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Growth Hacking
David Arnoux
@darnocks @twoodo
The mindset. The framework. The tools. Some hacks.
David vs. Goliath
63.6% victory!
Over the past 200 years, when small armies used unconventional
methods they won almost 2/3rds of the time
Vietnam War

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Lean Analytics @ MicroConf
Lean Analytics @ MicroConfLean Analytics @ MicroConf
Lean Analytics @ MicroConf

Presentation on Lean Analytics at MicroConf 2013. Understanding what metrics are the most value, when, for your type of business. * What makes a good metric? * Types of metrics (qualitative vs. quantitative, vanity vs. actionable, etc.) * Lean Analytics framework Shared a number of case studies: Airbnb, Buffer, ClearFit, OffceDrop and others.

lean analyticsdatastartups
Building a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machineBuilding a sales & marketing machine
Building a sales & marketing machine

Describes the steps required to build a Sales and Marketing Machine that is predictable, scalable, automated, well instrumented, and cost efficient. This was a presentation that I gave at the Lean Startup Circle in Boston on March 24th, 2011.

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Growth Hacking
Growth HackingGrowth Hacking
Growth Hacking

Growth hacking is a marketing technique used by startups that focuses on creativity, data analysis, and social metrics to gain customers and exposure. It involves rapidly testing ideas through prototypes and measuring results to iterate quickly. Some key aspects of growth hacking include having an awesome product, thinking creatively, understanding viral growth loops, seeking major changes not just improvements, and being prepared to fail many times. Successful growth hacking examples include LinkedIn allowing public profiles to boost search engine results, YouTube making it easy to embed videos, and Airbnb contacting people with listings on Craigslist. Qualities of a good growth hacker include problem-solving skills, ambition, understanding users, discipline, coding ability, and bravery in testing bold ideas.

growth hacking
2.8million invites sent in April 2010! 100k to 4mio users from 2008 to 2010!
Why Growth “Hacking”?
• Startups tend to have limited resources so they need to be
creative to grow, acquire new users and retain them
• Traditional marketing channels are expensive and
• Most startups focus heavily on product but another real
challenge is with distribution (Dave McClure)
• Growth Hackers don’t really care about “brand awareness”
they care about ROI - finding out “what works”
What is Growth Hacking?
Growth “Hacking”

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The Lean Startup
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The Lean Startup

This is part of the deck I used in the Lean Startup Workshop here in the Philippines. Know how to start up a company in a lean, cost-efficient way.

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How Search Works
How Search WorksHow Search Works
How Search Works

Patrick Stox gives a presentation on how search works. He discusses how Google crawls and indexes websites, processes content, handles queries, and ranks results. Some key points include: Google's crawler downloads pages and files from websites; processing includes duplicate detection, link parsing, and content analysis; queries are understood through techniques like spelling correction and query expansion; and search results are ranked based on numerous freshness, popularity, and relevancy signals.

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Avoid Trapdoor Decisions: 5 Lessons Learned from Scaling Stripe
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Avoid Trapdoor Decisions: 5 Lessons Learned from Scaling Stripe

Formerly a senior leader at Google, Claire Hughes Johnson is now Chief Operating Officer at Stripe, where she’s helped guide the online payments firm through rapid growth. Stripe today has more than 1,400 employees and processes billions of dollars for millions of users worldwide. Scaling the company’s employee base, sales teams, marketing, and operations—all while preserving its culture—has required a laser focus on first principles, smart processes, and effective hiring. In this talk, Claire will share these and other lessons for scaling high-growth organizations.

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What is Growth Hacking?
David VS. Goliath
YOU’RE David
Know your customers by heart
Measure (almost) everything
Test by hand
then automate and code
Growth Hacker vs. Digital Marketer
Digital Marketer
Sales/Product funnel
Growth “Hacker”
Getting people to visit your website
Users get a great first time experience
Making sure users come back
How do we sell the product?
Users invite others
A growth hacker’s
due north is “Growth”
User Acquisition
What is Growth Hacking?
David VS. Goliath
YOU’RE David
Know your customers by heart
Measure (almost) everything
Test by hand
then automate and code
Growth is repeatable. With the right framework you can replicate the growth patterns of highly
successful companies.

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Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m Zero to 50m
Zero to 50m

There are seven key stages in a startup’s evolution from $0m to $50m in revenue. Understanding where you are in that evolution, and how to act at each stage is critical for success, as what is appropriate at one stage is not appropriate at another stage. David will lay out the roadmap, and detail the keys to success at each stage. The talk is aimed at technical/product founders plus their sales, marketing & product executives who are responsible for the go-to-market strategy for their company.

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150 Growth Leaders You Must Follow on Twitter
150 Growth Leaders You Must Follow on Twitter150 Growth Leaders You Must Follow on Twitter
150 Growth Leaders You Must Follow on Twitter

When it comes to growth leaders in the tech industry, there are A LOT of people who can teach you about growth. I curated this list of the most trustworthy, knowledgeable, and helpful growth hackers in the business.

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You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016
You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016
You're Too Focused on Product/Market Fit - Brian Balfour at SaaSFest 2016

Over the past ten years, software gurus have been preaching the notion that you need to find product/market fit. Balfour presents an extremely cogent argument that because of the speed of technology now, this advice is no longer valid. In reality, you need to find market, product, channel, model fit (in that order). Balfour lays out his argument in this presentation at Price Intelligently's SaaSFest 2016 by cataloging his experience over his career and view of the market.

business intelligencebusiness developmentmarketing strategy
User Acquisition
Getting people to visit your website
Users get a great first time experience
Making sure users come back
How do we sell the product?
Users invite others
User Acquisition Channels
User Acquisition
(top line growth)

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How To Make The Perfect Startup Pitch Deck
How To Make The Perfect Startup Pitch DeckHow To Make The Perfect Startup Pitch Deck
How To Make The Perfect Startup Pitch Deck

Preparing for an investor presentation can be a pretty daunting task. Whether it’s your first time sending a pitch deck to investors or you’re presenting at Techcrunch Disrupt in front of 5.000 people, a solid structure is fundamental for a coherent and commanding presentation. Communicating your message with clarity is everything. Given that you have limited time to present and captivate investors, presenting with passion, simplicity and power is paramount. We suggest that you organize your pitch deck in the following order as a general guideline. Remember, you only have a short amount of time for this pitch so practice until it’s perfect and stay focused! Read the Complete Guide To Creating The Perfect Startup Pitch Deck here:

best pitch deck for investorspitch deck for venture capitalstartup powerpoint slides
Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101Growth Hacking 101
Growth Hacking 101

This document provides an overview of growth hacking. It defines growth hacking as acquiring, retaining, and monetizing users more effectively by combining traditional marketing and analytical skills with product development skills. The document outlines the growth hacking process, which involves focusing on attention, acquisition, engagement, retention, and referral. It then discusses specific tactics for each step like content marketing, landing pages, social media, email marketing, and A/B testing. Finally, it recommends tools for analytics, advertising, landing page testing, email marketing, and feedback and provides an example schedule for a growth hacker.

internet marketinggraphic designweb design
Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets Growth hacking secrets
Growth hacking secrets

Growth hacking is a set of tactics and best practices used to optimize user growth and movement through the user lifecycle stages of acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. The document outlines Hotmail's viral growth strategy of adding "PS: I love you" messages to emails, discusses mapping the user journey and measuring conversions at each stage, and provides examples of growth hacking tactics like incentivizing referrals and optimizing landing pages through A/B testing.

hacking secretsgrowth hacking
Product-Market Fit
- Is it really time to scale?
- Have we reached
product/market fit?
- How the h*$! do I answer
these questions?
“How would you feel if you could no
longer use my product?”
Vitamins vs. Painkillers
“Somewhat disappointed” “Very disappointed”

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Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel OptimizationUltimate Guide to Funnel Optimization
Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization

The document provides tips and strategies for optimizing the user funnel, from acquiring first users to optimizing retention. It emphasizes testing optimizations through small experiments and using data to identify bottlenecks. Key recommendations include focusing first on learning rather than the funnel, using blogs and social media to acquire early users, and segmenting users to improve activation, onboarding and retention.

internet marketingfunnel optimizationacquisition
Growth Hacking Workshop: AAU
Growth Hacking Workshop: AAUGrowth Hacking Workshop: AAU
Growth Hacking Workshop: AAU

Slides to the growth hacking workshop I recently gave for AAU students in Prague. We covered the Lean Canvas, getting to product-market fit, Wow! moment, growth marketing, and the analytics you should be focused on.

growth marketinggrowth hackinggrowth hacker
BrightonSEO slide deck Oct 2022 - Levi Williams-Clucas - Review Generation an...
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BrightonSEO slide deck Oct 2022 - Levi Williams-Clucas - Review Generation an...

The document discusses review generation and management. It begins by defining review generation as creating a strategy to gather reviews from customers, and review management as the process of responding to, promoting, and analyzing reviews. It then provides reasons why review generation is important, such as improving reputation and search engine rankings. The bulk of the document outlines a six step process for review generation and management: 1) Audit current reviews, 2) Generate new reviews, 3) Monitor and analyze reviews, 4) Manage reviews, 5) Share reviews widely, and 6) Repeat the process. Specific tactics are provided for each step. The document closes by showcasing results from one company that increased its reviews and ends with resource links.

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What is the
core user perceived value
of the very disappointed?
You don’t need 100000’s of
You need 10+ that love it..
Ask these questions...
What motivated you to sign up?
What do you love about our product?
How would you describe our product in 1 sentence?
What is the most important value we bring you?
What industry do you work in and what is your role?
Where do you hang out online?
Where did you hear about us?
How could we improve the tool?
Talk to your users!

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Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head
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Optimize Your Funnel By Getting Inside Your Buyer's Head

Part of finding product/market fit is turning early wins into repeatable, scalable, and profitable sales. In this talk given as part of the Heavybit speaker series, I discuss how to shorten the time to customer conversion from trials, freemium and open source products.

Business Intelligence | Competitive Intelligence | Business Intelligence Tools
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This document provides tips and recommendations for increasing online conversions through audience targeting and offer optimization. It discusses finding the ideal audience by analyzing current best customers, then targeting that audience across platforms like Facebook, Google Ads, and Amazon. The document also covers tools and techniques for identifying trending and best-selling offers, including analyzing ClickBank, Amazon, and Infomercial categories. Overall, the goal is to scientifically craft offers and profit gaps to optimize audiences and funnels for increased conversions.

data sciencesplit testbusiness intelligence
31 Best Growth Hacking Resources
31 Best Growth Hacking Resources31 Best Growth Hacking Resources
31 Best Growth Hacking Resources

31 growth hacking resources for startup marketers covering newsletters, podcasts, books, communities, and blogs. Bonus Twitter list of growth hackers to follow included.

startupsgrowth hackingmarketing
Pinpoint the
core user perceived value
Keep, store, analyze
all conversations
First User Experience
Show the core value in the
first 5 seconds of a visit
“There can be as much value in the blink of
an eye as in months of rational analysis.”
Test your
value proposition
again and again
and again

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Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition
Introduction to Paid Customer AcquisitionIntroduction to Paid Customer Acquisition
Introduction to Paid Customer Acquisition

In the world of digital marketing there are lots of different options for acquiring customers. In the last few years the spotlight's been on inbound, with its focus on content and authentic interactions with the customer to drive sales. What we don't hear about as often though, is the enormous amount of manpower that goes into implementing a successful inbound strategy. Enter the paid customer acquisition route. Services like Google AdWords and Facebook Advertising, while costing money, have great reputations for a reason--they work. Andrew and Noah will walk you through the basics, and teach you how to craft a successful strategy. What You'll Learn An overview of paid customer acquisition channels The metrics to pay attention to How to identify the best strategy for your company

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Growth Hacking For Grownups @ Absolut
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Learn about how Absolut implemented agile culture and growth hacking from Mathias Westphal, former Global Vice President Growth at The Absolut Company.

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)

This document outlines Dave McClure's presentation on startup metrics. It discusses the AARRR framework for measuring acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. McClure emphasizes keeping metrics simple, focusing on actionable metrics, and using an iterative feedback loop to continuously optimize and improve based on data. He also provides examples of metrics for different roles like CEO, product, and marketing.

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Growth Hacking Guide - Mindset, Framework and Tools
Growth Hacking Guide - Mindset, Framework and Tools
Growth Hacking Guide - Mindset, Framework and Tools
Test that it works with
5-second tests.

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Ultimate Guide to SaaS Pricing
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Ultimate Guide to SaaS Pricing

• 3. We’ll cover...1 Right and wrong ways to pick a price2 The two stages of pricing3 7 rules to give your pricing the edge • 4. Price has a MASSIVE impact on your business. • 5. Bad Methods for Pricing • 6. 1. Product cost + X% You’ll undercharge some customers and overcharge others. • 7. 2. What does the customer want to pay? People have no idea until you ask them for their credit card. • 8. Pricing by Value • 9. Value-Based Pricing Your customers get value worth $Y and it only costs them $X. • 10. Why does this work? People cannot perceive absolute value, only comparative value. • 11. Some value is easy to calculate... • 12. Other value isn’t... • 13. Pricing - Stage 1 1 • 14. Stage 1 is all about the unknown. Customers don’t understand your product and you don’t understand your customers. • 15. This is before product/market fit. • 16. The price you pick won’t be the best. • 17. Your goal = prove that the product can be sold. • 18. Pricing - Stage 2 2 • 19. This is your growth stage. • 20. Time to optimize your price. You’ll need a deep understanding for how your customers use your product. • 21. Interview your customers • 22. The ideal price is... Just high enough to need consideration but low enough to still provide plenty of value. • 23. What if you have different customer segments? • 24. Separate segments with features. Price sensitive customers get limited plans, value sensitive customers get the VIP plan. • 25. For this to be successful... You need to talk to your customers and understand the benefits they need the most. • 26. Capture the full value from each customer type. • 27. Bidsketch Case Study - Old Pricing • 28. Bidsketch Case Study - New Pricing • 29. Bidsketch Case Study - Results1 Doubled average revenue per customer2 Only a slight drop in conversions3 No impact on churn Google “bidsketch pricing post” • 30. Seven Rules for Pricing 7 • 31. Rule 1: End with a 9 $39 or $37? • 32. Rule 2: Make Your Price Short $1,000.00 or $1000? • 33. Rule 3: Anchor Your Price 1 That product is $100, this is only $10 2 Was $150, now only $80 3 Value of $1500, selling for only $150 • 34. Rule 4: Offer Multiple Prices • 35. Rule 5: Double your Price People tend to UNDERvalue their services. • 36. Rule 6: Be Careful With Freemium Plans Very difficult to make it work outside of mass markets. • 37. Rule 7: Grandfather Old Customers In As long as you don’t raise prices for old customers, you won’t get any complaints. • 38. These are rules, not laws. • 39. Your 3 Tools for Getting It Done • 40. 1. The Customer Interview • 41. 2. A/B Testing • 42. 3. Customer Analytics • 43. KISSmetrics helps you find the right price 1 Know who to interview 2 Get A/B results from your whole funnel 3 Track WHO’s doing what

Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.
Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.
Startup Metrics, a love story. All slides of an 6h Lean Analytics workshop.

Everything you need to know about Startup Product Metrics. This is a slideshare exclusive. The full 8hour workshop deck. #iCatapult Workshop - 2013-08-12 Links:

startupslean startupproduct development
UX made in China @UXRepublic
UX made in China @UXRepublicUX made in China @UXRepublic
UX made in China @UXRepublic

Estelle nous présente les principales différences et démarches UX à adopter en Chine. UX-Republic Agence de design d'interfaces et centre de formation

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Growth Hacking Guide - Mindset, Framework and Tools
Show core perceived value in
First User Experience
= User Onboarding
Define steps of the ideal
First User Experience
User Onboarding

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Lors de l'UX-DAY @UXRepublic, Marie nous a présenté de nombreux jeux d'innovation, une manière fun de travailler sérieusement !

Les technologies immersives @UXRepublic
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Jérôme Fiorese nous présente les technologies immersions en passe de révolutionner les usages. UX-Republic Agence de design d'interfaces et centre de formation

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Claire nous présente le design empathique dans le cadre d'un UX-DAY organisé par UX-Republic.

empathiqueweb designux
Landing page
Sign up
Download the app

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Antoine nous présente le rôle du développeur dans l'UX, lors du dernier UX-DAY organisé par UX-Republic.

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Webinar "Agile for Managers"
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Webinar "Agile for Managers"

Are you ready for new ways of working that can improve your teams? Would you like to know how self-organized teams are more productive? Would you be interested in keeping employees motivated? All these issues and many more were discussed by our coach. #XACT (Xebia Agile Consulting & Transformation) vertical of #XEBIA successfully held a webinar "#Agile for Managers" on 22nd July 2013. Thanks for the overwhelming response and the interest shown by all 400 professionals across the community. If interested in attending such #webinars, write to me at

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De l’élaboration des convictions grâce à une démarche UX à la réalisation en méthodologie agile, vous découvrirez le bousculement des pratiques établies : agences, appel d’offre, budget, choix IT, organisation, etc. Pour autant, faut-il tout remettre en question pour réussir ?

Getting started
Mobile app? Check out
Best examples of user onboarding ever?
Measure, Test, Iterate!

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Comment le designer peut-il changer le monde? A travers son expérience personnelle, Thibaut nous donne plusieurs pistes.

Xebia-Agile consulting and training offerings
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Xebia-Agile consulting and training offerings

Xebia provides Agile consulting and training services to help organizations transform to Agile. Their vision is to be a preferred partner for customers undergoing Agile transformations by 2015. They offer solutions like transformation consulting, Agile trainings, and coaching services to help organizations adopt Agile practices in areas such as software development, banking, retail, and other industries. Their transformation approach involves evaluating an organization's needs, suggesting workshops, piloting solutions, and mainstreaming Agile practices.

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Quentin présente les impacts de l'UX sur le référencement Google (SEO). UX-REPUBLIC Agence de Design d'interfaces & Centre de formation.

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your website performance
WHAT’s happening
on my website?
Your best friends
What to measure?

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Maxime, UX-Scientist nous parle du social coding au service de la Creative Technologie à l'#UX-DAY @UXRepublic

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Design Thinking for Startups - Are You Design Driven?
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Design Thinking for Startups - Are You Design Driven?

This document discusses design thinking and how startups can integrate it into their process. It defines design thinking as combining creative and analytical thinking to solve problems. It recommends that startups (1) involve everyone in design thinking, not just designers, (2) deeply understand the problem to be solved, (3) create prototypes and get feedback to refine the solution, and (4) hire "T-shaped" individuals with skills across disciplines and encourage cross-training. The document emphasizes that design thinking is about understanding people and that anyone can be a good design thinker.

XebiCon'16 : Thiga - Qu'est ce que le Growth Hacking en 2016 ? Par Nicolas G...
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Parfois fantasmé comme une baguette magique permettant d'acquérir à moindre coût ses clients, le Growth Hacking est en réalité une alchimie nécessitant 3 ingrédients : - une parfaite connaissance des utilisateurs, - une parfaite maîtrise des mécanismes de croissance, - et des expérimentations constantes faites par une équipe autonome et créative.

Getting people to visit your website
Users get a great first time experience
Making sure users come back
How do we sell the product?
Users invite others
+ UTM trackers
UTM Trackers
google URL builder
Which acquisition channels are working for us?

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Yannick Bonnieux, UX-Evangelist @UXRepublic nous parle du fonctionnement de notre système cognitif à travers plusieurs exemples à réaliser. UX-Republic Agence de design d'interfaces et centre de formation

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Future now - 10 tipov na optimalizaciu eshopu.
Future now - 10 tipov na optimalizaciu eshopu. Future now - 10 tipov na optimalizaciu eshopu.
Future now - 10 tipov na optimalizaciu eshopu.

Optimalizacie webu a eshopu nie je nezvladnutelny projekt. Je to skor neustaly proces drobnych zmien a vylepseni, ktory ma za ciel zvysit konverziu, teda priniest viac nakupov. Je to proces, ktory nikdy nekonci, pretoze sa nemi okolie, navstevnici stranok aj zakaznici. Preskumajte 10 jednoduchych tipov, co robit. Navod je od FutureNow, ktory zostavili z kazdodennych poznatkov pri optimalizacii roznych webov. Je to velmi prakticke.

Attribution Reporting in HubSpot
Attribution Reporting in HubSpotAttribution Reporting in HubSpot
Attribution Reporting in HubSpot Speaker: Ari Plaut Senior Product Marketing Manager Marketing | HubSpot

hubspot user groupattribution reportinginbound marketing
How are they working down the funnel?
Keep track of your UTM rules
Getting people to visit your website
Users get a great first time experience
Making sure users come back
How do we sell the product?
Users invite others
Event based tracking tools
+ ”home made tools”
What metrics
should we be measuring?

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Google's Avinash Kaushik on Web Analytics
Google's Avinash Kaushik on Web AnalyticsGoogle's Avinash Kaushik on Web Analytics
Google's Avinash Kaushik on Web Analytics

This document provides guidance on rethinking web analytics in three main areas: 1. Move beyond traditional clickstream analytics to consider multiple outcomes, voice of the customer feedback, and competitive intelligence. 2. Emphasize experimentation through A/B testing to identify highest performing pages, ads, and options based on customer behavior rather than opinions. 3. Analyze data at a more granular level through segmentation to understand loyal customers and identify improvement opportunities rather than relying on aggregate metrics.

internet marketing2009google analytics
Create Content that Will Actually Convert
Create Content that Will Actually ConvertCreate Content that Will Actually Convert
Create Content that Will Actually Convert

Use this content marketing tutorial to learn the basics of how to create content that actually converts. and take you through how to create content that builds your brand, authority and credibility to both your potential clients and Google. By Jennifer Riggins & Daniel Duckworth

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GDPR Compliant Growth Hacks (
GDPR Compliant Growth Hacks ( Compliant Growth Hacks (
GDPR Compliant Growth Hacks (

I curated this list with proven, actionable growth marketing campaigns that are worth trying by every product owner. Ideas that will bring you leads on a regular basis, for long-term relations.

growth hacksgrowth hackingstartup
Who is our customer?
What do they want to
achieve with our product?
How does this translate into
website events?
Step 1: Define key business objective
Shoe shop
= Sell shoes
Step 1: Define key business objective
= Rent out “spaces”
Step 2: Define KPIs
Shoe shop
= # of shoes sold

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20 Tips to Improve Sales on your Ecommerce Site
20 Tips to Improve Sales on your Ecommerce Site20 Tips to Improve Sales on your Ecommerce Site
20 Tips to Improve Sales on your Ecommerce Site

Just returned from Surf Expo 2015 in Orlando, FL. The presentation, which was tailored to small businesses in the surf & skate industry, shares 20 practical tips to increase ecommerce sales based on our years in the trenches across multiple industries. (I'll be uploading video of presentation shortly) Session Description: 20 Tips to Improve Sales on your Ecommerce Site Speaker: Josh Levine, CXO and co-founder of Alexander Interactive Whether you’re an ecommerce newbie or been in the game for years, your site must evolve in order to meet customers’ rising demands. Josh Levine, ecommerce design expert and frequent speaker throughout the retail industry, will pull from his 15 years in the trenches with brands like Saks Fifth Avenue, Lowes, and Schwinn, to show you how your site can rise above the competition and convert browsers into buyers. He’ll share tactics to improve sales, focusing on high impact areas of your site– navigation, homepage, product page, cart, and checkout. Learn how to make it easy for customers to discover, research and ultimately buy the products they need. You’ll also learn techniques to strike a balance between lifestyle content and commerce in order to maximize engagement and inspire customers to act. So bring the notepad to this one and be prepared to walk away with actionable tips to boost that bottom line.

ecommerceinteraction designconversion
AIA2019 - Gilles de Glerck - Zero-Budget User Acquisition
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AIA2019 - Gilles de Glerck - Zero-Budget User Acquisition

The document provides guidance on user acquisition strategies for startups. It discusses manually recruiting users through in-person and online outreach. It recommends targeting influencers and communities where the target audience spends time. Automation tools can be used to scale outreach on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and search engines while maintaining a personal touch. Building an engaged community through a Facebook group or forum allows for direct user feedback and marketing. The goal is to experiment with different channels to validate product-market fit and grow an audience ready to purchase.

customer acquisition
Monetization in the trenches 012511
Monetization in the trenches 012511Monetization in the trenches 012511
Monetization in the trenches 012511

The document discusses metrics and monetization strategies for software startups. It recommends focusing on metrics that improve customer retention and lifetime value over the long run, such as increasing retention rates from 80% to 90%, rather than one-time gains. High leverage opportunities provide ongoing revenue through evangelism and happy customers who continue using the product. The document also provides tips for optimizing different parts of the customer funnel from acquisition to purchase.

Step 2: Define KPIs
1. # of spaces rented
2. # of spaces put up for rent
Step 3: Define the conversion funnel
Shoe shop
Home page > product page
> checkout > sign up > pay
Step 3: Define the conversion funnel
1. Host:  Visited a page > Clicked on “list my
space” > clicked “continue” > clicked
2. Guest: Visited a page > clicked on a place
to rent > clicked book > clicked on “make
Step 4: Define your segmentation criteria
Traffic source
New vs. Returning
Man vs. Woman
Mobile vs. Webapp

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What comes after product market fit?
What comes after product market fit?What comes after product market fit?
What comes after product market fit?

Des Traynor speaking at WebSummit 2018. We spend a lot of time talking about how companies can get to the point where their product resonates in the market. But this is not the only thing that matters.

Towards A Content Strategy That Sells Persuasion Labs
Towards A Content Strategy That Sells   Persuasion LabsTowards A Content Strategy That Sells   Persuasion Labs
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Content is king... but content strategies tend to do a little work - and stop just before they get to the good stuff: increasing conversion. This PPT asks us to move to the next level in content strategy - a level that solves for shareholders.

content auditpersuasioninteraction design
15 EPIC Copywriting Hacks Can Dramatically Improve Your Landing Page Conversion
15 EPIC Copywriting Hacks Can Dramatically Improve Your Landing Page Conversion15 EPIC Copywriting Hacks Can Dramatically Improve Your Landing Page Conversion
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The document provides 15 tips for writing copy for high-converting landing pages. Some of the key tips include using compelling headlines that include specific numbers or evoke emotion, showing prices to double lead generation while avoiding option overload, and including social proof and testimonials to build credibility. The document also recommends keeping the copy simple and focused while removing distractions from the page.

copywritingtipslanding page
Step5: Define your objectives
= sell 200 pairs
+ 20% monthly increase
Know where you’re losing visitors
(and money)
Visited Signed up Activated Referred
Know if users are retained
is this happening?

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Click! You have a new visitor. What happens next? Do they barf and bounce or smile and stay? The answer depends on a lot of little things, some obvious, some not. This session is a breakdown of the best practices for B2B lead generation websites, based on hundreds of website projects. You will learn: • What are the key elements of high-performing service pages? • What features are common to blog templates but probably shouldn’t be? • What three elements determine if visitors sign up for emails? From social proof to CTAs, videos to chatbots, we will break down the options for UX elements and how they work with (or against) the psychology of your visitors.

content marketingcontent strategydigital marketing
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The document provides guidance on how to optimize landing pages to convert more visitors into customers, including structuring pages with a clear call-to-action at the top, using compelling headers and subheaders in the hero section to convey the main benefits of the product, and incorporating social proof and value propositions to encourage conversion. It emphasizes focusing the message and designing the page to enhance understanding of how the product fulfills customer needs and addresses any objections they may have.

WHY is this happening?
Why do problems occur?
= hypothesis on
how to solve
Talk to your users!
Set up “exit surveys”

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Web Marketing Success 2012

See more or contact us at or This deck features slides from the Web Marketing Success 2012 Seminar at Vancouver Island Tech Park. Presented by Robert Cooper of PlusROI Online Marketing and JumpStartWeb. The slides are not necessarily self explanatory, but have some good information on some of the most important areas to consider for web marketing, as well as notes on some of the hottest emerging opportunities (like Mobile).

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Tallwave provides document summarization services in the strictest of confidence. Their approach focuses on building a successful business rather than just an app by emphasizing prototyping, branding, and user acquisition throughout the development process. They weave these elements together rather than treating them as separate silos.

#product #software #startup #mobileapp #
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The document discusses ways for print catalogs to better engage customers through compelling content and experiences online and through mobile. It emphasizes the need to go beyond basic satisfaction to excite customers through different, entertaining, and value-added content like video and social media integration. Mobile capabilities are positioned as important to closing the gap between intent and purchase.

Usability testing
Usability’s holy grail
See a drop > jump to inspectlet > hypothesis
hypothesis 50 videos at 5x speed
What to do with all these

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This document provides guidance on structuring landing pages and collecting leads. It discusses key elements to include such as a navbar, hero section, social proof, calls to action, and features/objections. The hero section should entice visitors with compelling headers and subheaders that convey the main value propositions. Social proof helps convince visitors that others are already using the product. Well-written features address potential objections and fully explain the benefits to increase desire and decrease confusion. The goal is to maximize information density and conversion through clear, concise messaging and design.

How to Win the War of Words on the Web
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The document provides 10 tips for winning the war of words on the web through an effective content marketing strategy. It advises to research customer needs and develop profiles to inform content creation. Content should be optimized for readers first and search engines second. The tips also cover examining the sales funnel, scoring content engagement, evaluating competitors, considering universal customer needs, using effective language in content, and measuring content performance through various metrics.

Your website is_not_about_you_webinar
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Your website is_not_about_you_webinar

The document provides 12 steps to engage website visitors and increase leads and sales. It recommends thinking like visitors, checking competitors, clearly explaining why visitors should do business with you, speaking to visitors' needs and stages in the buying process, optimizing content and calls to action, keeping content fresh, using analytics to improve the site, testing the site with real visitors, and periodically reviewing and updating the site. The overall goal is to solve visitors' problems, meet their needs, and move them closer to a desired action or conversion.

web designusabilityconversion rate
Data & Testing
(conversion rate optimization)
AB test your sign up forms!
12% conversion
AB test your Value Proposition
AB test your Value Proposition
26% conversion

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A/B test your copywriting
A/B test imagery and colors
A/B test testimonials
A/B test referral pages

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

A/B test payment pages
+16% sales
A/B Test Usability
OMG so much to test!!
Buy Now? Purchase? Checkout? Add to Cart? Change the call-to-action (CTA) text on your buttons to see which word or phrase converts more visitors.
1. Try varying the location of your CTA button, making some CTAs more prominent than others.
2. Test multiple CTAs per page against one CTA per page.
3. Try using hyperlinks instead of buttons to find out which display your users prefer.
4. Find out if CTAs with text, icons, or text + icons convert more users on your site.
5. Try stripping the content off of your entire page. Replace it with a “Click Here for Free Beer!” button.
6. Test different CTA hover states to make it more obvious that buttons are clickable and create a feel of interactivity on the page.
7. Test different colors, shapes, and sizes for CTA buttons on your website.
8. Test gated content against non-gated content. Find out if your users are willing to sign-up or provide more information to access materials on your site.
9. Do site visitors crave more information about your company before signing up or making a purchase? Test adding or removing “About” content on your homepage.
10. Test gated content against non-gated content. Find out if your users are willing to sign-up or provide more information to access materials on your site.
11. Do site visitors crave more information about your company before signing up or making a purchase? Test adding or removing “About” content on your homepage.
12. TL;DR. Find out if your site visitors prefer shorter versions of headlines, taglines, product descriptions, and other content on your site.
13. Test different headline text. Try variations that are straightforward against ones that are abstract, goofy, or creative.
14. Test paragraphs versus bulleted lists.
15. Test how you frame your copy. Users may have different reactions to positive versus negative messaging.
16. Test different types images on your landing page. People versus product is a good place to start.
17. Iterate from there. If your users prefer an image of people, test gender, age, number of people in the image, etc
18. And iterate some more! How about trying a static image vs. a product video vs. a 360* product image.
19. See how a stock image stacks up up against an image of your employees or customers in action.
20. Test auto-play versus click-to-play videos.
21. See how your product videos perform against this video of a sloth hugging a cat.
Iz overwhelmed.

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Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

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Identify your
most important pages
Top landing pages
Top exit pages
Highest traffic pages
Most expensive pages
Potential 1 - 10
Importance 1 - 10
Ease 1 - 10
= Sum 3 - 30
A/B Testing ideas

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

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Six months into 2024, and it is clear the privacy ecosystem takes no days off!! Regulators continue to implement and enforce new regulations, businesses strive to meet requirements, and technology advances like AI have privacy professionals scratching their heads about managing risk. What can we learn about the first six months of data privacy trends and events in 2024? How should this inform your privacy program management for the rest of the year? Join TrustArc, Goodwin, and Snyk privacy experts as they discuss the changes we’ve seen in the first half of 2024 and gain insight into the concrete, actionable steps you can take to up-level your privacy program in the second half of the year. This webinar will review: - Key changes to privacy regulations in 2024 - Key themes in privacy and data governance in 2024 - How to maximize your privacy program in the second half of 2024

data privacyprivacy complianceai
Test the concept
before you test the design!
“How we increased our retention rates by
270% in 6 weeks”
“We grew our home page conversion rate by
Growth Hacker tools
These have saved me from
learning to code :D
Be careful
• There is no point in scaling if you have not reached
product/market fit (Sean Ellis recommends 40% of users
should be “very disappointed to lose your tool)
• Some growth hacks are NOT sustainable so only apply to
very early stages
• The term “Growth Hacking” is used for everything and
anything nowadays
• It doesn’t really matter what you call it as long as it
brings growth!

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Q? / A!
David Arnoux
@darnocks @twoodo

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Growth Hacking Guide - Mindset, Framework and Tools

  • 1. Growth Hacking David Arnoux @darnocks @twoodo The mindset. The framework. The tools. Some hacks.
  • 2. David vs. Goliath vs. 63.6% victory! Over the past 200 years, when small armies used unconventional methods they won almost 2/3rds of the time
  • 6. Dropbox 2.8million invites sent in April 2010! 100k to 4mio users from 2008 to 2010!
  • 7. Why Growth “Hacking”? • Startups tend to have limited resources so they need to be creative to grow, acquire new users and retain them • Traditional marketing channels are expensive and saturated • Most startups focus heavily on product but another real challenge is with distribution (Dave McClure) • Growth Hackers don’t really care about “brand awareness” they care about ROI - finding out “what works”
  • 9. What is Growth Hacking? CREATIVE MARKETING David VS. Goliath YOU’RE David Know your customers by heart Measure (almost) everything Test by hand then automate and code SOFTWARE ENGINEERING & AUTOMATION GH DATA ANALYTICS & TESTING
  • 10. Growth Hacker vs. Digital Marketer ACQUISITION Digital Marketer Sales/Product funnel Growth “Hacker” ACTIVATION RETENTION REVENUE REFERRAL Getting people to visit your website Users get a great first time experience Making sure users come back How do we sell the product? Users invite others A growth hacker’s due north is “Growth”
  • 12. What is Growth Hacking? CREATIVE MARKETING David VS. Goliath YOU’RE David Know your customers by heart Measure (almost) everything Test by hand then automate and code SOFTWARE ENGINEERING & AUTOMATION GH DATA ANALYTICS & TESTING Growth is repeatable. With the right framework you can replicate the growth patterns of highly successful companies.
  • 14. ACQUISITION CUSTOMER INTENT FULFILMENT OF CUSTOMER INTENT ACTIVATION RETENTION REVENUE REFERRAL Getting people to visit your website Users get a great first time experience Making sure users come back How do we sell the product? Users invite others
  • 18. - Is it really time to scale? - Have we reached product/market fit? - How the h*$! do I answer these questions? #question
  • 19. “How would you feel if you could no longer use my product?” #todo
  • 20. Vitamins vs. Painkillers “Somewhat disappointed” “Very disappointed”
  • 21. What is the core user perceived value of the very disappointed? #todo
  • 22. You don’t need 100000’s of users. You need 10+ that love it..
  • 23. Ask these questions... What motivated you to sign up? What do you love about our product? How would you describe our product in 1 sentence? What is the most important value we bring you? What industry do you work in and what is your role? Where do you hang out online? Where did you hear about us? How could we improve the tool? #todo
  • 24. Talk to your users! #tool
  • 25. Pinpoint the core user perceived value Keep, store, analyze all conversations
  • 27. Show the core value in the first 5 seconds of a visit “There can be as much value in the blink of an eye as in months of rational analysis.”
  • 28. Test your value proposition again and again #todo and again
  • 32. Test that it works with 5-second tests. #tool
  • 34. Show core perceived value in First User Experience #todo = User Onboarding
  • 35. Define steps of the ideal First User Experience #todo
  • 42. Mobile app? Check out
  • 43. Best examples of user onboarding ever?
  • 50. ACQUISITION CUSTOMER INTENT FULFILMENT OF CUSTOMER INTENT ACTIVATION RETENTION REVENUE REFERRAL Getting people to visit your website Users get a great first time experience Making sure users come back How do we sell the product? Users invite others + UTM trackers PIRATE METRICS!
  • 51. UTM Trackers google URL builder &utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook #todo
  • 52. Which acquisition channels are working for us?
  • 53. How are they working down the funnel?
  • 54. Keep track of your UTM rules
  • 55. ACQUISITION CUSTOMER INTENT FULFILMENT OF CUSTOMER INTENT ACTIVATION RETENTION REVENUE REFERRAL Getting people to visit your website Users get a great first time experience Making sure users come back How do we sell the product? Users invite others Event based tracking tools + ”home made tools”
  • 56. What metrics should we be measuring? #question
  • 57. Who is our customer? What do they want to achieve with our product? How does this translate into website events? #question
  • 58. Step 1: Define key business objective Shoe shop = Sell shoes
  • 59. Step 1: Define key business objective Airbnb = Rent out “spaces”
  • 60. Step 2: Define KPIs Shoe shop = # of shoes sold
  • 61. Step 2: Define KPIs Airbnb 1. # of spaces rented 2. # of spaces put up for rent
  • 62. Step 3: Define the conversion funnel Shoe shop Home page > product page > checkout > sign up > pay
  • 63. Step 3: Define the conversion funnel Airbnb 1. Host:  Visited a page > Clicked on “list my space” > clicked “continue” > clicked “validate” 2. Guest: Visited a page > clicked on a place to rent > clicked book > clicked on “make payment”
  • 64. Step 4: Define your segmentation criteria Traffic source Location New vs. Returning Man vs. Woman Mobile vs. Webapp
  • 65. Step5: Define your objectives = sell 200 pairs + 20% monthly increase
  • 66. Know where you’re losing visitors (and money) Visited Signed up Activated Referred
  • 67. Know if users are retained
  • 69. SOFT DATA WHY is this happening?
  • 70. Why do problems occur? = hypothesis on how to solve
  • 71. Talk to your users! #tool
  • 72. Set up “exit surveys” #tool
  • 75. See a drop > jump to inspectlet > hypothesis drop! hypothesis 50 videos at 5x speed
  • 76. What to do with all these hypothesis?
  • 77. Data & Testing (conversion rate optimization) 4.
  • 78. AB test your sign up forms! (source:
  • 79. 12% conversion AB test your Value Proposition
  • 80. AB test your Value Proposition 26% conversion
  • 81. A/B test your copywriting +60%
  • 82. A/B test imagery and colors (source:
  • 83. A/B test testimonials (source:
  • 84. A/B test referral pages +200%
  • 85. A/B test payment pages +16% sales
  • 87. OMG so much to test!! Buy Now? Purchase? Checkout? Add to Cart? Change the call-to-action (CTA) text on your buttons to see which word or phrase converts more visitors. 1. Try varying the location of your CTA button, making some CTAs more prominent than others. 2. Test multiple CTAs per page against one CTA per page. 3. Try using hyperlinks instead of buttons to find out which display your users prefer. 4. Find out if CTAs with text, icons, or text + icons convert more users on your site. 5. Try stripping the content off of your entire page. Replace it with a “Click Here for Free Beer!” button. 6. Test different CTA hover states to make it more obvious that buttons are clickable and create a feel of interactivity on the page. 7. Test different colors, shapes, and sizes for CTA buttons on your website. 8. Test gated content against non-gated content. Find out if your users are willing to sign-up or provide more information to access materials on your site. 9. Do site visitors crave more information about your company before signing up or making a purchase? Test adding or removing “About” content on your homepage. 10. Test gated content against non-gated content. Find out if your users are willing to sign-up or provide more information to access materials on your site. 11. Do site visitors crave more information about your company before signing up or making a purchase? Test adding or removing “About” content on your homepage. 12. TL;DR. Find out if your site visitors prefer shorter versions of headlines, taglines, product descriptions, and other content on your site. 13. Test different headline text. Try variations that are straightforward against ones that are abstract, goofy, or creative. 14. Test paragraphs versus bulleted lists. 15. Test how you frame your copy. Users may have different reactions to positive versus negative messaging. 16. Test different types images on your landing page. People versus product is a good place to start. 17. Iterate from there. If your users prefer an image of people, test gender, age, number of people in the image, etc 18. And iterate some more! How about trying a static image vs. a product video vs. a 360* product image. 19. See how a stock image stacks up up against an image of your employees or customers in action. 20. Test auto-play versus click-to-play videos. 21. See how your product videos perform against this video of a sloth hugging a cat.
  • 89. Identify your most important pages Top landing pages Top exit pages Highest traffic pages Most expensive pages
  • 91. Potential 1 - 10 Importance 1 - 10 Ease 1 - 10 = Sum 3 - 30
  • 93. Test the concept before you test the design!
  • 94. “How we increased our retention rates by 270% in 6 weeks” “We grew our home page conversion rate by 133%”
  • 95. Growth Hacker tools These have saved me from learning to code :D
  • 96. Be careful • There is no point in scaling if you have not reached product/market fit (Sean Ellis recommends 40% of users should be “very disappointed to lose your tool) • Some growth hacks are NOT sustainable so only apply to very early stages • The term “Growth Hacking” is used for everything and anything nowadays • It doesn’t really matter what you call it as long as it brings growth!
  • 97. Thanks! Q? / A! David Arnoux @darnocks @twoodo