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Integrating Alfresco
@ Scale
Jan Vonka
Lisbon, 2018
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Futures &
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
• Jan Vonka
• Alfresco > 10 years
• Architect for Integrations
• Hot-air balloonist

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Alfresco 5.0 Technology Review
Alfresco 5.0 Technology ReviewAlfresco 5.0 Technology Review
Alfresco 5.0 Technology Review

The recent launch of Alfresco One 5.0 included many key enhancements to the software. Some are provided to increase ease-of-use to end users while others bring new and improved integrations and capabilities to administrators and developers. In addition to several bug fixes, SharePoint Protocol was replaced by Alfresco Office Services and now supports property mapping and better browser support. HTML5 preview includes full text search and the ability to download or permalink from the preview—all without Flash. The latest improvements to solr 4 will bring a more responsive and faceted search to the software. This includes inline actions for search results as well as the search criteria defaulting to AND rather than OR. Support for clustering/sharding and term highlighting is expected soon as well. In addition to these advancements, the following list touches on some enhancements. In depth information can be found at CMIS 1.1 Item Type Site Manager and Analytics More Aikau components Advanced inline HTML editor (TinyMCE4) Many Explorer-only features added to Share Content encryption at rest Improvements to

alfrescoecmzia summit
Alfresco REST API of the future ... is closer than you think
Alfresco REST API of the future ... is closer than you thinkAlfresco REST API of the future ... is closer than you think
Alfresco REST API of the future ... is closer than you think

BeeCon 2016 (Brussels) For an update, please see: Alfresco Repository comes with a great REST API but some of these API's can be difficult to navigate and use. Alfresco will show us about the future of REST API's, where the market is moving and how we are embracing this future at Alfresco. Come and see how straightforward it will soon be to manage files, folders, custom node types, shared links and much more. The future is closer than you think ! ---- Alfresco V1 REST APIs - new capabilities to get & manage nodes (files, folders & custom metadata), associations, versioning, locks, shared links, trashcan, sites, queries, people, search, discovery, auth ... etc. These are in addition to existing capabilities to manage tags, comments, favorites, activities & site memberships. For more details, please see: - Update 19/Jan/17 Community 201701 GA Update 16/Dec/16 Community 201612 GA Update 18/Nov/16 Community 201611 EA Update 04/Nov/16 Preview build available in Community Dev Build (476+) Update 13/Sep/16 Community 201609 EA Update 29/Jun/16 Community 201606 EA Update 03/Jun/16 Early preview available in Community Dev Build (444+) Update 18/May/16 Early preview available in Community Dev Build (442+)

by J V
Why real integration developers ride Camels
Why real integration developers ride CamelsWhy real integration developers ride Camels
Why real integration developers ride Camels

This document provides an agenda and summaries of key points from a presentation on integrating systems using Apache Camel. The presentation discusses how Apache Camel is an open-source integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns to connect disparate systems. It highlights features of Camel including components, data formats, and testing frameworks. Customer examples are presented that demonstrate large returns on investment and cost savings from using Camel for integration projects. The presenters argue that Camel provides flexibility, reusability and rapid development of integrations.

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
• The information and features
presented are subject to change
• Some code is Enterprise-only. We
hope to “open-up” more components
in the future
• We look forward to collaborating with
you to improve and extend the
Alfresco Integrations 🙂
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Alfresco Digital Business Platform
Application Development Framework
Alfresco Process
Alfresco Content
Alfresco Governance Services
Integrations / Extensions
Open APIs and Open Standards
On-Prem, Cloud, Hybrid, Managed
Intelligence and Analytics
(Web,	Mobile,	Desktop)			
(Connectors	&	Extensions)
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Connector (Oxford Dictionary)
... links two or more things together
Integrate (Cambridge Dictionary)
… combine two or more things in order to become more effective
Systems Integration (Wikipedia)
… linking together ... software applications ... to act as a coordinated whole
... and ... adding value to the system capabilities ...
Alfresco Integrations

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The Oracle Application Container Cloud as the Microservices Platform (APAC OU...
The Oracle Application Container Cloud as the Microservices Platform (APAC OU...The Oracle Application Container Cloud as the Microservices Platform (APAC OU...
The Oracle Application Container Cloud as the Microservices Platform (APAC OU...

Microservices are independent, encapsulated entities that produce meaningful results and business functionality in tentative collaboration. Microservices need a platform to run on and to provide generic capabilities such as data caching, an event bus, access to RDBMS and File System. This platform should handle scaling and fail over of the microservices. The Application Container Cloud runs and automatically scales applications built in various technologies such as Node, Java, PHP and Python, it provides caching and access to an event bus and database in the cloud. This session demonstrates how multiple microservices are deployed to and run on ACC, using these capabilities.

microservicesoracleoracle public cloud
Alfresco Day Milano 2016 - Demo Data
Alfresco Day Milano 2016 - Demo DataAlfresco Day Milano 2016 - Demo Data
Alfresco Day Milano 2016 - Demo Data

This document discusses Alfresco demo data, which allows users to quickly create test instances with predefined bootstrap data. It works by exporting authoritative data, models, workflows and sites from one Alfresco repository and importing them into another. The project is open source and hosted on GitHub. It provides APIs to export and import data without requiring extensive configuration.

ecmalfrescoopen source ecm
Essential Camel Components
Essential Camel ComponentsEssential Camel Components
Essential Camel Components

This document provides an agenda and overview for a presentation on Apache Camel essential components. The presentation is given by Christian Posta from Red Hat on January 23, 2013. The agenda includes an introduction to Camel, a discussion of components, and time for questions. An overview of FuseSource/Red Hat is given, noting the acquisition of FuseSource by Red Hat in 2012. Details are provided on the speaker and their background. The document focuses on introducing some of the most widely used and essential Camel components, including File, Bean, Log, JMS, CXF, and Mock. Configuration options and examples of using each component are summarized.

apache camel integration esb opensource asf enterpapache camel integration esb opensource asf enterp
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Open	Protocols
Alfresco Integrations & Connectors
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Spectrum of Solution Options (depend on ...)
Customer use-cases
• Depth of integration
Business / Enterprise “process”
• Headless – consume services via public APIs & events
• End-User choice - eg. remain in preferred apps
Technology / Partner preference
• Type of Integration - patterns & frameworks
• Applications & Systems - being integrated
Build vs Buy
• Configure / Off-the-shelf / No-code
• Extend / Platform / Low-code
• Customise / OEM / Bespoke Development
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Integrate with Leading Systems
• Islands + Bridges (avoid “silos”)
• Build vs Buy
Provide Platform
• Public API & Events
– Extensions outside of core runtimes
– event-driven behaviours
• Framework options
– common components
Build Ecosystem
• Work with Partner Community
• Provide (showcase) examples
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Integration Partners
… for many more see:
Partners speaking @ DevCon include ...

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Tech Talk Live - 5.2 REST APIs
Tech Talk Live - 5.2 REST APIsTech Talk Live - 5.2 REST APIs
Tech Talk Live - 5.2 REST APIs

- The document outlines the REST API enhancements in Alfresco 5.2, including 56 new endpoints across core, authentication, discovery, and search APIs. - Key additions are operations on nodes, enhanced APIs for sites and people, and new authentication and discovery APIs. - The API explorer and blog post series provide documentation. Upcoming releases will add groups, downloads, and audit APIs. - The APIs are designed to be a consistent, stable interface for all new clients to replace older options like CMIS. Support for extensions and feedback on requirements is encouraged.

alfresco rest api
Integrating Alfresco with Portals
Integrating Alfresco with PortalsIntegrating Alfresco with Portals
Integrating Alfresco with Portals

An overview about some of the possible ways to implement Portlets for integrating Alfresco in your own portal.

web serviceportalrest
JavaOne 2015: 12 Factor App
JavaOne 2015: 12 Factor AppJavaOne 2015: 12 Factor App
JavaOne 2015: 12 Factor App

The document discusses best practices for modern Java application deployment based on the 12 Factor App methodology. It covers topics like packaging applications as JAR files instead of WAR files, managing dependencies, separating configuration from code, building in an automated and isolated way, making processes stateless and portable, enabling concurrency, and achieving parity between development and production environments. The 12 factors of the methodology are also listed and described.

Box Connector
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Box Connector
Integrate Box to Alfresco
• Seamless for end-users within Box
Enables a one-way sync
• Tracks Box events & pushes to Alfresco
Implemented using Box SDK
• Box Events API -> Change Detector
• Box Content API -> Content Operations
Interested ? Please contact us ☺
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Box	1
Alfresco	1 Alfresco	2
Box	2
Alfresco	3
Box	3 Sync	Definitions
• Initial	release
• Box	1	to	Alfresco	1	(one-way)
• Future	ideas	…
• Alfresco	2	to	Box	2	(one-way)
• Alfresco	3	to	Box	3	(two-way)
Box Connector
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Box Connector
Change	Detection
Content	Operations
EvaluationBox	Content	Ops
Box	Change	Events
Content	Operations
Alf	Content	Ops
AIS	Identity
Sync	Registry

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Chicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration TalkChicago Microservices Integration Talk
Chicago Microservices Integration Talk

This document discusses integration in the age of DevOps. It describes how microservices help solve the problem of decoupling services and teams to move quickly at scale. Apache Camel is presented as a solution for integration that allows for reliable and distributed integration through mechanisms like messaging. Kubernetes and Docker are discussed as platforms that help develop and run microservices locally and at scale by providing automation, configuration, isolation and service discovery capabilities.

apache camelintegrationmicroservices
Alfresco Process Services REST API - Alfresco DevCon 2018
 Alfresco Process Services REST API - Alfresco DevCon 2018 Alfresco Process Services REST API - Alfresco DevCon 2018
Alfresco Process Services REST API - Alfresco DevCon 2018

Lightning talk about the Alfresco Process Services REST API presented in 5 minutes at Alfresco DevCon 2018 in Lisbon

Introduction to Node (15th May 2017)
Introduction to Node (15th May 2017)Introduction to Node (15th May 2017)
Introduction to Node (15th May 2017)

An introduction into Node as a programming platform. This presentation introduces Node - its history, its architecture, the eco system of npm modules and tools and its place in the enterprise IT architecture and infrastructure. The Express framework is introduced, some core modules, the notion of asynchronous operations and the use of module async and of the ES6 Promises. Server Sent Events are introduced for a server to client push application. The interaction with MongoDB is demonstrated. The presentation contains many code samples. Note that the presentation is associated with sources and workshop materials in GitHub: .

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Box Connector
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Containerized Deployment
Credit: NIST - Application Container Security Guide (Sep 2017)
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Reference Deployment
Docker Registry
• Public – eg. DockerHub
• Protected – eg.
• Customers & Partners
Deployment options
• Docker Compose
• Kubernetes / Helm Charts
• Customized

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Alfresco - You probably didn't know that
Alfresco - You probably didn't know thatAlfresco - You probably didn't know that
Alfresco - You probably didn't know that

This document discusses several less known features in Alfresco, including how to change properties that are normally unchangeable by disabling behaviors, preserving node UUIDs when importing content, using residual properties, controlling indexing with aspects, hiding nodes from clients with aspects, and exporting sites and checking models via webscripts.

Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache CamelSolving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel
Solving Enterprise Integration with Apache Camel

Talk given at Phoenix Desert Code Camp on enterprise integration, enterprise service bus, and Apache Camel

integrationenterprise architectureopensource
Alfresco Architecture
Alfresco ArchitectureAlfresco Architecture
Alfresco Architecture

The document discusses Alfresco architecture and content management systems. It describes Alfresco as an open source content management system built on Java. It details Alfresco's architecture including its use of Spring framework, repository services, and web architecture with applications built on top of the repository. It also discusses plug-in development in Eclipse.

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Share Repo
ACS	5.2.x
Q:		change	events
AWS	Dynamo	DB	?
Shared	Content	Workspace
Q:	content	operations
Aurora	(etc)
Vol:	Alf	Data
Secrets	(Box,	Alfresco)
Vol:	PG	Data
Logical deployment diagram (LDD)
Integrations Services Framework
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Public	APIs	&	System	Events
AIS	Framework Other	Integration	Fwks
Showcase	Integrations Other	Example	Integrations
ADF	(Application	Dev	
App	UI	Fwks
Other	Example	Applications
JavaScript	Client	API
Mobile	SDK
Android	/	Java	Client	API	?
Alfresco Integrations Services (AIS) Framework
API	&	Event	Gateway
Desktop	Sync	Service
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
AIS Framework & ABC Connectors
Change	Events
Content	Ops
A Content	Ops
A Change	Detect
B	Content	Ops
B	Change	Detect Change	Events
Content	Ops
B	Content	Ops
B	Change	Detect
A Content	Ops
A Change	DetectNoSQL
C Content	Ops
C Change	Detect
C Content	Ops
C Change	Detect

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Alfresco: The Story of How Open Source Disrupted the ECM Market
Alfresco: The Story of How Open Source Disrupted the ECM MarketAlfresco: The Story of How Open Source Disrupted the ECM Market
Alfresco: The Story of How Open Source Disrupted the ECM Market

The early 90's saw the rise of powerful, inexpensive team collaboration software on one hand and huge document management systems on the other. Open source and cloud have brought us full circle. Today's businesses can implement extremely powerful productivity enhancing solutions quickly and easily. Alfresco capitalized on this trend. It used open source to get to the market quickly. It delivered functionality on par with legacy ECM as open source. Today, however, it is not just an open source alternative to things like Documentum and SharePoint, it is a visionary in the ECM market. This presentation tells that story, putting into context the things happening in ECM, collaboration, open source, and cloud from the 1990's to present day.

ecmopen sourcedocumentum
The Power of Drupal and Alfresco Together
The Power of Drupal and Alfresco TogetherThe Power of Drupal and Alfresco Together
The Power of Drupal and Alfresco Together

This document summarizes a presentation about combining Drupal and Alfresco for intranet solutions. It outlines common problems with existing intranets like high costs, poor user experience and lack of flexibility. Drupal is presented as a compelling user interface and content management solution while Alfresco provides robust document management and workflow capabilities. A case study of Activision Blizzard's intranet implementation using Drupal and Alfresco is provided as an example. The document concludes with an overview of how the two systems can integrate using open standards and available modules.

Alfresco Coding mit dem Alfresco SDK (auf Englisch) - Julien Bruinaud, Techni...
Alfresco Coding mit dem Alfresco SDK (auf Englisch) - Julien Bruinaud, Techni...Alfresco Coding mit dem Alfresco SDK (auf Englisch) - Julien Bruinaud, Techni...
Alfresco Coding mit dem Alfresco SDK (auf Englisch) - Julien Bruinaud, Techni...

Alfresco Day München 2016 - 14. Juni 2016 - #AlfrescoDayMunich -

alfrescoopen source ecmecm
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
AIS - Scaling
• Spring Boot 2 / Spring Cloud
• Change Detection, Evaluation & Operations
• AIS app built using ADF
Event messaging & routing
• Camel / Active MQ (via Gytheio libraries)
NoSQL registry
• Cassandra (future: DynamoDB ?)
Containerized deployments
• Docker Compose
• Kubernetes & Helm (PoC)
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
AIS – Content Operations
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
AIS - event-driven micro-services
Deployment / Customer 1
Deployment /
Customer 2
W eb UI
Desktop App
Br owser
Integrations Services
Content Operations
Change Detection
W ebhooks Polling
Sync Change Evaluation
Run As User
Get User
Shared Content
W orkspace
Sync Registry
Sync Def
Get Sync
Sync Pair
WorkDocs Alfresco
OneDrive Google Drive
DropBox S3
Integrations Services UI
Error /
Conflict Log
JWT Assertion
T oken
App User

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A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition
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A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition

Gluecon Keynote, Steven Willmott, 25th May, 2017. On distributed systems, microservices, containers and Agile Integration

A Connector, A Container and an API Walk into a Bar… Microservices Edition
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Gluecon Keynote, Steven Willmott, 25th May, 2017. On distributed systems, microservices, containers and Agile Integration

Introduction to development using the share point framework mv ps
Introduction to development using the share point framework mv psIntroduction to development using the share point framework mv ps
Introduction to development using the share point framework mv ps

This document provides an overview of the SharePoint Framework and modern toolchain for developing client-side solutions in SharePoint. It discusses the evolution of the SharePoint development model and extensibility principles of purpose-built APIs, web hooks, and Graph integration. The modern toolchain is described including Office UI Fabric, tooling support, and components. Example scenarios for using the framework are provided along with descriptions of core framework components like client-side web parts and the page canvas.

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Enhance existing Integrations
• Service Packs
• Customer-driven feature improvements
Launch of new Integrations
• Box Connector & Integrations Services Framework
• Digital Business Platform - more options to integrate & extend
• Office 365 / One Drive ?
Improvements to Deployment & Scaling
• Kubernetes / Helm
• Benchmarking
• More AWS options
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Integrations and Extensions
Development Focus
Surface the power of the
Alfresco Digital Business
Platform where ever work
gets done
Alfresco Connectors
▪ New Integration Services
o Alfresco Content Connector for Box (EA)
• New architected SFDC Connector (support for on-prem)
▪ Updates to existing Connectors: Alfresco Content Connector for Outlook,
Document Transformation Engines, and Google Docs
Alfresco Connectors
▪ Alfresco Content Connector for Box (GA)
▪ Deliver Integration Services
o Platform for custom driven integration
o Alfresco Content Connector for Office 365
▪ Updates: SFDC (adding Process Services), Outlook Connector
Delivering Innovation in 2017⟳
Future Plans…
Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Please contact us …
We look forward to
collaborating with you
to improve and extend
the Alfresco Integrations
eco-system 🙂

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[WSO2 Integration Summit Nairobi 2019] Role of Integration in an API Driven W...
[WSO2 Integration Summit Nairobi 2019] Role of Integration in an API Driven W...[WSO2 Integration Summit Nairobi 2019] Role of Integration in an API Driven W...
[WSO2 Integration Summit Nairobi 2019] Role of Integration in an API Driven W...

This document discusses the role of integration in an API-driven world. It covers why APIs are important for digital transformation and new revenue opportunities. It describes code-first and contract-first API design approaches. The document also discusses using an integration gateway as an "API facade" and how the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator can serve this role. Additional topics covered include API implementation strategies, a case study of a "Super City" implementing an API initiative, and capabilities of the WSO2 Enterprise Integrator and Micro Integrator for API-driven integration.

by WSO2
apisintegrationwso2 enterprise integrator
Office 365 SUGUK march 2011
Office 365 SUGUK march 2011Office 365 SUGUK march 2011
Office 365 SUGUK march 2011

The document summarizes a presentation given by Alex Pearce on SharePoint User Group: London on 31st March 2011. The presentation covered Office 365, SharePoint Online features including sites, communities, content, search, insights and composites. It also included demos of SharePoint, Exchange and Lync as well as information on extensibility options and resources.

OracleDeveloperMeetup - London 19-12-17
OracleDeveloperMeetup - London 19-12-17OracleDeveloperMeetup - London 19-12-17
OracleDeveloperMeetup - London 19-12-17

This document provides biographical information on Phil Wilkins and Luis Weir, who work as technical architects at Capgemini specializing in integration and platform as a service (PaaS). Some key details include: - Phil Wilkins has over 9 years of experience working with Oracle technology and has co-authored books on Oracle Integration Cloud and API Platform. - Luis Weir is an Oracle Ace Director and has received several awards for his contributions to Oracle PaaS communities. He is also the author of books on topics like Oracle API Management and Case Management Solutions. - Both present regularly at industry events and contribute to the development of technical books and articles. They are also involved in beta programs for

Learn. Connect. Collaborate.
Extending & Integrating the Alfresco Platform
Docs: ACS Integrations
Docs: APS Integrations
Box Connector – EA
Alfresco Google Docs Module
Gytheio libraries – distributed content change handling
Thank you !
Integrating Alfresco
@ Scale

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