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DiGRA 2011

A roundtable on game studies
and HCI perspectives
R. Khaled, D. Dixon, S. Deterding
Utrecht, September 16, 2011
Gamification: A roundtable on game studies and HCI perspectives
                  You are here

• Introduction
• Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI
• Current topics in HCI
• Defining “gamification”
• Debate!


“The use of
 game design elements
 in non-gaming contexts”


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System concepts, elements and types of systems ppt
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System concepts, elements and types of systems ppt

A system is composed of interrelated components that work together toward a common goal. It accepts inputs, transforms them through a process, and produces outputs. For example, the human body is a system with parts like the head, heart, and limbs that work interdependently to achieve the goal of living. A management information system provides managers with tools to organize, evaluate, and manage departments efficiently. It includes software, databases, hardware, and processes to support operational control, management control, and decision-making. MIS provides past, present, and predictive information to aid efficient department administration and decision support.

computermissystem concept
Chapter 11 Presentation
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Chapter 11 Presentation

This document discusses access control fundamentals, including definitions of access control, authentication, authorization, and the four main access control models: discretionary access control, mandatory access control, role-based access control, and rule-based access control. It also covers best practices for access control such as separation of duties, job rotation, least privilege, and mandatory vacations. Technologies for implementing access control like access control lists, group policy, and account restrictions are also examined.

Identity Access Management (IAM)
Identity Access Management (IAM)Identity Access Management (IAM)
Identity Access Management (IAM)

The document discusses identity and access management (IAM) in the context of cloud computing. As organizations increasingly utilize cloud services, managing user identities and access across multiple cloud providers presents new challenges. Effective IAM in the cloud requires capabilities like user provisioning, de-provisioning, authentication, and managing access to data and applications across different cloud platforms. Centralized IAM is needed to maintain control and security when utilizing cloud services.

ichecuniversite de metzjacques folon


The blueprint
    Points                  Badges         Leaderboards          Incentives
Tracking, Feedback          Goal-setting      Competition          Rewards

                     (And behavioral analytics in the backend)
The enablers

                      Success stories

                                  Existing discourses
Analytics & sensors
                                      & practices

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Decision Support Systems
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Decision Support Systems

The document discusses decision support systems (DSS), which help executives make better decisions by using historical and current data from internal and external sources. DSS combine large amounts of data with analytical models and tools to provide better information for decision making. The document also describes group decision support systems (GDSS), which are electronic meeting systems that facilitate group collaboration to solve problems. Finally, the document defines intelligent systems as systems that can learn from experiences to improve performance and decision making.

Session 2 - IT Infrastructure.ppt
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The document discusses information systems and IT infrastructure. It describes four main actors in information systems: suppliers of hardware/software, business firms seeking value from technology, managers/employees seeking business value, and the legal/social/cultural context. It also discusses the evolution of IT infrastructure from mainframes to client/server systems to enterprise computing and cloud computing. The core components of IT infrastructure are described as computer hardware, operating systems, enterprise applications, data management, networking, internet platforms, and consulting services.

mismanagement information

This document discusses information system security and controls. It begins by defining an information system as the organized collection, processing, transmission, and spreading of information according to defined procedures. Security policies, procedures, and technical measures are used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or damage to information systems. Controls ensure the safety of organizational assets, accuracy of records, and adherence to management standards. The document then examines principles of security including confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It also discusses system vulnerabilities, threats, and various security measures.

• Introduction                          You are here

• Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI
• Current topics in HCI
• Defining “gamification”
• Debate!

“Gamification” in HCI: A prehistory


          The great beyond
Three Paradigms of HCI
                                                                                   Ludic design             CSCW
                                                                                        (2002+)              (2005+)

Man as machine   Man as computer                 Man as meaning-maker
                 Cognitive sciences              Human sciences

                 Precursors                  Repurposings                 UX               Playfulness            Persuasive Tech
                   (1980+)                        (2001+)              (2002+)                (2005+)                   (2006+)
                                                                   Hedonic attributes
                                                                      Game UX

                      Harrison, S., Tatar, D., and Sengers, P. The Three Paradigms of HCI. Proc. AltCHI 2007, ACM Press (2007).
Enjoyable interfaces,
fun of use, metaphors

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This document discusses system auditing and designing an auditing system. It defines auditing as the analysis of log records to present information about the system in a clear manner. An auditing system has three main components - a logger that records events, an analyzer that examines the logs for violations or anomalies, and a notifier that reports the results of the analysis. The document outlines important considerations for designing an effective auditing system such as what types of events should be logged and analyzed based on the system's security policy. It also discusses issues like log syntax, privacy, and reconstructing sanitized logs for security analysis purposes.

Secure lab setup for cyber security
Secure lab setup for cyber securitySecure lab setup for cyber security
Secure lab setup for cyber security

This document outlines plans for setting up a secure cybersecurity lab with three main goals: 1) Support both Windows and Linux systems to emulate a real-world environment, 2) Be able to isolate the lab network from the campus network for exercises, and 3) Provide a mixed-use space for both security exercises and general usage. Key aspects of the lab setup include using virtual machines on physical systems to lower costs, purchasing a managed switch to isolate student workstations, and configuring older or vulnerable operating systems on student systems to simulate real-world targets.

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Dennis Chao, Doom as an Interface for
Process Management (2001)

3d engines, interfaces,                 Louis von Ahn, Games with a Purpose (2006)
controllers, inputs
User Experience
Pleasure, fun, emotion,
desire, hedonic attributes
Game UX
Playability heuristics, metrics,
models of game experience
“Ludic design”
Curiosity, exploration,
reflection, openness

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Information security management system
Information security management systemInformation security management system
Information security management system

The document discusses information security management systems (ISMS) and the ISO 27001 standard. It provides an overview of ISMS, describing their role in systematically managing information security. It then outlines the key aspects of ISO 27001, including its 11 domains that cover information security areas like policies, asset management, access control, and compliance. The document emphasizes that ISO 27001 certification provides organizations benefits like increased credibility, assurance for partners and authorities, and a competitive advantage.

Information Technology Infrastructure
Information Technology Infrastructure Information Technology Infrastructure
Information Technology Infrastructure

This document discusses technology infrastructure and its key drivers. It defines infrastructure as the underlying foundation or base for an organization or system. The five key drivers of technology infrastructure are outlined as: 1) Moore's Law and increasing microprocessing power, 2) the exponential growth of mass digital storage, 3) Metcalfe's Law describing increasing network value, 4) declining communication costs and the growth of the Internet, and 5) the role of standards in ensuring compatibility and communication. Examples are provided for each driver to illustrate the concepts and their technological impacts.

management information
Introduction to information security
Introduction to information securityIntroduction to information security
Introduction to information security

This document discusses basics of information security including data security, network security, and information security. It defines information systems and explains the need for and importance of securing information. Reasons for information classification are provided along with criteria and levels of classification. The document also covers security basics such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication. Techniques for data obfuscation and event classification are described.

information security
Conditions, elements,
experiences, inspiration
Motivating collaboration,
Persuasive Tech.
Persuasive games,
persuasive patterns
• Introduction                          You are here

• Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI
• Current topics in HCI
• Defining “gamification”
• Debate!


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What is Virtualization
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What is Virtualization

Server virtualization allows multiple virtual machines to run on the same physical server hardware. It increases hardware utilization and enables server consolidation. The benefits of virtualization include higher utilization, decreased provisioning times, load balancing, improved security, and easier disaster recovery. However, virtualization also increases management complexity and physical hardware failures can affect multiple virtual machines.

cybersecurity strategy planning in the banking sector
cybersecurity strategy planning in the banking sectorcybersecurity strategy planning in the banking sector
cybersecurity strategy planning in the banking sector

Olivier Busolini discusses cybersecurity strategy planning in the banking sector. He outlines an approach that includes understanding business risks, assessing gaps, agile planning, implementation, and monitoring. Key aspects are controls hygiene and compliance using frameworks like NIST and ANSSI. A security program should focus on people, processes, infrastructure, applications, and data, and increase maturity over multiple years. Risks and tips from experience are also covered, like focusing on people, defining risk appetite, and ensuring budget supports ongoing work.

cybersecurityit riskit security

Information systems are integral to modern organizations, supporting operations, knowledge work, and management. An information system consists of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, procedures, and human resources. It collects, stores, and processes data and delivers information to users. Information systems allow organizations to manage their operations more efficiently and compete effectively. They also support individuals in conducting personal activities. However, ensuring security and controlling access to sensitive information is important.

Gerling, K. and Masuch, M.: Exploring the Potential
                                                                      of Gamification Among Frail Elderly Persons (2011)

   Cheng, L., Shami, S., Dugan, C., Muller,
  M., DiMicco, J., Patterson, J., Rohall, S.,
  Sempere, A. and Geyer, W. Finding
  Moments of Play at Work (2011).

Diversity of
Life as a series of quests                      Choe, S. P., Jang, H. and Song, J. Roleplaying gamification to
                                                encourage social interactions at parties (2011).
Müller, F., Peer, F., Agamanolis, S., and Sheridan, J.
                                                                           Gamification and Exertion (2011)
 Diakopoulos, N. Design Challenges in Playable Data (2011)

Diversity of                                   Cramer, H., Ahmet, Z., Rost, M. and Holmquist, L. E.: Gamification
                                               and location-sharing: some emerging social conflicts (2011)
Challenges of working
with real data
Laschke, M. and Hassenzahl, M.:            Narasimhan, N., Chiricescu, S. and
                                                Being a "mayor" or a "patron"?             Vasudevan,V. The Gamification of
                                                The difference between owning              Television: is there life beyond
                                                badges and telling stories (2011)          badges? (2011)

Huotari, K. and Hamari, J. “Gamification” from
the perspective of service marketing (2011)

Diversity of
Gamification of services                              Nikkila, S., Linn, S., Sundaram, H. and Kelliher, A. Playing in
                                                     Taskville: Designing a Social Game for the Workplace (2011)
Reeves, B., Cummings, J. J. and Anderson, D. Leveraging the
   Brewer, R. S., Lee, G. E., Xu,Y., Desiato, C., Katchuk,
                                                                      engagement of games to change energy behavior (2011)
   M. and Johnson, P. M. Lights Off. Game On. The Kukui
   Cup: A Dorm Energy Competition (2011).

Diversity of
Eco behaviours                                    Inbar, O., Tractinsky, N., Tsimhoni, O. and Seder, T.: Driving the
                                                  Scoreboard: Motivating Eco-Driving Through In-Car Gaming (2011).

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Security Policies and Standards
Security Policies and StandardsSecurity Policies and Standards
Security Policies and Standards

The document discusses security policies and standards. It defines different types of policies like enterprise, issue-specific, and systems-specific policies. It also discusses how policies are developed based on an organization's mission and vision. Effective policies require dissemination, review, comprehension, and compliance. Frameworks and industry standards also guide policy development. Additionally, the document outlines the importance of security education, training, and awareness programs to inform employees and reinforce security practices.

Ethical and social issues in information systems
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Ethical and social issues in information systems

The document discusses several topics related to ethical and social issues in information systems. It describes how information systems can pose challenges to privacy and intellectual property. It also discusses how systems have affected everyday life. The document provides examples of ethical issues raised by emerging technologies and examines principles for analyzing ethical dilemmas related to information systems.

Introduction to HCI
Introduction to HCI Introduction to HCI
Introduction to HCI
Choe, S. P., Jang, H. and Song, J. Roleplaying gamification to
     Hoonhout, J. and Meerbeek, B.: Brainstorm triggers:          encourage social interactions at parties (2011).
     game characteristics as input in ideation (2011)

Diversity of
applications                                  Dixon, D. Player Types and
Game design and game                          Gamification (2011)
studies as a design lens
Cramer, H., Ahmet, Z., Rost, M. and Holmquist, L. E.:
Gamification and location-sharing: some emerging
social conflicts (2011)

                                                        Antin, J. and Churchill, E. Badges
                                                        in Social Media: A Social
                                                        Psychological Perspective (2011)

Making sense of
Achievement and badges
Dimension 1: Presence and Dimension 2: Readiness.
 The division between discursive and practical consciousness can be mirrored in
 the interface of the medium by the distinction between presence-at-hand and

 Dimension 3: Adversity.
 The degree to which its material aspects make the game more or less difficult
 to the players to win.

                  Cheung, G. Consciousness in Gameplay (2011)

Making sense of
                                                                   Huotari, K. and Hamari, J. “Gamification” from
gamification                                                        the perspective of service marketing (2011)
Theories and frameworks
Hoonhout, J. and Meerbeek, B.: Brainstorm triggers:
   game characteristics as input in ideation (2011)

Making sense of                                          Lee, H.-J. What could media art learn
                                                         from recent experimental games? (2011)
In relation to other theory

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Multisensory and multimedia
Multisensory and multimediaMultisensory and multimedia
Multisensory and multimedia

This document summarizes key points from Bill Moggridge's book about designing multisensory and multimedia interactions. It discusses the work of several interaction designers including Hiroshi Ishii who developed tangible user interfaces that blend the physical and digital worlds. Durrell Bishop emphasized making digital objects self-evident like physical objects. Joy Mountford helped develop QuickTime and add video and sound to computers. Bill Gaver studied sound perception and developed auditory icons. The document also describes several prototypes like Ishii's Music Bottles, Bishop's Marble Answering Machine, and Gaver's History Tablecloth that sensor weight over time.

Designing with Only Four People in Mind? - A Case Study of Using Personas to ...
Designing with Only Four People in Mind? - A Case Study of Using Personas to ...Designing with Only Four People in Mind? - A Case Study of Using Personas to ...
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The document describes a case study where personas were used in a 2-day workshop to redesign a work-integrated learning support system called APOSDLE. 4 personas representing different types of users were created based on empirical data and input from stakeholders. During the workshop, the personas helped project members from different backgrounds engage with the users and focus redesign discussions on meeting user needs. The personas highlighted issues with the initial prototype and led to design changes like quick access to resources and optional explicit learning support.

aposdleiauser experience
Game classifications
Game classificationsGame classifications
Game classifications

This document categorizes and defines different types and genres of games. It discusses game types based on platform - arcade, console, PC, and mobile. Game genres include board games, card games, fighting games, shooting games, role-playing games, adventure games, simulation games, and sports games. Each genre is defined by common gameplay challenges and how players interact with the game.

Khaled, R. It’s Not Just Whether You Win or Lose:
                                                                            Thoughts on Gamification and Culture (2011)
         Antin, J. and Churchill, E. Badges in Social Media:
         A Social Psychological Perspective (2011)

Making sense of                        Deterding, S. Situated motivational affordances of game elements: A conceptual model (2011)

Psychology as a lens
responsibilities of users,
                                           coercion and social pressure
    regulators, designers

                                 Ethics                   targeting
  privacy and data use                                    audiences

                                  need for transparency
Discussion topics
                                  and informed consent
socio-economic status/access      gaming literacy

                                            dependency levels
cultural groups

                       User groups             aesthetic tastes

                                                player types

Discussion topics                 work place roles
 challenges and
 constraints of working
                                                      user roles
 with given tasks, data

                                                 “best practice”

                          balance between user
Discussion topics         and designer control

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Challenges in HCI for Mobile Devices
Challenges in HCI for Mobile DevicesChallenges in HCI for Mobile Devices
Challenges in HCI for Mobile Devices

This document discusses challenges in designing interfaces for mobile devices. It addresses research questions about major challenges, solutions for user-centered design, and principles for mobile interfaces. Mobile devices can be classified by type, use, and operating system. Interaction design considers consumer perspective, usefulness, and user needs. Challenges include limited input/output facilities due to screen size and hardware constraints, as well as issues with menus, navigation, images, and power management for mobility. The conclusion emphasizes designing for diverse users, usability, affordability, and meeting portability needs through an iterative user-focused process.

Why game studies
Why game studiesWhy game studies
Why game studies

Game studies is a decade-old multidisciplinary field that studies games, players, and contexts to drive research and collaboration. It aims to integrate theory and practice to promote innovation, research, and industry prosperity. Game studies provides a foundation for students by teaching dramatic elements, interactivity, and industry awareness to empower graduates and encourage innovative game design. It establishes a common language and research space for understanding games as a culture and rapidly changing business.

Gaming, Social Media and Typical Dreams
Gaming, Social Media and Typical Dreams Gaming, Social Media and Typical Dreams
Gaming, Social Media and Typical Dreams

This is a presentation made at the annual meeting of the Canadian Game Studies Association. A version of it will also be presented at the International Association for the Study of Dreams later in June.

boundary personalitydreamsvideo games
morally defined: whose                            conflict of in-game/out-
ends are being furthered                         of-game goals (getting
by the cheat?                                    points/getting fit)

                         Cheating, gaming the
                        system, and emergent
                           player behaviour
                                                      potential real-world
                                                      negative effects

Discussion topics              socially defined
• Introduction
• Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI
• Current topics in HCI     You are here

• Defining “gamification”
• Debate!

A definition

    - The use of game design
    elements in non-game contexts

A definition

    - The use of game design
    elements in non-game contexts


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Multimodal man machine interaction
Multimodal man machine interactionMultimodal man machine interaction
Multimodal man machine interaction

The document discusses multimodal man-machine interaction and human-computer interaction. It defines multimodal interaction as using multiple input and output modalities simultaneously, like vision, speech and touch. This allows for more natural interaction compared to unimodal systems. Some challenges with multimodal interaction are integrating information from different modes and designing universal interfaces. Examples of multimodal systems discussed are Bharati, an Indian initiative for internet access, and ITR, a project at the University of Illinois. The future of HCI is predicted to involve more natural interfaces using combinations of modalities.

man machine interactionrajesh p barnwalnatural computer interface
Semantic Web Technologies for HCI
Semantic Web Technologies for HCISemantic Web Technologies for HCI
Semantic Web Technologies for HCI

Semantic web technologies pop up frequently in current computer science research, in particular in fields related to HCI. Although the semantic web itself has not yet been fully realized, the supporting technologies are mature enough to be used for other applications. The semantic web initiative centers around knowledge representation and automated reasoning about knowledge. This concept is general enough to find its use in many different fields (ambient intelligence, service oriented computing, etc.). I will give an overview of the basic concepts of the semantic web. Important semantic web standards such as RDF, RDFS and OWL will be covered as well. Presented during a HCI chit-chat session at our institute on September 8th, 2006.

Interaction Paradigms
Interaction ParadigmsInteraction Paradigms
Interaction Paradigms

Introduction to interaction paradigms in computational devices. Presentation by Sigrun Ritter, Sebastian Weinhold

human-computer interactioninteractive media
Games not play


Using elements of games

             chaser             yand
        Dune                        vigila

    Whole                     Parts

Bringing it all together

                                      Gameful Design
             (Serious) Games               or

     Whole                                              Parts

                   and                 Playful Design


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HCI - Chapter 4
HCI - Chapter 4HCI - Chapter 4
HCI - Chapter 4

The document discusses the history and evolution of paradigms in human-computer interaction (HCI). It describes several paradigm shifts in interactive technologies including: batch processing, time-sharing, interactive computing, graphical displays, personal computing, the World Wide Web, ubiquitous computing. Each new paradigm created a new perception of the human-computer relationship.

Non functional requirements
Non functional requirementsNon functional requirements
Non functional requirements

Knowing of non-functional requirements helps you to avoid of customers say „You should thing better!“.

Non Functional Requirement.
Non Functional Requirement.Non Functional Requirement.
Non Functional Requirement.

Non-functional requirements describe how a system will operate rather than what it will do. They include qualities like usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. Usability measures how easy a system is to use, learn, and adapt to user needs. Reliability refers to the likelihood of failures and is measured by metrics like mean time between failures. Performance requirements specify the system's efficiency and response times. Supportability involves how easily a system can be maintained, internationalized, and adapted to changes.

Using different elements of design
                                     Playtesting, playcentric design, value
Game design methods
                                     conscious game design

Game models                          MDA, Game design atoms, CEGE

Game design principles and           Enduring play, clear goals, variety of
heuristics                           play styles

                                     Levels, time constraints, limited
Game design patterns and mechanics

Game interface patterns              Badge, leaderboard, timer

Non-game contexts

Contextualising gamification

the definition again

     Gameful Design
     - The use of game design
     elements in non-game contexts


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HCI - Chapter 2
HCI - Chapter 2HCI - Chapter 2
HCI - Chapter 2

The document discusses various input and output devices used in computer systems. It describes keyboards, mice, touchscreens, displays, printers and scanners. It explains how these devices work and how they allow interaction with computers. Different interaction techniques are suitable depending on the devices used, such as direct interaction with touchscreens versus indirect interaction with mice.

HCI Presentation
HCI PresentationHCI Presentation
HCI Presentation

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use, and the study of major phenomena surrounding them. The goal of HCI is to improve the interaction between users and computers by making computers more user-friendly and responsive to user needs. Key aspects of HCI include usability testing interfaces for effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Emerging areas of HCI research include pervasive/ubiquitous computing which embeds technology in everyday objects and ambient intelligence which aims to make technology invisible to users.

information technologyinformation systemcomputer science
HCI - Chapter 1
HCI - Chapter 1HCI - Chapter 1
HCI - Chapter 1

This document provides an overview of human information processing and cognition. It discusses how humans receive and interpret visual and auditory information. It describes short-term and long-term memory, including different memory models. It also covers topics like problem solving, reasoning, decision making, and how emotion can influence cognitive abilities.

• Introduction
• Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI
• Current topics in HCI
                            You are here
• Defining “gamification”
• Debate!

3 focal questions: 3 min/respondent, 15 min
open debate
• What is new and valuable in the HCI perspective? What is
• How have these phenomena appeared and been approached
 in past game studies?
• What do these phenomena hold for game studies? Why and
 how should we study them?

Thank you
Rilla Khaled   Dan Dixon             Sebastian Deterding

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Gamification: A roundtable on game studies and HCI perspectives

  • 1. DiGRA 2011 Gamification A roundtable on game studies and HCI perspectives R. Khaled, D. Dixon, S. Deterding Utrecht, September 16, 2011 cb
  • 3. Today You are here • Introduction • Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI • Current topics in HCI • Defining “gamification” • Debate! 3
  • 4. “Gamification”? “The use of game design elements in non-gaming contexts” 4
  • 7. The blueprint Points Badges Leaderboards Incentives Tracking, Feedback Goal-setting Competition Rewards (And behavioral analytics in the backend) 7
  • 8. The enablers Success stories Existing discourses Analytics & sensors & practices 8
  • 9. Today • Introduction You are here ��� Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI • Current topics in HCI • Defining “gamification” • Debate! 9
  • 10. “Gamification” in HCI: A prehistory Utility Usability The great beyond 10
  • 11. Three Paradigms of HCI Ludic design CSCW (2002+) (2005+) Man as machine Man as computer Man as meaning-maker Ergonomics Cognitive sciences Human sciences Precursors Repurposings UX Playfulness Persuasive Tech (1980+) (2001+) (2002+) (2005+) (2006+) Hedonic attributes Game UX 11 Harrison, S., Tatar, D., and Sengers, P. The Three Paradigms of HCI. Proc. AltCHI 2007, ACM Press (2007).
  • 12. Precursors Enjoyable interfaces, fun of use, metaphors (1980-1988)
  • 13. Dennis Chao, Doom as an Interface for Process Management (2001) Repurposing 3d engines, interfaces, Louis von Ahn, Games with a Purpose (2006) controllers, inputs (2001+)
  • 14. User Experience Pleasure, fun, emotion, desire, hedonic attributes (2002+)
  • 15. Game UX Playability heuristics, metrics, models of game experience (2002+)
  • 20. Today • Introduction You are here • Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI • Current topics in HCI • Defining “gamification” • Debate! 20
  • 21. Gerling, K. and Masuch, M.: Exploring the Potential of Gamification Among Frail Elderly Persons (2011) Cheng, L., Shami, S., Dugan, C., Muller, M., DiMicco, J., Patterson, J., Rohall, S., Sempere, A. and Geyer, W. Finding Moments of Play at Work (2011). Diversity of applications Life as a series of quests Choe, S. P., Jang, H. and Song, J. Roleplaying gamification to encourage social interactions at parties (2011).
  • 22. Müller, F., Peer, F., Agamanolis, S., and Sheridan, J. Gamification and Exertion (2011) Diakopoulos, N. Design Challenges in Playable Data (2011) Diversity of Cramer, H., Ahmet, Z., Rost, M. and Holmquist, L. E.: Gamification and location-sharing: some emerging social conflicts (2011) applications Challenges of working with real data
  • 23. Laschke, M. and Hassenzahl, M.: Narasimhan, N., Chiricescu, S. and Being a "mayor" or a "patron"? Vasudevan,V. The Gamification of The difference between owning Television: is there life beyond badges and telling stories (2011) badges? (2011) Huotari, K. and Hamari, J. “Gamification” from the perspective of service marketing (2011) Diversity of applications Gamification of services Nikkila, S., Linn, S., Sundaram, H. and Kelliher, A. Playing in Taskville: Designing a Social Game for the Workplace (2011)
  • 24. Reeves, B., Cummings, J. J. and Anderson, D. Leveraging the Brewer, R. S., Lee, G. E., Xu,Y., Desiato, C., Katchuk, engagement of games to change energy behavior (2011) M. and Johnson, P. M. Lights Off. Game On. The Kukui Cup: A Dorm Energy Competition (2011). Diversity of applications Eco behaviours Inbar, O., Tractinsky, N., Tsimhoni, O. and Seder, T.: Driving the Scoreboard: Motivating Eco-Driving Through In-Car Gaming (2011).
  • 25. Choe, S. P., Jang, H. and Song, J. Roleplaying gamification to Hoonhout, J. and Meerbeek, B.: Brainstorm triggers: encourage social interactions at parties (2011). game characteristics as input in ideation (2011) Diversity of applications Dixon, D. Player Types and Game design and game Gamification (2011) studies as a design lens
  • 26. Cramer, H., Ahmet, Z., Rost, M. and Holmquist, L. E.: Gamification and location-sharing: some emerging social conflicts (2011) Antin, J. and Churchill, E. Badges in Social Media: A Social Psychological Perspective (2011) Making sense of gamification Achievement and badges
  • 27. Dimension 1: Presence and Dimension 2: Readiness. The division between discursive and practical consciousness can be mirrored in the interface of the medium by the distinction between presence-at-hand and readiness-to-hand. Dimension 3: Adversity. The degree to which its material aspects make the game more or less difficult to the players to win. Cheung, G. Consciousness in Gameplay (2011) Making sense of Huotari, K. and Hamari, J. “Gamification” from gamification the perspective of service marketing (2011) Theories and frameworks
  • 28. Hoonhout, J. and Meerbeek, B.: Brainstorm triggers: game characteristics as input in ideation (2011) Making sense of Lee, H.-J. What could media art learn from recent experimental games? (2011) gamification In relation to other theory
  • 29. Khaled, R. It’s Not Just Whether You Win or Lose: Thoughts on Gamification and Culture (2011) Antin, J. and Churchill, E. Badges in Social Media: A Social Psychological Perspective (2011) Making sense of Deterding, S. Situated motivational affordances of game elements: A conceptual model (2011) gamification Psychology as a lens
  • 30. responsibilities of users, coercion and social pressure regulators, designers Ethics targeting vulnerable privacy and data use audiences need for transparency Discussion topics and informed consent
  • 31. socio-economic status/access gaming literacy dependency levels cultural groups User groups aesthetic tastes gender player types Discussion topics work place roles age
  • 32. motivations challenges and constraints of working user roles with given tasks, data Design feedback “best practice” balance between user Discussion topics and designer control
  • 33. morally defined: whose conflict of in-game/out- ends are being furthered of-game goals (getting by the cheat? points/getting fit) Cheating, gaming the system, and emergent player behaviour universal potential real-world negative effects Discussion topics socially defined
  • 34. Today • Introduction • Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI • Current topics in HCI You are here • Defining “gamification” • Debate! 34
  • 35. A definition Gamification - The use of game design elements in non-game contexts 35
  • 36. A definition Gamification - The use of game design elements in non-game contexts 36
  • 37. Games not play Game Play 37
  • 39. Using elements of games libert chaser yand Dune vigila nce Whole Parts 39
  • 40. Bringing it all together Game Gameful Design (Serious) Games or Gamification Whole Parts Toys and Playful Design Playthings Play 40
  • 41. Using different elements of design Playtesting, playcentric design, value Game design methods conscious game design Game models MDA, Game design atoms, CEGE Game design principles and Enduring play, clear goals, variety of heuristics play styles Levels, time constraints, limited Game design patterns and mechanics resources Game interface patterns Badge, leaderboard, timer 41
  • 44. the definition again Gamification Gameful Design - The use of game design elements in non-game contexts 44
  • 45. Today • Introduction • Pre-history of “gamification” in HCI • Current topics in HCI You are here • Defining “gamification” • Debate! 45
  • 46. Debate! 3 focal questions: 3 min/respondent, 15 min open debate • What is new and valuable in the HCI perspective? What is missing? • How have these phenomena appeared and been approached in past game studies? • What do these phenomena hold for game studies? Why and how should we study them? 46
  • 47. Thank you Rilla Khaled Dan Dixon Sebastian Deterding