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Getting Started with
Calc Manager for HFM

     Chris Barbieri
     Edgewater Ranzal
About Edgewater Ranzal

                         One of the Largest Hyperion
                         Practices in the U.S.

                         Oracle / Hyperion Platinum
                         Partner - Highest Status
             15 Years
          700+ clients   Vertical Expertise with High-
        1000+ projects   Profile Clients from Coast to

                         Sound Project Methodology
                         Insures Project Success

                         “One Stop Shop” for ALL EPM
                         Implementation needs
Our Services

      Consolidation                   Planning

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        Services      Management
Calc Manager
●   Intro: What, where, and why would I use it?
●   Object hierarchies
    ●   Variables
    ●   Rule sets
    ●   Objects
●   Hung up on naming schemes
●   Deploying, importing, exporting
Why Use Calc Manager?
●   Code and document better
    ●   Flow metaphor better describes the decision
    ●   Enforces structured variables
    ●   Easy re-use of objects
●   New feature in EPMA apps only
● added support for Classic apps
●   Very useable
Object Hierarchy
●   System View:
    ●   Primary view when you enter Calc
●   Choose the product
●   Once you select a product, you
    will see the available applications
    for each
Calculation Type
●   These are the available
    HFM rules subroutines
Rule Sets
●   A rule set is like a playlist
●   Usually have one main set
●   One “blank” set
●   And one “debug” set
    ●   Add or remove individual rules
        until you found the culprit
    ●   Revert to the normal one when
●   … per calculation type
Deployment View

●   View > Deployment
●   Manage which set will
    be the deployed one
    ●   Only one can be
    ●   All can be unchecked
Manage a Rule Set

●   Double-click on a set to see the contained rules
    ●   Puts you into rule set manager
    ●   Drag a rule in, or right-click to remove
    ●   Sequence matters!
And finally… Rules!

●   How do you define a rule?
    ●   A logical grouping of conditions, ranges, and
        formulas that perform a distinct task
●   Rules don’t have to be included in a set
    ●   They won’t run if they are not in a deployed set

●   Tools > Variables
●   Replacement
●   Execution
Replacement Variables

●   “Type less – says Jim “the rules guy” Heflin
     Type less”
●   Type fewer variables
Replacement Variables

●   Constants
Execution Variables

  ●   Definition of the variable is the same for all
  ●   Variable is defined within the rule itself
  ●   Boolean
  ●   String
  ●   Number
Execution Variables
Boolean Variables

●   True/False
Variable Scope

●   Define the scope for each variable
●   Most are “Rule” specific
●   Some, like Tax Rates, are application specific
Variable Groups

●   Useful for sorting or associating the variables
Numeric Variables

●   Most often populated at the rule level
●   nData is the most useful, as part of Data Range
String Variables

●   Second most popular
●   Useful for storing and managing metadata
    member names or attributes
Export Rules

●   Do this before you make changes
●   Select an application name from System View
    and File > Export
Import Rules

●    Import the entire
     variables, by
     choosing File >
    Browse for the
    .XML file
Import Rules, cont’d

 Choose the target application.
  Update Location Details
  This has no connection to the application you
 Click Import
Object Naming

●   Helpful scheme while looking at various list views
●   RS_ for “Rule Set”
    ●   RS_Blank
    ●   RS_Calculate
    ●   RS_Debug
●   RO_ for “Rule Object”
    ●   RO_number if they are readily sequenced
    ●   RO_ObviousPurposeInTitleCase
●   Within a rule, provide intuitive Captions for each
Be Obvious, Not Cryptic
Another Rule Example

●   Does the graphical flow make sense?
Do you miss script yet?
Create a New Rule

    Use long names
     HFM supports up to 50 alphanumeric characters for
     the rule name
●   And feel sorry for Essbase users ☺
Select the Calculation Type
The Rule Palette

1.   Condition
2.   Formula
3.   Data Range
4.   Member Range
5.   Script
6.   Fixed Loop

●   99% of your rules should have some
●   Most important performance aspect of your
●   Always ask yourself:
    ●   Value dimension member?
    ●   Which entities?
    ●   Which period?

●   Used to populate variables
●   And for most functions
    ●   HS.Exp
    ●   HS.SetDataWithPOV
    ●   HS.Clear
    ●   Many more
Populate Rule Scope Variables
HS.Clear Function Syntax
Shared Formulas

●   Like Windows, shows a little hand on the icon
●   Usage
    ◦ Check this if you want to change or delete the formula
HS.Exp or Data Range or Member Range?

●   Do you want to:
    ● Operate easily with all valid intersections at once?
    ● Evaluate each record that exists, one at a time?
    ● Look through each metadata member, regardless
      if there is data or not?
All Intersections at Once

●   HS.Exp will operate on all valid intersections
    of the chosen members:
    ●   “Pull” from right to left
HS.Exp Function

●   Does not appear in graphical
    ●   Just set two intersections equal to each other
    ●   Still a concept of left and right
         ●   Pull to the left
Multiple Rows

●   Series of HS.Exp functions in the same formula
●   Last one in wins!
    ●   … for the same target intersection
One Record at a Time

●   HS.OpenDataUnit / @OpenDataUnit
     ●   Fetches records that exist within the current data unit
     ●   … including derived data

●   You are here!              ●   Current record
                                   ●   Can evaluate each field or
    ●    Current data unit             data value separately
Data Range

●   HS.OpenDataUnit
●   Blank for a
    dimension implies
    all base members
    with data
●   Fill in a single
    parent member
●   Use lists
●   Populate a variable
    for each field
String Functions

●   Evaluate the account
    ●   We only want accounts beginning
        with “3”, but not “32101”
Member Range
●   Rare times when the only
    option is to cycle through
    ●   Regardless if there is data or
    ●   Can be time consuming
         ●   Spend more time “hunting for
             25 records out of possible 1,000
    ●   Cannot rely on calc status              37
●   ICP matching report works
    this way                                    86
    ●   ICP Entities * Partners *
        Accounts * C1 * C2 * C3 * C4 =
        Billions of possible places!
●   … So do Financial Reports
    and Smart View

   Chris Barbieri

    Calculation Manager: The New and Improved Application to Create Hyperion Planning
    Business Rules – Monday, 11:15 am, Room 102C

    Security and Auditing in HFM – Tuesday, 4:30pm, 101B

    Best Practices for Using DRM with EPMA – Wednesday, 8:30am, 103A

    Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM – Wednesday, 8:30am, 101B

    Advanced Topics in Calc Manager for HFM – Wednesday, 9:45am, 101B

    Maximizing the Value of an EPM Investment with ERPi, FDM & EPMA – Wednesday,
    11:15am, 101B

    Taking your FDM application to the next level with Advanced Scripting – Friday,
    8:30am, 101B

    IFRS reporting within Hyperion Financial Management – Thursday, 10:30am, 101B

             Chris Barbieri


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Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM

  • 1. Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM Chris Barbieri Edgewater Ranzal
  • 2. About Edgewater Ranzal One of the Largest Hyperion Practices in the U.S. Oracle / Hyperion Platinum Partner - Highest Status 15 Years 700+ clients Vertical Expertise with High- 1000+ projects Profile Clients from Coast to Coast Sound Project Methodology Insures Project Success “One Stop Shop” for ALL EPM Implementation needs
  • 3. Our Services Business Consolidation Planning Intelligence Data Project Infrastructure Services Management
  • 4. Calc Manager ● Intro: What, where, and why would I use it? ● Object hierarchies ● Variables ● Rule sets ● Objects ● Hung up on naming schemes ● Deploying, importing, exporting
  • 5. Why Use Calc Manager? ● Code and document better ● Flow metaphor better describes the decision process ● Enforces structured variables ● Easy re-use of objects ● New feature in EPMA apps only ● added support for Classic apps ● Very useable
  • 6. Object Hierarchy ● System View: ● Primary view when you enter Calc Manager ● Choose the product
  • 7. Application ● Once you select a product, you will see the available applications for each
  • 8. Calculation Type ● These are the available HFM rules subroutines
  • 9. Rule Sets ● A rule set is like a playlist ● Usually have one main set ● One “blank” set ● And one “debug” set ● Add or remove individual rules until you found the culprit ● Revert to the normal one when ready ● … per calculation type
  • 10. Deployment View ● View > Deployment View ● Manage which set will be the deployed one ● Only one can be checked ● All can be unchecked
  • 11. Manage a Rule Set ● Double-click on a set to see the contained rules ● Puts you into rule set manager ● Drag a rule in, or right-click to remove ● Sequence matters!
  • 12. And finally… Rules! ● How do you define a rule? ● A logical grouping of conditions, ranges, and formulas that perform a distinct task ● Rules don’t have to be included in a set ● They won’t run if they are not in a deployed set
  • 13. Variables ● Tools > Variables ● Replacement ● Execution
  • 14. Replacement Variables ● “Type less – says Jim “the rules guy” Heflin Type less” ● Type fewer variables
  • 16. Execution Variables Either ● Definition of the variable is the same for all rules Or ● Variable is defined within the rule itself Types ● Boolean ● String ● Number
  • 18. Boolean Variables ● True/False responses
  • 19. Variable Scope ● Define the scope for each variable ● Most are “Rule” specific ● Some, like Tax Rates, are application specific (“Ruleset”)
  • 20. Variable Groups ● Useful for sorting or associating the variables
  • 21. Numeric Variables ● Most often populated at the rule level ● nData is the most useful, as part of Data Range (HS.OpenDataUnit)
  • 22. String Variables ● Second most popular ● Useful for storing and managing metadata member names or attributes
  • 23. Export Rules ● Do this before you make changes ● Select an application name from System View and File > Export
  • 24. Import Rules ● Import the entire collection, including variables, by choosing File > Import Browse for the .XML file
  • 25. Import Rules, cont’d Choose the target application. Update Location Details This has no connection to the application you highlighted Click Import
  • 26. Object Naming ● Helpful scheme while looking at various list views ● RS_ for “Rule Set” ● RS_Blank ● RS_Calculate ● RS_Debug ● RO_ for “Rule Object” ● RO_number if they are readily sequenced ● RO_ObviousPurposeInTitleCase ● Within a rule, provide intuitive Captions for each object
  • 27. Be Obvious, Not Cryptic
  • 28. Another Rule Example ● Does the graphical flow make sense?
  • 29. Do you miss script yet?
  • 30. Create a New Rule Use long names HFM supports up to 50 alphanumeric characters for the rule name ● And feel sorry for Essbase users ☺
  • 32. The Rule Palette 1. Condition 2. Formula 3. Data Range 4. Member Range 5. Script 6. Fixed Loop
  • 33. Conditions ● 99% of your rules should have some ● Most important performance aspect of your application ● Always ask yourself: ● Value dimension member? ● Which entities? ● Which period?
  • 34. Formula ● Used to populate variables ● And for most functions ● HS.Exp ● HS.SetDataWithPOV ● HS.Clear ● Many more
  • 35. Populate Rule Scope Variables
  • 37. Shared Formulas ● Like Windows, shows a little hand on the icon ● Usage ◦ Check this if you want to change or delete the formula
  • 38. HS.Exp or Data Range or Member Range? ● Do you want to: ● Operate easily with all valid intersections at once? Or ● Evaluate each record that exists, one at a time? Or ● Look through each metadata member, regardless if there is data or not?
  • 39. All Intersections at Once ● HS.Exp will operate on all valid intersections of the chosen members: ● “Pull” from right to left
  • 40. HS.Exp Function ● Does not appear in graphical ● Just set two intersections equal to each other ● Still a concept of left and right ● Pull to the left
  • 41. Multiple Rows ● Series of HS.Exp functions in the same formula ● Last one in wins! ● … for the same target intersection
  • 42. One Record at a Time ● HS.OpenDataUnit / @OpenDataUnit ● Fetches records that exist within the current data unit exist, ● … including derived data ● You are here! ● Current record ● Can evaluate each field or ● Current data unit data value separately
  • 43. Data Range ● HS.OpenDataUnit ● Blank for a dimension implies all base members with data ● Fill in a single parent member ● Use lists ● Populate a variable for each field
  • 44. String Functions ● Evaluate the account ● We only want accounts beginning with “3”, but not “32101”
  • 45. Member Range ● Rare times when the only option is to cycle through metadata ● Regardless if there is data or not ● Can be time consuming ● Spend more time “hunting for hunting” 25 records out of possible 1,000 intersections ● Cannot rely on calc status 37 ● ICP matching report works this way 86 ● ICP Entities * Partners * Accounts * C1 * C2 * C3 * C4 = Billions of possible places! ● … So do Financial Reports and Smart View
  • 46. Questions Chris Barbieri +1.617.480.6173
  • 47. Presentations Calculation Manager: The New and Improved Application to Create Hyperion Planning Business Rules – Monday, 11:15 am, Room 102C Security and Auditing in HFM – Tuesday, 4:30pm, 101B Best Practices for Using DRM with EPMA – Wednesday, 8:30am, 103A Getting Started with Calc Manager for HFM – Wednesday, 8:30am, 101B Advanced Topics in Calc Manager for HFM – Wednesday, 9:45am, 101B Maximizing the Value of an EPM Investment with ERPi, FDM & EPMA – Wednesday, 11:15am, 101B Taking your FDM application to the next level with Advanced Scripting – Friday, 8:30am, 101B IFRS reporting within Hyperion Financial Management – Thursday, 10:30am, 101B
  • 48. Chris Barbieri +1.617.480.6173