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All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20181
DECEMBER 5, 2018
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20182
• Asia PKI Forum was founded in 2001,
and transform to Asia PKI Consortium
in 2007, with leading organizations
from Asia area supported by
government and industrial sectors
• Objectives:
▸ Promote the applications of PKI in e-commerce, e-
government, e-financial, etc.
▸ Advance the interoperability among PKIs in countries in
the Asia region
▸ Collaboration with global community to deliver a
comprehensive framework of e-authentication
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20183
Policy and Technology Promotion and Awareness
 Asia PKI Interoperability Guideline
 CA Responsibilities and Liability
 Legal Issues on New Security
 Mutual Recognition of National PKIs
(Greater China, ASEAN)
 Cross Border Applications(Trade,
 Asia PKI Case Study
 Asia PKI Company List and Total
 Asia PKI Best Practice Award
 Asia PKI Innovation Award
 PKI Market Survey
 International Collaboration(PAA,
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20184
• Both financial and government sectors are highly regulated
in the regions
▸ Most regions in Asia/Europe have regulations to use PKI for digital(electronic)
signature with legal effects
▸ Financial transactions are required to use PKI in some regions
 With the certificate issued by the “Certificate Authority”(CA) endorsed by the
regulations for digital(electronic) signature
• Accelerate the adoption of FIDO in Asia
▸ APKIC Member companies are not so familiar with FIDO and its use of biometrics
▸ Whitelist FIDO is needed in certain regions
• e.g., FIDO is whitelisted in certain financial transactions in some regions(Korea, Taiwan)
▸ Different member companies have different ideas on how FIDO should be used,
especially together with an existing PKI system
▸ FIDO has its own policies/opinions, too

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FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication ComplianceFIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance
FIDO & PSD2 – Achieving Strong Customer Authentication Compliance

The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the associated Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on strong customer authentication and secure communication impose stringent requirements on multi-factor authentication and on the security of implementations. Payment Service Providers will want to know whether the authentication solutions they put in place conform to the RTS both in terms of functionality and security. The FIDO Alliance standards are based on multi-factor authentication and are a strong fit for PSD2 compliance. The FIDO Alliance’s certification program provides an independent evaluation of functional compliance to the standards as well as of the achieved level of security of FIDO authenticators. Featuring industry experts, this presentation explores how FIDO can resolve key issues, including: • How the FIDO standards conform to the RTS • How FIDO’s certification program guarantees this conformity • How FIDO’s certification program provides for the mandatory security evaluation imposed by the RTS

fido alliancefidofido authentication
The State of FIDO
The State of FIDOThe State of FIDO
The State of FIDO

Executive Director and Chief Marketing Officer of FIDO Alliance, Andrew Shikiar updates viewers on the State of FIDO.

fido alliancefidoidentiverse
FIDO Support for the GDPR
FIDO Support for the GDPRFIDO Support for the GDPR
FIDO Support for the GDPR

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Alain Martin, VP, Strategic Partnerships, Gemalto; Secretary, FIDO Alliance Board of Directors; Co-Chair, FIDO Europe Working Group

gdprfido alliancefido
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20185
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20186
• Di g i ta l Si g na ture Reg ula ti o n, N a ti o na l PKI, Publi c / L i cens ed C A
Digital Signature
Financial Regulation on PKI eID and Other PKI Applications
China ✓ (Some regions) ✓ (ESL, 2005) Mandatory for financial transaction
above certain amount
eID (Optional, with PKI), e-Government,
e-Commerce, etc.
Hong Kong ✓ (HKPost[13]) ✓ (ETO[19], 2000) Optional eID (Mandatory, with PKI option),
e-Government, e-Commerce, etc.
India ✓ (CCA[14]) ✓ (ITA-CCA, 2000) Mandatory for high risk bank
eID[26] (Mandatory, signed by PKI),
e-Government, e-Commerce, etc.
Japan ✓ (JPKI[15]) ✓ (ESaCBA, 2000) Optional eID (Optional, with PKI option),
e-Government, e-Commerce, etc.
Korea ✓ (NPKI, GPKI) ✓ (ESA, 1999) Optional (Mandatory~2014) eID (Optional without PKI),
e-Government, e-Commerce
Macao ✓ (eSignTrust[16]) ✓ (EDSL, 2005) Optional eID (Mandatory, with PKI option),
e-Government, e-Commerce, etc.
Taiwan ✓ (GPKI[4], FRCA) ✓ (ESA, 2002) Mandatory for high risk bank
transactions and all online stock trading
eID (Optional, with PKI),
e-Government, e-Commerce, etc.
Thailand ✓ (NRCA[17]) ✓ (ETA, 2001) Optional
eID, e-Government, e-Commerce
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20187
• Deployment of FIDO, PKI, and Others
Korea (1)
Macao (5)
Thailand (3)
India (6)
Taiwan (2)
Hong Kong
• eID by MPS with PKI
• Domain/Regional PKI
• FIDO in Chinese
• National eID(UIDAI)
AADHAAR(Fingerprint, IRIS)
• National PKI(CCA)
eMudhra, (n)Code, …
- Financial, Government,
Procurement, …
• Digital Signature Regulation
• Nation eID
NID card & i-PIN
• National PKI(KISA)
Financial, Commerce, Government…
• Digital Signature Regulation
• Private Sector
TWID (Financial Identification with PKI)+FIDO
TWID + Mobile ID
• Government Sector
T-FIDO & Government PKI (MOEACA for Citizen)
• Telecom (FIDO-based CRM)
• Local Government (IOTA Tangle ID)
• Digital Signature Regulation
• Hongkong Post, Macau Post -
eID with PKI (and FIDO)
• Digital Signature Regulation
• National PKI(NRCA by ETDA)
• eID (not active yet)
• Digital ID Committee
• National Digital ID Co., Ltd
• ETDA Connect
• Digital Signature Regulation
• eID (SingPass)
• eID with PKI and fingerprint (MyKad, …)
• National eID
My Number Card with JPKI
• FIDO in Telecom/Financial/Commerce and others
• Digital Signature Regulation
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20188
Authentication Server Relying Party
Relying Party
Key pairs
Key pairs

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FIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & MicrosoftFIDO2 & Microsoft
FIDO2 & Microsoft

Presented at FIDO Authentication Seminar – Tokyo By: Anthony Nadalin, Chief Security Architect, Microsoft; Co-Chair, FIDO2 Technology Working Group

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FIDO Masterclass

The document discusses FIDO Alliance's efforts to create simpler and stronger authentication standards to replace passwords. It provides an overview of FIDO authentication, including how it works, adoption rates, and certification programs. It also summarizes the Alliance's work in identity verification, binding, and FIDO Device Onboarding to fill gaps and further the passwordless vision.

Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...
Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...
Microsoft's Path to Passwordless - FIDO Authentication for Windows & Azure Ac...

A look at FIDO Authentication within Microsoft's Azure and Active Directory. Passwordless authentication for enterprise is now easy and accessible.

microsoftazuremicrosoft azure
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20189
• K-FIDO (FIDO + NPKI certificate) by KISA
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201810
• Taiwan Identification Center (FIDO + PKI) by TWCA
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201811
• T h r e e c l a s s e s t o i n t e g r a t e F I D O a n d P K I
▸ Class 1: Shared Authenticator
Only client side implementation is needed
▸ Class 2: Synchronized Registration Process
Server side integration with or without client side implementation (reference from derived credential model)
(1) Bootstrapping PKI Registration with FIDO
(2) Bootstrapping FIDO Registration with PKI
(3) Combined Registration for FIDO and PKI
▸ Class 3: Shared Key Pairs
Need both server side integration and client side implementation
(1) FIDO reuse PKI’s key pair
(2) PKI reuse FIDO’s key pair
(3) Generate new FIDO+PKI key pair
• C l a s s 1 a n d 2 c o u l d b e i m p l e m e n t e d b y e x t e n s i o n o f F I D O
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s
• C l a s s 3 m a y c o n f l i c t w i t h F I D O S e c u r i t y G u i d e l i n e a n d U A F
s p e c i f i c a t i o n
▸ Not in the scope of recommendations in this version of white paper
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201812

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FIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and MicrosoftFIDO2 and Microsoft
FIDO2 and Microsoft

This document summarizes a presentation given by Anthony Nadalin from Microsoft on FIDO2 and Microsoft implementations. It discusses the FIDO standards including CTAP2 and WebAuthn, and how Microsoft supports these standards in Windows 10, Microsoft Edge, and Microsoft Accounts. It provides an overview of authentication interactions and the different entities involved, such as relying parties, clients, authenticators, and platforms.

fido alliancefido authenticationfido specifications
Introduction to FIDO's Identity Verification & Binding Initiative
Introduction to FIDO's Identity Verification & Binding Initiative Introduction to FIDO's Identity Verification & Binding Initiative
Introduction to FIDO's Identity Verification & Binding Initiative

The document is a presentation from the FIDO Alliance about establishing an Identity Verification and Binding Working Group. The working group will define criteria for remote identity proofing using government IDs and biometrics. It will create certification programs to evaluate identity verification solutions. The initial focus is on specifying requirements for remote document verification and facial matching during identity proofing. The goal is to provide guidance to help online services strengthen identity assurance when using FIDO authentication without passwords.

fido allianceuser verificationidentity verification
Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan
Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! JapanDeployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan
Deployment Snapshot from Japan: NTT DOCOMO, Yahoo! Japan

This presentation includes details on the FIDO Authentication deployments of NTT DOMOCO and Yahoo! Japan.

fido alliancefidontt docomo
Browser PKI
Platform PKI
Internal PKI Token
External PKI Token
RP APP Server
PKI Server
PKI Identification/Signature
Class 1
Class 2
• Future Use Cases:
▸United States:
• Education (Students and Teachers)
• Healthcare (Medical Wallet)
• Government (First Responders, DoD, DoI)
• Government Mobile Identity for Citizen (G2C services)
Pilot Project for
Mobile Authentication & Identification Platform
☞ Service Portal
☞ Tax filling
☞ Health bank
☞ e-Invoice
☞ Finance
☞ …
☞ Decentralized Identification &
Applications(e.g. Blockchain,
Distributed Ledger, …)
☞ Use PKI to bootstrap FIDO2 account (ID
☞ Use FIDO2 to enhance the security of
cloud-based PKI system
☞ FIDO2 & PKI in one token/authenticator
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201816

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U2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers

A technical tutorial on deploying FIDO U2F specifications for security tokens for enterprise and consumer authentication.

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FIDO Certification
FIDO CertificationFIDO Certification
FIDO Certification

Answering all of your questions about FIDO Certification, including: what is FIDO certification?, types of certification, meta data service, security certification and the value of deploying certified solutions.

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FIDO and Adaptive Authentication
FIDO and Adaptive AuthenticationFIDO and Adaptive Authentication
FIDO and Adaptive Authentication

A look at trends in consumer authentication, including the growth of FIDO Authentication and how it complements adaptive authentication.

fido alliancefidofido authentication
NOVEMBER 30, 2018
We Work together!
Moving Beyond Passwords!
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201818
• PKI us e F IDO ’s A uthentic ator
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201819
• F IDO us e PKI’s To ken
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201820
CLASS 2 (1)
• B o o ts tra ppi ng PKI reg i s tra ti o n wi th F IDO

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2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell
2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell
2018 12-07 tokyo-seminar Brett McDowell

- The document summarizes a presentation given by Brett McDowell, Executive Director of the FIDO Alliance, about updates to the FIDO Alliance and passwordless authentication standards. - It highlights growing issues with passwords like high costs of password resets for organizations and high rates of password-related data breaches and phishing attacks. - The FIDO Alliance is working to solve the password problem through open authentication standards based on public key cryptography that eliminate the reliance on shared secrets and enable strong, phishing-resistant multi-factor authentication with a single gesture. - New developments include FIDO specifications becoming ITU and W3C standards, a growing number of FIDO2 certified products

fido alliancefidofido2
A First Step to a World without Passwords
A First Step to a World without PasswordsA First Step to a World without Passwords
A First Step to a World without Passwords

1) LINE is replacing existing biometric authentication with FIDO2 authentication in their mobile payment app LINE Pay to enhance security following payment fraud incidents. 2) They plan to expand FIDO integration to more LINE platforms and countries starting with the iOS version of LINE Pay in Japan. 3) LINE has developed their own FIDO authenticator called LINE iOS FIDO2 Combo which leverages the iPhone's Touch ID/Face ID and provides attestation through a trusted security module and whitebox abstraction layer.

seoul seminar 2019
Introducing FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)
Introducing  FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)Introducing  FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)
Introducing FIDO Device Onboard (FDO)

The FIDO Alliance has launched of the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) protocol, a new, open IoT standard that enables devices to simply and securely onboard to cloud and on-premise management platforms. Through this standard, the FIDO Alliance addresses challenges of security, cost and complexity tied to IoT device deployment at scale. FIDO Device Onboard furthers the fundamental vision of the Alliance, which has brought together 250+ of the most influential and innovative companies and government agencies from around the world to address cyber security in order to eliminate data breaches, and enable secure online experiences.

iotiot securityfdo
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201821
CLASS 2 (2)
• B o o ts tra ppi ng F IDO reg i s tra ti on wi th PKI
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201822
CLASS 2 (3)
• C o m bi ned Reg i s tra ti on f o r F IDO a nd PKI
All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201823
CLASS 2 (4)
• Rev o c a ti on Pro c es s

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FIDO UAF and PKI in Asia - Case Study and Recommendations

  • 2. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20182 BACKGROUND OF APKIC (1) • Asia PKI Forum was founded in 2001, and transform to Asia PKI Consortium in 2007, with leading organizations from Asia area supported by government and industrial sectors • Objectives: ▸ Promote the applications of PKI in e-commerce, e- government, e-financial, etc. ▸ Advance the interoperability among PKIs in countries in the Asia region ▸ Collaboration with global community to deliver a comprehensive framework of e-authentication
  • 3. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20183 BACKGROUND OF APKIC (2) Policy and Technology Promotion and Awareness  Asia PKI Interoperability Guideline  CA Responsibilities and Liability  Legal Issues on New Security Technologies  Mutual Recognition of National PKIs (Greater China, ASEAN)  Cross Border Applications(Trade, Financial)  Asia PKI Case Study  Asia PKI Company List and Total Solutions  Asia PKI Best Practice Award  Asia PKI Innovation Award  PKI Market Survey  International Collaboration(PAA, AFACT, APSCA, FIDO, etc.)
  • 4. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20184 NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED • Both financial and government sectors are highly regulated in the regions ▸ Most regions in Asia/Europe have regulations to use PKI for digital(electronic) signature with legal effects ▸ Financial transactions are required to use PKI in some regions  With the certificate issued by the “Certificate Authority”(CA) endorsed by the regulations for digital(electronic) signature • Accelerate the adoption of FIDO in Asia ▸ APKIC Member companies are not so familiar with FIDO and its use of biometrics ▸ Whitelist FIDO is needed in certain regions • e.g., FIDO is whitelisted in certain financial transactions in some regions(Korea, Taiwan) ▸ Different member companies have different ideas on how FIDO should be used, especially together with an existing PKI system ▸ FIDO has its own policies/opinions, too
  • 5. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20185 FIDO WEBSITE (APRIL 2018)
  • 6. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20186 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA (1) • Di g i ta l Si g na ture Reg ula ti o n, N a ti o na l PKI, Publi c / L i cens ed C A Country/ Region National/Regional PKI Digital Signature Legislation Financial Regulation on PKI eID and Other PKI Applications China ✓ (Some regions) ✓ (ESL, 2005) Mandatory for financial transaction above certain amount eID (Optional, with PKI), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. Hong Kong ✓ (HKPost[13]) ✓ (ETO[19], 2000) Optional eID (Mandatory, with PKI option), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. India ✓ (CCA[14]) ✓ (ITA-CCA, 2000) Mandatory for high risk bank transactions eID[26] (Mandatory, signed by PKI), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. Japan ✓ (JPKI[15]) ✓ (ESaCBA, 2000) Optional eID (Optional, with PKI option), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. Korea ✓ (NPKI, GPKI) ✓ (ESA, 1999) Optional (Mandatory~2014) eID (Optional without PKI), e-Government, e-Commerce Macao ✓ (eSignTrust[16]) ✓ (EDSL, 2005) Optional eID (Mandatory, with PKI option), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. Taiwan ✓ (GPKI[4], FRCA) ✓ (ESA, 2002) Mandatory for high risk bank transactions and all online stock trading eID (Optional, with PKI), e-Government, e-Commerce, etc. Thailand ✓ (NRCA[17]) ✓ (ETA, 2001) Optional eID, e-Government, e-Commerce
  • 7. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20187 CURRENT DEVELOPMENT IN ASIA (2) • Deployment of FIDO, PKI, and Others China Korea (1) Macao (5) Thailand (3) India (6) Taiwan (2) Hong Kong • eID by MPS with PKI • Domain/Regional PKI CFCA, BJCA, … • FIDO in Chinese FCWG • National eID(UIDAI) AADHAAR(Fingerprint, IRIS) • National PKI(CCA) eMudhra, (n)Code, … - Financial, Government, Procurement, … • Digital Signature Regulation • Nation eID NID card & i-PIN • National PKI(KISA) NPKI & K-FIDO/GPKI & G-FIDO Financial, Commerce, Government… • Digital Signature Regulation • Private Sector TWID (Financial Identification with PKI)+FIDO TWID + Mobile ID • Government Sector T-FIDO & Government PKI (MOEACA for Citizen) • Telecom (FIDO-based CRM) • Local Government (IOTA Tangle ID) • Digital Signature Regulation • Hongkong Post, Macau Post - eID with PKI (and FIDO) • Digital Signature Regulation • National PKI(NRCA by ETDA) • eID (not active yet) • Digital ID Committee • National Digital ID Co., Ltd Blockchain+MQ • ETDA Connect Blockchain(Omise)/FIDO • Digital Signature Regulation Singapore Malaysia • eID (SingPass) • eID with PKI and fingerprint (MyKad, …) Japan • National eID My Number Card with JPKI • FIDO in Telecom/Financial/Commerce and others • Digital Signature Regulation
  • 8. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20188 FIDO VS. PKI Authenticator Token Certificate Authority Authentication Server Relying Party Relying Party Registration Authority Validation Authority Attestation Service … FIDO PKI Key pairs Key pairs
  • 9. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 20189 CASE STUDY (1) • K-FIDO (FIDO + NPKI certificate) by KISA
  • 10. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201810 CASE STUDY (2) • Taiwan Identification Center (FIDO + PKI) by TWCA
  • 11. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201811 RECOMMENDATIONS • T h r e e c l a s s e s t o i n t e g r a t e F I D O a n d P K I ▸ Class 1: Shared Authenticator Only client side implementation is needed ▸ Class 2: Synchronized Registration Process Server side integration with or without client side implementation (reference from derived credential model) (1) Bootstrapping PKI Registration with FIDO (2) Bootstrapping FIDO Registration with PKI (3) Combined Registration for FIDO and PKI ▸ Class 3: Shared Key Pairs Need both server side integration and client side implementation (1) FIDO reuse PKI’s key pair (2) PKI reuse FIDO’s key pair (3) Generate new FIDO+PKI key pair • C l a s s 1 a n d 2 c o u l d b e i m p l e m e n t e d b y e x t e n s i o n o f F I D O s p e c i f i c a t i o n s • C l a s s 3 m a y c o n f l i c t w i t h F I D O S e c u r i t y G u i d e l i n e a n d U A F s p e c i f i c a t i o n ▸ Not in the scope of recommendations in this version of white paper
  • 12. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201812 NEXT…
  • 13. FIDO2 and PKI 13 Browser PKI Platform PKI Internal PKI Token External PKI Token RP APP Server PKI Server CA/RA/VA Server RP PKI App PKCS#11 PKI Identification/Signature Class 1 Class 2 •Browser •Platform
  • 14. 14 FIDO2+PKI • Future Use Cases: ▸United States: • Education (Students and Teachers) • Healthcare (Medical Wallet) • Government (First Responders, DoD, DoI) ▸Taiwan: • Government Mobile Identity for Citizen (G2C services)
  • 15. Pilot Project for Mobile Authentication & Identification Platform MOICA GCA HCA MOEACA XCA FIDO2 ☞ Service Portal ☞ Tax filling ☞ Health bank ☞ e-Invoice ☞ Finance ☞ … ☞ Decentralized Identification & Applications(e.g. Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, …) National Citizen Database ☞ Use PKI to bootstrap FIDO2 account (ID proofing) ☞ Use FIDO2 to enhance the security of cloud-based PKI system ☞ FIDO2 & PKI in one token/authenticator
  • 16. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201816 WELCOME JOINING WITH US!
  • 17. 2018 FIDO TAIPEI SEMINAR NOVEMBER 30, 2018 VICTORIA TAIPEI HOTEL 17 We Work together! Moving Beyond Passwords!
  • 18. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201818 CLIENT ARCHITECTURE (1) • PKI us e F IDO ’s A uthentic ator
  • 19. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201819 CLIENT ARCHITECTURE (2) • F IDO us e PKI’s To ken
  • 20. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201820 CLASS 2 (1) • B o o ts tra ppi ng PKI reg i s tra ti o n wi th F IDO
  • 21. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201821 CLASS 2 (2) • B o o ts tra ppi ng F IDO reg i s tra ti on wi th PKI
  • 22. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201822 CLASS 2 (3) • C o m bi ned Reg i s tra ti on f o r F IDO a nd PKI
  • 23. All Rights Reserved | FIDO Alliance | Copyright 201823 CLASS 2 (4) • Rev o c a ti on Pro c es s