000 disks • Phase 0: 1/3 TB, 8GB/s Campus Research Network Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 24. Calit2 Microbial Metagenomics Cluster- Next Generation Optically Linked Science Data Server Source: Phil Papadopoulos, SDSC, Calit2 512 Processors ~200TB ~5 Teraflops Sun 1GbE X4500 ~ 200 Terabytes Storage and Storage 10GbE Switched 10GbE / Routed Core
  • 25. Calit2 CAMERA Automatic Overflows into SDSC Triton @ SDSC Triton Resource @ CALIT2 Transparently CAMERA - Sends Jobs to Managed Submit Portal Job Submit on Triton Portal (VM) 10Gbps Direct Mount CAMERA == DATA No Data Staging
  • 26. Prototyping Next Generation User Access and Large Data Analysis-Between Calit2 and U Washington Photo Credit: Alan Decker Feb. 29, 2008 Ginger Armbrust’s Diatoms: Micrographs, Chromosomes, Genetic Assembly iHDTV: 1500 Mbits/sec Calit2 to UW Research Channel Over NLR
  • 27. Rapid Evolution of 10GbE Port Prices Makes Campus-Scale 10Gbps CI Affordable • Port Pricing is Falling • Density is Rising – Dramatically • Cost of 10GbE Approaching Cluster HPC Interconnects $80K/port Chiaro (60 Max) $ 5K Force 10 (40 max) ~$1000 (300+ Max) $ 500 Arista $ 400 48 ports Arista 48 ports 2005 2007 2009 2010 Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 28. 10G Switched Data Analysis Resource: Data Oasis (RFP Responses Due 10/29/2010) OptIPuter RCN Colo CalRe 32 n Triton 20 24 32 2 Trestles 12 Existing 40 Storage Oasis Procurement (RFP) Dash 8 • Phase0: > 8GB/s sustained, today 1500 – • RFP for Phase1: > 40 GB/sec for Lustre 2000 TB > 40 • Nodes must be able to function as Lustre GB/s OSS (Linux) or NFS (Solaris) 100 • Connectivity to Network is 2 x 10GbE/Node Gordon • Likely Reserve dollars for inexpensive replica servers Source: Philip Papadopoulos, SDSC/Calit2
  • 29. You Can Download This Presentation at