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Web Standards and Protocols
Web Standards and Protocols
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      All sites have a purpose; it’s a
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility   matter of you deciding what the
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations    purpose of your site will be and
                                 what audience you will need to

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Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)Responsive web designing ppt(1)
Responsive web designing ppt(1)

In today's internet scenario responsive websites are the most popular way of putting a website in worldwide web, as this a form in which your website can be seen in multiple devices without any problem. In this slide we tried to explain step by step processes in responsive website design.

responsive web design
Web application architecture
Web application architectureWeb application architecture
Web application architecture

Basics, Components, Design and Development of Web Application and Websites. Especially made for seminars and guest sessions for newbies in Web Development field. STAENZ Academy

Introduction to php
Introduction to phpIntroduction to php
Introduction to php

The document discusses PHP, an open-source scripting language commonly used for web development. It can be embedded into HTML pages and is used to dynamically generate webpage content. PHP code is executed on the server and generates HTML that is sent to the browser. The document also discusses using XAMPP, a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack, to install and run PHP, MySQL, and Apache on your local computer for testing websites.

What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      We are talking about things like
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility   colour choice, alignments, visual
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations    interest, and meaningful
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      Content is the message, each
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility   page within a site needs to have a
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations    goal, to serve its purpose in the
                                 overall scheme of the site.
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      Architecture is the basis of how
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility   the website is organised.
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      Not everyone will be able to access
3.   Message
     Usability & Accessibility
                                 a site due to various circumstances;
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations    different equipment, connections
                                 and even disabilities can prohibit
                                 users accessing a site. You need to
                                 take these in to consideration.

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Introduction to php
Introduction to phpIntroduction to php
Introduction to php

This ppt wil guide all computer science engineering students through the Introduction of PHP programming language.

MYSQL - PHP Database Connectivity
MYSQL - PHP Database ConnectivityMYSQL - PHP Database Connectivity
MYSQL - PHP Database Connectivity

This document discusses MySQL databases and how to interact with them using PHP. It begins by introducing MySQL as the world's most popular open source database and describes some basic database server concepts. It then provides code examples for how to connect to a MySQL database from PHP, select a database, perform queries to read, insert, update, and delete records, and more. The document is intended as a tutorial for learning the basic functions and syntax for accessing and manipulating data in a MySQL database with PHP.

phpmysqlmysql - php database connectivity
Web Servers (ppt)
Web Servers (ppt)Web Servers (ppt)
Web Servers (ppt)

The document discusses web servers and their key components and functions. It covers: 1) The definition of a web server as a program that generates and transmits responses to client requests for web resources by parsing requests, authorizing access, and constructing responses. 2) How web servers handle client requests through steps like parsing requests, authorizing access, and transmitting responses. They can also dynamically generate responses through server-side includes and server scripts. 3) Techniques web servers use like access control through authentication and authorization, passing data to scripts, using cookies, caching responses, and allocating resources through event-driven, process-driven, and hybrid architectures.

web servers
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      It’s not enough to just have a
3.   Message
4.   Architecture
5.   Usability & Accessibility   website on the Internet, you need
6.   Online Marketing
7.   Technical Considerations    to be able to direct traffic to the
                                 site, and otherwise it may fail its
What Makes a Good Website?
1.   Purpose
2.   Design                      When we look at the technical side of a
3.   Message
4.   Architecture                site, many variables are looked at from
5.   Usability & Accessibility
6.   Online Marketing            domain names (will it be easy to
7.   Technical Considerations
                                 remember); is the ISP reliable, will they
                                 be able to accommodate to future
                                 technological changes as a site grows.
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation

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Web servers
Web serversWeb servers
Web servers

Web servers are software applications that deliver web content accessible over the Internet or intranets. They host websites, files, scripts, and programs and serve them using HTTP and other protocols. Common web servers include Apache, Microsoft IIS, and Sun Java. Tomcat is an open source web server and servlet container. It implements Java servlets and JSP specifications, providing a Java HTTP environment. Tomcat's main components are Catalina for servlet handling, Coyote for HTTP connections, and Jasper for JSP compilation. While Apache is generally better for static content, Tomcat can be used with Apache for Java/JSP applications.

webserverpopular webserversapache
Web development
Web developmentWeb development
Web development

Web development involves the creation and maintenance of websites through web design and coding. Web design focuses on creating the visual templates and layouts for websites using tools like Photoshop, while coding provides the underlying structure and functionality through programming languages and frameworks. Coding is essential for web design as it forms the building blocks and server-side functionality that brings websites to life online.

web developmentweb design and developmentweb designing and coding
Web servers – features, installation and configuration
Web servers – features, installation and configurationWeb servers – features, installation and configuration
Web servers – features, installation and configuration

A web server is a computer program and server that allows for hosting of websites and web applications. It accepts requests from browsers and returns HTML documents and other content. Common technologies used on web servers include CGI scripts, SSL security, and ASP to provide dynamic content and server-side processing. Web servers work by accepting connections from browsers, retrieving content from disk, running local programs, and transmitting data back to clients as quickly as possible while supporting threads and processes.

web servers
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They should work perfectly on
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         any modern browser
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They should work perfectly on
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         any modern browser
•   Markup Validation
                                  • They are quicker to load

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Web Standards
Web StandardsWeb Standards
Web Standards

What are Web Standards and why were they established? Why should web developers use web standards? Originally presented on 08/02/2010 by Chris Fagg.

web standards

Introduction and real-life examples about using Flexbox. Presented at the front-end meetup in Skopje on 12.01.2016.

flexboxweb design and developmentcss
PHP Presentation
PHP PresentationPHP Presentation
PHP Presentation

The document provides an overview of PHP, MySQL, Apache, and how they relate. It discusses: 1) The history and purpose of PHP, MySQL, Apache, and how they work together in the AMP stack. 2) How PHP is used to create dynamic web pages, MySQL is used for data storage, and Apache runs PHP pages. 3) Configuration steps for installing PHP with IIS or WAMP on Windows systems.

Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They should work perfectly on
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         any modern browser
•   Markup Validation
                                  • They are quicker to load
                                  • They tend to appear higher on
                                    search engines
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They should work perfectly on
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         any modern browser
•   Markup Validation
                                  • They are quicker to load
                                  • They tend to appear higher on
                                    search engines
                                  • They’re accessible to people
                                    with disabilities
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They’ll work on older browsers,
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         even if they don’t look perfect
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They’ll work on older browsers,
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         even if they don’t look perfect
•   Markup Validation
                                  • They can work on other devices
                                    like PDAs or Web TV

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Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5Introduction to HTML5
Introduction to HTML5

The document is a presentation on HTML5 that covers: - What HTML5 is and why to use it - New HTML5 structural elements, forms, multimedia elements, and JavaScript APIs - Demonstrations of HTML5 features like Canvas, SVG, Geolocation, Web Workers, and Web Sockets - How CSS3 enhances HTML5 with features like media queries, colors, animations and more - Strategies for implementing HTML5 into websites while maintaining compatibility

Page layout with css
Page layout with cssPage layout with css
Page layout with css

This document discusses various page layout techniques using CSS, including floats, positioning, and responsive design. It begins by outlining a typical website layout with common elements like headers, navigation bars, page content, and footers. It then covers using CSS properties like float and clear to create basic page layouts with columns. The document also discusses centering pages, different positioning techniques, and creating fluid and responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes using media queries. Specific techniques covered include removing default styling from lists to create navigation bars, and styling list items as navigation buttons.

page layout with css
Server Side VS Client Side
Server Side VS Client SideServer Side VS Client Side
Server Side VS Client Side

Client-side and server-side, what are they and what are their differences? This guide will answer the age-old question -

Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       • They’ll work on older browsers,
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                         even if they don’t look perfect
•   Markup Validation
                                  • They can work on other devices
                                    like PDAs or Web TV
                                  • You can change the design of
                                    your site easily
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?       To lead the World Wide Web to
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C                       its full potential by developing
•   Markup Validation
                                  protocols and guidelines that
                                  ensure long-term growth for the
Web Standards
•   Introduction
•   What are Web Standards?
•   What’s the big deal?
•   Advantages of Web Standards
•   The w3C
•   Markup Validation

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Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScriptWeb Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript

With the commercialization of the web, web development has become one of the blooming industries. Learning web development enables you to create attractive websites using HTML, CSS, JQuery and JavaScript. Web development includes developing simple and complex web-based applications, electronic businesses and social networking sites. Being a web developer you can deliver applications as web services which is only available in desktop applications.

Introduction to ajax
Introduction  to  ajaxIntroduction  to  ajax
Introduction to ajax

This document provides an introduction to AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). It defines AJAX as a set of web development techniques using technologies like JavaScript, XML, HTML and CSS to create asynchronous web applications. AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes, without reloading the entire page. This is done using the XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript. The document discusses the basics of how AJAX works, its advantages like improved interactivity and speed, as well as some disadvantages like dependency on JavaScript and security issues.

Ppt ch03
Ppt ch03Ppt ch03
Ppt ch03

The document outlines the process for planning and developing a website, including creating a site specification, identifying the content goal and target audience, choosing a hosting provider, and testing the site. Key steps are understanding the development process, building a team, specifying requirements, designing information architecture and page templates, development, quality assurance testing, and ongoing site maintenance.

Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do understand the differences
                                  between HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2,
                                  and the different flavours of
                                  HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0.
                                  Decide which design strategy to
                                  follow while using them
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do provide alternatives if at all
                                  possible if you use nonstandard
                                  HTML tags
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do provide alternatives if at all
                                  possible if you use nonstandard
                                  HTML tags
                                • Do test your pages in multiple
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do provide alternatives if at all
                                  possible if you use nonstandard
                                  HTML tags
                                • Do test your pages in multiple
                                • Do write your pages clearly and

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Ppt ch03
Ppt ch03Ppt ch03
Ppt ch03

The document outlines the steps for planning and developing a website, including creating a site specification, identifying the content goal and audience, choosing development tools and a hosting provider, and testing before launch. The development process involves planning, design, construction, testing, launch, and ongoing maintenance. Key steps are creating a specification documenting goals, requirements, and audience, and developing a information architecture and navigation through content analysis, taxonomy, and wireframes.

How to make a great website
How to make a great websiteHow to make a great website
How to make a great website

This document provides guidance on how to make a great website in 3 steps: 1. Make a blueprint by defining the goal, audience, content, and interactivity. Consider templates. 2. Think about design including architecture, logos, SEO, and marketing. Avoid starting with visuals before planning information flow. 3. Follow 5 steps to build architecture: identify keywords, map keyword space, develop architecture, prototype wireframes, and develop content.

how to make a great website

The chapter discusses the process of planning a website, including creating a site specification, identifying the content goal based on audience analysis, and building a development team. It emphasizes starting with pencil and paper to plan information architecture before beginning the development lifecycle of specification, design, development, testing, and launch.

web development
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do organise the text of your
                                  page so that your visitors can
                                  scan for important information
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do organise the text of your
                                   page so that your visitors can
                                   scan for important information
                                • Do spell check and proofread
                                   your pages
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Do organise the text of your page
                                    so that your visitors can scan for
                                    important information
                                •   Do spell check and proofread
                                    your pages
                                •   Do group related information
                                    both semantically and visually
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do use a consistent layout
                                   across all your pages

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Web Design Presentation
Web Design PresentationWeb Design Presentation
Web Design Presentation

This document provides an outline for a report on web design. It introduces the topics of web design and development, types of web pages, languages and tools used, advantages and benefits. It discusses introducing web design, designing websites, fixed and dynamic page types. Languages covered include HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Benefits listed are improved SEO, convenience for clients, faster loading. The document also discusses designing for different devices and browsers, using a consistent theme, and using tables for layout.

#webdesign #webdesigner
Your window to the digital world
Your window to the digital worldYour window to the digital world
Your window to the digital world

This document discusses best practices for building effective websites. It begins by outlining the main steps in building a website: planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. It emphasizes understanding why the site is being built and who the target audience is before starting. Key aspects to focus on include usability, accessibility, and knowing competitors. The document then provides tips for arranging information intuitively through keywords, content structure, and home page design. It stresses writing content tailored to the audience that is scannable, original, consistent, and engages the reader. Finally, it lists the top ten mistakes in web design to avoid, such as non-scannable text and violating design conventions.

digital marketingweb designweb marketing
Web development
Web developmentWeb development
Web development

Web development has evolved significantly since the rise of the internet in 1990. It began with basic website design and development services but now encompasses full custom software development services. The major roles include web developers, who focus on internal architecture, coding, and user experience, and web designers, who focus on the user interface. Key techniques for web developers include proper advertisement placement, adding a favicon for branding, and using a readable background. The typical stages of website development are requirements gathering, designing, development, testing, release, and ongoing support. Popular website development platforms include WordPress, e-commerce platforms, Joomla, Magento, and OpenCart. Some top web development companies are Experion Technologies, Mentormate

Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do use a consistent layout
                                   across all your pages
                                • Do use link menus to organise
                                   your links for quick scanning,
                                   and do use descriptive links
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Do use a consistent layout across
                                    all your pages
                                •   Do use link menus to organise
                                    your links for quick scanning, and
                                    do use descriptive links
                                •   Do have good reasons for using
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do keep your layout simple
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do keep your layout simple
                                • Do provide alternatives to
                                   images for text-only browsers

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Web Crawling & Crawler
Web Crawling & CrawlerWeb Crawling & Crawler
Web Crawling & Crawler

The document discusses web crawling and provides an overview of the process. It defines web crawling as the process of gathering web pages to index them and support search. The objective is to quickly gather useful pages and link structures. The presentation covers the basic operation of crawlers including using a seed set of URLs and frontier of URLs to crawl. It describes common modules in crawler architecture like URL filtering tests. It also discusses topics like politeness, distributed crawling, DNS resolution, and types of crawlers.

search engineweb crawlerweb mining

Responsive Web Design allows websites to automatically adapt to different screen sizes and devices like smartphones, tablets and desktops. It uses fluid grids, flexible images and CSS media queries to detect screen size and orientation and optimize the layout. Major components include meta tags, CSS3 media queries, grid systems and frameworks that help the site dynamically resize text, images and layout based on screen size to provide the best user experience across all devices.

Designing for mobile devices
Designing for mobile devicesDesigning for mobile devices
Designing for mobile devices

The document discusses key considerations for designing websites and apps for mobile devices. It outlines two main approaches: mobile websites and mobile apps. It then covers challenges like varying screen sizes, performance issues, and limited resources. UI principles are presented to optimize the mobile experience. Tactics like simplifying designs, minimizing images, and optimizing navigation are recommended. The document concludes with additional best practices and resources for mobile development.

mobile development tips principles
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do keep your layout simple
                                • Do provide alternatives to
                                   images for text-only browsers
                                • Do try to keep your images
                                   small so that they load faster
                                   over the network
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do be careful with
                                  backgrounds and coloured text
                                  to avoid making your pages
                                  flashy by unreadable
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do be careful with
                                   backgrounds and coloured text
                                   to avoid making your pages
                                   flashy by unreadable
                                • Do always provide a link back
                                   to your home page
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Do be careful with backgrounds
                                    and coloured text to avoid
                                    making your pages flashy by
                                •   Do always provide a link back to
                                    your home page
                                •   Do match topics with pages

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Fundamentals of Web
Fundamentals of WebFundamentals of Web
Fundamentals of Web

Website Fundamentals - Web Technologies - Responsive Design - Web Browsers A great place to start if you are interested in web designing or research on the internet

web designinternetnew media
How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!
How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!
How Not to Be Conned by Your Drupal Vendor!

Despite the title, this presentation aims to shed some lights to both clients & vendors on how to execute acceptable Drupal projects, focusing on asking the 10 questions discussed in the slides.

drupalbest practice
Web development using html and wordpress
Web development using html and wordpressWeb development using html and wordpress
Web development using html and wordpress

This document discusses web development using HTML and WordPress. It provides an overview of web development, explaining that it involves both front-end development using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as back-end development using languages like PHP, Python, and Java. It then describes HTML, explaining that it is the standard markup language used to define the structure of web pages using tags. It also discusses WordPress, describing it as a free and open-source content management system that allows multiple users to collaborate on digital content. Advantages and disadvantages of both HTML and WordPress are outlined.

Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do provide a signature block
                                   or link to contact information
                                   at the bottom of each page
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Do provide a signature block
                                   or link to contact information
                                   at the bottom of each page
                                • Do provide single-page, non-
                                   hypertext versions of linear
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Do provide a signature block or link
                                    to contact information at the
                                    bottom of each page
                                •   Do provide single-page, non-
                                    hypertext versions of linear
                                •   Do write context – independent
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t link to irrelevant

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Browser add-ons
Browser add-onsBrowser add-ons
Browser add-ons

This document discusses browser add-ons and how they can improve testing efficiency. It describes browser add-ons as software extensions that add functionality to web browsers. Three add-ons are highlighted that improve testing: Responsive Web Design Tester tests websites on different screen sizes; W3Techs displays the technologies used by websites with a click; and Form Filler speeds up filling forms by auto-filling fields or bulk entry of test data. The document advocates for browser add-ons to enhance testing capabilities and productivity.

Responsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and HowResponsive Web Design - Why and How
Responsive Web Design - Why and How

This is the Responsive Web Design presentation given to the CIDD, Chicago Interactive Design & Development Meetup group, (sponsored by the WunderLand Group) on 3-13-14 by Ryan Dodd, Design Director for Siteworx in Chicago.

ryan doddciddsiteworx

The document discusses key variables that web designers must consider when building websites, including the limitations of HTML, how XML and XHTML aim to improve upon HTML, how different browsers can affect page display, and factors like screen resolution and connection speed that impact users' browsing experiences. Designers are advised to test their sites across multiple browsers, resolutions, and connection speeds to ensure wide accessibility and performance.

Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t link to irrelevant
                                • Don’t write web pages that are
                                   dependent on pages before or
                                   after them in the structure
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Don’t link to irrelevant material
                                •   Don’t write web pages that are
                                    dependent on pages before or
                                    after them in the structure
                                •   Don’t overuse emphasis (such as
                                    boldface, italic, all caps, link text,
                                    blink or marquees)
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t use terminology that’s
                                   specific to any one browser
                                   (“click here,” “use the Back
                                   button,” and so on)
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t use terminology that’s
                                   specific to any one browser
                                   (“click here,” “use the Back
                                   button,” and so on)
                                • Don’t use heading tags to
                                   provide emphasis

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WTF: Where To Focus when you take over a Drupal project
WTF: Where To Focus when you take over a Drupal projectWTF: Where To Focus when you take over a Drupal project
WTF: Where To Focus when you take over a Drupal project

Jumping into pre-built Drupal projects sometimes requires a leap of faith as much for clients as for developers. The client is usually coming out of a bad previous business relationship and the code is not always structured according to your standards. During this talk, Symetris will share its experience and provide tips on how to navigate these often uncharted waters. Our goal is to help you convert an uncertain client into a long term partner and have a checklist of what to look out for as developers.

Cross Platform Development with Spring
Cross Platform Development with SpringCross Platform Development with Spring
Cross Platform Development with Spring

Spring is undoubtedly the most popular application development framework for enterprise Java. The key benefits of Spring framework emerge from its modularity, productivity, portability and testability. In this session, we have introduced you to development of cross platform applications using Spring. This will help you to understand the nuance of web, mobile and desktop application development with Spring. Contents * Why you cannot ignore cross platform development * Key architectural considerations * How to control cost and schedule with 'Responsive Web Design' * Role of Spring MVC in cross platform development * Useful tools in the bag * Comparing mobile frameworks with Spring * A few do's and don'ts for cross platform development * A live demo on how to build a cross platform application

responsive designspring frameworkspring
Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Development
Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web DevelopmentIntroduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Development
Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Development

A well-designed and functional website is essential for any business looking to thrive in the digital age. Web development encompasses various elements, including web design, coding, and content creation. Skilled web developers utilize programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create visually appealing and interactive websites that are compatible across different devices and browsers.

Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t fall victim to the “Here”
                                   syndrome with your links
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t fall victim to the “Here”
                                   syndrome with your links
                                • Don’t link repeatedly to the
                                   same site on the same page
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              •   Don’t fall victim to the “Here”
                                    syndrome with your links
                                •   Don’t link repeatedly to the
                                    same site on the same page
                                •   Don’t clutter the page with a
                                    large number of pretty but
                                    unnecessary images
Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design
•   The Do List
•   The Don’t List              • Don’t split individual topics
                                   across pages

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Making Wcm Easy With Alfresco Share 3 2
Making Wcm Easy With Alfresco Share 3 2Making Wcm Easy With Alfresco Share 3 2
Making Wcm Easy With Alfresco Share 3 2

Slides from this week's webinar with the Blue Fish Development Group showing how easy web content management really is with Alfresco Share 3.2. Blue Fish have over 11 years experience of WCM and appreciate that organisations need different things from their CMS. Traditional websites need a CMS that is aimed at the business user - see just how easy this is with their Casual Contributor UI demo.

wcmblue fishcasual contributor

Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible. It provides many popular products and services like Gmail, YouTube, Google Search, and Google Maps. Google uses algorithms like PageRank and hypertext-matching analysis to determine search rankings. It generates most of its revenue from AdWords and AdSense, using relevant ads to fund free services and content for users while helping publishers monetize their content. This network of advertisers, publishers and searchers benefits all parties.

Networking Standards And Protocols
Networking Standards And ProtocolsNetworking Standards And Protocols
Networking Standards And Protocols

The document discusses the OSI model, which is a standard framework for network communication. It divides network architecture into seven layers: physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and application. Each layer only communicates with the layers directly above and below it and has a specific set of functions. This layered approach makes networks easier to design, troubleshoot, and maintain when changes are made. The physical layer deals with physical connections and bit transmission. The data link layer organizes bits into frames and controls flow. The network layer decides how data moves between networks. Higher layers ensure reliable and secure delivery of data between applications.

Produced by Steven Cahill
Web Standards And Protocols

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Web Standards And Protocols

  • 1. Web Standards and Protocols
  • 2. Web Standards and Protocols
  • 3. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations
  • 4. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design All sites have a purpose; it’s a 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility matter of you deciding what the 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations purpose of your site will be and what audience you will need to target.
  • 5. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design We are talking about things like 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility colour choice, alignments, visual 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations interest, and meaningful metaphors.
  • 6. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design Content is the message, each 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility page within a site needs to have a 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations goal, to serve its purpose in the overall scheme of the site.
  • 7. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design Architecture is the basis of how 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility the website is organised. 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations
  • 8. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design Not everyone will be able to access 3. Message 4. 5. Architecture Usability & Accessibility a site due to various circumstances; 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations different equipment, connections and even disabilities can prohibit users accessing a site. You need to take these in to consideration.
  • 9. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design It’s not enough to just have a 3. Message 4. Architecture 5. Usability & Accessibility website on the Internet, you need 6. Online Marketing 7. Technical Considerations to be able to direct traffic to the site, and otherwise it may fail its purpose.
  • 10. What Makes a Good Website? 1. Purpose 2. Design When we look at the technical side of a 3. Message 4. Architecture site, many variables are looked at from 5. Usability & Accessibility 6. Online Marketing domain names (will it be easy to 7. Technical Considerations remember); is the ISP reliable, will they be able to accommodate to future technological changes as a site grows.
  • 11. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 12. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 13. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 14. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 15. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They should work perfectly on • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C any modern browser • Markup Validation
  • 16. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They should work perfectly on • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C any modern browser • Markup Validation • They are quicker to load
  • 17. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They should work perfectly on • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C any modern browser • Markup Validation • They are quicker to load • They tend to appear higher on search engines
  • 18. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They should work perfectly on • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C any modern browser • Markup Validation • They are quicker to load • They tend to appear higher on search engines • They’re accessible to people with disabilities
  • 19. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They’ll work on older browsers, • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C even if they don’t look perfect • Markup Validation
  • 20. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They’ll work on older browsers, • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C even if they don’t look perfect • Markup Validation • They can work on other devices like PDAs or Web TV
  • 21. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • They’ll work on older browsers, • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C even if they don’t look perfect • Markup Validation • They can work on other devices like PDAs or Web TV • You can change the design of your site easily
  • 22. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 23. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? To lead the World Wide Web to • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C its full potential by developing • Markup Validation protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web.
  • 24. Web Standards • Introduction • What are Web Standards? • What’s the big deal? • Advantages of Web Standards • The w3C • Markup Validation
  • 25. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do understand the differences between HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, and the different flavours of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. Decide which design strategy to follow while using them
  • 26. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide alternatives if at all possible if you use nonstandard HTML tags
  • 27. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide alternatives if at all possible if you use nonstandard HTML tags • Do test your pages in multiple browsers
  • 28. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide alternatives if at all possible if you use nonstandard HTML tags • Do test your pages in multiple browsers • Do write your pages clearly and concisely
  • 29. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do organise the text of your page so that your visitors can scan for important information
  • 30. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do organise the text of your page so that your visitors can scan for important information • Do spell check and proofread your pages
  • 31. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do organise the text of your page so that your visitors can scan for important information • Do spell check and proofread your pages • Do group related information both semantically and visually
  • 32. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do use a consistent layout across all your pages
  • 33. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do use a consistent layout across all your pages • Do use link menus to organise your links for quick scanning, and do use descriptive links
  • 34. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do use a consistent layout across all your pages • Do use link menus to organise your links for quick scanning, and do use descriptive links • Do have good reasons for using links
  • 35. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do keep your layout simple
  • 36. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do keep your layout simple • Do provide alternatives to images for text-only browsers
  • 37. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do keep your layout simple • Do provide alternatives to images for text-only browsers • Do try to keep your images small so that they load faster over the network
  • 38. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do be careful with backgrounds and coloured text to avoid making your pages flashy by unreadable
  • 39. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do be careful with backgrounds and coloured text to avoid making your pages flashy by unreadable • Do always provide a link back to your home page
  • 40. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do be careful with backgrounds and coloured text to avoid making your pages flashy by unreadable • Do always provide a link back to your home page • Do match topics with pages
  • 41. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide a signature block or link to contact information at the bottom of each page
  • 42. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide a signature block or link to contact information at the bottom of each page • Do provide single-page, non- hypertext versions of linear documents
  • 43. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Do provide a signature block or link to contact information at the bottom of each page • Do provide single-page, non- hypertext versions of linear documents • Do write context – independent pages
  • 44. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t link to irrelevant material
  • 45. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t link to irrelevant material • Don’t write web pages that are dependent on pages before or after them in the structure
  • 46. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t link to irrelevant material • Don’t write web pages that are dependent on pages before or after them in the structure • Don’t overuse emphasis (such as boldface, italic, all caps, link text, blink or marquees)
  • 47. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t use terminology that’s specific to any one browser (“click here,” “use the Back button,” and so on)
  • 48. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t use terminology that’s specific to any one browser (“click here,” “use the Back button,” and so on) • Don’t use heading tags to provide emphasis
  • 49. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t fall victim to the “Here” syndrome with your links
  • 50. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t fall victim to the “Here” syndrome with your links • Don’t link repeatedly to the same site on the same page
  • 51. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t fall victim to the “Here” syndrome with your links • Don’t link repeatedly to the same site on the same page • Don’t clutter the page with a large number of pretty but unnecessary images
  • 52. Do’s and Don’ts of Web Design • The Do List • The Don’t List • Don’t split individual topics across pages
  • 53. Produced by Steven Cahill

Editor's Notes

  1. It’s all well and good to simply write up a web page and publish it to the Internet, but to make it good you’ll need to do some research
  2. Here are seven essentials of what makes a good website.
  3. PurposeAll sites have a purpose; it’s a matter of you deciding what the purpose of your site will be and what audience you will need to target.
  4. DesignWe are talking about things like colour choice, alignments, visual interest, and meaningful metaphors.
  5. MessageContent is the message, each page within a site needs to have a goal, to serve its purpose in the overall scheme of the site.
  6. ArchitectureArchitecture is the basis of how the website is organised.
  7. Usability and AccessibilityNot everyone will be able to access a site due to various circumstances; different equipment, connections and even disabilities can prohibit users accessing a site. You need to take these in to consideration.
  8. Online MarketingIt’s not enough to just have a website on the Internet, you need to be able to direct traffic to the site, and otherwise it may fail its purpose.
  9. Technical ConsiderationsWhen we look at the technical side of a site, many variables are looked at from domain names (will it be easy to remember); is the ISP reliable, will they be able to accommodate to future technological changes as a site grows.
  10. If you want your site to be used by as many people as possible, then you should build it using web standards.
  11. “Web standards” are, basically, an approach to building websites that ensure they work correctly in any modern browser.Web standards sites use a combination of technologies, namely XHTML, CSS and unobtrusive JavaScript (also called DOM scripting).
  12. If you’ve just started to learn web design, you’re lucky - you can use web standards to build a site that works in different browsers without too much effort – but things weren’t always this easy.Most web designers want to be able to create attractive websites with magazine-quality photography and print-like layouts.However, the Web was designed to share scientific information, not to be a marketing tool. As a result, HTML is great for marking up physics papers, but very poorly designed for producing attractive, commercial websites.To get round the limitations of HTML, web designers used to use HTML tags in ways they were not designed for. For example, using data tables to position elements on the page.As well as being inefficient, this approach caused problems getting sites to look right on different browsers.At one time, this old-fashioned approach was the only reliable way of producing attractive websites.However, for the last few years, the main browsers have supported CSS fairly well, making a modern, web standards approach to building websites possible.
  13. Web standards sites are better than other sites for several reasons:
  14. They should work perfectly on any modern browser
  15. They are quicker to load
  16. They tend to appear higher on search engines
  17. They’re accessible to people with disabilities
  18. They’ll work on older browsers, even if they don’t look perfect
  19. They can work on other devices like PDAs or Web TV
  20. You can change the design of your site easily
  21. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international consortium where member organisations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
  22. To lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web.
  23. The most common of used validator is the Markup Validation Service that checks the markup (HTML, XHTML) of Web documents. The benefit of validation cannot be overstated. No matter how much XHTML documents are created, they should always be validated.Validation involves checking the web document to ensure that it meets the appropriate specification and follows the rules. Unfortunately, few tools actually create 100 percent correct markup and even when building web documents by hand it is easy to make mistakes
  24. Do understand the differences between HTML 2.0, HTML 3.2, and the different flavours of HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. Decide which design strategy to follow while using them
  25. Do provide alternatives if at all possible if you use nonstandard HTML tags
  26. Do test your pages in multiple browsers
  27. Do write your pages clearly and concisely
  28. Do organise the text of your page so that your visitors can scan for important information
  29. Do spell check and proofread your pages
  30. Do group related information both semantically (through the organisation of the content) and visually (by using headings or separating sections with rule lines)
  31. Do use a consistent layout across all your pages
  32. Do use link menus to organise your links for quick scanning, and do use descriptive links
  33. Do have good reasons for using links
  34. Do keep your layout simple
  35. Do provide alternatives to images for text-only browsers
  36. Do try to keep your images small so that they load faster over the network
  37. Do be careful with backgrounds and coloured text to avoid making your pages flashy by unreadable
  38. Do always provide a link back to your home page
  39. Do match topics with pages
  40. Do provide a signature block or link to contact information at the bottom of each page
  41. Do provide single-page, non-hypertext versions of linear documents
  42. Do write context – independent pages
  43. Don’t link to irrelevant material
  44. Don’t write web pages that are dependent on pages before or after them in the structure
  45. Don’t overuse emphasis (such as boldface, italic, all caps, link text, blink or marquees)
  46. Don’t use terminology that’s specific to any one browser (“click here,” “use the Back button,” and so on)
  47. Don’t use heading tags to provide emphasis
  48. Don’t fall victim to the “Here” syndrome with your links
  49. Don’t link repeatedly to the same site on the same page
  50. Don’t clutter the page with a large number of pretty but unnecessary images
  51. Don’t split individual topics across pages